[Vinesauce] Vinny - Terminal 7: A SourceMod Game

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I f*ckin' got it, mate Here it is The [audio glitch] none of you have been waiting for Terminal 7, the game Let me throw it in windowed mode Let me adjust the resolution. There will be a black screen for just another moment or two. I have to say this actually looks like a game The starting resolution is 720 by 480 That's a quality resolution [scoffs] I am gonna up that resolution Ooh, that's very strange sounds Wow, y-you're gonna love this So, listen to my eternal shame For most first person shooters I use reverse mouse Why? I got used to it from like flying games and just games in the past, right? So look at the option "Is Vinny playing?" "Reverse mouse up and down axes" [laughs] That is amazing He knew I can play with- I play fine with both. I prefer reverse- uh, 'cause it's more natural to me but I can play both no problem I just, I dunno know, it's just one of those weird habits that I just I don't really break necessarily but anyway, this is Terminal 7! This is made by a member of the Vinesauce community whose name escapes me; it doesn't matter Bowser Fortress Let us begin This could be a historic moment or it can be complete garbage If it's complete garbage, it'll still be historic 'kay That's a Goomba, in the Half-Life engine "Starring The Mario Brothers" "Inspired by Vinny of Vinesauce" Wow, did you see that Luigi? Oh my god That is- that is amazing Listen- You're gonna have to hold tight for a second because I *need* to get the name of the person who made this I'm bad with names, I don't remember them, I don't write them down But if you'll give me just a moment, [keyboard taps] [keyboard tap] if you give me just a moment, I'm gonna get the name Uh, "fan game" [keyboard taps] Nooke. N-O-O-K-E N-O-O-K-E Dook Nooke Cam Sorry to edge you "Good luck" Whoa! -the f*ck? "Picked up pliers" Okay "Used pliers" "Celldoor was picked open" Here's some logic Oh my- is this like SCP? It's the castle {in his Luigi voice} Mario {W-we're at the bottom of the princess's castle} {It looks different Mario, th-there's a bunch of doors,} {and they're all numbered!} {It's weird I don't like it} {I can't get out, Mario} {can't get out} [regular voice] Why is- the controls are so float-y Hang on a second I'm gonna edge you a little further here and find out Yeah, it's just- the controls are disabled there's no jump, there's no run, there's nothing, except walk and interact so I guess that's just part of the, uh the atmosphere You know, I've been doing Vinesauce almost seven years The YouTube channel is *over* seven years old - stream, almost and just now as we approach the seventh anniversary of the Vinesauce stream a game called "Terminal 7" is released \username from chat\ says "I like how this guy took a year to make this game and you're already shitting on it" Do you- Have you watched my streams before? This is kinda what I do I am in awe of this, I love every moment of this However, I think it's intentionally a little bad on purpose It should be noted that I was very excited to play this despite having low expectations [laughs] Amazing Okay, that's a headcrab Make no mistake, it's not your neighborhood friendly Goomba "Infirmary" "Cafeteria" "Security" Also, I don't know where you can download this game, but I'm gonna email Nooke when I'm done and if you guys wanna try this out yourselves I'll try to- on a future stream, let you know where you can get it Oh oh oh, the Infirmary is available "Found Wake-up Pills" Well, we woke now I guess So Wake-up Pills are just a Vineshroom that's extremely skinny and phallic "Consumed Wake-up Pills" "Gained ju-" [laughs] Well now I can jump and duck Still can't kill Goombas [laughs] So he's staggering the skills that you get They're like DLC that you don't pay for, I get it I get the picture Oh- Okay, that door is locked That's the Security ward I don't have a key- That's the main ward and this is the South Wing So, i-is this supposed to be like Okay, I think I know what's going on a little bit It's the castle but it's been re- repurposed as a ward Wow Goombas confirmed for being allergic to boxes No flashlight yet "This looks like a cafeteria-" [giggles] W-why, why are they the size of a human? Oh fu*k [laughs] Koopa Troopas, why are they like that? Well who put- who put their legs through a stretcher? Oh, I guess they discovered that the prisoner is out of his cell Um What the fuc- [laughs] [laughing] {Luigi voice} I got a weapon, Mario, it's my first weapon {It's a- pot} {Well I mean, you know} Oh shit Definitely not reskinned