[Vinesauce] Vinny - Zelda II Randomized: 2020 Run

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do well it's uh it's not even thanksgiving anymore but it's this year's thanksgiving zelda 2 randomized a lot of zelda today i have no problem with that oh yeah well east coast it's not thanksgiving everywhere else it still is anyway welcome to my zelda 2 randomized stream this has become a yearly tradition there's a lot of frustration and heartbreak and oh god every year it turns into a goddamn disaster i would be surprised if the 2020 edition treated me any better will it or will it okay i just have to do a test so we'll start from scratch so good news and bad news good news is this works and um you know the randomizer works oh i've got bubbles that's random uh link is in a dark blue tunic sorry lonk and um it's not redux that's the bad news the bad news is the redux version does not work with the randomizer i tried the animations froze and i couldn't walk over certain tiles so unfortunately the redux version which by the way the best way to play zelda 2 right now is probably using the redux version which fixes so many problems and updates a lot of things so i'd recommend that um unfortunately this does not have that applied but i can tell you here's what else we have i've got a fast spell casting random shite random shuffle sprites so that's random shite random beam sprite i have um start with candle i've got no starting text i've got uh some hints palace swap the usual stuff uh five palaces needed to complete instead of six that doesn't mean i have to avoid one i'm still gonna need the item in all of them um but i can just for our own sake avoid getting one crystal if needed that's been a huge help magic effectiveness is random and i've got shuffle life refill amount which is new this year every time i use the life spell it'll be random enemies are pretty random items are pretty random like everything's real random so it's gonna be experience is random yeah it's gonna be a nightmare so here we go i'm starting in the graveyard great and there's the enemy shite shuffle uh-oh we got bubbles uh-oh and they do a lot of damage i don't know why some of my health bar is purple i really have no idea why that's happening town of ruto so let's see how lucky did we get this is a decent town to start there's life here um why the scan lines i'm using the same gooma sits on the 500 bag i've used the same scan lines every year this is the same one i've used for the past several years it just i like it kind of gives me a nostalgic feeling even if it's not totally necessary is there a reason you don't use the alternate link skins um tradition i just i just like link to look like link i know nothing well here's what i know i know that thanksgiving this year was very very pitiful but that's how it had to be and i'm okay with that the food was good um but i watched plane trains and automobiles if anyone there's no reason for me to get that if anyone hasn't seen that movie it's really good some of you may have seen it too today as well great [ __ ] movie holds up wow oh oh god death mountain is here oh god these these are some ugly ass sprites it's one of the new features of this year's rando oh he's that's another thing chat keys now drop [ __ ] everywhere i i put a an excessive key amount um option i don't know if this is a good idea but we're going to try it it'll make dungeons like a little easier but it's not going to take away the difficulty like the game is still going to be tough and annoying but now if i'm missing a key we won't have to go through another palace for an hour so this could be a good thing i just don't know we have to try it to find out nice slow down these are the ugliest sprites now if you've never played zelda 2 these sprites are normally not quite this ugly it's just the palette is random and it looks god-awful like this oh i got a one-up what the [ __ ] this game did not use the nes well at times oh boy here we go i'm just gonna level up as much as i can the experience amounts required are also random so anything could happen bad very bad this is like a horrendous encounter to get uh to get when you have no level up uh no hp no spells awful all right well we know not to go that way so um i'm gonna be pouring myself a little disarono on the rocks that's my thanksgiving treat it's not even that spicy it's more just sugar it's just like this is hangover water but it tastes good no not not planning on getting drunk there's not a chance in hell i'd be able to play this game under any kind of influence okay that's there so i'm going to save that zelda 2 redux changes the way the 1up system works where every time you get a 1up it adds to your total pool of 1ups that you start with which is really amazing what the [ __ ] yo 700p bag that's a [ __ ] load of level up that's a good start is this still your favorite zelda no i mean nostalgic purposes means that i enjoy it quite a bit but i acknowledge its flaws that's why i recommend zelda 2 redux which i haven't played yet but it looks amazing and um one day i'd like to play that on its own so i'm gonna just go ahead and say that zelda 2 is not my favorite game in the zelda series but i do love it and i'm one of those weirdos yes so there we go early flute some good luck early maybe next year you could randomize the redux version well that's what i explained earlier can't i tried all the animations freeze and then you go to a couple um spots and the game freezes and you can't move anywhere it's just broken it's like really broken so maybe you know maybe one year someone will figure that out and um the randomizer hasn't been updated in three years so if anyone here is good with coding but yeah redux is great vinnie if it's not your favorite why do you play it every year but chicken isn't my favorite food but i eat it a lot you know is the tryptophan still happening like my favorite zelda game varies but link to the past is usually my favorite and i have done that one as well a lot randomized so i i think for me the tradition of zelda 2 on thanksgiving is important and i do love the game and i like the randomized mode i think it's it's a lot of fun um it's very rewarding then you don't like a link between worlds again it's got to be tryptophan because i literally never said i didn't like it how does one extrapolate information such as this okay so we've unlocked the river man that's good that was a very fortunate bagu there's a palace and another town so at least the world map is is somewhat like kind to me so far not every year does it happen like this this is however not good this is a very bad annoying enemy encounter so what town is this i believe this is the first town which means i get a free spell vinnie so you're saying your favorite game is skyward sword yep that's that's um if yes words man we made them up this will make your sword shoot fire uh this is kind of a not great spell oh it has jump as well this is a great spell that can happen with fire um they get paired together i don't know why that happens i think it's just an effect of the randomizer but so far so far this run is going fairly well just once i'd love to be able to complete the run in the same night i started but it usually takes two streams so i don't think that's gonna happen that said i now have jump which means i can get the thing here can you be soft blocked by video games you mean this uh no i think it's got soft lock prevention so what's this here why does everyone hate on skyward sword like it was some 3 out of 10 game oh i think it's it's a good game i think skyward sword is is actually a very high quality video game it's just got a little bit of uh you know some some motion control stuff that i don't really like in it and uh the overworld was quite limiting but yeah it's skyward sword if it got listen i've always said i don't want to replay it anytime soon but if skyward sword got re-released and like an hd remaster i'd stream it i'd play it especially if it had like slightly better like if they kind of addressed some of the issues like they did with twilight princess and wind waker i'd certainly replay it great music too um good dungeons great music some cool fights like sword fights but some stuff that i didn't love good story all right now this is the good [ __ ] chat i got down thrust in the first dungeon sorry in the first 10 minutes 15 minutes so this does bode well oh but so many things can go wrong the run is going very well to start but there could be a million other things that could go wrong and and like i could just be lost on a map for hours okay hours is an exaggeration but