[Vinesauce] Joel - Half Life Marathon: Half-Life: Opposing Force

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all right so how posing for snail continuing the half-life marathon if you wanna call it that I guess I am so yeah but anyway yes we're playing the the first expansion pack to half-life released by gearbox in 99 I believe now I am yeah I think it's 99 a year after uh developed by Gearbox by you know gearbox of a gearbox of all the companies back in there yeah but uh yeah we're gonna check this out you're gonna play it in one stream just like within the original half-life now this game is not as long as half-life the original expansion package it should be like obvious but I'm not as good on a posting force but I'd be funny because I wasn't really good at half-life either but I kind of rushed through it but regardless opposing force notice a coin with it but I have beaten it several times and after that we're gonna move on to blue shift and after that we might do half-life decay a co-op stream we'll see but yeah for now we're gonna switch over to opposing force and yeah I might be able to beat this in the same time but this time by the way quick thing I'm gonna adjust the sound level sets it's good last half live stream now it might only be me but I thought the game was a little too loud and in the midst of gunfire I was talking I was like but yeah I can guarantee you better sound levels on this stream but anyway let's get this on screen so yeah it's been a while so I played opposing force I think last time I actually played it on Steam was let me see here last play Wednesday well well prior to that I think it was like 2010 seven years ago or something like that I I don't remember but alright anyway let me get this on screen for you there we go alright ai-ai-ai-aight my voice is so trashed I just kind of woke up - uh yeah anyway so let's get this on screen but hang on they updated this whoa whoa whoa hang on back up this wasn't how a post enforces menu look like right I don't remember it looking like this do you maybe I remember the one swap version or whatever but it didn't look like this did it it did steamer sham looks like this huh huh well I thought it was just the Adrian Shepherd you know I own the screen or whatever but okay okay I don't and no anything else all right let me adjust the sound levels here right so we don't get a stream like last time where was a little too loud but I should be good enough and it also the training room first something I probably think I'm not old menu let me see see yeah yeah Matt so this is what I grew up with this is opposing force for me that's what I remember but uh yeah there we go okay well that that isn't the steam version anyway yeah so yes here we are at opposing force and first from the get-go if you've never played this this is the first expansion pack to half-life you're playing it's Adrienne Shepherd which is a part of the the marine there military in in half-life you know this this this is like a week before the incident at Black Mesa but the funny thing about this it's heavily implied that already the g-man is like planning the this disaster and like because we are about to be sent to Black Mesa for something like that I don't remember clearly but uh it is heavily hinted that like the g-man it's around this area and just like seen doing stuff you know but anyway let me turn them the volume a little bit less here we go all right so yeah yeah yeah I can't go here yet nice but I wasn't I played opposing force a beer with me opposing force might also have the best machine gun ever made it is the like the m249 and it's so powerful it is so powerful that you like it recalled backwards it's incredible also this this training place was later uh various look there's demon right there but this this straining levels later done into a multiplayer map which a lot of people still play anyway very high-tech yeah training thing hey I'm sorry corporal this is a restricted area this is a restricted area soldier I'm sorry corporal this is a restricted area it's our fine uh no funny guy saying no no and no mmm all right well alright there's some new cool weapons in this but oh here we go damn all right well uh see if you can oh I can't get up here right well can the other Marines do this huh okay well fine uh uh Hank Hill buh-bye anyway pretty funny by a kind of ambition Slayer being playing or like Metallica in contrast to the text note Goro Freeman had yeah I stopped yelling at me I'm gonna turn up the volume well that's just a little bit little little teeny tiny bit little bit more thank you that's better that's what I like but anyway so yeah this is just an introduction and power we already have that by the way by the way though I think the American electricity sockets whatever they look like a little smiley faces I don't know it's not the same when with the the Swedish power outlet whatever but yeah check this out happy yes happy faces fueled my violence anyway oh boy test firing oh jesus oh Jesus you want to shoot the gun or yeah okay is this a little cubicle that you're sitting in you're gonna shoot or oh yeah I got out I was meant to be shot at really how fine so yeah the military's there on air HEV suit well I'm sorry I will do my best gunnery Hartman impersonation but like it's too early in the morning yellow my head off so no oil not oily that's John st. John's voice really well if you don't know how only st. John is god forbid but uh that's Duke Nukem Joyce actor so Duke Nukem is yelling at me really like Oh balls of steel balls balls balls yeah when I ran out I don't care I've come here to keep the what is it I've come here to s and capable Oh night vision training it's about turn tactically my name is dick dick um all right anyway say that saw John st. John huh I didn't recognize him at all but the John st. John it's like a man I'm million voice to see and that's Duke Nukem he knows everything you know I can't name it up my head but you might notice that they've evolved their hands since the original 98 release they now have sort of hands hands and not just like maggot hands goldeneye hands oh yeah here we go okay stop calling me a maggot I don't even like slip Norton okay come on boy I I didn't sign up for this there we go by the way I never said this on the original half-life stream or whatever you like hurt yourself in this it sounds like well there will be a door in this case but it sounds like going okay whoa let's go bark bark bark now meow I'm trying my best okay mom told me that that trying your best is the best thing you can do oh now I'll stinky thanks all right hang on here we go here we go Oh rope I remember these were opposites you're awful they're absolutely awful okay boy all live fire range okay okay well let's go take this out let's do this Oh maybe I shouldn't do that my head will get blown off what is the Starship Troopers Jesus Christ we'll move move move or let's just turn on a game even more hang on I sold my other I think it's funny though actually another number okay okay good it sounded like German techno hey man maybe I give I gave him a massage wanna dance no anyway we're getting through all pistol range here we go so here's a new weapon in in opposing force already yeah yeah yeah yeah chill chill out man okay all right so the this this new gun the desert eagle is actually uh is actually a new gun before you see this dude yeah yeah well it's a new gun in this and it's it's it's it's really good it's sort of like an in-between the pistol and the revolver and from the original the revolver is still in this I think but yeah it kind of looks ugly it's a little too chunky but yeah anyway wonderful and I love that sound - such a classic before we do anything anyway no oh no I haven't shot anybody I need to use you okay court martial now that was on accident this ain't no anyway we'll see here pistol ranch yeah yeah you're welcome look at these flats brighter guns novel you can tell anyway here I'm gonna get real give us a begun yet but I can't do that yet talk so yester wonderful yeah there we go oh yeah I got to do this oh man it's like I'm playing counter-strike you my god so this is mr. Lister crossbow hood it hits immediately one more I'd find that whoa look at these graphics all right anyway please I am ok here we go boom headshot why does he keep bunny hop I'm not even buddy hopping in this game I'm just moving fast ok police here it comes here it comes now any time now oh come on last guy did I hit him uh I think so no no Kay the last guy last guy wait wait gonna see it's such a great shot here check this out I was kidding Thanks okay fine oh look at these extreme ranges okay before we do it sounds like Barney when he dies most complex pattern earth yeah right unbelievable no but no bullet drop here you're welcome all right anyway hang on let me let me see something real quick the skill set oh hello engineer are you a dentist come here all right get over here look at that AI another thing it's got a cigarette and that's what lights the porch yes squad training just pressing EE on NPCs truly the the hardest objective in opposing force alright anyway and there we go hey I'm burning wait why am i burning what's hurting me did I get smitten by God all right I can see that and dance first date man all right thanks get in here press the bar instead what you want me okay fine thanks look at that thank you now report to duty soldier and hurray we did it and that was a training thing now the actual game begins could you believe it but yeah I believe in the because it be that status cannon that that Adrian went through the year the training thing and g-man already hasn't interested in it which is going to be you know if you never played this side I'm sure you figure that up he's got a part in this but all right anyway I'll tell you what I'm gonna restart the stream real quick because I know the frames have been dropping so sit tight and the stream way right back all right I believe we are back any time huh maybe lightly no no with local live bodies I just wanted to restart the stream we are back oh we're back okay good all right so cool anyway so that was the training thing we're not gonna do the the actual game and I feel it's kind of appropriate to restore the stream anyway for that I guess anyway I hope these frames are good now but anyway we're gonna start the game now real opposing force playing a medium just in as in half-life especially now I need medium because mother's acquainted with Elle posting forces I am with half-life but anyway let's start it up oh yes we've had four by three stretch hello that is cute wah-ha-ha-ha anytime anywhere Hong Kong's Alibaba blobby daba da boo buddy about the way wrong movie 22 oh my god and and rain goes on super adventures this young as I could kill me something too search-and-rescue operation do what I gotta search out recipes you're sorry Anne you guys do stuff up on that side you feel a cop guess we got to go got diamond I met the race okay little sis no talking to chunks mountains calm down bye-bye well I believe a drone has the same breath asked Gordon to lose that perfect was still nothing bad happened this is like communicating with the alien ho well-coordinated Mik shoot him oh boy well well well so here posing for starts now if you don't welcome to Black Mesa it's just so tired hey man AHA the tag on your uniform I'm glad to see my life-saving efforts weren't in vain I can't say the same for him I'm afraid you have been through a serious accident most of your friends didn't make it I was hoping that you soldiers had come to rescue us but now it seems we are all in the same situation I think I saw a radio near the crash site where I found you perhaps you can go there and radio for help okay ah roll my eyes anyway so yeah I wasn't force you play us the Marines which is a interesting contrast to your playing as the bad guys essentially I mean I guess they're bad guys but yours playing is the Marines that's kind of odd that in a posting for Seles well for the people that applied it and I'm gonna play opposing force like I played at half life like we've all kind of play this but occasionally I'll drop a few like did you guys know this or that or whatever but it was kind of fun as weird that Adrian Shepard is he's one of the kindest Marines in the half life like every every Marine you find in half-life the original they just kill everything but these Marines in this scheme they're kind of more like hey you should tell us what's going on here or else we might shoot you but in during a half life it's just like they don't give a [ __ ] you know it's a kind marine you know hurry all with my brains and your brawn will make an excellent team right let's go here we go we're going to hear no oh yeah I forgot about the music I wasn't for still Leal's Pokemon with a stick oh God seen such a magnificent species these crabs can completely control their hosts nervous system crabs in what the next stage of mutation looks like ah oh boy so some might debate that opposing force isn't canon I say opposing force is a very very Canon some people might say it because it's an expansion pack your box made and all that but now I I'd say this is like super cannon but yeah anyway there are a couple oh oh boy Oh scared you know kick them oh boy now we're gonna take this real carefully we have a solderer zombie which we never saw in the original mind you but guys is the monster now we just stand on the table you can't get us okay dan is quicker quicker you can do it oh no quick poke it poke it faster you'll not help which after me you know okay well as I said you stand on the table and it's fine or you know gaps you can't get through and get you tickle them no okay well whatever so you have the the soldiers in this this told your headcrab zombies whatever new enemy you also see security guards being overtaken by headcrabs fish yeah a little bit more variety to this