[Vinesauce] Vinny - Zelda II Randomized: 2019 Run (PART 1)

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[Music] could it really be that time again I think so oh it sure is welcome to Zelda - yet again the yearly Zelda - I am two days early but here's the true story I didn't do it on Thanksgiving last year either it's true I did it way earlier but you know what we're gonna start this today and then we'll do it on Thanksgiving as well maybe some other stuff Thanksgiving but we'll start with this what this is Zelda - it's randomized I have the stupid flashing thing off and I have some other options that I want to tell you about I like to punish my soul once a year at least with Zelda 2 and I always regret it because the random eyes are always [ __ ] destroys me but this year start with candle we've got overworld shuffle again shuffle encounters we got Palace shuffle only 5 needed to complete got a shuffle all experience needed shuffle spell locations all that fun stuff shuffle enemies shuffle Palace enemies all that stuff too and then items are shuffled the drops are shuffled shuffle item drop frequency so yeah this this is gonna be interesting there's gonna be a lot of weird stuff I actually tried to do zelda to redux which fixes a lot of quality of life issues this game has and do a randomizer on that but it didn't work shuffles are shuffled shuffle shuffle shuffle wart has lost its meaning I know I saw you stream that norc's and I was interested in that but it did not work with the randomizer sadly alright everybody it's time to begin it it's time to begin dark blue link l.a and link [Music] okay so I have the beam sprite shuffled and it turned into a goddamn whatever that is okay so so it looks like we got a town that was quick rude oh wow well that's nice there's a town right outside the palace that's good right low low graveyard town I am error that was quick immediate error it's an axe I guess it's an axe kind of looks I always thought it looked like a spoon gorya okay so that the trophy is missing that is the trophy town so I need to bring the trophy there and get the spell [Music] do not go south without a candle I have that Vinny are you gonna stream Super Mario World on Thursday I'm gonna stream some variation of Mario on Thursday as well as more of this whether it be Mario World or a hack or something yes that's my Thanksgiving game along with Zelda 2 on some level and yeah we'll do some why was the Zelda hated so much I probably went into this every other year I played Wow [Music] ok that's it that's an interesting first item [Music] so I believe now I can see invisible enemies it's yeah it's an unforgiving game there's a lot of vague [ __ ] in this game that can be difficult to parse there's some you know it's just some not Zelda like things I think people turn on this game because it's not very much like the other Zelda games at all but I grew up the same way some people grew up with Ocarina of Time this is the one I grew up with along with Zelda one so for me Zelda was just a number of different things but you know the nostalgia is definitely there and I'm gonna say that the nostalgia is one of the main reasons why I still like this game but for some reason the randomizer I just love the randomizer and you know it's like it's punishing it's kind of [ __ ] up at times and it kind of makes me really upset at times but it it kind of makes me love the game all over again but if you want to play Zelda 2 and have it be a little bit more user friendly check out Zelda 2 redux oh and another thing too about this this game had RPG elements that did not gel with a lot of Zelda fans but again this is probably one of my first exposures to like a experience point system in video game history so I was okay with it well I see there are a lot of people unfamiliar with Zelda 2 so I'll explain when you level up your life you just get more armor basically oh what the [ __ ] is this encounter I don't like this encounter bubbles and boomerangs it sounds like a letting Claypool album bubbles and boomerangs when you level up your sword you do more damage when you level up your magic you get more mana but hey you know last year I played this and it was kind of miserable because the world map like kind of [ __ ] me over and over and over again ok so that's an extra life I'm not getting that till the end of the game extra lives are to be saved Vinnie why is the magic bar white well why are clouds white why is this guy blue these are questions I cannot answer for you it's just one of them things called okay okay well the beeping has been turned off at least two palaces right here that's kind of amazing watertown of Saria this okay there's no water anywhere near a cut damn it I need to show this dude a letter to get in that might [ __ ] you I think you got to pay attention to your life I'm a little worried that not having the beeping is going to make me complacent another town three towns within like a minute of each other that's kind of nuts I'm used to previous Elder randomizer runs having mountains and forests and all kinds of craziness so this is a little bit more come to raro this is a little bit more friendly for me and I like that hello young fellow if all else fails use fire that means you'll be running short on towns the farther you get goddamnit oh yeah this is the prequel to parappa the rapper that's right talk with my