[Vinesauce] Vinny - Zelda: Ocarina of Time Randomizer (part 1) *Reupload*

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so that took a while welcome to the stream think I'm now live this is ocarina of time randomized I've been waiting to play this for a little bit for the right time I think now is the right time the 20th anniversary of Ocarina of Time and this game means so very much to me and I wanted to stream it but not like all of it and this is a pretty good compromise [Music] so I have a number of settings that are really gonna help speed this thing up [Music] like the forest is open the door of time is open rescue one carpenter a lot of stuff like that start with the Kokiri sword well you don't start with it but it's it's pretty uh you know it's pretty easy to get i love this intro' so much how safe is a poner though there you go Epona's gonna get fucking slammed into a fence and I'm so sorry for that Epona we had to put all Hort down but for ten gold bars you can buy opponent insurance [Music] spoilers anyway I have a couple other settings that are active that I'll tell you about in a bit but let's let's get started shall we this is something that I wasn't sure I was going to do but some of the options that was a test file some of the options I had a lot of trouble setting this up some of the options make this quick and I said to myself we have a week until smash brothers I can do some ocarina so link is sporting a neon green tux okay so why don't have a medallion already with oh the temple of time wait what really why do I have the spirit medallion what the hell is that [Music] that's random to you start with one [Music] because the door is open okay Deku Baba it looks though it looks withered it will hurt you if you touch it I can't find my puppy anywhere I need you to look for it please you can't have this now come back again heart pounding grave digging tour from 1800 to 2100 Hyrule time damn pay the gravekeeper so there's gonna be a lot of that going on look at that guy he's so scared what a wimp [Music] yeah Navi has random noises there's random tunic colors there's a random text thanks jerk let's go get the sword so I can pretty much leave whenever I want no one hears the boss of me oh there's gonna be a lot of random noises so that wasn't actually a poem that was that was Nabi but link is is styling at the crispy green bright green ton ik as I used to pronounce it when I was younger I used to pronounce it I used to say it as ton ik why can't I pick up this rock are these jape rocks did you find all the temples yet I haven't even started yet that's for the tutorial okay okay [Music] those are her teaching you lock on I don't even remember that this is for teaching you how to get hit in the face with a boulder I believe this is confirmed Kokiri sword which thank God for that Zora shop we have fresh fish that's an option you can check so you can actually go through the game real early on without the sward how's that camera treating me huh boy it's treating me real interesting today I'm gonna have to get used to this [Music] playing a lot of Red Dead Redemption - and then going to ocarina of time is weird but you can't deny that the DNA of ocarina of time is in so many games especially Red Dead like anything that's slightly open world there is a little little piece of this game in there somewhere even if it's just because of what it did you know firsts even if they never played ocarina of time but they played subsequent games that were influenced by ocarina of time though I will say if you call this an open world game for its time maybe but it's extremely non-open world it just you know there's things that are connected but if you really think about it Hyrule Field was both very small and very dead though in 1998 it seemed like a fucking miracle that they could do something like that [Music] though I think this game holds up well today the 3ds version is really good still I think Ocarina holds up last time I streamed it was the 3ds version I thought it was great it's got some you know some things that are outdated and the camera is a little rough this is 20 frames a second the 3ds version is 30 which is a lot more tolerable oh yeah the cousin club story was during the Ocarina 3d stream a little lower the volume a little bit I feel like I'm shouting yeah there we go Eva Mendes [Music] you received elders letter Wow JP Simon have I ever played Master Quest yep I streamed it what I want this stop stop no okay for I want the Frog shield please do you want to borrow the Gerudo mask it looks like there's something up there on top of the platform excuse me what the fuck is happening here it's 40 rupees oh okay thank God I was about to say I hope this text didn't like fuck up the shops too [Music] thought it was 20 [Music] no I didn't randomize too much I was very meticulous about which options I checked it's still gonna be pretty random macaco Rico is gonna be tough to get into but there's a lot of things that are cut out it should make this experience go a little quicker I don't want to do more than like you know three or four streams of this unless I'm doing a full ocarina run which obviously is not on the on the menu reach back on the menu bar excuse me [Music] link's color bothers me it's off-putting how dare you well okay I should probably let everybody know that's joining from the twitch menu because this is gonna happen I'm not a zelda speedrunner if you can believe it I mean you've already seen how good I am at this game in the past three minutes alone it's been a couple years since I played this dip though its gaze will paralyze you if it bites you tap any button to escape okay [Music] so wait a minute wait a minute those treasure chests can't have things in them like I mean can they have like like the Master Sword stalfos they can Vinnie why don't you include chat in the YouTube videos gonna shit I want that spiritual stones what is going on with chat tonight okay Ocarina has brought all the boys to the yard listen the reason I don't include chat is because the video as