[Vinesauce] Vinny - Quality Android Trash: SquareBob Neighbor Rope Hero Simulator Edition (part 4)

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again somewhere in in-between public service and suffering I present to you another Android shitshow public service because you know you get to see these games that should never be played that are taking advantage of possibly children trying to get money from their parents wallet whatever the case is these games are terrible and there's less neighbor games this time around but still a couple neighbor games they're still happening and some other interesting ones this is gonna be I think this one's gonna have a lot more variety and we're not going to hear that [ __ ] music again I hope but I guess we're gonna start with a familiar mascot amazing strange rope hero he terns know why do you know why do you need my contacts not like I have any on here okay now already there's already an ad okay so ads I'm not listen I'm not cutting out the ads because again you need to see how insidious these things are okay none of that was strange rope here Oh mm less cars and humans was this game made by humans probably not so there's amazing strange rope here oh is this a picture of like a GTA is this like a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto hang on a minute there's a bit of customization and B orange and blue and of course what would a strange rope hero be without a hat it's all one type of hat well at least there's consistency we know strange rope hero likes to where'd these hats where'd holy [ __ ] weapons why does strange ropey oh oh I so want to see spider-man with a gun now I don't have any money so I can't buy I can't buy these guns oh man spider-man with an RPG a flamethrower this is already amazing and it's already not amazing oh [ __ ] wait were you four weird criminal is a skull face mask that car wow guys this game is so intense check out this dragon it looks amazing let's hope I have the right champions to defeat them alright we're almost there let's use these powerful skills I leveled up okay what do more hits what's that yes victory is that epic loot this is gonna be so good for my stats you know what I think I'm ready for some PvP oh you kill strange Blizzard hero this morning opponents are here let's get in the game let's better be on my team if you want to win uh-huh so where's that guy's soul I couldn't see it I was looking for it but I couldn't see it Wow look at this look no god I'm gonna swoon right on in hey do you got the time oh wait we all have the time we have cellphones this is I'm gonna recreate the kiss from the spider-man movie where Toby Reeves drops down on Kirsten on Kirsten dupe that is a horrendous noise oh that's just a regular car okay that was like a Vespa can i zoom out kind of I can't do that I can't recreate the famous scene so I'm just gonna stop I mean she's already in her own personal hell I'd prefer not to interrupt any further I'll say this this game has what is that noise [Music] pick yourself it's a new day it's born thought of his gorillas is this gorillas don't get lost in heaven yeah get lost in heaven if you're stuck in hell holy [ __ ] what a kick he's dead that's it also strange ro Pierrot kinda has like a visible dong when face you know one's flat on face this is an incredible start yeah I'm picking up bitcoins there's everyone got some like bizarre form of transportation [ __ ] mercenaries or riding segways Wow what do I do what did I just do [Music] all my god Oh [Music] these are not Marvel superheroes this is [ __ ] up is she just gonna like walk through the corpse see up what do you what excuse me can I help you wait I kicked my mitt I kicked facing this way I turn around she's over here [Music] Wow this is a violent game let me let me escape my sins by ascending I have four stars my wanted level is so high beast [Music] again this is astounding that I can that I can do these things I'm gonna set a hotkey so I can shoot a name at the same time could you imagine if this was like spider-man and not amazing strange rope hero with like [ __ ] bulletproof armor [Music] with wielding a rifle from the top of a building that I would love to see that movie Street cop killed Oh Street cut I didn't know street cops carry RPGs for the best this is the one of the few games where the good guy isn't the good guy I'm totally okay with spider-man I mean strange rope hero being eliminated dude's an [ __ ] [Music] NYPD wait this is Manhattan geek ah [ __ ] yeah I told you man I was a guy was very oh here we go here we go [Music] there are several dozens of people that knew exactly what that was job gangster killed oh it's really popular okay I thought that was a like a scam Android game that no one knew about that was trying to like pretend to be like a popular anime it's the most popular anime in Japan okay well then what the hell is it doing is it ad for this [Music] I'm sure you know it kind of goes back to the whole thing of what like what happened on YouTube where advertisers don't want their ads being played with like bizarre [ __ ] I wonder I wonder if there's any ads being paired with a game like this or like played doctor simulator death fantasy game where they're just like now you know what we don't need the advertisement on that now let me get rid of the mouse there we go what is this heroic spider-man music I keep saying spider-man but it's really not this is a different thing altogether [Music] excuse me I'm gonna need that I'm not even playing the game now it just it's playing automatically okay thanks yeah I need that job extinguished the Fudd this is actually a really detailed game for strange rope garbage but I'm not joking it's really called amazing strange rope here oh this is like a thing now this is like its own franchise this bootleg of spider-man has spawned its own [ __ ] Android franchise ah now this is what I want to do [ __ ] you