maybe it isn't before we hit up a palace i'm going to try to check out as many world map destinations as possible so the original zelda 2 didn't run amazing there were times where it slowed down but i don't think it ever quite got this bad this is just awful this is randomizer frame crust lucky oh lucky really lucky oh wait is this no maybe not nope this isn't that lucky this could be one of these has a heart god this game is ugly oh god these pallet swaps are [ __ ] terrible we're already fighting one of these huh 700 again holy [ __ ] mental those pee bags being randomized it just meant that that could happen there's another seven hundo what's your favorite zelda enemy um iron knuckles are pretty cool uh octo rocks are classic oh stuck in there lionel's uh no not not a huge fan of lionel's aquamantis is cool okay the fact that these are wow look at fire only cost 19 now love randomized magic effects the fact that keys can drop randomly now is a little ridiculous favorite thanksgiving side dish stuffing someone said i dislike the fire jump seems a little cheese oh it is it's a little cheese but truthfully it doesn't really work on a lot of enemies and bosses you just have to like still play the game well but yeah i mean here's what i'm going to say if you watched my previous year's elder runs wow you'll see that the games were not kind to me at all and it was just pure frustration so it figures that in the year 2020 the randomizer run is off to an amazing start well i never need a key again so never mind that so okay that was the um that's the key the skeleton key it unlocks every door here's what i would say considering this run has key drops that isn't going to help that's not that cheesy because you have to get that eventually anyway but now the key drops are invalidated oh why is this your favorite zelda to randomize um it's shorter on some level but also it's because zelda 2 has a thanksgiving i have memories of thanksgiving with this game so that's why i do it and also i don't know it's just kind of fun to randomize it's not really there's no good answer sometimes you just do things that you like to do without knowing why you do them you know yeah it's shorter and there's rpg elements and the randomization makes the rpg elements a little bit more fun that's another 700 no it's not that was a 150. okay i need to get out of this place it's time for the annual vinnie has to explain nostalgia every five minutes episode of vine sauce i i just yeah i just don't think it's it's a weird question because it's like how do you explain like it's not your favorite so why do you play it it's like some weird questions tonight so where do you get your ideas from it's i like to call it a lightning storm in my brain this is probably not a good dungeon to start with but i'm gonna give it a shot i can't do this dungeon never mind it's not south detroit it's not uh something i don't remember dave's lyrics to this but yeah i need a spell for that dungeon i can't do that unless i get the spell castlevania 3 or zelda 2 in terms of difficulty i'm going to say castlevania 3 is more difficult maybe it's because i know this game fairly well but i struggled with castlevania 3. did i go in here already i did right there this is where i got the flute oh my god so many similar looking caves oh god there's already one of these [ __ ] eyeballs all right sword is really powerful i like how those very difficult enemies give 30 experience no need to even go back and get keys at this point so now keys are just a wasted drop 700 that's yeah will be max level will be max level not too far from now in my opinion maybe an hour if they keep dropping those 700s what is germa's tweet jeremy sent you a thanksgiving wish bin wait really jeremy himself thanksgiving to you all hey everybody real quick just want to say happy thanksgiving to you all hope you had a good one today i thought i thought i wasn't gonna miss this i thought i was gonna get it out there too late but i'm thankful for you let's just get it out there right that's why i made this video i am thankful for you and i had a great turkey day hope you did too hope you ate plenty of turkey hope you had plenty of sausages plenty of bacon plenty of ham all the things that we'd love to have during our thanksgiving feast for you let's just get it out there right that's why i made this video i am thankful for you and i had a great turkey day hope you did too hope you ate plenty of turkey hope you had plenty of sausages plenty of bacon plenty of ham all the things that we love to have during our thanksgiving feasts i had plenty of it today i'm thankful for you i'll see you soon hey everybody real quick i like how people tricked me into um viewing that tweet it was worth it but you definitely tricked me into seeing germa's dump truck ass i just need to know what he stuffed it with it was a turkey wasn't it he's technically he was wishing everyone a thanksgiving yeah that's true how much cargo do you think he can haul in that thing one cargo there's only one palace on this continent so far that i've seen that's a problem uh it looks like we have to go to death mountain now which i'm dreading i was dreading but all right the palace i was in before might have the raft is certainly possible oh god oh god confusing so confusing why is the sword beam a bubble um it's randomized it could be it could be one of many things including like a hammer yeah in this case it's a bleb another one up oh shitty dead end bad dead end oh wow oh okay okay okay chat member okay uh happy thanksgiving to you too you you know you save that stuff for the charity stream as i always say but all right well it's time for your band oh god vinnie you set off my google how what did i say that google didn't like or like too much okay google search dump truck s did i say that i didn't say that so what a video like i say okay google access dump truck ass okay would you like me to check your favorites i thought these enemies are so [ __ ] ugly with palette swaps i've said that so many times but it's just vomit it really is just full vomit enemies elevators are broken in this version somehow [ __ ] oh what a what a mess everyone clapped for desert he just beat sonic 06 for charity and he raised 69.69 for charity not bad was streaming pretty much all day so i don't know if he's like okay at this point it's a full ass day of streaming of just sonic 06 oh no 15 hours and 20 minutes good this is where the confusion really sets in chat because again it could be any one of these i think i was here already oh no yeah i was here already i think i was in this one though oh the 1ups are generous i didn't enable a one-up setting i don't know why they're dropping one ups maybe there maybe but i'm gonna need that hammer soon 700 for killing a thing that can die in one hit wow jesus oh it's 150. the beeping is germa backing up oh my god truly a thanksgiving miracle i can't i can't [ __ ] deal with it i don't know where am i now oh god i hate death mountain ah how does redux fix death mountain i don't know if it does but i know death mountain isn't this bad in the original game it's just not it's annoying but it's let's just say it's a little bit more tolerable because you can there's some more sense to it and you can predict like i could just memorize where everything is and that wouldn't be a problem this is just a jumble and also it's really hard to remember because the landmarks are just like again like world gen vomit i'll go this way um i might have been here already too yeah there's oh god and yeah there's a ton of similar looking rooms well at least i'm doing this now i'm getting a death mountain out of the way so that later it won't be as much like there are less annoyances later i will never hear that beep the same way ever again okay i definitely haven't been here oh i have been there well best practice is to only check entrances and caves entrance entrances of caves yeah i've been doing that too but it that shit's um oh i missed a one up that's also a little bit unpredictable because there are some spots that you you can't access okay we definitely were here oh man remember when i said the run was going well well it still is it's only marginally annoying yeah i can't believe um hyrule warrior's age of calamity took ideas from this game like frame rate issues it's nice to see zelda two get some respects i played more just a little bit after i was done streaming there might be a little bit of addiction happening with that game i streamed it i ate a little bit and i was like oh let me play let me play some that's good yeah i'll just play more that's