[Vinesauce] Vinny - Mega Man X2 + Art!

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whatever so there you go it's not an easy game the Sigma stages are going to be tough I just beat Castlevania three so I'm hoping maybe I can you know be good at this I don't know I won't be but man am I going to try so you can see here they're making giant mouse monsters how the competition I'm sorry I got my days mixed up I got everything all screwed up the charity art contest is open until Wednesday it's open through Wednesday so sorry for the misinformation so this game has some rudimentary 3d which made it very difficult for me to play and I had some help on how to actually make this work you need like a CX chip or some [ __ ] and well I'll tell you about it so I have the Mega Man X collection on the Gamecube I don't remember buying the megaman x2 collection on the gamecube like there was a vague memory in my mind like i might own this game in the form of the Mega Man X collection and then I [ __ ] do so I have it right I go I put it on my wii because i don't have a game queue looked up [Music] all right so I put in my way I'm starting to you know get it going I have a signal and then when I load Mega Man x2 the signal the resolution is [ __ ] up and it says out of range and there was I tried everything couldn't couldn't fix it so after trying like four different things like Higgin bizhawk b SNES i decided to ask the chat i got some help which is great and I just needed to download this this thing this DX chip for the some of the the wacky stuff that's happening in the game like the 3d helmet but yeah finally we're good to go and I will continue to forget that I ever owned the Mega Man X collection so I there's a speedrun of this game that was done in like 32 minutes that's [ __ ] crazy [Music] but hey you know we'll do that times about six that's my prediction [Music] all right so here's your first here's your first boss everyone maybe um Mega Man maker inspired me to play this I'm not sure [Music] [Music] there we go if someone in charge of said the stream is going to make me angry as [ __ ] yes it will which is why I would recommend if it's going to make you angry save your life span you don't need to watch it save yourself remember I'm very unpracticed I haven't played this game in years and it's probably going to suck a lot for me but I'm going to try my best this is a full playthrough like the X playthrough yeah and I might end up doing megaman x3 eventually i would like to do the full x series one two and three though I'm sorry there's more after that this is their leader his name is Megaman X surges violent those anticipated not nothing but soar we won't make the same mistakes just powerful which is blogged what is happening around our Mavericks we'll keep him busy until we are ready yes how is the plan proceeding collection is proceeding as scheduled however we are having problems with the control ship ah we're a little town we must finish construction of studs your home of home [Music] all right so this game mixed things up a little bit it's got your standard Megaman Megaman X format but the thing that's different is there's some we start with Gator there's some those dudes talking or real [ __ ] and they'll actually start attacking you they become like mini bosses mid stage but yeah this is a really solid game maybe not as good as Megaman X 1 in my recollection but still really really good great great music cool levels cool power-ups everything about it is just like a very natural extension of the first game so Vinnie what did you think of the disaster artists trailer wasn't much of a trailer was it I mean it was kind of more one thing ok that's happening anytime soon right so what is what's up there I'm going to find out what's up there I probably have to come back to the stage disaster artist trailer I thought Franco's impression was a little little weak to be honest and then you have Seth Rogen playing the director but there were like a couple of different people involved so I mean Seth Rogen might not be there the entire time [Music] that's the buster upgrade so then I have to I have to come back to this level like as soon as I get the means to get up there I think it's again it's not a movie it's not a remake of the room it's a movie about the making of the room so they can you know take liberties is Tommy impression doesn't have to be perfect it just needs to be serviceable and reminiscent of Tommy and I think I think at least Franco got that the trailer itself was kind of kind of funny [Music] right where am I even going [Music] Oh God Oh what the mess again the disaster artists I've told you about God knows if you watch my mario sunshine streams you know I was obsessed with the audiobook I can't get that now all right there's no way I'm getting that that's their spikes over this it's law so yeah we're not we're not starting with upgrades uh so yeah I don't know I mean I'm kind of ambivalent still I think maybe it could be good it seems like they love the room as much as most of us do so not worried about their love and interest in the movie and I'm not like that much of a Seth Rogen hater that I think that his his presence is a death knell like some people have said I think he's fine and he'll do fine and if it sticks close to the source material it should be great it's about a pirate named Tommy Weis Oh a melted pirate [Music] a splatoon anime was announced what are your thoughts ambivalent I think it's going to be fine sign-ups if it's as good as the Castlevania show then I'm on board I was getting a little bit hyped for splatoon too though I'm not going to lie because some of the reviews I you know people were talking about how good salmon run is and that is my most anticipated feature of the game I wish I could say that word without feeling dirty pipe skills weird also I think I passed one of those mini boss rooms that right there yeah that's one of the mini boss rooms I've got a couple other things I want to talk about so yeah room disaster artist thing I've been interested it didn't blow me away it didn't make me hate it you know I'm waiting patiently I also want to discuss the new Blade Runner trailer without giving away any spoilers so after this fight also I love this level it's a [ __ ] alligator tank rampaging through a city now this is likely not blood to keep that in mind okay this is probably like brown sewage [Music] okay unless it is the blood of his victims I'll be so awesome oh wow [Music] I just don't see Capcom putting blood in a Super Nintendo game like this [Music] for up [Music] whoa where'd you get that attack of me [ __ ] home I just want to know I want to know who taught him that how did you learn that in like the span of three minutes not even three minutes like a minute how long I've been fighting Scott like a minute and a half Oh croc [Music] Oh God ah it sounds like I'm having a heart attack or the opposite of a heart attack an allegation alligator allagadda not good I tried I swear I'm not I'm good I'm good so I didn't realize that the wall after he does his drilled OA tack I didn't realize that the wall was verboten [Music] at what point does here avert to I'm going to eat Mega Man's power pellets mode watch out don't let it bite you there it is - there it is it goes to bite you don't let him bite you [Music] so as cool of a basta as as this one is it's usually a good start I feel like the patterns are pretty slow and manageable I just again I didn't realize that the the walls turn into hurt just like my feelings after I was rejected by the Gator careful but then walls got another one nope [Music] a little bit left come on friend all right how is that Coney Island I haven't been to Coney Island this year but I'd like to I'll let you know when I go if I step on a condom I'll report back I don't hate Coney Island I just hate the night I was there on 4th of July that was a bad night I do like Coney Island I swear I do I just I just don't like my club staring at me while I piss which didn't happen [Music] I can go a little out of order go to the ostrich I think because I need I really really need an upgrade you need to spin yes so we're going to go to the ostrich so we're just going to go slightly out of order this is a level I have the most nostalgia for because this is again this was a rental I didn't own Megaman X or two or three but I rented the [ __ ] out of them and I just remember this dude running around like a mad [ __ ] in the background [Music] all right so there we go that's why you need the Gator wheel [Music] all right and then we might play away what's this Oh [Music] that means mini-boss is not active there's a lot of stuff to get in this game compared compared to Mega Man X 1 well not a lot but definitely way more oh this is a new feature aw why'd you do that why do you break Europe your motorcycle please oh [ __ ] [Music] I broke shoot bike that's okay [Music] okay it's gonna be alright there should be another chute bike for me yeah respawn [Music] extra life I kind of really want that extra life now I just need to ride the shoot bike well I love the shoot bikes that just [ __ ] murder themselves into a wall this is why you need a dash cam in the Mega Man World wasn't worth it [Music] try to do this right without getting another shoot bye [ __ ] to get up that hill with the bike press - and nothing else that's a good strategy thank you you [Music] [Music] good strategy mate now that was completely my own fault let's talk about ed Sheeran and his cameo and Game of Thrones in the cameo that rocked the world now let's not talk about that someone asked if I've been still watching preacher season 2 as it airs and the answer is I kind of forgot that it was it was on TV again [ __ ] home so no I haven't but I will I will thank you for reminding me ed Sheeran deleted his Twitter because people were being [ __ ] about his cameo like really really really nasty to him apparently which sucks I mean you know no one needs that students like a fan of the show you know what I mean and they were like hey you want to do a cameo and he was like boy howdy would I like to do a cameo and then it turns out that was not a good idea speaking over not a good idea that is the heart of the level [Music] apparently said he was going to delete it weeks ago I hope he finds peace in his post social media world I understand it if I don't reply to your tweets it's because I've I've made a conscious effort to avoid looking at too many I check out plenty I check out more than more than a lifetime's worth but I can't even imagine like when you have thirteen million followers like what what does that look like [Music] I could attempt to get now we're just going to come back to the level as simple as that so now I have err - the first upgrade [Music] I love this as a kid it was so over-the-top I accidentally ditched the bike the person who said I ditched the bike for the one up that was totally an accident I know what to do now to get the heart at least anyway it's scoot [Music] yeah this is going to be kind of a tough fight to begin with because I don't have the thing that this ostrich is weak against those legs that's Trump [Music] not so strong [Music] trying to think of like a good way to make this not painful I think I have