[Vinesauce] Vinny - Metal Gear Solid (part 1)

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I spent a couple years since I played a Metal Gear Solid game on stream and this is my favorite it's called Metal Gear Solid 1 the Konami logo still just makes me feel sad so we're gonna watch the intro we're gonna complete the circle the only Metal Gear Solid games left I have to stream are 1 & 2 if you hear weird clicks let me know wait a minute are those lines supposed to be like that I guess so now they're gone the nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island and Alaska's Fox archipelago was attacked and captured by next-generation Special Forces genius core jumbo and members of Foxhound they're demanding that the government turn over the remains of Big Boss and they say that if their demands are not met within 24 hours what then what [Music] [ __ ] hang on a minute this is we got one of those things where if you click outside of the window it mutes and the president of armstech Kenneth Baker both are being held as hostages secondly you're to investigate whether or not the terrorists have the ability to make a nuclear strike stop directly to what beam search method when approached the disposal facility by look at these graphics [Music] we launched a one-man SDV after the SDV gets as close as it can dispose it there on you'll have to swim it's clipping all over the place high-tech special-forces unit Foxhound your former unit and one that I was a commander of so they're still around there are six members of Foxhound involved in this terrorist activity Psycho Mantis with his powerful psychic abilities Sniper Wolf they're ready from best names deadly sharpshooter decoy octopus master disguise Vulcan Raven giant and Shaymin and revolver ocelot specialist aha and a formidable gunfighter and finally in charge of them Foxhound squad leader liquid snake shafts comes with a snake the man with the same code name is you the nuclear weapons disposal facility covers the whole island I'll instruct you by codec after you reach your target when going with me as usual this is a one-man infiltration mission weapons and equipment OSP yes this is a top-secret black op don't expect any official support so why is this guy have the same name as me but his name is liquid if not solid don't worry about it snake so this is the ps1 version just up rezzed a little bit I tried to get the PC version to work which has a number of enhancements and fixes but I couldn't win to it properly so I gave up plus I heard that there were some other potential crashes so I gave up but now we get the ps1 original with all the original music with glorious chunky graphics [Music] it's gonna be good I mean and this is you know this is a game that came out I hate to break the immersion whoa that's a good sound I hate to break the immersion but I have to do for a moment my controller wasn't working I'll get that going as a game that came out September 3rd 1998 and I have you know my history with this game and the series that I can tell you about I know a little bit about some of the lore and I guess it was a lot simpler back then these days I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on I'm just gonna do normal because I want to get through the story I want to play and enjoy like I always say I'll take the ego hit for a tighter stream so yeah there's a bit of an up whereas happening but you'll still see a number of the same you know graphical oddities that the ps1 was famous for you'll see some chunky asses I'm going to swat down a couple of bothersome flowers it's amazing how many lines in this game are iconic you this is snake colonel can you hear me loud and clear what's the situation snake I'm international say that back is the only way up just as I expected I'll have to take the elevator to the surface but make sure nobody sees you if you need to contact me by codec the frequency is 1 4 0.85 when you want to use the codec push the select button when we need to contact you we already broke the fourth wall when you hear that noise press the select button the codecs receiver directly stimulates the small bones of your ear no one but you will be able to hear it got it okay I'm ready to go so some of the things in this game seems so futuristic in 1998 [Music] some of them still will because this game is to put what takes place 2005 in this alternate Metal Gear verse but some of it's still gonna seem pretty futuristic and high-tech and some of its just gonna be laughable but yeah the reason I'm not playing Twin Snakes I should explain one more time because I know a lot of people are gonna be curious I like Twin Snakes I think it's cool but it's a different thing you know for one you can aim first-person which I like the problem is though the music is different cutscenes are different they redid all the voice acting but the original has such good [ __ ] music I don't know why they did that so that plus the idea of this this is a 20th anniversary stream snake is why I'm doing the original so you'll see on the codec the codec on the solid top radar in the top right the cone the cone of shame there you can take up to the ground you'll just have to wait for the elevator to come down it better hide somewhere [Music] there's a mission debriefing that you can access anything from the menu which I will eventually show you you'll just have to wait for the elevator thanks Carol I don't know what the dual carnal could you tell me again just tell me one more time please I've corrupted this game a lot I haven't streamed it since I corrupted it so I haven't played it since I corrupted it so I keep expecting like clown vomit and Metal Gear taco and just things going wrong but that's not happening [Music] [Music] no that's what it looks like that's what it looks like when you get killed and game over just in case you didn't know now you can't escape the enemies you can escape the soldiers but you know they'll come looking for you [Music] but then you can let the the thing okay I that was an accident I didn't mean to die there but you knew that also the reason the reason I'm going the reason I'm crawling over the water is because oh [ __ ] did you see that is they can hear that so when you crawl it doesn't make noise there's a lot of things that this game doesn't have that the series adopted later on which we'll talk about through the stream and yes I'm explaining this game as if you've never seen it before because there are a lot of people here type one if you've never played it type one if you've never seen it either or type two if you've never even seen it okay so sorry chat I just broke the chat because now so many people are typing one and two so I know a lot of us have played this game dozens of times a lot of us love it and this is definitely in my top 10 series of all time which changes frequently but there are a lot of people who have never played Metal Gear Solid ever and I'm here to fix that [Music] [Music] yeah later on in the series you can do things like aim and first-person you could crawl not cool like will not go prone but like rather you could duck and walk duck walk you can duck walk like Chuck Berry Crouch walk there's a lot more physics related stuff that happened later on in the series but in this game [Music] this is all kind of the beginning of that and for its release for its time it was really impressive I don't think I really don't think I had played anything like this this had like a level of emergent sorry is there a way to fix that we're a few mouse out of it [Music] don't go out of the window yeah I was looking for that setting I couldn't find it I'll figure it out eventually no this isn't the PC version Jeff okay so yeah for its time it blew me away I remember playing a demo I got some [ __ ] demo disc that this was on and I didn't have a lot of money for games I didn't know which games were gonna be good I like crash bandicoot yeah it was a good demo yeah face clipping I liked I liked to Crash Bandicoot I liked Spyro there are a lot of cool demos but nothing blew me away like this did like I didn't know games could be this cinematic I didn't know the games could have voice acting this good stories this good [Music] textures that vibrate is this a sequel to death stranding sorry he said death standard in the disposal facility excellent snake age hasn't slowed you down one bit I'm only 26 I'm nice and dry