fine it's the entrance one of a couple entrances maybe maybe i just needed to go in here the whole time maybe it was right near the entrance and this will take me to the spot i need to be at now we were here already and that's japes do god someone in chat was asking how to deal with loneliness so there's a wilko song called how to fight loneliness i like that one but my answer is um you buy yourself a four and a half foot alien highly effective yep we're still on death mountain the run is still going well but my internal timer is ticking and if i spend another 10 minutes here or so i'm going to start feeling like this run is cursed as cursed as the enemy sprites okay yeah i've been here too vinnie i think you need the hammer yeah maybe but that's also what i'm looking for wait a minute i don't think i've been here no i have been damn it there's two elevator rooms and i don't think you've explored one totally i think you are correct on that one there's the dead end maybe i haven't explored this elevator room entirely i mean someone in chat probably has been paying attention someone with a better memory than me that elevator room in the bottom left okay let's take a look at this path maybe there's something here just another dead end [ __ ] oh i'm leveled up pretty pretty nicely uh but yeah [ __ ] yeah the bubbles are frame rate killers trying the right side of the elevator this is my only oh it leads here maybe i do need the hammer oh god it's probably like in some random nook like the one entrance that's obvious that i haven't explored it's always it's always the water entrance it's been 10 minutes is this a good seed uh probably not do i keep going chat should i keep going it would seem the hammer would help if it's not necessary so i'm just gonna look around a little bit before i decide to go back to death mountain i would burn this one because death mountain at the start is miserable this is the best run i've had yet i'm not burning this one nope this is my best randomizer run ever so far i'm just going to look for more places where items can be we've been here already oh man oh man oh god oh man i think this is where i got the flute yeah it is i just need i just need to find a palace oh i'm gonna head to that one palace that i know i can't complete and i'm gonna see what item is in there it could be the hammer or the raft yeah it's san diego time so yeah i can't defeat those ghost enemies because i don't have uh reflect the spell that is needed uh oh there is a cave that you we don't need um epic ascii art in chat also if you're gonna use an alt maybe name it something different than your actual chat name that can be banned just saying really there's this many people in here why are there so many nights the orange ones are really bad oh my god okay so now i have to remember the orange ones are the ones that are completely like [ __ ] those are the easy ones pink ones are easy orange are really really tough wait a minute oh god this it's this palace what oh oh no of course this is the first palace i would find i think this leads to the item are the palace layouts not randomized they are nice crusty sprites the guardian made of butter yeah i don't know where this is going to lead to this might lead to nothing because the palace layouts are randomized you're right howling oh oh [ __ ] all right well i guess i i actually can destroy this boss i probably won't but you know i have what i thought this was a different palace so i have what's required nice hp holy [ __ ] nice hp boss that's a lot of health look at how much damage it does oh yeah i can't do this now i need like full levels if i'm gonna do this jumping into the yeah we uh okay we need level nine sword life and magic for that and the life spell more than likely level eight you don't get level 9 in this game sorry well you don't like maxing out all of your stats in an rpg-esque video game to defeat the first dungeon mental do you prefer this game or the first mostly this one but i think the first is a better game nope now someone said this seems really hard well it is randomized this is one of the last palaces that you're supposed to you know go through and uh it's already a tough game but yeah this this is definitely not the order of palace again i'm really only going through here to try to find the item and see if it's a progression item okay dead end i know i already mentioned the stream that desert did i talked about it did vinci the germa tweet when is mario world no no no no why are you great insidious that the orange ones would be the toughest ones because visually their orange is the weakest ones oh okay so i guess it's um remember exactly where the jump i is yeah it's really not helping that everything is randomized in the palaces themselves his smile his optimism gone stuck what's a soft block riker commander riker i need you to kill me it is the right of jokta what warf what is this tradition it is an ancient klingon tradition and what is it on a klingon's wedding day you are supposed to murder them what yes you are my friend i need you to murder me sir i need you to drop a hollow plastic barrel onto my back compressing my spine wharf please is my favorite emote i made the jump and dead end yep well there's only one other spot that i can access maybe and that was where we were earlier so i'm gonna try for that good ah what oh one up it goes when you hit the darkness why does this one take more than three hits oh my god so nope hmm well either we spend time leveling up and attempt more of that or i find what i need to do but i feel like death mountain is is still the last bastion of hope by the first town is temple in the graves that's my starting temple that's where you start the game keep getting them 700s um [ __ ] all right chat i have no choice but to go back to death mountain this run now blows officially hang on one second chat be right with you i'm back oh okay um there was a chat member that knew what room i hadn't been in what's up into the left uh nothing really um this way or oh my god through those trees like these trees god i hope you're right any anything would be better than this only one palace is available i've been here before this is not what the chat member meant i think there were other trees oh no oh then you skipped an elevator the glove is at death mountain is what an npc said oh that would make a lot of sense that would solve some issues okay we i know this is a dead end i remember that sorry i've been hesitant to get the disarono out again because if this is already going like this now anymore and and it would just be duck fest like duck festival 2020. through the trees there's some stuff here save to serrano for after death mountain true vinnie's secret tunnel what do you mean secret tunnel where help sorry i don't mean to take a loud tone through the mountains oh i think chad is meaning if chat is this unified on anything it's a meme as well level up while i'm here the ritual of jamaharan is very ancient in klingon culture check the cave in the top right on the small beach i i don't know if i have i think this is an elevator room no no it's not dead end um oh don't forget to check the overworld tiles for hidden areas um yeah and this small beach right i'm pretty sure i've done this yes i have i know i have but we're here so may as well go again very top left through the trees i i am almost positive i've done that [ __ ] yeah chat is trying their best and and i'm trying my best and still we've got nothing so i definitely have done that and then there's some stuff here i feel like i've done i have the seed is bait it drew you in with big numbers yes it did yes it did you were right potion you were right you told me that this was the case i didn't believe i didn't believe you has to be one of the top three top two through the trees then i'm pretty sure you went through every cave it it certainly feels like i have but remember it's just one path is all i need i just need to find the one right path and these are every one of these is the wrong path yeah the candle at least there's a oh god there's a start with candle parameter check dead ends for tile secrets i just don't believe that we're gonna see them in debt in uh death mountain maybe you're right though they're usually around the same spot so that's a dead end i'm just gonna make a mental note that's definitely a den and here's the other elevator room there's three possible four possible exits from this place okay so we've been i've been here already i know i've been here this is the elevator you fully explored are you sure there's another chat member that doesn't think it