[Vinesauce] Vinny - Shovelware Showcase Wii #19

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well actually hang on a minute we can't start the show without the logo okay now we can start the show so it's shovelware showcase it returns a lot of these games I've had sitting around but a lot more of them I've had only for a week I was at too many games and people were just giving me trash by the handful just just trash tons of it and then also after that of course before that was packs so I have plenty of trash that just been have given to me in person I'm not asking for these things I'm not putting the call out like boy I could sure use some shitty games but I have them and I'll just let you know that I thought I was done playing shovel where on the switch or on the we wait a minute switch has still got plenty to come trust me I thought I had finished the we shovel where showcase library but no there's a lot of it I may just be done with data design interactive but you hear that those are games if you could call them such a thing gummy bears magical medallion boy when I got this one I knew it was gonna be a fun Sunday Vinny you've already played the gummy bear adventure game it's a shitty side-scrolling 2d platformer already done on a previous sunday stream oh really Oh No do I have like selective trauma memory all right well shovelware Showcase is over we're doing it anyway I've done this I have no memory of this place I have no recollection of this this was three years ago I did this let's see hang on a minute maybe once I actually play the game did I do the minigames Vinnie you played this I got it because of you actually I've inspired a new generation of shovelware showcase connoisseurs at this point yeah I played this I remember this all yeah this is this is bad I don't know if I said this three years ago but I love that you can hear like clearly like human shoe footsteps meanwhile I'm like living gel oh yeah I remember that watch part eight of shovelware showcase if you want to see this game I guess it's um a refresher it's a it's a trip down memory lane but then he you did say that three years ago consistency is important I don't recall if I've done the minigames well there's only two available [Music] Jesus all right well I had a very fun time playing gummy bears I don't feel I don't feel too bad that that was a repeat because it was only about a minute and a half of our lives so okay I'm gonna have to get rid of some of these cases I keep the disks but the cases must be removed they just take up too much goddamn space monkey mischief party time have I played this someone said oh I thought this was a new episode of vine sauce rerun yeah that's a rerun Vinnie you played monkey time Benny you did not play this it's a new one well narrowed says I haven't played it all these goddamn games are just kind of blending into one another but let's see what this one is this is a dedicated we this this we has only seen trash someone just said this is a filler episode joke's on you they're all filler episodes let's see it says here you mentioned the footsteps let's see I'm gonna listen to it this is three years ago now okay we need to talk about these footsteps under perfect I am a gummy bear made out of candy and squishy okay I said a little different all those years ago also my um my compressor was a bit different anyway here's a monkey party game wait a minute whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa did you just pick a lock with a banana because that's ingenious monkey mischief it just cuts off okay good it's like a super monkey ball to has a really bizarre animated monkey intro this is like the parallel to that in a shittier universe so create a new save file nope I don't think I will [Music] this is the worst loop ever how did they let that happen that's got to be some kind of glitch ma no mom maybe they didn't have a budget to make more music it's really blurry - I know it's the Wii but holy [ __ ] I hate this loo you can even hear the click ah it's so bad no one played this game before it was released rocking and rolling monkey oh boy I thought the worst of the worst was over for shuffle we're a showcase how long is this gonna take let's see if the reloading time is proportionate to the amount of entertainment I actually get from the game throw fruit at the monkey and soon you will find that your score will leave the other players behind you can hear the click again [Music] I think I'm playing hang on a minute aim throw throw fruit at the monkey and sit oh oh you just point at the monkey and shoot that's it oh this is the lowest form of monkey entertainment I've seen monkeys throw [ __ ] at each other that was more amusing than this this truly is this is truly low-budget like maybe some of the worst [ __ ] I've seen on the Wii yet I don't even know what I'm doing aiming directly center of the screen and I'm pressing the button that's it [Music] game complete did that the monkey is still moving look what's going on with the monkeys animations you're all right monkey who made this game who the [ __ ] made this game activision published this what designed and developed first for wii it says on the back of the box the zookeeper has left for the day and the monkeys are up to no good it's all-out mayhem and no one including the hippos are safe from a little monkey mischief at this zoo basic reading ability is needed to fully enjoy this game oh is it it says here each monkey has its own unique personality 20 hilarious games for everyone take over the zoo in one to four player action do you see 20 mini-games so I accidentally went into the same game as a moment ago because it's really easy to do that five games times four players Oh Vinny are you running you're overclocked we at the wrong speed again this I haven't listened that's the game box there's even a manual [Music] now this is everything you see tonight is actually real I have in physical form the dev now makes mobile games yeah that's not surprising I have the instruction booklet and it's just a rundown of not even the specific mini-games it just tells you how to delete a save game and load a save game pretty much this has to be bugged the music has to be bugged