Combine Oh my god Really? Oh my god, okay- they're- they're quite deadly Where'd this brick come from? Oh shit [laughs] This is both the most amazing and the stupidest thing I've ever played It both lived up to and exceeded and dis- Oh, exceeded *and* did not live up to my expectations so far Which is to say that this a rare case I think- I think I love it Hang on, what's the quick-save hotkey again in Half-life? Sometimes I end up quick-loading by accident, so it's F6 for quick- okay, F6 Where's the keys? Got any keys here? No? I'm just, kinda, um- One thing that I haven't noticed- that no, no dank Vinesauce memes have showed up thus far that's a little disappointing 'cause you know, every, every weird game like that a fan makes they gotta have the dank memes "If I stay in the shadows, I might be able to remain unnoticed" Yeah, there's some work that went into this I'm kidding I don't want dank memes, let- let's just enjoy the game for what it is Someone said read the bulletin board Where is that bulletin board? Oh here it is "Decreased medical funding"- I don't think this is necessarily anything to do with this particular game I think this is just generic bulletin board That might even be an original Half-Life asset, I- I'm not sure Well Terminal 7 is definitely Yeah, the Terminal 7 itself was the dank Vinesauce meme that was turned into a game however, considering the name of this game, I expected it to be just *all* references and *all* memes so that's, uh already it's subverting my e xpecta- [shot] expectations I'm hidden [shot] oh my god [whispered] mistakes were made meh that's okay, I'm not here, he forgot [singsong] I'm not here [singsong] this isn't happening Please do not shoot [shots] Please do not shoot I have to run Found the exit Oh my god, no! No Uh Oh my god "I have to rush it, {luigi} {they'll surround me in no time if I just sand still!"} I'm so fu*king dead I don't understand, what am I supposed to do?! I found a pipe You can kinda bunny-hop a little bit for extra speed I think I did it {luigi} {oh my god} {Mario} "Foggy Maze Cave - Navigating the Sewers" I- I just no longer have access to the pot It's- We've gone too far The pot is no longer- Oh my god It's no longer viable [exhales] Fu*k Wow Wow, that's some good AI Yeah, it's less shitty than I thought it would be I-in some ways Like it looks nice I wish I had access to my my pot Ow! No! Aw, don't smack me, what are you doing Koopa? Troopa The princess and the others Sooner or later -later you'll be hooked on the brothers [singsong] To the bridge! I'm waiting for the Koopa to possibly open the door Go in there You gotta open the door Open it, [whispered] open it, come on, go in [sigh] [exhale] AGH Whoa! That's a shotgun Oh fu*k! [sigh] Th- that should've been a quicksave I did a quicksave! There we go That's- There we go That's good That is good No it's not It's less good now I'm in the shadows, okay I'll be quicksaving a lot Aw! Aw, aww [laughs] Fu*k! Here's a shadows You can't see me! F*ck! I'm not sure this has a whole lot to do with Terminal 7 and or Vinesauce as a whole Well, gosh darn it Yeah, they're not They're not um, they're not getting bored of me They're not getting- th-they're not losing me, th-they don't reset at any point This is not Metal Gear Guess I just have to kinda just run around a bit [sigh] Oh f*ck Yeah, well, I know you have to stealth them but that's- it's already too late for that So now I'm basically, uh, I'm just f*cking cannon fodder Wh-what, you just People are saying I'm being impatient Understood I was earlier Now, I *can't* be patient 'cause now they're just- they got me Th- they don't reset Maybe they do, but if I wait long enough, but they keep finding me Um, I'll have to Here, let's- I wish I could run, that would make this a little easier Uh, I'm gonna try going over here maybe, they can't see me over here? Okay They saw me over there Okay I *could* restart the level I should also maybe consider the basics of CQC There we go, this is the only spot that they reset it looks like Yeah, no they reset Huh Never mind Where did he go? Oh, we just watched him go in the dark corner! Wh-where could he have gone?! I did it F*ck yeah Accomplished N-now what the hell is going on here? It's a little Mario Brothers-like ~Koopas and Troopas, the princess and the others~ ~Come on everybody get hooked on the brothers~ Wh- what is this opening? This is opening something Probably over there Oh, over there I know this music Get me in there Get me in there! F*ck! Oh my god They know I'm here, the Koopas, they know They're gonna take me to Bowser F*ck! I can't