[Vinesauce] Vinny - Minish Cap Compilation

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zelda game yes yes yes here it is so this one came out in 2004 yeah so let me um tell you guys a little bit about this game because this is one of the few zelda games i actually haven't played since it first came out i played it once enjoyed it forgot about it capcom developed it and they did a great job with it and i came out in 2004 and it's the second game in the dk crew in the timeline rather in uh the timeline of zelda the first being skyward sword that we didn't know until hyrule historia came out but for a little while this was apparently the very first of the series now you may call me vanilla but always always link not l4 no i'm not that's not my rapper name get ready for some pretty great when i say great i mean shitty game boy advance audio compression it's the quality is just so high [Music] a long long time ago when the world was on the verge of being swallowed by a shadow the tiny pickery appeared from the sky bringing the hero of men a sword of something or other with wisdom and courage the hero drove out the darkness so who is this hero is this previous to the this hero that i'm playing as so this isn't the first game in the time whatever when peace had been restored the people enshrined that blade with care i want to play as that guy isn't that sound effect in world of warcraft good morning master smith goodness me princess elder did you sneak out of the castle and come all his way around the minister is sure to be worried about you you know how he gets skyrim uses it too it's it's in everything it's just a stock sound effect where's link the whole town is bustling for the annual pickering festival who's speaking right now i thought he and i might think this is zelda um hang on can i lower the brightness give me a second guys gba games are always bright to make up for the dark screen that's correct is that what you're here for well link was up late helping me last night he's still asleep but i do have an errand at the castle yes i should be fine link time to get up length time to get up [Music] just set gamma to lower i'm gonna look for it i don't see gamma i see kappa and the chat will die as soon as they hear that hey link princess zelda is here she'd like to know if you'd like to join her at the festival yeah link come on let's go check out the festival together master smith already gave me permission to take you yes after all the festival only comes one perfume go on have fun and while you're there you can do me a favor i just finished making this sword for the minister at hyrule castle totally won't be your sword in about five minutes i'd like you to do you can actually change the brightness in game oh that's good nintendo you always think of everything and while you two while the two of you may be childhood friends remember zelda is the princess of hyrule you watch over her don't let anything bad happen to her mr smith quit worrying we'll be perfectly safe come on link let's go out and check the festival so this is one of those zelda games where they know each other i didn't remember that [Music] like i said i don't remember a lot of this game we're gonna do this i want to get this to it's very bright i can tell that playing this game for however many hours it lasts at this brightness is going to be [Music] what the hell is this [Music] that works that is some crinkly ass [ __ ] audio we just had over here come on hurry up [Music] here we are the town of hyrule yeah i'm good what's down here oh drowning here we are link doesn't it look fun come on let's look around fun is subjective as carl pilkington would say forced fun is not real fun if you don't stop to enjoy the biggest festival in hyrule you'll miss out on all the fun the only festival in hyrule more like it i think there's a storyteller here we should stop and listen to oh i wonder what's over there long long ago and then even longer before that evil creatures appeared in the world of humans they were powerful frightening beasts they created such trouble then the pickering came from the sky bringing humans powerful magic and then never to be spoken of in the series ever again with the magic light force and the piccori blade the beasts were repelled and the world of humans wants more new peace thanks to the pickering so as not to forget our gratitude we hold this festival every year now remember little ones the pickery only appear before good little children if you do bad deeds you'll never get to see them so be good so this is where i have to do good things otherwise um during the trial oh god look at that motion blur no thanks the the trial for morals um and chronos you know kidnapping listen i think i fixed well not fixed but i improved uh here we go now the audio is extra quality guys oh check out that it sounds like it's being broadcast through a walkie-talkie up a clown's [ __ ] they say the pickery bring happiness to all the humans they meet i wonder when they will bring happiness to me oh hi are you enjoying the festival it's so much fun i'm so happy to be here and my fresh fruits are just delicious buy some come on up come one come all gather around and have a look-see having a huge sale on all manners of delicious uh and festive vegetables come one come on try your look and win incredible prizes okay i'm ready to win a prize [Music] she was lying there's no game here love festivals it's like seeing your town transform into another world it really gives you a chance to think about how well we have it here you're that boy from the old master smith's place right i'm sure you know this but it's the best swordsmith hyrule's ever seen every year i entered the tournament trying to win that sword of his i haven't won yet maybe i never will but the tournament was awesome the winner this year has a new face wait a minute let me read this wait he has a new face i've never seen that face before i've been wondering where he's from he used some incredible techniques in one the whole tourney in record time like his old face was ripped off and just um placed on a mannequin doesn't this dude from the side kind of look like your biggest fan from um oblivion wow you're the grand champion slightly can i can i follow you around i won't get in the way i've never seen the pickard before hey guy have you ever seen a pickering i just saw one the other day it wore a red cone-shaped hat it was really small it was standing inside my dad's shoe i really saw it i swear adoring fan no can i can i follow you around no stop stop stop i don't need to talk to you [Music] my father always told me they were oh look at that only once every hundred years does the mystic doorway open this is the door that links the human world to the world of the piggery when the store opens the pickering can enter our world and guess what this marks the hundredth year since they last appeared here i'm sure something wonderful is going to happen at this festival no nothing nothing bad's gonna happen say wasn't there gonna be a sword fighting tournament at the castle i wonder who won this year oh wow over here the beginning of chrono trigger we have a winner what game did you play oh my princess zelda you won the grand prize in our drawing wow totally not nepotism you get your choice of any of these wonderful prizes what will it be first we have the lovely heart-shaped stone do the heart-shaped stone this magnificent gem do the gem or the stone this teeny tiny shield so which one would you like let me guess the jewel oh but this hearthstone is very cute too choose whichever one you'd like the shield is so adorable i think i'll take it really doesn't this shield suit you perfectly link [Music] all right you know i mean i'll take it it is a little embarrassing though it's so tiny now man it looks fine gets the job done i'll take it i almost forgot we have to take mr smith's sword to the castle let's go link wasn't there um twilight princess you had to take a sword someplace i just streamed that game like less than a year ago i should remember but yeah it's like they give you a sword early on to deliver and then you end up keeping the god damn song i've never seen the pickery before nice snot dude so so so i've been good all year like all year long and and you know how um pickery only show themselves if you've been i'm good and i'm so i'm just waiting for the picture to come and play with me you get the shield in the beginning and end up keeping the song that's correct i know what i said [Music] sorry zelda's dead now game over if only it's some way to defend ourselves against those nuts of his he's gonna love my nuts you're gonna love my nuts he's got some nuts to scrub if this wasn't zelda that would be a really [ __ ] weird sentence i actually feel a little sorry for that business scrub but that nut hurt i'm a nut oh well yeah i'm a nerd you you're happy ass like anyone now hey welcome to hyrule castle hey yeah oh link you brought the sword did you i thought as minister of the kingdom of hyrule i potho accept this blade you came just in time the awards ceremony will begin soon since you're here link why don't you join us for the award ceremony do you know about that sword link it's called the pickering blade and it look knocks away much evil in that chest hickory blade is sacred among the people of hyrule the legend has it that long ago the pickery gave us this blade whoever wins the competition earns the honor of touching the sacred blade but isn't that kind of a terrible fries for prize not fries i'd rather have fries if i'm gonna win something i'd rather not win the ability to touch an object i'm still walking home empty-handed empty ham ham did i would prefer ham and fries is what i'm trying to say to touching the blade it turns out the king is just laying in the box he's like wait wait let me get in the box okay that's the sword it looks a little fleshy but don't worry about it touch it let the awards ceremony convince fatty champion of the competition you may approach the blade [Music] to think things would go this well the pickering blade in the bound chest spoken of and highly in lore this chest must hold that which i seek i'll relieve you of its contents now [Music] effective troops definitely let the evil looking wizard into the competition that's a good idea do not interfere with me as victor i've earned the right to approach the pickering blade i've been waiting for this moment all my life oh lord it turns out yeah it's the happy salesman the happy mask salesman there's another stock sound effect another stock sound effect who are you and why are you doing this princess with the mystic aura the power that was gifted to the people of hyrule still flows in the veins of the ladies of its royal family interesting if i leave you now you'll only cause me trouble later that will never do to stone with you nice try link all who stand in my way shall share this fate now to find out what power awaits me in this chest the power of suffocation it turns out vadi was isaac this whole time empty there was nothing in there but a rabble of monsters what's the meaning of this i know the force i'm after is somewhere out there i'm in no hurry i can take my time searching for it that's good just store a bunch of monsters and half of a sword in there i liked it better when the king was in just close your eyes everyone he gets in the box hardly okay the sword looks a little different now but the victor may touch it [Music] it is it is as you have all heard a sorcerer named vati has cursed my fair zelda and turned her to stone if we had the sacred pickery blade we could have blightly broken the dinner curse but vadi has shattered the blade however i have not given up hope what do you know about the pickering hickory not much beyond what the fairy tales say they're supposed to be very tiny if i'm remembering correctly yes the ones from the fairy tales but the pickery are no mere legend they most certainly exist no one outside of the royal family knows the truth about them like aliens the pickery who forge the sacred blade live deep within minish woods they should be able to repair the broken blade and reforge the sword what then we must dispatch the soldiers there at once no soldiers will not do we didn't even train them the fighters do not show themselves to anyone but children our soldiers could search for days and still not find no sign of them i see if that's the case then why not send link oh if link has recovered then yes i would like to ask this of him do you have any combat experience link no hmm neither do my soldiers all right please turn my precious zelda back to normal the pickery should know how to create a new sacred sword it will be a dangerous journey now that those monsters have been freed probably should have not kept them in that treasure chest just never knew when i'd need them all the monsters in hyrule locked in my treasure chests seemed like a good idea please take the sword with you along with the broken pickery blade [Music] very well then send the soldiers to search for vati at once death march deep within the minish woods you will find a place called deep wood shrine once humans and pickery shared that shrine as its meeting place i think it would be best if you started your search there take this map with you if you get lost on your way to the forest simply check your map i've marked the location of the forest for you good luck and be careful [Music] it says you got a map of hyrule now you'll never get lost obviously if they've never seen me play video games i'm counting on you link only you can break vati's curse and free princess zelda finnish woods lie southeast the town of hyrule in fact it's the east of your house link don't get yourself killed rank so if anyone's never played this this is a good zelda game this was the gameboy advance zelda game it's pretty obvious that this borrows pretty heavily from link to the past it has its own flavor as well it tastes a bit like members arkhan says vinnie this game is like a thousand times better than linked to the past well that my friend is subjective are these minions are [ __ ] minions all right minish cap predicted minions someone just said but vinnie i don't like zelda what all right now that's not subjective that that just is that's just weird have you not played his ld game i've always said like for people that have never played zelda games linked to the past is a good starting point a subscriber just said i don't like you it's like in star wars he doesn't like you i don't like you either trying really hard to be neutral about this because my blinded bias my blind love towards the zelda series will prevent me from holding any kind of meaningful discussion i'm just gonna be like yeah i love them they're amazing play them ouch won't somebody stop them oh somebody help hey can't anybody hear me eventually i'll get to him i got i got [ __ ] to do like that hey kid you there ow hey don't just stand there do something wow what's wrong with you you like watching me take this abuse help me this intense music for two octoroks well done that was close not that i couldn't handle mine myself but that's besides the point by the way doesn't this hat look a little bit like school what in the world does a lone child doing so deep in the woods oh i see the picker are you saying body body's cursed someone what the sacred blade is that so i see i see you know you and i have quite a lot in common you see i too am on a quest to break a curse of bodies are you saying that reforging the sacred blade can break his curse yeah well then you found yourself a companion my board my name is eslo and al's i was going to say elso um that's like the legend of zeldo just all condensed and mixed up actually if you rearrange the letters and you add a d you can get zeldo it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance okay wait wait wait wait i say you walk so quickly too quickly in fact can't you go any slower surely you've noticed that i have no legs what is something on my face quit staring it's rude boy take a good look at me do you really think i can walk that fast if it isn't one thing it's another you are a troublesome boy but now there's a living being duck creature thing on my head there now you can't possibly leave me behind my it's quite comfortable up here more comfortable than it looks surely then much easier on me hey quit your squirming can't you sit still see there yeah that's much better now i suppose a boy like you still has much to learn about the world if you ever need my insight press select immersion i'll be happy to help such a hopeless child i like my hat calling me hopeless as if as if i don't get that enough from the chat now i have to deal with it from a [ __ ] hat all right i haven't even had time to settle in you're bothering me a deep wood shrine lives are obviously enough deep in the heart of these woods so says my superior intuitive sense now i gotta move on this chat is that hold on for a moment my boy we stumbled across something important the world of the minish is very small you're far too big to meet them now who are the minish ah yes silly me allow me to explain you humans call them pickery but they refer to themselves as the minish strange how in the world of humans only this forest has kept that name anyhow deep in the forest they built a tiny village where many now live but if we're to enter the village we'll have to make you a touch smaller first look at that at first glance it appears to be a mere stump yes no that stump is a portal used by people not long ago or very long ago or just long ago to adjust their size with my help you can use it to shrink down diminished size just stand on the stump and press r to shrink to return to normal stand next to the stump and press r that's the song of the duck hat [Music] someone's fetish welcome to the world through the eyes of the minish now aren't you glad you saved me no need to thank me though portals that reduce your size are all around different shapes and sizes if you want to return to normal stand next to the portal and press r but there is one thing you must know being minisized is full of dangers you can get squashed you can drown someone could put you inside of them you don't want that that's weird that's weird but you never know i mean people are kind of strange mere puddles at your normal size or bottomless swamps to the minish and as your companion if anything bad happens to you it happens to me too so proceed with caution my lad if not for your sick then for my own [Music] insurmountable forests [Music] i always liked this aspect of the game baby link link is now grand bab uh appears this we have found the minish village [Music] pico sounds like some kind of italian pasta dish [Music] i don't know i gather it's uh been quite some time since i last saw a human and what's that you don't understand what they were saying just now ah yes well that was the language of the minish it's a little different from the dialect i'm most familiar with huh i'm afraid i didn't catch most of what they said myself but perhaps there is someone here who understands your language we should look around [Music] they're like teletubbies yep i gone it's me thank you stinky pinky yeah take a guess where the pinkie's been hmm i've never seen an outfit like that before are you a human oh my it has been quite some time since any humans came here my name is fastari i watch the abbey as well as the shrine to the north you seem to be having some trouble with our language don't you you could use a little jab or not