is try bottom right elevator you might be right the one correct path no it's back here can the randomizer turn down random encounters because [ __ ] no yep okay well that elevator room has been fully explored no doubt about it vinnie i'm pretty sure it's top left mate we've done oh check the spoiler log elevator elevator i don't think i've been on a chat maybe not maybe not maybe not could this be it [ __ ] yes wait maybe we're on the on wait wait wait wait maybe oh wait bottom right of elevator i think we're on the right track yup this is new this is new yes i can't believe it it took this long just to go to that one spot happens every year okay good thing i got that extra life usually the enemies here are a lot harder oh raft oh thank god the rest of the game just opened up that is it took let's see okay at 15 minutes in i was like convinced this this was gonna be an amazing run then we got like basically stopped and ran around in circles for about an hour gloves are still in death mountain too they might be i might need the hammer for them i need to probably break the rock because underneath the rock is usually an item so if i get the hammer if this is all new keep exploring yeah but there's only one item in here why not explore other rooms if if i'm not mistaken okay so here's how this works in the original game in these caves the items that were there originally are the only things that can be there in the randomized version it's just a randomized item so this will probably be this isn't going to be an item this is going to be a dead end yeah randomized dungeon rooms not caves you didn't do bottom left there's no item bottom left og death mountain head hammer and magic jar so there's two items right magic jar is underneath the boulder that you need the hammer to break it's um a fall you fall and get it all right so now i have the raft which means before i can go to death mountain and possibly get the magic gloves which are almost 100 there i need the hammer but with the raft we can finally do some palaces that aren't the last palace you know it's we don't have to go to the phallus palace this time yeah no i took that death it was i just did a war i didn't want to go through death mountain again how did any child finish this game without a guide it it's uh well there's some cryptic [ __ ] in the original but this is not quite as difficult as the original or rather it's more difficult the original you can at least call nintendo hotline um no in the original you had some logic there was progression this is a mess and this is what i do to myself every year for fun oh great this is all swamp oh [ __ ] off continent 2 awful seed yeah this was the best seed yet up until about an hour ago wait it's this yeah this is a bad continent to start look at all these glitches there's a town here at least i can't believe the entire continent is swamped i don't think i've seen that yet that's so shitty fake town yo i got killed in the town that's not good that was a soft lock and we can't have that happen yeah well that wasn't a soft vlog that was a crash the game just [ __ ] i mean softlock was the incorrect phrase um there's there's logic that prevents items from appearing after items you need to get those items if that makes any sense but yeah that was just a straight-up crash graveyard okay should be an item at the end of this or maybe just points i'm not sure it's magic that's fine now if only i had some like decent magic to use vinnie if it was a crash why rewind and not restart um i haven't saved that would have been the end of the run i would have done a new seed or just give up gave up yeah i should probably do like a little save right now just in case okay here's the part of the continent that isn't complete dog [ __ ] that's nice oh i can move i have the flute so i can move that ladder wait so we have a bridge with flies mosquitoes whatever those things are it's not too bad it's only one but yeah there's a town here this is the up thrust chat what the [ __ ] it's kasuto again it wrapped around oh this is cursed the town of cuso so okay we've made no progress on the second continent vinnie can i explain your joke to you it means [ __ ] the monster spawn rate is just awful it's like dreamcast skies of arcadia someone said you need a cross for kasuto i do yeah i can get the item uh the spell in kasuto though right without the cross or do i need the cross for this i think i could just get it great i need to just stop running into enemies i'm going to try well speaking of running into enemies i'm probably going to get [ __ ] murdered in kasuto but i'm going to try it what an awful continent i i said it a hundred times but i'll say it again this is truly a cursed continent and cursed seed would lure me in with big numbers but everything else is big poopo jump big poopo i oh oh oh now i can cast a more expensive jump please god there's invisible enemies here too wow wow the big dick the big penis only the fire spell has a random effect 2020 run lured you in with a good run then crushed your hopes and dreams started out great and then about ten percent through the run twenty percent through the run it turned to [ __ ] oh i don't know uh this there's got to be i wish there was a way to lower the [ __ ] monster spawn right maybe zelda 2 redux fixes this but i couldn't use it if anyone here is like a coding master and can update the zelda 2 randomizer for next year please let me know i'll just learn how to do it no problem yes yes and here's the maze this is more um this is more kuso having to do this this early on this could be palace number one for all i know the [ __ ] did i know i i could be i'm not sure we'll just give it a shot it's not chat is now full san diego even though i haven't been doing it today i'm happy to inform you that um you'll be hearing beeps throughout this whole dungeon so nice spawn the ceiling boners happen a lot in the randomized edition okay so we know there's no there's nothing that way i like when the music tries there's just not enough sound channels but it tries and then it stops it needs beeping and sound effects and depth noises why do i have d keys i think i picked up more keys than it can then it can like account for so i have d number of keys it went from numbers to letters d equals 14. yeah i mean that makes sense it's an item here finally some good [ __ ] progress unless it's a useless item not a useless item it's a cross i mean that's gonna help um for some of the stuff yes this game had religious imagery zelda one did too like christian imagery like crucifix like jesus and then you know nintendo probably got some lawsuits or whatever and then had to stay away from that or a couple of very strongly worded letters because back in the day there wasn't twitter lawsuits from whom well jesus very confused dark nuts of the same color have different hp values and i don't i don't understand why it's happening have you seen the official artwork of link praying to jesus on the cross yeah i believe i have oh this is good rng and also uh i'm like way over leveled for this dungeon so let's i'll take a moment to praise finally a lucky break and we got life eight that's maximum life so that means that attacks won't do as much damage to me so small mercies this is exactly what i was looking for so this the maze rng was fantastic excellent excellent rng hear it at the very least death mountain trash maze great that was it right or is there another thing here isn't there the the child there's another item okay okay um [ __ ] do so i only need to defeat four more bosses to go to the final palace because i set i set it that way so palace one's easy palace three is easy just you know can be a couple that are pain in the ass but we'll i'm sure we'll manage if the seed just is if i just get a little bit more magic and health then the seed will turn itself around and it's going to be great here's the picture of link okay here's what the chat member was referencing earlier so this is real huh it's a concept art that's official art it's from a link to the past no that's from link to the past i thought they would have learned by then apparently they intended christianity to be the actual religion in the universe it's crazy and then whoever made bible adventures sued them again i don't know if there were lawsuits i'm just talking out of my ass when i say that but i do know that people certainly uh get more what's the word i'm looking for here shitty when their christian imagery is in a video game you know for something that they take very seriously it's a you know obviously it's a [ __ ] way of life for many people and