this can't be real so we'll get a crank and and press a [Music] what the [ __ ] is this [Music] games bad it's giving me a headache on top of it being really bad that's cool let's go go up go up monkey ma Kate [Music] [Music] more loading times than gameplay Oh tonight is a night one must one must drink Vinny the music is bugged I checked gameplay it has full audio tracks ok well so then this is this is just my particular brand of shuffle where shittiness I don't know if it's the game or the Wii for the record this was not the game that was sticky in the collection that would be the honors of the sticky game goes to Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer I did I don't know if I played that one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh oh yeah someone told me to clean off the sticky we game with soap and water possibly salmon slap oh wait though there are more games this this is one of the worst right out the gate let's forget gummy bears ever happened twice but yeah this is a bad one is it okay if I use a Axe body spray to clean my weed discs everybody is that is that fine oh I could just see the weed disc you know its filthy its sticky and then I put the axe body spray on it and then it like it gets sunglasses [Music] oh this is a fart minigame I see I ice I see kind of makes you appreciate the Mario music and sound effects huh like for Mario Party I can only go to the right [ __ ] Oh God it is it's just such ass can we go back to gummy bears gummy bears seems like a [ __ ] masterpiece then he I sent you the rudolph game two years ago and it was clean when I sent it to you what hell hole has that disc fin in for the past two years it grew fungus but the disc itself through some kind of sticky fungus on it Harry Houdini let me just breathe in the fungus hmm I feel fine just this the music is about to get started does that represent I don't know what the battery charge is running low when the battery runs out so two to the shovelware games this monkeys gone to heaven this monkeys gone to heaven someone said this game someone put blood their blood sweat and tears into this game have a little respect I believe that people did sweat on the disk correct I do believe that throw the hippo with all of your might and hope that it has a really good flight look at that message a lot that's Mario 64 but wife said flight of the blue-balled [Music] what are the odds of the AI throwing that hippo into the exact same spot twice in a row oh [ __ ] [Music] ha ha [Music] this is something else I mean this it's just extra shitty with the music looping like this but even without shitty music loops this game would be it would be like a hall of famer I think this is gonna go if I had to like go through all my shovelware showcase videos and give you like the top ten I'd probably put all of the data design games in there and then that would leave room for like two or three [Music] final this one actually sounds good this is the best loop so far just being on birds guitar like spending my Sunday night like this sucks of birds [Music] and you have to shake you have to shake to piss you know like when you're about to finish people while some of you will know about this when you're finish people do the shake maneuver you know I mean the shake that's what I'm doing right now - my [ __ ] nunchuck this game hurts this is a painful video game shake shake just remember they couldn't make the liquid pee [Music] like they had to make it look like something else but it was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stomach hurts oh [ __ ] physically laughs anymore Jesus Christ [Music] God I lost it I [ __ ] lost it [Music] [Music] okay gonna draw a banana [Music] I wish I would have played this last how the [ __ ] do I follow this game follow this I got tears in my eyes bathroom chaos ought to be a fly in the wall of the recording session where they did monkey noises I don't understand the correlation between shaking and nunchuck and reloading toilet paper [ __ ] I hate the we sometimes Vinnie there's literal [ __ ] on the wall to the right I didn't see it was there really [ __ ] on the wall monkey see monkey do I believe it I believe there was [ __ ] I believe that a programmer put [ __ ] on the wall in this game more people are watching this now than have bought the game and its entire like one well I don't [ __ ] Moises I feel like a tool I'm barely doing the things it's just kind of doing them on on its own [Music] they always winning bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump this company went on to make five more games excuse the [ __ ] me I need to find those other games this is like dated design interactive levels of amazing are they the new data does that what is the name of this developer it's Activision published it who made this [ __ ] trash it's the developer I can't like they they're not even advertising on the box who the developers I'm looking I still don't see a goddamn developer for this that's astounding Satan I've given up the worst part is they're still like how many minigames have I not played two two two eight I've only played twelve of eight mini-games the rest are unlockables Oh No did I say twelve of eight you know [ __ ] you know what I mean you know what I mean twelve twenty twelve of eight I am the Borg my designation is twelve of eight now I gotta see who made this nonsense this is important Activision value publishing the word value great value videogames do you think my name can be left out of them out of the credits please I don't want to be in there Joe hedge Joe hedges you have to be in the credits you you helped make our game we're gonna make a lot of money we only spent $14 on it we'll make at least 20 times that no I prefer not to have my career assassinated by this game also my name is Nathan fielder QA testing that's interesting [Music] Wow yeah that's shovelware showcase history for me that's a top five easily top five and and some of the best laughs I've ever gotten from the shitty Wii games though there was just a moment of serendipity here because if the music wasn't as crusty and looping and the music was actually functional I might not have lost my [ __ ] as much as I did