get through Something's weird I cannot get through this pipe Now I can get through the pipe No I can't, I lied I completely f*cking lied- I can't get through that pipe Now I can get through Okay, that was strange, you have to hit it from a very *very* specific angle Oh god! Goomba! I'm so startled right now! I need to like, oh, I need to warp through a different dimension, I need to build speed How many PU's? Oh no Wait, really? Why did I die there? Was I just going too fast? I think I was just going too fast That Gooba's gonna tell the Bowser Not- just any Bowser, The Bowser [laughs] Ah Oh come on, what is that? What is that beans? There's trash over there W-we haven't started trash games yet I'm not sure what's going on here Little frustrating That's just instant death? So what, I'm f*cking stuck now? I'm crouching "Broken bit of gate"- okay It just seems like an insta-death to me Yeah! I see the gate, I'm just dyin'! [laughs] I'm just dyin', I'm jumping, I'm dyin' I- I f*cking, I- would love for you guys to play this Here, let me hold the crouch button, crouch button being held, dead I jump, dead I don't jump, dead Play it yourself, my friends Play it yourself Someone says "I think this is just the wrong way" Y-you could be right Um, crouch-jumped, I've tried every form of jump I'm going to try to avoid the broken bits I'm thinking about turning on god-mode in a second Here I jumped at even a better time Arrow says go this way Going that way Huh "You could turn up the brightness" I'll turn up the brightness Let's see what happens Never mind, we're not turning up the brightness And I can't, it doesn't look like I can go back that way Oh that's so cool That's so cool, I love when a thing makes you go a thing and then you can't do the thing "It looks like you're supposed to take damage here, but you took too much damage in previous sections so you don't have enough health to pass." If that's the case, then that's, that is f*cking donkey anus Seriously, that, that's uh- That's lame. I can stop myself slightly by moving against the wall here. Okay, so here's what we got Here's what we got Watch this [scoff] Instant death! That is *good* shit, my friends, good shit What is it? Uhh, it's just god? Or is it sv_cheats 1? I need to- sv [keyboard taps] _cheats1 and then god godmode on [laughs] Yep, it was a damage wall It i- it was a damage wall, I took too much damage in the previous sections Okay Luigi dumped out of a pipe That was worth it Oh my god Well this is certainly interesting It kinda looks a little bit more like Rusty Bucket Bay than, uh, you know what I'm not gonna lie, this is cool, t-this mod definitely has some f*cking cool moments Where'd the eel go? Eel, please Uh My armor is called sauce I don't have any sauce This music is very sensual For a moment, it was "f*ckin' music" I see something glowing "Explosives?" Uh, maybe I have to blow up a ship? I'm not sure Wow Alright, um "Blow up the eel" Okay! Alright! This is as high as I can go by the way I'm at my max level in terms of height Okay, this is for you, my friend Enjoy That didn't work Uh, what the f*ck! Uh-huh Do you want this? I got- I got a thing for you And death is upon us Okay Alright, well it was a good idea, chat but we haven't figured it out yet I think I might have to blow up a ship, or possibly that tank over there "Grab it and follow the air bubbles" that's- that's not a terrible idea Okay, so we have these bubb- bü-bles over this way And we can go under here to get to the next bü-bles I think Here's the next ones and then there's kinda nothing? Well, hang on, there's a pipe system over there, I- I see something That looks like it needs to be blown up What is this music?! I need this music in my life Or not Let's check out this train More bubbles I- I don't know, I just wanna blow up everything Everything should be blown up Maybe this is? Is this like an active volcano? It's volcanal Oh, okay So you had to blow up the air vent and then let it bring you to the top There was some japes there in chat that was like, "you have to get to the tower and then blow up the base of the tower" I remember That's a very high quality Luigi model It's a carnival? It's a spooky night-time carnival Okay, I'm into this (Mario voice) This is where the homeless guys bang under the boardwalk (Right here) I now have a flashlight I was not, like, explicitly told I had a flashlight now but I've been trying, now I have one Oh shit [laughing] Oh, I love this game, look at that face That's like the Mario Party Luigi Low poly Luigi demands tribute Oh god, it's Toad [Toad noise] I have run as well "You got