you have it in a video game where this little elf dude the elf fella is praying to jesus or whatever he's got a cross on his shield it's probably a little weird so someone if not multiple someone's complained about that i would imagine here it is okay what would this be what is this gonna be it is the child so that's good that's another spell this is the way they got in trouble for the muslim chanting in ocarina of time correct they had to change that i think it sounded better the way it was but they didn't know any better you know it was just from a stock i think it was like a sound library that they used but it sounded really really good at fit the mood i don't think the replacement version sounded as cool but i totally understand why they would want to get rid of something like that the change was made before the game was actually released no my gold cartridge of ocarina of time had the original music isn't there an invisible uh wrong town there was no controversy it was nintendo being pre-emptive okay i don't remember if there was anything else in this town i think the cross is mainly just so you don't die in other regions that have these invisible lads i forget there isn't oh so i'm here for no reason that's cool it was the wizard of nothing else it's a lot of eyeballs you got there just gonna take the warp back to the other continent so i have the the child the child which i can donate oh when is other m randomized no no metroid makes for good randomizers but not that one but you knew that do i've done uh i've not done the link to the past super metroid combined because it's just too much go west to find the medicine wait who oh this is the wrong town for the child i thought this was the child area damn it it's not it's the mountain town right but in this the mountain town could basically be anywhere and that [ __ ] rate of uh of monster spawn could be cut in half and no one would be missing anything bye it was near the first temple no that's the the town where um you get up thrust i have to go through this graveyard i don't know why the whole thing is a graveyard but what do i know okay dead please stop 300 big 300 the smelly mud is here okay uh thank god for that yeah still still no other towns or palaces uh this is just nothing oh oh two towns in a row darunia yep there's an invisible person somewhere in one of these towns twitch chat is definitely the place to discuss the finer points of religion i too consider myself something of an academic okay so we got up stab what's your favorite church him oh i like um are you ready kids i can't hear you that one who lives in a whale under the sea why does the ice in my drink taste like frozen peas remember the magic word wow i'm getting the most useless magic right up front what was that say that again horse head nays with the cross i don't understand okay no spell is good i can use it here so there's a bunch of stuff here you deserve my help follow me this is a good town actually there's like three things here one of which is a [ __ ] pointless pbag do yep sorry nothing no i mean it's fine to have the points but i was hoping for um an item i just didn't think the items can be replaced with p-bags in this this will give you power shield yep uh no fairy okay what's needed for progression and one more thing grow hammer there it is the hammer now i can access more things and get the power glove at death mountain so yeah there's a lot of progression back to death mountain soon fill up on life while i'm here do a lot of no a lot of i know nothing oh so still looking for more palaces i don't know where they even are i might need the boots for them death mountain for wrath to maze our kid to darunia her spell to new kasuto for hammer just to go back to death mountain yep a lot of experience points it would not be in my best interests to die now oh well looks like i'm dying hell yeah oh that doesn't turn the lizards into the little thing okay i just need another thousand points for a level up then i can die ah don't um there's the 700 i just need a little bit more a little bit more got it all right that was good dead end and it just loops around chat it just loops around oh we can just jump down into the water do so there's a cave that oh god why am i hitting oh bubbles so this is this is the first use of the hammer not that there it is so there could be the medicine here maybe 150 cave birds yep vinnie enable subtitles be i'm not really sure what that means entirely what did i have to do oh death mountain great okay we have to go to death mountain again um and also i have the the potion for the child let me do that now vinnie in castlevania 4 you accidentally called save states subtitles god could you believe i don't remember that i mean of course you believe it but i don't remember that all right now i can bring the child just gonna do me a subtitle real quick i did a subtitle can you please turn off motion blur view bob so who is vue bob and why why is view bob always in video games okay so shield magic oh wait no that's just reflect to be fair everyone wants to view bob's yeah but everyone turns off the view bobs maybe not everyone oh do i do death mountain first yes yep sadly we have to go back to death mountain so i'm not gonna be finishing this tonight that's clear um i don't fully remember which way to go but i do remember which ways i think not to go with the help of chat maybe chad i need you to tell me exactly which door i need to go in and you need to you can give me the exact latitude and longitude and i'll be able to go in into that door and then get to the rock it was this one wow that's really convenient gloves is that the way i came in from wow i really don't remember vinnie you're the number one zelda two streamer that's an uh a crowning achievement i dunned it so oh no how do i leave here die so nope vinnie i've been trying to secure a ps5 for the last four hours please save me um okay save me from death mountain first but the ps5 is definitely something that you will not get that is my prediction it's not me being cruel it's me telling the truth chat the scallops have gotten the ps5s there's none left for anyone i would consider a death warp uh the problem is i have too much experience to want to do that so now we're stuck in death mountain again maybe someone can like rewind can someone rewind and show me where i exited from but what if you played the original demon souls and bug snacks on ps4 and then spiderman on ps4 like you can you can set it up in such a way where you can pretend like you're playing ps4 five rather sack boy play a couple good levels in little big planet too ah stop beating your video game console's weed yeah i don't know i'm i'm lost anakin maybe it's here i say to myself expecting the answer to be no one knows myself included yep it was there yay all right okay there's still more towns and like more rocks to break i think so we're not done with the hammer yet um i could possibly get the item in that really annoying palace now but there's here's a rock but i need to break i actually think the life dropping mechanic kind of should have been in the original game i would have helped out the difficulty a little bit well wow so that's another progression item i'm getting like all progression items chat look at the bottom row it's almost completely filled out what's left is there anything left i'm pretty sure i can go everywhere now still lacking in spells and if you'll notice the game decided to be kind of cruel and not give me any hearts you can finally do the first dungeon that's the way video games should be get every item in the game and grind to max level and then attempt the first dungeon there's gonna be hearts and temples that's true yeah i believe that um i'm not going to the palace yet i've decided i want to suffer further i'm going across the water because now i can walk on water and now continent 2 is way easier there's still another town i need to find it's the river town i definitely need here's here's my um my goal i need hearts and i i need the life spell because while i can go almost anywhere i can't [ __ ] live again sounds a lot like this is like yeah this is this year this game is just this year entirely there's hidden um there's a hidden spot for a one up and for like i think an item in the water so i sadly may have to check every water spot do know this sucks i hate it too the randomizer makes a lot more of those things obvious by design don't worry about looking at every tile just in case i figured it is kind of random obviously by virtue of the name so i figured maybe some of the the stuff could spawn in weird places