[Vinesauce] Vinny - Trash Flash Stash

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alright devolver bootleg is now over now it's time for what are we doing oh right more trash great title t so I'm calling this trash flash stash because I don't I don't need to justify myself let me do an intro dad a dad at that okay this is flash game these are flash games from the mid-2000s some of them are good some of them are from new grounds and some of them are just like shitty licensed ones nari helped put this together with the help of some other folks and I guess we'll start with Oh No what is this one [Music] help help help trying to make the game lower it's a little bit the golden age when people tell me to play flash games this is what and I have to volume down really [Music] yep this is that golden age that everyone keeps telling me about Vinny you got to play flash games from the mid-2000s you so now you know what you're in for I think final fantasy sonic x6 right-click during battle for options hello fellow fellow brawlers [Music] the vision makes petals Oh I seem to break I seem to break [Music] sorry I'm volume issues with these flash games for some reason I didn't realize I was at maximum volume because I was hearing them at twenty twenty percent of what you were hearing the Matt it's fixed now if it's a certain love I seek alright I'm ready let's get started okay okay but why is like zero here for like why does sonic have the Buster Sword what is happening I think part of me wants to leave up where it says file and help because it adds to the it adds to the charm but I'll just get rid of it I wonder if this is a vaud mute now back to where we left off [Music] hey this ring they won't make it blue head jug I am impressed you've made it past the gun now hand over that sword and stone this dust good Sonic oh no too serious does that knuckle oh its shadow never run out of here Donkey Kong Country Music handle us I admire your persistence Hedgehog but you're mistaken if you think you beat us what if some of this voice voice acting is actually not as bad as you'd expect it's pretty decent and the microphones aren't that bad either I'm through playing games engage battle it's got a fully functional combat system boy am i just counting down the minutes until 3:30 [Music] I can't believe how much effort was put into this [Music] [Music] cost 100 whoa whoa this cost HP that's fine wait maybe that's not fine ready when you are [Music] don't blink come on think I'm gonna lose my first fight maybe I'm supposed to I think this is a subscripting this is a script but sorry this is a scripted loss I think I had a stroke my second time tonight I had a stroke Vinnie it's not scripted okay no it is I'm pretty sure it is [Music] [Music] well we're gonna see the end screen in a moment so it'll be scripted by the time we get to the game ovah remember if you see a game over it was supposed to happen that way it's to advance the plot [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I can't believe Sonic is dead all right that was Final Fantasy Sonic x6 Sonic Megaman and Final Fantasy all-in-one I can't believe I just played that this one's called portal [Music] based on a valve software gamer portal the flash version this is as close as we'll get to a new valve game so I'm wondering if I remember playing any of these these are all licensed games or 100% real licensed games that's the name of this folder so for a little while expect that oh I have played this I remember this being like again surprisingly quality just a second I guess shell doesn't have her or legs thing yet is it's not pronounced Chell is it this is wall dude it is oh my god my world just got rocked have to try to say yes half the chat is saying no I don't know this game isn't even canon what do you mean now dude I'm pretty sure this is as canon as they as they get its Knik euler GLaDOS pronounces it as Chell in an unused voice line well that's not canon either also that they're using the screen shot sound from steam and it's confusing me greatly but yeah I do remember playing this it's good this feels like 2d portal very much so it's amazing some of the stuff you could do in flash what just happened what all right we'll stop there Super Mario 63 this one's got a very small resolution so don't expect too much I played this I played a Mario 63 I might have played this exact one [Music] this one's also good yeah now these the the license games some of these are good we didn't get to the trash yet necessarily [Music] Vinny why are you playing games I played during my school computer lab periods that's what I'm here for yeah I think I played this I don't think I played it back in the day I'm pretty sure I played this like on stream fairly recently but yeah I want to say though like I played a lot of these flash games just because they were free and yes you could play them during computer lab this was before