it will allow you to understand our tongue you should be able to find one in the barrel house just south of y'all a jabber nut [Music] yeah i know where i found some nut oh link this must be the japan nut pastari told you about jabba the nut it's jabber the nut well you'd better read it if you plan on making any progress at all you ate the jabber nut now you can understand the language of the minish what have i done with slightly enthusiastic vinnie uh i drank a lot of coffee today i did some squats some [ __ ] squats hey nice clowers i want to wear something clothes too good uh good [ __ ] do you know about 10 stone pieces there are the roads amongst women now [Music] there's so many monsters around those woods lately the elders said that even the shrine to the north is filled with monsters now i had a really bad headache yesterday and it like just knocked me the [ __ ] out so today when i felt better i actually found the motivation to do many things one of those things was buying a pretty nasty cup of coffee when i say nasty i mean large you know what i'm saying like just trying to like slang if you want to reforge that sword you'll need help with the expert smith master melody and the seven apprentices can help you they're like dwarves seven dwarves they live in the mountains where they can find oh they all they need hi-ho i'm sure the elder will tell you all about it if you ask cup of coffee in the big time nasty garbage new york city gutter water coffee no mr giraffe you're misinformed we actually have very very good tap water and i'm not just saying that maybe that's why our piece is good i don't know i i don't know there's no scientific studies however i had some pretty [ __ ] banging coffee today banging that's how you're eating the japanese and now you can understand us sorry but i know a little about swords i'm sure the elder can help you [Music] you live in a boot you're so [ __ ] stereotypical stereotypical small our ancestors the ancient ministers portal between our worlds and brought them into the human world and they settled in these forests yes so about that sense of direction [Music] well what are you waiting for you can understand that language right stop wasting time find out about that sacred blade i want to just help help tell me where where do i go [ __ ] you you oh yeah you're the elder right you have um you have a needle oh you speak our language it's been quite a while since we've heard outsiders speak our tongue we've had little to offer you in these words but please enjoy yourself i thank you for your offer but we have no time to relax my name is eslo this child is link we need to break a curse that's uh been cast on the princess of hyrule to do so we need to reforge the broken pickering blade isis you've come here now hoping to have the blade reforged well if that's what you're after you need the four mystic elements it would have been three but our developers had more time to make more dungeons these elements are the crystalline forms of the energies of the swirl only by infusing the blade with these energies can a new blade be forged here give me your map i can mark where the elements are could be found the earth element can be found in the shrine to the northern fosteri's hubble speak with festari he'll show you the path to the shrine's entrance go with caution evil creatures have been lately made their home in our shrine return to me once after you have found the earth element but they're like are they pint-sized creatures like what's the monsters that are small did they get shrunk down or were they always that small because i could just get large and just like step on them that would be cool [Music] oh y'all thought i was gonna miss that i didn't even know that was there you wish to go to the shrine very well let's try it [Music] violence i've settled in recently be careful it is quite dangerous [Music] it's a pint-sized shrine so this would be the deep wood shrine the mini shelter spoke of he said something about there being monsters inside didn't he hey no no reason to be afraid or anything i'll be waiting here no wait what am i saying i'm not letting you leave me alone out here oh yes the most dangerous monsters ordinary slugs they must be killed now were these monsters released from the box were there just no slugs in the world until pandora's box opened there's a locked door here see if you can find a key to open it good advice eslo [Music] christ forsaken slugs do you see that lever i think you should be able to pull it just stand in front of it and press r to grab it press down to pull vin how do you feel about hearing your own voice mine makes me want to punch a wall um if i can avoid hearing my own voice that would be great but i mean considering i edit a lot of my own stuff or i i've i have historically done so you know i've listened to myself a lot and it's been good it helped me get rid of some bizarre new yorkisms that i didn't particularly want anymore it helped me project more and put a little bit more oomph into my speech so i mean it is good to be able to hear your voice especially if you're in the entertainment field but yeah i prefer not to hear it look at the size of that barrel all right has to leave me it's not big we're just small but if i was big again couldn't i just like step on this dungeon and then just reach in and grab that little jewel thing oh [ __ ] look at this special effects it's the game boy advances equivalent of mode seven it's mode eight i balls that up [Music] don't touch me [ __ ] you're free now to barrel as much as you wish it's a barrel of fun hey what hey be careful my lad the barrel just moved like that i don't like hearing young link voice this much but i i do like the puzzles in this game i like the dungeons and stuff but moving around and hearing i can get a little grating skinny it got real it went from thick to skinny mushroom very quickly imagine if it was towed instead okay good point fair enough at least it's not toad you're right could always be towed it's like the mario advance that came out and it was like super mario brothers 2 with some changes and toad voice so every time you did something is tote it was like okay okay okay in three different pitches what we need now is something to hold down the switch [Music] [Music] so there's no place pot down button what what wha what button do you press to put the thing down lightly oh you just push it okay once you take hold of something with r use the thing to push and pull this is extremely important so i hope you take pains to remember it there's even skid marks on the floor yeah i know oh god forbid i took less than 50 seconds to solve the [ __ ] puzzle oh he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah he's a right [ __ ] he tried to place the pot down gently oh he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah no this guy's real stupid how long did it take him like 35 [ __ ] seconds he took him to figure it out mate kill jester he got so mad he turned into shrek speaking of shrek i got that shrek plug-in play just sitting there staring at me waiting to be played i'm looking at the the joystick and it's basically like a ball like a sphere with ears with shrek ears and just like the spongebob plug and play it looks like something someone would have a good time shoving up their ass it's just a guess i know there's a lot of different types of people in this world and you don't know what people want to put up their asses amiibos plug-in plays um you just don't know you just don't know compass [Music] predictable now there's a puzzler i suspect there's not much more we can do here right now let's press on perhaps we can work this from another angle later on see even eslo knows when to give up i just give up don't worry about it just uh no just just leave can you open the chest from behind i don't think eslo would actually tell me to move on if there was a way to open that chest from behind or capcom was just trolling us the whole time one of ghanian's minions who's canyon you may ask ghanian is vadi's true form so i mean crenando no no there's there's ganon ganon dork crenando uncle nando nana juice and ghanian these are all different people gangnam is a cat i bet you didn't know that oh that kind of looks like a butt or it's supposed to be a heart right it's not supposed to be a butt that would be a little weird for a zelda game to have a big red ass as its weak point oh look at that look at that it's this weak point you attack its weak point from massive damage literally swiping my sword like a credit card through his [ __ ] come on let me get your butt man how strong are these [ __ ] spider webs that a sword doesn't cut through them unless this sword just plain sucks but it was made by the master smith gusts jar there we go all right i cannot harness the power of wind wait so you mean to tell me that i can't cut through the spider webs but i can suck them i guess so i mean spider webs are very very very strong they're just usually so thin you know but these are these are made by shelob these particular ones i don't know if you knew that i thought nothing of this but these spider webs is made by shiloh secrets 10 mysterious shells cool not entirely unlike secret seashells from slink's awakening oh wow so it turns out if you suck the farts out of these mushrooms you can kill them i would have thought okay so there's going to be a lot of those in this game i can tell secret oh [ __ ] now what unless we find a way to travel by water we won't be going much farther remember when i did the lily pad level in two tries [ __ ] off man these slugs snails mushrooms and centipedes what a threat to mankind or elf kind they are little buggies we gotta stop them before they take over the world everyone oh i actually have to suck this mushroom this is a filthy sight i am i am so ashamed of my my behavior right now i'd like to apologize to jesus and anyone from the catholic church any any preachers pastors or priests that are watching you're going to suck this mushroom clean rug when i was a kid i was much more pure because i didn't think for a second that i was doing anything awful i would have remembered that there is still one secret i'm missing or one one treasure chest should i be a completionist other people are saying [ __ ] it some people are saying get it maybe it's worth it i don't know maybe it's shells or maybe it's something awesome all right bet on disappointment get your disappointment ready okay there it is here we go it's gonna be [ __ ] amazing 20 mysterious shells now okay to be fair i don't know what the [ __ ] those things do yet but maybe they're good can i suck slugs no i can't suggslucker kind of sounds like um something you hear like an insult from an 80s movie about kids going on an adventure you low down good for nothing suck slucker [ __ ] slug sucker rather so i like sug slucker too that's a good one [Music] oh god i told you this is the ultimate enemy the stakes are really really low in this game what can i say you scruffy looking nerf herder [Music] oh give me the give me the slime yes yes just give me the slime [Music] teetering [Music] yeah yeah that's fast the precious slimes that can be used to make so many amazing things like healing potions and soup yeah i like when it falls on me it's so much fun whoa whoa calm the [ __ ] down i there i won [Music] congratulations you just got moldy slime juice in teardrop form definitely not just boogers that you picked up petrified boogers congratulations you just found the petrified boogers they've been locked in this tunnel ever since a small child wandered and left them here 30 years ago it's just you're so small that the boogers look so big ah we got the earth element you must go tell the elder at once duke only drink bugar sir you have found the earth element you are blessed with much courage and strength for it once or young if your conviction holds strong head to mount crenando there you will meet a man named melanie among all the minish there is no one more able to repay your sword if you ask him i am certain he will reforge your broken pickery blade i shall send word to him in advance travel safely you are brave but there are many evils now in the world [Music] i'm going to sew myself a little thing now leave through this door here i will take you out of the forest quickly great elder we're in your debt we shall head for mount cornell now though at once mushroom house in mystical heart sir what your birthday is you want to find the earth element surely you are i've heard so many details about you research you have antiquities i'm also well a bit of an inventor you know i won't be able to get back to town to child and debris yeah i have something that might come in handy bombs power by the power of small i grant you man and wife invested in me by the state of nevada as lo just told you to go to town well if islam told me to put the sword through my throat do you think i should do it who is this guy i only know him he's a hat that talks i've only known him for like five minutes hey link i'm gonna need you to put that sword through your gullet real quick okay buddy hey you can trust me i'm a duck hat that talks the name is ruto i'm head carpenter around these parts king of hyrule is interested in me with the town's reconstruction this area is standing in right now it's a work zone it's way too dangerous for a little kid like you [Music] well a lot of creatures all right lately as a result we're in a bit of a rush to get things repaired around her a bomb and hours of work just ruined because i placed a bomb in front of him oh look it's the mayor of clock town everybody oh i'm busy kid the boss always makes sure we get our noses to the old grindstone he's my mayor all right guys watch this oh man [ __ ] octorocks so this is your house well it seems like a nice place so so where's my room getting a little ahead of ourselves aren't we as low oh welcome back link am i but you're looking so much stronger now if you get tired just go ahead and take a nap upstairs in your room i'm busy making swords for the guards to keep the monsters at bay i wish i could do more but for now we need you to save princess zelda oh you know the useless guards that get mowed down in the thousands by little slugs by little overgrown slugs all right there's your bread bed this is your room that makes it my room too right hey aren't you tired do you want to take a rest no no rest till brooklyn i'll tuck it out and all i do is ride around on your head all day presumptuous i sense something unusual here is it something hidden i won't tell anyone so come on show me i don't know minishnap maybe under the table hey what do you got here link what's what what is that weed what are you doing with weed link come on come on see how many kidstone pieces you can collect you never know what fusing kinstones will do but it's sure to be good come on up and get your freakin stone bag for holding your kinstone pieces don't miss out on this incredible once in a lifetime opportunity yes yes you're from around oh you're here for your free kinstone bag aren't you that's right maybe you didn't hear me but they're free we're all games right now fitting two kin stone pieces together is called a kinston fusion if you get two pieces to fit perfectly great happiness will come your way i'll put a kinstone piece in your kinstone bag so you can give it a try anyone who's ready and willing to fuse kinstones will look like i do right now what a giant [ __ ] when you see that look in their eyes that's when you press l and stand in front of me and press l so we confuse kinston's drink please yes yes that's it press l and you can see the kin skull it's going to sculpt pretty gertie man maybe something good will happen [Music] oh there you go well now the l button has a use a perfect fit that means we're both due for a little happiness see you hey link good to see you again do you want to reach into my box go ahead grab the ken stone you can charge your kinstone crystals with me buggery boo did i scare you um just dirty carpets oh welcome to rem's shoe shop lately whenever i take a nap all my shoes are done when i wake up you know if i can make shoes in my sleep i must be the right job or must be in the right job at least bread shop it's that smells spectacular perhaps they give out free samples i say uh would you ask for me must make a deliciousness you've come to the one and only bakery of wheaton and peta the tasty slice of cake which may or may not have something special inside it's a moist and cream-filled bargain nah bro i'm good how about this uh how about this thing right here how do you even [ __ ] pronounce that brioche brioche brioche crusty and delicious and there's a kinstone piece inside brioche baba ganoush that mustache guy strikes me as somewhat unreliable ah there's something fishy about this room too eslo is racist against mustaches i'm a hagen a mater of this fair town mayors are usually very important in busy folk i'll have you know i still have a hobby of course i collect unusual masks i just love them they're beautiful simply magnificent i tell you [Music] turns out the mayor built his castle well it's not really much of a castle but he he built his headquarters above an ancient indian burial ground and this is where the zombies come back to life yeah this this dude is not my mayor like i only have one mayor it's the dude outside who's working that dude's collecting masks and doing nothing and my mayor is out there like fixing hyrule press l with the mayor oh you want me to fuse hey let me dock with the mayor real quick oh [ __ ] [Music] secret acquired stereo stereo sound effect give me i need that damn baby burb it's the dude from lord of the rings i'm swift blade if you train with me i guarantee that you will increase your skill dramatically we shall start with the most basic of all techniques i shall teach you the spin attack first press and hold your sword button second build up enough power third release your destructive might that's all young swordsman you understand yes uh very good you're a very quick student must feel the technique not just hear about it that's why i will now show you or i will now possess your body what no don't do that that's weird it's like oh yes so young so nubile now you must try it yourself press and hold the sword button build up enough power then release your destructive might that's all there is to it yes fine work you are a quick study i'll give you this tiger scroll [Music] let me just possess your body real quick it's night time link wakes up ah yes uh there was a slight time dilation when i possess bodies just takes a little while that's all link wakes up and he's missing a kidney yes i agree that's why you should never let strange wizards possess you does he's got like a scar across his stomach ah yes don't worry about that but you've done a great service there was a member of my family that needed a kidney and they just randomly found it how miraculous that is hello my brother's at school i didn't escape your brother what do you want my sister's not here she's at school i didn't ask about your sister whoa the postman wait a minute mr postman why are the wells like how are people drinking water from these scuzzy wells just like bats and bad music the evil music sorry also why is it in lincoln's school apparently he's babb he's bad boy what makes why doesn't he go in school come from a far away land you can tell by my clothing can't you had the rhyme go about the lady in the shoe or the the shoe what was that rhyme about there once was