there's another part to this continent down there and that means that there's a specific cave that can take me there also still have only seen two palaces so i'm wondering if the rest of the palaces are all like clumped together there's a cave with invisible enemies right i couldn't get past that should be like a jaguar at the end of this tunnel oh wait no no jaguars there we go we found something palace one i think can't tell no nope definitely not i don't know what the hell this is yeah one one is blue but here's the thing or one one is like gray but um i have dungeon or palace uh tiles swapped so they're randomized as well then you beat one already didn't i beat two or was horsehead one you beat one so this is two then maybe so rule of thumb items are usually to the left and bosses are usually to the right so it's not always the case but in most of the palaces the rooms are like this for items and it was a pee back that is a disappointing item so let's go to san diego david just ready to pull the trigger and post those lyrics huh he's not ganondorf he's not agonim he's not majora he's not girahim so let's ride with epona to his tower in san diego wait i could be wrong could be up in san francisco it's a bit of a stretch did you add more oh there's a new bridge i dude i'm not singing the rest of this i mean i put singing in air quotes but i definitely don't feel like attempting this those those [ __ ] are very fast this is i think palace four five five yes that's what i meant yes five the water one with the false wall that is right there well the enemies are randomized so the the magic dudes aren't supposed to be here anyway if we're lucky the boss will be down just one of these random corridors and i won't have to go to through much trouble two through two through oh oh these [ __ ] wars heads are really annoying on this bridge so so this game i think is the only zelda game that doesn't have a way to restore health without god damn it without um using a spell so like every other zelda game drops hearts nope they had to they just had to be different with this one yeah or the lady or the fairies but like what i mean is the enemies don't drop a health item unless we're talking about master mode in which case they disable the hearts but in this game someone at nintendo thought it would be a fantastic idea for the player to just suffer what's the san diego meme okay get ready you ready san diego listen to the song never mind we won't be listening to the song we're dead you ready in san diego now every time i hear that i think of san diego it's not south detroit it's not something something let me reference dave's lyrics it's not tennessee it's not baton rouge or montgomery oh look it's it's carmen san diego she will steal your heart and then your bed carmen san diego just you don't understand the level of brain worms that are present on the stream from time to time goddammit almost certainly not this way i'm almost at peak sword power so there's that that's a dead end those are always dead ends my brain is definitely run by goblins i i have tried very hard to [ __ ] excise these goblins and let me tell you they are difficult to remove but then the worst part is other people have brain goblins too and then that like that the brain goblins encourage each other you know even if you pull them out yeah just rent free just like the word san diego you know which will be there in your head for quite a while now too probably that's right they say misery loves company well misery is just a goblin name in traditional goblin folklore vinnie i was looking up stuff about this game curious i looked up how they designed this game according to miyamoto they only did what they had written down so it wasn't really tested out or redone which explains a lot yeah i mean this game with some further iteration could have been a classic it already is kind of a classic for some people like this has a cult following it's weird to think that a zelda game has a cult following but remember when i was a kid oh all there was was zelda one and two it was one or the other so there wasn't anything weird about this game it was just another zelda game and when i played um zelda one i was like oh that's weird you can walk sideways now but i liked it and it was another game and i thought it had really good controls i thought link moved well i like that when you move link has a little bit of momentum it is a fun game to control link but it fails on many other levels and if that's true what you just said about how they didn't like take the time to like reiterate and try to like nail down what this game was i just wrote it down that one time that explains a lot and that's kind of a shame because it could have been so much more had they given it that extra level of attention maybe they wanted to rush it out so they could get them sales a game like this needed some some more time in the oven and that's where zelda 2 redux comes in really because when you play this you can kind of see the potential and without having to redesign the entire [ __ ] game a couple patches a couple of fixes a couple of intelligent decisions again the actual version is nowhere near as frustrating as the randomized version and i think you you have a pretty damn good game see now this was for years well maybe not years okay that was a huge exaggeration right off the bat but that invisible wall was always a huge [ __ ] pain in the ass every time um and trying to like figure out what to do in this dungeon for the very first time was not fun like zelda one had cryptic [ __ ] too that didn't age well but there were more hints this year's version of that boss was horrifically easy yeah that that was an annoying boss last year it's like a good 40 minutes of my life dedicated to that one fight all right almost completely maxed out attack is all that's left and what do you know here's another town if all i if i had just walked to the right i would have gotten the life spell maybe we don't know if this is the life spell i'm hoping it is this is where you usually get it watch this chat for those who have never seen zelda 2 i do this every year this is my favorite thing okay watch this so check this out i am thirsty want to get some water you have water come to my house i will do this for the next two decades of my life and i don't care quest complete how lazy do you have to be parappa desert use this magic to survive so it's the shield spell hey look normal link chat what was there was oh there's still one more town for another spell it's the one where you have to get the mirror ah so what did i need i need oh i also need the um the statue there's a statue that you need and you bring that to the second town and that earns you a spell so that is also currently missing so i'm just scouring this whole area it's usually a cave well i don't want to jinx it but this run is definitely looking up compared to where it was like an hour ago it's like the run it keeps it gets better it gets worse then it gets better and then it gets worse and then it gets better there's the water spot there it is zelda's water spot there it is love the sound effect more magic [ __ ] then you should try playing xcom someday i've streamed xcom too not all of it but a good chunk of it good game try vib ribbon stream that too yeah i've streamed it unlike a sunday stream any streaming plans for tomorrow um i'm gonna see how i feel i streamed earlier for four hours as well chat so i'm gonna see if oh there's this angel statue okay i'm gonna see how i feel tomorrow maybe i'll take the day off maybe not i'm not sure ring fit stream the day after thanksgiving i think you're on to something but i'm probably not down for it but there will be a ring fit stream soon oh thank god finally not yet there is one more town missing ring fit or dump truck your choice i think after thanksgiving everyone is dump truck opinions on blueberry and raspberry pizza you know chat member i've seen you here for a long time you know damn well what you're doing by inciting this bringing this crap into my [ __ ] chat room that's a croissant or it's pie that's not pizza not lucky there what about ham on pizza yeah that's good i can deal with that let's not talk about food we we just listen i don't know about you but today there was a lot of food in my life i'm sure it was the same for many of us if we you know if that's what this holiday is if you are american or otherwise whatever i don't know if you celebrate turkey day in your own way enos even if you don't believe like the sentiment or whatever it's it's a good day to just like engorge and also you know maybe