Steam so you would just kind of play whatever the [ __ ] someone made in flash and you know sometimes it was good sometimes it was stick figures fighting and sometimes even the stick figures fighting we're good remember see al-mal was that it was just stick figure fighting sounds ow am I saying that right I probably am NOT it's its shell it's Chow its [Music] [Music] so there's a triple jump now I don't think I played this on string I think I played another Mario 63 I'm pretty sure there's just a lot of Mario 63 a while flood this probably came out when flood was brand new like Super Mario Sunshine was brand new I remember thinking oh boy I guess mario has flood now for every game from this point forward that was a lie no actually so at Mario Sunshine came out 2003 right or was that 2000 2000 shoe it came out okay winwaker came out 2003 and this was 2009 oh wow okay this is like this is not like the beginning of new ground this is some time after [Music] this makes me want to just go back and play Mario my car more will get up there so remember I'm using the arrow keys to move around and pressing up arrow to jump so [Music] [Music] - plus oh look at that this is quality like it says in the bottom left this is actual quality this is the best Mario 63 I played I think played piece of Mario 63 in my day and that's probably not any even that much of an exaggeration okay it takes some stuff from galaxy as well holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] it actually kind of plays like Mario 64 you have to like do the exact same stuff to fly now this is definitely like um you can tell someone who really loves Mario games made this like this isn't just you know one game it's not like many of the shitty Mario's like the super crusty oh pack Mario's where it's just whatever like they actually paid really close attention to getting Mario's movement feeling right I don't particularly love playing this with the arrow keys but this is fantastic and if I had this in computer lab I would have played it ultimate flash sonic so this is the last of the 100% real licensed game category you you [Applause] vini do you remember madness combat I do [Music] cream oh that's a real character [Music] [Music] cream is very real this looks and plays like a Sonic game and it's again quality I'm playing with the arrow keys but for arrow key controls it feels pretty good this is not your shitty Sonic game showcase game this actually feels like Sonic and Spider Man but it mostly you can't really even tell this is flash I mean a little bit you can kind of see it like this the jerkiness of the movement there's like a very distinctly flash feel to it but [Music] it definitely works and if you're in computer lab in two thousand four or five and you have nothing else to do this this is definitely a good game to play along with that Mario game what I would not recommend however are probably most of the Wii games I streamed about an hour ago [Music] okay this is the most flash thing I've ever seen so you got x-files aliens and dress up okay so for those of you who were a little younger who weren't around in the Golden Age of flash games this may seem a little strange but I'm going to do my best to explain it there were a lot of dress-up games where you would just drag outfits over to an anime character a Mario Luigi an alien apparently this is just a thing frozen Elsa I mean they're still happening but they were just especially big at that time [Music] vini we've all seen Reb streams I would hope so I am having fun [Music] cool maze game now this this folder is called only in flesh so these are probably as flashes you'll get the maze test your skill oh god I know what this is alright chat I'm gonna warn you now this is most likely a screamer I'm putting the volume all the way down okay so what I mean by that is there is a very very good chance that there will be a grotesque image that pops up in a moment these were these were all the rage and it's probably here okay so here it comes Chat close your eyes if you can't you can't what is the level level three [ __ ] it's awful oh it's me if you could just barely hear it but yeah that was one of my screams okay great cool maze game thanks Jeremy you don't shoot the puppy start okay I don't like that one I don't like that one I didn't press anything it just happened [ __ ] that game push the big red button to continue okay push the rectangle to continue this is called idiot test push the red button twice than the green button once blue button three times you passed the first level you are now considered a borderline idiot press the picture of the cat you would just you just spend hours doing idiot tests I've done several of these I'm very bad at this video game press the yellow button once blue button in yellow are you fool you I'm an idiot rock-paper-scissors with Richard Simmons [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this music