it's recorded on my streaming software it's just the video of this and I prefer the chat just be the chat if you're here you get the chat so you gotta show up live for that experience consider it a free dlc but early adopters bonus good enough I think that's a good answer I I like it mom's theory if you touch it it will be electrocuted okay I didn't actually get bombs you have nothing to do what good timing can you do me a favor kid I hate Anand orphe the best place to go to learn some new skills is the forest training center [Music] Benny I think he was talking about the YouTube chat itself oh um I don't want to have to manage and look at two chats there's no good reason for that to be a thing what the fuck wait I'm supposed to get an ocarina here 380 years old should I do the Deku Tree that is a waste yeah considering I only have a 99 that's an option you turned on you shuffled ocarina is that bad this will take forever it's it's very bad [Music] people are saying that it's really really really bad okay you're right I guess I hope maybe you'll get it early elsewhere I don't think I want to take that risk let's just say this if that adds an extra hour or two to this run it's not worth it I'm not listen the sunken cost fallacy doesn't apply we barely even we barely even did anything okay chat do you want a dark green tunic or a light green tunic I see a lot of people wanting dark green you got it [Music] okay we're almost there almost there I'll be with you guys in one second let me just figure all this out it shouldn't take too long just have like one quick thing to do and then it should be okay so this is all very new to me as well so [Music] randomize the Navi sound I have it's randomized you okay consider that like a trial run it was just it was a test run we good while kokiri forest music is just like what 10 to 15 percent louder than every everything else in the game the fucking harpsichord men also I might be a little sick I feel like I have a cold dark green just a slight cold I should be okay but if I sound a little off it's been yeah this has been an ongoing adventure [Music] if you wish to speak to me do so from the platform my sister's took some rupees and went shopping at the store has a Red Roof kind of funny but it's not really my style Jesus [Music] randomize the meat what do you guys think should I randomize the music someone raised a good point do you think it would be cool to have like randomized background music yes okay I can I can do that in two seconds just just bear with me I'm almost a master at this by now let's do it you're right I think it'll be a great idea luckily we haven't gotten too far in this one it's been two seconds it's been it's been two seconds you're correct yes we've come too far but no I think random music would be good I'm sorry I swear I know what I'm doing we're gonna be golden in a moment check this out it's a speedrun in and of itself to get me to figure out how to use this goddamn thing oh there you go just have to type there it is I like this this is already amazing it's almost as chill as the actual song during the intro well Sora's domain is always nice to hear in any context so I'll take it oh here's the Ocarina of goron so I started with a blue medallion this is I think the water temple theme it's gonna be fun to place the songs [Music] everything fits perfectly so far it's like an alternate reality version of Zelda it's so perfect will you do it the tunic you were wearing is gone I think the key to all this is suryya that's how i pronounce it serie serie that's the key to all this she's able to like see between all the dimensions every dimensional shift so far she's been able to kind of predict there was not really a cow there chat [Music] it's sriracha okay from now on Sariah will now be sriracha thank you [Music] now you came all the way up here you're a real man thanks [Music] I am made man [Music] oh hi you real man come up here [Music] okay so I need 40 rupees I can find those or I can just get a gold rupee by running to the front again no that's that's a guaranteed ocarina now there's a threatening aura about this song have faith so you say you want to see Princess Zelda a Jesus I just get bombs early bombs that's pretty cool [Music] whoa wait what enlightenment oh no no no early hookshot yeah what's your problem this is really good this means that later on I'm gonna get screwed on some really important treasure chest this breath of the wild it just shows where the medallions are [Music] then a you ain't no runner I want to be I'm learning how to be a runner I'm not every day for three years new randomized run every day three years you brave Ronna Vinny you're being hosted by the number one Ocarina of Time speedrunner at the moment oh shit I should probably then okay so my name is Vinny and I'm in a dumb asshole hope that helps [Applause] [Music] I'm not a speedrunner some people call me Jim what's happen like once so this is gonna be very shitty don't expect too much for me I haven't played this game in a couple years ultimate potion how about 100 rupees no yes okay I wanted it but I didn't get it Vinny you're being hosted by Dwight boss check that off on the bingo slot on the slot yacht Benny why do you play baby games by not truth [Music] go to the castle now I'm thinking about doing uh why don't I do the decorative thing first no Vinnie are being hosted by John Nintendo I think he likes to go by John Tendo these days all right so [Music] forests an open door [Music] yeah yeah I think doesn't opening the forest make it go quicker oh the battle music is the forest temple theme oh no I'm okay with that battle music that's pretty fuckin appropriate should I go into the the lost woods before I do deku well you know what let me commit to Deku first and you see what happens over there [Applause] commit to Declan that's my stage name then your brain you're being a word I can't pronounce by hosts broth glazed and I've been streaming for a very long time and I'm learning so many new things today just no text there fountain music yeah Navi moves