father before you leave town okay link I am your father no you're not shields 443 ah that sucks [Music] vini what are your thoughts on Papa John eating 40 pizzas in a month I wonder more about him melting than the 40 pizzas him eating 40 pizzas was like all right yeah I can see that let him melting and speaking like a Sith Lord that's very different this dude talking about the day of reckoning what the [ __ ] man go sit stop [Music] please Papa John know what no one needed to hear from you again just go melt in peace now well this is this is fortunate aliens are real oh [ __ ] [Music] Dave reckoning will rise 7th cavalry routed girls stay tuned [Music] even though he does not have that accent I went I like how Papa John went from like sody pop men to melting and it only took a couple years and that's what Papa John's Pizza will do to you everybody so remember that just be careful all right there's another town over here I'll take that magic will go up yeah yeah we'll take that that might make the shield spell a little bit more doable Vinnie are you gonna do Oracle of agents ages soon Oracle of agents God yeah next year lost my mirror okay I know how to do this one when's the breath of the wild restream Oh that'll be breath of the wild too then what do you think about the cyber truck it's it's kind of cool [Music] Fairey is 80 are you kidding me with these amounts when I say it's kind of cool I just like that it's it's so weird and different but I don't think I would ever drive around in something like that it's so terrible I like it did you see the leak of Gordon Freeman and smash I don't know what to think about that but I would be very happy with that [Music] proven fake let's find it's you know that's fine but it's kind of like ina wouldn't mind it I would prefer doom guy I think but Gordon Freeman if if say let's just say okay this isn't how smash DLC works and I think some people think it is but let's say I had to choose between doom guy and Gordon Freeman i would get doom guy because his weapons are more over-the-top he's a better representative of the first-person shooter genre I think but if they said Gordon was in I'd be like yeah that's that's cool be alright at that the resident evil spirits are coming to smash that apparently Dee confirmed them as actual playable characters but I didn't expect any of that to happen I'm just happy that any Resident Evil representation is in smash but I wouldn't oh my god oh the final palace is right here okay well that's good to know [Music] dmc3 came to switch that's right oh god [ __ ] its deaf Melton everybody this is real early for Death Mountain this is like dangerously early I don't have a single soared upward now I have a single sword upgrade oh those are magic I'm not getting them because I have full magic the red one is full magic and a little more and the blue one is just a small magic upgrade oh there's there's the rock Dwayne himself the Johnson [Music] almost dead this place is very frightening right now hold cool why they Hall laddie yeah that lag is from all those rocks being thrown at me I don't have the life spell usually you want to do this mountain with the life spell which I obviously don't have we're leaving I'm not gonna fight this nope nope nope nope I'm gonna look through Death Mountain if I could get an early easy death mountain that would be pretty they'll be pretty great this is the worst [ __ ] encounter ever again thank God the flashing lights are gone well there you go sometimes places can have little invisible spots so I was just check-in this encounter is not good right outside Hyrule Palace or temple or whatever that that's kind of that's kind of [ __ ] [Music] then a YouTube is getting rid of D monetization you can't just say that and not explain I saw you posted several times what does that mean I have my ear pretty low to the ground with YouTube and I don't know what that means this is an interesting nothing that means they have edgy advertisers now oh okay well they're not getting rid of D monetization meaning if you still play copyrighted music or something you can easily get to monetize but if you talk about like dildos you can advertise fleshlight on your channel I guess if they so choose to do things like that you know it fleshlight views your channel and they're like you know what we like this content and yeah Coppa everybody is sending me emails while many people are sending me emails about Coppa and I talked about a little bit it's a lot to research it's a lot to talk about but I'm gonna just play it by ear one day at a time with that [ __ ] because it's still so vague but the FTC is already taking some steps to just say that animation just because it's bright colorful and animated doesn't mean it's directed at kids so that's helpful I will see like I said I mean you know there's not really a whole lot I can do I can only hope for the best right against YouTube I have zero power so I just have to hope for the best and and pray to who do I pray to I'll go into one of those telephone booths and I'll call make a call what who's who do I call everybody Ghostbuster Gus Bastia [ __ ] god this isn't a forest [Music] it's at least an easy encounter but so many things are worth very little this is King's tomb that means so very little - she tells you it's King's tomb but it means nothing then he one of my favorite YouTube channels getting shut down