so have I played sea monsters a prehistoric adventure if anyone knows I again I'm gonna need your help on some of this stuff no I don't think I have have I played impossible mission I feel like I might have played this I have not mission impossible impossible mission Ivo gameis of alchemists is the name of the developer Activision value publishing made big rigs Oh fun fun times in value hi it's listen I don't know if I played impossible mission someone just gave this to me I actually I have it unopened Codemasters made this one I'll play that [ __ ] great value sea monsters game America's value in a little bit but you gave this to me alizarin alright well here we [ __ ] go there's a dude on the cover that looks like Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible but he's got like an orthopedic scope on his head and it's really JPEG doubt like the quality of this cover is really [ __ ] bizarre because the main character looks pretty good but his gadget is jpeg and he looks like a bootleg Sam Fisher so you want to see it alright a possible mission we you might not see it exactly as I'm seeing it but yeah I mean you can kind of tell like if you look closely look at the tool look at look at like how it's like boxy you know it's like boxes and then you know the rest of it is a little bit better I don't know how to explain it it's weird I don't like it is what I'm trying to say I don't like it Wow okay for comparison purposes look at how they stretched the main character to like double his length why would you do that yeah a possible mission if we change the words around we can maybe fool some people into thinking this is mission impossible there he is again the one piece of art they have all crusty oh we got lens flare - I don't know if I played this I still don't know if I played this already new plastic merged this is based on an older game but oh my god it's a mixture of Agent Smith and neo it's a mixture of the t1000 or you know Terminator twos liquid men and [Music] shitty Robocop yeah little bender in there to the top the top is bender from Futurama Futurama and this is just Heather Locklear buddy this was originally a game for the Commodore 64 well thank God it's back after all these years its back everybody [Music] we've been waiting so many long years for impossible mission [Music] okay [Music] I am having fun back in my day when the game was I don't need I don't think I need to tell you chat but the controls are not very good I don't even know what that stuff is down there bender that's that's him someone said this doesn't look too bad honestly it's not it's not monkey game it's pretty [ __ ] crusty though vini why does this guy look like AVGN holy [ __ ] he does from a distance it looks like angry video game nerd ass [Music] I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to pass this game along when I'm finished with it let's say it's got like an you know an interlinked overworld a little bit so that's something cells within cells interlinked or as I like to call it at conventions it smells within smells interesting [Music] I just want to go back to the menu man no me just reset Vinnie there's no way you came up with that yourself you're either giving me no credit or too much credit that wasn't even that funny but yeah I think I did a couple years ago I came up with that Vinnie how do I fast forward oh no no no no there is no fast forward feature when you watch live you have to sit through more impossible mission sorry this time we're doing merged I'm good I'm good wait-wait-wait-wait someone said the original has digitized voices okay hang on a minute Oh wha when I check out classic mode then so yeah the sea monsters game I definitely haven't played sea monsters prehistoric adventure it doesn't look like I have I don't know I remember I played some underwater adventures on shuffle where showcase [Music] I guess not that one takes a long time to float into this okay here's the classic mode that I guess this is what the game originally looked like I don't know how faithful it would be I was expecting a heavily digitized voice [Applause] [Music] so that's not the original voice at all I mean yeah if you're a kid in the 80s and you have this it might be kind of fun to use your imagination like in Muppet Babies I'm sure it's not that bad if you're a kid in the 80s but right now I'm a kid in the 90s here's the original voice I [Music] like that so much better anyway yeah the original looks exactly like this hang on a second what are we doing here what do you want me to do chat okay yeah I can do that we'd do something like that okay that's the first picture I have available actually that's not true hang on a minute do you ever play impossible mission taco where is that where is that taco image up here it is sunday stream I got to keep that taco image on the on the desktop you never know when you're gonna need a gorilla inserting a taco in and out of its mouth [Music] [Music] now the game is better now I think the game is easily look at houses legs the game is so much for us [ __ ] wrong chroma color damn [ __ ] [Music] blue oh my oh my god it's so much more cursed now that's enough of this so there's almost zero entertainment value to be had in this game at least for a Sunday stream again if you're a kid in the 80s I'm sure it's what's wonderful to have that you can jump and you can run you can laugh you can cry you can do anything you want what the [ __ ] was that did you see that it said copy protected content that was built into my capture card what the [ __ ] huh I don't know H HDCP I don't know what that means well well I'm changing games I'd like to tell you something it seems today that all we see is violence in movies and sex on TV but we're told good old-fashioned values oh I have a video from the convention I forgot to show you it's a slime I was given in slow motion ready that slime right there yeah yeah look at that get in there [Music] see monsters it says here in the ugh wow there's like tube full okay went on it's one big paragraph the rest is French in the oceans of earth millions of years ago danger was never far away in monsters lurked in every shadow experienced this astounding world by playing a