a little bit Navi is amazing this is the perfect run we're gonna be hearing that a lot get used to it winner I don't think I'm much of a winner in that case [Music] [Music] speed no I'm pressing the wrong button I was I was pressing the right trigger instead of our thdr button are you going to the castle fairy boy would you mind finding my dad I thought I was gonna read it as would you mind finding me a dad and then incubating this egg very carefully actually that kind of makes sense if you've been in committing that heart instead of an egg are you are you kidding me are you kidding me that could happen - well now what did I already hit a soft lock [Music] mom hover listen second chest in the room okay oh there it is it's up there right okay I don't know how to do any of those tricks chat I'm sorry I'm gonna disappoint you heavily you gotta be you gotta be shitting me [Music] come the fuck on the elusive double J [Music] alright such is life we must adapt [Music] press reset on the console hang on let me reach over let me hit reset on my console my n64 game console there it is I heard I hit it you heard it on my game console device so there's not anything else I can do here until I get a slingshot right because I can't get past those spiders I'll do whatever pleases you polemic randomizer climb good you can still jump through that net you can sneak past them you can sneak past the fighters if you stop moving the spiders stop attacking you you can but it's difficult alright well if I need to go back there for anything I will I will be sure to do that if I don't have the slingshot but I think I'm gonna try the Lost Woods and see what happens over there [Music] as soon as I there it is [Music] soon as I remember where where it is oh yeah we're in for a long night long annoyed us correct I expect to see this over multiple streams I wasn't expecting anything less than three or four streams of this but I think I'm lucky I can do it in three if I'm really not lucky than about 12 so you think you can protect them from me you got guts kid is there a master quest randomizer yeah there is actually this is this can randomize Master Quest stuff in there for you I don't do anything here yet they want to play [Music] you don't have enough killer instinct yet just train harder goodbye then links nickname in prison was fulgor [Music] [Music] imprison link this bad song you know talent your flat you got no memory [Music] I fucked up chat someone in chat just said what if they accidentally started playing oath to order accidental sneak preview of Majora's Mask songs a right-left right-left [Music] no rhythm no talent Hey right right left [Music] this is not anyone's tempo except theirs [Music] how much of this I don't remember there being that much of this hey down what is that doesn't have to do with us the forest is connected to many places you can hear my song and stuff are there more rewards associated with that [Music] just one in the randomizer all thank God [Music] no treasure chest every treasure chest is a chance at something amazing remember that chat yet that may seem amazing but maybe not as much in the randomizer right away it's better than five rupees or getting fucking blasted by ice however how many times can I get an ice trap before it's not funny any longer they changed like the way this worked from me on the n64 was just follow the the non foggy paths but in the 3d version they made its they fixed it so he really couldn't tell so you actually had to listen for the music but man once I settled into the game a bit more I'll be sure to tell you some awkward enough time stories I have I've got a couple memories of the game are really good like me getting the gold cartridge you were too young to be the hero of time do you understand your destiny yes tree person I do a talking Bush just told me about my destiny and I totally understand the Master Sword is a sacred blade how the fuck do these cursed bushes know exactly what I need to do for my destiny both of them then you don't have enough rupees they sold stuff okay I kind of remember that weren't they like ripoff artists though you need 40 rupees for left bush is it a random item in the randomizer or is it a specific thing am I just gonna get more bombs it's a random thing maybe random text was a bad idea yeah you're kind of right about that I mean check and tell me what it said which is nice but I agree I just thought it would be really funny left bush is a random special item do you have a random special item for me loan bush okay I just bought nuts for my roofies I regret this decision heavily [Music] [Music] well I can go into the shadow temple now [Music] don't ask why I set down a bomb do not question my horrendous methods do I have to water this dude I need a mask the skull mask okay I like that I just looked in chat and someone was like whoa I never knew this was here I like that through my through my dopey randomizer stream twenty years later someone discovered a new area that's kind of fun did you see that rich Evans was on The Ellen Show how did they get that picture who put who put them up to that why was dick the birthday boy on The Ellen Show [Music] early Goron City Oh oh nice I guess we got the best music early the gorgs have upgraded their soundtrack [Music] a winner how much is this it's not 20 rupees is it 200 you know no that's not gonna happen randomizing text was a bad idea I'll cop to it but I have to stick with it oh hey that's not until later that's not when you're an adult you have to throw bombs in there right you have to light the torches first okay lots of it's lots of things that I'm gonna be very grateful and learn from chat again so first I need some fire stop the big goron in the tunnel you have to blow up this guy in the tunnel I have to stop the the dude with bright the student [Music] [Music] [Applause] an early bombs are great with a key proceed to the room ahead [Music] only in tunnel why only in tunnel [Music] [Music] [Music] got him the door is currently being refurbished you son of a bitch [Music] okay so I'm