because of the animation [ __ ] I'm really sorry to hear that I really hope that doesn't happen I hope there's a way something can happen that they stop [ __ ] like that but again I wish I had any idea what I was talking about I think the the problem with this whole thing is I've heard so many different takes and a lot of it is very reactionary and emotionally charged and I still don't fully understand what's happening and I think most of the people that have posted about it also didn't really fully go into it so there's a lot of people freaking out and losing their [ __ ] and there's a lot of genuine worry but it's hard to tell the difference I can't go up that way you jump blame youtube for breaking the law and then pushing it on content creators Vinny just having bright colors will get you marked down okay but weren't you the person that said that the monetary due monetization no longer exists that's the kind of stuff that seriously no that's the kind of stuff that's not helpful and I don't believe that for a second I mean again I know you don't mean anything bad by it that's just what you heard or I listened bright colors there's bright colors on the screen right now if I stream Super Mario Galaxy gems as bright colors I mean really YouTube they're gonna really [Music] [Music] that's a little overkill I think it's just time yet time to stop streaming a rated games it's time finally play soup oddly not at the game it's only shoot [Music] [Music] randomize enemies kind of sucks I'm hesitant to jump into a harbor town of my toe I'm really hesitant to jump into a palace or a temple or whatever they're called palaces in this game but I have I'm worried I want to get as much stuff as I can before I start doing the palaces I definitely need the jump spell to get up there I believe they need the small child in this house right my daughter is sick help rush there's medicine required here so this town has two upgrades I can't believe this random scrub encounter has that whatever-that-is Moblin again I've always said it looks like a dog it's ad IRA ax dog Dai Dai it's a diarrhea how long is this game on average it depends the randomizer can take a couple hours or it can take like six hours but at the actual game maybe like six to eight [Music] then I get the thing oh here it is yeah yep okay now I can warp across the map which I'm going to do can this softlock and others Prevention's against softlocks Finny will you stream the death stranding Awards yes I will everybody it's me Jeff Keely and I'm hanging out with Hideo Kojima and I got to tell you this this these awards are just so cool I get to hang out with really cool people me and had a oh we did finger painting earlier and now we're gonna present some awards best multiplayer game death stranding [Music] again this encounter is is like a full can of beans [Music] [Music] there we go oh that's perfect I needed to level that up that's a good level up right there can take more damage now I [Music] [Music] [Music] want to do this dump them a base nice bridge you got over there learning the layout of the map is also going to be very important that's half of the reason my previous oh [ __ ] okay we were up here um that's half of the reason why my previous Zelda 2 streams ended up taking forever Vinnie what made you decide to do another Zelda 2 run it's just another year it's tradition it's a game I enjoy yeah that's a good upgrade hell yeah needed that yep Vinnie did you hear that Castlevania season 3 drops December 1st I did hear that that's very exciting it's very exciting I can't wait to see what happens with Donkey Kong oh wait that's Captain n-nevermind whoa we have to defeat Donkey Kong says captain n or says Simon Belmont in the captain and television show and Donkey Kong is basically King Kong's eyes because they the creators of the cartoon literally did not know who Donkey Kong was and they just assumed he was massive you know why at that time in the late 80s it's a fair assumption [Music] why was Simon just some dude and Captain and I'm confused on that I don't know [Music] I mean you could just say ATS you could just say they didn't do their research there's probably a lot of different reasons oh my god did I just get the [ __ ] key that is awesome okay for those that don't know that key opens up every locked door in the game I no longer have to get keys in palaces which is good because the keys are kind of a pain in the ass to get and randomized anyway so that is a very spicy upgrade very very spicy indeed oh [ __ ] speaking of spicy I don't like this the shield makes link pink I'm hoping I can get one more upgrade before I perish I will almost certainly perish so little experience needed just a little more it's a little more everybody Oh God not this one upgrade okay okay shield is going way down ferry is remaining 80 come on do it kill me now okay good I got my upgrade that's all that matters that's [ __ ] that cave is [ __ ] I'm not gonna do a palace just yet even though I'm very happy that I got the upgrade the key upgrade that's really big that's like very unexpected to get that early I think I got that in a previous run and it didn't help because I still was missing like a raft forever but in this case I'm pretty happy about this they said today that the Castlevania tweet was an error oh well I guess we'll have to just see what happens huh [Music] Vinny are you gonna