six different prehistoric marine reptiles each with special skills from extreme speed to thick armor and powerful crunching jaws net do what take on foes hunt for prey unlock hidden challenges take control of your first sea monster and begin your adventure okay I mean it sounds cool world of sequencers brings together some of the fiercest and most incredible prehistoric marine reptiles to have ever lived [Music] I think it said not all creatures existed at the same time [Music] I'm a prehistoric creature [Music] it's weird going out too deep okay [Music] I almost killed my prehistoric creature that would have been bad [Music] it was what's your deal are we fighting I don't I don't have a fight button it's like underwater starfox it's not actually attacking I don't have an attack button oh wait wait wait I think I do but I might is this a mating minigame I don't know man very confusing [Music] a preacher found health boosted unlocking new monsters allows you to swim deeper all right well rest in peace this isn't like so bad that it's terrible it's it's bad in a way that it's kind of just boring even though the concept is really cool [Music] the lasso Madonn Dallas Oh Madonn it's a slow-moving it's just so moving and they can swim with a great stealth to sneak up on the prey [Music] Rick [Music] Rick I'm stuck with the dim ballast ama dong dong dong ba ba horn yeah just a long boy I'm very bored [Music] the music plays and then there's like like points where you could lock on to an enemy but I can't do anything I don't think you know what I don't think I don't think my fella sama dama dong can actually attack that's my current guests though this does run smoother and look better than the switch port of Arc so I'll give it that grab that fossil I see yeah I get it you just got a build you got a build your your lizards I saw crab [Music] and I shoot it but [ __ ] [Music] mm-hm [Music] I can't play this anymore I'm [ __ ] bored to tears by this game [Music] and I'm lacking the stamina you have to point and click and hold B for attacks I was doing that but it was just turning me around the B button all right let me sure one more time to attack I can protect but I can't attack what I what I need to do is I need to eat the Turtles [Music] see I hold the button and it just ends up with my Baba top-down turning around and then then the next stretch don't like it I don't want it I never have okay that was Seamonsters the quest for let's see press your luck 2010 Edition let's let's go with the Rudolph I've had this game for two years [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we'll play Rudolph it was sticky it was mainly sticky on the it was like 80% inside the the cover so it's mostly not sticky but if my we no longer plays games after this it's for the best so here's moldy Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer just in time for Halloween my favorite holiday Halloween hold the Wii Remote like this well Halloween is the beginning of Christmas we as we all know [Music] I've never seen that one before let me get some deinterlacing no we most certainly do not need to save this video game it's amazing how all the shittiest games on the we have very similar menus [Music] well they actually have license to use the characters from the Rudolph they're not like bootlegs also why is the sound let me introduce myself I'm Sam the Snowman nice to meet you you got here just in time santa needs your help decorating his tree and filling his bag of toys for Christmas great value voice acting so sorry that you didn't deserve that [Music] imagine Sam the snowman telling you to tilt the Wii Remote but yep that's how I play this it's not left or right it's tilt we shovel we're showcases are truly retching [Music] Benny you played this before again I have no memory of this place but maybe a different guy stream this is it possible another dude with a hat and facial hair streamis joel played it of God do people still not know the difference you chat I'm gonna set the record straight once and for all for real because I still get this all the time and I don't think I think maybe a 60% of the people are joking but 40% don't realize that there's a difference between me and Joel we are two separate human beings Joel is not some kind of weirds alter-ego that I have or a secondary channel that I have and vice-versa now you know the record has been sit straight however v-dub and I are two completely separate people as well that's another rumor I'd like to squash [Music] [Music] [Music] what what is the gingerbread man doing on the left there did you see that that was weird what the [ __ ] kind of maneuver was that what is he doing he's rubbing something on himself [Music] [Music] holiday calper [Music] [Music] you did a fine job up at the castle there are many toys waiting to be finished gonna play as link Knight and time is running short could you go over to Santa's toy shop and help paint the toys budget Christmas music budget Christmas voice acting what am I so much Oh No yeah that's what the controls are Oh No [Music] okay so you automatically lock onto the thing and then you just shake the Wiimote once and it automatically throws the thing at the thing this is not challenging or fun [Music] [Music] I am a dentist why would you shout I'm a dentist after painting a toy that's like me pinching a particularly good loaf and I'm proud of it and I'm like I am a streamer like I know the story of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer I know link blue link is actually a dentist his name is Hermes right I am a gamer [Music] I mean it's a shame because they got the characters looking kind of like the movie maybe if they spent time making more than a minigame collection also I don't know if there's a desync in the game or if it's just my life that's distinct right now but the sound effects are not lining up with individuals I see the elves have started to bake you should I am Santa [Music] the gingerbread man tutorial is amazing boy this is the opposite of fun I am now just shaking the Wiimote in a circular fashion in fact I'm swinging it I am now swinging it from the wire that's attached to the nunchuck I'm just swinging it around like a