but it's a little hard to move bear with it it's designed to prevent hypothermia this is Alaska you know take it easy I'm grateful if it weren't for your suit and your shot I would have turned into a popsicle out there an anti freezing peptide snake all of the genome soldiers and this exercise are using it I see I'm relieved to hear that already tested huh by the way how's the diversionary operation going to f/16 just took off from Galena and are headed your way the terrorists radar should have already picked them up we've seen this helicopter seen so many times II get her completely corrupted with the Russian gunship doing here I have no idea behind a quite is it have Carlotta first got their attention I just noticed that best chance to slip in unnoticed pint ulti those are fuel tanks actually oh thank God I thought they were nice you've got to hurry wow you must be crazy to fly hind in this kind of weather who's that oh sorry I haven't introduced you to yet this is Mei Ling she was assigned to us as our visual and data processing specialist she designed your codec as well as your solet on radar system contact her if you have any questions about either of them nice to me it's Nick it's an honor to speak to her a living legend like yourself what's wrong nothing I just didn't expect a world-class designer of military technology to be so cute you're just flattering me no I'm serious well I know I won't be bored for the next 18 hours come on I can't believe I'm being hit on by the famous Solid Snake but I'm surprised you're very thankful a trained killer my name is snake I'm Frank had a lot to learn about each other yeah I'm looking forward to learning about the man behind the legend but first the man behind the legend hashtag the bright thought in the middle is you snake the red dots are your enemies and the blue cone shape represents their field of vision be careful snake the genome soldiers have highly developed senses of hearing and vision due to their gene therapy make sure you don't let them see you first I want you to infiltrate the disposal site and look for the DARPA chief from DARPA stopper chief was injected with the same GPS transmitting nanomachines as you he should appear on your radar as a green dot get whatever information Green Dot terrorists she said dot live that is not thought Jesus chat affected by the weather but if you're discovered by an enemy you won't be able to use it yes it gets jammed easily I'm afraid yes it's all made from currently existing technology you won't be able to use isn't everything that was strong harmonic resonance so be careful we'll be monitoring your movements by radar so contact us by codec anytime you want got it I'll call if I'm feeling lonely seriously snake we're here to back you up so call if you need some information or advice I'm also in charge of your mission data contact me if you want me to record your current status my frequency is one four zero point nine six it's a dedicated frequency for saving data don't forget it remember okay my life is your naked you need to arm yourself with whatever weapons you can find I remember first I'm strip-searched by dr. Naomi here and then all my weapons are taken away imagine yourself put in that position well if you make it back in one piece maybe I'll let you do a strip search on me well I'll hold you to that doctor by the way sorry to disappoint you but I did manage to smuggle out my smokes how did you do that in my stomach thanks to the shot you gave me that suppressed my stomach asses Jesus how are those going to help you you never know [Music] why everyone is is horny on codec in this game want to get in there's the front door snake you're naked it's the fastest way but there's too much risk of being spotted by the enemy I can't just knock on the door and ask him to let me in there's one sentry on the left and one on the right they're armed with five five sixes and pineapples I was a kid I was like pineapples and then when I finally bought the game I was like okra nades what about the air-duct near the door you're ready kids it should also be a duct on the second floor I can't hear you I can't see it from here [Music] I'll let you decide the best CoA I'm counting on you snake you see okay so okay so silliness aside yeah this game had some pretty amazing things in it like um the cover system how the camera kind of zooms in and follows you that was pretty [ __ ] mind-blowing being able to attract attention by making noise it just felt like a leap forward playing this game and then ocarina of time in the same year [Music] that's fine I got touched by the light [Music] whose footprints are these could it be that guy that we just saw and that's it in this game and in this game [Music] and this game the dudes are a little bit more a little bit more lacks alright just pressing the wrong button body's gone good thing I wouldn't want to have to hide it everybody is returning to positions who just got choked out we have a confirmed intruder on Shadow Moses Island [Music] these textures are so jiggly surveillance-camera but he's so surprised like why wouldn't they have one snake [Music] [Music] okay that particular type of grenade takes out electronics so there's a couple ways into the base there's up top there's that [Music] well one down there [Music] yeah kind of kind of a dick move I know now you're gonna have to bear with me while I play this because I am going to suck I am going to get caught even though I played this game a lot it's been years so you know and and it's me come on it's me [Music] yeah it's also weird because like you know playing later Metal Gear games and then playing this one you know your options are just like run full speed run oh [ __ ] [Music] oh one missed call I tried to pick up the call I was too late time to reset this is MacDonald Miller it's been a long time so here's this cool character what are you doing here I quit being a drill instructor so I moved out here for some peace and quiet I'm in retirement just like you once in a while I still help train the Alaskan Scouts passing on the skills to a new generation huh Campbell told me about the situation here I thought I might be of some use there's no one I'd rather have in a foxhole than you well I know lots about survival in a harsh environment I've lived in Alaska longer than you so call me if you have any questions about the flora or fauna out here my frequency is 140 1.80 thanks Cass [Music] that's cuz that's cats that's his name what's the dude's what is the name of the dude cam Clarke Kazuhiro Miller Camus great they they have you know this game made me aware of voice talent you gonna sell in the first floor how important it is what about the vent chef cleaning they just opened the vent covers bunda start spraying for rats first floor basement ventilation shaft shut those covers as soon as they're done spraying also keep your eye on that woman in the cell don't get careless now so yeah the camera something happened there's how cinematic this is really he's already done three people but like a movie healed three people yeah say he's using stealth to stealth there's an intruder besides me anyway I want you to increase the security detail on the chief so we've got a potential other intruder yeah the cinematics in this game the sound design is not to be understated there's a lot of really great sound design in this game really brings you into it even here like these his noises these like ventilation shaft noises that go from right to left left to right right to left [Music] just really good ambience aside from all the good music and again if ever a game felt like it didn't get restricted by its technology like the ps1 you can see the texture jiggle per ounce you can see it here they're like living but I have a particular headcanon for this which is that snake due to the nanomachines having psilocybin in them he's just it's like light hallucinations just another goddamn call I'm gonna try not to miss any more calls Jesus call again [Music] someone just wrote typical introvert Vinnie is it really that obvious how do you manage to do that I guess I just from playing the game and you know knowing the story [ __ ] it was probably like you can go down that ventilation shaft snake all he says is push o to get down that shaft get down from the shaft okay you wouldn't want to spend too much time on the shaft R I got it what is it with