a man from nantucket who's that's how it started or no there once was a man from peru who spent all his life in a shoe but then he moved to nantucket and his cocky could suck it and the rest of the story is up to you i remember that it was a good nursery rhyme when i was a wee bab yeah i learned some weird nursery rhymes a lot of andrew dice clay that's what was going on my household mother hubbard oh mud the hub but none of that [ __ ] it's still dangerous maybe you can handle it show me that spin attack yeah you spin link pepperoni secret seashells okay you got me let me make it up to you it was most deluxe of bottles for 20 rupees what do you say huh a lot i mean we call them scrubs but they're not all that bad did you see doctor strange yes that was the question it was posed as did you see doctor strange yes uh i haven't i'm not sure why yes was part of the question maybe that's part of the movie's name maybe it's called doctor strange yes maybe that's the sequel dr strange followed by doctor strange yes how about that 48 frames a second disaster peter jackson was like yeah we need to uh start watching movies in 48 frames a second be great just get used to it let's just get used to it mate and then the last hobbit movie like good luck finding a theater that had that in 48 frames a second yeah i'm i'm a bit of an elitist i only watch movies in four and a half frames a second much better that way worth it not worth it of course how silly of me hey my boy jump into that whirlwind over there for me i wonder is this a great idea or a terrible one my boy oh [ __ ] low glider [Music] box go kill the bug shrink slash there may be other rock portals keep your eyes peeled boy all right as though this boy shit's gotta stop okay i'm only 14 years old water is life for chrono beans the blue beans put the beans on it grow when you pour water on them but the green beans like mountain cranial mineral water mount cranial mineral water can only be found if you're in a spring and mount krennle well really the spring is closer to the base of mount cornell trying to think what other zelda games well there's always the ds ones which i'd like to avoid if possible um oh yeah i need to to put the water on it wasn't enough you got a lift bean wait a minute am i strong enough to lift i thought i was bad holy [ __ ] yeah i really can lift being yeah put the green on it did it it took me four years i finally did it green give me green green water this fabulous grip ring is just perfect for a mountaineer like yourself climb in style for only 40 rupees i got all these rupees burning a hole in my pocket speaking of merch let me buy some deku scrub merch thanks a lot am i back it just said restream dot io has terminated your connection when you use language like that it makes you think that something went wrong maybe some kind of infringerino's i don't know [ __ ] mount cornando no buen [Music] not a single point was had ah whoa holy [ __ ] bomb the wall next to the climb thing all right i will i'll go back down in a second no bomb throwing the perfect crime no one will ever know blew up the fairies home holy [ __ ] it's like a real person welcome to the adventurous spring did you throw the golden bomb it's the spring or the silver bomb i i don't want to lie to the gold fairy you are honest i must reward such an honest adventurer with some of my power [Music] yeah big bomb bag i can't believe that fairy looks so kind of like people and not like a a stripper or b like a thing like a weird [ __ ] there's some [ __ ] weird fairies in zelda history got the old triangle titties can't forget about triangle titties oh the wind waker ones there's some fun ones in wind waker they're like bananas they look like [ __ ] bananas unpeeled corkscrew palace bananas yeah this is your captain speaking just making sure you're having a good time you can hear every little detail of compression from the gameboy advanced sound ship i am the crinal how about i left a while to show a life of what reflection you seem to be a better child and yet you climb this forbidding mountain alone you must reward your courage with a little information have you not seen strange pattern dwells as you climb this [Music] this is a very loud area with rocks and [ __ ] and everything in between just falling and hurting i mean the primary instrument is was that really really loud texture i was gonna say it sounds like a saw wave [Music] these raindrops are like boulders of water to us kid watch out one of them hits us it'll sting something fierce link is so small that rain hurts i made a puzzle like this in my rpg years ago and yet i still can't solve rock puzzles i think every rpg in rpg maker has to have a rock puzzle yeah i also had a um an npc in my rpg whose name was potod last name scumbigula scumbiglia sorry potad scumbiglia it was a robot so its code name was p 0 t 4 d why would a robot have a surname sometimes robots have surnames you know what i'm saying robots have to be identified what if there's other potods what if there's poton scrambiglia what if there's um potaht [ __ ] baglia you never know you gotta you gotta find ways to identify the different robots because they might have a different maker they might have been assembled at a different time you know i didn't figure it out is what i'm trying to say i didn't actually get that far but i'm you know what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] have i done there's no way to rotate when you have this thing right oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a bomb um over complicated that you guys want to know how to ruin something good hey holy [ __ ] you got the golden kappa that's how you ruin it i'm actually surprised someone didn't actually make a gold kappa and then submit it for their channel but then again i'm assuming that twitch would probably not approve anything nearly like close to the color of gold because um yeah they they get they have to look like i couldn't submit my rat porn emote i had an emote that said rat porn and it was a little brat beneath it you know because bing when you when you search for uh results on the bing search engine you just get rat porn you know hey bro you must the rap point and it just said rat porn it wasn't actually rat porn but they were like now you can't you can't do that i guess just the very implication of such a thing is ridiculous and disgusting like hell thank god we gotta protect the kids from rat porn everyone that's why you should rebel against thing and anytime bing tries to install report it to the uh aspca immediately thank you tengalong tongue along dig along foreign this mine belongs to milari and thus he's saving apprentices wait a minute they're really wee so i should probably do them in a smaller boy did you think along tongue along all this long way to get your sword repaired the boss is down on the lower level like i wonder when link like he's small if he were to eat something in tiny village and then get back to regular size like with the molecules expand and do some unpredictable things like because the molecules get bigger would it like rip open his stomach lining [Music] dig down dig deep enjoy in the grind the voices are still too low they need to be like real we if you head outside from here you can go to the main humans dog but the boss doesn't let anyone go in there without permission [Music] [Music] i hear you want me to reforge the sacred sword and help break a curse [Music] of princesses and such i'd be happy to reforge this thing to a brand new sacred blade for you [Music] he'll take me wrong [Music] i don't even know what that sounded like so i'm gonna have to find out real quick if you head outside from here you can go to the main humans though but the boss doesn't let anyone go in there without permission oh [ __ ] is that really what that sounds like i'm replaying my stream on youtube hang on what's this one [Music] what the [ __ ] how do you guys put up with me how in the name of christ do you pay off with me [Music] oh god my sound card [ __ ] sucks but i can change myself into a munchkin ah you want me all right here one more thing this is a request we represent the lollipop killed the lonely pop kill the lollipop kill we represent the lollipop cocktail wow it's hot in here come on let's not stand around wasting time find that element so we can get out of here no no no no no you don't get a whole stream in squeaky voice i what i do is i now edge you for the rest of your lives there will be no more gnome boys i notice uh there's a trend here in these uh these here zelda games your first dungeon is either fire or green it turns out green was the first in this game your sword won't make a dent in their thorny armor flip them over before you strike yeah my my eslo voice is is just going through mutations it's it's not been the same every time i do it it's different i knew it [Music] [Music] tonight is the most quality of all streams you don't get much more quality than the streams ah the wee red fella they're kind of like baby versions of um the slimes are kind of like baby versions of the wacky waving arm inflatable arm inflatable arm tube man if you leave them they evolve into the wacky waving inflatable maybe we should hop in that's nothing to be afraid of here come on let's go link is dying sweet jumping jellyfish that was awful hey kid what are you smiling about i know whose madness to risk our lives and that rickety human contraption from now on let's just stick to our feet well i mean you know your feet also bombs really stealing stealing content from mario games now didn't zelda have bombs in it that were not in just this game they're all right chain chomp was in link's awakening link's awakening dungeon three yep there you go well now the zelda series has always had a little bit of an homage to mario the dude that looks like mario and link's awakening for example turns into a raccoon that one's pretty obvious then there's ingo who's just basically evil luigi and i don't mean waluigi because he's not evil he's just misguided yeah i mean waluigi spent his entire life trying to get into this group and he finally did it like he he tried to reform so that he would no longer remain a genie but i mean he still dresses like a genie and the only wish he grants is wario's late night thrust the desires of wario who is not his brother nor is he related to any of the characters it's just when his brother needs something he goes and gets it done it's not his real brother though they just called it's it's a role play thing vinnie stop why are there so many people saying vinnie stop what do you what i got the amiibo right here i'm telling you it fits nice [Music] grass made of fire how do you water fire grass what do you have to put on it to make it grow i guess lava so then what do you put the lava in oh i i know hang on a minute a bucket made of lava or lava crust do you guys ever do the thing where you where you were a kid and you tried to like find out things that were stronger than other things and lava always ended up defaulting to being the most strongest thing and the only way to stop lava was in fact lava crust hey 50 rupees yeah got 100 already at my max yeah 50. was this [ __ ] never mind i thought i had to leave it there clever let's don't you like how i handle my problems what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] followed by immediately solving the puzzle okay so i have a cane now even though link is bad so this cane is good for filling holes i'm filling holes with a little thing that has a tail anyway never mind don't worry about it slug puzzles i mean you guys can't tell me i mean you can't tell me that you've never thought of something stupid like that and then just started laughing to yourself for no reason i mean i'm sure it's happened to all of us at least once or twice in our lives where you just recall like the dopiest [ __ ] you've seen and you'll be out in public or wherever and you have no choice you have no mouth but you must laugh now you may ask yourself where is that beautiful wife where does that highway go to you may ask yourself why did i just jump into the lava like that uh depth perception i i was trying to touch the tornado and then just as i started walking south i saw the shadow it's generally considered an embarrassing moment both critically and commercially all right pretty big dungeon no let me can i squirt no don't let me squirt don't let me squirt no no one ever wants to let me [ __ ] squirt you know thank god zelda games are forgiving with with the damage that you take for doing stupid [ __ ] hey guy guy [Music] so it turns out you can't just wait for the thing to throw you back onto the level but again i fell into lava and i took one quarter heart damage a guy says that does anyone actually call people guy like if you're at a like a store oh yeah how can i help you guy i was at a um a deli today what a surprise right there's an old dude who just kept talking to the customers but like he wasn't just talking to them he was talking at them and whenever someone left to go like leave he would find another victim i mean another person to talk to but he would just end up telling them about everything that he did in his life and whenever they talked to him about something he would change the topic immediately i found myself like kind of doing some like fancy swerving just so i didn't have to get like stuck in the situation i mean i felt bad for the guy i'm sure he's a nice guy but you can tell like people would like inch away from him very slowly oh and that's great oh you played football when you were oh that's whoa you oh you did that oh you knew bill gates i gotta go take oh what's that oh you knew steve jobs too and again it's not a necessarily like he's not a bad person he's like waluigi he's not exactly a bad person he's just misguided whoever was coming in he would just wait for them talk to them or rather talk at them and then when they would leave he would immediately find someone new to talk at twist the old guy with steve wozniak wow that was hot it was so hot i thought my fibers would catch fire ah but it's over now i suppose we should go back and speak to malari yeah don't get me wrong obscure gnome i feel bad for him too it's not it's not that the dude's doing anything wrong i mean he's he's kind of probably killing business for the delhi i think the real issue here is uh maybe the reason he doesn't have friends is because he just doesn't have any conception of what a conversation is is supposed to be it's not supposed to be brushing over what the other person's saying and waiting for your turn to speak it's about true truly listening number one you know my time on star trek one thing i learned from playing picard was that i had become a fantastic listener because picard was extraordinarily good at listening i'm a terrible listener i mean i have like 3 000 people every night telling me stuff and i'm just not listening so i i am officially the worst human on the planet this chest better be worth it like there better be some sweet dank mcnuggets in this chest you know it's gonna be right it's gonna be 50 rupees it's a [ __ ] compass probably guys it was the compass i didn't get or not compass wait what the [ __ ] is it's a map i guess there's a map oh [ __ ] leave it to me to forget to get forget to get the map and then not speak english could you please do more than half heart damage thank you i'm actively trying to kill myself now so that i can go back to the beginning but i cannot it's impossible to die in this game wait a minute have i died at all have i died at all yet maybe this is gonna be a no death run maybe because people don't want me to die maybe i'll just do a save and a soft reset okay we're going for a no death run then if you die you delete the file if i die i wipe all of my hard drives i can't agree to that i've got too much music and editing wow that was fast work but not so fast [Music] you got the white sword it's beautiful white blade sparkles with light you can put away your grandfather's sword now once you infuse it with the power of the elements it will become a sacred bleed the forest elder no dot told you this part but you want to infuse the sword you must go to the elemental sanctuary the sanctuary is a strange realm fact between two worlds it is the bridge between the minish world and the human world the doorway to the sanctuary opens only once every hundred years you feed the door hidden within hero crystal once the blade has been filled with the power of the four elements you should be able to break the curves on your parentheses i know you can do it after all you've made short work of that human mind let me tell you about a shortcut you can use to get down from the mountain you'll find how many kin stones do you have uh does do you think he has four so like forced forkin foreskin that's terrible i don't know what that was i was i was i don't know what the [ __ ] i was just doing there no what the [ __ ] am i doing yeah there you go i think it's about time that you guys discovered the hitler bit a new generation must understand what kind of computer do you have it's a mac or it's a mac mine's a dell i like it though like the type of computer he uses is going to change the information he gets on wikipedia odd looking duck but there's something about his eyes his eyes are almost entirely black hold the fort he hated jews you know he reminds me of dave my best friend dave i know dave that guy hates jews he sure does i hear about it all the time i'm thinking of breaking up our friendship it's probably a good idea i'm sick of these kind of characters i think we should kill hitler me and you go suicide kill him died 50 years ago i didn't even know he was sick he wasn't well i wish i could find a hitler today and go kill him it ends with them just staring at each other odd looking duck you know the sad thing is you can hear so much of that in my speech patterns that one stupid video fella by the name of odd looking duck hold the fort those three things if you ever hear me say them and you have in the past now you know where they come from odd looking duck i got i got a dell odd looking duck it's an incredibly odd looking duck right there vin that's right it's right there dude oh whoops [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh god [Music] cheers yay cheers raise your milk for a toast i wonder why she's scottish whoa oh [ __ ] it's hard not to get stepped on when there's so many people here this cafe is so busy you can hear all sorts of stuff from people out here they just live here they would think it's mises [Music] secret it's the secret world what a nice smell i'll push that apple off and hit someone in the head i like those red hats at the forest minnesota i like the blue house it's a town ministry the forest minis have come for a visit you want to fuse [ __ ] bab babb bridge you must cross the bridge of small bab yeah someone had a red one oh someone had a red one what is what's what am i doing with life what where am i in life that i can't see the difference between these colors who had red didn't this [ __ ] want to fuse at some point doesn't want to fuse anymore i could have sworn that was one of them had red no i'm not red green colorblind i might be shaped blind or i'm having a stroke there never was red next you're going to tell me i never did a scottish voice [Music] but it was the right shape come on [Music] i could fuse with broccoli man come on all right whoa snake all right i just spawned a snake teach you a new technique called the rock breaker so