is so blown out [Music] yeah it's Pokemon [Music] does anyone not know who Richard Simmons is just curious [Music] okay well yeah he's he's alive I think he's in like hiding he's become a bit of a recluse lately so he's not like leaving his house so I don't know man I hope he's alright Newgrounds crusty trash pack remnants so there is a crusty trash pack that I got and here are some games from that crusty trash pack choose one alka-seltzer we are having fun yes hot sauce what a strange time for media remember there were there was no YouTube so you got most of your entertainment from flash videos do you remember the Frog blender game I do there was another thing as Joe cartoons had something where you had to like microwave a hamster just a lot of like cartoon violence towards hamsters back in the day those poor bastards Wow again if you weren't around on the internet and it's very beginning I don't know how much you really missed out maybe a little bit I'm not as nostalgic about it as some people are and I liked I liked it I grew up during that time it was fine but I like I like YouTube I like Internet I like being able to load a movie instantly so pros and cons you know what I mean there they're pros there were cons well I have nothing left for you I have no food that's all the jar-jar killer yep here we go this is when jar-jar was still brand-new and no one like Jar Jar and so there were lots of ways to commit violence against Jar Jar Wow look at the quality so quality Wow including gradient buttons I haven't seen those in a while blood look at the blood oh it's awful Jesus [ __ ] it was a violent time meanwhile could the Pentagon you you kill jar jar binks good work now no one will ever have to see or hear incorrectly spelled here that annoying character character ever again ah Luigi's confession part 4 so we're just getting part four of Luigi's confession I don't even I don't even know what the first couple parts are like okay so we got the Godfather font and even the logo it's a little bit you know infringement it's a little cheap but that's fine wait is Mario I was supposed to meet him here your mission is to help me find Mario he told me to meet him under the tree at 7 o clock he wasn't here he's never late please help me you are my only hope [Music] toad number one do you know where Mario is earlier I saw Koopa go up toad trail to the castle at the top of the mountain that's about all I saw ask around [Music] art style is just phenomenal toad 3 says I'm so stoned toad guru the well is actually a secret entrance to the Koopa Castle you can try to find your brother but you'll have to go through the sewer maze [Music] go now good luck this is riveting this is the passage to get up into the castle to get in the castle you will be challenged with three tests in the secret passage they are all challenging a good way which pipe is different to just a couple circles stacked on top of each other catch the shy guy in five second three two one go I don't know you mean catch the show what does that mean come on I have to click the show but you put the sugar I just clicked outside of the game [Music] I got them the last of the secret underground passage rounds you have you finish you have you finished the maze within 15 seconds oh I'm controlling the week oh okay I have to use the arrow keys [Music] small small Ouija it's real easy to get stuck on these pipes too but real real easy good choice [Music] this Luigi is second only to the Luigi from Mario teaches typing good music choice not Mario but I'll accept Luigi yes that's right I've come to save my brother watch out behind you na it's [ __ ] Luigi from Mario teaches typing we're [ __ ] screwed Luigi just said the end o replay did I play wait but okay ever mine I meant Luigi from mario is missing right that's the one I mean or which one do I mean which which is the Luigi that's like kind of weird-looking Weegee yeah that's Ouija from Mario's missing dose version the PC version thank you okay so that was Luigi's confession part four we may never get a sequel to that I've been waiting for the sequel for about 17 years now and sadly I don't have a sequel but I do have something called kick people in the balls your mission is to kick as many people in the balls as possible everyone will come from all angles so be on your feet don't miss any because you will be a loser [Music] Wow again this is so it's time this is so [ __ ] early 2008 it's just perfectly preserved like a time capsule there's no score there's no score system there's no penalties there's no consequences you just keep kicking people in the balls [Music] chat backed me up here you saw me kick more than one people in the nuts hunting with Peter Jesus [ __ ] I was hoping it wouldn't be that Peter but it is that Peter brought to you by planet family guide you've been invited to go along with Peter and Chris and their latest attempt at bonding James Bond [Music] well there eh look just look the further we get away from this time period the weirder the shits gonna be like it's already weird it's already like how the [ __ ] but give it another 10 years and this is just gonna be like it's gonna be alien I mean is this Family Guy even gonna be on the air in ten years you know what yes it will yes it will Finny when will you apologize for this existing oh so this is my fault now of course Chris will have more of a tendency to want to play squirrel in front of us watch out for him oh so now I have to sit now we've got more challenge Chris shows up me and I have look avoid shooting Chris see this real gameplay here you shot Chris what the hell is wrong with you here's to hoping he pulls through I don't know I kind of shot him in the face escaped from work his face oh [ __ ] got to go to work go home yep I love the way flash like the motion on your way home a plane hit you like the character just gets smaller it's it's really it's really quite amazing this food sucks give me a refund I actually made I used flash for several years I made plenty of flash animations that are now sadly gone but yeah I remember doing motion tweening and drawing in flash I did it for a while this food sucks give me a refund throw knife at him he's still going you stabbed a customer you are fired and you threw a knife at someone so you were fired and will spend 10 to 15 years in jail [Music] vini Luigi's confession has a sequel on Newgrounds and it's the end of the story oh that's awesome you should you should go check that out yourself that refine comes at oh wait miss what did you skip school no dad oh okay bye then I can take it from here Oh to grill touch it again okay you touch the grill again and died Wow Dreeben no no no refund for you you son of a [ __ ] okay price you idiot you want fries you idiot yes I skipped school I will kill you oh that is funny [Music] I didn't I didn't skip school hey where is my [ __ ] hamburger I do not have an [ __ ] hey where is left [ __ ] hamburger uh can I get a ride okay okay I'll get in where are we going three Bo to the mountains keep riding [Music] try one more thing like I guess I don't know why I'm still playing this now the music is not as bad as the monkey games from earlier at least thank God for that [Music] it's still pretty bad that the monkey games had it it was way worse call over the manager manager guy come here what the [ __ ] do you want touch the grill sure why not [Music] take his keys and leave you did not kill him so he is chasing after you you shoot him oh you won that's that is the victory condition you that was the victory condition okay then deep sleep I am I don't know if I played stuff like that and laughed at it I just I I might have you know when you're like 13 well how old was that no I was like 16 when this [ __ ] like 2000-2001 was sixteen armor games I haven't seen this in a while [Music] vini this isn't trash okay this [ __ ] Michi quote is in at least 60% of the horror games or scary games that exist on this planet it's a contractually obligated thing that you have to do if you're making a horror game you got to have that quote or you have to put HP Poe craft in there as well Vinnie you played this guy I played this I remember this I don't know how long ago I played it but yeah I didn't just play it i streamed it or five years ago Jim wake up yeah this one you might want to check out maybe you can find it on a previous stream of mine I don't know where you would it's called deep sleep it pretty good Sunehri included an image with this next game it says Nerys warning check this first bro this game is crinkly and you're going to lose subscribers it's called Oh you how do I unsubscribe from myself you now wacky sonic good thing Rainbow Dash is here to save him again you can see the effort this isn't don't go to work [Music] posted crazy Vinny [ __ ] grandma [Music] it's basically that first Sonic game I played earlier but with my little pony in it as well this is the real Shadow the Hedgehog [Music] this battle seems like it would take a very very very long time okay note from the original pack creator it says in the text it says watch the intro I did well that was that was something else now the flash collection is not over it's really not but what I do have now are actual good games like interactive buddy I mean I think these are good games I might have played several ones of these I think I'm almost possibly I almost certainly have played this is what I meant to say late its laid out you know what I mean exactly laid out yup played this so yeah you just like kind of do bad things to your buddy I think buying new skins oh my god strawberry clock these were the Tom Fulp Napoleon Dynamite oh my god years ago all over again for [ __ ] sake this makes me feel old I guess you just earned money the more stuff you do the Buse good it's even the purple one - all these years later