watch the Irishman not right away big P right there that's the big P I'm still watching man in the high castle season four I'm trying to latch on to something I actually finished episode three and I enjoyed that one a little bit better it's a couple good plot lines even though again everything's all confused and all over the place and I'm very implausible well then again it never mind it's it's about an alternate history so of course it's implausible it's just getting a little it's getting a little wacky for my tastes here and there but regardless it's it still got some good characters and I want to see what happens so after that I'll probably watch the Irishman I want to see how weird De Niro's head looks with an D aging and I want to see what a smooth Al Pacino looks like when he's doing a dunkaccino advert [Music] [Music] can I go this way and I couldn't go this way vini have you seen the awful official Mandalorian merchandise that Disney has put out no wait I mean awful what's awful about it are they putting out a sweaty Papa John doll [Music] they should um tommy was ocean direct Papa John in a movie about melting about human beings that melt tommy can star in and of course as he would most likely wish to do anyway it's a baby yoda concept art on a t-shirt it isn't even masked or anything it's just the concept art unaltered on a t-shirt what why does disney it white is disney there's the gift that they were moving there's that which I someone said was an error but you think they could just spend like ten more minutes on this shirt just ten more minutes maybe like color corrected cut out the background like they did for the one shirt like they had all this time the mandalorian was in the bag was in the can rather it was filmed it was done it was edited apparently for months you would think someone at Disney would have started the process early Hey consider it this way chat if that becomes a meme shirt and you own it dude that's gonna be part of meme history though I have a very strong feeling that will not become a meme shirt so don't buy it Disney has plenty of money everybody they're doing ok it's not like they can't afford to feed their baby Otis they can they can do that you know if it's good merch then you get good merch but if it's [ __ ] merch then don't don't buy it I guess what that's my I guess that makes sense right that's an easy piece of advice someone out there's like thank you Vinny for telling me how to live remember to breathe in and breathe out so you don't die [Music] vini can you decide my career for me sure proctologist there's no shame no shame in proctology the world needs good proctologists I'm just saying don't look down upon ye all ye faithful [Music] proctologists make Bank dude exactly exactly I've went into this cave already ha minute and [Music] sorry money out the ass if someone said just like a proctologist I see what you did there that's pretty good it's funny you could be a streamer I'll decide your career for you streamer is in your future all right I really need to start making some progress I wouldn't mind going back to death Mountain but I forgot where it was so that's pretty awesome I don't think this is going to be a good palace for me to go to right now because I don't have block break but [ __ ] it we're here now [Music] I'll at least use it to get some could you imagine if I didn't have the key I'll at least use it to get some levels and maybe if I'm lucky an item may be an early item oh my god yeah please stay up there blue guy [Music] magic will go up don't even bring up the San Diego lyrics to the song I don't want to hear it I want to know about it now get stuck in my head the entire playthrough and too late thanks for reminding me chat it's not South Detroit it's not something it is it's [ __ ] I forgot the lyrics at San Diego that's what happens when you lose your [ __ ] mind while playing Zelda 2 you start singing a song it's not Tennessee I don't know cool a empty room that has nothing in it [Music] [Music] [Music] relative didn't irritated oh great nice ceiling skeletons Oh [Music] well well there you go someone's had been you out while you know use ferry I don't think I can or I don't think I could I didn't have the magical requirements have I been in here several thousand times I believe I have let's see oh this is where I need to be good alright alright Death Mountain let's do this now there's several upgrades [Music] go this way is the San Diego song just random lyrics or did you actually have a song written um it wasn't written if you watch last year's Zelda 2 stream you will hear more of the song it's just about like it's not South Detroit it's not Michigan it is da da da da does San Diego that's it that's it and I think as I was losing my mind I kind of said more words to it and it's very easy to lose your mind while you're playing Zelda 2 [Music] yeah I made up the words everybody well you do do ocarina of time randomizer as well no very likely not [Music] again there's a lot of stuff I would like to stream and so very very little time like I still have been toying around with the idea of a Majora's Mask randomizer but I've been frightened away from it a little bit and winwaker so remember for every request i get for one randomizer i get a request for like several other games so i just tend to do this one because I like this game and I feel like it's also a short