to go under the ostrich over is over is fine too if you can find like a a good spot to do that so nice new attack yeah all right [Music] we'll come back to that level I got the upgrade that I needed but yeah still a little lame a little lame I'll come back to it bubble crab is next so what other thing that I want to talk about red letter media is han solo movie I watched that while I was cooking earlier and they were predicting the script of the Han Solo movie and they were it rich in mic it was so dumb that I couldn't help but agree with everything they said [Music] so I highly recommend that to get a couple minutes in your busy life baby Luke Skywalker is going to show up baby Luke Skywalker is going to show up and the most isolated Cena I can't wait it's an inevitability baby Boba Fett now this time Boba Fett is going to be a teenager and he's going to be like really you know he's going to like just just start out he's just the beginning of Boba Fett I still can't believe this movie is being made what's this why is nothing here I just went through the wall for no reason [Music] really like this music too it's a place where you can use a charged weapon to get resources okay well I'm [ __ ] a folk dot you [ __ ] your soft side mayweather you [ __ ] you can't even afford the suit you're in a [ __ ] tracksuit me what else oh the Blade Runner the new Blade Runner trailer it's very spoilery so I would not recommend I would not recommend going down that road if you don't want to have the movie completely [ __ ] possibly I mean I have a feeling they're throwing like a couple of red herrings but if you want the movie ruined at least to some extent then yeah watch the new Blade Runner trailer don't really care for the trailer it didn't do anything it just kind of made it look like a generic thriller action sci-fi movie which the original is anything but [Music] [ __ ] you fish so I mean it has me a little worried but again two minutes of a trailer doesn't dictate the entirety of a movie they probably chose the scenes that were the most action-packed to sell the [ __ ] movie because the original Blade Runner did not do very well in the theater it only became a cult classic years later so I mean maybe they're just doing what they can to make sure the movie is worth the money they spent on it which I'm fine with so and it does look really good I mean there's there's still some amazing amazing visuals and I think even if it is just sloppy generic action sci-fi stuff which it won't be because Danny really knew is amazing then it should still it'll still be he'll still be nice to look at thoughts on jellyfish do we need them hang on a second I talked about disaster artists earlier we just make sure I didn't miss anything in this stage what's over here yeah I don't think I'm sure I do have a chart like a couple couple of handy things just to make sure I don't miss anything while I'm going through the levels which I'm probably going to miss stuff anyway even with a little list of things probably mr. Hart [Music] [ __ ] is the heart on this level it's some bubble crab open sea bubble splash or climb right wall and yeah do it jump and dash at the same time okay so I missed it [Music] let that uh about that terrible stream I did the other night [Music] wacky fun stairs everybody wacky fun stand 300 trash arcade games so you can only fire one of these at a time [Music] Chaz McNew got here we go [Music] just have to shoot and dodge goddamnit it's not much dodging I'm doing there huh I have to be a cheesy easy cheese McNew got here if I am to be successful in this fight oh my god this really is how I have to do this fight oh and I still almost died praise be [Music] speaking of praise be I have another movie I've seen recently that somehow I missed years ago a couple years ago and that is the life of Pi I couldn't tell you why I wanted to watch it but I did and I enjoyed watching it it's a visually it's already visually dated by the way the tiger looks so [ __ ] fake but it's okay because the story is interesting and and it's well acted and it's it's a lot of fun and made me think man so yeah I was I was alright it made up for whatever Planet of the Apes wore for the Planet of the Apes did to my skull which is to say it totally discombobulated my skull I see now my Sigma fell at the hands of Mega Man X quite formidable I'm not sure our metrics get a little hit long enough we may have to be here okay now they're going to be scumbags who you dr. Caine okay dr. Caine is able a group of Mavericks calling themselves the X Hunter's have just contacted us three games we have all of zero spot there can be yours or you can defeat will clue little meeting legs they have a different voice every single time the X Z Rose control chip is still stored here I doubt it as possible to resurrect him without it dr. Kane I've got to get zeros parts back any cost I'd imagine Megaman X sounds something like that every time this just give me a different voice that's how bad my memories gotten its just now so short-term that yeah see I don't even know what I was saying just then [Music] [Music] so zeroes in in parts I'm going to put like zeroes legs where the arm should be as a good friend would [Music] okay life up there cheesy McNew got [Music] hey uh [ __ ] going up there [Music] you need the bug bot the thing that you talked about the thing I just killed or the thing that just killed itself Oh box [ __ ] lame I can't even jump off the level and end myself to get this stuff up there flame Staggs item there should be a respawn but it's not responding so that's okay don't worry about it it's fine if it's anything I know how to do well in video games is this [Music] all right we go up beetle go up yeah beetle good [ __ ] that's what I'm talking about that's exactly what I'm talking about finally I get something let's go back up no I want I've done yet beetle thank you take a little more effort to get up that one [Music] yeah cheesy on my peeny I don't think I'm getting up there oh come on no I psyched that one up looked so good I wanted it [Music] and that's exactly why I shouldn't say cheesy on my peeny because what I do the video game kills me [Music] you can air - upward but no you can't does in that megaman x3 [Music] yeah that's x3 Oh me [Music] oh you got to go real high for that one [Music] damnit I didn't get it [ __ ] [Music] yeah yes so the difficulty compared to x1 in this game is a little bit it's noticeable the difficulty spike especially for some of the hidden stuff [Music] I'm sure one more time I'm going to go all the way up with the beetle [Music] yeah it's worth it it's worth it for the extra life [Music] [Music] go [ __ ] finally something all right so this level is now done I don't need to go item hunting for the rest of it beetle where'd you go [Music] do you think Mega Man drinks the warmth in the tequila [Music] [Music] all right there's now ouu yep yep there's an enemy that makes that happen in your opinion which megaman has the best soundtrack I'm partial to Mega Man X 1 but I think the best soundtrack is probably for me it's got to be I think for most people it's got to be Mega Man 2 it has the most memorable songs it has the songs that most video game cover bands cover you know that's the same it's the same band with like 30,000 different names the mega pixels all right maybe not that the Blue Bombers the mega men and it's just like metal renditions of the Mega Man 2 songs every time a Zito not that I'm opposed to that but I can tell you this at conventions I've been to I've seen many many bands to set Megaman 2 covers while that was unlocked do you like 3d megaman games not really No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I've never played an AVR Megaman RPGs so [Music] there's too many games in this series seriously I wasn't able to keep up [Music] alright next is morph moth because a fire destroys mods mods mods mods locked [Music] anyway there I think there's an upgrade on the stage it's the armor [Music] why're sponge do you mean wire sponge [Music] meet oh it's meat that's the plural of moss it's it's me [Music] okay now I have vivid memories of this level too for some reason it's weird I don't remember some of this game but then there's levels like this and it's like oh [ __ ] I remember all of this the dudes hanging this dude who's a dude from Megaman X 1 but now in pieces [Music] so I want to make sure I don't miss any items obviously [Music] and I already missed [Music] I think I already missed an item [Music] where do I use it or wait now that's later on that you get to use this right or is that is that now so I'm going to chat that it's now use it there okay [Music] towards the corner seems jape like how are this many people [Music] go back a bit [Music] the corner back to the left well I'm about to die so I should probably pay attention it's not a jape there is legit something here okay [Music] did I go too far back [Music] after outside before shaft [Music] Oh [Music] after the second foreground pillar use the wheel to the right okay that's more descriptive I mean it looked like I use the wheel almost everywhere so that's the first foreground this is the second one ah but not he oh [ __ ] yeah that's really fake there is no indication that the wheel would work there but there it is this enhancement will modify your body armor with it you can absorb damage and transfer it into explosive weapon energy that's right I can make myself explode all right welcome to real fake floors are we applause so fake that they look really real so from what I understand that's actually a way you can get the dragon punch using that because you gain a couple of pixels height from that one [Music] anyway thanks for the help chat I'm sorry I thought it was JP but you can understand why I thought it was Jayden it's a piss stain under dr. lights crib oh I see [Music] it's like that movie a Liam [Music] Oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he goes and gets another one [Music] [Music] Oh welcome back you'll notice I have a new overlay for the stream it wasn't rubberized and kill by the way that was actually a restream kill yeah just when you thought we could you know we had a an easy target not this time anyway let's continue sorry about the delay there sometimes restream kills [Music] it's okay because the last thing I said was probably the stupidest thing I've ever said on stream and I've said some [ __ ] shite on the stream I was talking about this bug and how it can become a different thing and I was like I want to be a bug and be different thing and that was it I was just musing on what it would be like to be like Kafka's metamorphosis you know and like just metamorphosize and turn into a foot something like that would be great so a good thing you missed that really really stupid [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just want to use stock madam offices and welcome back to the stream anyone who has been tabbed out and good morning to anyone who I've woken up doing a lot of classics lately you notice that between Castlevania 3 this what else did I do that's it that's about it [Music] I did zero mission quacky funsters that's a classic of game [Music] I've had the itch to do Link's Awakening but platoon 2 is coming out real soon so I'm