know it's funny because BlueStacks has most of the keys already bound to something so I don't have to do a lot of rebinding it's strangely playable I don't I guess the first cup game or a couple games was like popular so that they they upped the budget I don't know I'm very confused this is a surprisingly competent trash game [Music] okay there's the garage I can't I can't quite can I get in there so I'm gonna try [Music] I love these people on segways supposed to be extinguishing fire and I'm doing this [Music] worst hero [Music] I figured maybe I can glitch myself in it's that's not happening [Music] biker has been removed submission [ __ ] you [ __ ] you please gun shop I have enough money to buy more gun yep yep you can eat dick say hello to Satan for me [ __ ] no stop skip skip skip skip stop stop no volume no value nobody you gonna mute me don't move my bud pull it up wow this is a really like morally ambiguous hero actually I would say this this isn't even morally ambiguous this dis dude just [ __ ] up look at this Gallatin it's dancing I love this so you know I'm not to blame for this everyone's good they're running away wait no no no I just came back you have no idea that I did this but I died this game is so intense check out this dragon it looks you you Wow guys Wow guys my soul is gone I feel lighter already I didn't need it I've replaced it with $5,000 actually he's probably not even a youtuber it's probably just some dude it's like they just paid an actor they're like hey you want to pretend to be an influencer like there's no name there's no brand recognition it's probably just some actor that they hired to pretend to be a quote-unquote influencer and without saying who he is kids will just be like oh yeah I know him he's great that's um mark deep I McGrew these love these screams [Applause] and the car physics are awesome they don't know how to get me out of this thing rock star take note human is stronger than car the Waluigi cycle where did you get that from [ __ ] off that's a Hatton isn't that the half-life sound effect and then nothing was left of strange rope hero but a hat man I guess we could play this for like another twenty minutes and still discover new stupid things but I'm gonna stop I just want to kick this dude on the Segway real quick good good good good good get in there and I'm dead again that was genuinely amazing strange rope hero I don't know how you can get better than that how do you start where you start that's strong and then how do you continue well you go to angry neighbor of fate of course I told you I had a couple neighbors the neighbor [ __ ] is still happening these games are still being made so here's a book angry neighbor of fate I don't know what that is I'd prefer to play my game okay controls are very bad now at least strange rope hero had decent controls for what it was oh my god oh man it's gonna get me sick did I just pick up an in-game ad I've never seen that happen before [ __ ] oh that's um that's new that's good making ads in game items what what are you what are you the neighbor [Music] Wow we've seen enough mom battle simulator counter stickman I believe they showed this at e3 but it was called command & Conquer when they showed it [Music] they have better guns it's like new grounds on the Android new grounds from 2002 what was it I don't feel as accomplished as maybe I'm being led to believe [Music] Dishman again you don't actually play this game I mean it's kind of like that epic battle totally accurate battle simulator [ __ ] that I play way you know way worse yeah good good AI throw grenade yes he did it [Music] they have mp5 is there gonna go in they're gonna scoop this up easily they have superior weapons with good range and they can fire from very far away why only one star though I have no control over that [Music] it's like stolen counter-strike noises download new game they're advertising their sequel on their first game like yes please I'll take another game that spot is unclick Abul so I'm trying to like spawn another dude can't do it [Music] next is crust all krusty-krab nightmare are you ready to get crusted to-do-list take money take money from cash machine try to find money in the toilet pack or Glarus drip I make I need to make this bigger so I can actually there we go see now I have control takes a little while to loot it's a lot of money to be fair I am I spongebob whom stem I when light flickers you must hide this Krusty Krab seems like it was um borrowed from another game my Jack you don't know which one but it probably was light is flickering what the [ __ ] mr. Krab do you look a lot different mobile present meticulous tips for efficiency so here's gas this game brought to you by Exxon Mobil make smaller sandwiches for pasture lunches whoops send the pointless recap before the pointless meeting enjoy man ruse by having a friend toss ice water in your face Oh whales an experiment with all three grades of synergy gasoline the fuel efficient fuel nothing makes me want to buy gas more than strange crust hero I just spawned in like this good game I'm getting sick that is amazing oh it's horrifying can't get me can't get me Wow yeah this is making me dizzy this glitch this presumed glitch maybe it's like intentional to be like spooky [Music] destroy me mr. Krabs I don't want to live on this planet anymore oh man getting over it too no actually this one's just called get over it too doesn't work you got over it let me show you the icon this dude's nipples like extra close together or is that my imagination like that's strange strange nip here oh okay his nipples are cross-eyed okay okay it's a good thing the game doesn't work here's one called nothing you you you okay that was nothing oh my god Oh No why do you need the whitey needs location why would this possibly need the location this is more nothing stick man big nose you am I supposed to just be able to fly you you you my