helicopter let's see if that's good enough [Music] wow it actually it does work it works if you just swing it around in a helicopter motion vini that's unsafe like don't you look at the pic before you play any Wii game oh I got a wrist strap on nori that's it's fine well again the game is conflicting because it both looks good and plays bad like the license they got it visually the voice actors didn't but they didn't probably pay them or they paid them in cookies press your luck 2010 Edition this is got a very shiny it's a very shiny case Ubisoft published this and it's brand new I don't think this has been played yeah it's got some thumb prints on it never mind you ever wonder what was on those thumbs before you know I am a dentist oh here's your reminder shovelware showcase shovelware showcase shovelware showcase oh thank you here we go yeah there it is I was wondering where the gorilla taco was oh thanks is this the Whammy game people are saying it's wammy game yeah well we're pressing our luck by playing the game you're pressing your luck watching my stream I'm pressing my luck streaming these games oh right it's the Whammy game I remember there was a dude who figured out how to do the Whammy game and he cheated the system I remember that I remember those those game [Music] and it's time for human beings let us be human beings together look at these human beings everyone [Music] this one looks like a villain the bottom-right I don't know why it's good his name is now wat ler his name and he will be winning the money no whammy say what was that it's almost a word [Music] big bucks but they'll have to avoid the women as they play the most exciting game [Applause] I don't think I've ever watched an episode of this [Music] [Applause] here's the first question what group of people were exiled from the Louisiana colony in 1724 give us your answer so what is it what it would chitchat whatever oh this is a heavy one to start with sorry I don't know any spins for that question these are the three possible answers player one let's hear your response it's got to be the Jewish settlers player three it's not basketball players and why would boil t be exiled from Louisiana holy [ __ ] and balls what a question to start with [ __ ] off who was the first British monarch to address the US Congress who is the dictator that killed thousands of people hundreds of thousands of people the correct answer is Pol Pot cool topics Thanks give us your answer I'm gonna say you can do it no let's hope it's good player three your answer let's hope it's good the correct answer is Queen Elizabeth the second player two gets one spin player three gets once moving on to the next question roben appeared in sang on what 2001 television why he's just I don't know who trash grow bees let's here player ones answer let's hope it's good let's check out the three possibilities let's hear your response David Gilmore Girls answer for us player three good answer the correct one is Ally McBeal player one gets three spin [ __ ] penny how do you not know I don't remember okay well I already I know this one oh I had to actually hit my thing it's New York your answer okay this is your answer let's check out the three possibilities what's your answer let's hope it's good player three good answer the correct one is New York I'm having fun [Applause] [Music] now player one is going to win think I've been to the Guggenheim don't [ __ ] remember now I want to spin holy [ __ ] now I'm gonna do this I'm rich do I stop now I was there voice acting the voices it was like big box with the clock stopped no whammy look at that oh it sucks dude you whammied your first women what will it be spinner pass yo dude you suck Braille your second whammy don't worry keep it up what will it be spin or pass damn it [Applause] why is the mixing of the contestants so goddamn low you just skip through all that I mean the fun is getting the whammies I've had so much fun who is the Roman god of war mars oh I got to actually hit the thing let's hear your response let's hope it's good let's check out the three possibly keep forgetting that I have to use a buzzer okay this is your answer player threes answer is good answer not correct nah dude it's Minerva all right I'm gonna stop playing this in a moment I have more shovelware I have more trash I don't want to get stuck on whammy oh yeah that's easy I'll remember some [ __ ] obscure basketball trivia from 2006 no problem smush Parker you gave this oh he's gone I'll see you smush was a cope I know the name Kobe I know Kobe it's Kobe I don't know this the correct one is hell yeah I am a champion I was hope it'll be smushed vaccine to prevent what terrible disease was invented in the US in 1952 and subsequently demonized in 2019 polio good answer as always we have three possible answers let's hear your answer okay this is your answer player threes answer is okay this is your answer player three excuse me polio excuse me that what we do that's 30 years before that spin for player two moving on to the next question what is a leak it's a vegetable questions answer it's in it's it's it's a mild onion we we have three it's a makuu's weapon of choice player three your answer good answer the correct one is a mild it's an onion [Applause] why am I still playing this [Applause] we'll start with player one and player two will play laughs time to press your luck player one what will it be Spiller pants I'll just skip their turns Oh zero dude oh man I got it I got a beat sixty two hundred all right let's do it let's spin here it is time to win spin to win I want a vacation wait where am I going a virtual vacation oh no and look at the funny whammy [ __ ] well there goes all my money do I still get the vacation I want to go on a virtual vacation to prehistoric underwater land sorry better luck next time you [ __ ] suck then he I told you to pass damn [ __ ] chat member I wish I would have seen it yeah I think I got the money value of the vacation and I didn't get a virtual vacation so why don't we go on a vacation together chat yacht you and I together will go to where are we going tell them where they're going they're going to and movie studio okay we're going to movie studio attack