enough game like it's not gonna take 12 hours it's gonna take between like 4 and 6 which is much more doable so yeah I like it I like doing these have you done the IRL Bank randomizer what's that set a joke do you come into my channel you make jokes [Music] [Music] [Music] well we didn't get lucky with death mountain that's for goddamn short death Mountain is turning into the maze that it should be so what can you do oh maybe this is it right here maybe this is it no yeah I can use ferry now but I couldn't before I don't want to die or rather I just mount a fly baby you know in an alternate reality that is the meme and not the Smash Mouth song [Music] god damn it Oh No Oh No [Music] god that mountains really really [ __ ] annoying this time isn't it I don't know chat I don't know at least in the original Death Mountain you could memorize it this time this time it's way worse triple and failed by link by blue Lincoln [Music] Oh God check I need to get back to that cave to take me to the other side of the world [Music] which does anyone was at this cave was it that one or was it the one down there which which of the caves you weren't paying attention how dare you you entered from left to right this could be the one I'm gonna try to make note if this is the one I have to like memorize this now I can't afford to not pay attention this is the one [Music] right okay this is the bridge area I'm thinking about doing Death Mountain again I'm also thinking about looking for more stuff around here the patch in the marsh that was I think I might have gotten that already I think I got most of the obvious patches that's incorrect yeah I mean the problem with randomizer is resulted to in particular there's really no rhyme or reason anything can be anywhere except Ganon Ganon well yeah Ganon could be everywhere too Dannan apparently has eyes everywhere Dark Link could be in the swamp alright that's all so James oh yeah for anyone who is wondering there's still a randomized race between me and hoody that's gonna be happening for a Link to the Past so I still have a couple charity incentives I have that and I have a gmod multiplayer stream which both will happen which is so tempting to stream alone so easy you don't have to do any prefer preparation-h you just stream that's really nice [Music] the worst you get bubbles rocks moblins bobland there's freaks there's geeks they're sheiks I guess we're back here again huh it was right here it was right it was directly left that said this could be anything it might not be the hammer the hammer is the upgrade that you get normally but this could be a [ __ ] heart or it could be magic the only reason I would need to go deep into Death Mountain at this point is the one upgrade where if I get the hammer I can then go deeper into the mountain [Music] one rupee isn't it weird there's no rupees in this game there's zero currency it's one of those things I've never really thought about as a kid you just walk into some lady's house and they heal you and it is oh this is alright that's that's good that's a progression item I will take it you know when John Cleese says she demands wouldn't you the delivery of which I did no justice but he's clearly not a newt I love that I really like that just wanted to let you know check no Newt November oh cool he got unmuted no no no no no no no listen listen he only thought he was at new um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what what if he was in Newt and then yeah wait wait a minute I never even considered that I never considered that he was telling the truth he got turned into a newt and then someone unmuted him did you listen to Conan's Eric Idle episode I did that's always uh I mean honestly almost every guest he's had this season has been very good but Eric Idle is kind of one of my idols too easy to say that it's true I mean just because his name sounds a certain way doesn't make the sentence any less true it's really kind of beans that those things are worth three check you see how there is a town down there that I couldn't get to right you know what's gonna happen I'm gonna have to find the exact right cave that could take me to that town and it's gonna be really annoying this has been Vinny's predictions however I think I'm ready for a dungeon or two now [Music] oh just one a quick level up I'm a sick [ __ ] who wants a quick level up life is always good considering I don't have the heal spell alright there are three palaces right next to all this stuff so I'm just going to take the death I think all right no need to take the death note I think about it let's try this one [Music] [ __ ] we did this one alright I don't wanna do that one nevermind I want to do the other one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. Palace down here I was like positive there was a palace over here hang on a minute that is the starting palace also this encounter rate in this game has always been a nightmare but it's especially apparent right now and I'm I'm gonna need it to stop real quick Thanks if you just like to stop thanks that would be great thank you you just stop [Music] different palace i think these are some of the later ones and we're doing them fairly early [Music] Oh God I don't have the spell needed to defeat the boss here however that could still mean I could get the item at least [Music] ha ha sankrant and oh that actually is a lot better