boost power!" Well it says it's a saucepan, but technically it's a pot I mean, come on [laughs] This is the proper use of Toad Okay, now it's just Half-Life It's just f*ckin' Half-Life now Oh god, is that pizza? Alright "It has a long pan, the handle, it's a pan" Okay Well Of course it's a pizzeria though Has to be Hey, it's the Mario Brothers arcade machine, I just got done playing it No crosshair Can I eat this? This looks like good pizza That's some high quality pizza pictures, holy shit I want that, I shouldn't be paying attention to that right now, because things are gonna kill me Thanks for waiting [Toad voice] Okay! [evil Toad laugh] I figured I'd provide the sound effects Ah, I'm pretty sure these models are actually Mario Party models stretched Damn Oh, come on that was a bit of shit Oh I dun and gone f*cked things up, mm I've done and gone f*cked things up! They just intuitively know They just- they just know Yeah, they just know Crosshair would be nice! And yes the music is very cool, but a crosshair would be very nice L-let me just see if- if if the person intentionally turned it off Is there even an option for that? I can't- I dunno, oh well Well, isn't that nice? I- the game gave me a crosshair "It's on hard mode"? Oh, is that what's been going on? That explains a lot No, it's on normal Well, I- well It's on normal-ish Li-zard Oh, there's some stuff, there's some sauce Sorry, this is just a little too crazy for me right now, it's been a while And also, there's just too many f*cking enemies We're going back down to normal mode Sorry But hey, I'll be able to make some progress Time has come to shüüt Yeah, modder was really cheeky The guy who made this Nüüke, was very cheeky indeed Very cheeky "He'll select normal" Oh, okay, now it's too easy, goddamit These are all shotguns? Yeah They all count as a shotgun You know, carnival rides have real shotguns and all Okay Alright Bumper cars And it's just toads Toads are waiting to race Well, I'm not gonna disappoint them One of these dang bumper cars is gonna work Ah, shit, I can't actually ride the bumper cars Hey Nooke, can you make it so I can ride the bumper cars? In a future iteration of the game? 'Cause that would make this go from a perfect to an eleven Yo, I'm stuck in here No wait, no I'm not Really, there's a helicopter? Goddamit Okay, I'm gonna need a rocket launcher So, gonna have to find one of those real quick It's a carnival, I'm sure there's plenty of rocket launchers just lying around Maybe I can borrow one from Dennis? Freedom? Freedom? No freedom Only death No freedom, only shüüt Sorry, Dennis has a "rocket propelled grenade" I apologize, he's got an RPG Hidden cache of weapons under there Or caché, if I wanna really piss people off I- I'm sure there's- "Vin, that was the exit"? Really? You mean I *don't* have to find a rocket launcher? Well, f*ck it then, I'm gonna just go that way Alright, um Nope, invisible wall here Invisble wall here This is not the exit, I repeat This is maybe the exit I don't- I- I've leapt out of the maps boundaries Okay, wait a minute, no, this is, this is intentional Oh god, it's the police Oh shit As if the helicopter wasn't bad enough, the f*ckin' police are after me now? [snorts] It's just the cutscenes in this game- are so good. Oh, Luigi's gonna- [laughs] "Returning to the Mushroom Kingdom" Remember, Luigi was put away for the Terminal 7 So, this is a direct sequel My lore is this: There's that video (Mario voice) Luigi [echoing] (You got Terminal 7!) (She's not real, Luigi) (I don't even know what it is, but it's bad!) {Luigi voice} But Mario! I saw her! {The princess!} {She's real!} {What about Toad, Mario?} {What about Toad?} (That was my cock, Luigi) (Okay? That was my cock) Luigi gets sent, he gets sent to Coney Island <Now arriving at Red Line South towards Red Line North> {I can't go back, I have to go to the Mushroom Kingdom} He gets sent to Coney Island He gets sent to a ward- His brother finds him too erratic <- stop, Red Line North> And thus the game begins He's gone for a few years, he escapes And now he makes it back to the Mushroom Kingdom Where he can see the princess, the Koopas, the Troopas, and the others Put it all together, you'll be hooked on the brothers To the bridge, which is just the Verrazano Bridge He's coming to Staten Island, not the Mushroom Kingdom He's gonna be knocking on my door any second now {Oh yes~!} (It's all in your head, Luigi) (The Mushroom Minecraft Kingdom isn't real) Woops <Let's go!> (It was never real, Luigi) {I know it's real, Mario, I- I} {I'm kinda dying a little bit here, because I can't f*ckin' platform in first-person mode right now, but you know} {Okay!