so it's it's just Mikey half life and more goodies yeah for me now ah anyway all right Otis alright come on I need your help for a moment hey buddy no no no you don't come on okay I have this this this giant creature or like giant scary thing chasing me you want to help me out okay can't get through it's a big boy hey they're gonna come after me or is it like scary for you or okay paul Blart I'm trying to get his gun there's less of an incentive for for you to as a player this time to keep the the scientists and the security guards alive but I'm still gonna try you know I'm not that horrible of a horrible ever he's called a fine come on like I probably pushed him in hang on can you yeah he ever go that's better come on Otis Otis just go in here go in here and then going go go in here here here here here okay no he refuses I'll perf perfect and then go straight forward straight forward maybe you can see kind of the outline of the zombie than he of whatever anyway let's go man see how this more variety on the e at the guards in this game you don't you you don't only you skip party you get okay this work Wisconsin or mean Essaouira hey you know I can't tell by the dialect but that's that's like Minnesota right Minnesota I you know a it looks like Mike's the closer oh yeah lasers of course oh boy so we had a little bit of a pool a right of a right at the start Midwestern I guess so not to do this puzzle I remember you got a you got to get up here and you gotta get the wrench which so go to Freeman ask the wrench adrian has to know know what I'm saying Gordon Freeman has the crowbar adrian has to wrench what I love about this thing is that it has a charge shop to go like anyway we don't want to step into the laser here I'll be terrible let's see it's one of these I got a break I think yeah hang on so there you go there can you break this one hang on well that's something when you're break I think it's just this kid man I haven't played opposing force in a couple of the oh okay well here we go yeah I believe it's this one I got to be really careful when I do this hang on maybe stay holding machine hang on I know it's something like this hang on no it's not it is one of the machines I know that or could be this I could be this one not this one I know it's one of these these I swear to god it's this this one you break is it here whoa now that this isn't it this isn't it I think it might be like you shut this down like this what could it be this hang on and after this it is the mirror oh yeah yeah ah that okay there's a little bit of space fruit for the player to like try to hang on now this is this is some real high advanced fee sex there we go yes the lessor puzzles alright let's try to sing an action boom yeah the way I can kind of glitch out the animation a little bit too but um yeah so Gordo Freeman has the crowbar Adrian has the wrench which if anything it's like a metaphor that this thing is more grisly and more badass than just a crowbar and jeez look at that but I mean crowbars are kind of badass - I get I guess but yeah it's just it's just one of those like thematic metaphors I guess it would call it anyway hey hey g-man cool and I'm gonna turn it down just a little more there we go but anyway Korver is more iconic Oh much more practical a but say so but this thing looks cool doesn't it also I'm playing opposing force with the low-resolution pack the blue ship introduced a HD Definition thing so but generally this looks a little bit better than half-life all right now I believe I can actually get up there is from like doing that yeah this leads nowhere so this is the knife by the way as you can see oh there we go the knife is just like the crowbar I think well I'd like I think it's a reskin of the weapon I'm not sure but uh cuts stuff up man so we have the night-vision goggles too alright here's where the game started to so they dragged me all the way over there I guess yeah this is a guy have a gun on them no don't touch that you get the desert eagle really early on I think you get it like right here hang on stab I think that Adrian Shepherd is more accepting of these aliens than then well I mean that that's what Gordon was he was like yeah whoa where am i but it seems more that like Adrian is just like what are these things I love a kill them you know hey man don't touch that now I can't believe the hack fraud died there we are get this get this anyway yeah this is where you get it ok he drop stats and okay he yep that's Rodrigo before the nine-millimeter true which is a little odd but all right so we got to do something here huh can I off course just sky about scheduling the classic I'm sorry that's terrible all right let me open this up boom I I vastly prefer the arranged to the crowbar though opposing force is a lot of fun weapons in general like yeah this is fun and all that but you get to use the barnacle you get to use the enormous affection can I yeah you can use the barnacle as a weapon from the original you can use the the booger launcher it's not rocket you can use the teleportation action man gearbox really built well on this on this pre-established like the first game is just like added more of what was good about it hang on but first we're going see if I can nail him in the head hang on there we go awesome anyway so now that we clear that apps we can continue here any call for backup I think here we go [Music] [Applause] we do now the transit system it'll probably reach huh do I have Auto anymore I don't think so Oh get that crap off anyway so in the timeline of the in half-life opposing force takes place like Gordon it's like at the lambda core at this point as you're playing blue [ __ ] I think Barney's already out but yeah you arrived pretty late in this which is like should make sense because yeah my immediate resonance cascade thing happens I mean military shouldn't be like there but uh you know so you're a little late and that's why [ __ ] is already going down and you're part of the cleanup crew but it turns out that you guys are are so late and so bad at it that the government is like all right listen we need to clean up for the cleanup so later on in the game you get these like black ops that want to kill you or they're sent to kill a rather they don't volunteer to do it but yeah anyways we get through here there we go I think this is where we get the shotgun - amen there we go now it's all ready to feel like real half-life off as I said I am playing a posting force and half-life like we've all played these games but occasionally I'll drop a little bit of like here's what I think or here's what you know but if you're watching is the very very very very first time which is I can't even fathom in fact but you know this is the expansion packs of the original half-life from 98 this was released in 1990 you place the bad guys this time on fresh and I wasted two shells on that but whatever looks cool there we go all right so but anyway so I played opposing force straight after I played half-life in the original on my half left interations which is the precursor to the orange box I would guess you have four games this original blue shift and counter-strike and I love the hosting portion I still do some people complain it's too short but I think it's epic acceptable for a expansion pack yes this is promoted from a day and age where we call them expansion packs an acht elaborative DMC blue all right I think I got a go let's see here oh yeah I got a nice it's five hours okay like I probably completed it in like three hey g-man I I see you gonna get over here okay but yeah oh thanks but yeah so the g-man is all red like spying and picking on us for like you are you are the chosen one we can all receive in the training camp and always like here which is a little interesting if this is canon which i think he is spying on both gordon and adrian which truly you know he is on intergalactic it can be anywhere he wants kind of deal it can it be a to place at once I don't know but alright and then we're gonna get up here a little bit shortcut then crunch up hey I I get to control this thing not you guess what we do we get that all the way over there I believe and then we gotta shoot this thing no no no he's gotta go on across it but yeah opposing force man um this game is great I think your mother ever designed these levels they they really they really I mean whoever did it wasn't part of the original half-life development team but I think they played a half-life a lot to get the same feel the same sort of hustle in the sort of claustrophobic facility feel and all that they cared a lot of attention you know but this was me but somebody else other than valve so you know but it feels as official as can be I think there's a lot of input by valve to it like it's this Oh case it's not okay one of the most like kind of controversial is the are like changing changed changed things from the original that opposing force das is the raised X they're called they're like other aliens beside these n aliens and I I talked briefly about I'm in the in the about what do you call it half-life stream they look like ants that are like Cyclops people anyway this is the this is part of the tram ride from the original that's why I love opposing force in fact I love all the expansion packs because they they expand upon what you've already seen you get to play or see from different angles I love that but this part was part of the tram rides and I believe the train came through here I like not the tram but the train that went soup I think the the big walking machine but today I can see here love that stuff love it anyway yes that's what they call my an expansion pack all right that's kind of funny when you watched the previous half livestream I say a lot like I don't like this area this area is just crap I feel the same way about opposing force but I say that out of like lung you know I've got nothing but respect and love for these games but some of these parts are like oh not this part anyway I think I'm going the right way here we go can I break this open no I actually got a switch this open I think yeah hang on I gotta do this and on and now the robot is free though that due to the data doo doo da da da da there anyway tickets through here and now the things open right I think let's see if I that's what you do you're free robot how that was it okay not everything can be solved with violence alright now then that now we're gonna drain the liquid I think or yeah okay there we go I wonder what this liquid went cuz clear don't have drains for it this Mountain Dew in a way how do you guys feel about a forcing course how dice hey buddy hi as I said I love this game but you know I I I feel that some people never played this or whatever like they they they know how good to this but they never sat down and played all the way in fact I saw some comment earlier in chat saying like I've never seen an animal stream opposing force there's a little bit of a shame but yeah I'm gonna get right beer there we go see even in 1990 did physics puzzles man so the part of the original tram ride and off we go Vinnie well every Ingold source is bugged in that doesn't account for 60 my neighbor solution default Allah Mary this default is 106 alright well we did this last a minute quite didn't like it actually let's exert what a 626 you know what you know what let's play with this because I do see more of the model and this is fine I'll save you chill out man Oh anyway I hear like a theremin I think man this place sure went to crap huh bored on you dumbass well in fact Gordon did nothing he just kind of followed orders is this sure damn South liquor complete home hello Otis are you always going to work okay okay hey oh sorry what we're robbing Otis all right oh yeah I got it can you just get up and now we get the pistol so it's all you get the powerful gun first before this also you have the same reload animations the original which I kind of appreciate for I guess half consistency I don't know hey moustache No so when I first played opposing force I played it really evilly I used to kill everything on site because I like I I played it as the original half light was like the brains killed everything so I was just like now are you so too much but I'm not gonna do it this time because I kind of do need these dudes sorry his brain was like set on on delicious snacks in a process for a while you know I can't blame him hock take some candy too snack time I'm a marine man you can have some ret rations speaking of those I've been addicted to watching those ration reviews on YouTube what's his name Steve MRE a real entertaining guy a holodeck Amanda me is really entertaining he has reviews like different different rations from like countries and like they even go simple like eat stuff from like the 50's I guess it's really ridiculous yes I love the I love this kind of character Oh food I love food our food is Christ hello you know what oh I love him take care of it cuz this will be funny I'm gonna have some snacks in the meantime you you you take care of that right cool thanks actually helping just like a do sex there we go get this my pronouncing that wrong Rhett ratchets Rhett Rhett chance no me too yeah Matt ratchets rations rations that's why I'm saying man rations well listen it's early in the morning I haven't my English isn't like fully fully activated hey it's early in the morning for you guys to kind of yes if I slowly end oh my god and man he just went in for a hug give us his first-ever human interaction it's like friend hug anyway we'll see here this opens up of course bo are you poor thing hate me human healed me okay we just get along see your eye I'm a good guy but my orders fine are Allison [Laughter] hmm I can give you something for the pain Nora - now when I play as a good guy but yes a little pizza alright can't this guy get off in here come here wait let's go no no no no no I think I was pushing my on