going to probably not do anything I'm not going to start any any new like full playthroughs until splatoon 2 is complete also I think I missed the heart on this level I know I did actually says here at the beginning your helmet targets a wall robot on the left with Krystal Hunter okay I can't get it so no worries place them ffunny of the night oh I have already that's on my full stream channel so I got a full playthrough of that up and available [Music] these bugs remind me so much of alien facehuggers they're bastards [Music] I need to farm them for help I think I've lost more health than I've gained [Music] instantly respawning enemies will do that to you [Music] me topia well it's coming out soon me Toby is splatoon to those will keep me busy for a while [Music] so sticking with the moss motif you know there is a metamorphosis that happens and it's not a dark one [Music] Oh I'll drop that magic dust on me to get the [ __ ] show wife all right they need to you have a switch I do have a switch I plan on streaming splatoon too with that dead cells will happen this week yes aria of sorrow can happen I know like there's a lot of stuff I want to do there there are dozens of games that I would love to stream I just have to kind of plan it out mentally you know who asked you that I don't know someone who doesn't watch the stream too often maybe I stream a lot of switch games [Music] all right next is centipede all this is going to be cathartic mario odyssey this week 24 minute stream mario odyssey doesn't come out for like another four months [Music] goddamn this music [Music] bimmy Optus here here to stream games with good music you know I should do a little research so I got to get a heart passage in the ceiling don't set off any alarms to reach it okay good to know and then there's also a sub tank on this level - the passage in the ceiling have fun getting up there try using air - coupled with powered up speed burner I don't have powered up speed burner so forget the sub tank [Music] I've done well [Music] anyway this is where the heart is right up there home is where the heart is what's your streaming schedule I don't actually have one I tend to stream around this time every night so almost every night but sometimes I stream earlier no written schedule if I had a written schedule I would probably not enjoy this as much so I just stream whenever I can will you see dunkirk I would love to see Dunkirk but this week is going to be really busy for me with the charity stream or rather this weekend so if I get a chance to see Dunkirk it'll be like next week [ __ ] this pump huh well [Music] Wow [Music] is this a one pixel [ __ ] latch on to [Music] how the hell must do this yes actually really so this is just one pixel [Music] you got to use burner off the other blocks I don't have the charge for this [Music] - from the ledge I'm not going to get enough speed for that grab the ceiling in the air - that makes sense [Music] there we go yeah that's a [ __ ] of a hard-to-get [Music] I could have used the explosion to get me a couple pixels of height if I really really needed to look I think jump could not do the jump I enough let's look at the heart hey Horry [Music] just in time to watch the Mega Man X speedrun so this is how you avoid getting caught you get caught [Music] what you don't realize is that was a damage boost boost booth it was a damage booth you go into the blue it's like a kissing booth but instead you just take damage primarily emotional damage [Music] okay so know if that has to be a thing there's definitely something up there but guess who's not getting up there without the flame burner so here's that 3d effect I was telling you about earlier that's used definitely not a gimmick or anything like that [Music] reminds me of those swords from castlevania symphony of the night and from Rondo of blood I could just imagine the commercial for this game so much graphics your body will a [ __ ] will explode I was going to say [ __ ] but then I realized it's a kids game on the Super Nintendo there's no way they said [ __ ] in the advertisements that's just wishful thinking on my part [Music] [Applause] Oh get me in there put me in coach I'm ready [Music] another mini-boss this level is not [ __ ] around here's where we just trade hit [Music] [Music] this wheel is a good ability I like this wheel it does lots of damage for a very low cost [Music] think I have to go fast okay I used a lot of ammo for this so I have to be extremely extremely precise the bane of my existence centipede [Music] damnit stop that [Music] stop that [Music] the frames get all [ __ ] when he teleports [Music] come on couple more hits one more [Music] not an overly challenging boss as long as you get two hits in maybe there was more I don't know maybe the boss like had a secret moves the Santosh didn't that didn't show up trick of the light [Music] vini imagine if teleport up if centipedes could teleport in real-life please dear God do not say things like that [Music] never say that [Music] okay so I'm going to need the x-buster [Music] upgrade I would like that let's go back to queal gator [Music] I don't know if I'm actually ready to do this stage yet if the upgrade I want I mean maybe I think so right yeah simple as that it's too late for zero zero isn't gone now you're just going to fight them okay so you have to do the zero parts before you before you complete all the bosses right so what happens if you get zero [Music] yeah they're going to resurrect zero going to suck for me if you get them you don't have to fight them you just skip a boss fight okay also give me one second enjoy the music I'll be right back I need to for some reason my controller is gross right now maybe because palms are sweaty I don't know spagett II be right back [Music] [Music] okay good good we're back also I want to recommend pronouncing spaghetti as spaghetti while you're at your local restaurant that serves that menu item so just just say that to the waiter and and see what how they react who amongst you is brave enough to test a waiters patients you know spaghetti let me get some spaghetti I'm sorry but we don't know buddy um can you just point to the item on the menu that you that you're requesting because I'm not sure we have that sir you know the red tomato sauce spaghetti Oh spaghetti yes bagga-t top 10 funniest pranked and restaurant snub of loan is vine sauce the same as Vsauce on YouTube how much of the earth can you see but really what are frogs well I'm here to tell you Vsauce [Music] so you'll notice that the x-buster now functions a little bit differently than it did in Megaman X 1 you get two shots one of which is a reserved shot so it's pretty cool [Music] all right so I'm not sure what the [ __ ] I have to do here but I'm going to assume it involves alright so the flame shot there when you charge it you get like an air - like thing so you can combine that with air - all that was was nice of the game to put me here [Music] I'm really [Music] I had it too I had like a half a second window to keep jumping [Music] see how quickly I can actually make it through the stage [Music] so a lot of people have been getting their hoodie and tweeting me about it feel free I'm really happy that the hoodies finally got shipped out I want you to know I love my hoodie I actually got a chance to wear it in the cold weather I think you're going to find it's very warm very durable very stylish everyone's going to be like wow who's who is that which designer made that hoodie and you'll be like you know vine sauce and then they immediately disowned you as a friend [Music] [Music] vini do you still make music type Redbox in youtube and you'll see all the new stuff that we got out we got a new album coming out in a couple months I keep saying a couple months but we're not rushing it but now the hoodie is really really great and you know I'm glad that people have been getting it and they're enjoying it if you have any problems just contact ownage o WN aj and they will help you alright so what should we do next should we do next crystal snail there will be new shirts for the charity stream yeah Vinny is Redbox a colossal shitposts or is it a real thing I thought it was a Jaipur inside joke are you telling me you make real music for humans I've played it a little bit of it on streem it's real it's a real band blood bagel is a [ __ ] post but so he can we have real songs I think meant for human music [Music] Oh what the [ __ ] is over that way but now really if you want to know what it is and you want to listen and make the determination for yourself whether or not you like it and you think it's real music for real people then you want to go to Spotify or YouTube and just type red box and you'll you'll find what you need [Music] I like that people thought it was a ship host that's good it can be if you want it to be use your imagination are you an angel [Music] how many burritos do you think you could eat who do you what the hell man hoody I've known you for six years five or six years now and that's the least expected chat contribution I've seen yet [Music] probably just once probably just one you're not like challenging me right that's not a challenge it's a real question you have to answer it if it's listen I see what you're trying to do you're trying to you're trying to do a stretch goal the goal is to stretch my [ __ ] probably just one [Music] and then I look in chat and someone's talking about laser loads how does this happen I'm sorry who D just asked a nice innocent question capping the jet a little this is an unbelievable this is an unbelievable jump oh it's terrible if TV Tropes doesn't have burrito fact up by midnight I'll be pretty disappointed okay how about you who do you have any believer eat can you eat I tried air dashing it wouldn't let me I don't think you can air - after you jump off of that [Music] it depends because every place has a different size buried you know you can't like you can't just say beruete as a generic like kind of a term of measurement finally because some places make smallbury you know Taco Bell makes a very good Taco Bell as if it's an establishment a fine mexican establishment maybe two if they're if they're not if I'm really hungry and they're not massive [Music] [Music] there's this one place that I've been to that has like fist sized furry and the question is how many fist size burritos can you fit in your mouth at the same time this is an important question not you who to just anyone [Music] it's funny though because my friend my friend Kevin the one I went to Six Flags with we were talking about how we met our mutual friend Tyler and we discovered I discovered I didn't know this that he met him the night he ate a burrito with no hands only his mouth what he did was and I have a video of this somewhere on my channel he put the marito you know on the on the plate so it was sticking up like a tower like a skyscraper and he put his hands behind his back and he just leaned in and his entire mouth went around the brief and he just he ate the whole thing like that and that was the night that Kevin met him I had known him for a little while before that but I'm like holy [ __ ] that night that was your first impression of him I am sir gist and I cannot allow you to stop the