right ear loved this game I believe it's an online game that tried to put me in a server that is not populated by anything or anyone hello sponge so speaking of neighbors and SpongeBob's sponge hello Bob this right here is going to be the character model they use in Smash 5 [Music] earn 100k by watching a movie huh what a deal [Music] the [ __ ] am I looking at what kind of puzzle game is this Wow look at how much skill is required to play this game 1 million does that have 1 million reviews it's probably got 1 million reviews because you do nothing in the game let's go sponge Pokemon let's go sponge it you come on these are definitely stolen assets like oh I mean it they don't have the license to spongebob for one hang on a minute I have to create WASD again [Music] so when I do that I'm dragging over a thing that allows you to move around you see fascinating I know what a cold-blooded [ __ ] murderer Sponge Bob is [Music] [Music] at no point did I ever expect spongebob to become this violent but that's why we have to continue making android games and I say it's the Android [ __ ] show but you know most of these are available on any phone on any like platform [Music] [Music] nice you got spider-man killing cops you got spongebob killing agent 47 [Music] [ __ ] Wow did you see that that's a cool mechanic the hell is this that's not what I want I can't turn Wow that is really really broken much care and attention was put into this game I'm not entirely convinced that these games aren't created by an algorithm more advanced enough we have the technology why not I might be cheating a little bit don't report me to Gav please but yeah I seem to have aim by built-in playing dick smart I've never seen a game that mixes stellar graphics a great story graphics strategy elements that I'm personally interested in all in one mobile game video graphics dragon of Iron Throne this is the game we've been waiting is it we've who's been waiting for are you paid actors download now well now you have a preview of some of the games that you'll be seeing tonight let's do dice breaker no Oahu you dominating wizard all right well guess what never mind icebreaker Duke dashing ttan is next I'm a little worried because it looks like he's naked it wants me to create a gamer ID again alright fine I made a gamer ID everybody I'm like fictitious Leopard okay he's Wario is not naked Wow I have finally found the fabled temple of memories its treasure will be mine oh no that trap causes the whole temple to collapse I need to save the treasure before it's lost forever cool screen tearing what I mean yes it's a ripoff of the Wario sprite to some extent but it's actually kind of a game you have to like complete the little area and as few moves as possible without dashing into spikes I guess see I'm torn I know this is a bootleg of Wario but compared to all the other [ __ ] I've played tonight it's pretty good again it's just Stockholm Syndrome that's all it is oh wait no no no it's few dashes as possible and you just have to you know in the amount of time I thought those were - numbers that it's just time okay yeah it's fine it's fine it's a game if you're gonna get like Android scam games may as well get that one super lips Sian Sian saying oh it wants my social security number once my contacts my photos my files it wants my pictures in record video and if I deny it it just closes it would have been amazing you can't play Crazy Taxi Mountain Drive 3d again once my media and location I'm gonna give it access oh you know what it closed down doesn't matter I think some of these games okay you know what I think it's BlueStacks I think BlueStacks is [ __ ] up gonna restart it we might get super leps after all you just got a hacked [ __ ] oh wait a minute this is a virtual Android device with no files on it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean don't report me bro oh [ __ ] you're running this in the sandbox and know my location now oh dude dude okay while I'm waiting for this to load oh my god look at this ad this is good World Cup win official FIFA right I don't want to win is the X button oh that's so good you some of the okay so super LEP's still does not work crazy taxi mountain so let me see if amazing strange rope hero works again yeah some of these just don't work sponge SquarePants adventure games this is gonna all please please have the music yes welcome to your first mission your task is to collect jewels in each level jewels touch anywhere to close the screen I was waiting for it it's not an endless-runner [Music] spongebob looks like he's on coke but that's besides the point this is gonna be a soul and squid its familiar I don't know what it is also RPG maker sound effects again wow they stole assets from the new splatoon DLC [Music] let's just face it I'm mom not good at this game that's on be different plants vs. zombies there's nothing to do a spongebob [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello spongebob hello hmm hmm what's happening I just want to tell you that they have been upgraded now what do you did you mean the wolf yes of course exactly what's happening as spongebob said earlier what is happening we need like Android bingo and what's happening would be immediate and smash brothers wolf has been upgraded well there you go then now we know what it means I just don't know why it's this music all the time it's is there no other music that they can use license-free [Music] yeah this this now feels more like an algorithmically generated game with just sprite replacement and insert thing here [Music] implying they care about the license now that's a good point they can just use the spongebob music all right well he's dead drowned in water under the sea David Byrne was right there is water at the bottom of the ocean the kind of water that [ __ ] kills spongebob yeah Oh whoa onie please so this is a game apparently and there's ads on it so it may