who would have known I would eventually have the purple tubby emote make this is [ __ ] up I don't think I've ever felt older like I don't think I've ever felt like the [ __ ] distinct passage of time because I mostly I'm fine with it but today as bro this is like actually weird I'm experiencing some [ __ ] weird stuff right now you I can Teletubbies yep that's what you do you just beat the [ __ ] out of this poor bastard and then you can continue buying stuff right yep here we go medieval flail pistol infants okay what are you a member of deviantART calm well are you chat you I earn almost no money from this you big boom big bada boom NES style movement blood and gore wow this is a lot of stuff no actually again for a stupid concept it's actually really kind of high quality it just cuts the frame rates down or the you have the smoothness so putting gore in flash just meant red circles it was a violent time it was a very very violent time this portal tubby did nothing to deserve this well kind of infants those are some crusty looking babies you could also be nice to your buddy wait really how do you be nice to your buddy oh I see you have to just do cool stuff you can play catch with your buddy surprise they're people that are able to tell me about this there we go yep you equally get money for being nice but then again you could also explode at Mouse don't mind me just saving up for the most expensive item in the game I don't even know what this does and I'm still playing this okay well he likes that oh my god I can't believe I'm still famous I always say that but this is just genuinely baffling how I ended up getting stuck playing the buddy game yet again nearly 20 years later bowling balls and strong gravity vortex was a lot of fun okay I gotta buy bowling balls that will be how we let's just try that and then I'll move on I got to see what it looks like bowling balls okay here we go this is it okay it's funny because we're gonna look at that aus culture the same way we look at this you know given like nineteen years twenty years we're gonna look back at the Thanos fortnight thing and it's gonna be the same way we look at these flash games I've created a blood bagel kitten cannon this was a very very popular band and popular song at this time exceedingly so okay this game was repeated a million times but again look at this gratuitous violence towards innocent creatures like I'm sorry this is happening I feel bad about this so many [ __ ] so many poor things so many poor innocent creatures that would just get hurt in the early to mid-2000s loons I may be allergic to cats but you know I like them I played balloons in fact I did balloons recently on the Nintendo Wii Shop stuff but balloons was good [ __ ] and balloons was actually able to like kind of stand the test of time it's the same it's the same levels Benny was this Hoobastank I think Hoobastank was popular around this time I mean I applaud anyone that would name their band something with the word stank in it you but some of these games are so like timeless that it's hard to stop playing them like this this is just a good game you missed ride letter Oh [Music] boy I'm bad at this you you oh yeah balloons blooms it up [ __ ] yeah y'all bloons is hard to put down bloons is good bowman to check out a couple more i got a couple more classics as they're called in this folder I remember this one too you good as a [ __ ] trooper still still still doing it even after two horrific accidents that's fine we'll just keep going we're just remember you almost couldn't have a flash game without some form of blood in it that was like a Golden Rule almost okay here's one people I are definitely going to know crush the castle and this is bringing me back so now this was angry birds first yes what am i what are we doing wrong oh I see you just have to choose one to let go of I see okay in an alternate reality crush the castle was bigger than Angry Birds problem is this is a little more complex than Angry Birds and so once Angry Birds came along and simplified it that became apparently it took off you know this is the one I played yeah it's a world map and everything more complex not really us only slightly I think the the reason Angry Birds also probably took off was just the bright cheery very easily identifiable like from a distance from their silhouettes characters like very very very distinct and appealing characters for kids which are Angry Birds marketable they thank you I don't know why I made my my 3:30 a.m. brain yacht could not think of that word but very very marketable compared to this oh [ __ ] and again you'll notice the blood there has to be gore and blood in these flash games they're just this has to I guess [Music] if there's no blood and gore how are you going to prove to your friends that you're cool I'm hardcore dude bro I hate my own little kid voice that I do so much I can I can really aggravate myself