} Here we go {But Mario, I know it} (Luigi, you were just on a train) (You were leaving Coney Island, you were going to Queens) There's no train that goes across the water to Staten Island, sadly You have to either drive or you have to take a boat so, unfortunately Luigi could not come to Staten Island {Oh no, Mario} {It's kicking in again!} {The seven!} {But what do you mean? What do you mean I'm just going to Queens, Mario, this is the Mushroom Kingdom!} [frustrated exhale] I'm having a little- little problem- here, okay, okay! Okay, it's gonna be okay Everything's gonna be fine Just give me a minute Wow That- so yeah, I think I have to activate this and then jump at the right moment, there we go Oh, what's this? Oh shit We've gone through, here it is Uh, another level Oh Okay, this is a f*ckin, this is- kinda amazing And also kinda like infuriating, but mostly just amazing "Wanted: Luigi" {Oh no, it's instant death, oh no, Mario!} I keep going back and forth between classic Luigi from the cartoons a- and video game Luigi I- I don't know how to settle on one of 'em Wow Don't slow down for a second! No, no need to crouch jump [stutters] No need to c- if you crouch jump, you're f*ckin' dead, is what you are Oof Here we go And now ice world {This is better than Brooklyn, Mario!} This was New York not too long ago, actually Still kinda is, the roads are still scummy with snow Oily, gasoline, f*ckin' mud dirt snow that is hard and up to your waist or higher Ah god Can we- mm It's slippery as you could imagine [exhale] Okay, okay Here we go Aw, come on! Come on~! It's- F*CK! Oof Wait a minute, what the hell, what is that sound? Did you hear that sound? Is he gonna wake up from his fever dream? Something's goin' on It's wearin' off, the Terminal 7 is wearin' off Or someone caught him and put him back on his medication, I don't know, I don't know what what's the lore, I'm not sure anymore! I don't know the lore anymore I lost track of it What- {I thought we were in the Mushroom Kingdom} How much longer is this? Godd- [scoff] It- it Have we arrived at Queens? Oh my god [laughs] That face "Getting Home" It's Super Luigi Odyssey Aw, cool remix Am I- platforming through moving vehicles? Luigi in real life {Mario, you wouldn't believe it} {I was on the run, I was-} {I escaped!} {I couldn't stay there anymore, Mario I had to leave. I- I had to come back home!} (Luigi, I don't know if you- remember what you did) (You did some real bad shit, Luigi) (You had to go away) (You're telling me you escaped?) (I dunno, I dunno, Luigi, y-you're a fugitive!) (I don't know if I can keep you here) (I'm not comfortable with this, Luigi) (I love you like a brother, but- you really disappoint me, Luig') (You almost ruined both of our careers) Oh boy I think I reached the edge of the map {Wait, Mario, w-what do you mean you love me *like* a brother?) {Are you sayin' I was, uh a- adopted?} (The DNA tests came back, Luigi) (I don't know how to tell you this, but Wario's my real brother) (I mean, think about it: Wario - Mario) (You know?) (Mario - Luigi?) (It's not the same thing) (You know? I mean-) (I tried my best to raise you) (I tried my best, Luigi) (You just, couldn't stop doing drugs) Wow Nice reference you got there Speaking of Red Vox, our new song "In the Garden" out now on Spotify! For real {I don't know, Mario, I- I-" I got no one else} (Well, actually you do h-) [laughs] (Actually you do have someone else, Luigi) (Your real brother) {My real brother?} (Waluigi) {Oh no, not him, Mario!} {H- he smells like garlic, and dead rats!} {I- I can't live like this, Mario, y- you're my brother, please!} (No) (Ask Mom) (Momma Luigi) (She's Momma Waluigi, too) (Sorry) <Trash!> [laughs] Now there's the stank Vinesauce memes that I've been lookin' for! Pl- do it again! Play it again, Sam No? You jump in and Frank Reynolds says, "Trash!" Aughh So yeah, I can't go that way, there's an invisible wall, I'm not really sure where I'm supposed to go However, I will acquire some of these tools of death {Mario, do you know how many people I had to kill to get home? And now you're telling me you don't want me here?!} {Well, that's just unacceptable, Mario!} {I- I That's unacceptable! I can't- I can't let that be!} {You go back and you get another DNA test, you hear me?} {I don't believe it!} (Whoa, where you pointing that thing, Luigi? It's okay, It's okay, Luig', don't- Hey, *hey*, HEY, you listen to me!) (Listen to me!) (This isn't what Momma Luigi would want!) (Okay?!) {You go, you get another test, Mario!} {This is my home, Mario!