seem harmless like oh it's a little soundboard with video nope well I say game quote-unquote but yeah there's there's an ad there so someone's making money off of this very good that was just called wool chat I'm curious would you um would you allow a talking horse to access your photos media and files how sensitive is your data is your privacy policy up to date to the point where you'd allow the talking horse in tell anyone don't be don't be stupid the horse is a good friend I promise would you allow the talking horse to record audio how about would you allow the talking horse to be still use bank account you [Music] a b c d e Hey n n o p q r s P right this is the cursed and creepy and I hate it okay and Oh B Q are [Music] God is dead [Music] god is dead god is dead [Music] oh my god there's minigames to stop and stop stop stop stop stop stop stop it stop it Wow I just made the talking horse take a [ __ ] my life is complete I guess [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the playground that's truly the scariest part of this is how slow you earn coins which can then be purchased to buy a gym for your horse stop no I don't I don't want here like what is that though fireworks in eggs that don't break but they break anyway and can't do much except kill the horse [Music] and this has what to do with horses man this is a cursed [ __ ] game this is making me as uncomfortable as the finger family [ __ ] I feel like it comes from a similar place then I just killed a goose [Music] oh no oh no I don't want to buy a talking dog or a talking cat oh no no no no no no no no no I think that's everything I think unless I purchase more thing I can only have the horse fart and talk a little bit barely you know I just realized something this might be one of those apps that you talk and it repeats things back at you like maybe it like when you yeah ditto like you say a thing and then it says it back to you however I can't get it to access my microphone trying then again this is probably for the best I don't want it to have my microphone I'm good just dandy if anyone wants to take on this cursed game and see what it's all about by all means go for it but I'm going to stop there because that was probably not good for any of us we're gonna be cursed come tomorrow we will wake up and we're gonna be the like horse people I'm not looking forward to it but I guarantee you that was bad for our soul maybe we'll do an advertisement for some like Clash of Kings landlords you know and do 30 seconds guys you'll never believe this great game all right now listen this next game is called fortnight fortnight but I'm really out mini arena survival let's call that [Music] No I just don't I don't want to hear it I'll look at it but I don't want to hear it you so we're Sora in all this and cloud and Jack Sparrow and lack of sound effects [Music] just run into the helicopter [Music] okay yep I couldn't even [ __ ] see the map plant suchan [Music] I knew what I was doing so here have an ad [Music] this is like the Marvel movie formula like there's a touching or sad or real moment that happens and then it's like cut with a joke but with Android games instead of a joke it's an ad Oh two ads [Music] oh my god Lois what are you doing what are we doing in this and this world oh my god you'd get did your boobs their soccer balls oh my god original at stale with sack up sack of all rabbits uns hey yeah sack of all rabbits uns without any context and I'm sure none was provided and they add either that was probably one of the most surreal moments in all of Android [ __ ] show history certainly is a lot of level [Music] there's absolutely no point there's no point fight for life except know who's making that noise oh that's me that's my character let's just say the voice didn't match the character can't move [Music] Oh [Music] you you so that was fun let's do something we need a little I bleach I think let's do something that sounds a little bit more cute [Music] No okay so while this is happening I'd like to not not Waluigi there's a thing I wanted to show you guys so someone on Twitter made this and I loved it and I want to read it I forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Olive Garden commercials and then asked it asked it to write an Olive Garden commercial of its own here is the first page now let's fake it didn't actually didn't actually make a bot that said it's entertaining interior interior Olive Garden restaurant a group of friends laughs at a dinner table a waitress comes to deliver what could be considered food pasta nachos for you we see the pasta nachos they're warm and defeated the menu is here lasagna wings with extra Italy we see the lasagna wings there's more Italy than necessary I shall eat Italian citizens unlimited stick we see the unlimited stick it is infinite it is all leave without me I'm home gluten classic Oh from the kitchen we the gluten classic oh we believe the waitress that it is from the kitchen we have no reason not to believe friend four says nothing what is wrong friend four friend four says nothing friend four what is wrong friend four friend force miles wide her mouth is full of secret soup announcer what voice Olive Garden when you are here you're here [Music] this is a little in-between add between the ads hey does anyone else see the line through this guy's head they didn't attach his textures properly it's a [ __ ] Android they forgot to attach his skin properly or it's a tattoo and it's a perfectly normal human being barf gun bottom piece meat dog I am a simple son welcome to my kitchen companies and avocadoes get some youtuber music there it is you'll notice there were there was a double human there was one human stuck inside other human I sure do and enjoy some royalty-free ukulele tuned best popper why is there a cat icon for the jump button you're asking too many questions you wouldn't want the developers of this game to