unification it's for the good of all whatever [Music] good good attack does much many damages [Music] trying to find if surges this week to anything this week to a little the old in-out in-out [Music] let's really do a whole lot of damage I took a lot of [ __ ] damage no problem or a lot of hits government delay the inevitable we will meet again you got zero part number one that's too late zero part number three will never happen so it's already too late for me full restore at least health is fully restored so there's an enhancement on this stage the helmet the helmet is somewhere on the stage oh wow well I'm still over at the very beginning I don't even hit the level checkpoint I wonder if the boss fight counted [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you get tired streaming till 3:00 a.m. um yeah I do I don't really stream so throughout I lately I've been trying to stream to like 2:30 and then I do the art around then yeah I get tired I used to go in till like 4:30 and that wasn't even a problem for a little while but it just it's a matter of my sleep hours being like kind of inverted like an inverted comma or inverted tiful something like that I did get the zero part again there's no point to it now but I'm in Eastern Time I'm New York New York resident [Music] but yeah I tend to get up around 12 12 noon or 11:30 11 11:30 a.m. lately and as a result I mean I don't really need to you know get up for anything earlier than that and if I do then I just spend some time trying to readjust I woke up like I don't know eight or nine a.m. pretty much my whole life but as a night owl that never really quite worked out for me like it was you know that's like counter my nature so as soon as I got the ability to stay up late I stayed up way too late and then I realized that going to bed at 6:00 a.m. was just terrible absolutely not worth it and it had a lot to do with like I'd start going to bed later and later all just one more episode just one more episode I remember one time I was watching [ __ ] Battlestar Galactica and I just wanted to do one more episode one more episode because I was so [ __ ] engrossed in the show that my sleep schedule switched it got really bad and one night I went to bed around 7:30 a.m. and I just felt disgusting [Music] I felt absolutely disgusted with myself but I am [Music] and that's years ago it lets years ago I think that would happen with some other shows but I was never quite like that grips where I'd stay up until 7:00 a.m. I just would watch like I would stop streaming I would browse the internet for like 20 minutes maybe a little less and then I would watch an episode or two of something and then I found that because I was paying attention to the episode or two and really paying attention to it [Music] that I wouldn't go to bed until like six and that's how my sleep schedule got that bad [Music] but now I tend to get the bed a lot earlier usually as soon as I'm done streaming maybe I'll watch something really small like really really short rather nothing heavy nothing substantial nothing that's going to like [ __ ] up my night or make me need to watch another episode maybe a YouTube video maybe like a 22 minute episode of something and then I just forced myself to go to bed because here's the problem I was falling asleep on my couch I kind of take it that I was falling asleep on my couch because then I would just wake up and go straight to my bed but I discovered for me for me the easy thing to do or the thing that worked for me was to go to bed in my [ __ ] bed and not on the couch and it helped tremendously like turn off the phone no distractions you don't need something to fall asleep to just go to sleep [Music] oh my god so that's a black hole I can't do anything until the black hole is done [Music] ever like the the gdq stuff I don't watch all the stuff and I've said this before I support the charity I support the runners because they do a good job but with gdq I try not to watch too much of it live and then I just pick what I want to watch from the YouTube channel and that's really mindless [ __ ] for me like it's enjoyable to watch but it's also I can I can turn my brain off and not have to pay too much attention and that was that was a good thing watch a little bit of like a particular speedrun for a little bit you can move the magnets up or down okay [Music] [Applause] would you consider yourself an adult now what an interesting question if you've no and yes compared to some people I know know compared to some people I know yes I definitely take care of myself I have my [ __ ] together I go on I do a lot of stuff alone I take care of my bills I'm on time you know I do dishes laundry all that fun stuff but then if you make a dick joke I will laugh at it [Music] like if it's a particularly spicy dick joke that's like the Italian fingers I also yeah there's also a lot of things I dread doing there's a lot of things so as much as I have my [ __ ] together there's plenty of stuff I need to sort out I am far far from where I want to be but that's okay I mean I know what I need to work on I think that's that's if anything has been giving me some comfort it's that I know what I need to work on so but there's yeah there's there's things that I do well and a lot of things like just you know continually [ __ ] up I don't think there's necessarily I don't think there's necessarily an adult handbook you know everyone is raised different everyone has different methods everyone's these different people do things differently so I there's there's really no there's no rulebook [Music] [Music] so what do I do here adults are just tall children yes [Music] gosh charge silk shot okay oh wow [Music] instacharge [Music] when I first saw the name vine sauce I thought you were one of those 20 minute vine compilations we have the dubious honor of having started before vine was a thing and then outliving vine oh I don't know what that counts for but it's something yeah I get confused for a vine Channel I get confused for Michael from Vsauce I get confused for Joel I get confused for jonathan brandis of ladybugs and Seaquest fame [Music] it's a good thing I have such a strong sense of identity because then I'd just be off all of those things I mean well I just want to be a bug so I can be different things okay what am I missing here bubble crab it's above the water use bubble splash to get up there [Music] jump on water way up to open sea bubble splash to jump on it [Music] how the [ __ ] do you jump on bubble splash bleb crab yeah this is the tip bleb crab [Applause] [Music] how do i strong sense of identity that's a really good question I don't I don't know be are you stubborn just be stubborn you know how like you change your personality a little bit for every person you meet like you know you kind of learn about someone and then you kind of just like sometimes without even noticing you alter maybe speech patterns your interest your attitude towards things and you just kind of become a little bit more like you meet somewhere in the middle you know when you when you meet a new person you kind of negotiate a middle ground do that less not too much less just be more you and less of the other person wow I missed everything [Music] but also it's good to acknowledge the good things that you get from someone and to learn from them and what can you learn but you can learn like oh this is a cool person I want to be like this person or I want to take this positive attribute this person is not a lazy [ __ ] like me and I'm speaking personally so let me do more because this person inspired me to do more or you can say wow this person kind of sucks I don't want to do that and I think you just start to you know get older it's an age thing too it's just having lived on the earth a little a little bit anyway how'd this become serious chat geez Rick hang on you want to hear a funny voice that's what you're here for bubble crab items I need to find these [ __ ] items in bubble crab because they are they're hidden someplace bubble crab near the start of the wet level wait for the large fish to open the floor and continue on jump onto the large wall where the door was once at the top [Music] hmm it's in the center of the stage you need to ride one of the rockets okay where's the subtank then it's very least I can farm a couple of lives [Music] so we going to say something funny scrunchy Lumpkins Benny have you thought about how many how you've made many thousands of people more like you I mean when I watch red letter media I sometimes start saying stuff like them and thinking like them I think it's just natural if you spend any amount of time absorbing someone's personality through their content or through their videos or whatever I'm a little weird I don't like to think about it too much because if I think about it my life starts to hurt [Music] but I mean more power to you if it's a good thing if it's been a positive change just I just tend to get on about my day and not think about things like that because that's a little too much for me charge bubbles so that does make you jump higher okay no wonder there is some discussion about charging the blebs [Music] I think that the blebs are charging a little too much though figure it away there it is cool [Music] do you think that you made more people [ __ ] because of you that's a that's a really good burn that's actually a really like well disguised sick burn I'd like to hope not it is in my my um my deepest darkest fantasies that I hope no one has turned into a [ __ ] as a result of my country but if so I mean you know such as life whatever it's small little pocket I've carved out of the internet tiny little tiny little section microcosm of life it's um you know I just I hope I hope it led to good things more so than bad things but you know what they say there's no cure for being a [ __ ] oh nice I don't even know you could do that great all right there you go so cute for being a cool [Music] about myself yelling yeah out loud when something stupid happens thanks for that Vinny you're thanking me for that [Music] [Music] I don't know when that started I don't know how that started for me I don't know why I Sonic when I get angry but it's now part of my being my very my very makeup [Music] we're going for another boss Malcolm X for destruction is it hard [ __ ] lightsaber come on be more original Sigma's got a lifesaver there we go I found the real beans also yeah these mines to attach these bosses are not difficult [Music] because they don't do it [ __ ] loaded dammit I mean you got to get him early if you want to get all the zero parts but he's a robot that looks like he's wearing a suit I may have failed but you will never live just his job and yeah once once I hit Sigma 2 this game is going to ramp up in difficulty substantially I mean it's been difficult I've dyed my fair share of times but it hasn't been like torturous it hasn't been Castlevania three levels of I want to [ __ ] stop playing video games now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] have to get the proper momentum which Megaman would you choose if you couldn't choose X 1 what is a favorite I like 4 because it's the only one I owned but I know 4 is not the best in the series it's just I have the nostalgia for it [Music] a jump to make your all right so you know what I already [ __ ] up there [Music] [Music] four is really good though four is probably not the best in the series but still really solid it's got memorable bosses it's got great music it's the first game in the series to have the charge shot which I really like and it's got some other weird power-ups that you don't see any other the other Mega Man [Music] good enough alright now I have to try to actually beat the [ __ ] stage [Music] [Music] not really a long stage is it have I ever played any of the other the later Megaman X Games I have I never really enjoyed them or got very far in them so I'd be willing to give them another shot so I think that maybe there is some good stuff in there I don't know I played a 3d one with a dude named axel I guess named after axel rose [Music] that was x7 okay yeah I played that one that was interesting and I have the Mega Man X collection but I never played very much of it and I can't stream it apparently I talked about that earlier during this stream because the resolution gets weird and my capture card is unable to capture it [Applause] x4 x4 I would love to check out I heard that one was alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] you need an upscaler to run it through that's insane considering every other GameCube game and we game I can capture but when I try to do the Mega Man X collection it doesn't capture the games [Music] sponges last do you think a wire sponge is sad that I chose him last x4 is really funny anime cutscenes you should have Joel play it easy it's hard to get [Music] where is dr. wily dr wahwee is advisors in Megaman you should have you should make him do this alright sorry it was just funny wording to me uh I have a sub tank to get in this level [Music] you can imagine me like Vince McMahon you are fired super Castlevania 4 man [ __ ] giving me good suggestions too many goddamn suggestions I'm getting now [Music] I wanted to do a castlevania for stream like a full playthrough of that for a while now so yeah I could that could certainly like it certainly happened yeah oh [ __ ] I had it too [Music] I knew that was going to happen why not jump to the left I don't know why didn't I jump to the left [Music] [Music] oh I think I tried jumping to the left oh it's not easy that works yeah I don't know what happened there that whizzed the weight hit the orbs with abilities they change the weather oh I never knew about that I was literally just testing the waters to see if there's anything there so if I hit this orb with fire that gets rid of the rain oh nice that's cool yeah that's that's something I never do this many years later and I'm still learning new [ __ ] about this game and there's the there's the tank all collectibles on this level completed done however what's going on down here secret collectables just the midboss and then keep in mind I still have to get the the Dragon Punch that's going to be fun to get actually that's going to be a [ __ ] nightmare to get but I have a cheese I have a potential cheese I don't know if it's going to work [Music] you need all three zero parts for that [ __ ] really we double-check your right [Music] doesn't actually say over here you don't need all three for the uppercut okay we have a little bit more collection stuff to do and then the real nightmare begins the Sigma stages you need all the sub tanks all hearts all sub tanks that I can make happen so we need things I can cut the things place reminds me of something can someone tell me what this reminds me of please read my mind [Music] [Music] Felix maybe a little bit of Hilux from arms yeah Wendy Koopa yes Wendy Koopa Wendy Koopa plus AK some Ranger Plus helix equals wire sponge being a wire sponge [ __ ] sucks [Music] oh I'm so sorry X of the X Hunter's attacked the base and took all those zeros parts away going to rebuild zero at their base track location zero zero the North Pole I can't let them tamper with him dr. Caine I've gotta save him [Music] we're sorry that's terrible voice I need to still get a couple things so magna centipede if anyone's been keeping track what stage do I have to go to for four hearts I know I need to go here for the container but for heart [Music] from [Music] just a mall centipede and that's it [Music] moth [Music] I already did bubble crab I got everything on bubble crab you [Music] as a stupid death considering I've done the stage innumerable amounts of time man do you remember I haven't such nostalgia for this stage you remember what I was talking about how many burritos I could eat with hoody when I played this stage last those are the good old days I long for them it's not the same anymore fine sauce has changed in the past hour actually I lied I wasn't doing this stage when we were talking about buried [Music] first try and that is a miserable one to get so I did get the hard on this level right [Music] you it's just more [Music] you [Music] freeze the shield throwing enemy jump on it get on the roof got it oh you a wire sponge as a wire sponges weapon equally as pointless as wire sponge so yeah in this game you can use those dudes or you can use this ability to jump on dudes so that's it that's that's that's everything except dragon punch [Music] just gonna quick save just in case [Music] welcome to hell alright it says here that the slimming dragon punch is an agile stage in the fortress so I don't know where that is at some point I'm going to have to have someone in chat go mental and try to get my attention music is badass [ __ ] this game [ __ ] this game for having good music [Music] Sigma three so two levels from now [Music] okay I have a cheese I've got some good gorgonzola for that [Music] back [Music] do you ever have any video games that like have a weird significance to the things around you like you remember where you were and what happened when you were playing a specific video game like I remember Majora's Mask specifically and the hag's hot early on in the game you like the forest that's good I remember like when I was playing it what was happening at at the house at the time chinese-food was involved for some reason but I'm getting like a weird kind of semi memory like here's the thing I remember the stage and I remember it having some significance like there was I was playing this when some [ __ ] was going down in my life at the you know age of nine but I don't remember what specifically so it's like I don't know it's eliciting some kind of emotion but I'm just not sure what I don't know if anyone can relate to that specific weirdness but yeah [Music] okay prepare this time [Music] [Music] 20 integration this arm really wants to get rid of me stop [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] what are you it's [ __ ] King Koopa wrong ability but what is your weakness what's your limit King Koopas voice actor did pass away yeah so now most of the principal cast of the Mario Brothers Super Show is no longer with us it's true Danny wells Lou albano and King Koopa I'm sorry I wish I knew the actor's name [Music] King Koopa voice actor I got to look this up he deserves for he deserves the respect no not Dennis Hopper it came up as Dennis Hopper Harvey Atkin yeah Harvey Atkin passed away he did the voice of Bowser on the Super Show and and also the other Mario Brothers cartoons he was in meatballs with Bill Murray he was in a couple things he's a heavy metal [Music] bubbles why do poo place hurt this massive muscle small robot [Music] at this point I'm just damage boosting just want this fight to be over with [Music] watch how could you've overloaded my circuits or reg just said the voice actor for toad and the Super Show is still alive so at least we don't have that what is toad I need to find out does the voice of toad John stocker John stalker was in The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin The Adventures of Tintin Babar mayro forget about it sure whatever that is he's still working - he's he's got roles as recent as 2015 totally spies rotten Ralph which is the Ralph pluton movie Donkey Kong Country TV series as Cutlass get that yeah toad toad is still keep them busy x-men cartoon Graydon Creed [Music] [Music] this Walker boon still alive that's the that's the duty did Mario in Mario 3 in Super Mario World show [Music] [Music] No Jesus so many Mario's are dead [Music] I hate to get more bit about this but it sure Tony Rosato who played with Luigi Danny Wells captain Lou Walker Boone [Music] moment of silence for all the amazing voice talent of the Mario Brothers universe and I'm you know the reason I'm thinking about this is because I owed you guys a video since last year and let's just say that that's happening currently so I've been maybe watching some of this stuff I don't know oh boy this looks like a fun section [Music] [Music] Walker boon is still alive okay Walker boon is still around okay so I could get some missed information there [Music] [Music] Tweel really goes through that oh boy oh boy what's this going to be oh boy [Music] sure what to use [Music] oh this just sucks [Music] [Music] it is a wheel thing no I don't want to use crush because there's a cheese involving crush on the next level so I was saving it for that [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on but one problem with the wheel if you miss with it look at that look at that the wait time is astronomical it's garbage it's not it's not wheel I'm going to lose on this [ __ ] burn maybe dads burn and now war of attrition I can't even hit him oh he's a real [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] is impossible the prophecy must miss a rowboat prophecy use the cross I think you could double cross if I'm going to get in Sonic's life there was the weakness of [ __ ] so hang on a second someone said go to bubble crab to recharge your tanks can I go to bubble crab and then still go back to whatever Sigma level I was at [Music] cool let's do it [Music] probably a good method for farming lives - if you really needed it [Music] I did do a save state yeah just in case at this point the only purpose of my save days save states are J prevention it's the J prevention unit [Music] good way to do that oh they just keep coming and they don't stop coming holy [ __ ] Wow this is cheesy this is good cheese this is a McNew got hopefully [ __ ] beautiful so I believe this is the stage that has Dragon Punch and the video I saw of how to get it all it's a [ __ ] the legit way I should say is a [ __ ] the cheese way is a little bit less shitty [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't understand [Music] [Music] you were doing it right it just sucks to get that life yeah I can tell [Music] that's a jape life I'm not even gonna bother with it [Music] okay this is a stolen idea from Mario Brothers 3 come on Capcom make up your own ideas of stealing them from Nintendo [Music] then Tandy speaking of Nintendo apparently some people have found splatoon too early [Music] unfortunately that was not me I was not one of those people [Music] [Music] [Music] come the [ __ ] on mate make please [Music] here it is so let me show you what it takes to get Dragon Punch [Music] it's not hard I look hard to me I mean there's a life up there so you can keep trying but again the cheese