Santa crane and Oh fits a lot better [Music] Dave Kaif is writing finalized lyrics okay okay okay all right just leave it at San Diego then I guess at this point that's part of the lore things are extra difficult huh yeah it's fun I can't even get past the first [ __ ] room in this dungeon what is going on [Music] oh oh okay I see oh okay dungeon enemies have been powered up times 10 are you kidding me [Music] was the HP randomized yes luckily I only have to defeat five bosses like five palaces this is a little early for this dungeon this is a little early oh my god please I can't believe this I have to go to a different palace this is ridiculous okay so there's three over on this continent it's this one it's the one that's slightly less difficult and it's the final palace and then the other three will be where wherever the raft leads me so I can't get there and do what's gonna end up happening is I'm gonna have to go into one of these things it's gonna be super easy actually no that's for oh my god you can't even really sneak by these enemies they still get you oh my god oh my god okay I don't have downward thrust I don't have down thrust [Music] Harold that's him I've given up what's Harold's wife wife's name Bert rude it's Mario is related to them on tab bar food I got I have to leave this dungeon [Music] [Music] well um I don't have to worry about keys anymore at least okay so did all this already I'm just gonna go back to the left and go to the other palace son is it that one it's this one this one's at least more doable still pretty [ __ ] ridiculous that there's no like easier palace one two or three I think this might be three [Music] this is five-o right right okay then there are three palaces on this continent yeah there's two regular ones and then there's the final one this time we're gonna go all the way to the right and yes Chet these are randomized to the Palace interiors are also randomized [Music] remember last year when those things shat out enemies that dropped a fuckload of experience [Music] that was like the one saving grace of last year's this time I got an early key [Music] [Music] don't need to get that oh you do not [ __ ] do do not almost killed by Boar's Head [Music] Keith British it EP bag really really [Music] that most certainly should have been a good item [Music] [Music] it would suck if six has the raft the raft could also be in a cave somewhere I [Music] mean there's really no telling where most of the [ __ ] is Vinny I don't know if you're the guy to talk to about this but my vine app doesn't seem to be working dr. vine you wanted to reach out to dr. vine not vine sauce [Music] [Music] [Music] four five six seven eight nine nine hits at my current level of power to take down one of those blue lads make that less hits now this is actually part of the game you have to go through a wall that's real like you have to figure that out it's in the original version [Music] like I said cryptic [ __ ] [Music] can't even really use that the other thing too like there's no healing if you don't have the heal spell you just don't heal you can't just accidentally like grab a heart or anything like that [Music] [Music] one two three three four four four six [Music] six a lot a lot easier that time but still annoying because I got backed into a weird corner five six so from nine down to six that's pretty good yet those dudes still take three hits this randomizer is [ __ ] weird [Music] it would be very advantageous to not die [Music] Vinny would you recommend this game for uncooled gulia grades oh yeah of course um ghoulia grades of course yes [Music] they'd love it two hits for those now [Music] take that pee drop boy it would really suck to die now because I'm very close to an upgraded or let a level up as has been determined I know there was like a pee bag in one of these areas here can't get in there don't have down thrust [ __ ] [Music] shouldn't be going left I most certainly should not be going left Oh God oh [ __ ] [Music] I don't need this I don't need this what where'd you come from what does it different room both of those enemies were not in that room previously what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] we need we need to figure out a game plan here chat you and I together I don't know where we got to go but we got to go someplace other than here [Music] three laughs that's pretty good three hits those blue that blue blue dudes not blue dad's butt blue dudes if I'm lucky we'll die in a couple hits soon did I ever go left here [Music] [Music] so much the Wizards are worth his robes [Music] [Music] they don't I do this [Music] [Music] [Music] I hate them I hate them so much [Music] yeah that many more hits god damn it these [ __ ] dink things don't die 150 not even worth the effort I had to find out for myself though that's a dead end I remember that now [Music] [Music] kind of close to another upgrade or level up yep the sword goes through sorry I'm beginning to lose my mind again that didn't take very long now did it me starting to lose my mind [Music] okay so this this is so far definitely the way to go [Music] good yes very good needed that do I go right or do I go pop I think we're gonna go up I go up last time and then I had to go down and left and why upgrade magic when you have no spells because eventually well fairies cheap now and eventually I'm gonna need it from when the