access your location ever closer to hell we descend dancing all the way they couldn't even like put the full ukulele song in there maybe you could just like finish the loop so it's the full song but no I don't even need to say anything just look at it [Music] brought to you by Hulu it's been a while since I watched spongebob but spongebob was triangular right another really great short loop [Music] about eight or nine second loop let's see how our shoots know right it didn't say power shoots oh my god I know it's an algorithm I know that it's like just Google ads or you know whatever and they're just scatter shot throughout the internet and yeah of course we're gonna see a Minecraft advert you know on something like this why not more RPG maker music it didn't really say shoots right it's it shots I guess we're gonna find out it says shoots holy [ __ ] it went by so fast that I wasn't sure [Music] that's the very angry sponge you now that is some good shoots clunking octagonal blend from a genome and you or shall we do next I'll just do the next one on the list friend - Brett sweat the - whose return friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Wow you have like no time to react [Music] how the [ __ ] do you play this star - it said you gotta watch an ad otherwise start over don't you hate it when your kneecaps go through your clothes [Music] that's false that is the only speed of running you have someone's actually trying to tell me how to play this game what when watching me play Android games keep in mind that there is no logic or reason involved [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've thank you event enough of that try to get over it to again it's a shame this one doesn't work this one would have been interesting I've been saving monster crafter but it seems like after the previous ad we received from Minecraft that this would be a good substitute profile look at all the things it wants to know for what reason license check failed in the year 3030 monsters ruled the world in a once peaceful land the evil Lord Skull fury has seized power wow this looks like a game one brave hero must stop him is this a real game [Music] I want Bulbasaur please thank you monsters so it's minecraft Pokemon open egg [Music] [Music] come on do the thing put the [ __ ] things on put the [ __ ] beans on it kill me please [Music] I wish no longer to live every moment is pain this is not what I was expecting from this game have you remembered to stay hydrated by the way you should I'm gonna hydrate some [ __ ] Jack Daniels I'm really not I'm really not I feel the urge Wow octoman feast what are those sound effects [Music] again another RPG maker set there there are more RPG maker sound effects in this [Music] [Applause] [Music] unbelievable it really is just Pokemon minecraft but not really even minecraft there's not a whole lot of minecraft aside from the style and building your own [ __ ] up weird creature but I guess it's a game a kind of I mean it's this is probably now the best thing I played tonight not sure why it was included other than weird game mechanics use vine whip okay I didn't know I had that I thought the only move I had was tackle no I don't want that anymore how about mr. maker [ __ ] oh wait no it's working okay good this is mr. maker too actually so there was a first mr. maker hey do you want to start a small business well we've got the tools for you check out in defund Kok yep you can make your own games you can make your own small business you can start your own website we do all of it for you our employees are Suzy astok as I am we specialize in thews e Azzam [Music] doing it the orange hat [Music] it's always an option to watch an ad just in case [Music] it's old Oh was misspelled it was walk walk walk the NED the game didn't work there was no game [Music] walkthrough that Douglas worse would nothing there's no game here but it's thewe see a stick at the very least hello endless neighbor this is my worst nightmare its hello neighbor that never ends and also wants to know the device's location endless surfer hello neighbor hang on I might be able to fix that to suffer just remove the are please thank you wait did I not play this already I feel like I've played this but if I haven't Vinnie you've played this ok alright so we have a repeat from last time yep there you go that's how you know again what Freddie from five night at Frederick had anything to do with this I don't know but that's incredible well at least the neighbors in jail now thank God for that underwater animal transport 3d this one sounds very different I've never played underwater animal transport game ever so it doesn't seem like it's a bootleg it doesn't seem like it's a simulator I have headphones on too so don't worry the tinnitus is coming along nicely I'm working on a nice ripened tinnitus instructions control the animal sorry if you didn't see it just said you missed nothing it just said control the animal [Music] no wow I didn't know tigers could be this boring also what a weird perspective like to play from the Tigers perspective as the tiger is about to get caged I don't know why you would make someone play a game like that that's I don't want to skip the level no no I want to resume the level please thank you pause I didn't know no no no I didn't do that I did not I did not do that I did not so how are you tonight everybody has how's the life going me my allergies are a little little screwy tonight but I'm good having trouble speaking I blame the allergies and society someone in chat just said I crave death is that a result of this stream No I guess we'll never know Tom super Jerry super Tom and Jerry with a G so here's the the classic characters [Music] Jerry Tom realistic dog all plastered on monkey bodies Oh chimpanzee that monkey news [Music] very very serene and peaceful music [Music] I didn't know Tom and Jerry was in demand enough to be bootlegged