because I want this open you know I oh no no no no this you're a guide Otis from there to there hang on you got some pretty cool stuff going on it's not that easy no man all right let's go it really does look like paul blart at this point are you following me yes you are here we go what is making a paul Blart joke but he's what the predates it's incredible incredible what what okay well uh let's gonna go they know what that happened self-aware about 15 years early oh Jesus well yeah embarrassing I kind of skadoodle down you know what you know he'll he'll help me all right I said before do that can it give me a little more Thanks ah come here man no what what are you doing come on come here I doesn't want to go up I'll find it I'll do it whoa so I picked up some grenades for my assault rifle but I don't have that yet so here we go hey buddy well it still has an mp5 in this but it doesn't make too much sense that these these like Marines will be carrying around a submachine gun but whatever I'm gonna call it an assault rifle because that's kind of what it is especially in the HD pack but yeah this is hard difficulty no it's just medium I was playing it kind of fast and that's why I'm kind of suffering for it alright anyway can I open this up no I think I'm actually supposed to yeah there we go I'm sorry for doing that and that leads me up here which something is something recorder revisited earlier hang on oh my ears oh here we go I need to heal up first I'm acing boys acting hey man I take it you didn't find Freeman oh forget it corporal we are pulling out the airstrike has started get to the hangar while we await be back okay moustache man looks like a GI Joe di Joe body massage I seem to be seriously wounded yeah but if this is the original half like he would he just shot his head open like I don't know see what's in here I can't go here that's okay I seem to be seriously wounded all right so here we go here's the first like actual interaction with g-man but what kind of saw him earlier but this is like really real acrylic you're like all right guys forget about Freeman we're getting out of here and it's like freedom Oh huh [ __ ] oh listen these war drums man and believe these sit around here a little too long you can hear the unexploded which is implied he would have died so you can either seat us hang on you cannot see this as g-man saving Adrian or like hey no no I need to use you for something well anyway don't think so here we go there's a glitch here for infinite ammo really I don't know I don't know about that one anyway so yeah as I said most enforce elaborates on what made half-life so great it also adds new stuff and one of these new things we're gonna see pretty soon they took the zombies from the original rights and they evolved them into the genomes whatever they call right so they're like super song bees and that's where it kind of like some people say that's where the cannon stuff of opposing force gets lost like that's when they no longer cannon but they kind of run me off the the poison zombies from half-life 2 I still think this is canon but yes super zombies there we go every time they just tie another layer of a plot armors out of there well whoa whoa that was a happy crate I got it up here and then we got a oh boy this is gonna be the entire thing I guess gotta like mmm we get down there it's a really really obvious dumb Easter Egg they put in this game later on the tentacle from the original it doesn't quite look like it's more like a race X thing please but yeah you kind of do every price and you need to kill it with both gearbox and valve apparently good I think it's your specific tiles that you gotta like avoid or number good all shaky alright anyways I think it's down here where you start to see them Oh God who I forgot how lethal lettuce you want to see something funny check this out but not not this okay you can't kind of stand on this if you do it right they can't do it from love hang on all right I do too I take too much fall damage when I'm playing half-life I know that but here we go all right then we kind of schedule down quickly and okay I think they set it to auto kill coming on whatever I believe I stood on that once and you take a ride and go whoo watch out for this and now we have this goop what's a rusty bucket bay hear that noise that's the that's the D nomes arias he takes part of his flesh and blood Chuck's it out yeah it's incredible I love the design of these is they're so scary look goofy when they run after you though but a man super-soldier zombie plates van co-op I'm sure you're acquainted with those guys gut bomb open this up what a shepherd's ice-melt if you look at the fire with light amplification goggles I'm not sure but Oh give me a second I'm back sorry let's get down here and we're ready to go more this stuff there we go kind of still remember this is incredible like I was afraid of playing a post you know what it is I'm gonna be playing a posting force I'm gonna get to a special place in the game and I mean like how the hell did I do this tonight no I need that for something hang on I need to all do not obstruct the test flame yeah yeah still alive the Zen is already like infesting earth that means you can see it get kind of us like this in the original but I don't think these these things that appeared on planet Earth but I mean it's it's kind of half teleporting the border border world into planet earth so anyway can still do the e press and this happens okay there we go I think that's a solution I need something else oh yeah here we go excuse me there it is alright now we go back into one of the tunnels in the original half-life I believe how does it get through here Howie to health all right here we go all right I think this is an introduction to another new alien hang on versus just two houndeyes at this point I don't remember but hey man well you're you were a good man oh oh yeah this guy you can't actually kill he's dead but you know what I mean like explode him okay well not here and all we gotta actually crouch down and get it there we go so we have these electrical monsters up ahead and they spawn here or are we still doing there they are very much like aliens made some healthier please sue I don't hear nothing here nothing here something here I keep like thinking one of these are gonna spawn into the creped whatever yeah I think this is really the other yelling is appear here we go no these guys are different hang on get this story as you have three other guy dad so these things are beautiful they have this like crate thing going on for Metroid you know they kind of do look like I'm in a way they have spikes and they they have like flesh holes yeah we're gonna cut dirt links from Starcraft anyway get there here ok go here yet yeah I got some health as well but yeah these are something to do enemies in in the opposite force I like the design of them but they hang on let me just do this instead there we go it'll hit some of them hits none you know just do this they're kind of weak - here we go I think we got a new guns soonish but yeah these weren't the aliens I was thinking of that there's these electrical dudes that you face on later on these guys kind of like common enemy stuff but later Monstar really hard to kill rocket launcher that's what I remember yeah there we go really early to the flow of the year the weapons and this is very different from the original half-life I mean it's a different game of course but uh did I miss something no I'm good anyway the foreleg massive once he added someone when I'm thinking of hang on can actually do the wrench here and it's kind of effective I mean that takes no ammo and just if you know how to move like a revenant style and doom then you know you pretty much set to go well I'm a friendly one though thank you all right well I'm gonna keep this guy alive again I'm gonna play opposing force kind of kind of nicely I don't be violently murdering everyone I see but uh oh I landed on top of the ladder damn it but still when I first played a posting force I killed everybody because I was like trying to roleplay I'm a soldier guy I need to silence these scientists boom must be the only one who did that nah anyway let's see here go over here I used to shock and more than I do that Desert Eagle I think the fire rate is actually quicker on the shotgun then this on the the desert eagle but our so there we go this goes over here there we go alright get through here just the armory there we go say a half-life is still filled with with little electricity puzzles and this and that and you know as I said gearbox did a fine job making these levels you know gearbox was very different than they were today gearbox these days they made Borderlands I believe and they made what else did they do like they really took off but back then like didn't make as many games did they knock it back then I only knew gearbox from from opposing fortune like oh dear boxes those guys aliens colonial Marines ooh do kumigar forever oh oh wait a minute if this goes there shouldn't this open up I think I mean it not might need to backtrack here actually could be could be again this is where I kind of forget what to do when opposing force maybe that's what it is okay so we learn about the Rope training this is actually like an electrical wire um oh no no no I don't know elevator rope but yeah gotta swing the swing was never that good in opposing force but it works you know all right so what's this hmm can I go up here I think I can hang on there we go I hear noises I don't like these noises how great this goes up here right then I can't get through here well I can't go here hey guys it's me trace the wrong air oh you know no no no you just do this hang on uh can I wait will this work can i maybe just do this hang on maybe we'll see you actually got to do this yes a little little grid on the door truly impossible get through okay actually I think I need to do this a little tedious but uh yeah I need this first and then I get through here here we go oh god my ice I'm not sure I can't just throw this through the window hang on I think that landed yeah there we go so it kind of works all right thanks and that's all the way in or okay well can I get through here through Stefan on the ask the classic doom thing where you can't just slightly go above I think that's why we need to push this here we go good luck progress if you don't have explosives I think there might be an alternate solution to this though Oh wolf this crazy this is so fast we go kill that guy give me my pickle hahahahahahahaha anyway supercharge it in a way I sure do all right all right yeah yeah I love you here we go all right now we need to get down and we need to regroup with my Marines do this and now that we've done that we can use the electrical wire to climb here we go they're gonna blow this up I think they ever gonna stand here and do this the same guy pitched down all right now you have normal voice okay let's go man that's what I remember the most about opposing force people blowing up doors and handling AI squads yeah the little idle chatter they do too baby baby shoot his back while opening the door what why huh I'm not sure what that did but sorry come here yes sure thing what do you do wanna come on a little trouble getting in alright well but why I shot that guy whatever Mike Mike job guess what help me out now now this is why I love the put opposing force like giving your teammate something to do and like chillin together I just love this part of the game where you like you know you got to survive with friends you never really had that a filling in here you did have that feeling in the original half-life but it was more like pastor bys of like scientists and Barney's and stuff like that in this one you really feel like all right friends let's go friends better be okay up there yeah nope don't do anything drastic here pseudo sven coop yeah there we go killing together all right open up man and kick ah boom there's something up here isn't it hey I told you clear the air this all this will [ __ ] up here alright s Jones weird I think they're all here see here's the last gun in the game it's a teleportation device should be a lot of fun later on but yeah I think you can find it Gabe Newell's office in this or something like that hang on let's see if I can Oh alien alien grunts already arks and of course I am always the one to survive last [ __ ] this ah first death a better idea how about do this come here that's a little bit better and now I have my friend surviving the other guy go this conference sucks powerful presentation Hey all right Gabe Newell's office wasn't half like one I think okay anyway thank you here no no I got to go down for the supplies I think they're quite down first death what about your adventures in lakeshore town now oh yeah that's right spooky door don't write anything else I can get here all right let's go man yeah let's go we can never like trust your allies to follow you too much where you going like some of the AI pathing and half I wasn't having the greatest so you kind of have to squint your eyes and get like a scope come here come here there we go never too reliable but I always kind of ignored the flaws of the AI it's really funny on the PlayStation 2 version it says unparalleled AI on the back the most realistic game ever made alright let's go in and kick some ass I swear to God the the board golf's a diet all right there we go it's a reference BFG nah Employee of the Month I forgot about this this is where this is where we ask mature men would like do this give him like a mustache even though it has one but like we should give my pirate patch hang on to making me seem like a more of a bad guy there we go kind of white punished Gordon there we go big boss are you guys wait down here I'd been them free men with ya know it's always looking pretty grim for these guys can open this up yes I can