} {You know how many Toads I had to kill?!} {Innocent Toads!} {They were good people, Mario!} {I did it for you!} <Trash!> I'll figure this out eventually figure it out Someone saw a door, an open door Like, right over there Maybe that's the home? Nope, can't go, invisible, invisible wall Invisible wall! It's that f*ckin' sniper that's being a real motherf*cker Was that an alley? You saw one in an alley? Alright I didn't notice it, sorry I'm gonna try again to notice it harder more Maybe it's in there? It's hard to know what doors are available, considering that there is, um Here's more trash in here? No This is not an actual, like trash dumpster Oh wait, here's something That was it! I mean, it just looked like decoration a little bit But there it is Oh my god, there's more {Feels good to be back home, now uh, where's Mario?} Working mirror in Half-Life, what the f*ck? "El Mañana" is playing F*ck yeah, good choice in music [sigh] Wow, I actually called it (Luigi, I understand, I should have never have gone that far, but I had to. You know I had to after what you did. I know more than anybody that you couldn't help it, and I'm sorry. I'm taking for granted that you're the first to find this note. Heard your escape on the radio last night, could barely believe it. The fridge should have food for a while. I know I promised BBQ, [scoff] barbecuing by the end of the month, but there's been a change of plans: you were supposed to get better and you clearly haven't} Wow, I actually did call the story Except that they're not really brothers, that might not be in here (I wanna promise, I want you to promise me one thing: Don't do anything stupid and follow our rules like normal, like before. One exception: if anyone's at the door, promise me you'll open up for them. I- I'm going on a *business* trip and you need all the help you can get. Finally - don't *ever* go into my room. Take care lil' bro, I'll be home soon.) Maybe in time, you'll wanna be mine "Serial killer" It's a nice touch with the Gorillaz Even sounds like it's coming through a radio, good job {No time for snacks, I have to find Mario} Mario needs help shitting, so he's got the frosted fiber flakes Something's wrong with the pitch of this song, it's getting creepy Song is- This song's pitch is lower I can't look under the crib, I can't duck, but there's some stuff under the crib, there's some Vinesauce under the crib The pitch just keeps lowering and lowering, okay here's the- Here's Mario's room Oh this is Luigi's room, who the f*ck is this guy? [laughs] Is this the guy who made it? {This is my room, just like I left it} It's like a child's room {Vroom vroom!} {There's my Duke Nukem Forever bust} {Aw, that was a good pre-order} {Mario?} {Mario?!} {Ah, Mario} {If push comes to shove} What does that mean, Luigi? That's uh, that's a little disturbing Answering machine completely unavailable {M- Mario?} No, I wanna hear Gorillaz I love that song, aw Can't sleep, can't go on the bed {Mario says this is a picture of me, but uh, I don't believe him!} Oh, there's lore, that's why, okay {I don't look like that!} Is that Luigi's Mansion music? {There *has* to be a key somewhere} It's gonna be under the crib, isn't it? No Can't turn the radio back on, uh, so we gotta look for a key now Remember, I can't jump, I can't duck, those controls have been taken away So no crouching, no jumping so, people saying "go in the air vent", can't do that Where's the key? Where would- if I were Luigi or Mario, where would I hide a key? Hm, press everything [whispered] There's gotta be a key somewhere... "Check the vent in the bathroom"? Guess, it couldn't hurt, right? Uh, there's no vent in the bathroom Can't get in there Under the doormat? No no Pizza boxes, perhaps the key is in the pizza boxes that's, you know, I would hide it under the crib Considering I can't crouch, I can't get under there So, I mean {Maybe it's in the toaster? No? Aw, f*ck!} {Mario} {You always told me about toasters} {You said} {"All toasters toast toast!"} {Said that once} {Come to think of it, that doesn't remind me too much of Mario} {Who- which Mario was that?} {Mario's always different} {Every time I see him, he different!} {He's changing so much!} "I can't leave a book unturned" so, maybe it's- that's the clue? the book? Yeah, it was just over here {M-mario?} {Mario?} {I'm scared Mario, don't do this, come on} {Wh-where are ya?} {Mario?} {kinda see you a little bit, Mario} {what are you doing in there, eh?} {Oh no} {Is that what I think it is? Oh no!} {Mario!} {What have-} {Mario, what'd you do?!} {Oh my god!} {No!} {Mario, no!