VR has officially peaked

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holy crap this is badass wonderfully Singh works yeah getting yeah come on get in oh okay almost getting that get in there come on uh uh uh Oh reminds me of childhood i sentence you to die do you remember the days of your birthday life warrior they were full of glory and bravery no Mon Mon were filled with Mountain Dew and gente oh I get it all right this is so this is kind of a Dark Soul thing right yeah don't worry I played Dark Souls before I'm the Dark Souls master first comes the block Oh dad comes to parry he comes a row [ __ ] yep oh oh my god oh my god stop hitting me dude okay doc so does not translate that well to VI all right now you've pissed me off I've got my VR headset all dirty throw up a little bit in my mouth [ __ ] oh crap man all right ah stop time to have me a little drink opinion oh okay what he's easy easy come to me I request what the [ __ ] oh I know we've had our problems God knows we've had our problems but just cooperate with me and let me drink you okay look we what do we got one I am set for a night on the town let me just what the come to my bar with me yeah yeah you see this smashing all your alcohol yeah I don't care see this banana yeah yeah yeah yeah give banana Jim banana Oh oh crap oh oh oh okay you're still like oh did you join a sandwich or something Oh malnourished and like rotting away draw the Steve Jobs or a vegan so you just need some cheese in your diet bro sweet looks like I'm the bouncer of this bar a man in the fire oh and baby burn disco inferno you're ugly and I do not like you in the fire with you yeah that's right that's what you get oh oh [ __ ] okay oh god he's just angry and doing some kind of dance seem to have made him angry okay he's dead never mind he's cool yeah yeah you can burn too that's what you get that's what [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] then cut your leg off Oh oh my god okay this is pathetic look I'm gonna put you down pal just hold still I got you I got you yeah oh oh [ __ ] okay oh hang on a jack thank you oh you gotta be time to introduce you to my assistant miss direction yeah look at this but not now but not now sword Oh Tom the age-old question can you kill someone with an apple ate my weapon and covered yeah oh now what are you gonna do huh that's right got your girlfriend got you girlfriend stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself you want the alcohol you want the alcohol yeah have the alcohol behind lying to my parents about how much I spend on video games this is my new favorite way to hurt people you want a little bit of potassium and put it in your Yami and use your just let me see your face Josh let me see your face okay come on little baby I want to introduce you - the y8 hammer you say what's called the a hammer a second wine - Shh that's that's why we call the hate hammer time for little Apple little shush ninja holy [ __ ] what is this oh that is cool okay this has given me some decoration ideas for rickets dungeon let's get ready to king party boys all right I'm gonna sword we've got the heat hammer and we got the thought Slayer battle me on the bridge of Mordor gotcha you ever heard of the term skull and I'm so smart now ie power oh yeah give me a lunch money see vegans want a piece of me huh yeah yeah it's um cheesy a vegan slug wow this thing really eats and deletes goddamn yeah I'd run to your Skinny [ __ ] don't stand up get surprised ah this place snowy Dreyer alone just like a linen tears [ __ ] okay let's play try expert enemies okay that's the glowing thing looks bad Oh what okay that was I am NOT ready for expert do you dare battle me on mount eutychus in the frozen pits of yonder you dare face the thought Slayer mmm I've reported many a thoughts to the IRS I got blood all over my favorite sword I got this off of ebay oh okay that's made it worse don't you know I'm Loco [ __ ] god damn it okay this is my favorite part vision also good or cool part you see this you see this yeah that's gonna be you it's gonna be you come on not gonna hurt you I'm just gonna stab you a little bit oh sorry ffs oh praise to Jebus for the fetus we're about to delete us this is something tasty VR action dude okay take it easy there Terminator 2 yeah I'm not John Koerner dude I don't know where he is I'm telling you I don't know where he is he's old now and kind of strange-looking he hasn't been in any movies for ages and take me oh yeah that's right oh so fast you name have leg muscles okay I guess I'm not ready for campaign mode sure if I can afford this dank dungeon I can afford some [ __ ] hand wash yeah see you there looking at me wait boy huh little bag wait bagger hey huh I'm gonna catch these hands and to catch these hairs look at them look at them they're disgusting I know I would kind of frail ratchet hands these dude looks like I've been in a Jacuzzi my entire life catch these old frail hands boy trap trap trap Boop gotcha okay for the noogie question for the noogie get you for the noogie oh that's right tell your friends about me pal it's pretty annoying isn't it okay now you see the Sencha just coming at you just jabbing you in the face every so often this was like sleeping with Shaquille O'Neal you got knocked off yeah yeah I'm slowly outnumbered and then do what every animal in nature does when it's cornered act irrationally and blindly lash out everything around it oh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] yeah don't don't stop stop stop no no no no yeah that's better let's bicker up the stairs back no no don't no no no dude it's just us isn't a I needs a little work
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 19,126,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, joshdub, virtual reality, vr gaming, funny moments, vr funny moments, best vr moments, hellsplit arena, hellsplit vr, vr fighting
Id: 5eSyQyo42ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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