like this so sorry Tom and Jerry you didn't deserve this you deserve better this is their current like legacy this is the only thing happening in the Tom and Jerry world right now [Music] ready to smash [Music] I'm killing monkeys this is definitely a retexture this is nothing to do with Tom and Jerry this is another game that was just reskin it's a monkey game it really is chimpanzee that monkey news really really great though I don't mean that I didn't mean a word of that but nice try [Music] oh man I would love to be an epic influencer and have my my visage on the bottom of the screen and be like you guys need to check this [ __ ] out it's so good [Music] you know what guys yeah I can't make them talk sorry I don't have the I don't have the proper proper program loaded I was using the web version it doesn't have the speech recognition or microphone sensitivity or whatever hill-climbing bus simulator so I streamed a somewhat professional somewhat professional bus simulator fairly recently so I know how to drive buses I'm very good at this I'm very proficient [ __ ] was that music box check out this box just a bits just a box put the cat in the box hey kids you get an empty box alright this music is [ __ ] baller I wanted to hear it restart this many times please thank you achievement unlocked for pressing the button [Music] must have been real hard to make the graphic for the drive in Reverse so just you know put it upside down just reverse it okay once again I need to find some controls here and they're not working it really doesn't matter it none of this matters what's this movie button oh I was I was expecting an ad that's a shock it has actual utility [Applause] all right everybody we're going up hill this is hill climbing bus simulator after all gotta have an angle wouldn't want to just be a bus driver yes please put me put me on top of that yes impale my customers and pale them it's ok I can reverse out of this [Applause] [Music] okay that one didn't work it's a kart racing game nothing special pink hanazakari no sake games before like previously so this is another character I don't know if it's a bootleg of a character or a real character or it doesn't matter I'm so defeated I've heard this music - probably during Android oh it's the game from before I told you just an algorithm rinse and repeat copy/paste I wanna die here [Music] this is a platformer where I can't step on a snail is the shell toxic I so wish I had a clip of the Android theme song you know the one that shows up all the time so you're just like cue it play it on command we're kind of we're way over halfway through but there's still quite a few left so I'm gonna kind of go a little bit quicker I'm not gonna devote as much time to hey do you want to start a small local business do you like bananas and avocados well we'll set a peccatis fresh to your house no charge once a week [Music] wait a minute this is not the game that I clicked this is definitely not the game Christmas tree okay so this raft game which I've considered streaming and I might I know Reb streamed it it's a game where you're on a raft and you have to throw your hook at materials it's what you're looking at now but you use the materials that you come across in the ocean to build stuff on your raft it's actually somewhat interesting survival concept that what is this fish is it a whale it's not a shark unless it's like you know mangled shark but yeah the raft game received a lot of updates it got a little bit of traction and apparently there's like three or four raft simulators now on Android maybe more is it a sideways shark I don't know what it is man I don't know what it is could be a whale that wasn't the game I clicked or was it I clicked kids bicycle impossible tricks that's what I clicked maybe I didn't I guess I didn't we got Middies at least it's not that [ __ ] song again [Music] apparently that was the stunt race FX theme song still stolen after all this time flappy [Music] [Music] they're really hitting this mech game advertisement hard this is one of two games that Nintendo showed at e3 you had Smash Brothers and mech game you Oh it'll be over it'll be over the press how do I stop this are you [ __ ] deceptive [ __ ] [ __ ] all the the X blend in blended in cross hurdles and drive bicycle carefully [Music] this has got to be dangerous pentagram that seemed a bit like a pentagram to me [Music] everything about this night is unholy spongebob TTR Adobe AIR oh no I remember what happened the last time I installed Adobe AIR you strange Bob here oh let's see [Music] the [ __ ] is happening what's happening holy [ __ ] did I win never again am i clicking a game that uses Adobe AIR ever you no thank you no I would not like the the game to advertise to me thanks anyway this is w damage and that is a nice looking car for a shitty cellphone game you that's a standard standard Wow again I'm impressed I was impressed is that real did the wheel go through the [ __ ] my driver is wearing the wheel as a hat there is no driver the driver is the wheel alright yeah we hear it Microsoft games like to show you our new fours why does it take this long to restart you see what we feel it's very cinematic if it's fine jail yeah I'll stop so it's like one of those [ __ ] beam ng games that I've played where you you just crash and you can you just [ __ ] up your vehicle over and over and over again and it's got like somewhat interesting physics and not necessarily realistic but interesting it's a cool concept for a game it's been done better but for an Android game sure why not what I'm not seeing I've never seen that like that before zero comma 99 dollar sign that's like everything is wrong I don't want the app I don't know what the app is I don't want it stopped that was W damage we have pocket kitten cat go [Music] this music is genuinely horrifying this is a cat no that is the [ __ ] ring girl well okay so I think Freddie