} Jesus Christ, this game got dark! What the f*ck! {What are you doing, Mario-} [breaks into nervous laugh] {Jeezus f*cking Christ, Mario, no, please!} This wasn't supposed to be in this lighthearted Terminal 7 fan game, what the f*ck! "My name is Mario, brother of Luigi." "I'm a plumber and a poor one at that." "I'm also dead and my brother might not- be, by the time anyone reads this." "If you're concerned, If you're a concerned neighbor, or just very stubborn mailman: I apologize for your inevitable therapy following the discovery of my corpse." "If you're Luigi's caretakers, or the police or SWAT, or whatever else search team is going after him: F*ck you." "The hollow shell I once knew as my brother, god bless him- escaped the building." "You were supposed to- keep him locked into this morning." "As if your mistreatment and neglect wasn't enough, I honestly thought your disgusting medical bills would be my main and only concern." "You have, time and time again, f*cked me so hard- that you've robbed me of my future. Everything!" "I cannot" (and I *will* not deal with this torture anymore!) (Wherever you are, I love you, Peach.) (Sorry it had to go this way.) (The system will pay for Luigi's well-being. No-) (No one else.) (Goodbye world.) Jesus Christ... Well! Yeah, this is a downer This is a downer! I, I like my story about Luigi being adopted better, but- There you go Hm! "If push comes to shove," Hang on, there's an audio in the PC? Hang on, what do you mean there's an- audio in the PC? I can't There's nothing here I can activate Oh, I see it! I see it, there's a sound clip there's a sound recorder clip, but I can't- actually do anything with it There's gonna be a lot of people that watch this silly Luigi fan game They're loading up the Fullsauce channel They're like, "Oh this a cool Vinesauce one-off!" "Aw, Vinny's playing as Luigi in a Half-Life 2 mod?" "Oh, this is cool and weird and lighthearted!" And then they get to this and they're like, "Yeah, I'm just gonna turn this off." "On second thought, let's not go to Vinesauce." "Tis a silly place." The hell is this? This is new Um Things are- a little different here So, um "Now Andy Dufresne crawled two miles, through human shit." "Two full miles." "This is madness. Madness!" "May the rats eat your eyes!!" Are these... corpses? Yeah Yes they are Does- does this ever end? D-does this horror show of emotion ever end? I don't have a flashlight No, no flashlight Yeah, I was expecting dank memes and I got this instead No zoom, no flashlight Nothin' Just, uh Oh Oh my Just deep insight into Luigi's inner psyche It's me It's myself Oh Ahh [singsong] What the fuck is happening? [scoff] It's like the end of f*ckin' "2001: A Space Odyssey" Terminal 7, directed by Stanley Kubrick Is that a dismembered Luigi? You f*ckin' bet it is It's a dismembered Luigi corpse with meat being thrown at him and body- body parts This is like psychological terror [whispered] what the f*ck? Why is Luigi dr-driving a car? What? {I had to leave} {I had to find Peach} [glass breaks] {After what happened, I} {I didn't know what else to do! I didn't know where else to go!} {It's not even f*cking over yet! Jesus Christ, how much more of this is there, L- Mario?} {Oh shit, he's dead. F*ck} {P- Peach} {I'll find you, Peach} {I'll make it right} {I- I'm gonna make everything right} {You watch!} {Oh no!} {Peach, please!} {I thought it was a castle, it's gone!} {Peach} {Where are you, Peach?} {Peach, I got terrible news!} {He's gone!} {He's- he's gone, Peach} {Oh no} {This isn't the castle, what the- what is this?! This isn't the castle!} {Oh f*ck!} Um D-did this game just turn into a f*ckin' point-and-click? H-how is this even possible in this engine? He spent a long f*ckin' time workin' on this, huh? [laughs] Oh god Oh my god Someone in chat just said, "Remember twenty minutes ago when you were trying to feed an explosive eel?" Or explosions, explosives to an eel? Sorry Yeah I remember when I was running from Koopa Troopas thinking this was a shitty stealth game But still kinda enjoying it and now it's this? Someone just wrote in chat, "C-can we go back to Scoot the 'Burbs?" [softly] No No we cannot No we cannot There's no going back from this From this point forward, this is *all* the content you'll see on Vinesauce The end of innocence We can never go back Oh Uh oh, are we in the butt marshes of Turok now? {Princess I got bad news} {Pr- princess is that you in the tub? Oh my god! Who's in the tub?!} {Oh no!} {But princess- but princess!} {You were so beautiful} {You were so beautiful!} {What happened?} {What happened, princess?} {No} {Who did this?