starting to learn a little bit about what's happening here so people are spamming thanos emotes they're like bootleg thanos emotes I know I'm gonna get a lot of shit for that but I had to okay and they're saying pay dry I'm assuming dry is the speedrunners editor and the joke is that my assumption is that the joke is this run is terrible they should pay the editor to edit this down so that it's good did I get it pretty much you know how I know they that was the case someone said pave a P and spam the same fake Thanos you know what I have to say to that [Music] it's Shrek not Thanos same thing trick and Thanos are of the same species make no mistake the CFG actually did host me yeah he's a good lad appreciated CFG I'll be sure to be sure to pay back the host at some point so that way all of zfg's loyal followers can get upset with a bunch of newbies that have no idea what's going on while they spam and raid their chat in a nice way they're gonna be really nice about it right chat like you're gonna be super nice and super welcoming and chill [Music] Oak Creek take a bomb oh shit is Coppola [Music] I think any of the hammer for these ring [Music] are there any other treasure chests here that I should be aware of I mean I have a bunch of bombs I just know okay then you are P hope you aren't being hosted by zfg it was a JP oh really my JP why did you Jacob [Music] a lot of zfg's discord is watching right now though hi zfg's discord I'm probably gonna end up watching some zfg after I do this because you know I want to see what this is all about I want to see it done by an expert but I guess nice to have you here even if you do spam Thanos ogres I don't mind [Music] you guys think I should be doing anything else up here while I'm well I'm here what do you think dude two dango you can complete the dango now that you have bombs all right I mean we're going in a really fucking weird order but I guess that's kind of the point of the randomizer let's do it [Music] it's better to do two dango as an adult though Oh [Music] these go to 11 I mean I can do it or you know I can wait that would be fun doing the dongle as an adult I've never done that before [Music] I think I want to do it as an adult just fuck you just walk down there but where's the fun in that I'm having so much more fun this will disappear if you take too long so you got a hurry could you imagine this is like just how life is cause everyone has some urgent thing that you have to do all the time what are you talking about you have to do this get that heart piece isn't that heart piece something that you can get with you need adult beans [Music] you can do a backflip all right it sounds good to me [Music] now I don't remember if this cow down here now this cow is not Navi this cow believe it down there and I don't I think it's a bomb or is it song of storms it's it's up okay all right right right right right [Music] rupees are good to have I guess the fuck I'm gonna do with this cow and I played hand simulator already so I don't want to go through that again I can't speak to the cow I cannot milk it there's an item behind a bumble wall near the entrance to Goron City isn't that on the way to on the way up this mountain I think I need the shield for this right there's two you walk past okay I passed one of them all right or run fast it's okay we can come back to that just playing it ultra safe yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I still get a kick out of what the bombable wall ends up looking like after you vomit it was canvas the whole time fucking useless purple bean so I can backflip from here [Music] my pro yet iron knuckle oh I got a magic finger it's a de Roos film Kindle set sights good item no it's breathing it's scales or scale I thought with de Roos findell I was wrong sorry chat early swim many things are open including Kakariko arrows faendal ready to roll [Music] you little slime scum [Music] you just climb the wall yes you can just climb that wall yeah it was always a weird one don't know why you can do it it's just there no good Kakariko music and I'm now locked out and I don't have the item you require man I'm really happy that this is the music in Kakariko village if not Kakariko village music Benny are we allowed to backseat game um I guess it depends on how you do it I mean I'm accepting help definitely I appreciate the help you can make me you know learn about things that I missed or kind of remind me of things that exist that I forgot about but if you like you like Big Bob you missed April spin that you spun then we're probably gonna have some hurt feelings [Music] I got hurt feelings I've got hurt feelings I feel like a prized asshole nobody even mentioned the casserole why can't I get in there [Music] roll into the box yacht Chad I swear to god this is why I need you for my help [Music] this is also appropriate music you're just a kid the temple is no place for kids this is a temple now is it [Music] you can move your berry blue [Music] [Music] no longer that all get the cuckoo bottle is that that's not a guaranteed bottle is it it's like it's gonna be a random item okay oh I mean some of these things are most things are random but there's a couple things that weren't but I can't don't think I can actually either bracelet for this No you want a piece of me very funny I like your attitude got dumped a is not awake yet I always thought when I was a kid that child morphed into Dante at night like due to some kind of werewolf like curse I never thought that oh look it's Applebee's lumpkin there you go so des rues findell is in the game and so is battle B's Lumpkin you have to talk to her first okay [Music] I want that I'll take it [Music] [Music] look at those textures Jesus someone said something about getting a blue dude on the roof [Music] [Music] dude on blue roof climb the tower then sidestep left's that was what I wanted to know okay that dude so he yeah he gives an item okay let's go talk to that guy and there's the mayor of the town right here that's my mayor an old joke it's an old bamboozled [Music] okay