Walking Dead VR Has The Best Zombies I’ve Ever Seen (Part 3)

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[Music] all right so the guy on the radio I guess names Casey wants me to go get a pump flow regulator it's at a hideout that the tower controls and he says that this little gang war going on so I gotta get strapped up ready to go all right got my guns got some meds some food also built this new knife this knife makes it so you can pull it out of zombies heads way easier and it's a basically brand new so this should be able to tide me over for a while it's a hell of a blade though decided to use it on some humans all right so those sons of [ __ ] from their acclaimed and the tower have a little turf war going on so maybe I can use that to my advantage definitely take this propane tank with me is that all the guys that shotgun a busted one I'm not gonna waste my knife on this guy yo don't goop on me bro oh hey there's someone over here hey what's up just you know scavenging how you doing no one gets inside strict orders you have a problem with that see Jeff he's around the corner Jeff Jeff sounds like a [ __ ] loser all right let's find Jeff there's Jeff people people who understand and appreciate what you got nerve rollin in here uninvited yeah well you lookin good dumbass don't mean to intrude now we don't need strays pokin around right now we have enough problems to deal with yet I take a shower bro your hairs so you're a lot of dirt on your forehead maybe I'm the solution you know what yeah you might prove useful my brother is in some deep [ __ ] pack of acclaimed scum snatched him Anthony's a good kid bit dim but he doesn't deserve whatever those freaks have in store there were claims we can't get anywhere near where they're holed up light blue house across the way they'll cut him immediately if they see us coming but you they don't know you your beard is a different color from your hair which means you dye your hair which means you're older than you're saying you are which means that you are untrustworthy only point finger your eye look up no no no whoa hey Oh all right keep going sorry I'm Li I didn't I didn't mean to touch your eyeball what's in it for me come what's in it Lonnie I'll let you snag a few things from our supplies we've got some meds decent grub ammo too just don't get greedy okay so these guys are from the tower sounds like I can be of service to it then gotta find his brother Anthony blue house he should have known better I'm gonna put this right here just in case you guys are dicks later what was he thinking I'm less interested in his brother and more interested in getting wood scraps Oh goes in and out like butter oh nice exactly what I need oh hush up oh I just slice his face this knife is great really just looking for wood this is the blue house can I throw this on him yes that actually worked really well the throwing in this game's a little weird it'll echo way sooner than you think let's dance and all right so this is the house come on come on come on let's hurry this up leg-oh time for this look for wood can't you see it sounds like it's all bees inside hello I should go and chill no guns drawn and talk to these guys first to figure out what's going on [Music] Hey hush up will you damn this weapon is wearing down fast it's not good that it lasts a lot longer than that let's please disgusting hey what's up mere talk to your boss [Music] yo I'm a be sure to talk who the hell are you the negotiator mr. cloud yeah too [ __ ] to show his face and beg for his little brother's life that's a masseur I really see the point I guess I'm here to negotiate a deal hi Anthony Scalisi release that [ __ ] isn't going anywhere but in the dirt where maggots belong all right so you wanted what did he do kill this subhuman [ __ ] is a murderer my daughter is dead the tower is at fault and he is at fault the town stop waving at me unity and yet they toss out those most in need because they are no longer useful because they are a burden violet was not a burden she was a human being but this [ __ ] it's way more that's why I trash he could have disobeyed orders but the fight not he forced her out left her to die damn she was 11 years old exterminate this tower [ __ ] right now and we won't have a problem then we can paint the rest of the vermin a visit and once they are a pile of corpses whatever is in their camp it's yours consider it a gift okay yeah clay that's a way better deal than what they gave me also they're total [ __ ] two wrongs you're right he deserves to die with pleasure and I will gladly do it followed orders that's all I'm guilty of please it wasn't my decision if I didn't do it someone else would have there was no prevent in her ex huh I am sorry please sometimes nice things right but this one I trust wants an easy one we did what we had to do right one less brain-dead tower slug plaguing the world [ __ ] it I think it's time to put some pressure on these [ __ ] we're out no equipment like a shirt momentum right yeah the time is right now you know a moment too with us you got me you know what I prefer to work alone myself I respect that I'd wish you luck but you don't seem to think you need it time is not on my side I gotta get to that house and kill all them [ __ ] so let's go oh my god nope you know just gonna well I actually legit spoke me [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right I gotta clear this entire house it's gonna be rough throat keep topped off [Music] this evolved Urso dinky oh [ __ ] oh my god - came back stay down think I'm out creep it on in probably more upstairs I should clear out the first floor first I can hear them walking around it what's up another one someone saw that body drop what the hell who shooting at me ow ow who the hell shot me Nikki little [ __ ] that's outside stay down that's clear upstairs all right let's go and bandage first kind of hurt ah got time for the Horde comes doing pretty well watch one time to loot I can hear I'm walking around upstairs see something on the bed right there shut up watch said it I think that's it bandages whoa what is this oh my god Wolverine claws don't mind if I do edges hey hey over there there's not much to say beyond I'm sorry but I have to do this can't sleep I can't eat I'm a wreck Jeff I keep seeing that little girls thanks these visions of her turning this whole mass is [ __ ] with my head what are the Martins do to deserve being exiled it makes no sense they are good people I know this might put you in a tough man good guy need to make things right oh they supposed to know let's give them a slim chance to survive out there I swiped some supplies from our camp so you know who to blame don't want any other innocent people taking Heat I'm going out to find the Martins and deliver the stuff least I can do I pray it'll help me get my head straight if I'm not back before the bells wish me luck your little bro Anthony damn got it this must be the pump flow regulator looks like a freakin proton pack man this goes there we go all right finished Luton this place up there's still the kind of creepy sneaky music so I imagine there's still someone else in here so I gotta be on my toes hello anyone still in here no mo that's sweet sweet oh ma Oh more ammo nice the hell ammo is more prevalent than freakin wood scraps anyone in here Oh what the hell is that it's that armor can I pop that on whoa [ __ ] I'm gonna deal with people wanting armor soon oh nice another one of these statues fools my backpack ooh perfectly fool damn got a lot of wood in here got some good stuff I need to get out of here speak to Casey okay I got some really good loot it got to get out here plenty of time before the Horde Rives I think it's that way yeah I'm pretty good at that nice easy-peasy hot damn I got a lot of good loot can't wait to drop it off it's such a good feeling coming back home to your resting place and then though you had a backpack full of loot and I think with this loot I'm gonna be able to upgrade to my next tier backpack and that just means I'm gonna be a little ooh way more lots of wood some shotgun frames now she'll finally found some of these AR frames for like a 416 which is all right Casey I got your stupid pump flow regulator you there Casey come in yeah yeah I'm here wow you're back Wow you're surprised you didn't think I was gonna come through did you well guess what do you realize I'm badass I hate I didn't know it's insane out there all kinds of [ __ ] could have gone wrong but hey this is great [ __ ] to leave some progress it's a relief okay let me find the manual for that thing and we can get it calibrated you're stallin Casey I want to hear what you got on the reserve not doing anything until you hold up your end we're clear yeah yes all clear okay that's right you're my [ __ ] now Casey real but I'm the one who calls a shot site where you don't know is that I am in it it's an old militant knew you're in those 50s or 60s right after the flood the National Guard used it as a staging area to distribute disaster relief supplies but once the dead started walking if things really went to [ __ ] I had no choice but to get inside and hunker down I thought I was safe for a little while but now it's [ __ ] the flood water up top was too much for the reserves pump system they malfunctioned and now the whole place is on lockdown I'm stuck in the comm room I'm running out of time you can get out of here soon good I can't wait to see this guy again better not beating all the Cheetos he's sent up with [ __ ] I've been working with someone named May she claims to have a key to the reserve you know anything about this if you're made its May Benoit and yeah I've heard of her tower is always tossing her name around on the airwaves they're really after her ass consider her a major threat you you were the only one to make it inside well no there were others but they didn't stay they had to leave they had to leave if the bunker was safe water the leaf like I said they left they had to take care of something okay nothing else to say about it hmm that's suspicious rumors all over the place what exactly is inside the reserve most of the rumors are true food meds tons of it I mean the entire haul was meant to help tens of thousands of people in the area after the flood and there's a bunch of guns ammo and gear for the troops that were meant to distribute it all military-grade perfect condition Oh problem is I can't get to any of it the whole bunker is locked down because of the floodwaters see what's the rush to get out of there starvation for what I might have a couple weeks left to scratch down here but none of that is gonna matter if the floodwater sitting on top of this place breaks through the comm room is filling up slowly right now but it's only a matter of time before the ceiling collapses starvation crushed or drowned pick your poison right if the pumps get repaired not only will I get out but the supply rooms