pay attention first swing your sword from side to side to break pots actually that's all there is swordsman do you understand yes you don't need to possess my body for that one right that's why i will now possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique here watch this oh yeah nice young body it's like bono at a youtube concert bringing up a member of the audience and then just moaning gently into his ear oh and then he put a lady's face in his tits like oh lay your head on my breast oh yes lay your head on bono's biddy [Music] turns out you can't flip cats oh this was the danger snake [ __ ] snake jesus snake worth it i'm okay so wait a minute you're telling me that i got a kinstone piece that unlocked a kinstone piece this is a never-ending quest this is monkey business i don't like it oh you are a big spinner aren't you thank you thank you [Music] since when did that stop link i've gone into thousands of empty houses suddenly now it's um elso also the wise the great the all power is as low as all like don't break into the houses this has not stopped link ever there you go it's jesus see how well do they fit [Music] that that fits right oh no the game is glitching everyone the npc looked like me what is it with me being in video games lately i was in titanfall 2 now i'm in minish cap i'll be in minish skunt soon i can't wait to be in that game sealed off an area of a hedge maze because of body you're telling me ivari couldn't just cut down these hedges it sounds a little stupid and i'll just say it was it was without um we must finally yeah we must find the elemental sanctuary to fill the sword with elemental power i never have looked for the elemental sanctuary in hyrule castle though you know how to get there right let's go the amish cap what would that be could that be the door that leads to the sanctuary nobody in the castle seems able to see it but you and me let's go quickly no no one else can see the door even though there's a path that leads to it so this is the elemental sanctuary then this is where we can infuse your blade with the power of the elements i i don't i'm no longer convinced that this hat is just a a random run-of-the-mill talking hat made of bird thinking he knows a little more than he's letting on powers of earth wind and just earth and fire not the ball not the band have infused your blade all right that's how you do that whoa he's just splitting too so this is the power of the white sword i guess you could double yourself like that anytime you see those panels you might even enjoy yourself sorry just link link screaming talk to scrim blade he'll make you charge your crystals faster i don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about first of all i don't know yeah i don't know what that means scrim blade charge those jl crystals wait a minute you should see this chat on sunday this guy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] this guy's a [ __ ] bogan bro oh he's [ __ ] stupid he can't see what the [ __ ] he's doing mate oh how the [ __ ] does he play victory games mate what is this [ __ ] guy is he [ __ ] joking mate how did he not see that and as always you're dressed in the shabbiest of rags my curses are not to be mocked the one i cast on you is most powerful no matter what power you wield i'll never break it you haven't changed in the slightest should have never created that cap it only fueled your insane desires fool a hat that grants the wishes of its wearer is a spectacular creation thanks to you who have gone from being a meek miniscule nothing to the greatest sorcerer alive cannot stop me now and i have you to thank for it except this small gesture of gratitude for me wait fatty wait come to me [Music] you see the headphone he didn't even [ __ ] kill the enemy the right way bro i foul body what could he be scheming now link i feel like i owe you an explanation of what has happened you see vadi and i are both minish i was once a famous sage and a renowned minish craftsman i thought he was only a boy when i took him on as my apprentice but he became enchanted by the wickedness in the hearts of men one day fatty took a hat i made for the humans my pride and joy granted the wishes of its wearer he put it on without permission but here he was as small and like he grew 30 times the size that day body what are you doing there i told you that bird wasn't just a bird what a vile form you've taken vile i'm a sorcerer now my power is beyond compare no longer will i tire away as your apprentice all shall call me master but why make a hat that would do that in the first place hi fatty what are you plotting this year on the day that comes but once a century the portal opens then when it does i shall claim the light force as my own i will be transformed perfect there will be none who can stop me with this magical orb of evil i will turn you into a bird hat tell me how does it feel my sorceress curse you see as though truly your master now you cannot stop me and with that i'd must be leaving you know the legends of course gifts of the pickery gave to the humans what you call the pickering blade was the first of those gifts the second well you call it light force it's a source of limitless magic power if fatty were to get it now it would be devastating i came to the world of men hoping to stop fatty when i met you in the woods well but it seems we won't be breaking the curse on me anytime soon however with the sacred blade we can certainly restore princess zelda i'm sorry all that has happened has been due to my own pride my folly i must rely on you on your power until we put an end to body well link enough fairy tales we must search for the next element i feel like every time i've done eslo's voice it's changed like every single time you can't [ __ ] keep his voices straight mate what a [ __ ] viking i see stars beyond the rainbow but i could not reach them i'm a flowery [ __ ] though the stone i lost is small large was its place in my heart what a strange feeling i sent something from the castle's direction or was it just me [Music] hmm my dinner will be arriving any moment hmm who's there what body how did you get in here on what do you do the golden light force of limitless magical power i want it somewhere in hyrule now go bring me this power waste no time go forth at once and bring me the light force fling anyone who refuses to into the dungeon him and his family too i will tolerate no disobedience now search high and low throughout the lands of hyrule no one is questioning that the king has just went on a [ __ ] psychopathic rampage like five minutes ago he was fine you know wait a minute do you think it could be vadi you know he was just here and he's kind of crazy and also zelda's frozen in stone like right next to the king so that could be possible but nah definitely not but it's just oh god beetle looks [ __ ] scary in this one why hello there thanks for coming by i sell all kinds of pickle light let's put it in your bottle and good stuff happens when you drink it sounds weird you're weird hell hell their link right you're the one who brought the sword to master malari you're on a quest to help the princess aren't you i wish i could go on a quest but then who'd make rem shoes for him oh you need pegasus bruce why you're just in time we made a pair just now while rem was sleeping rem rem rapid eye movement but only ram can put the finishing touches on them that sleeping head rem is nearly impossible to wake up if you want to wake them you'll need to get an item from syrup's hut a little bit of a track but we'll mark it on your map for you [Music] this won't wake him up holy [ __ ] it's tingle green cap and green clothes are you perhaps a fairy whoa i know it i know it tingle wants to be a fairy too actually tingle has some kingstones you know i've given kinstones to my brothers too if you confuse kinstones with me and each of my brothers well i don't want to give it away but you'll get something very very very good good luck mr fairy oh whoops i was busy looking at the chat all right that time there was no excuse so what do you guys like better being able to go small in minish form or do you like being able to go into a wall paper thin wafer thin from link between worlds now that looks familiar that might be the one the dude is looking for jesus i like wall or small i prefer wall i actually like the um the mechanic from link between worlds a little bit better yeah i think there should be we've done while we've done small next link needs to be tall zelda height of the clouds scar there's scar crows doing down here scar crow what are you doing oh it's just a worker feels so close to nature sometimes i just dig up a kin stone well it just so happens i'm ready to fuse hey tanger it's me panker gotta fear some king stones this kinstone has given the goron the power of punch oh it's about time looking good though i'mma go going going in where is the bogond anyway he going down there bogo is he bombing dumbo well they're the bogo is that where the ball going no nope nope what a [ __ ] viking he's even now with a gore on is he causing bargains vinnie i think you've lost it that is correct lost my key i can't get inside of the spare keys inside the house how'd they lock themselves out instead of just opening the door and then handing them the key i have to do this i want an only spare key i don't know how you got this but i can't thank you enough tell me your name sonny link that's a great name if you ever need to go to lake hylia feel free to cut through our house the best way to get through did you lay kylie through his house that's gotta suck i propositioned the king that we um build a road a highway if you will through this house you really help me out sonny if you ever want to go to lake highly use the shortcut now behind our ranch ah a tranquil those cows look so delicious wait what it's kind of creepy oh mr fairy hello my brother tingle is always telling us about you he says he owes a lot to you fairies i know he'd want to thank you in fact he gave me some kidstown pieces that you might want to fuse what do you say you want to try it just the thing yeah oh yeah i love when it fits yeah they do communicate telepathically i guess this is pinkle here let me do a more appropriate voice for pinkle they fit perfectly why i can see my brother's smiling face how many ken stones do you have left to fuse let's say 86 king stones you've only just begun your quest for happiness mr fair hey tenguru it's me pinketti [Music] shortcut shortcut acquired let's see what lies in tingles hole shall we mothers there's a big treasure chest there i got another of the same kinstone piece that i've had three times in a row and another i guess these are good ones in this texture right here look like an eye this one and this is another eye and together they would just be like really [ __ ] stoned hello there i'm selling creamy nutritious nut lawn lawn milk for 100 rupees per bottle it's a little expensive i mean i i got you in your home could you maybe give me a crowd here we go something good got something good i'm not unit that's how [Music] oh [ __ ] portal portal where are we it doesn't matter just raid the treasure chest doesn't matter who you're stealing from jesus goodness we really get visitors here tell me how did you get here your friend jesus made a portal nobody believes me but i saw a ghost that was taking hold of granddad [Music] rest in peace chat i can't believe old gregor is sick he was looking so healthy i guess something just took hold of him yep mallow and granddad my youth i was called gregor the great i was even a little famous but lately my limbs have grown heavy and i can't even stand up i'm i'm a boss is this really how you do this it is oh wow yeah it actually is awesome [Music] it's me [Music] if you didn't save gregor and come back later he's dead you miss out on the light arrows oh he can actually die that's [ __ ] dark he he actually just dies cool so i'm saying you don't need to sugarcoat just just you know keep getting wiped out ah rico care for some of granny's homemade blue potion one sip and you're full of energy please look around ah yes a fine choice my dear that's a limited time article one whiff and you're wide awake that's why it's called breakthrough would you like to bike rupert it's nasty stench chases away the sleepies oh look at the boat on time here we go go to the bogon cave who's leaving these holes and boulders around though what irresponsible [ __ ] is leaving those boulders like that oh this is one solid wall i'm gonna need a boo brand to give me a hand see [Music] a new challenger enters oh it's been a long time since the last time i visited habu i think i'll set up a little place where i could sell my bedinkadones oh it's kinston merchant bring whatever piece you like shape you like isn't simply a matter of personal taste goro bogo just want a different bogo now the badinkadong costs two thoughts no no no i'm not doing two tundra two tons of rupee how much is this one 50 pogo 2 billion and this one is 300 yeah so the red are the more rare i understand i get the picture underwear i get the picture [Music] squeaky oh i need to hurry up and get working on that special order king asked me to make some shoes for princess zelda you see oh ooh wait a minute um you see zelda is currently made of stone oh yeah and the king is being possessed by an evil sorceress sorcerer and he sent his soldiers on a death mission to look for the ultimate power that could maybe possibly destroy the kingdom but don't worry too much about it because i have a hat that can talk and i'm going to work on this [ __ ] ah yes you have the pegasus boots and you seem to have more skill too let me just take over your party that's why i will now feel your i mean possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique fuse with legolas to unlock additional training dudes oh it's a good thing i've done [ __ ] all since i left town i can't fuse with legolas i don't have the option to do we have any new stock here what what what did this big bomb bag 600 no we're good big bomb [Music] this [ __ ] music bastardization of the theme so a guardian is protecting the treasure take care while fighting it [Music] oh [ __ ] is that a golden kin stone piece i don't even know that existed oh maybe it's a story thing wait a minute why is everyone capping who started this on norix norrix look what you've done you've set everyone on a quest to find the gold kappa you bastard it's a nasty looking statue that already has such an evil glower to it see i mean you know there was a lawnmower simulator and that plug and play and when i say lawnmower simulator it's just a game where you were a lawnmower but zelda has always been my my favorite lawnmower simulator game oh there it is i'll have to do a little bit of research to find out exactly what kind of trash i'm playing like i know what it is we got it working today but uh the exact descriptor of the trash i'll let you know about oh we're fighting now i was like what is he doing he's dancing no [ __ ] [ __ ] i'll get to it [Music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ghost swordsman if you're training with me i will teach you skills that are out of this world huh since you're not ready to train with me come back when you have all seven tiger scrolls oh that's the ultimate technique ribbed for her pleasure tornado ralph nader's older brother tornado chunky ass is that what you want give you a little chunky ass my dear brother numsey i i said i i i i i i want the knife man i love 80s eddie murphy movies the nut professor the soldier's soldier statues were built by the menace i just go to help the humans kind of a secret but there's a switch inside that turns them on or off um go into the night statue oh that's what that little fecker was trying to tell me i forgot about this part you actually have to go inside of it yeah you have to be the animals gorge be the animals gord the [ __ ] bargain can't even [ __ ] figure out a little puzzle like that climb up a [ __ ] ladder right tactites tech map lights are you enjoying your template ticks mr lazarus teplop ticks dr spog dr spog from sporkhog i think the ruiz are hidden within this cliff the whole time watch your step link there may be traps here i like how i mentioned jj abrams and now people are talking about jojo did i really set you off in that way like does the even the letters j and j make you uh go go back into the anime that said where am i going to be small and fall i have to fall small i get it what a grand song that is folks i realize how much control i have over you say a word it will be repeated so us if you're like not having control of yourself mate is a different spark and that you just have to deal with it spock 09 is greater than sp sonic 06 quality sh quality [ __ ] post com jay oh this is a great night we got to talk movies we got to talk star trek and star wars i got to [ __ ] post to the chat this is like a dream come true or a meme come true if you will cow play a record my favorite tm tng meme um i don't know but i'll tell you what brent spiner has a penchant of being asked questions at panels about spot you know the cat in the show and he he calls spot the worst actor he's ever worked with and he just shits on that cat constantly meanwhile the audience is like booing and they're like oh i like that does that count my favorite star trek meme is is the life form song going so well with the chrono trigger boss battle theme [Music] oh sorry chrono cross he said they would like ask the cat to do impossible things like um he would have to spend hours on a scene because they they want the cat to jump off the bed and extend its paw and then jump up onto a desk and like try to give commands to a cat is [ __ ] impossible so yeah he would work some late hours because of because of spot so that didn't quite work out the shield thing barely made it i was certain we'd run out of time we're good oh never mind back to the [ __ ] beginning of the dungeon oh that's a really cheap way to do this i like arrows arrows are good yeah i know uh a wolf steve bloom did the vine sauce bump in the spike spiegel voice however the spike spiegel voice is very similar to the steve bloom voice i don't know if you knew that usually usually pretty aware of it i'm dying squirtle what the [ __ ] it's like oh that's steve bloom john dimaggio's in there you know he does blood every time vinnie does an impression i put another bullet in my skull obviously not enough oh burn i gotta be honest that was that was a good one that's why my voices are called usually shitty and then followed by thing zep brannigan he's like oh [ __ ] hell that's uh that's so [ __ ] stupid what just happened there what's up jack okay but [ __ ] for real though mike matey is the best bugs bunny on this planet i had a dude think my name was mitt one time he called me mit for the night i thought that was kind of cool he was like i think really [ __ ] stoned oh that was yeah how'd that happen but why but mit doesn't seem like a name that should be a real name like a nickname fine like it works as a nickname but uh yeah mit what is that mit who the [ __ ] names mit weird we got any mitts in chat mit and so oh it's short for mitchell well that's mitch mitch what's what's what's a mit this is a mit i just picked up a mid very strange very peculiar number one very peculiar the granny from looney tunes the voice of granny from looney tunes is 99 years old and still doing the voice at that point you do it because you love doing it you know there's um people