of the movies 3d now i don't think i've streamed this one this one might be a little bit more well-known than some of the other ones i've streamed includes four pairs of 3d glasses except there are zero pairs of 3d glasses so whoever previously owned this game kept the glasses and then just threw the game out which was then picked up by a muskrat and brought to the local gamestop Game Stop fed the muskrat one piece of corn and here we are vini is the audio out of sync yes [Music] I mean it doesn't really matter does it here let me let me fix it [Music] where are we going to t be a insect invasion through haha I'll do it in 3d flick the Wii zapper down where to real oh god I don't have a Wii zapper [Music] neutralize any nearby insect threats and exterminate the giant scorpion well like ants three two one action immediately I'm shooting giant ants my people [Music] he'll be nice if reload is bound to a different angle shot for oh my god so by the way this stream is now 3d so if you have 3d glasses now's the time p.m. there are lines well this is less bad than most of the other shuffle where I played Wow big scorpion boss and everything Hey if you have your 3d glasses ready let me know because that way I can I can turn 3d back on for you yeah there are people in the audience that claim they have a pair currently so do you though do you really you ready get ready to be sucked into the world of ants [Music] took a shot what does it look like is it crazy is it is it awesome I don't think I was supposed to do that actually works but it's [ __ ] neutralize any nearby insect threats and exterminate the giant scorpion well three I don't feel like playing through all this too because you know reasons into the Emperor's tomb 3d cosmic cop come combat robot rebellion deep-sea danger and haunted man is there a cheat code for this can anyone look up cheap different cheat codes [Music] attack of the movies 3d movies 3d codes this has a rating of 39 percent on game facts it's um there's one cheat mega shot select pickups scroll through until you reach a lock item [Music] [Music] mega salt Wow there actually is a goddamn cheat code [Music] that's it that's the only code in the game so the thing I need which is to unlock all of the levels that's not real we made it up neutral is any nearby insect threats and explosion three two one what mean is important mode so you could you know you can get some people together and play might be worth a couple bucks of all the games that play tonight this is probably the only one I can see myself playing for any extended time like an hour half hour we're gonna need that like a shot vini dual-wield wiimotes that is a stupid stupid idea and it's fantastic I'm gonna do exactly that I'm gonna do that but I have to put batteries in this one cuz I my batteries died in wiimotes anyone else have that fun issue I mean I know you're not supposed to leave batteries in something for too long anyway but did anyone else else over the years discover that the Wiimote is like a forbidden battery suck see I only hope there's no crust on now we didn't get battery leakage or crow oh wait yes we did yeah this this Wiimote oh boy there's juice oh what is this juice I don't like that I'll be right back chat Oh battery acid leak and see let's reassess on the roof because there was no battery acid on the roof we reacted does not explode it's going to be fine some new batteries in here I'm sure it's going to work and it'll be great and these batteries yep that's good it is good I don't know how much of that you heard but oh my god it works Rilla Rilla a [ __ ] a mega mega awesome [Music] you can tell which one I'm using without with my not dominate [Music] I mean what Hollywood movies are there with giant ants more like giant insects it was a eight legged freaks but was there anything else evolution kind of had big bugs ant-man but they weren't enemies while they kind of work [Music] [Music] good shot why am I still playing this it's like the previous game I couldn't stop playing it the helicopter is that man helicopter moving truck no that's a good helicopter I think get in buenas Rivas to lunch this is a hell of a experience so - we month the city time is very very strange but also kind of challenging in London I know I can't believe I just said that but it's true try it for yourself everyone it kind of works you have to like separate your frames it's like oh I'm dead we will never see the other games or the other level sorry man in this deep-sea danger one in the haunted house those seem good and my Wiimote is dying my other one then he please turn off 3d I forgot it was on I'm pretty sure my brain is now experiencing it's experiencing some kind of split like there's a schism in my brain happening and it also like the fact that the 3d was happening my eyes are probably also rotting like they're [ __ ] like it's it's necrotic flesh now good again not the worst game I've played on shovelware showcase in fact you can get some entertainment out of that for a couple minutes so that's okay have I played I spy I think I have I have I spy good bye press your luck goodbye I don't want to do a dancing game I'll save that for another shovelware showcase alright I'll end with this Harvey Birdman attorney at law the video game I think I've had this sitting around for a while this one's good oh [ __ ] I thought that was his penis this is pretty much Phoenix right okay let's see I have some other ones over here too what do I have chickens shoot I know I played that I have a lot of ps2 games for the next shovelware showcase including several fishing games which I would prefer not to play have ps3 game gabagool showcase what is this I don't know I got Sports Champions oh I found it a really interesting video someone sent me a video today oh what the [ __ ] this was but some goggles arguing about pizza I got a question for you do is eight slices okay amongst us - so you get the visual I'm sitting here yeah you're right okay of course his name is Mario what a great pizza caper is a piece of grown up on a line [Music] I don't know what that was with no context it's even better man they should do more [ __ ] like this take these old-school cartoon characters