Konami and shafts use the elevator to change floors there should be a cargo elevator that you can take down somewhere around there try to find it okay well let's see what Master Miller has to say snake that floor is designed so that your footsteps echo listen snake there's a way to walk so your footsteps won't be heard I call it stalking here's how you do it first put your weight on the opposite foot that you're going to step with then take a step so that your heel makes contact with the ground first then as you slowly lower the tip of your foot to the floor gradually shift your weight onto that foot use your knees to maintain the subtle balance try it I I can't do it another ways to wear your socks over your shoes if you crawl on your stomach you won't make any noise either that'll Kempton goddamnit snake I know Miller you found out with a dhaba chief is with his nanomachine transmitter he should show up as a green dot on your radar when you get close try to find him was mailing in future Metal Gear games I don't remember now or is it just this one come on maybe you know she was in for I don't Naomi was in for a lot she was the boat captain in for oh okay thanks she's the Admiral of the anime Navy the hook is that so funny to me maybe I wasn't at anime was it god I don't have the proper authorization to get into that room [Music] is there anything even in here [Music] also this music again it's the main reason yeah there's something in here thermal goggle it's the main reason I'm playing this and not Twin Snakes and there's a lot to like in Twin Snakes I don't care what anyone says people [ __ ] on Twin Snakes but it looks good it has some really great look good hmm.well plays well the game plays better it looks nice it's like an alternate take on the story and I don't mind that so much again I know where it suffers I have the same issues as most people but you know not really sure what happened there [Music] it's not just the um it's not just the audio though that I mean it's the cutscenes to the matrix cutscenes get a little bit too flashy for me but when you think back to like Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Gear Solid 2 really upped the ante on them on the craziness of the Metal Gear Solid universe like in terms of like what's possible shit's like blade slash matrix so when Silicon Knights was like hey we need to remake Metal Gear Solid 1 let's look at Metal Gear Solid 2 and figure out what we're gonna do and that's what they did and as a result they have Solid Snake jumping off of a missile so it doesn't really trip me up too much when you wouldn't you contextualize it like that but you know I'm just you know happy to be playing the original but yeah this is a sneaking mission so if you can avoid conflict and choking people out that is preferable this is the wrong one oh I didn't miss this one look at the radar it's picking up the DARPA chief he's the green god how are you rescue him doo doo doo sorry back he's all scrambled and [ __ ] I always liked this effect that you can see the lights I always thought it's so subtle like you don't even really think about it but then it's just perfect snake if you want to go lay down a ladder just press the action button by the ladder I should mention that this game this character is based on escape from New York's Snake Plissken which was later referenced in Metal Gear Solid 2 but I'm gonna say that this game as a whole is way more reminiscent of escape from LA which is one of the [ __ ] stupidest movies I've ever seen Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken has to play a game of basketball for his survival it's so weird but I've seen that movie so many times when I was a kid so when I played this game I was like Snake Plissken but I liked it I mean I liked watching it because of how dumb it is but Escape from New York is the better movie it's just surprising because yeah it escaped from LA snake cold time they have technology where they can poop through their pants in the beginning of escape from LA Snake Plissken you know is injected with a thing and then he has to go do the thing in LA and he gets there through use of a small one-man submarine also let's talk about snakes voice in a second snake the DARPA chief signal is coming from somewhere in that area isn't there some place to drop down take a look around in first-person view mode snakes voice got raspier and smokier and whiskey er as time went on David Hayter admitted to you know he has to drink and smoke a little bit to get back into the snake character but in this game I think it works well like he didn't fully grasp it and I think he became like a better voice actor as time went on but the voice just got kind of hard to listen to by piece by piece Walker it's like comical Colonel and this one it sounds pretty good this is this in Metal Gear Solid 2 are my favorite snake voice it's me snake I'm here investor you're the DARPA chief Donald Anderson right you get a say V huh what's Ralphy I'm the pond they sent here to save your worthless butt his outfit is cool it's a stealth suit really it's true you don't look like I love this guys voice acting in that case hurry up and get me out of here slow down don't worry first I want some information about the terrorists the terrorists do they really have the ability to launch a nuke what are you talking about the terrorists are threatening the White House they say if they don't accede to their demands they'll launch a nuclear weapon sweet Jesus is it possible it's possible they crude actually how do they plan to launch I thought this place was just for keeping the dismantle warheads they shouldn't have access to a missile what I'm about to tell you is classified information okay [Music] we were conducting exercises with a new type of experimental weapon a weapon that will change the world what with the ability to launch a nuclear attack from any place on the face of the earth Jesus a nuclear equipped walking battle tank I mean you can just use a satellite but you yeah if you want to use a mech that's fine too metal gear is just iconic you know Metal Gear is one of the most secret black projects metal gear awesome is now and it forever tides the path to the experience that's the reason you were here at this disposal site why else I come to a godforsaken place like this I had heard the Metal Gear project was scrapped pegye contrary it's grown into a huge joint project between arms taking ourselves we would want to use this exercise as raw data and then proceed to mass production if it hadn't been for the revolution revoluciĆ³n Rex has fallen into the hands of terrorists Rex Rex it's just looking snake dialogues the code name for the new Metal Gear propane prototype these guys are pros they're all experienced in handling and equipping weapons Hey shut up in there will ya just talking to myself but I thought that all nuclear warheads were equipped with safety measures some kind of detonation code that you have to input oh you mean path yes of course there is a pal it's set up so that you need to input two different passwords in order to launch the device there are two passwords yes faker knows one and I know one Baker the president of arms tech that's right each of us needs to input our password or there can be no launch but they found out my password you talked Psycho Mantis can read people's minds you can't resist Psycho Mantis one of the members of Foxhound he has psychic powers powers is bad if they find out Baker's password yes they'll be able to launch a nuke anytime this here that but there is a way to stop the launch Thunder what the car keys car keys they were designed by arms the system developers as an emergency override even without the passwords you can just assert the card keys and engage the safety lock and if I do that yes you can stop the launch that cartoon so where are the keys Baker should have them listen you need three car keys there are three different slots to put them in you need to insert a card into each one of them okay three card keys it's crazy info-dump this early somewhere in the second floor basement second floor basement I heard the guard say they moved into an area that has a lot of electronic jamming any other clues yes they cemented over the entrances but didn't have enough time to paint them why don't you look for the areas where the walls are a different color here take this it's