in in this world i've learned that will assign a money value to everything making that sweet bank at 100. it's like now you don't have to not anymore at that point you don't have to do a goddamn thing at that point money doesn't matter because in a year or two you're gonna be meeting your maker no you know not to be morbid i mean i am fighting skeletons i'm sure you're big enough to handle this she's doing it because she loves doing it because it makes her happy but from my point of view the jedi are evil what are we talking about mit oh yeah mit is mitt romney's middle name it's just mit it's not short for anything so what the [ __ ] is this what's his full name then and why does he go by his middle name which is that of a catcher's glove mithany constance mitt romney really it's mit willard william what what the [ __ ] give me his name osama mitt romney scrunges mitt romney oven mitt romney i'm done i am so [ __ ] done with streaming i like oven mitt romney that was my favorite what about someone named matt do you take names literally nah man i'm just doing a bit while i'm streaming because i've run out of things to say do some like dank swell stretches you know what i mean a lot of core workout while doing these workouts do you yell zip zoom no i don't zip zoom is only one can get away with that that's not me but if you are named mitt you have to let me know so that way i can ban you uh push-ups sit-ups burpees are [ __ ] hard but uh it's little squat burpees yeah that's the name of them blur is it blurpies or burpees what the [ __ ] is a burpee it's it's a thing um a burpee is it's like a blumpkin but instead of getting it on the toilet you you uh it's on the sink you're [ __ ] in the sink while you're getting a [ __ ] i believe that's what it is [Music] whoa it knocked me it knocked me into the ladder vine sauce themed vhs workout routine i'm telling you it's going to happen but most of it involves memes it involves things that don't actually help a lot of screaming at video games i learned how to do squats from zach my boy zack you know my boy zack blurpies are also good especially if you do them if dubloots blutons are good bluetons are a very very good workout routine i recommend them how many times has this boss been done in a zelda game or in a nintendo game period i'm talking about the the thing with the hands so many hand bosses i there's to be some kind of compilation image of every time there was a hand boss with an eye in it it's mario 64. there was ocarina of time wind waker yeah wind waker capcom was just like listen we need another boss idea just just do what nintendo does and do the hands what's uh it's been done a thousand times oh yeah star fox kirby superstar master hand and crazy hand wow it really has been done that many [ __ ] times huh but a lot of zelda bosses aren't too hard once you know their trick anyway burb um multiple verb that's a lot of birb they don't care we are the tribe of the winds long have we lived with the winds we have mastered them now we join them together with the great winds at our backs we head for the skies those who come seeking our power must play the notes zephyr teaches may they lead you onward to the power that you seek more coherent tinky winky i do believe this is where the tribe of the winds once lived hmm left for the heavens taking their element with them looks like the wind element is beyond our reach for the time being we have no choice but to press on let's get out of here the element was not here but at least we have a clue to its whereabouts well you must use the ocarina of wind to open a new path well there's no point in standing around go get the last element and use this totally original item the uh ocarina of wind huh yeah go now it's the the [ __ ] t-rex at the end of jurassic world telling the humans go now i have saved you from this madness but please do not fear do not fret please [Music] go now my most difficult voice to do um i think that would probably be the ones that destroy my throat like um hello my name is ah so that's the mysterious mark we've been seeing is a wind crest if you play the ocarina of wind zephyr comes to pick you up and fly you away the magical mystery tour is coming to take you away i i guess i guess i can dig in the ground now [Music] i'm just spiders let's just dig every tile that's that yeah that's that's all i need to do is just dig every tile in the game just keep going that root red rupee will be there every single time go inside and the rupee will be back infinite money well i'm already capped at 500 so oh i don't have the wallet size how about this [Music] quiver 600 nope give them to uncle rupee what a fit baby you know that's a fit [Music] it turns out if you fuse kinstones with a goddess luigi shows up noble luigi i can rent out my house for some extra cash what what do you want why you're bothering me kid ah hey my name is gorman i'm trying to i'm trying my head for real estate turns out it's a total pain like right now i'm looking for a tenant to see but the thing is i can only rent to a woman single occupancy too many tenants would make the place dirty and they'd be loud i like things nice and quiet see and this is all just too much to hassle if you find anyone who can rent this place will you let me know i don't know if can you actually do that just specifically right out of place to a woman there are no hidden cameras in this place i swear i swear i swear i do not have a secret camera wait a minute i was gonna say is that a bra on the on the thing there is that what uh gorman rented out the house james charm your strengths will be boosted for a while oh that's cool it's time to never use that because i'm saving it for the right moment i am the great spingo so who's playing pokemon moon or sun right now while they're watching the stream and if so why you why do you play bad book game that's a lot of people all the people so many people and they all play pokemon pokemon games park life yeah 100 rupees yeah yeah it should just say that it should just say what a waste you got a hundred rupees what a waste you just got a hundred rupees eat a dick yeah but these were nice masks i poo taut muk the mayor likes strange masks sometimes even makes his own the person living here is the mayor very important you know does it all sound so official so you're just gonna stare at me wherever i walk it's a little weird [Music] why is this guy in my house wait 300 rupees well at least now i can get more rupees oh yeah i'm going to fuse kin stones with a dog [Music] even dogs collect kin stones a perfect fake babe the bread rooting mix has got to be the best bread in hyrule sometimes i sneak off with a little nibble of leftover bread and moldy mushroom fungus what a wonderful smell you smell beautiful i just love bread oh hey cat oh [ __ ] yo you want a fuse good kitty kinstone collecting is that addictive oh god um hey you know speaking of minish cap i have a little comic i want to show you guys what are you doing [Music] what kind of hero does that just curious link [Music] so i don't know what the [ __ ] comic this is but yep link is looking up them skirts eep one of the minish peeps i'm not like my brothers i won't chase you around and peck you pee pee not only that i have some good info for you somewhere in hyrule there's a great fairy who helps honest adventures if you see her answer every question truthfully a little chick is is fusing his kinstones this game is silly peep secret it was a peep secret that's my mayor do you know of any refined work full of dim and vigor that might suit my taste you know something with a bit of punch to it that's what i'm after but but mayor don't feel obligated to work just run run your town people are getting really crazy by collecting those figurines you probably don't know much about that though do you this guy kind of looks like no never mind i was gonna say he looks like the guy that killed john lennon which isn't really all that funny now that i think mysterious shells uh figurines huh gambling oh man gambling time i didn't know there was a figurine mini game in this game i got the gold bomb working it's the gold on merchant again oh [ __ ] no it's the gregel and the ghost this is the last one i'm getting that's the only thing you need shells for just for collecting sake wow i had a three percent chance to get this again and i did another tenant a single woman like before if you know any nice young ladies let me know still we're really weird great garbanzo i don't know how i'm feeling about this the great garbanzo never has hidden cameras in his houses that would be weird i've lined up a sizeable pile of cash for a boy from my rental properties maybe i should start breathing pets next it's weird dude no i'm supposed to use the um the cane on one of these holes oh yes they look like scarecrow they look at the scarecrow from conquer context hey baby stop selling crack on the corner of the street sex fairy [Music] really i'm fusing with a wall ah the gold bone i remember there'll be a problem down here oh it's no good i can't break it by myself i had a strange feeling like a fellow go bomb was it neat hello bobo huh that wall you can't get through that alone i'm coming to help you hey kringle it's me singer it's david junior everybody i love his name [Music] well i have the empty bottle now uh the only problem is uh dog food was just in it so whatever i put in there is gonna suffer the smell zone are you emperor gestalt from final fantasy vi smelly bottle it was whoa that's a lot of [ __ ] kid stones from one grass cut you know the the video on my youtube channel there's a video where i did a uh like i talked about how much money we raised for the charity stream and i did like a little talk about my dog and how much she was great and how much she meant to me and everything so uh that particular video got a copyright strike isn't that cool yeah can't eulogize your dead dog not on youtube not because because record industries are losing money executives are losing yachts i feel real big i feel real good about myself oh he's like a like a tall dwarf oh yes of course i look i look in the chat and someone says yes doc with your grandpa that is both the funniest and most disturbing and strange thing i've seen but yet my sense of humor sucks so bad that i i loved it on the map here these [ __ ] cows look massive they're bigger than houses [Music] oh my [ __ ] god that is oh my god that is an amazing enemy how have i not seen that before so he he swallows link [ __ ] digests him and then shits him out and then link is covered in brown of course that are how rare that but you have found me the wisest of the wise of the wise you what you want to enter the temple you can see in the lake they call that place the temple of droplets i've heard rumors that one minish actually did find a little long ago i'm not in a town library the library should be opening soon perhaps you should go find him yeah nothing makes me happier than just standing around eating grass all day well you're in luck because that that is all you do anyway melissa did you just call that cow moo lissa you should leave what is what the [ __ ] was that voice sample talk to dude it's just a scream i'm a researcher of pickering legend and laura my name is dr left because the other one was called dr right dr light and left [Music] it's the great gorgonzolo preventing me from [ __ ] doing my [ __ ] there we go okay so i just need to get past these vicious beasts i did it oh [ __ ] i'm dying but ultimately [Music] this is very very good hmm i see ah makes sense human books are so interesting that guy dr left living down there has a great taste in reading material how'd they get that damn book up there anyway looking and bad books small bad book ah i want to return this book by dropping it down below it's impossible without some extra weight here my brother is so busy with a book of his own that he won't help me out maybe i can do it if i try again [Music] the [ __ ] that didn't quite do it turns out i had to suck [Music] book returned say day he rised um pastor jen asked a question that has a very secret answer and i've been withholding this information for a long time but i'm gonna tell you the truth okay he asks vinny is your full name vincent can reveal tonight my secret is up my full name is vincent [ __ ] samoflanges minish let's minish let's get diminished diminished minish diminished did anyone not know that link gets diminished in size okay the last book we still need is a history of masks the mayor checked it out who which mayor my mayor or the other mayor last time someone checked out that book majora's mask happened [Music] cool sounds yes that's me hey again i'm the mayor of this town what's that you want a book history of masks and you say i checked it out did you oh yes yes indeed i did or wait did i you definitely did because there's masks on your wall no you know these masks see everything that goes on in my private life maybe you should just ask my masks maybe you should find a way to autofollate this guy's supposed to be responsible he's renting out books from the library and not returning them and then when pressured about said masks he's like ah i talked to the inanimate objects on my wall where does he sleeps in his chair also that was his chamber pot if you know what that is the thing i just got small in the mother took off for his cabin by the lake clutching a book we saw him go but after the chest was opened the road to the minish woods was blocked you won't be able to get through when the mayor came back he didn't have that book anymore i'm sure he just left it at his lake house cabin he's pretty forgetful like that you want to go to the cabin by the lake well let me just mark it here on your map yes there it's right here it should be oh you should be able to find it now i'm talking about i don't know what that was [Music] but i needed two distinct gnome voices or little minish folk voices and that was just that's the best i could do there okay well that that's pretty much what that is [Music] wait um where was larry david junior the the tingle my boy larry's about to climb in some ass about to climb into that [ __ ] larry saw a [ __ ] trailer for a robert de niro movie uh called the comedian with uh danny devito playing his brother the trailer looks so by the numbers that this is uh the nero is just phoning in he's how you doing you know they're all performance you know if you want the nero performance you get the new york it's like de niro coloring book just just fill in the spots with the de niro-isms the [ __ ] is this norix why are you linking me to danny devito as a clown opening a box of animal crackers yeah why morin says it's easy to criticize but i found a button if i found a button that just gave me a paycheck every time i pressed it i'd push it too what if you when you press that button a randomly chosen baby is sacrificed to the blood god i don't think i would want to sacrifice children to the blood god i'm good oh god those are cat tails thank god i thought they were [ __ ] corn dogs i was like what are kart and i knew they weren't corn dogs but look at them they're corn dogs yeah the um the ritual sacrifices to the blood god those are happening right the reptilians are still stealing children yes i'm telling you it's a fat paycheck though it's a little sacrificially knows those reptilians they pay well break the conditioning now would you sacrifice the blood god to children yes i would and it would pay well the blood god has good benefits apparently good dental is hard to come by i don't have i don't have a dental plan i've got health insurance which sucks by the way they send me like two letters a week like they're wasting paper and there's no option to auto renew online and there's no option to have them stop wasting paper on me so every like week or two i have to get like two or three letters from them thank you for being a member did you know that your bill will be due soon your bill is now due thank you for paying your bill every [ __ ] month hey sturgeon books to shelf yeah yes yes here i am here i am i'm here i have the books on the shelf oh it's this guy never mind this guy doesn't sound like that but that dude doesn't does he really needs this job he's like thousand she's like a thousand years old does the blood god eat blood bagels i listen man it's your oc you figure it out do whatever you want yeah i've seen genital jousting i've seen that game genital jousting really really doubt i'll be able to get away with streaming that on twitch even jotari has been around for so long i've grown almost alone it's super bad it's not just band it's super band it's extra band even if you're thinking about streaming genital jousting you get banned oh [ __ ] oh god no no don't don't don't don't no don't but what is it what do you need you want to visit the temple of droplets very well you were the first such a brave person in a long while stand on the clover in front of me how the [ __ ] is anyone supposed to read this book wow he just smacked my hip on something you don't have a hip well not my hip but my way whatever it is i have now i have my brim whatever where do i get my voice acting lessons oh um uh a meatwad all of my voices are a variation of meatwad and also boys me thank you winkies you being here i know you see yep i'm a magic baby got pubes i mean i don't got pubes because i'm a baby but i'm magic you know what i mean vinnie since the last stream several memes have come out and claimed you wrapped them let me tell you about the memes that i do on my streams i got flippers what's the most fun voice for me to do um i don't know i'm partial to the uh rp i like that one's just fun you can do a lot of good stuff with that sometimes i curse people out while i'm driving you piece of [ __ ] what to do suck this [ __ ] clean this is your first live stream well welcome to the live stream and i i hope that i am able to uh how make this your last live stream hitler's aids how do you feel about that all right see ya thanks for watching oh um they haven't left yet hitler's [ __ ] aids how's that i think they're still here guys note the bbc would like to apologize for the previous statements about [ __ ] and aids and hitler the bbc has no association with vine sauce or extrema vinnie it's all a bunch of [ __ ] the bbc would like to apologize for the use of the word aids [ __ ] and hitler we have no association with vine sauce or any of their streamers they can [ __ ] right off oh there's larry david junior my favorite tingle you have found the true master swordsman of hyrule wayflate if you train with me i will teach you things you've never seen seems you are not ready to train here come back when you have more than 10 hearts [Music] okay i think i just need how great would it have been if i just collected one more just that one and that would have been it i love how fast tiny link swims because you know proportionate to his size he is faster than sonic the hedgehog right now what is what do you want from me you're after my bean aren't you was that beans holy [ __ ] yeah this bean is no joke oh wait a minute wait a minute hold the fort hold the fort [Music] got it that's why i will now possess your body so as to demonstrate this technique [Music] watch this did you see the noise he went [Music] so young so virile chatter chatter hang on oh i dropped my controller i can't read the rest of it if you don't find it element quickly i'm gonna turn into a headsickle hurry up blink chatter chatter [ __ ] ice floor [ __ ] god damn it you know