} {Did I- did I do this?!} {I don't even know! F*ck!} {I don't even f*cking care anymore!} {Everything I've ever loved!} {It's gone!} {Mario!} {The princess!} {Brooklyn!} {I am my own worst enemy} {Everything's gotta die, you hear me, Mario?!} {This is what you do to me, Mario!} Good choice of music It's Darkest Dungeon {So I got a little Terminal 7} {Alright?} {I'll tell you what, I'm going Terminal 8 now!} {TERMINAL 8!} Jesus Christ I- I feel Luigi's pain right now I've gone on this journey with him I've lived with this for years This Luigi video, these memes, this Terminal 7, all of it It's finally coming to an end After all this time, I can now rest after all of it and finally have a bit of closure This is the last Vinesauce stream Luigi giveth and Luigi taketh {I wanna go home} {I wanna go to the Mushroom Kindgom, Mario I wanna go on another adventure} {Just one more adventure, please} {Please} {Please} {It'll be like old times} {Like old times} {No more electro-therapy, Mario no more Terminal 7!} {No more Toad} {No more Wario!} {No more Waluigi!} {No more Goombas!} {No more Bowser} {No more Daisy} {No more Daisy!} {No more... death} {No more killing} {No more Brooklyn!} {No more Mario!} {Please, not like this, Mario f*cking Christ!} {I just wanna be brothers again} {I can see it} {I'm almost there, I'm almost there!} {Just a little bit more, Mario, I'm comin' I'm comin' home!} What the f*ck? What the f*ck? How are you doing this? In Source? How? How did you do this? Oh <This is all in your head, Luigi> <It's in your imagination> <There's no such thing as the Mushroom Kingdom!> {But Mario, what about Toad?} {What about Toad, Mario?} {What about the princess?} {Ah! Come on, Mario!} {I c- I can't, just let me get over, I can't get over! F*ck!} "I am sorry, Mario! But your brother has brain cancer!" [credits music begins] I guess I can just stop streaming now You know Jus-just stop 'cause what's ever gonna top this? I had no expectations I was just gonna go in and play a silly little Vinesauce fan game Where you're Luigi and you uh, you kill some Koopas with guns, and and stuff And then it got a little weird and then it got a little amazing Someone in chat just said, "Probably the most apt thing. Your fans are f*cked up, Vinny." [laughs] I'd say in the best possible way we certainly are And I'm damn f*ckin' proud to have all of you here watching this nonsense And most of all, thank you, Nooke This is- above and beyond You went above and beyond for a stupid joke [laughs] That I improv-ed one day while playing corruptions How many viewers? We have seven thousand? We have Terminal 7k viewers? We have um, what, 10.6 total? Between YouTube and this? Wow That's crazy, that's a f*ckin' record, I think for a non-charity-stream stream F*ckin' thanks for joining me Uh, thanks Nooke, for making this Sunday stream probably one of the best ever Goodbye And you even threw a plug in there too [credits music ends] What's your website, dude? Plug your shit! You deserve it! Nooke is a legendary figure at this point That's good shit, Nooke I'm gonna be emailing you real soon Uhh F*ckin' hell Well We did it, we beat the final boss of Vinesauce I'll just retire now Terminal 7, the game I guess- (It was all in your head, Luigi!) And if you don't know the reference go to YouTube and type "Vinesauce Mario tells Luigi the truth" And you'll find out exactly what all this nonsense was about Nooke, thank you Chat, thank you I'm not done streaming F*ck, I should've streamed this last, if I knew what this was gonna be, I would have streamed this after the trash games But there's more, I have more stream for you I have, um, I have- trash themed games So, I mean, if you're interested in a little bit more stream Not too much more stream but just a little bit more stream, because I do wanna actually go to bed at a human hour but I didn't expect this to be this long, f*ckin' hell Um, we can do trash games just to ease the pain of whatever the f*ck it is we just witnessed Uh, thanks again! I'll be back in, I guess a few minutes, um, with I don't know, I have to like reconsider a few things in- in my life real quick, um So yeah, I'll- I'll be back J-just a few minutes, okay?
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 657,383
Rating: 4.9617734 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Terminal 7, SourceMod, Brain Cancer, Mario Tells Luigi the Truth, PC, Valve, Nooke, Microsoft Windows
Id: JWfzVN_LHbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 12sec (6012 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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