now so I just do a sidestep jump [Music] almost link no that was it that was it that was it ocarina an ocarina hipster Wow okay I just got a song thank you for teaching me the song it's a bonus song [Music] nice I think it will work then you can now milk the cow I don't have a bottle for the milk what should I let the cow deposit directly into links mouth or fuck you alright to get dado spindle you have to get path will be Lumpkin first right [Music] to do that you've got the go past throngs dolphin [Music] collect the buildin gobshite and then you will have access of des rues fundal [Music] you [Music] [Music] I need one chicken to get the other chicken cuckoo I know people are gonna have like a fuck connection if I say chicken instead of cuckoo [Music] the differences aren't huge I want to see like I wonder if that Zelda book I have that I'd barely ever read which I should read and I probably will after I do this run the golden Zelda book I wonder if it compares chickens and like their organs and anatomy to those of cookies [Music] no not Hyrule historia it's like a compendium of hyrulean things and and stuff and findell x' where's this one [Music] Hyrule compendium there you go [Music] [Music] difficult [Music] [Music] think in order to get the other one I might have to do this shit again [Music] boo thing do it it's cool show the audience that you can do it they don't want to do it this butterfly doesn't want to do it [Music] I've had it work when I was a kid I remember trying it I remember reading about it unlike some tips and cheats website the butterfly will land on your Deku stick and I don't know oh fuck I don't remember what else happens to be honest but [Music] [Music] it becomes a fairy okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look a chat for a second you take your eye off the game for a second and you fall into a fucking pit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there you go only a couple more right two more harder than Ganondorf Vinnie listen to what Navi has to say I'm pretty sure Navi has this the same that sounded like Homer how come when I don't try to sound like Homer people tell me I sound like Homer and then when I try to do a Homer voice it sounds nothing like Homer these things have to meet somewhere in the middle boy it doesn't sound anything like Homer but in my mind it sounds like Jeff Goldblum [Music] talk about a nostalgia trip wait what wait how many more where's the last one near the entrance oh right right right by the dude who's the mayor son at night right and he's all like fuckin drugged out of his mind that dude he injects weed needles into his arm hey hey doughnuts meet a little welcome is a little four-eyes leo [Music] my precious puppy can run faster than any of the other mutts around here those are cuckoos wonderful Bravo perfect here's a fantastic present well that was a good text randomize mama will hole in Kakariko by house near stairs it was here is right and you need the stone of agony right for this you can feel it [Music] well let's see what this dude has to say how inconsiderate how could you leave me behind if you're a men act like want to take responsibility someday when the seal is broken that is when I will exterminate your descendants [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna play hot/cold all right [Music] chat play the game [Music] alright I'm cold cold past the tree I'll call Emma how warm am I now [Music] by the house which house is it this house or that house that house okay is it here whoa this is going great oh fuck this one I love this new battle music so much [Music] so newcomers to the chat you may notice that we have a 10 arrows emote if you have frankerfacez e which is a holdover from a holdover from link to the past randomized there was a time when I wanted a treasure chest really bad and I only got 10 arrows so it became an emo who wants to make a blue rupee emote I'm serious I know a million people are gonna make it now but we have an emote submission form if you guys want to do it check the borough [Music] lare rupee fella okay not my favorite choice for Hyrule Field music compared to actual Hyrule Field music but I'll take it Hyrule Field music is just very good [Music] bloopy is the community meme is there an emote for a blue pea does anyone have one call Epona don't think that's gonna happen I don't think Epona is going to show up for young link [Music] [Applause] yeah I am God a command you know [Music] [Music] it's the nabi music randomized music was such a good idea this kingdom is a lot more magical and whimsical now [Music] what are they laughing about hey kid you always enter other people's houses without permission didn't your parents teach you any manners oh well shit lady behind this house she's going through hard times oh well you did it zero zero zero is the new course record oh well I have to give you a present to commemorate the new record everyone's just je ping it's just japes forever oh where am I [Music] wait do I want to buy this or do I want to not buy this you get one for free somewhere don't you you get a free one in the graveyard not free to skip them I is good it's randomized you're right as randomized in pain what an annoying person I don't think I can afford bomb choose at them what give me ten rupees what what a liar [Music] yeah the shields always 80s for 80 rupees unless there's a discount that I'm forgetting about [Music] I think we have more or less what's required yeah whoa nope leaving leaving [Music] so fucking up ominous and threatening I don't like it [Music] you know it's gonna be real weird when adult link doesn't have the Master Sword [Music] oh he does get it good thank God all right well hey check this out already adult link making some serious progress with a hook shot too so I guess I can do two dango [Music] oh hey I have a question a question for chat can i still kill the dango as an adult or I have to do the boss's child you can okay cool yes you can do the boss wait there's nothing here yet there's something here please don't through