shit's getting real in a zelda game when the pots start trying to kill you that's when you've graduated to wow even the [ __ ] pottery in this dungeon the ceramics themselves tiles and pots alike are trying to kill me hey the sunlight shining through ah it's so nice and warm i feel myself starting to defrost again looks like something is frozen inside this block of ice link why don't you go take a look looks like a key go [ __ ] yourself sliding block puzzles can't wait why though why who's possessing the pots thousands of years these pots have been waiting for a chance to kamikaze into me this this might work did i soil it again now are we soiled i think we're proper soiled yeah i solved it i had someone just call me a fuckle that's when you know you've really you've really done something stupid oh i over complicated the [ __ ] out of this here i am thinking i gotta stack like three blocks this was the best advice someone gave me in chat was don't over complicate it contrary to um what you might be seeing now link has got poopy on him link where are you are you still under me it's so dark i can't see my beak in front of my face watch your step i don't want you to trip over anything there [Music] oh no i'm dead what if i bring the fire with me no i most certainly did not watch my step [ __ ] ants always pinching your cheeks sorry wakey wakey chat don't you be going to sleep on me no no we're not done here you cannot sleep just yet i've got more loud noises for you yeah that one like people ask me do my neighbors here listen they don't because i have impenetrable walls however that one maybe escaped what do they think what do you think they thought happened if they did hear it murder vinnie that blip made my cat jump it's lazy let it let it do some work for once holy [ __ ] i'm a stupid [ __ ] cat how did the song go about not having a job or knowing the fear of death full the [ __ ] dang i don't know if you guys knew this but i wasn't always allergic to cats it was when i started um teasing my aunt's cat who was a kind of a dick and so you know i would i would uh tease it a little bit and again i was talking like i'm like six years old like i didn't know any better i wasn't like being mean you know i was just like kind of like playing with it in in a way that was slightly annoying for the cat let's let's say that and then i think the cat cursed me like with with cat allergies it was like all right oh i see how it is like i would throw the ball near the cat you know stuff like that and then not like not like actually pet the cat properly you know what i mean but it was my my cat since it was my cat sins and that's why the cat put a a spell on me and now i'm allergic to cats because of that one incident i'm telling you the way that cat existed i was the most fun it had six-year-old me was the most fun that cat had the most action the most excitement that cat has had in its entire life if anyone knows a an anti-cat shaman just uh send me an email vinnie i can get you in contact with my uncle he won't get rid of your cat problem but you and him will have a good time that doesn't solve my it that is um yeah all right sure wait wait what do you mean good time who's having a better time me or your uncle he said something about butt stuff in chat and then i just muted him like i go to this dude's uncle and like i just start getting drowsy after eating the pizza and i wake up with scarring on the side of my stomach he's like hey how you doing there sport i'm like good good what's that what what happened to me how long have i been out oh no you've uh you just had a little nap sport i'm like but what what i oh my god oh my god i i i can't feel my kidney i didn't need those anyway sport i'm now implying that i can feel my kidney on any old day i assure you that's not the case hey there sport hey scout you wanna have some pizza i i can't do much for your cat problem but i got some pizza hey pardner it's me uncle jim bob what's up bro it's me bing what are you looking for kidney poor this is the weirdest [ __ ] stream i've ever done [Music] yeah oh [Music] are you kidding me this puzzle sucks deke [Music] dick why am i so fat oh because i'm on fire that would explain it [Music] no no stop no no stop no no stop no please god god forgive me god forgave me yeah just put an ant right there yeah one for the whole family pick up pots too these [ __ ] it's it's it's some ridiculous club music that we just heard [Music] yeah we did it link we can take the element that was a lot of trouble but we finally did it and oh and blazes suck clock okay din's charm it's time for dinner i'm sorry what's the secret i haven't figured out the secret yet maybe maybe i have to do some similar sucking wait shields maybe yeah shield tails on fire lit up posterior come on [ __ ] let me let me sword you i'm ready for a one cycle i feel like using din's fire was a waste of uh din's potion was a huge [ __ ] waste on a boss like this oh oh boy okay all right things are getting a little shitty we've been in city or city city sidious situations we've been in shitty situations before we got this get this it's one [ __ ] strong shield possibly the strongest shield in the zelda series i was hoping it would split into like 500 baby octorocks [Music] you got the water element water quenches thirst ends drought and nourishes life the water element is the embodiment of that power yes but does it have what plants crave i almost froze my beak off our young one child who seeks to a the princess of iron my name is gustav i was king of hyrule countless ages ago stand before me only then with the passover hello link we haven't seen you in school in a while i'm so glad you came in other words link's been abandoning his his duties so that he could go off and i don't know be an adventurer and save the world but i mean no one else knows that [Music] look i learned how to play flute the children are on their lunch recess playing is as important as studying after all a healthy body leads to a healthy mind fun look how much fun they're having everyone wow holy [ __ ] this is the basement of slow pacing they didn't i guess they don't know that they built their school on a dungeon or this is used for impure students you get sent down here and then like they send a wizard that's what they're called right like in schools to teach wizards they sent a wizard down here with a [ __ ] yardstick the size of a broom and man it's not it's not very good no one has a good time blowing up support pillars for half the town i can't wait to create a giant sinkhole and have the entire town get sucked into the sinkhole well you made it here really quickly we're full of surprises aren't you you just polar surprises cloud i love barrett so much every game needs barrett just just put barrett in every video game that would bring me happiness here's my favorite video game everyone look at this legend of zelda the minish cap and barrett it'll be like ann knuckles but every game just has barrett and barrett fifa 2016 and barrett assassin's creed 4 and barrett call of duty infinite warfare and barrett every game is just an extra little bit better biggs wage [Music] oh that's how you fix bridges around here i i got you oh i gretchy yeah muscle muscle boot my friend's brother my friend's brother did mma for a while and um they used to call him muscle butt that was his nickname and i turned that into muscle butt and then eventually it became muscle boot and i named some of my worms muscle boot in worms so that's the story there's a backstory to everything so um vinnie vine that started because uh we were playing mario party years ago my friends and i and there's a mini game where vines grow out of the ground and you have to climb them and so my friends someone said doesn't it look like those vines are growing out of an [ __ ] and then we had this joke of like um i wasn't a joke it was a scenario where you wake up in the morning and vines are growing out of your ass and you're like mom is it okay if it's vines that was that was the whole thing and we [ __ ] for some reason this cracked us up and we loved it we talked about it for a while and then it was it was uh one of our memes a while later my friend rob made the connection that vinnie and vine sounded similar so he would call me vines and then a lady later it became vine and then one of my other friends used to say sauce a lot used to add sauce back remember when weak sauce and awesome sauce was a thing yeah one time he said vine sauce i forgot about it for years and then i remember i wanted to make a youtube channel again because my old one was like it was pointless and the name was stupid so i was like what the [ __ ] could i call my youtube channel i was like vine a vine would be taken i need something else and then i remember just out of nowhere vine sauce and then i made my youtube channel vine sauce and it was like oh perfect i like this this is a good name oh wait no i'm good oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] i was behind why are they guarding against me i'm here to protect the king oh because the king is being in [ __ ] mode at the moment yeah maximum chief i found the true master swordsman of hyrule everyone's a true master guy doesn't have any [ __ ] lights the room is dark you've been living here for like thousands of years where did the idea to use a vine shroom as a logo come from infringerino's that's where that was the the extent of the work i put into the logo and then without me even really asking i forget who made it i think it was it might have been roris or some someone from the old days was like well i'll make it over i'll make a custom one for you and they they made this there's a few logos there was a few designs and and they were like way too busy or too complex but this one i thought looked really good and i stuck with it um no but the green mushroom is a totally original concept do not steal donut steel what do you think link pretty dark and spooky isn't it you want to cry doesn't it why you're not scared oh well good neither am i so um come on let's let's go wow go [ __ ] yourself the first element you found was the fire element you have lied to me i will reduce your number of arrows to zero all right it was grass grandfather's name is smee i don't know no yes i see next question alari of mount crenando has seven apprentices does he not yes the blabber nut gives one the ability to understand diminish okay i don't [ __ ] know this one was it called the blabber nut or was it called a babble fish or some [ __ ] it's not blabber no the robe of the current king of hyrule daltus is white is it not i think it's red but can can you we just do this i'll just wait for you guys to give me the answer because i don't want to have to do this again yeah i'm a no it's red i see thank you for telling me about your quest you remember it all so well such a faithful memory should be rewarded with some of my power there we go back tinger oh you make my fingers tinger another interesting thing happened um so i told you guys about that thing that scared me as a kid right the raft segment from creep show two it's basically garbage in a lake that like eats and sucks people into the ocean and into the lake and uh it's like really weird it was terrible a little little bit lame because the garbage was just like a net with like garbage bags on it and they called it like an oil slick this is so stupid are you afraid of the dark you used to give me the the heebie-jeebies like the thing that killed tasha yar or the ink monster the swamp monster rather was um black printer ink and jonathan frakes actually had to like emerge himself in this black printer ink if you like get some of that [ __ ] in your lungs like well i don't even know what would happen that's that sounds terrible if you just breathed in by accident sounds really dangerous no all right fine i'll help oh i'm sorry this is a competition now [Music] [Applause] i just used the thing by accident [ __ ] wait where'd it go was that a jape chicken they fly away why why why are you timing me you have one of the yellers come on uh yeah yellow chicken is is a [ __ ] scum [Music] got it wow there's some mysterious seashells i guess that's what we're doing get out of my way oh you [ __ ] you you [ __ ] this up you [ __ ] stick oh what an [ __ ] that postman is i just got clucked [Music] yeah yeah lose three seconds don't you [ __ ] with me mailman insane this is insanity hey hooty did you get the um the package yet the mysterious package that i sent you i'll give you a hint as to what i sent hootie it's it's red and there's two of them nah i'm just kidding oh i wouldn't send those those are precious yeah chicken minigames yeah spawn they go oh you're with disobey heart nice go to the police and suck it [Music] up pepe silvia who the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is pepe you dude [Music] it's cool i love that the pickup button is also the roll button i just don't i don't like this one this one oh that one [ __ ] sucks thanks thank you there goes the there it goes oh give us another one watching a grown-ass man lose his sanity on a chicken mini game that one's [ __ ] gone that one took off jettison straight the [ __ ] out of my life dog don't do this to me dog okay oh i just got oh i got a boost the [ __ ] the [ __ ] went in on its own glory days now not to squander this opportunity get blocked by [ __ ] snot-nosed children and ghosts and dogs and postmen don't do this dog don't [Music] ah six oh wow that was a good voice crack perfect beautiful voice crack dog thanks dog no no we're on your terms the real test will be now if i can actually find where this cuckoo has gone back to its home [Music] [ __ ] this music is going to be haunting my dreams i see just a clown just like a clown just laughing six five four three two get in yes yes [Music] with zero seconds on the clock oh we're still not done [Music] [ __ ] that it is done cuckoo minigame is done forever go go go room hey mr fairy i've been holding on to this just like my brother tingle ass now i have king stone pieces want to try and fuse with me there isn't cream knuckle yeah oh you want a fuse [Music] turns out if you're curious about a spot and you fuse kinstones then the spot you were curious about turns into a different thing you son of a [ __ ] knuckle you've been guarding these secrets why have you kept this from me knuckle i thought we i thought we had an understanding i thought you loved me where again it was the first game in the series but zelda one had a lot of dungeons where you had to fight like iron knuckles speaking of knuckles iron and knuckles they were a good mix of puzzle and uh dildonics oh dear link won't you listen to my verse while i was gone did you break in to practice your thieving art if you rob my home you can never steal my heart but who are you a dark room settles my soul i say do not turn on the lights i say i'm gonna do just that because you're weird and you're not this isn't your house oh oh dear you found me out don't tell anyone nice homage to previous zelda one it's a secret to everyone i like that i didn't have to kill it either i was like just just leave it let it live that's why i like the side quests in this game so much all this kin stone stuff makes the world feel so alive i'd say it almost does a better job at populating its hyrule with cool stuff than almost nearly any other zelda game it's just so dense every frame is so dense zomboni just a moment dresser is entirely stuffed full of these icky blue seashells they're smelly i just want to spend some of my money to be honest what have you got then have you got anything then no no there's officially no more places to spend me money is this the dude from twilight princess with the big face with the weird face oh hi there nice face man that's great i love it great [ __ ] face you look like you've got a [ __ ] brillo pad on your [ __ ] head man i get the other kids down yeah [ __ ] it why not spend it on shells to get figurines i swear on me [ __ ] jacobs no more no more but come back again i promise to find more goro so i just spent rupees on a thing that gets me more rupees god you know thinking about like the rings and uh all the the possibilities so i'm so sorry hey go waste oh boy here we go again go north left love north left love hearing people tell me to go north left in video games oh this ain't so bad i want to go back to the ghosts and have them lick me more it's the most action link has gotten well since ever really realizing the weird weirdness and horrendousness of a ghost licking link's entire being and regretting my uh statements [Music] no can we can we not do that yeah totally totally don't want that to happen anymore i think i'm good up left i swear if one of these signs tells me to go up left or north left or waste or galactic north i'm going to [ __ ] a [ __ ] house starboard the sign says go starboard magnetic north i still have [ __ ] ptsd from the [ __ ] subnautica stream where i'm trying to ask for directions and it's not your fault it's just the delay and and the amount of people in the chat and people were telling me to go left in a three-dimensional underwater game where there are the landmarks are basically just rocks that look the same as other rocks go south bird that's good direction my name's donpey i'm the gravedigger here what's that you were called here by a ghost of a king that'd be the ancient king of hyrule who rests here i've seen him myself well if the king has called you i can't see any reason not to let you in here take this graveyard key therapy my name's dampy what can i do for [Music] what's you that crow gave up and flew off with the graveyard key charge after him and get the key what crow took the key and flew off into the tree don't you stand around the crawl get away but you were just in your house and i was just in your house don pay confirmed dead ghost dom pay it's french everyone ah so you managed to get the key back i'll keep a tighter grip on it this time at least now you can get into the graveyard i'll open the gate for you be careful in there so might you give me the key in the first place is this ghost your friend the the lick ghost spookter hey just hit on a great idea this will add a little more risk i'm so excited i can't wait to get started kinstone fusion can do many things including giving someone inspiration who else likes graveyard levels more than most other levels yeah i'm a bit partial to graveyard levels myself that's not how you do that dorsey dougherty feckers look at these dougherty feckers here oh what a d we bitter doity fecker you are what tar you go maybe the royal crypt but that but graves are creepy no matter whose they are are you supposed to go meet this king gustav anyway i'm so sure i even want to know anymore we just go somewhere less creepy classic zelda one oh i kind of remember this look the mummies have items on them and everything dorsey dorchy king of dog shite like um i see you guys talking about the size of worlds like if a world is too big that doesn't mean it's good you know it's like people tout big worlds is like a great thing it's it doesn't mean anything it doesn't matter if the ocean is wide if it's only one inch deep oh young one child who seeks to rescue my descending zelda welcome my name is gustav i was king of hyrule countless ages ago grant you this kinstone seek the source of the flow and hyrule only then will your path open save zelda all of hyrule is counting on you hmm fascinating an ancient king of hyrule how strange the source of the flow what do