and give them a strange profession like talk-show host Space Ghost or lawyer attorney-at-law Harvey Birdman I don't know why they're not doing more of this scooby-doo can run like some kind of like I don't know like a kitchen Shaggy could be like [ __ ] like like a recovery counselor where they run a dispensary that's fine of a weenie roast I need to get me some kielbasa and white hats [Music] [Applause] okay mmm seven-letter word for long and hard starts with an A Oh what is this final this what will be long and hard huh hey oh cab arduous okay I know the battery's running low [ __ ] Peter Potamus you're under arrest for the arson of this guy's half a house yep I'm getting I gotta get more batteries because this is just gonna keep getting interrupted and the batteries are too far away I can't can't reach this might not be shovelware showcase material this is apparently good remember that so I don't know if I'm gonna play it for a long time but I might attempt one more shovel where after this or I might end it with this again there's just no topping the monkey game monkey game was too good I still have the flash trash so I can show you that in a bit this is weird I turned down a case well busy with something else but seeing how this hippo saved me in a case I need a good lawyer now hey anybody got an extra set of trousers damn and rip my good Geno's save me yeah sure and even save my life [Music] [ __ ] I have to I'll take the case what am I looking at wait a minute wait a minute was that the actual voice of heartbeat heart v verben sorry had a little stroke that's the data blowing ribbon it's Gary Cole no [ __ ] Wow that's Lumbergh take the case I've already taken the case okay what now halter Oh Birdman is it not enough that you taste my anguish balloon by having your duplex Malaysia memorable now you have to suffer knows me a minute ago oh Henry Wow Oh cute an air kiss followed by an air fondle air squeeze and then finally an airborne equipment that was preserving evidence I've never seen this show before I shouldn't watch this show I just like [Music] an old-fashioned record album squawking heads burning down your house fire started around 11 p.m. burned for about two hours before emergency vehicles showed up by then the duplex was burned to the ground butch book of matches from boobies it has Potamus name and phone number handwritten inside yes mr. Peter Potamus to the stand okay don't say anything got it the less you say the better our case and complete guilt in this case but you just I mean this is preposterous Your Honor if I could I demand the defendant admit to the crime I demand it this Potamus have laryngitis [Music] no I think he meant to say bronchitis wait that's the seven letter word beginning with a yeah what is it you mean an inflammation of the bronchial tubes caused by excessive smoke inhalation laughable no further questions your honor he did it well looks like I lost ladies and gentlemen sure my client appears to be a callous privileged sticky mess of a hippo but he is also Potamus is in a suti of cooking weenies over my burning house settling large quantities of alcohol all while dancing naked with tribal drums but not of starting a fire if it pleases your honor why don't we just ask someone who saw the whole thing happen this is Quackenbush lopez finder Steen David Peck Wang Birdman bite or what please take the stand jeez wife I think what are you doing if you would please tell the court what you saw that fateful evening oh my god Harry Birdman and I recently got back together we're married you know anyway I was returning from my lover I mean butcher's house when I saw a small fire on our porch I saw that hippo just standing there with those matches in his hand you mean that's in conjunction with the book of matches found at the scene this testimony puts Potamus on the scene with intent nothing further I'm having trouble following stuff because it's just so like I'm just taken by the strangeness of it all and I can't like I'm not actually absorbing any of the clues or the things that are happening this is my first exposure to Harvey Birdman and I'm surprised that I haven't seen this before I think I get a cross-examination or something right yes okay I'll give this another couple minutes I guess now it's time to examine and yeah you just play you play Phoenix right stop you do that one more time honey I'm gonna bite you stop let's have a party boys who's next is that a goat are you just happy to see me me what come here Harry I thought the monkey sounds were weird can can this get your stream banned oh I love it holy [ __ ] this game clearly this album here oops that's not what I meant to present the wrong thing wrong thing well clearly it's a book of matches here this matchbook found at the scene of the crime my house sure looks like a matchbook to me don't you find it strange that my client would put his old name and phone number on the very matches he used to burn my house and leave them there for all to find uh not really he was probably gonna give them to some intern nah I was gonna give him pitch a van over at boobies that's what boobies is oh that's a person I thought was a place Gigi I gave it to her at the weenie roast at your place Birdman yes forum and I being a gentleman obliged push so like I could ever use him for that thumbs at all so that does place Gigi at the scene of the crime with the book of matches wait but why okay it's a cigarette lighter with the initials pp engraved on the side I found it at your house Birdman oh thanks for that evidence that's great for the other side a cigarette lighter with mr. putter misses some bolts at the scene of the conflagration little ladies and gentlemen of the jury I believe that this is what we refer to as a smoking gun or some people I know call it a lighter hmm something here just doesn't make sense [Music] okay listen I get it it's kind of amazing I'm gonna stop here though it's cool I'm sure there's full playthroughs on YouTube that you could watch I don't know Birdman and I want to you know continue doing my Sunday stream someone said not even until the end you wait you didn't expect me to stream that whole game right like tonight I'm sure it's on