my ID card it'll open any level 1 security door it's called a pan card and works together with your bodies only like thank you God chat is now just asking the questions I guess snake is to Lena my line your body as the transmission medium as you approach the door security devices they'll read the data stored in the card and the doors will open automatically gotcha ok I'm gonna get you out of here wait a minute what is it you haven't heard any other way to disarm the PAL have you from your bosses or anyone are you sure you haven't heard anything but just said no so does the White House plan to give in to the terrorists demands that's their problem it has nothing to do with my orders but what about the Pentagon Pentagon what is it as this is happening it's thundering outside and like rumbling my house it's like a [ __ ] fully immersive experience [ __ ] dad chief what happened I don't know it look like a heart attack but a heart attack Colonel are you hiding something from me absolutely not snake you've got to understand this op is security level red you need the highest security clearance to get access to the complete file you want me to believe that you're in charge of this OP but you don't have complete access to true light on I told you the Secretary of Defense is in operational control I'm just here as your support snake we don't have time to debate get out of there and find president Baker I was hoping that the the [ __ ] Thunder would get so loud that it would just like that you'd have no choice but to hear it on streem and the compression would make it louder but I'm speaking of butt best vomit and maggot graphics I'd ever seen up until this point so you killed the chief you bastard liquid no you're not yeah that's Joanie is this the first time you ever pointed a gun at a person your hands are shaking can you shoot me rookie careful I'm no rookie liar that nervous glance that scared look in your eyes there brookey's eyes if I ever saw them you've never shot a person am i right you talk too much you haven't even taken to safety off the rookie I told you I'm no rookie you're not one of them are you open that door you've got a card don't you why so we can get the hell out of here looks like we'll be a little too played what you're doing don't think suit [Music] Jesus [Music] what are you waiting for shoot don't talk to me like a rookie I'm telling you shoot yeah [Music] thank you all so I'm gonna be avoiding spoilers as much as possible for wow what am i aiming out what am i shooting at for the people that have not played this [Music] oh man I'm rotting at this right now [Music] shoot don't just stand our show so this snake voice is gonna get real annoying I [Music] was like what if I just run all the way to the right that'll that'll do it Oh open button daughter let me do all the work I'm telling you dude I got it this time all the while ass staring at us Johnny's ass [Music] [Music] just feel slow to anyone else or is this just how the game plays in this section [Music] also damn I forgot how [ __ ] satisfying the sound of the SOCOM was in this game [Music] genius car jumbo what fourth-dimensional thing could he be planning next [Applause] hmm someone earlier said congratulations Vinny on defeating the first member of Foxhound oops she's big [Music] you Naomi I just had some kind of hallucination is it from the nanomachines no snake the nanomachines are functioning properly so what was it it must have been psychometric interference coming from Psycho Mantis [ __ ] remember when Psycho Mantis recycle baby until feedback loop so that was mantis psycho Baptists so once again I've got all of my Metal Gear Solid streams on the full-size channel if anyone is interested learning more about this dude for example now if you want to learn all about this dude the only the only ones that I don't have are this one and Metal Gear Solid 2 so we're going to as I said earlier if you missed it we're going to complete the circle and no I'm not planning on doing the originals metal gear one and two because there's the NES versions which are thought of as inferior and then there's the what MSX versions [Music] someone just said do acid that dude who was really upset when I streamed LSD because he thought I was gonna like do LSD is gonna be really upset at that comment possibly very confused now they just keep c4 lying around that is that is such a video gaming thing to do having a floor that falls apart like that just so far this isn't like devolving into insanity like it will later or you know like it does in the series especially in the series later on maybe not even this game gets a little insane for sure and it's it's got things that are well I mean Psycho Mantis can fly never mind no we're already there oh [Music] when you smoke cigarettes you lose life very slowly so even though you look cool as [ __ ] your health goes down it's game values realism what can I say so in Twin Snakes and Metal Gear Solid 2 you could actually get in these lockers and hide in there they put more lockers all over the place this is something I didn't realize until like my third playthrough that it actually says what's in the room on the doors Nikita Hamas c4 speaking of FAMAS speaking of weapons and video games new weapon and Counter Strike while new old weapon the mp5 I think right I'm gonna play counter-strike in a while but as I've said that is one game that has the power to what see what Campbell has to say the walls that were submitted over should look slightly different look at the walls carefully in a first-person view mode try to find the walls that have a different pattern did you try hitting the wall maybe it'll sound different to those c-4 explosives you've got should be able to destroy the walls that were cemented over I still don't get it master snake you've got to think your mind is your most dangerous weapon if things are getting too complicated try to simplify your thoughts you can also try calling Campbell for advice tell me more about your past your childhood soldiers that have been forged in the fires of battle are you thinking our naps whenever and wherever they can there's a big difference between real soldiers and those kids who have only been trained in VR or cheerleaders I'm throwing shaded right long time you should get some rest too it's like Nintendo stop every 15 minutes you caught snake someone earlier just said Vinny you don't strike me as a counter-strike player I was a big half-life mod we'll always have enough just cuz you see an item doesn't mean that you always have to get it if you don't really need it think twice before you stick your neck out it might not be worth it well enough is enough was enough to you but I was gonna say that I played a lot of half-life mods and redub introduced me to counter-strike but no I played counter-strike a lot when I was younger played a lot of team fortress classic I'm not very competitive but I enjoy it I like csgo it's uh it's fun did you play natural selection yeah it's on quake 1 oh man must be a lot of new viewers I'm not throwing shade just saying talked about this stuff a lot I love quake 1 i play quake 64 computer not that was my main experience I like the single-player of quake [Music] extra bullets yeah there was a quake 64 I played doom 64 and quake 64 and quake 2 on the n64 or was quick to on GameCube or no that was on 64 - right I didn't have a PC that could run this [ __ ] until later then you missed a wall really okay let me go get that wall before I anyway yeah I played a lot of mods but there was a lot of there's a lot of stuff that I couldn't afford so I ended up just playing mods instead where is the malt the wall that I missed oh here is yeah [ __ ] just vine blinded over that so I'm gonna try out the new counter-strike weapon and see if it's as good as the mp5 used to be and I think it's silenced which is cool I'm just afraid that if I play it I'll get stuck playing it like I'll get addicted because I play quake champions a little bit and then I want to play more of it but at the moment I've been playing a lot of dead cells [Music] they also sent me Monster Hunter generations I can't talk about it but I played it for about 15 minutes and I started harvesting mushrooms and it took me like 25 seconds I was like oh monster hunter world [ __ ] ruined me am I too late he's alive you're the arms Tech president Kenneth Baker right don't worry I'm