that link see I'm using the stick as the c-buttons [Music] am i yes on my totally legit on my n64 game console well you have to do that with the game version that came on the Gamecube - I believe use the c-stick so it's legit is skull sanity on no I don't believe it is you use the X Y Z buttons okay that I'm thinking of I don't know what the hell I'm thinking I've never mind them [Music] so here's the dude that wanted to prostitute Linc let's go to Hyrule Castle Vine wait were there already wait vine it meant put my name is link [Music] no I did vine did I do i did link on a previous one I changed it I mean how many years left the memory do you guys think I have one three at most [Music] you name the first one link and then we started yeah yeah that's true enough well check this out Benny don't kill this Hort Oh or you have no idea the world of pain that this port is in for you need to be a child for this oh you're right [Music] there's so many parameters so many variables I haven't even done a single dungeon yet anything in the houses I can get as an adult oh there's a sculpture lower around here nothing here as an adult okay it's another thing there people in chat did not know about apparently [Music] yeah there's a lot of little things in this game that aren't immediately obvious but then again you do that you have to do that fringo that's how you get opponent in the first place I guess people maybe wouldn't think to repeat that if they want it to get out of there again you can either jump the gate or the fence oh okay I gotcha I gotcha yeah so before I move on to dongs cavern is there anything here is an adult that I can get now the cow heart piece oh right right right I have the hookshot or is it not the hookshot we hook shot onto the wood there's nothing dude for majora there's a bird that's going mental [Music] fuck you just get no I got the boomerang it looks like a heart piece but it's a boomerang and damn P right diapers is available to go to now I believe to talk to the cuckoo lady then race now Tom pay [Music] the great Anand I found out about this humiliation hey you how about another race you can keep the horse oh yeah inside the mill to having an early hook shot is really advantageous can I even do the dump a stock oh yes adult link is strong [Music] [Music] so I might if I rebind buttons that might uh might be able to double bind [Music] sure wish I wasn't at a bombs [Music] the fa race is a softlock without song of time do not race you just save and quit okay that's fine where's this fuck this is great the other flowers [Music] too bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] this guy this fucking guy [Music] classic Daffy [Applause] [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Applause] I kind of like this as race music did it [Music] run reset delete game off of system I mean off of n64 oh shit it's the actual longshot that's not supposed to happen is it [Music] I guess it's supposed to be random wait this is okay hang on a minute right right right this is supposed to be the hookshot and then the water temple is the long shot it was a long shot that something like that would happen right [Music] don't ask my boss check come on no respect you have to race that B again for a heart piece race damp again use long shot in last room [Music] I was able to do it when I was 13 maybe I can do it now then again I've also lost much of my um my videogame skill they say the older you get the less videogame skill you have it's confirmed by Thanos I believe [Music] but that might not be a hard piece right that could be anything [Music] could be a blue rupee fuck why wait wait a minute this wasn't like this a minute ago [Music] this is what happens when Ganon boasts takes hope for the world though [Music] [Music] yo [Music] don't have any I don't have a bow but I swear that could be cool at some point [Music] Thanks [Music] the hell [Music] Oh God look at this aiming trying so hard [Music] God [Music] so what should i what should i do what should i do chat help I want to leave it that could be anything that could be it could be anything did you guys hang on a minute you guys see this do you remember how Sega and Nintendo had a bit of a rivalry they had like there was a catchphrase what was the catchphrase it was um Genesis Genesis what nintendon't is's something like that right [Music] I can't stick the jump [Music] you can jump onto the spin I don't know what that means Ramin jump onto the spin from from where from here from the middle what if I just go through the back door [Music] I keep expecting Arthur I mean link to walk through the doors automatically [Music] Oh God oh my god [Music] it's the lamest jump ever [Music] come on just just just do it just do it it's a little sliver I'm challenging myself here you never mind [Music] Oh [Music] what are you doing I don't know I don't know what I'm doing what am i doing chat tell me there are again people that have not seen that particular thing I don't I don't know [Music] think this is where I have to be for the back door [Laughter] [Music] there is no backdoor blow up the rock I have no more bombs this is this is a shit show this is just a shit show all right now I'm here okay so now I have to figure out how to do this part [Music] get on top of the spit stone pillars and jump towards the center [Music] jump to the middle not the long parts [Music] learning new things let me learn them in peace fuck [Music] didn't they make this easier and the 3ds version with like more huggable walls [Music] No [Music] not along ones they said but these are these the long ones you need the song of time for this [Music] let's not would remember [Music] I don't remember how to get that hard piece [Music] it was a damn P thing oh that's why okay when when I saved and quit [Music] come on [Music] hook the ceiling and land on the spindly bit I don't think you can do that though [Music] some ceiling would not fake its it's only this ceiling would that's not faking and even that [Music] there's no guarantee the side would not the middle oh man