Hulu yeah you can find that on Hulu no problem yeah I mean again I am totally out of the loop when it comes to that show but seeing some of that I'm like wait a minute maybe I should have watched that Capcom made this by the way so that wasn't shovelware I don't what the hell that was doing in there I'll show you one more here look we'll do one more game this one I was dreading I got this at too many games on I was not happy about this this is actually something I was debating even streaming because it's another one of those dancing games and it's probably got copyrighted content in it but whatever game mill made this game and it's called Nickelodeon Big Time Rush dance party and there's fake Jonas Brothers on the cover and it says includes smash hit windows down we system update nevermind where is it getting this data from I didn't even think I was connected to the Internet it's on the disk sorry we've detected that your Wii is not connected to the Internet would you like to download an update and it's just a virus okay it says here Vinny Big Time Rush is a real band I was security for them once when I worked at Best Buy wait a minute you did security for them at Best Buy what did they do a show at Best Buy what are they doing now ten years later like what does their careers now follow the dancers on screen as if it were a reflection in the mirror it's another very high quality video game I'm ready background on this my uncle was the creator and producer of this band and show they were very much a real thing and have nothing to do with this game Wow look at these animations yeah I can't confirm this is what it's like in a recording studio this is what you do [Music] listen I'm gonna play unrelated music in the background just so things don't get claimed I don't want things to get claimed so I'm just gonna talk for a second right I'm gonna talk for a second I'm gonna play something and I'm gonna play it so that it covers up this sound you ready so when you say you created your uncle created this band do you mean that like they like pick them from like a group of like robot humans to form the perfect boy band to sell and make maximum profits I love the idea that there are bands that are created by producers and other people and it's not like a natural thing that just happens it's just a bunch of like like people in a like a boardroom with cigars trying to create the ultimate monster and then like assigning 14 writers to them [Applause] [Music] because you can reach the quick you should eat the pizza on your right oh I know it's common it's just bizarre it's still really bizarre to me these animations are just so Sol as their keyframes I think but the real weird and bad [Music] [Applause] so here's the their songs I'll look at those white wire some of them the first letter of each song is kind of clearer than the rest of it is smeared in Vaseline my left ear loves that then you have to play windows down why is that their song I got my head checked my hm bug check it was an easy but nothing it is now vini play boyfriend I dare you listen I'm not actually here to listen to their songs because I can't this will get blocked worldwide and no one will ever be able to see the stream ever again oh they actually do do woo hoo [Applause] alright wait a minute if I combine this with blur I can probably like cancel the copyrights out [Music] [Music] I can't recreate that if I tried oh this is just sensory overload the stream it's all kinds of [ __ ] [Music] vini I will shoot you if you don't stop playing this gladly no I don't think the vod's gonna be me I'll let you know chat tomorrow I'll let you know if the vaad got muted but I will um I think they cancel each other out it's just too much noise it's just too much noise I'll try boyfriend and then I'm going to do a BRB and played different things because I I hate this and it looks so bad visually listen I don't know if the band whatever the music the band I'm sure they're nice people I'm sure the music is good for some people whatever the game is not fun and it looks crusty and the animations look to have been done by an intern [Music] boyfriend your boyfriend [Music] all right I'm not even playing and the game is still just happening there's there's like no penalty for look at the people look at the cutouts they're cutouts all right that was shovelware showcase I've had enough I also again there's a limit to how much I'm willing to take risks to get not just the vaad muted but a copyright strike which is worse and usually [ __ ] like that like that's the kind of stuff you usually have to worry about them boy bands so I'll let you know tomorrow if any of it got claimed but thank you for watching this was um this was a weird one it's a little top-heavy all the good stuff was in the beginning that's not true just the best shovelware game ever how do you live up to it it was probably one of the top five or top three so thank you for watching next time I do shovelware showcase I'll have ps2 games ps3 games and maybe ps3 games I don't think I have my ps3 set up at the moment and also you know I have that thing that Jarmo streamed seven thousand seven hundred thousand games and I'm considering checking it out but I'd probably only spend like a half-hour on it because it looks just atrocious I watched Gemma's stream of it and it's bad so I don't think I really want to but it's here but yeah I got plenty of ps2 and I especially have a lot of DS games including Iron Chef America boy alright everybody we're gonna take a break quick break I'll be back with Duvall vers bootleg nonsense and then I'll I'll do the flash games after that so stick around a couple minutes in a bit
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 129,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Weird, WiiWare, Wii, Nintendo, Trash, Gummy Bears Magical Medallion, Monkey Mischief, Impossible Mission, Sea Monsters, Rudolph, Press Your Luck, Attack of the Movies 3-D, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Big Time Rush Dance Party
Id: pnyXhfSV2hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 5sec (7205 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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