here to save you oh don't touch it with your man so you're the one that the boss keeps talking about and you special-operations Foxhound revolver awesome one of the cutscenes get like really scummy every now it's a the effect they use I've been waiting for you Solid Snake [Music] now reading for you the man can live up to the legend this is the greatest handgun ever made the Colt single-action army six bullets more than enough to kill anything that means now I'll show you why they call me or if all wrong bill son [Music] yes why can't I switch to Russian I guess when I was a kid I didn't realize how silly some of this dialogue was [Music] you better hurry up yo man don't use a grenade well they'll probably be a bad idea right [Music] bloody grunting that's all they could afford they spent the rest of the budget on the [ __ ] helicopter licensing [Music] call me crazy but I like this fight a lot better in Twin Snakes with the first person aiming [Music] getting stuck on walls that's more than six bullets Ocelot on something that moves hello I just shot the [ __ ] dark Baker in the head as a chapter [Music] isn't the way you can be last two bullets there's a way you can run oh oh there is a way you can run with the laser just what I'd expect from the man with the same code is the boss it's been a long time since I had such a good fight but I'm just [Music] stealth camouflage and she even died right you were lucky we'll meet again [Music] - hand that that exoskeleton before snake [Applause] try to talk who are you thinking what my reaction was to this [ __ ] when I was young she told me he gave them as detonation cover what about yours oh I get it Jim sent you you're from the Pentagon answer my question what about your code there's no time I talked what now the terrorists have both codes and can launch any time it's not like I didn't fight I managed to resist Psycho Mantis is mindful he couldn't read you how do you do it surgical implants in my brain surgical implants kind of like a psychic installation everyone who knows these top-secret codes has it even the DARPA chief of course but the DARPA chief said mantis got his code by reading his mind but you sure you heard him right yeah I'm sure in that case how did they get your code I never had any training on how to resist torture it looks like he had some fun with you all right he's not human I tell you he loved every second of it what happened to your arm he broke it looks like you're more than even now his was sliced off ah you're a funny man so the DARPA chief is he okay dad calm down what's wrong with you I just told you I was here to save you the court would as good as a face didn't kill the dargah which he had a heart attack or something a heart attack oh don't be a fool anyway the terrorists have both codes now those boys are totally insane they wouldn't hesitate to launch I agree but what do they really want who knows maybe they're like us in the arms industry always looking forward to the next good war well I'm not gonna let these maniacs start a war today you still have the car keys and car keys to override the detonation code I heard you had them no not anymore what who does then not the terrorists know that woman woman who a soldier that was thrown in prison along with me a female soldier it must be she said she just joined up as a new recruit they threw her in prison because she refused to take part in the rebellion a new recruit could that be the critias nice I gave her the key looks like she managed to break out of here though I hope she's okay I'm sure she is she's green but as tough as they come but how did you know she escaped I was in contact with her by codec until I was tied up here that is codec yes she stole it from the guard if she still has it you should be able to contact her I'm sure she still has it what frequency where she asked oh yeah let me tell you it sorry I forgot damn Uncle Fester forgot oh that's right it should be on the back of the CD case try to contact her I'll contact her right away but tell me if this doesn't work is there some other way to prevent the missile launch you need to find hell Emmerich buy a CD case who's that the team leader the Metal Gear Rex project a genius at engineering but a little bit of an oddball if there's anyone who can figure out how to stop Metal Gear from launching it's him what if he can't come up with anything you'll have to destroy it Emmerich knows how to destroy Metal Gear where is this Emmerich well he's probably being held somewhere in the nuclear warhead storage building it's north from here that's where he worked I understand but why metal gear the nuclear age ended with the turn of the millennium oh you're wrong the threat of nuclear war isn't gone in fact it's greater than has ever been anime the amount of spent nuclear fuel and plutonium is increasing even today listen have you ever seen a warehouse full of nuclear material no problems and drums of nuclear waste that this guy as far as you could see because there's still no real way to dispose of the stuff so they just closed the lid try to pretend like it'll go away the sense we yes and they're not even doing a good job of storing it many of the drums are corroded with nuclear waste seeping out of them unbelievable doesn't only that but several pounds of muffle reports every year okay material undercounted for it proves that there's a large and well-organized black market and nuclear materials furthermore since the end of the Cold War Russian nuclear engineers in particular are out of work with no way to turn in Jesus there's plenty of available nuclear material and scientists for making a bomb we live in an age when any small country can have a nuclear weapons program what about the other superpowers machine China still maintain a significant nuclear presence complete nuclear disarmament is an impossibility to maintain our own policy of deterrence we need a weapon of overwhelming power [ __ ] is wrong with me Metal Gear yes you know our industry suffered quite a blow as a result of the cuts and military budgets due to this so-called peace I remember hearing a lot about mergers and takeovers among the big weapons makers yes and after my company lost their bid to produce the air force's next line a fighter jet the metal gear system was our last ace in the hole that's why we push to have metal gear develop as a black project black project secret projects paid for by the Pentagon's black budget you can avoid a lot of red tape and get a great lead time on your weapons production and no one can bother you not even those bleeding heart liberals on the military Oversight Committee James bribes I prefer to think of it as good business anyway mental gear was going to be formally adopted after the results of this exercise were analyzed I don't give a crap about you and your company yes that's about what I've expect from a grunt like you here this is what you came for right what's that an optical disc it's all here the main hard drive was destroyed by gunfire this is the only remaining copy of the data what kind of data all the data collected from this exercise don't play dumb I know you were sent to get this I hid it from that sadistic maniac money was torturing me they don't know this disc exists make sure you report this to Jimin to your boss I'll give you my card too it'll open up all security level 2 doors can you walk no no you go on without me they got my password they don't want anything else from me I have one more question who or what was that ninja thing it looked like you knew something that mention that was foxhounds talk little secret dark little secret an experimental genome soldier you know him you should ask dr. Naomi hunter from Fox out she knows better than I Naomi you've got to stop them if it goes public my company and I are finished what doesn't Metal Gear use currently existing technology little beard South Dodd spit what did you do to me what a coincidence bastards so they they actually win it in it what are you talking about then they may have just using you I really love how two story unfolds a little bit at a time little hints here and there colonel are you listening now he's dead too I have no idea don't lie to me it look like another heart attack but some kind of poison well there are lots of drugs that can cause a heart attack in large doses for example potassium chloride or dioxides but we won't be