I [Music] I give up [Music] [Music] side of the wooden rafters Vinny okay hang on hang on a minute hang on oh man I think I know what you mean do i I don't know music is gonna be very stressful here we argue you don't hear the music again the side of the wooden rafters is this the side of the wooden rafters [Music] nope then he used the little nuts like that don't say little nut just use the little nuts nubs like Oh nubs like that then jump straight to the center [Music] come towards the center what if this is the best item in the game chat what is the best item in the game whatever it is I'm sure it's this that heart piece could be the Triforce [Music] it's not a blue rupee just jump into the middle part not the long parts wait a minute really that's what you guys were saying this whole time and I misinterpreted I thought you were talking about where to jump from link is gonna make that jump [Music] all right hang on then hang on hang on [Music] if link decides to jump of course [Music] oh shit how is that possible [Music] [Laughter] yes [Music] yes [Music] the stick that can kill Ganon thank you God for giving me these sticks for all my hard work time to jump into the volcano [Music] here we go sub one minute [Music] so if to use the longshot somewhere up here right oh man you got to be precise all right well this is good practice at least [Music] [Applause] [Music] are the rolls really faster didn't someone like make a youtube video about that like they rolled across all of Hyrule Field and then just walked across it they are faster you know what else is cool you get to roll into fire when you're a dumb idiot [Music] honor if it's possible to nut into fire and then still get the role into fire and then still get the sub one minute I [Music] think if I yeah it's possible it sucks but it's possible I should've left that door closed jump slash is faster than climbing [Music] you [Music] side jump out of the room so I didn't have to actually do this then the last door you can side hop in and out okay it's a speedrunner trick it has to be angled perfectly I wonder if me figuring out how to do that perfectly would have taken less time Oh regardless the dango this is a lot of fun so I know there are people who want some curb and curb will happen as soon as my horse decides to show up [Music] what the hell happened to Epona [Music] [Music] [Music] telling you one day you're gonna break someone's gonna find out that you can break the world record by doing backflip strats throughout the whole fucking game unless it's happened already [Music] whoa wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute what about the side hop is inside hopping faster back walking is fastest okay well what about getting hit by Boulder strats okay [Music] ominous dungeon music yup I got the map and compass just to help speed this run a little bit along see now I'm getting anxiety that the owl is going to assault me with like four paragraph long things [Music] the Apple [Music] [Music] this dude just sells bombs right shield [Music] this is probably gonna be like a nightmare to watch for a lot of people that watch the speedruns you're not going in the right door bin my gods debated Vinnie is it your fault I can't like these fires [Music] [Applause] [Music] some casual lizard fun I love that when those things die it sounds like turtles having sex I'm wondering that that was on purpose someone on the team was watching that how do I know what that sounds like you did some viral video you never saw the viral video it's not weird not that weird it's weird it's just Nick it's nature it's it's um yeah it's pretty fucking weird [Music] by going through this backwards 20 years later and there are still new ways to experience ocarina of time backwards and unnecessarily the thing about if you've been watching speedruns of this game for a long time you probably haven't seen this room in a lung and in a week never mind never mind yep totally unnecessary [Music] [Music] is there a chance of a medallion in this dungeon or like any dungeon or anywhere [Music] any chest oh that's kind of terrible so link can lift a bunch of things but not bombs despite links muscles bombs are a No shit yeah I need bracelet for that but okay to f1f there's still a treasure chests and that's the last bomb this next treasure chest I'm gonna get bombs [Music] [Applause] [Music] fuck you you may need the bracelet to lift large blocks so I might not even be able to be in here right now at all [Music] should probably check and see if there's bombs in here so rupees rupees are gonna be real real fun to get now now that I don't need any more rupees softlock just jump up oh my god well link the years have been kind to links height splits right the fuck up there stop giving me roofies game just get up there come on you can you know you can do it link the fucking beast links been taken HGH for the past seven years [Music] [Music] [Music] that noise that sound effects genin always reminds me of the beginning of I think it's prelude of light I just wanted to finish the song [Music] didn't come on Eileen fuck now the prelude of light is ruined for me [Music] someday when I have more skill I'll carve a mask like that one is the name of this song red song it's the Zelda's Lullaby song there that one [Music] Oh with that song yes do so many things you can summon Guk Nehru the goddess of wisdom it seems cryptic enough to be some kind of Zelda text some kind of Suicide Squad shit need bomb in fact I think I need bomb for all this right [Music] the most dropped bombs to kill bomb to wait to kill BMO's to get bomb you need bomb these are all hearts [Music] Kakariko or Goron village to buy bomb cut the bushes in Kakariko okay i need to defeat the dodongo if i'm going to move on to Kirby I'm sorry it has to happen I know Kirby fans you're gonna walk more curb maybe we'll do more curb next week as well depending on how good the DLC is but I've played the fuck out of that game and I wasn't planning on doing a ton of the DLC just wanted to check it out see if it was any good I know