heal upgrade comes along [Music] but you know good point this is the one area that we didn't go last time [Music] I'm gonna get to the boss and have to fight the boss with one health I know it nope this is another dead end these are these rooms or dead ends where did not I go [Music] [Music] check map oh that's funny that you would say that I should check the map in a game that desperately needs a map but does not have one [Music] then aru Yoda or March or mi depowered Arnold you have to guess it could be anything you want it to be Chad I went this way right this is where this is the way that I went to get to the other area No oh but this is a dead end - is it [Music] quite a dead end it's like one of these and then we go left that was the dead end no this is where the boys heads were and then and if I go right it's where the key oh [ __ ] the torture has begun saw stop [Music] we just nothing that way there's nothing to the left either I don't think so then I'm [ __ ] lost completely lost alright so up here is total dead end chat thinks you need down thrust wait can I go left from those areas or aren't those little areas dead ends to get P I already went through the wall that's done pretty short down thrust is optional area and key if that's the case then I need down thrusts because I can't I cannot progress [Music] [Music] so then there's this and then there's this dude oh [ __ ] there are no glove block and p5 new seat no no no no no we don't give up on the seed I had a weird dream I was in a haunted house that had 12 songs in it each room was set up like a new song from an album and the haunted house like planted itself right outside my house it's weird anyway okay [Music] now chat I definitely went this way right or does that not resonate with joy this is where the item was down into the left here [Music] Jesus I will make direct note of everything that's happening right now and I will make sure that I don't repeat any rooms okay all right so what left that's a dead end we go up we go this way here's the first skeleton room where the skeletons cannot attack ceiling skeletons [Music] any news on another light final reprint I would imagine after real line comes out we'll probably do another pressing of another light but I don't know I don't really do any of that business sometimes well just a little bit though I don't like to you know I'm not in the warehouse let's just put it that way so for a while I didn't even know they were sold out here's an interesting room I haven't been to [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] this room oh man that sucked have to fight the boss [Music] dude it's hard hard hard are you oh this is a bad randomizer run this is not good this is not good [Music] about that new seed no nanananana nanana nanana nanana [Music] what about savestates no we can't do safe states either they're forbidden by the High Council however now that I know where the boss is at least I can get there quickly but yeah that is a lot of health on that [ __ ] boss and I don't like that boss at all what a man randomizer runs huh what are you gonna do my thumb hurts from holding right for so damn long [Music] now grind for attack upgrade that's one possibility that is one possibility to be boring oh man if I have to do it I will do it but which tup there bad room bad dungeon bad room [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] the PAR didn't even move it didn't even move [Music] you god you [ __ ] [Music] Oh even at full sword that's still gonna be a problem takes you around 10 hits per bar no no no no no no that's not true that's not true it takes 10 hits to get the first bar removed and then it takes like three or four hits per after that it's definitely not 80 hits to kill the boss it's probably closer to like 30 which is still ridiculous [Music] I just can't believe this I can't believe that everything looked like it was going so great the initial seed once again fooled me it was good seed [Music] I mean yeah I could it could definitely grind [Music] it's not gonna be fun but it wouldn't help that much I could do it [Music] maybe I'll just kill a couple enemies up here and then I really wish those those little machines these things here did the 200 XP orange Knights that I could kill in one hit again that was amazing [Music] [Music] alright well I mean that's not too bad one more enemy that's all I need really well one more major enemy [Music] people in chat are asking why'd links sort his flesh-colored and I want you to know I get that question every year and I still don't have an appropriate answer [Music] [Music] life will go up that's probably a better option than attack considering the amount of attacks is going to still be astronomically absurd [Music] swoll boy yeah that's right [Music] jumping is not helping I mean it's getting me out of the way a little bit faster maybe but it's [Music] but to close 14 hits per bar not per bar for 14 hits to get to the first bar [Music] hey the skin [Music] you how many hits this guy take normally like eight [Music] now no more grinding this time just success I definitely I got this [Music] this is it I have to finish this before the next game can be streamed otherwise I will not be able to stream the next game so we're in this together for the long haul everybody sorry just have to kill this one boss [Music] I could have randomized the amount of pee