able to tell without doing an autopsy damn snake I want you and Merrill to work together and I trust her more than you can trust me get in contact is that supposed to mean Niq there's a lot of electrical interference coming from there it should be okay if you do burst transmission like us but normal transmission is probably impossible try moving away from that area sake get a hold of yourself Naomi what the hell was that ninja thing a member of Foxhound no are you sure yes we have no one like that in our unit is that right snake I'm counting on you alright then I guess I guess we know it knows who the Ninja is that's fine the ninja with the electrical sword a couple of thoughts I have here one really great writing I forgot how good the writing was in this game especially for 98 and a good voice acting and also I don't remember if snake was like this from every game forward like that snake always just repeat that the last thing someone said and was like what Foxhound carpet muff last thing someone said isn't there a wall here but I mean no that stuff no I just remember being blown away by this game because 1998 Mario 64 was that like the game that I was playing that I was like all this game is awesome and and here's the story of that thank you so much for playing up to my a-game so this was a bit different there it is yeah this was this was a little different [ __ ] so [ __ ] that room I can't even do anything in there until I get a level six keycard but using like real footage problems I was 13 when I played this using the real footage and like stick granted it is silly stock footage but it really really really worked on me and it made me it made me think more was going on there actually was not to say there wasn't a lot going on because there was a lot going on but it really really it sold it it totally sold it for me and it actually made me nervous I was like is this what this is really like PMC's so yeah this game kind of scared me a little bit and it worked so all of its little tricks to pull the narrative together I thought was was great what can I do for you snake tell me about Godzilla doesn't she tell me about Godzilla at some point snake like Shakespeare said nods head she does is wrong game without content basically it means that your desire can get you into trouble if you're not careful that goes for items to don't get too greedy or you might be sorry be careful snake cuz she has like a lot of quotes and stuff but people are saying paramedic is the movie buff okay so yeah I remember in the stream I did a Metal Gear Solid 3 hearing about James Bond I was like yeah yeah first the DARPA chief and then president Baker died of a heart attack yeah it smells pretty rotten to me Master do you know anything no but there's definitely something going on keep your eyes open out there the DARPA chief and president Baker so now the terrorists know both detonation codes yeah and on top of that they both died right in front of my eyes snake now that the terrorists have both detonation codes the only way to stop a nuclear launch is to either use the detonation code release keys that Merrill's holding or or find the metal gear chief engineer that president Baker mentioned al Emmerich in any case you should contact Merrill by codec wasn't her frequency written on the back of the CD case okay so that confused the [ __ ] out of me when I was a kid because I thought there was a CD item that you had to get in the game oh that's the that's the button just press the wrong button there it has this game work with analog it's got eight directional movement so nothing really crazy so yeah I actually thought I had to find a CD so I ran around in circles for a while soon realizing that no such CD item existed but did that count for me getting that okay now I have to go back and get that [Music] so once I realized that it wasn't actually an in-game CD I was looking around in the instruction booklet and then I was just like [ __ ] I don't know what to do and then I looked on the back of the box and I saw that the codec was there I was like really so yeah you actually have to check the back you actually have to check the back of the game case to get Merrill's codec for anyone who didn't play this ever port specifically didn't play it when they were younger it's both anti-piracy and a really good way to [ __ ] with people which I'm pretty sure genius code jumbo love doing [Music] [Music] it's no one then I forgot how [ __ ] brutal the guards got later on in the series it was no with that there is who are you I was really impressed with the way you busted yourself out of there one from the prison you're the Colonel's niece Meryl right no it's not him then just exactly who are you I'm the fool that your uncle sent all alone into the middle of this whole mess you came by yourself you think you're some kind of one-man army I don't need lectures you're just like your uncle you know how do you know my uncle we go way back what's your name my name's not important haha could you be snake are you solid snake that's what some people call me the legendary solid snake you sorry about before I wasn't sure if you were one of the good guys but I knew you were oh it's your eyes my eyes they're not soldiers eyes and they're rookies right kind of look a little angry they're beautiful compassionate eyes oh just what I'd expect from the legendary Solid Snake you trying to sweep me off my feet don't worry you'll land back on them once you meet me the reality is no match for the legend I'm afraid oh I don't believe that why did you look so surprised when you saw my face because you look just like him you mean the terrorist leader liquid snake yeah you know him you're not brothers are you I have no family so what's the deal then who knows why don't you ask him but first I want some information you were involved in this exercise from the beginning what exactly happened here I'm sorry I was captured along with president Baker right after the terrorist attack that's okay but what is this place I don't think it's just a nuclear weapons disposal facility boy just like them nobody told you anything did they okay you see this place isn't really for disposing nuclear weapons this base is owned and operated by a dummy corporation of arms tech this is a civilian base right for the development of metal gear Colonel box out and the next generation Special Forces were called here for the test launching of a dummy nuclear warhead why Foxhound because they're a special ops group used to handling top-secret missions they figured they could help keep it all hush-hush but we must have fired nuclear warheads before why just this time I heard it was because this was to be a final test before the formal adoption of the Metal Gear program well that's what I heard anyway sounds kind of fishy so what do you think the terrorists want I'm not sure I was captured with president Baker right after the revolt started oh yeah that's when he gave you the detonation code override keys right that's right amazing you were able to keep him hidden from the guards well women have more hiding places than men anyway you met Baker huh a whole thing dead that you just what unleashed upon us Meryl same as the DARPA chief the chief died from a heart attack too yeah was either of them sick or anything no not that I heard of well I don't believe in coincidences something funny's going on hmm sounds like it but I have no idea what nature's Pockets yet you know the person who designed metal gear you mean dr. Emerich yes is he still alive probably he should be in the research lab in the second floor basement of the nuclear war to the north 2nd floor basement yeah that's where his lab is I think they're forcing him to work on the nuclear launching program so they'll need him alive until that's done anyway then we better do something before he finishes you're right in case we can't override the detonation code in time I need to ask him how to destroy metal gear you plan to take that thing on by yourself snake it won't be the first time what's the best way to get to the building where the doctor is being held there's a cargo door on the first floor of this building that leads to the north what's the security level of the door there five but it's okay I've got a level five card well I've got to go save the doctor you should go I'm going with you no way you're still too green I want you to hide