can I guess Thanks how am i do how about the desert eagle and this they're really good for the the alien grunts okay so what do I'm supposed to do here can I do that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I figured it out I'm smart boy current stream is looking pretty grim all these this world's man Oh they suck it not that not the greatest strength of of this but I mean they were they were trying to get more of the either physics stuff in there you know I appreciate that let me guess alien grunts okay there we go I keep remembering this one like a Bridgeport but then it that's in blue shift with a zombie on it how much applies thank you no no [Applause] all right I do like the fact that the radio chatter works as sort of like a where you are in the world calling for help on stuff that fact love that it's an iconic place in opposing force I think we all remember this port the door hints they still have Goldeneye hands there we go Oh God terrible I wasn't aware where I was going ma'am do that again they're real oh no all right anyway let's try to take him out yeah we heard you the last time who are these guys we can always throw icicle set them over ooh I like where this is going can I get up here oh no not yet oh I gotta actually smash this open I think hey wait wait wait I thought you were on my side always so these are the cleanup of the cleanup the government decide that was all god the government decided that you know if the Marines can't do it we'll have to get the super special dudes I did that really clumsily so let's do that again you know let's again and then nice that's better and I would do another one of these special Marines huh all right there we go whoa okay well ha ha joke's on me you gotta be real careful now careful traitors die and so do i apparently alright third attempt where you see where you see that special training paid off whoa I didn't realize that grenade was like cooked already alright I'll be a thing for I'm high on it can I give him this oh wait I an actual medic not noticing like he's giving med kit cuz I don't know how to administer it I just kind of eat them there we go you don't want to fire this by the way as this happens kablammo alright anyway so that's not the way we want to go we're gonna go here anyway so whoa okay okay here's what we do have a better idea you have an excellent idea for this you don't need to do that you can just do this instead already a genius plan genius plan ready and then we stay far really far away and then we amazing we're gonna still be careful these these are friendly to me or I don't think they are no oh god I guess it can't differentiate between flesh I guess this is called a free man flash this is marine flesh okay yeah yeah let's go hear your comment okay but it's right here around you're Ella started care for these Marines I don't know why but like I always appreciated this you're like oh here's 200 they're all now you got your insulin it's fine thanks doc let's go man and let's go boys it's or anything in here no he's a Tyrus okay anyway ambrosia damn this is like the second day of sex reference we drop tonight today your other come on I love these two dudes I they always seem to die in my playthrough some opposing force though but you know loo shift when when I complete this game all right oh boy Sam to shoot some some black ops dudes Oh No engineer man [ __ ] and the other Marines my lament but the other solders I didn't hear what he said this probably said like no he was my friend see if I can hang on I think it need that guy actually little try this again you were a good man let me do this let me do this okay I'm gonna press e on him right away I will not have this man die I won't haven't died he died doing what he loved running if the bullet is smoking a cigarette wait yes I do that huh okay here we go all right so we're gonna take this real carefully one do this okay you guys didn't dive it over that whoa whoa what the trail okay so here's what happened so because of that explosion that explosion he assumed I did that explosion to him and that's when he like oh Jesus all right let me do this right I wanna make sure that they're far farther away so okay now could you be more inaccurate you guys are good right okay cool let's go you're coming with oh there's more dudes now okay fine I forget all two dudes like with these to the roof or this guy kills everything check this guy out it's amazing oh boy least assassins - oh God okay actually it helped for my Marines here they got with the machine-gun he's dangerous all gone six HP let's go okay that granny is gonna kill me dude okay one HP you guys go ahead okay actually and help from these two deuce now thanks but you have a shotgun and let's get this open I just love a post enforcement I mean I would always say this is like if you love half-life and never play this you you're doing yourself a major service you need to really play this it's it's just an amazing game is for some reason people don't like it as much which I mean it's not as good as the original but it but it adds a lot of new fun stuff he's gonna do I'm gonna have you actually wait down there I'm gonna go up here and get these guys hang on hey buddy to bring the others that that helps buddy I think it's hold Eon I'm and that did yeah mm-hmm sorry for the location by the way hey it's one of those things where I always play the opposing verse with like a lot of night vision so all right boys let's go I have what the [ __ ] every girl let's go you come too no no no let's go can't we navigate come here you too everybody comes along now yeah awesome we got everybody we got everybody everybody's coming along yes I love this and let's everybody get in line and cool awesome this party time hell yeah alright I just saw I used to play this game there's another area that we we were in before but alright they're coming right who reads the 18 and it's the a-team I want to be murder dog gear can you guys deal with this now oh God [ __ ] Oh watch out there we go they actually fit covering stuff too which is great all right boys Oh help me help you I'll Alvey you guys deal with this I'm gonna heal up in the meantime technical oh [ __ ] hey you little look but that's a human nice oh sorry sorry this just jump and do a backflip into nothing like we're okay this guy's hurt I need to help him we're all kind of hurt though the load all right let's go yeah that surf see right boom top now boys help out boys throw brain up kill him kill him kill him awesome yeah fire away mureeds alright we're all here we're all here we still survives oh my god on microphone no man down [ __ ] okay now all the medic is down I think we just lost another marine yes we did they have a - remains two guys remain whoa why why did you why did you do that oh yeah there's a guy in there help up [ __ ] man nice they really do help you like it they aren't just not thing in the way that it's occasionally it's funny like they do help you and I appreciate that alright here we go I think it can just go down here and they immediately run to where I am hang on yeah there we go this is it it's still electrified though oof alright now this is the right way actually hey friend now I teary oh do I go on this order okay boys is where we gotta say depart move out of the way move move move me too so don't man you wanna get hurt I'll take this you were a good man [ __ ] sake man okay we're just gonna pretend these guys died then I you know and that's also stupid but I kind of want to reload the same even though they're just dumb NPCs I kind of grew a little affectionate towards them I'm like I'll be back boys you know what no I get the I'll get the machine in the regular way okay there get out of the way oh this poor man thanks man cool all right good I'll see you boys later blue wrong do the salute thing with the hand be like roots see I guess is this the small things in video games that I thought I loved doing I like to be a good guy still and I in a way a good bought your tools super Phi Oh watch out all right anyway today see that's what you know you love a video game and uh does this say Frank here I think that's Russian and they're actually but you know you love all game when you do a little like semi semi role-playing and unnecessary stuff just cuz you want to like stain Canon of the world and stuff like that I don't know man all right I said it we've been here before actually yeah yeah the tram stuff there we go rocket launcher rocket lounge chair I think you could have actually had the guy open that up no no no no no no no man I ever got to do this there we go ooh all right and then we smack yeah all right anyway see what we got it's ready oh this is where Wiggles border goes into thing if I'm fast enough maybe hang on check us out and I can also do this check this out see for a for title ah valleys and terminated so I attempt to create temp temp oral tat paradox well I love the fact you can do that your created the time paradox there we go anyway get out of your freamon see that's why I love was it but it doesn't stop like that okay anyway let's get out of here having horrible flashbacks in Milan and almonds into uh get the chump told oh there's a chump - over there you know let's get up here you not open this up hang on let's try that again the background what I mean how the hell is he breathing I think Zen actually has oxygen or something I don't know what this isn't ailing but so apparently there's a chum tote here but III don't know I've never seen it we wait a minute you get the teleportation device already I thought it was like at the end of the game okay well so here's the teleportation device this thing is it's great it allows you to just kind of like skip it's like the portal gun but but shittier you can't just teleport ever anywhere in a pocket dimension at times there we go oh oh my ice well the displacer can and I'll be careful now we don't have infinite gravity oh god I'm [ __ ] here I'll there we go you go up here yeah you guys gonna be a big threat to me now see how these grenades working Zen do they work as usual kind of hang on I wasted my grenades here it's fun yeah okay whatever feel real bad for these this local dumb phone and I'm just shooting them down they don't have to be struck breasted man they're gonna get up here wait whoa whoa Oh all right good I might above the thing up oh yeah I'm supposed to go down here whoa teleport here fry Easter Egg hang on yeah yeah I remember that way but before we do that squeaky boys all right here we go oh no no no so the right thing I'll ask you to become part of the portal hang on check us out and now we are in the training room [Music] it's tricky love this port so that's not like the BEC gone it's like okay so are like a BFG sort of I guess but you gotta aim it directly at the enemy like displace them oh yeah we gotta like crush this open I believe hang on yeah here we go again I love the fact that they elaborate on the original half-life stuff with this so I can now we got to do that again but that was fun so it doesn't really matter what's up okay good now we get up oh I'm actually supposed to go up here hang on whoa gear box had a good job with these spin-offs well actually blue ship wasn't made my gear box this is only gear box but it feels as official as possibly could be like just fantastic I love this game or can I recover each killer each no I can't all uh well what I should let survive that okay I'm really safe scam which is horrible but then again if you watch an island fight from last stream then it should be quite acquainted with my overuse of save scumming alright now that goes there and did that before it's a just get it get up there hang on oh [Music] there we go hmm I should really start using quick load as well but I have you go whoa huh all right crush depth now we're kind of like midway through our posting force already I I don't think we're like too far but yeah what do you think of the gun man chronicles I don't play that I wish there'd been a fish official half-life 2 spin-offs you mean you got the episodes but anyway I need a scientist for this no no no no I'm good no I got to go over here hang on there we go I think I am in the okay the aliens are currently doing so but okay well well well you're supposed to save in this game for [ __ ] sakes well yeah but I just do it a little too often so alright so what's that what's the gun man Chronicles this is a half-life motor er here we go [Music] all right hello all right come on man it's like it's a game a but cool source oh I like the sound of that come on anyway it's quite good western space fees okay marvelous licensed by valve made into a standalone game really I never knew about that look at those shoes now this this light that's just a flat texture they're gonna come along oh man looks good I got all that and you know what you know what let's see this thing in action let's see where he ends up I think he just died I think this teleportation thing is so good I think he got like smushed into spam because there was blood all right come on dude mom got plastic bags for shoes yes right - I don't feel so bad this time then shoot me alright anymore okay hey killing machine alright well Allison's solution obviously so let's just keep on trucking now we're back here though but oh hang on set the other way no a different area okay so all boy let's do a science you guys remember I don't know if there's an a gawky new Takei fans but last year's no laughing was hilarious because they did science and there's a segment where they do this like science thinks and they gotta guess the right outcome or else to get like punished for something and whenever whenever they show something they go it's a science [Laughter] anyway oh boy this is a science right here oh boy shrila this can't end badly oh Jesus I get out of here I gotta get in here actually yeah yeah do you get the crossbow in this I don't think