makes it seem pissy easy [Music] you have to go down and around to properly choose this but we'll just try I'm gonna try it legit a couple times [Music] use the flame - for the spike fit the way I saw it done was more like I was just doing it [Music] [Music] use the claw to pull you to the walls that's another method [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] okay now the true true the true test [Music] yeah so there that requires a double told you it was a little shitty little shitty doable bit shitty [Music] just to the damage there that will help oh it's not too bad as long as you don't do any stupid extraneous movement like I was doing before and there it is Dragon Punch wait a minute where is it what am I missing something you need full HP what oh no no no no [Music] [Music] because we're doing the cheese after all [Music] god bless cheese [Music] oh wait no off [ __ ] I needed to use this I needed to free this then do the thing [Music] how come the damages and collecting alright whatever that's fine I just kind of wanted to show you the cheese at least I mean you can see what it was in principle it was basically you do the jump are you [ __ ] [Music] so I'm gonna have to kill this dude until I get full health now [Music] stumped [Music] soap scum [Music] so we're them health drop sets [Music] let's use a sub tank [Music] just use a whole sub tank for that no problem [Music] best message in the game wow you are so cool I'm not worthy I'm not worthy step inside for a special surprise anyway here it is this actually does come in really handy again against certain bosses this is good in speedrun so it's um forward down forward be [Music] while you do these ridiculous thing [Music] oh you need full help for it [Music] [Music] [ __ ] off it's another quick kill shoot quickly you will kill merit all this cannot be nicer avenge me seems don't be smart if Sigma has hit those damage for every frame it hits the boss doesn't won't hit kill there is however a really good Sigma to fight that you can do with that from what I understand [Music] boy alright listen to all the bosses again the tedious part of Megaman [Music] so what's up what's up guys how you doing [Music] all right forgot to do the shore you can [Applause] [Music] so much for that oh they don't give you H P [Music] HP is up top okay I want to try a shuriken on one of these bosses tells me I'm going to take damage before I get close to them oh I have a question two questions actually one for people with Wacom tablets because you just tweet me the name of a good free program for for art using the tablet just like a good decent you know starting program so that's one two so do we have any doctors sigh si I I know about [ __ ] I didn't realize [ __ ] was good for a Wacom tablet but passed that information along okay second thing are there any doctors so for anyone with any experience about something very specific I'll tell you what it is in a second okay there goes that [Music] all right so if I walk for a while the back of my kneecap starts to hurt like behind the kneecap and I'm talking like I have to walk for a couple of hours or like an hour and a half [Music] it's what super cancer oh [ __ ] well that's helpful thanks Chet I'm already dead acute knee itis [Music] that's a shame because I really like walking but when I was at Six Flags last it was like torturous and I did stretching too I did a lot of stretching recently and then it happened again so [Music] but only on my right knee just behind my right knee [Music] no it's like I don't want to go to a doctor right now so I figured the best way to do this would be to ask a bunch of chat members you know obviously you guys know what's up bone-itis damn okay so I should just I should put my just put her down just put them down [Music] wrong move [Music] sounds like runner's knee now I don't mean like by I mean the very back of the you know the spot I'm not talking about like the kneecap at all I'm talking about like just whatever ligaments are in the back there it starts to get really really really sore [Music] stressed your ACL I mean this could be going on for years now actually just to a lesser degree now that I'm getting a little older it's kind of happening more but I'm also walking a lot more and it is just one deep just my right knee I shouldn't even say me I should just say leg pinched nerve yeah I read about the pinched nerve thing also someone online I googled it and I found that it could be some sort of cyst which is like oh come on don't tell me that [Music] yeah at some point I'm going to get a checked out like definitely because I like walking too much and if it impedes me being a little walk like thirty six blocks in Manhattan or like three or four miles and I'm going to be pissed [Applause] damaged ligament or you're overextending your knee I'm seeing a lot of potential solutions this is good at least you're giving me some idea of what it could be that's that's probably more important than me not knowing at all or I could just go to a [ __ ] doctor which I will eventually [Music] warm-up next time I go for a long walk I'm going to do that I'm going to try warming up like a lot a lot lot not a lot lot but you know like a decent amount of stretching well thank you for the potential solutions thank you for the analysis and for the suggestion that it may be super cancer have you ever fallen on your near taking a bad fall I know even if I did fall on my knee that's the front of it I'm talking about the very very opposite end of it and if I did it was probably when I used to ride my bike in skateboard a little bit when I was like [ __ ] 10 to 15 or so or maybe younger so yeah I mean you never know maybe that's what's up [Music] it turns out that I've just been like doing the stuff from the movie the arrival where I bend my knees backwards and walk like an alien it feels muscular doesn't feel bone Euler very good scientific analysis by the way chat member I can't like cheese this fight on the top from the top anymore [Music] [Music] so when I tried to said I know the feeling of leg pain I broke my left femur two years ago I've never been the same since we are very fragile we need them stem cells quick I want to just spray like a [ __ ] raid sighs can of stem cells into my body but ya know it really is amazing how fragile we are as humans like one bad spill and something can be [ __ ] up for your entire life we take good health for granted so so often so I like if you go someplace and you can walk around and feel really good just appreciate it I really try to do that when as I get older I can appreciate just being somewhere it's like oh well I'm somewhere I'm still here [Music] what I'm not exactly where I want to be that's okay I'm anywhere good enough like okay so lately you know I don't really like travel very much I like the idea of it I don't actually like the whole process of getting on a plane and packing and you know I like to have my stuff with me I don't like the idea bringing a guitar onto a plane for example but there are places that I want to go but yet I'm too lazy to book a [ __ ] trip and actually get on a plane that said there's also a lot of [ __ ] cool [ __ ] here in New York and even in New Jersey Pennsylvania I mean there's a ton of really cool places and the older I get the more I appreciate what's around me like there's so much on the east coast of the US it's all condensed there is so much [ __ ] to explore and to discover to keep me busy for a lifetime and so I'm appreciating more and more where I live and and what there is to do around here yes even joy see every frame is so dense I mean in Manhattan alone there's just an endless supply of things it's your weakness again I don't remember this thing's weakness [Music] all right it only took me like an hour and a half to forget everything then you're always talking about New York as if you'd love living there don't you live on Staten Island yeah I do New York is a Staten Island is a borough of New York City it's one of the five boroughs technically I live in New York City and Manhattan is only a 40-minute drive away depending on traffic of course hour-and-a-half commute otherwise hour hour and a half but even Staten Island like I'm in New York and it's not too far from Brooklyn it's not too far from New Jersey I'm kind of like right in the middle of everything and again I forget to do this sure you can [Music] looks like we're never using that [Music] [Applause] have you ever been to Boston I like Boston I like alig New York City better but Boston is like one of my favorite cities otherwise maybe my second favorite I'm a little biased because they live here but I'm Boston and it's fantastic but a wild Mega Man X what Sigma Stevens the back hunters have failed but don't worry I have arranged for some new toys for you to play with Vinnie what part of Boston do you live I'm a Southie I like the idea that that dude join the chat like he joined the stream directly after I what am I doing here directly after I said that I was a New Yorker as this so might stay oh it's another version of this stage or is it I'm so confused wait a minute wait what the [ __ ] is going on here Vinnie I thought you were Swedish alright you have to be [ __ ] with me by now come on [Music] the game is shaping me is it is it really because I don't [ __ ] remember being chased by the game when I was younger I mean maybe Stumbo yes it was a jape [Music] and just reuse this level oh I found wandering around Megaman my friend here is small problem with you it seems that you let him died he's not too happy about that now I think it is time that he repays the fervor ed harris could play Sigma in the Mega Man X movie [Music] no zero the intense emotional battle I could have avoided this fight if I just fought one more boss in the middle there I think I have to use the X Buster for this right no more [ __ ] around [Music] laughs air you get the block attacks come on zero [Music] you [Music] Oh burner works [Music] this is just [ __ ] like how do you avoid some of these attacks mental zero [Music] do you remember me yeah I guess so sorry to cause you so much trouble actually need to go after Sigma try and destroy the main computer take care of yourselves URL I don't have time to put you back together again so all the king's horses and all the king's men will do that here it is X I mean here it is X Sigma lies just ahead or just below you mean I mean Sigma does have a round head [ __ ] boldi round e head [Music] you're merely bothersome insect Megaman X is about time that I crush you beneath my feet [Music] fast I can't do the shoryuken Oh God [Music] I'm going to get a chance to use it though I'm going to give it now and be able to give it a shot even though I'm probably going to take damage immediately oh I try guys I really really tried to get it going [Music] I'm I [ __ ] up the input I think come on fire jerk [Music] don't that goes that no shoryuken for me [Music] [Applause] Wolverine Sigma is dead but now I have no more HP [Music] and three D Sigma hedges of course well I don't understand where is its health [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no drop health [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] damnit are you going to be really quick to get up there