somewhere I'm not green oh yes you are you pause for just one second in front of your enemy and it's all over good luck doesn't last forever I don't know what happened I just couldn't pull the trigger right away I never had any problems in training but when I thought about my bullets tearing through those soldiers bodies I hesitated shooting at targets and shooting at living breathing people are different ever since I was a little girl I've always dreamed about being a soldier every day of my life I've trained my mind and body for the one day I could finally see some real action and now so what now you want to quit I can't quit I can't allow myself to quit now listen narrow everybody feels sick the first time they kill someone unfortunately killing is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it in a war all of mankind's worst emotions worst traits come out it's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield but this isn't a war it's a terrorist action you're just a little jumpy from the combat high the adrenaline in your bloodstream is starting to thin out just take it easy but I learned all about combat high at the academy we'll talk about it later for now just think about keeping yourself alive if I get out of here alive I'll think about that other stuff okay let me try to say this another way stay the hell out of my way you're a real bastard just like my uncle said huh I told you the real me is no match for the legend behind ok I'll be a good girl we'll link up after I grab the doctor then we'll take care of the detonation code override gotcha but listen I know this area better than you call me if you have any questions be careful ok after I open up the cargo door I'll contact you fine high plank but don't be so impatient settle down well I need a little more time to get the cargo door open okay I'll call you when I get the door open just wait a little okay hi it's me again I'll call you when I get the door open and thus Merrill never picked up again that little monologue about killing people you know how it makes you sick and all that when I was like 13 14 it was like bro just pull the trigger just shoot bro video games snake i unlock the cargo door for you thanks where are you where I can see ya don't move around too much don't worry I'm disguised in this enemy uniform you won't be for long with the way you walk what does that mean nothing listen snake the cargo door is like an airlock it's equipped with infrared sensors be careful if an intruder is sensed gas is released gas okay so we did the nuclear warhead storage velcome I'm gonna wait you said you'd stay put and be a good girl I changed my mind don't get careless that's when things always turn sour sorry but this is the only way I can figure out whether or not I'm cut out to be a soldier I gotta get my hands dirty these guys are professionals you're gonna get yourself killed see you there damn no I just remember like you know when you're a kid and you're watching action movies like Arnold Schwarzenegger in commando and Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator and Arnold Schwarzenegger and shoot fight and Arnold Schwarzenegger in fight gun shoot and Arnold Schwarzenegger in machine gun man man man all these things like just kind of you know I mean I'm I wasn't desensitized necessarily but you know you're playing a video game and it's like who cares Meryl just shoot them Meryl but now when I read that stuff I'm like oh geez [Music] you know I I respect and appreciate the character a lot more now as I was more like well Solid Snake is an action hero man so of course he shoots the bad guys but you know Merrill's the one who's coming in here like oh I want to be a soldier I can do it bro she says bro and then she gets you know she gets into combat it's like well you sure this is what you wanted then you said you had one more story I do have one more story I'll tell you now while I'm doing this part it wasn't an Atlantic City story as a wild woods story so I went to the arcade there are a number of arcades oh yeah box it's always one of the coolest details for me so you know I go to the the boardwalk arcade and they have these like games that are basically like drugs and gambling addiction for children where you put the coins in so it's the Wizard of Oz game I guess it got really big what you do is you put the coins in and then the the pusher pushes the coins and then if the coin goes into the hole or whatever you want to call it you get you get tickets but The Wizard of Oz game you have to collect cards and if you collect all the cards it's like Pokemon you see if you collect all the cards then you will get more points so this game got really huge every arcade has the Wizard of Oz game I saw it last year I saw it the year before and there's bonuses and like a wheel that spins so it keeps you engaged it's it's like loot crate's it's it's blue crates in the form of arcade game so I was walking around and I was thinking about playing some some arcade games and so I came across they have a charlie in the Chocolate Factory one like Willy Wonka and it's basically The Wizard of Oz game [Music] snake i unlock the cargo door [ __ ] even Sayid a ration yeah I like the quarter games I think they're kind of cool but I saw I saw Willy Wonka one and and there were cards all right and if you collect all nine character cards you get 50,000 points I'm thinking to myself I was like if I just put in the proper coinage I just put in the proper coinage I can get all those cards there was like seven of them stacked in a corner so I got twenty dollars worth of coins within ten dollars of coins I got all the cards they were all dere so I got them points for what you get like like you get to choose from like candy or like electronics or you know whatever it doesn't matter just garbage like just trash that you wouldn't spend that much money on anyway but mostly like just knickknacks and you know oh God it's it's mostly knickknacks and stuff that you might stuff that you might see and like a gift shop so I got seven of the cards or six or seven of them and then and then I got the golden ticket which was worth five thousand points and while you playing these these things while you're playing these things that you know plays like Willy Wonka music I still needed two cards right I need like Charlie and Grandpa Joe so I walk around and I go to the the other Willy Wonka machine cuz there's like eight of them and I found another one that had a grandpa Joe right in the front of the coins so I put like you know the rest of my money in or not not all of it but a bunch of it I swear to God and I got grandpa Joe so now I have eight cards so then I walk around more and then I see one with Charlie about to fall so I put the coins in and I got Charlie and I got all nine cards and a couple extras too for about 20 bucks so now I have 58,000 points and you're thinking like right now you're all thinking to yourself wow man how are you so good at video games [Music] okay so nobody is thinking that okay right so so I'm looking around and the nice Russian ladies like you have 58,000 points I'm like well should I get she's like dandy I said no that's a lot of candy I'll die so I I go walking around I'm looking for items that might that might be good for gifts or just stuff 57 you know it was like fifty-seven thousand three hundred points and let me just tell this pause for a second because it'll you know go quicker this way that's not enough points to get something good but it's too many points that you can't just like grab a bunch of small [ __ ] because then you're gonna have too much small [ __ ] so I'm like looking around for like good ten minutes there's a [ __ ] Han Solo lunchbox there's like shot glasses there's a bunch of Marvel [ __ ] and it's all like cheap like oh man I should just get the goddamn candy but eventually I just got gifts for like my family I got like a tote bag that's his wild wood on it I got like a like a plank no it's like a wooden buoy it's not a plank it's a wooden buoy that says Wildwood on it and it's it's wood so I don't know who wants that but okay and what else did I get a little box they had something for sixty it was like an LED portable Bluetooth speaker now [ __ ] the bar yep just a box wait you never saw a box before so so they had a they had a yeah I was like a LED Bluetooth speaker that I had some interest in