you do oh Jesus you know I gotta say though these guys are pretty scary and all that but the fast zombies and Ravenholm like nothing compares to that honestly even that poisonous zombies were was quite scary back in the day when I played half-life film like oh god they never died where's to eat eat she saw whatever-your-name-is each Yasur there we go you know I rather use not stop laughing and I gotta watch out for a zombie and like boogers being thrown at me out there we go alright get there here open up the valve there he is what a fantastic idea take that you know what screw it I wanna have some fun now I got all that so I need to open up any of this no underwater combat let's go man can i fire on the water these are weaker than you think by the way I mean they'd look super scaring all that but like yeah this creature is like it died some kind of quick with a pistol but not bad I think it I think it's avantco up there way way more dangerous but in this one they're kind of quick so anyway it's a science all right so uh I think this is where we get the snort cannon you know what's this gamma-x races is this Total Recall clean suit required mm okay hang on what could I this is one of those things where it's got a file okay I see it run in front of me it's just me it doesn't had a crack on it and this time I didn't Oh clean oh here they are here on here are the new enemies oh my god here Arius hey buddy and they have electro insect guns they look like you don't think they look at ants they look like praying mantises see here we have a med kit a band-aid in the syringe okay that'll help so yeah the the a chioce or Keith Keith vs our whatever this thing is already been on earth like they black Mesa I mean you would you know this as the player but it's not like these aliens are suddenly on earth everybody's like whoa what are these creatures like they know of them and I think they actually got the I think they actually got the the sharks on planet Earth I said one of the first creatures but what kind of an airlock doors during it treszura is Asian oh boy so easy DS go to another planet maybe I can I wonder can I reach oh no I cannot can i okay forget about that we're not doing that doing nice jumps nice jumps and leeches that leads there and that leads there something down here I got to do I know that yeah hello sharks goodbye sharks I want nothing to do with you yeah get up are likely the the sign of ease allows us to a rock areas reality they have they certainly retained the the original half-life charm like I can't compliment the level design enough for not feeling off they feel a little slightly different at times but in general it's like good old half-life I mean I guess it's got the same texture stuff like that but so it feels part of the Black Mesa facility not just like sort of Black Mesa you know I like that consistency here's where you see the tentacle again I think you know observational area I think this might be it breakout I think oh boy oh boy yeah Jesus you can actually grab this thing yeah there we go so you can like squeeze this insect and now you can shoot electricity here's this guy all gone I'm not gonna bother with you okay BFG [Music] read this game ghost-like turns it up to 11 is that infant it's an infinite ammo in these hang on oh boy I thought this is like yeah yeah this gun is great you know what's funny I remember back in 2010 when Benny stream this 70 years ago he got stuck in this little elevator I don't know why I remember that but yeah this thing is like way better than you okay way better than way better than the what I call it the Hornet gone that doesn't really work the seven years man a soon to be eight hello oh yeah it's gun is fantastic well this gun meant to be like an easter egg cuz it's very very overpowered I'm not normally overpowered but it's still way I can do this right animation where does this I don't know what the purpose is for that but it looks like it's a Tarak gun like a log it looks like belonging to rock - okay well we did that for nothing I believe what was the point of it what wait a minute yeah we go back here didn't do anything did it wait a minute here we go yep they're here yeah yeah yeah there's another door or something cuz I can't you speed it up let's get on a Pentium Pentium 2 runs very good at the 2012 10 for 24 768 hell yeah dude and software rendering - none of this OpenGL stuff uh-uh well there goes back here but no no no I see the other way around go man go here we got the airway right okay hello goodbye I still like the snot rocket a little bit better but yeah anyway I'll see here uh not here yeah here we go alright get all this stuff yeah yeah oh is this already open well set this headcrab at a nuclear crate little barrel okay can I just get through please alright there we go or these infamous gold source ladders or got a you hold the W and D at the same time to go faster whoa and you die faster well okay and that's another thing too if you managed to get a slight hold of the ladder at the last moment you're fine so like watering hold source to that Tim I did not survive Tim that tiem and whatever you're supposed to do here is this anyway this team good dams anyway I guess because it's spared off or like merit off you got a go with this way yeah oh yeah this is not rocket territory wait a minute I think I was something back here wait can I go in here yeah you can well no I have an idea I do like these levers load and the other lovers like half loaded where you're lucky can interact with it like it doesn't feel like like if for example this fan coop oh my god and spanked off when you go to another level that's like a whole nother level it's still like in the world sort of deal I got to get down here but how oh hang on I wait a minute how the way eat then you're in crap victory this there's a speedrun strat here to propel yourself with the saw into that event oh really you know I could do this you guys wanna try it out let's try it out right let me jump on this way topics we wait hey Biggs shotgun ammo all right oh okay then I can do a little bit of shield Thanks that gun is so cool just the fact that you can like do that love it we're back here now but listen no I mean I could go in here right hello now that stupid idea of course not for me it did I'd go in here yes I did [Music] wait a minute this goes back here yes sorry about that thank you thank god these levels load so quickly the rest would be lost here forever let's just go stay on okay I see oh there's a different elevator that's why I was confused by it oh okay that's like when didn't we already see this I see I see you go back you parent we missed a weapon what oh yes I did I'm sorry oh my god I totally forgot about that let me skadoodle back once again oh my god yeah I remember this now well I have a snart - well we've seen this little creature but Adrian does the same thing by the way Adrian's arms are really skinny or hands rather I on it air it is we go in here and then we not here not there isn't it in here ah no no no no no mmm I've got a sworn there you have the barnacle head could it be in here no I can do this hang on can I get him in he keep going joel is slated yeah but people were yelling at me to get the get the barnacle thoughts all to that it was in this no no no I started about this not rocking instead but that Hamma horse almost pet the abs Ori well we have did an incredible waste of time in this area that's totally bad you know and there we go all right anyway let's okay we have a problem there's a big thing in the way and I keep on like scheduling beside it let's not do that again last attempt frustrating to watch I know but listen we all make mistakes area now that's the solution you're not supposed to play this ball see as I was doing it but yeah alright anyway let's get the the booger gone snot rocket wish you feed like apples too let's not really apples but uh Adrian has no problem doing that by the way it's just kind of like ad just works if we had a lot of weapons now but we still do not have the machine gun but alright anyway do this turn it down just a little bit more there we go excuse me and a lot of people prefer the the sand the submachine gun in the in the HC pack but I kind of like this too okay well I'm just gonna do this then feed my children feed or the doll tech we don't thank me no no no feed on me now let's take potshots strong-ass laptops i'ma tell you still working I kind of deserve that bad I'll just keep on going now where's the snark rocket I know it's here somewhere is Zen healing pool with its ambient drone noise the shotgun in the airship egg looks or sounds it looks more powerful like boom cash is kind of like huge by the past if you're using a single fire or double barrel but yeah anyway cool let's get in this guy's gotta chill out out okay I think the barnacle gun is in the door if I'm wrong I will punch myself what's going on here get in yes here it is it's just not it's not cannon I want to get this first there we go here it is it's like a creature yeah and then you yeah eat up I think it's actually called a spore launcher and I think these are like amphibian creatures but where is he holding these I don't wanna know actually good good thing thank you good boys buy this where this goes ah yeah really good it's a grenade launcher essentially and it eats these hang on this there we go thanks all right good the buoy I had these things yeah these are clues on where where the game is going to end all right now I want to go all periods [Music] okay so we're gonna get the barnacle gun it is Oh God could you imagine putting your hand in that just oh and then we can do this if anything this is realtor or - but yeah even though two or two came later but here we go hey buddies hey buddies wait let me get him Oh God did you see people using this thing online when you're playing all posting fours it's hilarious you can't grab organic or inorganic material but you can't do this anyway so we got that get through here what's your problem huh the only way this gun will be even better which would I'll make any sense is if you Oya hello how are you today is if you actually regen your health while doing this but you are not the barnacle so you know as you can well better idea wait before do that I think there's an easter egg back here weights or is it yeah no this is like an Easter egg on thing we're we're worse the Easter egg I forgot I said in here or whatever the retcon the barnacles to being able to grab on the inorganic matter yeah that did that in math Lester didn't they you know stop that noise could ensue no no that's not a strike something like hear but anyway the glass or learning in the glass maybe in the back does anybody know what they're talking about just people saying check this drug I'm like what well okay well whatever dying to climb and I let's get the rear so we got it you gotta grab these in order to actually get there we go sort of like you be the the grappling hook thing in the glass supposed to say wo7 okay well yeah like the grappling a grappling beam from Metroid sort of sort of here we go can I do this kissy-kissy off I worked out the way I intended [Laughter] anyway yeah whatever well I shouldn't be using my desperate Eagle ammo for that but there whatever and these little elevators suck you like what was the points pick up this guy first do they hate each other yes they do the insects and these guys do not get along at all anyway have ever played System Shock 2 yes I have loved my favorite game but III play more system shock with one infinitely I think I think I miss something I want I'd only notice now we haven't met living people in ages yep most people in Black Mesa like the Black Mesa about the target real [ __ ] like you know people are dead most soldiers have evacuated I'm kind of like left behind sort of oh boy so they want me to get up in the air huh oh boy if you if you if you're silent they can't hear us or see us so sensitive to sound I'll make a sound whoo take it real easy yeah I think I think he heard me ah oh boy ha ha ha ha well I could just do this later all right oh boy get through here and all boy we're about to meet the the sort of like super canticle that's like race X in this yeah I'm gonna get my stuff before I do that all right here we go oh boy and I got to do that fine can never do anything themselves can they the last man I was actually battle this thing to Pitt form or whatever but uh yeah it's there's a very met Troy desk in the sign and it screams - it's really annoying here it is oh it's Star Wars hello g-man mm-hmm but this is not a crusher is it sure looks like it but oh boy here we go onalaska bull worm and here it is beautiful isn't it yes I gotta get steamed and Val even though this was before steam of course but still guys did you just see what I did that was kind of impressive but that wasn't but okay we gotta get just like a bird yeah yeah yeah whatever now this is not as complicated as doing the the the other quest which involves you like going across different levels I think oh yeah oh did I just oh god it's gonna lay sir I forgot about that but okay no no gotta do it now I think this is like you gotta you gotta go and do different parts of the level yeah it's sort of just like the pentacle alright anyway I say anyway outlawed I'm sorry but it's not really like something I tend to say it's just like a verbal sort of like glue were you not I mean it started in Japanese where you go I know you say the same thing in in in Swedish you go to like you know like I you know Minnesota anyway I guarantee you wants to listen and hear me say that you'll never unhear it so yeah this this area is very reminiscent of the original tentacle thing except that's a little stop some stuff differently like yeah you know it's smaller and it's annoying but it takes a while to get get through g---men could have crushed us but he spared us whoa whoa diced what just