will all open up all those disaster relief supplies untouched but not to mention enough weaponry and geared to armed multiple platoons please and for me now fresh started some fresh [ __ ] air you know it's not too bad of a deal I'm willing to take the risk Oh fantastic you won't regret it well it's been a long night but I'm too wired to sleep I'm gonna turn this place upside down until I find the manual he you should get some rest though I'll contact you in the morning good night tourists yeah yeah okay see I'm getting up what's up are you there yeah yeah glad to hear your voice so I found the manual for the pump flow regulator it looks like we need to calibrate it before it can be installed each of the pumps has different flow requirements and that component tells the rest of the system where to route the water on the device you should see a serial number read it to me serial number four seven three zero five eight nine - zero one okay now turn the dial until you get some feedback on valve a and then tell me the number you see feedback triggered on 55 okay the numbers turned green okay good 55 according to the manual valve B should be tuned to 28 degrees this valve B 228 guy got it all numbers of green perfect okay last one second one second there we go valve C should be set to 67 valve C sit Oh numbers green awesome okay almost there now it says depress the automatic confirmation mechanism should be obvious power all right big round button pressed yes okay we're calibrating now you need to install this sucker into the pump and the pump it's it's located outside of st. Vincent's church beacon lights will be on to help find it so that's good of course it'll probably attract walkers got this fresh shot e ready to go I'm gonna test out this new Rick Grimes revolver I got the sheriff oh there's someone over there hey you need some help you all right you got it you got it hey what are you doing out here this hand is faster you got any badges yeah I got some bandages here's some dirty bandages oh thank you what what I just helped her and then she called me a pervert huh Oh Oh guys I got a question on him stab gut bags in the stomach to extract their bowels what okay [Music] rub guts over your body to temporarily disguise from walkers sprinting will make them wear off oh it's all over my face all right I'm all cooped up this will be good for the Horde that's cool it's just like the show in the and the graphic novel sprays look at the map brains just take a peek through the front door hello definitely zombies in your already theorem it's dead guy mmm cause of death smoking hmm smoke is bad for you oh my god he's got a maggot in his eye that is disgusting you're a little cutie brood of your mouth put her in your mouth oh [ __ ] is this a stash oh damn now that is a stash that is what I'm talking about put some fresh some gum belugas 50 max stamina God dang no cool okay I found the food stash oh my god there's so many zombies right there going out the back piece look I can't go out the back this way oh my god you can't go in the back this way oh no oh this rubber water is nice hey dick what oh god it's personal fear hello hey hello don't [ __ ] with me and no one will get hurt what do you want [ __ ] how dare you try to rob me I need that medical cash I'm really low on meds I know you have some despair come on do i I don't I don't have bandages or bandages to you you know what okay if you give me something good here that should help out a bit take this in exchange thank you good trade why does it won't run away from me calling me a pervert after I helped them what he called me a pervert why I'm not letting do anything there's two water pumps let's go this way this is a church right there this house oh that's the red light I see you just look for supplies real quick heat all the work little metal can head bang gaze oh I can make beignets now nice love that yes so good Oh Cajun food is so good man if you've never had real gumbo and some real Louisiana crawfish oh god damn it's on my favorite food oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I'm gonna hurt my legs good oh ouch ah so many of them I kind of hurry up and get this thing installed [ __ ] that was a lot a zombies two three got installed alright that's it I did it [Music] gotta go gotta go time to leave Oh Kathy's restaurant managed the love going to Kathy's restaurant you made the best gumbo try to drive by that [ __ ] hey Casey I did it yeah yeah always here always thinking hey this morning I realized something I can't even remember the last time I saw the sky it's been a while at least that much I know damn really mess you things up in South Dakota never been my mom used to drive me through there every summer on the way to see my uncle tonight that's cool cases but I'm not gonna die here man I need meds so many stars like a dull overhead view of the cosmos I wish I had that bad land sky overhead right about now Casey so first thing I'm gonna do when free is head back north I think I've had enough of swamp life steady their mind as you say no shadow I did your daddy what you wanted me to do what do you want me to do next I need those meds I need those meds you
Channel: Cerberusarms
Views: 1,372,779
Rating: 4.8803425 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, fps, node, guns, horror, the walking dead, twd, virtual reality
Id: i50c9nz4pa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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