help please you catched Molly cat Molly cat is funny kitten this is another extremely cursed game this is scarier than games that try to be scary on purpose oh my god I'm [ __ ] I'm not pressing it [Music] Jasper I've never heard a cat's meow described as yowls it says I have two pokey cat balls but I I seem to have infinite but I think the cats are telling me to help them they're like please help yeah this is super cursed this is really one of the worst attempt I don't know if this is a serious attempt at making like a Pokemon clone like a cute cat Pokemon clone or if the person who made this is extremely well aware of what they're doing and the ringo girl is exactly why i think it's intentional [Music] someone was saying in chat that the review said it has a screamer so yeah it's probably and it's it's intentional uhh a cat doors [Music] which is did you see the ad up top it said looks like he's in the shower wait your turn or jump in look look look [ __ ] [Music] so this is a stray cat girl game after all these years finally found another stray cat girl game [Music] meow sorry yelled [Music] but bottle up up up up okay I don't I don't really know what since that might be the solution to a puzzle so this is like a puzzle game point-and-click puzzle game can't really click anything here [Music] it's a point-and-click puzzle game [Music] [Applause] I've got to fill that with water so I can get a piece of the cat my cat Spirit is filling its trash I'm actually gonna solve a puzzle in this game [Music] [Applause] [Music] can I be adopted now I get it I have to have the full cat soul before I can be adopted do you understand did you see the symbol on the door I'm not fully cat 9 4 3 9 being blue [Music] I'm gonna do this I'm going to be a real cat maybe then I'll have a home and be adopted and be taken out of the rain one of the best games of the night and it's this it's [ __ ] stray cat girl simulator now I need to find a sewer there's gonna be a little paper boat that winds down the path a stream into a sewer and the stray cat girl will go in there and the clown that's in the sewer will be like do you want penis enlargement pills [Music] yo what the [ __ ] now I can be adopted this is my house that's the twist that's gonna be me oh no it's just a cat [Music] is this really a thing in in Japanese culture like the stray cat girl thing is this really a trope [Music] it is no I thought it was a one-off well some people are saying it is which I can believe quote-unquote people when every other link in the chat is you've been crowned lace adventure is this shadow Sonic Hey are you too fast for school looking to start your own hot dog business get some chili on it yeah and then as you get older and wiser you can put the beans on it that'll make it grow and grow and grow I'm talking about your small business Tim a lot of frames of animation you got there shadow I think I have a baseball bat now had [Music] like I'm not even surprised by that anymore this one I might be surprised by this one's called emergency doctor simulator and I don't like it [Music] you couldn't get two more totally different games than the shadow game in this [Music] here now you have something to look at for 19 seconds you you pretty good right why do you think a game like that needs more advertisement with three million reviews okay well accelerometer is not happening Emma and Abraham are waiting with their mother at you clinic get in your car Abraham that's just unfair to the kid EEMA [Music] the cat what point does the stupidity level recede then you have the music is so serious like drive to your clinic before you are too late it's like there's caps so they mean it okay this is gonna be a tough one to play because you actually have to turn the wheel [Music] it's not a lot of doctor games that let you drive to your clinic oh my god this is impossible for me to control Wow they invested in the lake card deformation there's actual real damage on the car what I thought this is a dr. game not GTA doctor what the hell again I'm trying to control this with the mouse and it's really really really really difficult I can't I can't do it anymore I can't do it [Music] I've given out all like hidin captain a couple more this one's called what the hell which is appropriate okay never mind it doesn't work mmm my voice mmm I'm good you can imagine what this is it's its san andreas clone hero amazing strange rope friend bob spongebob but gangster in high school I would very much like for this one to work okay if this one works pose [ __ ] so what game is this based upon I wonder [Music] roblox of course [Music] save 75% on penis enlargement pills [ __ ] nonsense unskipable add every time making this add unskipable makes me hate this war robot download no app store get ready to make robot customized eliminate your four super robotic and very hypnotic throw for people paper balls towards teacher remember you only have seven paper balls really quite dip notic together we can manage why is the throw icon a basketball player you're a teacher part-time part-time [Music] who's that who is that why would you do this stop that [Music] please do not shoot please do not [Music] [Music] alright those gangster in high school laser pets I believe this game is attempting to be self-aware of course I think holidays yes I do I think about Christmas when I look at mix this quality music just refuses to stop well I regret to inform everyone I am no longer a fan of the Rhodes piano I [Music] [Music] don't know how you [ __ ] up a platformer but you can do it you can certainly do it scum little Han uzuki forest road I did another Honda's okie game earlier so this is met my vampire girlfriend [Music] gioconda Mirai Serrano origins the alarm clock that I set last night was noisily explaining that it was morning as I pressed on the switch for the alarm clock the sound stopped I looked at the alarm clock it read 7:00 a.m. yawn