with that voice more let's get it let's get it don't stop get it get it watch the way I cheddar had it very good line rider classic the line rider I think a lot of people have seen line rider has maintained some semblance of popularity right so this isn't as much of a relic but line Rider was great and you can see some amazing creations that people have made with it but this is I think the original you this is such a cool concept you there's no blood oh you're right you Oh what the [ __ ] am i doing I might have accidentally drawn balls was not intentional okay mother lode there's pandemic - there's a couple more just a couple more mother lode oh I think I remembered this but no I don't want to login don't have an account you mean the site even exist anymore okay this one doesn't work [Music] this one no longer works or maybe I'm just dumb maybe I got to log in pandemic - I think this is the one right with the with the things the diseases Madagascar right the Madagascar meme came from this shut it down okay so I don't I don't want to do that it's getting real late I want I'd like to just go through this well I got two left [Music] the stream started with monkey with monkeys holy [ __ ] you're right so this is called tactical assassin all those is civilian you got to read the briefing eliminate head arms dealer be reading over his presentation his bodyguard will be close arms have been raised I don't recall how to played this one and maybe they should give me a silencer for the sniper rifle you're supposed to wait what is this music from Metal Gear Solid it is mgs3 okay I figured it was I only played that one one time [Music] oh I see I don't know what I was thinking before I misread the stuff but this is pretty cool in its own weird way target is arriving by limousine you'll be walking so aim carefully do not let him enter the meeting all right we'll do this one last one [Music] I don't Jenna oh geez this one kind of still holds up and finally the world's hardest game you [Music] now I've I don't recall having played this one I don't think I did [Music] you [Music] it's only it's only came why you have to be made you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] it's the world's hardest game okay so maybe not all trash maybe this is just um flashed flesh stash flesh - I can speak yeah some good ones in there some classics some real bad 100% real licensed games and some good crusty trash but it's good to go back to that time maybe we can do a part two at some point I'm sure there's plenty there there could be a part three or a four or a part 13 with the amount of flash games that exists in this world but I think I would probably do like one or two more parts of it if I found some good ones so I'm open to getting more tonari if anyone wants to help make compilations I oh wait listen when it comes to Sunday streams I do accept compilations but they're heavily vetted now they have to be someone recently just sent a folder of porn and while it may seem hilarious on the outset I think I'm gonna have to pass on the porn thank you though that was very nice of you but yeah I mean I'm always open to different ideas that you may have we just got an itch dot IO pack there's a lot of weird [ __ ] games that I haven't played yet corruptions are always accepted as well and you know shovelware stuff like that so that's it let Vinnie can you forward that to me mmm no so that's it thanks for watching we're gonna do the art and tomorrow probably do some Crash Team Racing another my friend Pedro stream more Mario maker this week blood-stained and dreams maybe Smash Brothers I don't know there's a lot of stuff I want to do and get to so a lot of games this week and soon enough I'll be finishing up some stuff and I will also be streaming Final Fantasy 9 not this coming week for sure not this coming week but in the next two weeks I just want to play through the stuff I have and not bite off more than I can chew but I am looking forward to the Final Fantasy 9 stream and it's gonna look good too because I have all the files and it's modded and it's gonna be great what about half-life 2 episode 2 that's a shorter game so I can do that eventually but maybe give me another week or two maybe I can do that concurrently with Final Fantasy 9 could be cool
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 144,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Adobe Flash, Flash Player, Macromedia Flash, Super Sized Mario Bros, Final Fantasy Sonic X6, Portal, Super Mario 63, Dress Up the Alien, The Maze, The Idiot Test, The Jar Jar Killer, Kick People in the Balls, Hunting with Peter, Escape from Work, Interactive Buddy, Kitten Cannon, Bloons, Bowman 2, Line Rider Classic, The World's Hardest Game
Id: 1Gd1SumcWrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 55sec (4795 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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