spend some time with your family maybe not this year in particular wow look at this boss found i'm just at the mercy of rng at this point it's another not particularly well designed boss in my opinion i only need five palaces chat that's three right hmm there's another one very interesting very interesting that's a very nice hat wait what magic level up wait what oh no i i needed to wait for the [ __ ] oh because the stat the point the experience values are all [ __ ] up chat is just telling me to rewind i'm doing it chad has seen you suffer enough thank you chat for this wonderful idea good idea so if you get mad at me for not doing a proper you know like old school randomizer run like we had back in the day you know when we were randomizing them games back in the 80s well you know who to blame do still no life spell i don't know where that last town is cool [ __ ] spawn foreign always there was a there's a p drop as well i also have p number of keys that is miserable that's right [ __ ] it we need to get to that palace if i die before the palace then i have to go all the way back here again i think this is palace too so that is another really really good stroke of luck because uh this this will be a lot easier yeah this is palace number two so this will be really easy got it all right max level for real also why did the levels stop at eight another oddity of zelda two just like some weird arbitrary number to stop at you went from one dungeon in two hours to encountering like three and 40 minutes yeah pretty much things really turned around i was lured in and like let's say baited by the allure of big numbers and now the run itself has proven to be quite good just awful death mountain awful first palace after that everything i was getting was progression item yeah i mean my run got really bad when i watched the germa uh dump truck video after that it was like an hour of pain so maybe there was some kind of cosmic car dead end that's a long way to go for a dead end okay convenient one-ups man that was like five screams just for a dead end okay maybe if we're lucky we'll get a boss fight right here now boss fight right here nope one of these rooms again if it looks familiar it's because it is it's kind of mental to make it this far through the game through the game without a life spell i now have r keys and this is a dead end too if i'm not mistaken uh maybe not necessarily i forget if this particular room is yep it is you'd be surprised though turning a beep off like the beep the concept of the low health beep in and of itself is one of those things that just seems like commonplace it's like of course you get a beep when your health is low but why why does it exist i went all the way what how where the [ __ ] am i going now chat wasn't that this was the dead end there you know oh there's the elevator uh i don't think we did up here yet we've gone up more floors than there are in this entire palace we should be outside thank god there's no more peeps so jesus that room was always a little bit frightening when i was younger because if you didn't make the jump just right you'd fall in the lava and when you're like a young idiot at the age of four um your motor skills dictate that you should fall in the lava nice hp going back in chat i have to go back in for the item at least try to find if it's a heart a heart would be good how can you remember things from four years old well my earliest memories are video games and i'm kind of generalizing i do remember playing this game a lot from my youth like not just four but i remember distinctly when mario 3 first came out for example how excited i was and how good the game was i remember playing mario mario hello mario i remember playing mario one at like three i was bad at it but i played it a little bit and yeah i just remember playing this game when it was still kind of new-ish oh here's the item my favorite link design i like oh it's magic um i like the design of link from breath of the wild wearing the ocarina of time outfit so i like that that's cheating all right um the art of link from zelda one two and three from like the booklets hyrule warriors link yeah it's pretty cool about link from the captain and television show from the two episodes that link guested on it's for the best chat uh oh i needed to donate the angel statue so there's two spells left one is life and i don't remember what the other one was actually life i need oh thunder i need both i absolutely need both so life is actually not mandatory thunder is so watch me get thunder oh no this is life okay well like i said in this version of randomizer whenever i use the life spell it restores a random amount also i did not get entirely lucky with the life spell it's 25 whereas some of the other ones is like super cheap 10 or 11 but this is yeah this one's a little bit more expensive at 25 but it'll be random i might get a little bit back i might get a lot back who knows and now the quest for the final town so i can get thunder which is uh very important extremely important of dire importance i'm wondering if it's like on continent one in a secret area where another palace might be so i'm gonna be looking around on the first continent for a little bit that was pointless i know i've been in here did you fully explore that invisible enemy cave no that second continent yeah there's a cave i don't know what's going on over there you see that cave leading to nowhere but yeah there's some more palaces there's like another two palaces hiding so there's a chunk of the overworld that we haven't seen yet and i would be willing to bet that it's the town and two palaces just crushed together in fairly close proximity that's my guess because there's the final palace the great palace there's um palace number three and then there's town where you get the fire originally caesar's palace i used to go there as a kid in atlantic city yeah i used to go to casinos as a kid not to gamble but like my grandparents would take me and caesar's palace had this big open space i remember this dude was doing balloon animals and i got a sword it was a balloon sword and you have zelda to blame for that i also got a pink panther i mean i say it was a pink panther balloon animal but i'm i'm assuming the estate of mr panther himself probably sued over it like do yeah i don't know chat i don't know if this first content has what i need but then again i didn't see any other solutions on the second continent maybe i thought we ran out of space there it does use the water can't walk on all water though first continent does not have walkable water it does i mean i'm trying just wanted to try every cave wow oh yeah it does it does oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] chat member coming through chat member i am impressed and i apologize for doubting you and your guerunic knowledge oh wait no this is the right town this will lead to the other town like so this will lead to the other continent that's all well and good but wait is this the other continent the [ __ ] is going on where am i confused he's not wearing any pants oh yeah well guess what i'm not wearing any hockey pads no this is all new that's that's really yep that's good hey batman what makes you any different from us up okay whatever you say batman have you forgotten that you have the life spell yes i have i have indeed forgotten this correct i have watertown of zarya didn't find this place where am i wait was sorry the town where you get the mirror is that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait thunder isn't sorry i thought the town i was missing oh town five was the one with the water where you give the water this is the one with the mirror bad memory i lost my mirror okay yeah that was definitely that was definitely a mistake on my part big mistake talk about cryptic found a mirror under the table no other time do you really check random empty houses thunder is 34 which isn't the worst why are wizards living in basements i'd like to imagine that some kind of deep lore about how wizards are outlawed because ganon has an eye out for them and they're trying to hide hide but i um some of the developers are probably just like wouldn't it be cool to put a wizard in a basement i'm looking for hearts what the [ __ ] is this structure i have never seen that it's just a long ass bridge oh my god oh god i can't escape chat i may have to rewind out of this glitch bridge glitch bridge randomizer created a glitch bridge oh wait no no it's okay i've never seen this this is amazing and you can walk through it what the [ __ ] someone up so that's the final palace um i was