as I got up I gave a huge stretch down my spine and rubbed my eyes after getting changed in my uniform I left my room and headed towards the living room where as always my breakfast and lunch for that day were already prepared after confirming that I headed towards the washroom when I was brushing my teeth after washing my face the doorbell rang morning opened the door heard a booming voice from the entryway this is something that she does every morning and always at the same time thinking it can't be helped I headed towards the entrance and still way still brushing my teeth and unlocked the door morning were you brushing your teeth sorry even though she apologizing she's apologizing you could tell clearly she didn't really mean it she is Yuri Kenai Matsu she lives next door and is one of those so-called childhood friends my parents are really busy and as such they're always gone by the time I wake up and there's we go to high school together and I'm gonna do some breakfast and suck some blood and I am no longer care [Music] I played this already wait did I what must have been extremely memorable [Music] it's not poorly translated or poorly written like I hoped it would be it's not like funny or self-aware the vampire stuff doesn't happen I don't know people really wanted me to play that I saw it mentioned a bunch and disappointing then again I'd prefer never to play visual novels on stream again if I could help it unless they're really really really some of the good stuff you you you [Music] [Music] now you know why I named my character Maude knock [Music] [Music] [Music] yep now this is definitely questionable territory oh that one's got a mohawk [Music] that's enough of that oh no not again this [ __ ] music run roblox escape you did it congratulations [Applause] [Music] then he hears the song Thanks so I got my hands on a an early copy of the new Pokemon game [Music] you [Music] a lot of [ __ ] TVs this is definitely just another reskin of something else now I want you be surprised there all right almost almost done almost done elevated car driving sim there's a lot more Android tonight than I expected elevated car simulator I think I might have played this [Music] now maybe not maybe maybe this is a fever dream drive mr. president to important conference while the protocol do not deviate from the path I don't know I might have played this this is very familiar [Music] like what Nisha's this feeling I'm outside of checkers and rallies they got a brand new steak burger let's get in there oh the new crispy mushroom or Philly - a Burger Chef they're 49 stars and rallies fast foodies know the deal stop that versus music coming from [Music] fast foodies man that might what a title to be known as a fast food II but again yeah I don't understand the niche that this game is feeling like like do people have like fantasies about being able to lift their car [Music] there's other music playing and I have no idea if it's from this sort [Music] yeah there is music playing on top of music from that one game I'm spending less than 20 seconds on this scary neighbor strange game I might have even played this I just don't know anymore I told you the neighbors are less but they're still around these [ __ ] seems as he has done some suspicious activity you are in hell Vinny this is your punishment that's why when I see hello neighbor at PAX or I see neighbor face in any capacity I just want to I want to [ __ ] myself I want to destroy the promotional materials the neighbour games are very very very the same almost every time with varying degrees of bad they're never good even the official hello neighbor game isn't good in my opinion I don't like it and I thought I had potential but then it just kind of ended up being a glitchy nightmare of a game but yeah I don't understand why I don't understand why neighbor became so huge that every time I do these Android showcases there's like seven new ones at least like this one [Music] this one's a Hello Shrek stinky neighbor [Music] all right Duncan ah let's not Shrek it's almost Shrek that's just so insidious I don't even get a chance to start my [ __ ] game yet take three steps here's marble when's marvel baby never you're too busy watching ads this is pretty [ __ ] opposite of Shrek swamp okay it's got one of those um excellent camera control systems the kind that just infinitely turns you [Music] no mr. Shreck I'm sorry Shrek why did you come to my house it's all ogre now [Music] man they couldn't even put cake smarter shopping do you want to start a small local business well now you can with shopping [Music] they couldn't even put a Shrek voice in there I'm gonna leave I'm gonna leave it off there that's it that's pretty much all of them there's probably one or two that I missed that I probably also have played in a previous time I don't care it's all bad and I'm done oh [ __ ] that Android showcases are very painful they take a lot of my lifeforce away from me but again I feel like that it needs to get done and it is some of the best [ __ ] I do when it's good like strange rope hero talking horse the [ __ ] cat catching some of this [ __ ] was just unbelievably horrifying but I'm so happy it's done up next is Monty Python cd-rom game this is something I've been looking forward to since I found out about it yesterday actually so stick around I'll be back in a couple minutes and we'll do what I think will be a lot of fun
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 303,101
Rating: 4.9397993 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Quality Android Games, Android OS, Awful, Terrible, Bad, Weird, Ripoffs, Bootlegs, Ads, and more Ads, Trash, Rope Hero, Neighbor, Neighbour, Spongebob Squarepants, Simulator, Hello Neighbor
Id: CSaoxp7IbLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 0sec (8100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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