happened I'm sorry what ah I guess I was dmoz psychic powers okay I think Jimin just heard us like back talking you know it's like uh uh d-man powers is right there's something down there but yeah okay okay so let's see what happens here what is killing me happen again whoa whoa I'm being transported okay let's stand over here whoa whoa what what what is killing me what let's not over here them what's happening what wizard wizard vampire mmm-hmm I think it's the Crushers but okay what's that perfectly still don't do anything very very careful okay I think I think we're done the [ __ ] it's like a [ __ ] witch didn't I get her here though right yeah I've no idea what that was but I like it one bit and I got that I think we can actually activate this thingamabob spooky yeah I've never encountered that glitch before I know what that was about but you like that alright so I have the gearbox now right and I gotta get the valve that's what I referenced earlier right I gotta get up here and do this rights I think how we tonight okay bet there we go I think I'm if I'm if I'm a agile enough [ __ ] kind of oh yeah you know I think this thing is a little scarier than the the other guy check this out I think I can do this yeah there we all time I can't [ __ ] it's cheese but I activated gearbox that was gearbox dull uh [ __ ] I think it was a thing I oh god I forgot over here yeah and they're still gonna follow of little ways to go we got four oh boy don't die now serve this hang on go back to the crusher hang on it's not my side did this are you talking about this like the course there was a vent oh I don't think you need to kill him maybe yeah here we go yeah there's like no reason to kill him right so you think no here we go here we go I'm sorry sorry I I forgot now we have gearbox ah there we go look at that oh no no it really turns into half-life Star Wars now I'm sorry you know what a gang up here it's got wait okay in the sludge oh boy oh boy you tell us our day nice I just I just kind of had to wade through to garbage juice every listen it is it really is a half-life because I might have life a so I haven't had my coffees I can't really make jokes alright there we go now I need to do do that again I can just go back and do this super quick here we go [Music] it sounds like crossfire Oh watch out [Music] satis meat chunks or all right cool things died all gone oh thank god it doesn't flood the entire facility but I now got that and actually get through here can I do this I wonder if I'm not I can't be fast enough I got a here's the bridge control there we go yeah yeah so that was that that was a boss I guess you would call it a Mormon obstacle of anything Foxtrot uniform ember that that song by the Bloodhound Gang Charlie kilo I never thought that we are going to I think there's something down here I can get okay so we see this little stars right they glide or glide around and they they have a purpose right so in the forcing force I mean this this is all what's happening right now is just you know it's a bunch of crap but my life isn't the only thing that that's like a part in the not the invasion I would say but uh you know earth it's you know yeah but there's also this giant thing at the end of opposing force I'm get what's called but uh yeah that thing is like the race X they're also invading and that's the the part of the new creatures but at the end all these stars align at this very specific spots but oh yeah it's the sport oh machine gun I love this thing best machine gun an any video game I dare to find a more cool one just that's that sound it's all badass in fact you can actually speed run with this if you start going this you go faster if I could just can't get me now man so I can get him nailed it damn it was a good estimates on how to throw that grenade impressive all right anyway we throw man anyway let's get up here get through here here we go hey switch over to the machine gun or nanos stock cannon Oh what am i doing oh my god I know I shoot you mini grenades and stuff like that but still I do it out of habit cuz I love explosions it feels good hey buddies oh man something else I can get here that's alright listen there's always done ok bye oh damn it ok there's no incentive for me to go here what a waste hey I'll take my losses hey guys I'm back i oh I didn't realize this thing killed everything around ooh Dyce what is happening to my laser hang on I didn't realize it was so deadly to the surround I mean I knew but not that kind of like now that portal gun sucks it so like violent I got that got that got that got that got that all right I'll reload this - all right here we go and let's go if I didn't estimate where I was going Oh God I only were right that they have us pinned down but except them hang on is that the guy yeah a good sniper cover man don't shoot man we're both gonna die man explosive sorry out of habit so one of those 1hp runs maybe somebody's stand here in wait for him hang on Diddy's explode himself I think it did whoa Colbert reflexes man I just miss the tongue health and stuff like that but add no matter the one HP curse here's the big guy no different one I just do this actually I'll do this - well Bob that moment he stepped forward to me boom you'd missed a sniper rifle damn did I stay at the stay there okay stay there yeah oh man there we go keep pacing these guns in this game man I'm going by too quick anyway I like that one bit hey everyone else better shout out and set a guy yes yes you got to love that old-school Counter Strike Gor you know when you shoot someone in the head it's like how long it's like bullets fountain follow us along with the the god the bullet it's coming out you know what I'm talking about anyway let's get out of here it's not rocket I love that sound effect road blowed that's not the way we're going this is about turning real serious soon we're gonna have a nuke go off and I gotta like this or Matt I think yeah this is this is the crazy tunnels I would say this is more of a Boston last guy at this part you just do one thing right just one just one don't even worry about it okay just just go man go well hate the sport they're so they're so hardcore that they will kill you and just go man just go don't bought it with him gave so much help all right over there area another thing I got to do over here whoa oh I lost the gate killing me I thought I was like deaf another witch after me you know what listen it's kind of so powerful in a way can just kind of do that construct and if you don't reset for select will pull blasting at the shot from you either there we go hopefully I'm gonna say this but I don't think the shockin in in in the half-life is that good like it's okay I guess but it certainly isn't like the best what's through a reason I'm doing this oh I say these are infinitely spawning that's what that's what's happening you just gotta shut these things okay I see that's funny my [ __ ] you're talking about I mean it's it's it's it's alright the comparator revolver that's ridiculous thing is like not that good I mean I love shotguns and in video games but this one is just yeah but I'm also wasting ammo so you know it's kind of my fault a few writers just leased a piss on these dudes all right no no okay I happen lo health's I'm gonna do this fantastic it's not the way I came from was it I hope no it's whoa babies granted to be standing near the the babies that that'll not piss off the mom no no okay we're out I think we're out oh I think that really quick - is dreading that part look at these bones man pick and clean everybody s I think I know he's gotta reload all my guns there we go Thanks now I don't think you get the Nestor doodle in this one I'm pretty sure enough this mess already gone sort of revolver instead of a revolver you got the desert eagle let's go let's jewel the war zone man screw that sorry boys you're on your own okay this is a terrible idea to like try to get through here as fast as possible because these these guys do so much damage it's not even point okay you actually have to come with me no okay go ahead first these are guys got to be the cannon fodder at first and I'm filling the rest go man go go go go go go go I'll help out [ __ ] it till invincible this guy's well oh yeah I thought I had way more health and I'm thinking I'll spank off that's why Mandel almost medic medic medic medic help me up man these guys are safe I think I can tell by the the lack of voice okay cool nice let's go oh he's still alive heal your friend heal your friend if you still have stuff for it wild man down man down all right anyway I think that might be I have an excellent idea get in get in all right they throw a Spore stops - actually you know what boom rocket launcher almost are else and it can't help me [ __ ] okay now these guys are not to be messed with seriously damn medic medic No Oh stand off all right I have an excellent idea check this out whoa don't do that don't shoot me now he did it I think he took care of the easy the end apprentice alien right on the ice Hawkins oh all right one guy remains well let's switch over to the Ebro can you have a sort of huge Arsenal in this game so you it's up to you to like really think about what you want to do and call that tier and I want to go with the the full bang I know if the full bang is adequate at the moment but turn around man it's gonna call them oh my god do it man can you you want to do it for me he did it okay I'm sorry one HP let's go one eight speakers it keeps on happening I don't know why what all right these are due I'm gonna press E on him hang on I died anyway okay oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy no healthy yet gotta be real sneaky about this too I don't want any now it's all in the mind okay I'm gonna go I think we did it yes we did no we did not ah ah yeah okay good whoa now my kingdom for a little bit of Health oh thank god oh this thing you guys remember this bridge same bridge I love the UH posting force music tail all right cool okay we gotta blow them up I got to get to the other side of that huh all right mmm they want me to go over there off hey g-man how you doing okay use the cannon button use the TNT man why and how that he gave and get him here maybe it was sleepy or something activate the thing boys you have the dynamite press it [Music] - you guys are idiots [Music] fine where's the ladder aw dammit can I go the same way he went no it's jammed here's the poké flute oh wait how do you do this there we go shut it on this voice here it comes not the Emmet yeah I'm a little too busy here that's what I'm talking can I go this way I wonder let's see let's see stock stock yummy at it'll do as long as there's no sudden surprises by sharks that should be good in here I get this - yo is that Gina it's [ __ ] Gina this you cannot logically die here what I know who that is but more dead now oh my god oh my god nice yeah but they're all dead anyway well we're not supposed to go they were actually supposed to go the the regular way I believe that is a model from the half-life 1 multiplayer span he called half-life decay well no technically not because that will be the place in two version which is the HD pack which may be it maybe they replaced it with that cuz I know it's Jeana and some other lady I forgot her name but okay now that this is pulled down I think let me go down here anything no Colette that was her name no I think I was supposed to go in here it ain't I this goes up here yes way that will go back that would actually go back mmm then I would one night technically there we go hopefully oh it's one of those slush rides water park you can I got the package over the package so that the package in this game is the nuke I got a anyone there we go whee-hoo sludge ride all right anyway there's something down here I can get nope all right now just got a rush because this is like a sniper area oh boy all right let's go boys I'll cover your cover your dumb asses what is a human I got that it's actually the area is one of my favorites in this game it's so open and you can just do stuff like this take that cacti I swear he's lost a grenade launcher but it didn't actually come out of the barrel how good is this music alright anyway we're going here are we going here no we're going the other way where's the other guy did he die hang on come on we got to that point on this thing gilmore cacti I guess all right let's get out of here oh yeah they gettin they can go through the sluggish caps swim I guess okay there we go anything that looks like a red barrel i all shoot all right watch out al my friends arms and legs did you stand over here and alright watch out he was a good man Ashley wait a minute wait I don't need to do this [ __ ] can you do this instead I'll kill my friend I can do this instead hang on wait for it I'm coming oh yes how do you rack when you have a giant sucker towards you just stand there and take it like all right now I'm gonna die but that is the last time you ever see me going to the menus perfect load I know I've been doing that a lot these just out of habit anyway okay watch out buddy don't there we go be careful okay Stan don't stand there man okay be safe I don't think that's where I got to do this you know no other way all right come on other way he's just running around there okay a little bit more up actually down rather right and then sort of here I think no bear and then more down like this even more down there we go shoot is this not how you're supposed to do this I guess we got to hit the tower instead yes shoot me please other way please alright now we go way more here no other way other way yeah that this targeting isn't the best there you go little more up more up now up up up up up up but that's gonna be it alright I remember this part being so good I'll cup that's not it either I don't remember this there we go ah the red door maybe hang on there we go and then we blow this up - ah I see so what's in here about whatever I'd leave my friends alive Oh Oh help me out he actually is helping me out I like that hey but you're shooting me at the same time - so out of ammo [ __ ] alright explosive the ground beef okay you know come along Oh friend oh he's all hurt okay come on man we can still do it okay here we go oh boy you should use the mortar against them huh I recognize this area I think oh boy disgust on my side this time yeah no he's okay this is one of the laziest shittiest enemies in the game they just took the regular they just took the regular stupid Apache helicopter and they pinned that black I said no he's not on your side anymore so dumb so dumb all funky art blue sent Hyrum they cover a little bit [Music] you think that the Black House would have a different like an attack helicopter but no that's the same thing same same enemy all right you have anything shooting down I guess this rocket launcher but no that's teleporter this is work no it doesn't work okay who just gonna be hard how about we do this all right okay this is not going to work I guess they stole the helicopter I guess now that did one damage that did two damage okay now we have a little more clarity and where we are here we go all right they've got that and I still got a no that's not one sees you like solve things with bullets that's not how you do it okay get up there oh but that's organic right I can just gotcha alright so we have that we could look a dumpster fire look it's my stream everybody that connects the big car Trish you know do I have any said I should have conserved my my trip mines I could have done this easier okay where am I going there's got to be something to do with this this this part right here I sure I'm not suppose to load this up No hmm something I got to do here it's not up here all right so let that yes yes yes I think I missed something here on up there we go yeah I didn't really pay attention to that I'm sorry I got that now and then we just go down here and uh zoom all right so simple once you you know pay attention with your eyes there we go it's not about that can now not go towards their own okay we got okay here we go oh okay nice I think we are slowly but surely approaching the ending of opposing force we are at the nuke part now I think yes we are I could tell by the the sort of gosh look to this place hey buddy hey buddy nice the proper phone there's a glitch I think yeah look at this look at this look how bad this looks Wow it's like an alien it's like if you told a vortigaunt to construct a car like human car human human car go forward backward car wheel chair ding and I still get the the way aliens pronounce human from from the Ferengi it next not yet next about next generation sort of and then these face nine human seems to suck other motions seem as good as I think it is oh okay it's kind of be a little tricky or just do this have another one you want some I see you all walk right into the trap man oh now we got like everything here okay ice above it's that's right that's it spore launcher time feed them huh I don't know what I'm firing at but it's about to hit something are they all dead no one more guy deagle deagle deagle oh uh what am I doing here we go nice all right got that I finally move on here oh here we go joel is Duke Nukem ps1 or NCT for better I just looked I guess P is one I guess just get PlayStation not on the place it on pc pc pc ok thanks 40 40 top base or you think nothing kind of all that they're doing it in a garage but all right Marty regular Barney y'all turn the bulb off oh my god JC a bomb anyway let's get out of here that's the other side yes all right so finally I pass I can practice my horrible bunnyhop a skills that's there yeah yeah yeah jump and throw a satchel we're talking about you can do that no all right so we got a good up here I think again oh my god JC but acid spaceport yeah yeah could you believe it let's go okay problem big problem have any ammo for yes I do god damn it I hate when this happens in all games so stupid alright anyway so we just back here okay so I missed something I'm sorry but isn't that where I'm supposed to go like she bosses like move stuff up here and then you can go ahead but yeah whatever let's go paul Blart Pablo I think he can open it maybe let's go not here sorry that's super annoying let's see here's that corset there yeah yeah yeah oh it's just open its open already uh I'm gonna do a sneaky hello alright the mandala structure for mark thermonuclear device aren't we gotta the song this thing yes I would do it now listen it work could you believe it how about electricity then I work either I love you whack it huh knife it ha really how about this really how about we just press E hmm off and on well now you know how to disarm a new key every buddy besides if you if you actually blow up on nuke it doesn't explode it on nuke that's not how nuke works I mean it's gotta be an impact we got a you got a arm at first and then you know I'm not going to describe nukes to you but like yeah it doesn't you won't be able to blow up a new clock that now you know staging point until the aliens came in if you do make it through make sure you have them come back for us all right away wait I'm gonna D man t man what the hell i goddamn it g-man you and your mitten hands dammit - all right I guess you really wanted black basic going you can't go after him by the way so you know all right okay quick quick thing we're not gonna I'm not gonna rush to this area we're gonna take it real slow you're okay I love the V before do that hey your original area yes these guys are they like to the water to let me shove my buckshot in this but so this is my water there we go oh it looks so sad I'm sorry it's a spa in space that's right a little little resort I guess let me see if I can get up here I just did it's not gonna each thread here or something what was the point left neither water is polluted look at the sky but what is happening here is we got a bunch of like rocks and a pillar all right I'm really getting it's hard to get off here hang on but this is the original area that like Gordon sees when he's in the chamber I believe all the freedom is he supposed to go back what am i doing les I got some more health now but now I still got to deal with the Marines we're just a little fortunate but all right the Eagle is the best option here honestly let's see here we go so if you activate the laser sight on the desert eagle that's actually slower when you're firing it so without it total badass weapon myself badass but like even even more so now he's gonna stand here and do this this whole thing works it worked if it works it ain't stupid come here I see you putty withstand a 12-gauge buckshot dude like the face even though you're like a super assassin you're still human takes two but still is an idea oh boy a guy left there's a guy left it's a perfect shot that got shot with a 22 I still survived Ronald Reagan no and he still had like a speech to do and it did whoa holy [ __ ] scare the [ __ ] out of me whoa I'm like what is that staring at me got a damn good old Teddy Teddy Teddy Roosevelt oh my god yeah what a badass that's what we do and then we surprise him and all I still got me though yeah I need this trip have till I saw him and nothing actually I'll just do this hey I'll get some oven hopefully it sort of did I think I became legged here nothing all right Paul got bullets grenades whoa I didn't see that guy all right that guy this is so noisy my god wolf boy I got a lob a grenade with super quickly here Oh a lobster needs as well huh oh hang on now he's got him lower the game audio a little bit yeah that's better god I hope not then I'm gonna watch the stream in post and the audio levels gonna be awful I hate that that's what happened on the half live stream so what weapons do I have I have a machine gun let's do that okay well let's just wait for him wait for him come on over here fine you want to be like that let's actually use the grenades here like competently or you know what can just do this actually terrible all right we need we need something that could work here let's just a strategy let's let's use let's use a science maybe you just know that words that work man okay it's a science who you Salty Dog so I can quickly get him I don't think the shotgun is powerful enough to kill though just unfortunate but no I think you hit him straight in the face 12 gauge up close let's be let's be fun about it hang on ready ready ready you survived that all right we could also do this which is really weird but check this out that might have worked actually sir for saving every moment but get over here great tactical thing just show me your butt alright now now I think we are ready to get out of this area we're approaching the ending I believe there's not too much left of this but still still know about that I'm gonna get over here watch out for this there are more black ops dudes I think can I just get out of here I'm fine you know what do this okay and then can I get a soft landing can I get a soft landing can i no I I will die if I do good save good save everybody I got killed by my own thing oh I felt like doing that I don't know okay I've made a couple of unwinnable sonorus here for my game but it's fine I'm gonna I'm gonna get out of here trust me okay here we go mmm I could have stood above there and and there we go okay I can't fight these guys but I can't distract them enough mm okay we're gonna do this instead I think it's better go back here and do the this one hang on yeah this is a bit way better quick save and then we do potshots I don't want to do this but I think I have to so I'll let them care take care of each other first here we go watch out you'll have a better gun for long distance I mean I have shotgun this I have this infinite ammo Turk night vision off I like it man it's you see better wait it's up to you guys's maturation on or off I don't see anything this this area that's the thing off okay gotcha hurts my eye I guess it's that much I guess I have my my moderate kind of dark that's the thing here we just do this instead I have a better idea maybe you can just uh oh well not mostly fov we had food said 120 that wasn't that it was like 110 okay cool I guess can I hope it works if I see guts in the air then I know I did it right but I say we use the Snorks and I am anything but oh that's that's there we go our videos go on sorry hang on it's back now let's try this again there we go all right whoa definitely the last air of the game who said it's the hardest but as long as we take it's real slow that's we're reborn and go doctor Kokomo all right here we go I think this might help help us the they aren't invulnerable against the other electricity right got them all one HP I got shocked a little bit with his thing so let's save you know I can do a soft landing with the machine gun now unbelievably but hang on I believe it's totally possible hang on I'll [ __ ] break my bones it was 106 okay thanks Leia on the edge now that's right it's art moon now we're really living on the edge [Laughter] all right so I'm not trick them I'm a lure Matt all right how I'm gonna do that I'm not exactly sure but there we go a little bit of cheese there we go now that they're fighting each other perfect or don't do anything now trade grenades all that stuff we just wait we just wait at this point a little bit of a snack just you know I got in with my streams I like to think I'm like my character is drinking with me if I'm eating something they eat at the same time so it's just like have a sip of drink ah military cola all right now gotta be careful it's not a creature no it's like that - oh my god they're still to do this there's that mixed drink mix they do in the military makes the drink mix I got this if I can then autumn autumn I heard that that crunch it's all about that crunching all right now I can collect the spoils of war I believe scary oh there we go mmm splat everywhere holy this this is pluck tune crunch ops all right you know we never got all that something had it out to then actually finish the game under the scare the crap out here you've got to get down below there's something coming through and it's the nastiest looking thing yet some of your buddies went down there a while and I haven't seen them since I've got some weapons up piled up in here you better take as much as you can carry because I think this is it anyway the end of the game I believe [Music] so terribly long game but it's an expansion pack so I said that before but you know it's not that it's short but it's not a full game you know so for an expansion pack three hours is adequate I'd say oh they're blowing all the bones and what's going on all these stars it's beautiful you might be asking if you're never seen this is the final boss of imposing force it's it's it's a weird creature he looks like Cthulhu essentially but yeah oh yeah this this healing thing goes really fast I like that anyway I have ammo for the assault rifle and a soft sniper but alright and here is oh boy oh boy get ready for something weird huh laser gun and I'm gonna want to step into the the the giant space mouth what's going to crawl out of it pepto bismal world oh my god it's it's beautiful Sicily defeat this guy shoot him in the eye and he gets real mad at you and he I didn't know he was vomiting on you and then you do this you got to shoot his portal I think you know what counts once though yeah oh he spawns things here too so got I'm going back to the healing pool he's a cute one isn't he I know why he's got like a portal inside of him em but then again Nylund does as well so then why do I know any well stress again Oh what all of us see what's the UH was this thing that I also have grenade launcher thing that could do this where are you huh where'd you go the cheese that's sweet cheese come here they got a hurry up here I don't