hoping to find maybe some encounters that have a heart but i don't know if we're gonna find that anytime soon check this cave system though this this might have something in it this is like the first cave that has magic in it the very first cave that's much needed i don't want to jinx it but it is possible for me to beat this tonight if this and the final palace go really really well they probably won't but it's possible because i don't need dungeon six i i have it at only defeat or palace rather uh just a lot of extra lives too um i have it set to five out of six so i don't need to go back and defeat that stupid stinky dragon it'll go yeah it'll go like directly to 4 am but it is possible considering this and the final palace are right next to each other that end did you do short great temple i did yeah so there's less unnecessary rooms yam diego vinnie will you stream actual car games i i'm not that into cars he says that yet he owns a car well well not wrong this is a dead end it's the only dungeon that has an outside area i think i always liked that i always enjoyed that part of the dungeon quite a bit it's like something really out of left field and unique oh yeah there's a dungeon entrance sure how's to get into the place then oh there's an item to the right on this one that's another useful thing um so i'm now confident that i don't need to search for that last heart so i have everything i need to take out the final boss and like last temple at least get the heart piece in palace six i considered it but if i'm gonna attempt to finish this tonight it wouldn't be worth it and also it's not a guarantee it's a maybe it could just be points all right i'm just gonna hope that my my life spell carries me with its random amounts yeah i'm not going for the dragon hell no probably should have got that man i wasn't using magic for so long now that i have the life spell i'm forgetting to pick up the magic vials all right here we go pretty good pretty quick dungeon overall do really beefing this fight look at this night same color palette as link but that was a horse vinny no it was his wife as i thought it was i thought it was just a grumpy wife that he was riding around when i was a kid i was a dumb kid all right here we go once again i will be avoiding that last heart which i know is going to suck a little bit um where am i going too far went too far boy here we go finally some new music too go this way i'm gonna regret not getting that last heart some lyrics to ruin this music too thinking about it um i'm trying i'm trying to think about it so [ __ ] dead end again all i hear is never go anywhere never do anything never go anywhere never do anything but it's not funny it's not san diego there's not a lot you could do with that i'm trying i i hear dump truck ass do like that last bit the last tag on the on the melody that dump truck ass so you could do that oh what the [ __ ] all right what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa thunderbird two rooms in and with like almost no health too i i said it's a short palace not like no palace also man when you randomize this game's palette it becomes really ugly easiest thunderbird fight i've ever had again health randomized very low i think we still have to go through the palace though yeah like this isn't really over yet we got early thunderbird but the rest of the palace is still here early bird i heard a monkey little monkey i'll show you where a monkey little monkey a sit monkey this does bode well is it possible your voice is slightly delayed from the game's audio no i let the melody play first and then i set it do yeah this [ __ ] palace is is a mess it's just full of like dead ends and trap doors and like annoyances little monkey did you know that hearing lyrics in music without lyrics is a sign of mental illness it's called gullah bologna oh yeah gullah bologna huh i call it um the mark of someone who can write songs like like when i heard um uh the the music for the song vomit in the ball pit i was like hmm bathing in the pig [ __ ] hmm riding on a sand skiff why you do this and then i've settled on vomit in the ball pit vinnie how did you read bologna as bologna i don't know also this might be it chat we might dark link might be right around the corner here this is this this little mushroom room i call it is um usually the end of the palace again non-randomized version of this palace is way worse like most of randomizer is torturous compared to the original the great palace when not shortened is a nightmare even knowing where to go it still sucks and confuses me because there's like each tile like each room has like four or five duplicates okay now that was not exactly this isn't dark link so i don't know if we're any closer or not it's hard to tell with the randomizer monkey robbed a bank like monkeys robin banks it could just be a carl monkey story whoa the [ __ ] game did not like that hang on a second not ending this run when we're this close to the end it could be any right side exit yeah it's true i've already been here good oh it was a health refill maybe dark link could be here wow he is i i had to fight my instincts to not go down that little hole but here he is another unfortunately ill-conceived fight yeah i don't know why i like this game come to think of it without the cheese this fight is [ __ ] miserable it's just broken it's just straight up broken look how many times you can hit and not actually get a hit someone just said in chat zelda 2 is a great game executed badly is there a like a non-cheese way to do this seriously vinnie i think you asked this every year and i never get an answer oh yeah well you can just do the thing i you do on the dark nuts it's just it seems like you have a very low percent chance of actually landing a hit but if you do it enough didn't abg and cheese this with the power glove i'm pretty sure it eventually ended with him talking to the camera and then like ducking link duck into the corner while he was talking using his uh hands to talk and then just like randomly defeating dark link by doing the corner cheese so is it was a scripted corner cheese i'll try one more without the corner cheese i just don't understand who thought this would be a good idea like who shipped this this fight and was like yup no we got a winner mia bunga me a bunga ship this turns out if you stand in place and just stab like a [ __ ] wild maniac it kind of works the [ __ ] shield hit noise my god chad corner cheese incoming i i am so sick of this fight or not well that that might be the very first time i've ever done that fight legit time wow it ended exactly at the time i like to end my streams that was let's see about three hours and 31 minutes that's the fastest run yet and it was a really up and down run you've done it before in 2017 really i wish i remember that but green zelda but yeah this is the i think this might be the fastest randomizer run for as miserable as it got it didn't get nearly as miserable as previous years yeah i'm glad i didn't make a new seed too so there's good experience and a lot of [ __ ] early on but once i started finding progression items they just kept coming if i had the six crystals um set then i would have had to go back and defeat that that dragon which probably would have led to about a four hour run um i can words i swear i've been streaming between this and the other four hours so it's like a seven and a half hours not as much as desert today but seven and a half hours of streaming crazy uh but yeah it's it's good there's a good run it just needed to like the death mountain stuff was awful after that it went a lot better and also a little less confusing like the world design ended up getting once you found like the main areas that everything was pretty much right there in previous years um i remember having to look for a singular bush and it was just all over the place so i am very happy i didn't reset the seed all right well there you go there's the thanksgiving zelda 2 randomizer thank you all for watching it was fun maybe mario world randomizer for christmas
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 139,684
Rating: 4.91433 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, Lets Play, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Randomized, Games Randomized, The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo R&D4, NES, Action role-playing, Single-player, Zelda 2, Run 2, Zelda II, 2019
Id: hdtJ_k_RtW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 22sec (12862 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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