it's harder now I know the new game mode is pretty good I know that the characters are home stays are there some bushes over there you've streamed two of the new characters games okay then I'll probably recognize them I'm just my memory is not very good so when I saw the names they didn't register I thought one of them was the UH the meat god from eternal darkness and it was not the case I was very disappointed when there was an Amiga playable in Kirby [Music] have you played Return to Dreamland I have yeah people have been saying that George HW Bush died the president the old one and it just sucks what anyone dies I don't know really what people want me to say about it but I guess that this proves the lizard thing so someone get on the phone with David Icke and let him know we are lizards mortal see I don't even know I'm not even sure 15 bombs good right or should I get the I probably should get the last five I'm still shocked that there are people that really believe lizards have taken I mean no disrespect to the deceased but it is a bizarre thing that the thing I most recently associate with that is the fact that there is a man that is adamant that he was a lizard but multiple man's white lizards I don't know man I don't know yeah I got to get those last five bombs otherwise knowing me I'll get to dodongo and then you know be out a bomb and then lose there we go if any please don't say anything else they might be listening desert what do you want me to tell you I didn't write the book about it there's a guy named David a key which is how it looks like when I read it I mean it's not that I'm not willing to given a little bit of an interest to get some kind of conspiracy theories here and there I God knows I spent enough time reading books about them but I think I draw the lines at draw the line at reptilians and that's that's usually where I usually lose me and and I have to then put it in my RPG from ten years ago cheese cat how dare you bring up cheese cat in a moment like this but remember the bigger Luke theory is 100% accurate [Music] please stop please stop [Music] [Music] what's your most believed conspiracy Paul is dead no I think the boogeyman [Music] the Bible he's real that's the conspiracy theory I believe I don't know I have some some beliefs you dope 6 meters just now Wow I have some you know yes I think we've seen some weird shit in the sky forest song there you go the peepee poo-poo pan yeah that's him I don't know my most believed conspiracy theory is that Creed is the Scranton strangler and Michael Scarn is an international agent like James Bond L is real 2019 here's a conspiracy theory the Triforce is in this game you just have to go to the unicorn fountain and then you get to the Skype temple and then you if you piss yourself and that's how you do it and then you swing me you're all means by the way if you don't say arms oh then you're doing it wrong completely wrong this is gonna be where I have to like push a block isn't it yeah lengthen get up there you fucking tall boy oh no we're good we can push just bypass like half of this temple [Music] [Music] you have to bomb all the gossip stones all around Hyrule get into the unicorn fountain play Zelda's Lullaby four times for the deck blue scrubs beat the postman in a race talk to the general and sector seven of Midgard and you can't take a single hit right the entire time this could be an amazing item you know what that's not too bad more bombs that's that's oddly appropriate for the boss I'm about to fight too I had no idea you can fight dongho as adult link Shadow of the Colossus devil fighting a pasta this music makes it seem so much more important than it actually is like this is some kind of like Great God beast of Hyrule that protects the lands in Chrono Cross when you fought them some of the Dragons the music was something like this open up big boy whoa feel like that shouldn't have worked didn't fred durst get punched in the face by a baby recently [Music] now what was it what happened to that guy something weird happened to him pain [Music] ICP tried to dropkick him but missed so someone from Insane Clown Posse tried to dropkick fred durst but missed and that was shaggy do you like how my brain interpreted that as a baby tried to punch him in the face [Music] what is wrong with me I think in my mind it was like oooo men children mention man children babies I know a lot about man-children takes one to know one oh alright well we'll end with Rodney Rodney Dangerfield hey thanks for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this at least a little bit I really enjoyed it it may not seem like we made too much progress but we kind of did got some songs too medallions alright I need four more and then I can fight Ganon got some decent items like I have the hover boots wait no I don't why does it say what is that what the fuck is that got a lot of um got a lot of rupees a lot of blue rupees it's a bug okay got Harriston board under the full warrant so we can go swimming got nut fire arrow long shot so there's a little bit of progress made this is gonna be a multi-part series but I'm kind of really enjoying it it's good to be back in the world of ocarina of time since the anniversary and a lot of people have been talking about it and there been a lot of videos about it I've been like jonesing to play it again but I didn't feel like doing a full playthrough this is perfect this is really great and it's funny and God hates me so hey thanks for watching we're gonna do was a triple save gonna do some Kirby [Music] Kirby new DLC be right back [Music] you I've done multiple saves we're good alright everybody I'll see you in a couple of minutes with kerp milk
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 190,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, OoT-Randomizer, Games Randomized, Nintendo 64, N64, AmazingAmpharos
Id: iBv5aiZsGSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 29sec (8429 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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