you suppose that could mean waterfall waterfall water bottle wow [Music] excuse me oh sexy lady ghost sex ghosts should love when people state opinions as facts oh it's so good yeah did you know that sonic is objectively better than mario i don't know why they're sonic fans now i never really had anyone come up to me and say that for the past 10 years ubisoft released 15 assassin creed games in the time final fantasy 13 verses and final fantasy 15 was announced really 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 [Music] this the sheer persistence of that series existence annoys me annualizing releases you can go [ __ ] yourself in my opinion i don't i don't like that [ __ ] stop and then like it was the e3 trailers that were like it was like the same like jump off a building look at this building and then [ __ ] aisha tyler would lose her [ __ ] over the game like oh my god check out this game it's like wait a minute but we we saw like seven of these glitchy like mess and the the [ __ ] footage was freezing it's like well maybe you should spend a little more time on your game i don't know can we have can we have a different game now and then it's like oh well here's this that's oh watch dogs 2. wow i just i wanted that thanks ubisoft it's the call of duty syndrome wow look at the size of that waterfall beautiful simply beautiful my boy um so someone said would you still watch the assassin's creed movie if tommy wiseau directed it especially it'd be a glorious train wreck why are you doing the computer go outside so beautiful he's not human i'm convinced that man is not human i i really think that there's so much stuff going on that was just totally undiagnosed just just an alien came to earth got infected by earth and just was not not diagnosed that dude is american he wanted to be an american he's an american that's what makes this country so weird and so great at the same time that guy can is american and and if you question that he'll show you a piece of paper and you'll be like oh no he's he's american that's right he doesn't ever have to tell you where he's from what planet he doesn't have to tell you where the accents from he's just no no just that's that is like if we had to send an american citizen over to another country to represent us legally you can choose tommy wiseau what are you doing on computer could you imagine we sent tommy wiseau out to smooth over diplomatic relations and all the other countries are just like you know what i i'm sick i'm sick of this guy come can we just get this over with and and they just they just whatever he says they just approve whatever it is this is a flawless strategy oh yeah 100 mystery shells yeah never use them sorry a little skull face for their for a second there's like a brief moment of skull face why are you always on about trade relations that was years ago move on next question world peace will have been attained in a week if you have tommy as our ambassador the world is now at peace because no one understands what the [ __ ] this guy is saying so there's there's no there could be no aggression because no one knows what he's saying and no one wants to continue talking to him so they just give him what he wants yeah fine i'll buy your underwear whatever whatever you say if the war everybody loved each other the world would be a better place oh yeah 100 rupees that i can't hold i just picked up 100 rupees and it went into no nowhere link put them in his ass and then forgot about them because his wallet is full get your finger out of my ass wallet neil breen as an ambassador wait a minute that's not bad great oh [ __ ] go ball big gold ball how do i get gauban's attention you have to finish the gold bond side quest to get big gold bond to wake up oh you're saying oh cause i say it's stupid now you're saying it's stupid i got you gold bond [Music] that's my favorite race in the zelda franchise gold bonds [Music] oh music is dead sorry i can't get it back gone forever it's a miracle aye captain i can't fix the warp drive within three days you've got you've got 15 minutes scotty hi captain am i still alive link what are you thinking child he just reaps the whirlwind as they say we could be dead right now but i must admit it did the trick are we in the land above the clouds there must be something here that we can learn well this surprised me normally surface dwellers can't walk on the clouds like we do my sister and i went to the pickering festival in hyrule town and when we came back there were monsters everywhere i bet if i can just fuse a kinston called good homeward wind i like it too please lackatoo is slackatooing sky sharks though really it's a sci-fi original [Music] god damn it i just wanted to die this shouldn't be this hard oh thank you [ __ ] christ christ the redeemer thank you statistically speaking even the worst of the worst is someone's favorite game i agree also statistically speaking some of us are related to genghis khan and each other like i probably have like a seventh cousin twice removed somewhere in chat right now no i will not help you with the corrupter even if you are my cousin i only have one cousin and his name is spagulio did something weird happen well i was gone oh that was that was my brother spagulio he picked up the controller and tried to play oh god am i going to make it that's sky shadow ah how do you build something like this on top of a cloud maybe someone lives inside if so perhaps we could ask for the element let's spread the shot link so there's like 600 votes one comment the comment says two and that's it that's that's the whole comment let me refresh and see there's two comments the other one is you have bad pc very good joke original oh look it's this place it's the jesus place oh it's it's link thanks for your help earlier i've got something else good for you so here please take it that's it light arrows that's it cheap ass oh look at that they charge nice welcome welcome long ago and then an age before that our tribe abandoned the place you called the wind ruins with our magic we moved our palace up into the skies we are the wind tribe we have been watching and we all know that happens on your surface world we know all we know a small boy collects elements to lift the curse from a princess we know of vati and his evil acts the wind tells us these things the wind element that you see glides deep in the palace of the winds above me when the blade has been infused with the four elements the way to the light force shall open so it is told in the legends of the wind tribe vati himself may already know [Music] [Laughter] service dwellers are not permitted to enter our palace but you are special you may continue to remove your car what an irritation ah we find our way to the very top of the clouds we have to go even higher to find a floating palace i can't believe what a long way we've come look how high we are oh wow oh look down link watch your step it's a long fall from here there's an oasis song about being up in the sky let me just die like four times there that's cool yeah don't touch the feckers suicide skeleton.gif um do um you remember when um peter baelish said um i told you not to trust me and then and then his voice changed dramatically over the seasons of game of thrones and he was like well i suppose you shouldn't have your husband and um but then that was it that was weird because that then that was his voice for the rest of the show there's a fluffy cloud float in here looks awfully comfortable i think as low as the type that would say comfortable as comfortable i'm turning into tucker someone on twitter added me and his name was tucker friend person and i was like oh it's it's him it's the the real tucker he's finally found me what's this saying every syllable of words is satisfying try it with mayonnaise vegetable and laboratory laboratory some of you probably know me well enough to predict that i'm going to tell you about the beach boys song called vegetables my favorite vegetables super mario maker 3ds no no no no no no oh no i forgot i can go this far well what do you know i was wondering why i couldn't figure out things but it's just because it's late and i didn't sleep very well last night i think that's the reason yes i will i will use that excuse today some days i blame my brain other days it's lack of sleep today i will blame my lack of vegetables there's a strong gale blowing here trying to get swept away and hold on to your head [Music] will you be streaming link's awakening sometime in the future like in 2020 all right smart ass yes 2020 mark your calendars link's awakening his name is some person in chat too i'm not even kidding that's the person who just said that will you stream earthbound like you said you would no no it's canceled bro too many people asking about it done that's it terminated but pinot veers is the earthbound you promised december well where is it it's it's not december yet but but please there was like a weird stretch like four or five years ago where i just did like a year and a half of rpgs i did some other stuff too but it was just like final fantasy step like it's i think it was like chrono trigger then it was like final fantasy vii chrono cross final fantasy eight final fantasy nine final fantasy ten was in there skies of arcadia was in there those were like my first streams of those games i don't know i was just like kind of obsessed with rpgs at that time i needed to i needed to do them like i finished one it was like i don't want this to be over i got to start another one you dream of a thousand year door replay you never know earthbound you can say never to because that one guy in chat was was uh impatient i can already see the lynch mob forming for the chat member who canceled earthbound uh people hold me to weird promises that i never make like me saying that hypothetically someone is going to interpret as a promise it's not it's not i promise see now you know what the hell to think but you um said the word promise crust c space r et cetera get the red rupee got nowhere to put it no you didn't have to the world loved you so much why did the skeleton do that there's so much skeleton persecution going on in today's society we need to stop that smart smart loyal oh sure i mentioned this before but i'm not good with the heights hold on i think i see something down there i guess that means we have to take the plunge after all huh yeah this this seems like it's the shark it's usually the big key is indicative of of okay last time i made it about halfway through this dungeon and as low as ever being helpful by telling me not to fall from the sky palace to my death oh you know how i as low he is [Music] so much link screaming yeah a few bucks so if you send me an email and it's a picture of chances are you're not getting a response sick and tired of hearing a bunch of damn emails oh [ __ ] christ and then someone else in chat just said granddad is just alolan mario i swear to [ __ ] god fine sauce what if your actual grandfather was trying to contact you from the grave it's like a spirit communication and i'm just thinking it's bad memes it would be proof of the afterlife like i would i would be a millionaire yeah good job does your dad own an m1 garand if so he may be a go ad get this checked out at your local doctor immediately is vinnie really italian he is very americanized italian i don't know how cool of a gimmick it would be for me to claim i was italian and then not be how much further we have to go this place goes on forever there's no point in complaining about it now we must press onward after all how much could there be come on link let's go how many cousin vinnie jokes have you heard in your life jeff i've i've heard a lot that movie was big when i was in school so everyone had a cousin vinnie joke teachers you name it my cousins specifically my cousins but it is a really common name in new york especially like new york city [ __ ] i am one of millions of boppity vinnies yeah bomb that plan did not work out so well just this this flaky delicacy of butter and [ __ ] i mean and uh and good ingredients usually we don't talk about food chat because we get people hungry and then people get upset myself included and i stream so late that it's not always viable for everyone to go grab a [ __ ] cannoli at 1 30 a.m myself included but man i would love a cannoli right now can someone go get me a cannoli that would be great they were they're funny they have a funny name but they are pretty badass vinnie do you ever feel like you're talking to no but nobody while streaming um maybe in the early days there is no laugh track or dead silence when i tell a bad joke so i just have to know when i tell a bad joke uh unfortunately i don't so i just keep telling bad jokes if i had the feedback of actual laughter that might help it's a stand-up comedy gig where i'm bad at stand-up comedy 24 7. it's a dream job i think what we need okay here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna give you guys a button fine sauce button oh god and if you find a joke funny you press a button now that button will be hooked up to a speaker that i'll have in my room and each time you press it it'll generate a canned laugh and if enough people press the button it'll sound like a [ __ ] like ferocious applause and if no one presses it then it'll just you know crickets won't be abused at all no i wouldn't be it wouldn't be abused everyone would use would issue restraint and it would be perfect in every twitch stream hey i know is there squishy you still here you gotta tell this to the big boys up at twitch i'm telling you the twitch button and then you can implement another button that gives you an electrical shock when you say something offensive or really stupid or maybe both how to kill someone i don't think people get killed a lot well how much electricity are we talking wait a minute now i need to modify this because like i don't want people to die too too much just a little bit just gonna get a little bit of deaths down where you get shocked you get pregnant oh well yeah pregnant and um you can get laughter you can um get pizza people can order you pizza for your job well done that wouldn't be abused like comment and subscribe and pizza and pregnancy my brain hurt like a warehouse it had no room to spare and you know we have our little like kind of culture and it's it's nice keyword cult in culture it's a non-deadly cult it's a cult of peace and love hopefully when i'm not streaming i'm off the [ __ ] britain oh check it out this guy took roy off the green one of my favorite dungeons in link to the past if not my favorite is blind's hideout where you have to um bomb the thing up top you have to find the right spot to bomb and there's a bunch of jape bomb spots so that you get the light down to turn blind into the the satan i love this guy in chat who just wrote dr faksu just wrote hi vinnie i'm from argentina i do not understand much of what you say but i am having fun anyway and then he put a bob ross emote you just made my night i'm not even kidding you just made my entire night oh [ __ ] i've nailed it i don't remember this boss at all [Music] holy [ __ ] it's an assault creature what now i don't even know oh god i don't know what to do [Music] mode seven can i [ __ ] put a arrow through this thing's skull because that would be great yeah good jump oh [ __ ] green babs you know the color and size of these things are consistent with rupees small being green and the smallest denomination of rupee blue being medium five five rupee middle middle denomination red being 20 just in case you needed me to spell it out maybe for that dude in argentina [Music] utter concentration we're in concentration mode right now oh [ __ ] still a zero death run maybe i can go into the guinness book of [ __ ] idiots oh yes we got all four elements let's go revive the sacred blade burp sanctuary do i plan on getting another dog no i don't what about a dog-shaped cat i'll tell you what we'll do mate we'll take the dog we'll lock the hind legs off put a beak on him give him a couple feathers and he's a bird i had a bird i had a cockatiel when i was a young young child and um it was loud and it would lay eggs and then bite everyone so yeah that was a good time what did you do with the eggs i um you want me to say scrambled eggs right but instead i'm going to say you had to get rid of them because they they weren't actually fertilized eggs a pet mushroom sounds nice or a pet rock these are good options i like these options i once had a chicken nugget as a pet that was an easy pet to take care of until it started rotting it took about four years for that to happen though because mcdonald's they do a good job on making sure that their uh food can last four years out in the hot sun down thrust first equip the rocks cape second equip the sword jump and then depress the thing i understand do you have to take control of my body first [ __ ] here we go again cool uh there's also fusing with with the goddesses now i know what fusing with the goddesses sounds like and i think you people are filthy hey did you know that magmar has six tits on its head vinny would you rather eat a whole ass or an [ __ ] is that original link x321 is that an original joke is that oc because if so that's pretty good actually i enjoyed that oh sorry chicken look how red his face is [Music] here we go rupees wow fused with oticon of the pistain in the locker under the crib some of the best japes of 2016. book what book okay [Music] your face is beaming more money you can't hold salad dogs in chat just said did you know that jape isn't in the dictionary do you know what that is that is the definition in the dictionary if you go into the dictionary you see salad dongs telling me that did you know the word jape isn't in the dictionary roll attack scream hiya and swing your sword oh i have to scream hayah i am become jape destroyer of of uh something all these creeps throughout hyrule each one of them posing as swordsmiths and and [ __ ] master wise masters [Music] my no death run almost ended just there north north left hey desert can you start banning people for saying north left an army of gold gold bonds only one more left ah so this is how you get this heart piece this rock's cape [Music] it's a little a little hard to [ __ ] control minus one whole point from this game's score [Music] because of rock's cape [Music] i remembered like um there was uh i think i made a video of this but there was like a i think it was giant bomb taking a look at game and wario art yeah they were going through and they saw one of my horrendous pieces of art that wasn't even funny it was just stupid but one of them like he went like this fine sauce it's like so i like that so much that i made a video out of it to promote vine sauce i had a feeling there was some gold bones in need of a little extra tussle welp i'm here to help hey up a derpy timing everybody everybody okay now together now goro well they did it that lined up perfectly yeah did it did you like that it takes exactly six gold bonds to break through there exactly six no less no more here it is more rupees oh i can't wait for the rupees so many rupees oh it's a heart piece this time and 200 rupees and 200 mysterious shells [Music] that's not so easy one must feel the technique let me get inside your body [Music] only i have learned the art pressing buttons rapidly [Music] this this puzzle is hard this game is too hard please do not make me do this oh another swordsman who are you close your eyes and visualize your sword