before realizing that it actually cost 60,000 as I said a moment ago so again I couldn't get anything really cool [Music] [Music] you see little dance I did there and even so I don't need a don't need a [ __ ] led Bluetooth speaker anyway so [Music] what kind of candy was it like airheads air lock is set with infrared sensors you probably can't see them with your naked eyes but there are infrared beams coming out of that wall touch any one of them and the doors will seal off and the place will be flooded with poison gas somehow you've got to get through without setting off those sensors someone just said how many points with a real good [ __ ] like game consoles I think a switch was 300,000 I saw Crash Bandicoot remastered it for a hundred thousand yep so you're gonna need a lot of grandpa Joe's if you're gonna get that why am I doing this snow mom and dad went to a show drop me off at grandpa Joe's [ __ ] [Music] the perspective I couldn't see the laser oh oh by the way I had to wake up today at like 9:00 [Music] so I'm gonna go ahead and blame that let's try that again okay try that again yes so Crash Bandicoot was 100k but remember not all of these machines had the cards easily attainable like that was luck when I saw that I was like okay fine you got me but you know was it fun not really well I got some shitty knickknacks out of it [Music] vini doing your Rondo a blood stream you were shooting a lot on Dracula X I tried it and I think it's a fine game what exactly is wrong with it no it is a fine game it's just generally considered not as good as Rondo [Music] it's not balanced as well like difficulty wise I remember struggling on it giving up on it [Music] the level design someone in saying is [ __ ] I don't remember let's make be careful there claymore mines around there you minded who are you just call me deep throat deep throat the informant from the Watergate scandal never mind about that you're not using burst transmission are you nearby listen there's a tank in front of your position waiting to ambush you who are you anyway one of your pans [ __ ] deep throat I know you guys want me to call Nastasha but can't you not call her until you're told about her [Music] I'm waiting for that [ __ ] ration for a while now you can call her any time alright fine what is nuts Tasha's codec [Music] this is Nastasha Romanenko a pleasure to work with you Solid Snake you're the nuclear specialist at the kernel mentioned that's me you can ask me anything about nukes that you want I am also a military analyst so I have an extensive knowledge of weapon systems as well they asked me to participate in this operation as a supervisor from the nuclear emergency search team I was happy to accept we must not allow terrorists to get their hands on nuclear weapons of any kind I hope I can help you to stop them you're a tough lady you can get candy if you are serious about launching a nuclear weapon the world cannot stand by idly and allow that to happened and neither can i unfortunately all I can do from here is provide you with information hopefully that'll be enough another soldier here wouldn't make a difference anyway it's good to work with you Anastasia sure that's later snake I feel like more soldiers could help that is a mine detector it works by searching for metal objects it will even find claymores that are hidden with optics stealth technology it is set so that the position of the landmines will show up on your radar all you have to do is equip the mind detector and keep an eye on your radar visit carefully that's not okay wait that's not Naomi's voice actress doing like a phony Russian accent right mei-ling how can someone outside of this operation cut into my codec you're talking about that guy calling himself deep throat we were monitoring from here what about it well if somebody knows your frequency they can call you but the question is how did he learn it it's top secret information can you tell me where he called from I'm sorry the signal was too weak to locate its source but I'm sure he's near you somewhere on the base [Music] okay so apparently it's not the same voice actress as Naomi but it is an American doing a Russian accent crap [Music] rabens territory snakes don't belong in Alaska I will not let you pass okay so didn't with him that's reason the [ __ ] video gets crusty during the cutscenes is the filter doesn't know how to match the upraised visuals that's right you belong on the ground you should crawl on the ground like a snake you are [Music] [Applause] come that's white I'm sure there's a way to fix that but I'm not too bothered by it [Music] yeah [Music] mind Dean as I said I really hope that that's a [ __ ] ration that to ration [Music] let's make dammit hair for myself I mean that means that Nastasha had never happened just like Jesus according to Wario [Music] it's not my words that's Wario says and Santa [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] yes it's really got a little too late [Music] [Music] don't run me over [Music] how'd I get so good at this game though how am I so good at this game [Music] we are like that [Music] so [ __ ] why are you able to suddenly survive a grenade besides I know deep throat you know the only way that could have gone was me blowing myself up with grenade I have no idea how ministry meant to the gungeon tonight [Music] okay snake that's a tank I think you might be able to fool the tanks electronics [Music] [Music] now I know what you're thinking chat how is it possible that one person can be so good at all the various video games that exist in the world and you should see me play call of duty that slow motion body yeah you're like that Wow shouldn't have died that many times considering how easy that was hindsight is a [ __ ] is just as you said in battle he is as if possessed by a demon much like you I would expect no less general either in the language of the Sioux people soon in snake it is animal to be feared snake is mine now when I meet him next I'll take special care of him not yet he and I will meet again in battle same prediction as always yes Raven on my head thirst for his blood yeah so why are you why you shirtless Onalaska dude who are you trying to prove something to I am the sex appeal of the group you so he says snakes don't belong in Alaska but do Ravens more so than snakes I accept that answer no idea if it's true but I like it [Music] crawl in hole wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute there's there's a secret hole over here that I never knew about wait a minute okay so Hank it's by the piss-stained Oh oh it's that okay if you need to run from the tank it's on the [ __ ] radar too it's just a small little hole [Music] all right we're gonna save here and I'm gonna come back with some edge of the gungeon just because I've been kind of jonesing for it a bit but more Metal Gear Solid soon I'd also like to have another game going alongside this I don't know which one it's gonna be yet but there will be another game soon in China they say you must cross the river before you tell the crocodile he has bad breath do you know what that means it means that the wise men avoids danger first use your brain to avoid traps and stay away from the enemy so Wario is wise no I think the other game I'll be playing alongside this is twin snakes okay now we'll be right back we'll be right back thanks for watching Metal Gear Solid it's great I suck at it hopefully next time I play it I'll be a little bit more awake I have a couple keys I'll be giving away during the gungeon stream I have enter the gungeon switch codes that devolve or just straight-up sent me I don't even have enter the gungeon switch but I'll tell you about it when I get back so yeah so more Metal Gear Solid in the next couple days and I'm shaping for anyone who seriously thinks I'm gonna stream Twin Snakes alongside this No you all right stick around be right back into the gungeon
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 108,018
Rating: 4.9571209 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Metal Gear Solid, MGS, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Hideo Kojima, PlayStation, PS1, Action-adventure, Stealth, Single-player, Solid Snake
Id: U7YssyN7FmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 29sec (7529 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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