nice good help [Music] [Applause] and the slowdown isn't worse the 3d [Music] I wonder if they weighed their options at Capcom and someone was like don't do it and another dude was like do it just put the 3d in the game anyway it doesn't matter [Music] if this is all I have to do then this is not too bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] you're in me he's in guys he's in me I don't know what to do [Music] [Applause] busted I in fact what I said completely this is bad this is bad please do not kill [ __ ] [Music] gross [Music] well now what the [ __ ] am I going to do I don't have health recovery if you're going to bubble crab stage [Music] really really [ __ ] annoying enemy [Music] you need mid to full health to kill it when he's inside you I don't I don't want Sigma to be inside me felt weird saying that so weird thing to say I don't like it down Anna ho [Music] game over and do boss rush again [Music] wait a minute wait if I game over I have to do boss rush again you don't do boss rush again J boss rush is a different stage that's what I thought [Music] sorry about that guys this could have been done already but I [ __ ] up this time we're going to a full tank and it's gonna be great [Music] you can sure you can zero if you get close enough I'd like to that would be a great thing to do yeah [Music] I just don't pull off the inputs in time [Music] at least Capcom was kind enough to include a nice farming spot for health over here [Music] [Music] all right finally one more time this is that what the [ __ ] was that I don't I don't really know what that was or why that's in the game but it's there [Music] one thing what's up there now if anything and why do they reuse this stage I'm wondering if this was just laziness or there's some like thematic reason oh my god for the zero fight just jump over the initial shots and do the sure you can that means I need full health and I am NOT making it easy for myself to have full health [Music] I keep this full house now that would be great all right here is zero fight jump over the initial shots and then try to do a sure you can that's going to be that's not going to happen the computer here is the same one the ex hunters we're using I get it I see the chairs and everything yeah that makes sense [Music] I was about to did you saw that right I did the animation started I actually got one off too [Music] damn [Music] kind of face the wrong direction during that initial sure you can that's a really hard attack to avoid you know that zero I resent that I resent that attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're going to do this again this time I'm going to go in [Music] do you remember really there's a typo in there it's spelled with an N remember [Music] okay I don't really know how to make this work but if I can do it [Music] alright never mind [Music] I'd have to practice really get that timing down can you do a shoryuken against the head the 3d head [Music] I hope Vinny's like doesn't give out during the final boss an arrow to the knee that are right [Music] [Applause] you know Sigma is using the same wicked weapon he's weak against an x1 I didn't realize that but now that you say that that's true it is true [Music] I did some damage there it wasn't enough though [Music] [Music] there we go I think I could make this work with just oh no I took too much damage there I'm going to need a really good recharge [Music] here we go nice Sun oh yeah that's a good way to end the game and time honestly it was worth it to die to the boss so I could come back and do that that was cool Mega Man X I lost to you again defeat only makes me stronger serves to bring you closer to your ultimate doom seriously this fight though compared to how much I struggled with the x1 fight it's not too bad still hard but you stopped right I don't quite understand why did zero he is last the doctor's creation so let's see I started at 11 well and what time did I start I started it probably playing around 11:00 11:30 and now it's 2:30 so it's about 3 hours so I said 32 times 6 which is 3 hours about so yeah yeah it's a world record in other words [Music] joined by his friend zero Mega Man X gazes out over the sea [Music] Sigma has once again being destroyed but X wonders if the fighting will truly end as long as the cellphone remains active Sigma's virus so too will stigmas virus was dr. lights dream of a world in which Reptoids and humans live together in peace merely a dream what the Prince of Peace is often hi sorry the price of peace is often high x thinks to himself as you say who the Prince of Peace in why is he high who or what must be sacrificed for it to become reality and when the time comes will he be able to do it find out on mega man x3 whenever I stream that game future holds answers or or they should revive Megaman X for the Xbox 1x mega mega man mega box 1 X Mega Man X 1 specifically so it will be called Megaman X 1 on the Xbox one x [Music] oh did you hear about the Atari a lot of us were speculating whether or not this thing would be a fresh system like the Jaguar like you know a new console and it's the Atari it's like an NES classic mixed with a new yaw so it plays classic Atari games which will probably be pre-loaded onto it and it'll probably also have access to indie games and some other [ __ ] [Music] hey I mean Atari is making a comeback which is amazing considering Blade Runner takes place in what 2019 so they've got two years to be big enough to have a giant LED billboard in LA happy did you say a tepee apparently it has modern specs no [ __ ] very interesting [Music] the I don't know what our P stands for you know define modern exactly neo stigma like geo stigma from final fantasy 7 Advent Children dilly dally shilly sure the other night when I was at that bar with my a couple of my friends Advent Children came up for some reason and as soon as dilly dally shilly shally was dead my friend Tyler likes to bring up that sentence a lot I want to throw a drink in his face and I was a little I had a little bit to drink not too much I had a I didn't drink a whole lot I had to make her on the rocks good enough good enough for me and I remember saying dildo dildo shell dough shell dough and believe it or not it actually got a couple laughs you know drunk audience yeah I work just get them drunk get them drunk in my shitty puns and shitty wordplay and jokes the are killer thanks for playing what a great way to end the stream dildo dildo shield Oh shelled oh that's really great another classic Mega Man game and I really love this one in fact even though x1 is slightly more iconic and as I think some better stuff in it overall I think x2 in terms of gameplay and like more of a streamlined experience works a little bit better just simply because I don't know I didn't feel some of the excruciating difficulty that I felt with x1 I feel like it's harder a little bit like more difficult overall but the [ __ ] was toned down a bit so instead of like incredibly high difficulty spikes at random the whole thing kind of builds nicely there's like a really good difficulty curve so x3 is next I don't know when that's going to happen but it as soon as I'm in the mood it'll happen I mean these things happen kind of you know mega maker inspired me to play this by the way I made a level I got I got a champed chance to [ __ ] around with it a little on my own and I put a little bit of a level together and maybe like 30 minutes so next time I stream Megaman maker I'll show you it I'll show you my level pokemons and then I'll also show you I can speak dead cells so got a lot of stuff on the horizon before the charity stream including perhaps another darkest dungeon stream and like I said I want to start anything major but maybe we can do some like random one-off stuff maybe like an arms thing or perhaps a Mario Kart stream I don't know oh there's also mario64 maker I don't you've seen that but some [ __ ] in other words I say that with love Kaizen man you are made mario64 maker he is a genius his rom hacks are [ __ ] incredible but yeah he did it that son of a [ __ ] did it I wonder if that's an instant takedown from Nintendo I'm kind of afraid to stream it to be honest but maybe eventually all right so that's Megaman X 2 thanks for playing thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it I got some art for you and then I will [ __ ] off into the trash okay surprising amount of art actually okay so here's not too much but still more than I expected from Brandon that's pretty cool good BRB all right right there next to the trash of course from Jory here's bean person and peanut man oh [ __ ] look at that from kasnia arcade and cement mixer simulators 3 2003 from from lemon line vinny you beautiful jape stair I actually saw a very transparent speed Luigi at the bottom right corner during the Cosmi arcade our card stream last night maybe see but I mean again you're using the Boober to communicate with me what do you what are you doing all right hey it's true though it's true you have to pay real close attention but it's there from Daedric cheddar here's a BRB Scribblenauts style actually I wonder if this is like a mod of Scribblenauts I'm not sure this one's from [ __ ] Jesus spelled with a Z of course he bares the memes so we don't have to the name is just perfect then from SPO tulip cool cool BRB for the charity stream really nice really nice all right this one's really great too from SPO tulip and it is another PCRF charity stream vine sauces hope art and it's great the style is fantastic and you've got everyone represented good stuff it's gonna be real hard to choose a winner like I said all right this one here is from star yen mspaint in 3d is [ __ ] is there an mspaint 3d really what the [ __ ] how far have we come from banana cloth really there is oh my god okay I have to Google this paint 3d it's it's real Windows 10 creators update how I get it how I need paint 3d get the app it's free okay latest windows update get yours too isn't the windows Creator update like computer aids or no paint 3d is the best program for Wacom tablets it's already on Windows 10 yes no do not do not I don't have it already I just looked for it it would be in let me let me look again nope don't have it it's not stable at the moment creators update is not stable okay I'm going to pass on that then I kind of want to try it though it sounds kind of cool from smushy Oh or smooshy oh here's a long shroom how did it get so long from hams fret helping others playing everything blind sauces hope another really great piece of art for the charity stream from green hat 43 here's a scoot sponge and that's exactly what's missing from Animal Crossing a scoot sponge from golden soda gamer here's a BRB from Koenig from Cana Gleek lady Oh Leto Oh God I can't say the name CEO and igl I eat eto Stephanie anyway this is based on everything is going to be okay sorry I got the pronunciation wrong it's it's kind of con yet Oh könig Liette o con ugly I know got it fair enough from primal screen guy a tribute in tribute to the 20 years of the defunct brand known as cartoon cartoon vines Oz actually that is very very good the [ __ ] style is perfect am i Dexter I think I'm Dexter aren't I yeah okay from Ruben here's another charity stream BRB oh my god