moving at an unthinkable speed now you may feel something that feels like fingers on your rippling thighs but that's just the technique keep your eyes closed commit yourself to the blade i have to kermit myself to the blade see this one didn't possess me sweaty swordsmith lying at an incredibly high speed african tuna man i don't know why but you just made me laugh really hard [ __ ] you what do you guys think the internet will be like in 2031 this same garbage memes censored more memes kanye west clap i don't think that i think that was just an old sentence small snippet snippets no substance oh man have i got a song for you or weren't vines pretty much just small snippets of like add juice speaking of pea pool do you guys know the pea pool story just to take this into a silly direction it was a stream of how one of my cousins came over and went swimming in my pool he kind of like just like waddled imagine waddling in water he kind of just waddled over to me while i was uh hovering around there and he and he kind of like like he swam over to me and swimmies on you know big thick harry potter like glasses and i'm like what's going on you know what's up he looks at me and he just says pee poo say what pee pool what do you what do you mean people because i pee poo pee poo i was like no no you swim away from me you swim away from me and thus i felt a slight degree of warmness and it turned out he had he had done as he said he would do and i have never regarded that child as a liar ever since he pulled and then i got out of the pool and then life went on as normal this is the swordsman newsletter number one some walls go boom may look like a regular wall but maybe something can blow it up cool you can explode things with bombs explode i like the word splode because it sounds again it sounds filthy but it's not it's just a short way of saying explode but like i'm thinking we could turn it into something even greater like an explosive load explode like oh man that was a [ __ ] that was a splode and a half oh man 200 rupees yeah get all six of them to splode their lawn lawn milk into of the bottle this is my fault these like likes don't steal your shield [Music] i'd live in a mushroom ah another one great blade this time he's kind of almost the best he said all right prolong the duration of the great spin attack spinning spinning spinning spending spinning that's cool commit yourself to the blade and stuff he said i don't think this guy knows what the [ __ ] he's talking about basically his upgrade was telling me that i should spin longer and link was like okay and that was it chrono use cyclone sometimes all you do need is some direction you're right like if someone tells you that if you edge yourself just before the moment of completing the sword spin and you just hold off a little bit and then you then you you know then you do it again then you then you hold off a little bit then you do it again then you hold off a little bit that's um that's the direction that link needs to get an even more powerful sword slash that busts at maximum capacity okay is this is this the base that you so crave let me know if this is any better because uh i think it sounds better or am i still underwater and metallic do i still sound like strawberries you can hear the electrolytes now i sound like i'm in a box okay the problem is this cable sucks dick all right my friends the castle guards hey that's what they say hey i thought of a a new pokemon i was wondering if anyone wants to use it in their next pokemon fan game hamsterito it's a mixture of a hamster and a dorito it's free if you want that that was it [Music] oh that was lame hey ham cerrito goes really well with um mountain dewpider south right you bastards hey vine sauce i missed the first few minutes of your stream can you start again yeah okay hey welcome to the stream everybody i'm having mic problems today because of a shitty cable and you're going to hear some strange peeking and a lot of weird audio things are going to sound metallic and underwater and and i'm going to sound like clouds that's that's everything you're all caught up i don't recommend pizza tongue if it just comes out the oven don't be don't be stupid don't be a fool wait for it to cool make a song about pizza tongue pizza dog i'll [ __ ] you up now quietly close your eyes visualize your body splitting even faster than ever before i don't want to visualize that that sounds terrible splitting well you can just flip me the [ __ ] half sailor that's what he wants me to visualize he wants link to split him in half with his sword with his actual sword not his penis you are disgusting it's pretty cool i usually don't go for the happy birthday thing too often on social media or otherwise because it then turns into well how come you wish me a happy birthday but you got everyone else all right let me do something to everyone in chat whose birthday is today the past 365 days or the next 365 days i want to wish you a happy birthday and i also want to wish you go [ __ ] yourself feliz navidad amen and you still dealing with my crackly cable oh my god it's terrible you hear that uh whoa whoa it's getting really [ __ ] up now yeah looks like i gotta place that cable order tonight 70 dollars for a [ __ ] proprietary cable go [ __ ] yourself in the [ __ ] akg fuse the kinstone with the elf hooker what are you talking about you need to stop being so dirty this is a christian stream ah ice oh no the ice levels are always the worst levels are you ready for 200 rupees that's a [ __ ] ken stone piece you stop in place briefly but the momentum carries over when you use the uh gloves and then someone in chat just said they should make a zelda game that's only ice levels what would it be called ice of the winter slip of the slide the legend of [ __ ] wow that [ __ ] actually made my voice louder and fixed how quiet i was in my own ears that's very strange i think i have a new method instead of hitting the headset i'm going to um just yell [ __ ] fire fire fire [ __ ] no oh wait a second this is new [Music] i'm okay wow good job finding this place there aren't many people who visit me here i it turns out i have nothing to offer or say which is why no one visits me they they thought about building a bridge once but then realized it was pointless and i should be able to kill the guards it just seems [ __ ] it seems obvious somehow that's fixing the microphone the power of wind is now in my sword it is now the four sword it's officially the four sword hmm seems that forging the secret blade somehow opened the doorway must lead to the room that holds the secret of the light force i think we must go inside hmm how interesting look at the images on the stained glass i bet those pictures show us where the light force is hidden with wisdom and courage the hero drove out the darkness when peace has been restored the people enshrined that blade with care and the force of the golden light embodied in hyrule's princess shone forth upon the lands so that's what it means is though you are really are too kind first you give me my magic cap then you guide me here you've been far too generous but now i no longer have any use for you at last i finally know the location of the life force hank wake up can't you wake up link i thought he disguised himself as the king to search for the light force when he learned of this place he waited for us to reforge the blade that stained glass is accurate princess zelda holds the light force body will do whatever it takes to steal that power from her if he succeeds we may never be able to return the princess to normal we've wasted too much time link we must stop funny someone in chat made a good point which was um lore sword loses its specialty when it becomes a formality in in some ways it would be nice to have a zelda game where the master sword or no legendary sword shows up and link thinks that he can't do it like maybe people around him are like you can't do this without the master maybe the master sword's broken no one can reforge it and through sheer power of will and courage alone he is able to overcome the evil king crenando [Music] well i tried you can't say i didn't try oh gotcha i i was just thinking maybe i could like just ram the sword up their butt dark hyrule castle whoa whoa it's just really hyrule castle i can't believe it what's happened here buddy's magic has grown more powerful than i'd imagined the king and zelda are in danger link let's go yeah trish oh link are you the one who broke the curse and returned me to normal please link you must find a way to save my dinner [Music] nice door king was no more than a glorified key holder it's an old meme but it checks out which in and of itself is an old meme but it checks out [Music] nice nice [ __ ] door turns out evil hyrule castle also has evil doors [Music] i'm now afraid of doors i'm afraid of real fake doors now holy [ __ ] this game has just conditioned me to be afraid of doors have the dildos been used [Music] now that is a risque question the answer is of course i use the man but no and seriously i've i've actually people send me emails warning me like vinnie don't use them i'm like okay first of all okay i won't and i won't give them to someone who might use them because this this material is is porous and and like flakes of it come off you know in extended trials of use and that's uh [ __ ] you know the clear ones that are i guess gelatinous is the proper word [ __ ] hell oh this this puzzle is a mind [ __ ] especially when you're talking about red cancer-causing dildos really oh they want to oh my god [ __ ] hell this is the um the hardest puzzle of the game thus far [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] god damn it the balls are going in different directions now i'm there we go that was luck more than anything that wasn't skill the balls could have gone in any direction they wanted to [Music] yes take my rupees give me a reason to get rupees again today is a stupid noise day uh we were in the studio and the whole day it was just dumb voices dumb noises bob get the sauce off bob my friend billy [ __ ] doing eggman yo eggman get the [ __ ] in between takes of me [ __ ] up a vocal line it was a lot of that there might have been something weird in the coffee i got from the deli today because i don't know what's wrong with me and i need help there's this coffee that a lot of delis in new york are using called savor s-a-v-o-r i think it's really bad i don't understand why like i've been like going to delis now that don't have that coffee because i think it's just like swill it really doesn't taste good it's like a brand deal like you get the cups you get the coffee you get the the pot and then then they just give you that specific type of coffee and uh i noticed it i noticed it right away like i wouldn't even need the cup to tell what kind of coffee it is because it's just gross like you gotta load that [ __ ] up with french vanilla if you want to taste good coffee tastes like satan's bitter [ __ ] i don't totally disagree with that um it's weird because mcdonald's either either has the most delicious tasty coffee or it really is satan's salty [ __ ] like just a bitter disgusting mess of whatever the [ __ ] sewage water they found it from i forgot i had the sword beam at low health [Music] it's okay i have a fairy oh oh wow that scream actually [ __ ] up my microphone [Music] put bomb on platform suck jar oh i forgot that you could do this actually i don't even remember this part well yeah i do actually now i do it suck jar god damn it the whole time i had this suck jar i haven't used the suck jar in how long pretty good battle here jesus there should be more of these battles in this game i'm gonna get you spider-man get you spider-man hersh [Music] red knight double knight oh [Music] well i guess i got my [ __ ] wish i got my wish kind of regretting my wish a little bit but oh there's three of them oh [ __ ] crazy bastard spin attack [Music] wow well there goes the challenge of the knights wow they really go down like [ __ ] it just takes it just takes one mega spin and a little bit of persistence [Music] that move is [ __ ] kick ass [Music] stop stop [ __ ] oh oh oh it's okay non-consent room okay thanks you are persistent aren't you oh you've come to stop my little ceremony well you're too late you're three or more chimes of the bell will bring the ceremony to an end with the third toll of the bell i will become like a god your precious princess zelda will be nothing more than cold dead stone there's no time quickly link to the roof just a few more moments in the ceremony would have been complete you really are obsessed with staffing me aren't you oh very well i have not yet drained all of the light force housed in the princess zelda but what i have should suffice i shall be transformed unstoppable let me first attend to the pesky worms who would trifle with me yes [Music] i will have no more of you interfering with my plans let me show you true power okay now i have to just um figure out how to do this fight the not vagina on the body of body is probably a weak point i would say so i gotta figure this out and i'm gonna figure it out on my own there we go there we go yeah i don't really know how to defeat these things definitely has to be an item i have for something well i'm an idiot i looked at chat i guess uh i guess i didn't kind of stay true to my word here um i don't know how obvious the suck jar would have been i probably would have tried it eventually one more suck just one more suck for old time's sake i'm having some difficulties all right difficulties have ended that was definitely the happy mask salesman oh you seem to have some fight in you i commend your bravery but you will not survive this power that you cannot begin to understand do you think that puny sword will save you from me [Music] yep as soon as i figure out how to kill you i'm gonna use that attack up thing i have there that's gonna be it's gonna be good okay those are not reflective the charm that time i didn't look a chat [ __ ] come on reveal yourself to me that sounded dirty i didn't mean it like that just just show me your weak point is what i'm trying to say there we go what what is this madness a flower of god i have unstoppable knights how can i lose a child you did it impressive now quickly we must break the curse on zelda i do that by doing this that's right i have to hit her with the sword beam link thank you so much for saving me when i was turned to stone i saw visions of you as if in a dream well looks like the curse has been broken i'm glad we made it in time nope everything's breaking no the castle's collapsing it's too dangerous here quickly we must escape from the castle the old uh escape from castle trope ah the door is blocked we have no choice head back to the sanctuary son you think i remember where that is what if i call bird from flute bird from flute can save us i mean the bird would have to make two trips but it would be it would be worth it gandalf's eagles will show up you will not escape boy no you will see the true power of the light force i have become fatty the master of this war [Music] [ __ ] it's not over yet [ __ ] what's this going to accomplish now now i'm too small i don't think i'm supposed to be small yet i think i have to figure something else out oh boy [Music] i can hold off on that a bit oh oh wait a minute i just created a tower why am i back large don't make me large again [Music] i have to fight small battles now do you [ __ ] die [Music] okay i haven't figured this fight out yet this is different the size of [ __ ] this is using decoys the i was using decoys there we go the correct eye was just next to me when i got in there beautiful [Music] [Music] i tried to roll [ __ ] when you press r you automatically get out of four sword [Music] thank god okay i was like they were facing the wrong way i was like i'm [ __ ] full i put the light for my power i had such power yeah but you also a [ __ ] the hat it's uh okay it's important i guess [Music] link thank goodness you're safe you defeated vadi you were so brave but we've lost so much to castle all those people it was just a dream [Music] i kind of liked aslo better when it was a hat bird what's this of course defeating vadi seems to have broken the curse he cast upon me i want me to introduce myself to you princess zelda my name is islo master of minish lore pause for lore and sorcery the mages cap was my creation but its limitless power has caused nothing but trouble for your kind is there any way you can forgive me i know many have fallen and much of the castle has been destroyed but it is too soon to give in to despair the curse on me is broken and zelda still possesses some of the light force perhaps together we can do something to make things right [Music] don't make her wear the hat it's just going to turn into a sorceress or not if one with a just heart where's this cap things can be made right again princess zelda let your wishes be made real turns out it was just link in a coma for the past 12 years no but they're they have every right to exist just train them you know ah the spiders die the tech tights too they're not bad people they were just trained improperly captain picard would be pissed look the castle all the people who had been turned to stone they're all back to normal head is falling apart it's overflowing with the power of life the hat has the power to turn the thoughts of its wearer into reality body's heart was filled with evil that was reflected in what he became but it seems that zelda's pure heart coupled with the hat's power has created a miracle a christmas miracle looks like the time for us to part has come the minister opens but once every century and soon it must close i must leave you both now and return to my homeland i know i've caused you much suffering but the evil one's power has withered the power of princess zelda herself has restored the light to hyrule well link my journey with you has been exciting to say the least in fact i'm more than just a little sad that we must part ways now please accept this [Music] lore hat it's just a plain old pat now you know i've never actually seen you wearing a cap until now so it's you little hero take care so we have the origins of the hat the sword we need the origins of the shoes next farewell my friend oh that was nice i liked this game a lot having not played it for so goddamn long i guess i kind of like i said i kind of uh dismissed it a little bit because when i think zelda games that i love i think majora ocarina linked to the past like the originals i guess minish just came out in between a bunch of bigger zelda games like wind waker and i love wind waker and twilight princess but having played it again i can say that i like it almost as much as linked to the past it was it was really really quality the side quests were good the dungeons were good all the little secrets story was was kind of your run-of-the-mill zelda stuff but i like the shrinking mechanic a lot it's a great [ __ ] game um yeah i really really enjoyed the [ __ ] out of it and i hope you enjoyed watching it as much as i enjoyed playing it and uh now let's all shrink oh oh [ __ ] with that that giant sausage hand each finger is the size of an exeggutor tree anyway is a great game
Channel: Blood_Wraith ‎
Views: 44,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pXSCQ_QT3wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 7sec (11947 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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