HIS TIME HAS COME! Hellsplit Torture Chamber

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[Music] you ready okay then get your head in here bro so I'll just cut your head off then okay nice arm stock it'll be alright so I'm with this going here you stay there I'll get to you later you've got post notifications turned on right I mean if you have then I can just let you go right now you forgot you forgot to put post notifications on alright bye then have fun [ __ ] house bro key spying on the way down oh I didn't even go down in the cage that's a damn shame k2 landed on top of him no no one come another woman the dam which is that girl yeah oh he fell into it that wasn't me either hard dude are you good I didn't do that guys I did not do that you rest right there Oh kind of good in a way I like it when they they pin him like with the door as well that's pretty cool makes you dance want to make sure he was dead back to you stop I'm gonna hang you brough you're about to get hanged get on the chopping block thing is this guy was such a bow to me I'm not gonna behead him I'm going to actually chop him through the midsection and see what happens with this Oh God oh yeah that proper got him there you go you're right a couple of punches to the edge right the end oh this time I'm actually gonna get an axe there we go yeah an execution axe I think that'll be pretty cold singers on unlike an executioner you know let's get rid of that our first victim has entered the arena he's wearing a witch's eye I'm not sure why they think it's still Halloween oh it's me the executor dad good swing in that round for not there's not enough room in here for that going doing doing doing oh I'm gonna give you one option to admit your sins do you accept oh there we go then he accepts these sins so we're just gonna put him in here right he's now in the stock you're not in the stocks right you're going to get the capitai where you go in your coward decapitation its finest oh I see you over there he doesn't want to get chained up this one for sure ice change for everyone yeah yeah geriatric oh come out hey sorry about how they me do it you straight off the bat boys today please dead oh you will get that oh I love this job guys up and loved it I mean being a torturer a really good job you know you've meet a lot of new people you get to take your anger out on corpses I just that sorry I kind of got a bit carried away with that one can we have a level-one please for the chains ah thank you your axe is stuck mate yeah you're not fair that's the reason you're in it you are pitch support what you're farmer now the good thing is it's I've kind of got them like under the jaw here look you can see with this guy kind of got him under the jaw here which doesn't hit any vital organs so you can basically keep him for quite a while before they start doing rotten you know puncture in the spine if you want sushi oh this one's hanging locker God's right now let's get this one right in the bowl it's dressed like a scarecrow brought from Wizard of Oz ah got him right in the balls you guys gonna talk I'll leave you for about five minutes all right I'm gonna go downstairs get a nice drink I bet you're a bit parched if you want to turn both notifications on let me know I'll come up and set you free all right Evander Holyfield I wish I could get more honey wish I could get more victims in in one girl you know I'd love to decorate this whole place for them to be honest I'm not sure I'd get one up there laughter throw um I suppose I didn't know it's this one here this is must be a new installation they've just put in this is the death chair for obvious reasons there's a chair and it's got spikes on it to kill the fit go back up there see if this these guys want any ROM you're willing to talk now are you willing to turn post notifications on or look after to look at that's a good Apple I I could see your net twitch in there just give them I'll give them a little bit or make them feel like oh this guy's actually on my side I don't wanna do this is a good thing to say as well say you don't want to do this but your boss is making you you know even though you've kind of really like doing this there we go me there we go are you good I'm really sorry about this mod mod my boss is making me do this just just tell them just tell them so we can let you go just tell them I'm a Smasher bottle ran you out if you don't can tell us no wine for you maybe you can get a couple of six off that bit that's on your lips no your goodies game on there no doubt how much can time do you spend playing fortnight broth that gaming neck all right in the mouth all right if you're not gonna talk broth yes the demons have taken him now this is the picture perfect look at that these guys I love and life and I think you can actually get them off that now oh hey there what we working out you ever wanted to let people know you work here maybe you don't you're lazy but you've got enough on you to maybe get away with pretend and you've got muscle under there yeah go to my store pick up a massive blood t-shirt made with a hundred percent cotton will make the ladies want a car the walk to you in the street perfect opportunity deflects to get them feeling those games these shirts were are VADs chloral at your ankles to get pc you pick them up now for a huge robbing massive discount of 20% use of discount code sorry about that sometimes I'm a joker in the gym use discount code massive and check out to know what this works it makes me look cool let me get back to my work here yeah darlin don't walk the plank yeah yeah actually open the label you know yeah yeah yes you're it about five see wha me okay guys well I'm gonna have to decapitate one of you because I already want to put someone in that chair down there so who wants to go first [ __ ] hell oh this guy's almost dead which he was still alive all right yeah this guy's going his necks getting longer look at these gamer neck back Oh Graham in the face yeah here we go in there get back up get in my game a chair he's breaking all my stuff [ __ ] calm down jeez it's gonna lost some teeth because of that get in my damn game of chess get in there I've done it again go I get too carried away with this these dota and kill him oh oh oh which heroes back where you guys getting these apps you do look good in them I'll give you that my basket cases there this Thomas good or I'm a bit of a basket case if you haven't noticed guys it's not my fault my dad okay sir well what I'm gonna do for this one because my my terminator cage is over there and he's looking this way so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave him I'm gonna leave him here for a minute to think about things and maybe it will turn post notifications on if not then I'll take his friend one of his friends and I'll actually dip him down into the lava Wally's looking and he'll be on okay now this boy's serious so let's do that let's just go dispose of these friend up here because I don't think we can get him off definitely friend I mean they're both wearing the same at stop him a little bit late and bleed out Frank if we got any obvious in here well I think we've run out oh don't look like you're the last one I've bet a lot tomorrow all right fine see ya okay yeah or in the basket I like that I like it right in the basket nada get off it all right and now that ma Stewart took every bit of flesh off these bones look at that Jesus Christ hey hang in there Tonto get up you [ __ ] you smashing pots right now top of the edge gaming up top of the edge here we go now's the time we can really talk to the soul get here alright you will go in here alright and then your mates gonna watch you yeah yeah nope nope please tell me you're still alive okay did he do that for anyway hopefully you enjoyed you want to see some more torture let me know in the comments below if you made it the whole way through comment down below the word torture thanks for watching if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe check that now and I'll see you in the next one abuse I old if I can cut my own ed off oh god this looks terrifying thank you very much for the subscribe it up become members on the channel really appreciate the support thank you very much I care for chaos Andrew Alban Glenroy doubt little Doggett's crash cat predator man to Justin Andrew Watson an antonio raphael if you want become a member just click on that little join button under the video it will give you access to custom emotes a sexy little badge next to your name you could tear up the more you remember until you get the full golden crack and if you want that extra bit of fun go with the top-tier membership where I will personally roast any friend do you send the picture
Channel: Walk The Plank
Views: 852,555
Rating: 4.8836145 out of 5
Keywords: hellsplit arena vr, virtual reality, vr, oculus rift, htc vive, best vr graphics, best vr game, funny virtual reality moments, sword fighting vr game, upcoming vr game, steamvr, best virtual reality game, upcoming vr games, Walk The Plank, walk the plank vr, walk tha plank, HELLSPLIT VR IS SAVAGE, hellsplit vr gameplay, hellsplit, savage, savage vr, SAVAGE LEVEL 9999, savage level, Hellsplit Torture Chamber, Torture Chamber, HIS TIME HAS COME
Id: c7a7CG3JU2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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