so much good art it's great from Mick spooks another one [ __ ] hell this stuff is good that's this weekend by the way just to let you know from robo source here another vine sauce this whole part that's so [ __ ] perfect I don't even know what else to say like it's just this stuff is amazing is what it is from cosmic mage here's a vine shroom with Germans thing on it that's awesome from Lila X lul 777 real charity stream BRB another awesome one from Lila X law 777 real Vinny if you see this I'm so sorry it's nothing gay did Joel there it is I got lazy to the font so I did it quickly I'm sorry this was a request if you know if you have to tag your art if you have to like give a disclaimer Vinny this is not gay so that I wonder from spank Boober hello VIN hi spank I from spank bulbar i must consume okay I didn't expect Spang on tonight's stream but here it is little spangled Bert Babar dink to improve the mood of the night this one's from nerd Prince Alec another charity stream BRB and it is [ __ ] amazing gold and soda gamer made a little nice little vine scene in the evening from an durham doodle Vinnie from psycho Qui Qui ox i want to pronounce your name qui psycho qui Y Vinny from dead man 95 charity shrooms that's cool from Salta , so hang on a second there's a full version oh it's animated oh this is really really cool okay I'll show you the animated version because this thing is insanely good I think I'm going to use this one I think awful can use it hang on all right cool next is one from Grande Kappa cool true from inky milk that is what staggers me one more page it's like I said quite a bit more than I expected but this is now stuff for tonight's stream I believe so from spoon Katz here's an animated shroom it's pretty cool from Emmanuel macron Oh God so this is based on something I started the stream with which is this an actual [ __ ] frame an actual advertisement for a spinner on Amazon but yeah rest in peace mr. robota what else from ssj v89 sauces hope that's cool here's one from rocketcat that's me eating a blood bagel I told you the blood the blood bagel was a [ __ ] post from three midgets in a trench coat that's the actual name of this this blue poster it's a BRB 3d BRB from Saxum Oh fuff it that's cool some clay the clay stuff the charity stream I can speak and it's actually I have to download it but it's actually animated so here it is animated that's pretty [ __ ] awesome thank you Sachs enough of it I always like to see this I like this kind of this level of creativity from cryo Mansur weinerman to coming to a blockbuster near you oh it's like Mega Man x2 Bryan with the queue it's awesome it's tag this fake even though I want to see this actually happen that's really good from lemon line find Verizon aka the equivalent to vine dead I like the idea I like the idea of it I think it could be cleaned up a little bit it doesn't look amazing small but if anyone can get this this is kind of perfect I mean just take a look for yourself if anyone could make this like if you can clean this up and get it to look real good on a small then I would I would probably say [ __ ] it let's do it because this is a great idea I mean this space has been with us for what over a year now so it might be it might be a good one to have oh man do not presume though look at this one from from evil bunny to that [ __ ] face for those I want the backstory and don't understand this I should probably explain this real quick I was doing a speed test because my internet was down and I went to the Verizon speed test and I was getting point 2 Mbps that was my speed and so I made this this image like why I didn't make I didn't know there was a guy on the page so I photoshopped him I did some content-aware stuff and I [ __ ] with his face a little bit because I couldn't [ __ ] stream I had nothing else to do so I did that I put together this image and then I tweeted it to Verizon and then within like 10 minutes my connection was fixed and then on a number of occasions since then whenever my internet has gone down I have tweeted this image to Verizon and then almost without fail my internet goes back up it doesn't make any sense like when I say tweeted like I'm you know my speed get throttled really badly but for some reason this image just just it's just me magic really from goddess up here's mega me mega Vinny it's really cool this one's from star VAR relic beam yet by you know shoot I think I did some shoot today this one's from chill bones so much graphics you'll [ __ ] explode best advertisement from Vader later hi kids it's oka vidi it's also tagged as I am so sorry but here's the thing you can't do a [ __ ] post with a kappa face next to it or I'm sorry it's invalidated if I punched you in the [ __ ] and then I said I'm sorry afterwards that doesn't make it okay but I will say thank you for the flattering art this is the best I've looked in years this one's from Konig Lido Stephanie again Vinnie's bunny alright yeah the this is from the art before everything's going to be okay right from and huichol I think I said on Huichol I believe I said that right now I think I remembered japes box was all a jape there's never a real band from proto stash golf abetted by kia don't let it bite you Gator bites you get it by heart it's amazing proto stash like me you and probably like ten other people actually know what this is from Omega Magus or Omega mages perhaps 5947 being a wire sponge [ __ ] socks from J walnut it's enough it's still zero can still help like this oh no look - [ __ ] you with a good Lord split you from jela that's me right now I am particularly sleepy from no Apache congratulations Vinny thanks I did it would beat Megaman X - now I gotta get you know I'm gonna beat Megaman X 3 and then maybe four I heard four is good from an Huichol on week Oh again here's me as Megaman that's like oddly disturbing and it's great but it's like that's me kind of weird I like it from banana vine cheese and from chromatic aberrations who is a mod in the chat as you may know the two minigames panel is now online there's a half hour of uncut footage and there's also a highlight video so if you want to see like 11 minutes or 12 minutes of edited highlights of my panel the one I did damn you're pale that's right I am I linked it in chat I am pale and I plan on keeping it that way because there's a kind of a history of skin cancer my family so [ __ ] the Sun I get a little bit here and there but this is also probably intense lighting but yeah check it out if you want Thank You Adam for filming that and editing it I know someone else has full footage too so you might end up seeing a couple versions of that panel because the great shot filmed the panel that we all did but mine the one that I did on my own was probably I don't think David filmed that one but I know if Adam got most of it or at least a half-hour of it and then I think someone said they got the entire panel so I know that some people have been requesting this panel I've gotten a couple emails about it a couple tweets so you know it's pretty cool it's nice - nice to see that this stuff is preserved someone said to me Vinnie what's the point of doing a panel if you're not going to film it that's like 95% of your audience 99% of your audience won't be able to see it it's like well yeah that's kind of the point I mean if you sometimes just going to be there and that was for anyone who is there if it gets filmed great but I'm not going to like you know specifically arrange a camera crew if it happens great if it doesn't that's fine I do appreciate anyone who's gone out of their way to film this stuff all of my embarrassing moments will be preserved for all eternity so I'm a forever sigh but anyway thank you for this art peach money this is really good thank you everyone for the art seems kind of rude my dude not everyone can afford to travel across the world not saying that it's like here's the thing the people that came to the convention get to see the panel in person if someone films it that's great everyone gets to see it but I mean I'm already when I go to like conventions I'm already at the height of me being totally like overextended and overwhelmed so I can't necessarily say all right now I'm going to I'm going to like pay somewhere I get I'm going to get someone specifically and like we're going to do a multi-camera shoot or anything like that so for me it's not a thought it's just my thought is I need to survive this weekend I need to get these things happening do the best I can and then go home without conflicts filmed that's great and I don't make any money from the conventions or anything like that either so I just go and you know I do it and if people are there and they get a chance to see a performance or a panel that's cool I mean for me I'm lucky people actually film these things but for other people there are tons of panels that are never recorded and like a lot a lot of smaller panels at too many games and packs that no one ever gets a chance to record so it kind of is like that I mean for me I'd rather everyone see it but if it's not going to happen that's just kind of how it is with conventions and that's the draw they try to get you there so that you can go to like the panels and they can get you to the you know buy some of that [ __ ] get the exclusive things at the panel at the convention but it is you know it's expensive and you got to travel halfway across the world I get that totally understand so regardless I thank you once again for watching thank you for the art Adam thank you for posting that and what else I guess that's about it charity art contest we will be announcing winners soon I think it's still going it's extended a little bit and when I have more news about that I'll let you know for everyone else thank you does the phrase might dude annoy anyone else that's not just me right sorry just a quick kind of observation don't know why but please check out the other streamers my dudes if you get a chance to do that I'm a weirdo go to twitch.tv slash team slash vine sauce and you can get all of the other streamers right now Dyer is live so you can watch him you can also go to twitter at vine sauce or you can go to vines as calm and you can check out every vine star streamer we will be working together for charity this weekend and if you want to check that out then you know where to find it check on Twitter for all the appropriate links or just check back here and hopefully we'll get you set up with every information you desire so again have a good night take care take care of each other take care of yourselves remember to take a deep breath every now and then the lesson I could use a little bit more often appreciate the good things you have in life and appreciate those that are hiding in your closet that's a perfect way to end it in the stream I think right check your closet goodnight
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 31,756
Rating: 4.8843374 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Mega Man X2, Mega Man series, Capcom, Super Nintendo, SNES, Action, Platform, Game Playthrough
Id: XPgWiDfUJ-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 48sec (13308 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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