[Vinesauce] Vinny - The Mario Sunshine Experience

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Wellll--welcome. Welcome. (Reading the chat) "This area is supposed to be completely covered in goop, something is wrong here." Uh-oh. (Hotel Mario impression) Nice of the princess to invite us over for dinner... ...but where the fuck is she? "Stop the criminal with some water." I-I lost, completely lost track of the uh... (Chuckling) Why is this sparkle happening now? Oh no. I thought this stream was gonna go well. I love the challenge levels, I- I really always... [The background music gets stuck on the first note] Um... ...it's a remix! It's the one-note remix, everyone! (laughing) It's just this, or nothing. Diiiiiiiing... [The Shine fanfare plays, but the last note keeps playing] Hear that? Now it's, like, sinister. Now it's just-- just the cello. The suspense of this note is killing me, I-- I feel like we're in a horror movie. Jesus. [As he's speaking, the music once again gets stuck] Well, I don't wanna stop fuckin' playing... Now I do. No, no, I take that back, I now--now I definitely wanna stop playing. [The music gets stuck again] You just keep waiting for the note to change, but it never does. [Music freezes again] Daaaaaah... It's the victory horn. They're still blowin' it. [Music: Doooooooooooooooo...] [Vinny imitates the Pianta's gibberish out of anger] Lots of cool things are happening here. L--lemme see if I got a fix for this... Woah! Mario. What is happening? Ah, come on, what is this shit? (Laughing) How the fuck did I even do this?! I don't even know what the hell is happening to Mario right now, but I love it. Look at it, it's so weird, what's going on? The legs don't make any sense! This dude's just, fuckin', on fire. What is he doing, that he got himself set on fire, though? Aw, damn it, Yosh-- OH NOOOO, YOSHI! ...disintergrated! Like, the molecular structure of the Yoshi got ripped apart. Mind you, this isn't the same Yoshi, this is a different one, 'cause the-- the previous Yoshi is now dead. Y'know, it wouldn't-- it would be nice if the news would cover, like, a success story. Like a, not "video games have turned, y'know, gamers into murderers," or whatever. But, like, Mario Sunshine made gamers want to, uh, clean their room more. [Pianta: Noooooo!] (Imitating the Pianta) Noooooooo! (Tommy Wiseau voice) Don't be riDICULOUS, MARK! Oh, man. That's a little morbid. I dunno, something about the thing turning into sand and disintergrating hurts... ...my soul a little bit more than if it were just, like, to disappear in a tuft of smoke. ...I mean, you should go green anyway, as much as you can, I-- I... Y'know, that's...I guess. What. It's not, like, political commentary, or social commentary. That you should always go green. Oh, well, we're doing yellow! (Laughing) That was an accident! Get me off da squid. WHAAAAAAT?! You know why, 'cause I didn't go green. Guys, I dunno what to do. GYEP! BOH god, Jesus! Ooh NO, NOOO! (breathes in) Suck. This. Squid. Why am I now... ...this squid? Oh, god, the camera's fucked up! 𝐎𝐇, 𝐍𝐎! Dismount. Escape. Escape! (Laughing) Where. Where? One at the start is still drowning in despair? ...what? I walked past it? Oh! I thought that was just an orange Pianta. (Laughing) I thought it was just an orange Pianta, guys. I thought that was just its style. It's like digital heroin. Grabbing a fucking Shine. 's like: [WEIRD DUCK NOISES] That was "Addiction Duck". Duck who is addicted to collecting Shines as if it was some kind of drug. Kinda remember being japed... ...by the watermelons. Quality. Quality enemy. WOOOOW. Really? Mario doesn't sound well. Alright, well, because of this little-- (Laughing) Wow, that was just... That was...a fuckin' brutal way to die. I'm not sure if this is the right way. Holy shit. What just happened? That fuckin' watermelon... Did some amazing thi-- wh-- You... ...bitch. Don't you burst my melon. You fffffUCKing Cumquacks. NO! STAY AWAY FROM THE CUMQUAAAACK! (Laughing) I don't think I'm supposed to be down here. Look at that, there's a mushroom right there. So when you said "jump off the side", you meant... ...like, live... ...right? Like... ...like, not die? Goodbye. And you just gotta line up your chuck. He's gonna toss me into the fuckin'...yep. Go chuck yourself. The amount of...fucking coins Mario's collected. And every time we see his house, it's, like, a little shack. Meanwhile, this motherfucker's workin' so hard to keep everyone safe all the time. And the dude's living in a shack with his brother. His man-child brother who won't grow up. And won't get a job... Other than hunting ghosts every now and then, of course. A speedrun this is not. Oh, that-- that tooth came off! I almost feel bad for the fecker. ...wot? W-what's happening? So the camera's upside-down and stationary. I was supposed to have died. FAAAIG! So, I mean, James Arnold Taylor is, has definitely gotten some voice roles since "HAAH HAAH HAH" I like how there's no real way to slow this thing down, either. GG. At the speed of sound. I was feeling good for a minute. People were like, "holy shit, Vinny did it on the first try". And then, like four other people were like, "pfsssh, it's not hard". (close to the mic) DIMINISH MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS, WHY DON'T YOU? Where's the pachinko level? Yeah, I wanna do another level on the first try. So that way people can be like, "PFSSSH IT WAS EASY." PFFF--(coughs) So. Heh, this is the pachinko level, this is the dreaded pachinko level. ["Heaven or Hell" from Jubeat plays] [Music pauses while Mario makes weird noises] [Music resumes] I'm sorry, what was the problem? I think Shadow Mario's just magical. So what happens is Renly Baratheon... ...decided to... ...um...try to become king, and his brother Stannis wasn't happy. So... Y'know, there was a vagina creature. So what happened is... So what happened is Bowser had sex with Melisandre. And then Melisandre gave birth to a shadow demon. Um, AKA Stannis Baratheon's Shade. And then it-- And then it went to go try to kill Mario. So that's what happened.
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 818,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, corruptions, weird, crazy, insane, stream, vine, Let's Play, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Sunshine, Sunshine, Pachinko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2016
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