think there's a time limit on the sky but you should still hurry up I believe alright let's see I can help this works did I kill them Cathal Truelove the last boss of the game on an eyes not dead yet oh boy I think there's one more hit oh my garden you shoot once until I've touched the animation meeting in advance in the next face I see okay alright anyway let's reload this gun first so I can probably take these guys out from the floor especially a better idea because then I don't have to worry about the these dudes later all they do so much damage alright good now get up here sorry I can't do that yet and we swinging the chain swinging the chains I have the best sir Eagle I might actually work best that's so much damage zone yeah all right thanks and then we well I don't think so and then we got a whoa all right thanks and then we just gotta shoot them once right like that might have done it still alive still alive I can't do this kind of quick I think actually yeah whenever I'll see you in a second Ant Man I don't I first let's try that again all right let's try this again as I said let's just save the deagle Amma for the events talkin [ __ ] regular pistol that works oh okay spider-man there we go I always gotta wait for one more praying mantis and I think that might be the end of us maybe I know the sniper rifle is the best to use for the boss here but uh serious sort of all they have more health now maybe yeah I hit him right on the eye you notice I got to use the the desperate Eagle scope well I have that right all right let's try this eight one more time I think I can just there we go all right yeah I see alright let's try that and this in style oh that was unnecessary he's really patient though which is I appreciate but yeah this creature I forgot what his name is but he I guess he's just trying to take over Earth or something with his troops it might just be that scores III don't remember but how this is gonna work hurry everything's going quickly oh we're out of ammo deagle there we go that's it now he's dead Easter race x2 leader so to speak just like mile up there and there you go that's not posting force essentially the creature is a big terraforming thinking that gray sex user usually all the resource something like that okay well and here you go the ending overall Shepard did we meet at last please don't think that I've been avoiding you a great many matters require my attention in these troubled times I do hope you understand and now I require a further indulgence on your part I cannot close my report until every loose end has been tied about the biggest embarrassment has been Black Mesa facility but typing threats finally taken care of itself the new key quite so oh but there is still the lingering matter of witnesses I admit I have fascination with those who adapt and survive against all odds they rather remind me of myself if for no other reason I have argued to preserve you for that time while I believe a civil servant like yourself understands the importance of discretion my employers are not quite so trusting and rather than continually subject you to the irresistible human temptation of telling all we have decided to convey you somewhere you can do no possible harm and where no harm can come to you no no no no no no I'm sure you can imagine there are worse alternatives cowboy and it was stuck in space Jail detained so and that's the end of Adrienne Shepard now I wish there was a conclusion to what happened - some people debated up was in force isn't like super cannon or whatever but I think it is I could I could dream of a scenario where you know Adrienne joins for half-life 3 or something like that but yeah that those are all wild dreams that I wanted to see but regardless that's opposing force my favorite expansion of the original half-life there's still blue shift in which we are going to play but not today but yeah it is it is a fantastic entry in the half-life universe I think and it's got everything you want you got the the puzzles the the fighting the shooting you know there's Gabe and yeah yes I just love this game it is it is a really cool thing that you can play as the bad guys you know even though you don't feel like it like a bad there's John st. John you don't really feel like the bad guy because I play without shooting the scientists like I originally did and when I when I first play this one I was like 10 but yeah that's that's that so I can do a chase active one or the chase active one and Cl full bright was it F what is the Fulbright Fulbright C Fulbright CL Fulbright I want to see I want to see you Adrian before we go ARF Albright our Fulbright one I met third person nothing huh well that is the ending at least but I want to see him let me give me a give me a random example just quills collide the arias hang on chase active zero yeah that's that's him that's that's our that's our hero that we've been playing s I actually used to play a half-life like this hang on a chase active zero first person and then we Shay's active one I used to play half like like like this I know it's not so silly but I love this games so much that I would just like go around and and be like wow it's a third-person shooter now huh all right before we do that though I must see first person and then I'm gonna see if in pull still works I've got to do sv cheats 1 impulsive restart there we go and then we do impulse oh yeah all the all the Oh revolver bother isn't this ok you just never get it oh yeah I'm gonna do chase act is zero Oh 89 in the rear oh here it is look they model it a never thing it's more for multiplayer if anything what I actually wanted that in my playthrough we got here's the crossbow to guess there was just one alien grunting this entire thing Gauss gone on hive gone he gone BRR all right what else that's it nice anyway so that's that's opposing force god damn that's loud I think I got map C 1 M 1 nos by to see a 1 a 1 there we go you can still go back to the original half-life if you want oh god what try that again 8 - yeah ok you can replay the original half-life if you want hang on f Fulbright there we go was it f C Fulbright I got to see what might thing I did our Fulbright I'm sorry there we go and impulse I don't know this is gonna work or not but no clip here we go yeah still in the game hello well let's roleplay ass ass like the true bad guys and they really know yeah an epochal be no survivors Oh map c2a okay let's see if this works but FS if I because these are the original grunts do they hate me hang on let's go to surface tension no c1a1 no no no no no okay - I think it's earlier than that I think is it si - si si no what is it be - oh my god spinner wasis seen these maps it's C to a five okay thank you you guys are friends right okay let me let me role play this no target in impulse101 and all fellow of Marines hello yes reporting for duty absolutely hoorah hello fellow Marines oh shoot aliens and I'll shoot me go through that accident that work Alice - uh let's really get some wild Thunder rolling where's Gracie various hey I'm a free man I'm Shepard there we go let's beat what happens if I use this and do this it doesn't work okay I on let's blow these things up there we go get this - yeah whatever an island yeah good job all right let's do this yeah yeah yeah what a tough guy just the end they still play if you beat this a shepherd hang on Oh gotta watch out you know I don't have time for this all the cheese it's so easy when you use it with cheats all right I'm a little displaced foreign currently same thing same thing let's just do this [Laughter] alright then that let's do this we're gonna open off Gemini's body massage can do that do this my eyes tell us another one mmm cheats and then we hang on let me throw some of these Maddie's really spawning these a lot alright anyway I want to see what happens if you oh my god this is work on them hang on wait let's no clip I mean I mean I'm just purely super cheating at this point but that's kind of the point I want to see if this weapon works in pulls here we go yeah thus you can actually kill them with this or let's suck them all right let's suck the nylons here we go what's happening Oh disgusting what's happening it's like in Starship Troopers well okay mm-hmm i'ma fix this oh wait wait oh wait we will speak s there girl wait [ __ ] wrong guy how about to do this no no yes okay we go a mr. dementia songs local sweet gives audience migraine here we go it's a big big finality I want to see alright come on g-man give me the option we're gonna see what he has to offer us don't sit down so what are you offering yes [Laughter] goddammit alright well and that can probably do this to a third person are fulbright one yeah I'm the wrong guy it's not a posting force Val this all right hang on map c1a1 what's what's what's the one before that hang on guys what's what's what's what's before what when you first arrived to the Black Mesa research place what see c1a1 okay thank thank you we're gonna do the finger and a one and A two and A one two three I'm part of the cleanup now on the Freeman amok Freeman Ghadeer scientists ah goddamn science pisses me off but the you piss me off [Music] wizards piss me off Oh a Mirian Shep Ronnie to clean goddamn scientists have this for lunch you dumbass [Music] by anyway uh so that's a posting force pretty badass a game I would say a bit of a classic in my opinion you know III would say that uh it's not as good as the original but it is an excellent compliment you know it's like okay here's why here's how I see half-life the original half-life is the best burger girl ever have a posting force is the fries and blue shift this the the milkshake I guess it's good all right you're gonna talk to me or just gonna ignore me huh huh yeah how do I chase no no I said y'all was it but is it back 20 no how do you how do you like skew it so it's like to the side chase active the third person and then there we go okay okay okay they can keep going I really wanted that coffee man okay there we go finally on my coffee hang on let me let me oh I'm alert against caffeine had enough of this that's a posting force everybody great game we're gonna resume with blue shift not today but soon but yeah gearbox is an excellent expansion back to the original half-life love it absolutely love this game anyway we'll be right back to show the art I hope you enjoy opposing force a fantastic thing anyway I'll rap back sit tight more stuff coming right up alright let's check it something or tonight we have from let's see here [Applause] cobalt chromatic bogan rose to compact it's tiny it's great so like it from from derv I'll leave Joel [ __ ] [ __ ] up virus okay inclusive stank inclusive stanky mayonnaise oh hell yeah from our anti ears I was mentioning one of the Daedric princes - Baron oblivion and I think one of them is the Daedric Prince of corruption I think I said that vinny might be that more like ball or whatever but alright mmm there you go I like it from pop cats four five eight seven a little bit of a more sailor mushroom big old piece nice from blazer man 2001 killed me now think beyond my ass featuring Dante from Devil May Cry okay from Avon here's both bogan and me got a nice cyclo t-shirt on there we go you're with lice it's pretty nice from g.o it's an animated thing I check this out oh this a really nice Joel we'll be right back know why but I'm ran of the the the world the Mac logo the Macintosh here is a individual the colored one that just yeah there you go look it's like a techno party its I like it Daedric chatter - BRB I'm not I think I've seen this before on the board some Scribblenauts art I'm not 100% sure but here we go combo vana here we go here's some party 60 fort bacon give me that [ __ ] shell no [ __ ] ye it's mine now [ __ ] off so I've never grown bacon before and I'm tired of being player - come on yeah so the the stream of bacon i flying word 64 will soon be available on youtube had a lot of fun playing with them and you know it's it'll be available soon but had a lot of fun and really good work thank you so much camera vana we said I was a treat seeing or from you naps tat-tat nap nap start on me own apps Tony oh there we go roar shelter here we go nice I liked it a lot seems throwback to so now once I played since I cranked that off Christmas or something for old times sake very nice thank you so much felissa roar oh here we have one of the shock trooper shock shock Roche I don't know what you want to call him but very nice transparent to accept and I look at that I don't know why but I saw this shotgun a spy it's like verse Tommy Vercetti at first I don't know why I said it's the blue blueness I'm like is that a Hawaiian shirt is you're holding a tiny vercetti well everybody that's gonna be the stream for today I will be back maybe tonight I mean I did that last time with the half live stream in the morning and then we'll do it on the night when I do up I'm gonna do a morning stream I have energy for the night as well so we'll see but alright anyway guys go I'm gonna let all the host stream decide one of the dudes cuz I gotta like head out right now I'm really stressed on time but anyway check out twitch.tv slash team / - sauce for the rest of streamers I think Darren's live so it's gonna host Aaron anyway peace out take care and thanks for watching me play or posting forts see you know seriously yeah thanks for watching and I'll see you around Thanks
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 675,632
Rating: 4.6829181 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, opposing force, gearbox, half life, epistle, epistle 3, steam, valve, gabe newell, mark leidlaw, script, adrian shepard, marine, hecu, army, gman, speedrun, final boss, teleport
Id: e4t-n879e_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 47sec (14027 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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