that they drop that was something that I believed I had control over but I didn't check it I didn't check that option like so they could drop a pee bag that would be like 500 instead of just 200 someone said Vinny I want to watch something else then click on the X and go to another place that's not how this works you don't change the channel by pestering the streamer could you imagine if you're watching TV and you could like reach into David Letterman and be like hey dude now you got it we don't need this anymore can you switch to Jay Leno [Music] well actually you can do that but the thing is the show still happens for the people that want to watch it also these are now very dated references Jay Leno and Letterman are no longer on the air well they kind of are in different ways but not the way they used to be Vinnie you're doing this for our entertainment it's your job to do what we think is entertaining well oh my oh my spicy that's actually really not how this works I mean you could still watch if you want but no I mean I love listen and this is gonna sound extra spicy and some of you aren't gonna like this but that was bait [Music] here we go [Music] also you'd have to reach a consensus among 6000 people of what's entertaining bait or no bait you guys can do that the check can't even agree on how to count to ten [Music] [Music] all right this is the one hyper focus [Music] that's not fair where did your your ball your ball go [Music] as nice as this cheese appears on the outset it's not it's it's a little unpredictable alright [Music] do I wish to do the grind yeah maybe I do maybe just one more level [Music] [Music] vini are you being masochistic on purpose because I enjoy seeing you suffer as much as the next guy but don't you think you're being going a little overboard here's the thing the randomizer went overboard I'm just trying to beat it [Music] it's okay that's okay we'll get that attack level up it's not gonna make that much of a difference but it'll help and then I will hyper focus my way into victory what I could do is make a safe State after I that's what I will do I will make a safe State so that I don't have to go through all this [ __ ] that's the one thing I will do to speed this along so we can get outer worlds I'll make a safe state right at the boss as if I had extra lives just this one time maybe maybe just this one time how the High Council can arrest me for all I care it's fine [Music] good show mr. cook tracks good show six I wish I had a full life gone the experience is gone now boy I really chose a shitty game to fall in love with huh [Music] but that's live yeah no it's the randomizer I mean this is this is all the randomizer if I were to do just a regular old Zelda to run I would certainly be dying but not quite as much it's just the shitty part is that when enemies go off-screen they just never come back I mean I may as well just like perish now I don't have I wasted two lives all right here it is everybody I got the the sword level up it's gonna be much better I got this there's six thousand twenty four people here right now which blows my mind that's a lot of [ __ ] people that is a lot of people I'm not gonna let you people down you know that I may not even need to use a safe state because I am so [ __ ] sure that I'm going to kill this [ __ ] boss in the stomach just kill this dude first okay [Music] David calf did you write the lyrics to this song yet those die in four hits now [Music] I'm halfway done and it's driving me insane okay good [Music] it's not creme brulee [Music] so now we're now we're mixing food with San Diego oh man I am so [ __ ] ready to kill this boss it's gonna happen and then I still need to find the raft to get to continent 200 god I just remembered there's a lot more left of this and an even more difficult dungeon awaits [Music] no no I don't I won't even need the safe state right now watch I got this [Music] can I just say how [ __ ] stunned I am that the sword upgrade helped as much as it did [Music] amazing dungeon alright god I mean next time I play this we still have to find the raft go to another palace and a lot more so geez Thursday alright and lyrics to good good alright everybody well thank you for watching Zelda to randomize 2019 it's it's gonna be a fun one dear God you make sure everything here is saved gonna even make it another one real quick just in case everything's all good all right now we can do outer world one world one outer world again not sure I'm gonna end up streaming this whole game but let's see maybe I'll get back into it today maybe I'll enjoy it that was two hours almost on the dot so stick around and I will be right back with more feet yo games I'm gonna play a song in honor of the song that I just of the the Battle of the battle I've definitely played this on stream but it doesn't matter enjoy it
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 84,022
Rating: 4.9301424 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, Lets Play, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Randomized, Games Randomized, The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo R&D4, NES, Action role-playing, Single-player, Zelda 2, Run 2, Zelda II, 2019
Id: CSEMyl11GMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 51sec (7371 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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