[Vinesauce] Vinny - Game Boy Trash #3

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okay so Gameboy trash continues I would like to do I've wanted to do a part two for this for a little while and now I finally can do it I have some extra games the pack has been bolstered and I still have stuff from last time that I didn't do some of these games sound really bad and there's a Star Wars game in here that I really wanted to see last time so I don't know what the [ __ ] that's gonna be but it's probably not going to be good welcome back to shitty gameboy games I'm gonna start with the Gameboy game that is Star Wars Yoda stories I'm going to start with that gameboy color you you crush tourist games oh my god [Music] already something just feels wrong [Music] oh the music feels wrong right [Music] Oh [Music] they probably should have just kept their names off of this game [Music] you [Music] my controller is not being recognized for some reason you now it is [Music] new game hello look troubled I am interrupt your training treatment your mercenary friend Han Solo knows the key of a force yet vital to the rebellion happy acacia pick up that's why that why this is so is beyond the Jedi Masters understanding no matter Jabba's agents have impounded the Millennium Falcon what on Tatooine again rescue him you must add three the Falcon take this power coupling you will need it to complete the task he just spit that out at Luke he had he was hiding in his mouth what the [ __ ] non-canon stuff is this nor did this actually happen Oh No Oh No oh this is really bad [Music] you hot around here yaar azim all this is this is you [Music] be sure we don't meet outside young one [Music] I guess there's only one song in the entire game this this might be it's gonna be hard to top this one tonight folks it's it's killing Jawas and droids with my lightsaber like a [ __ ] lunatic welcome to our planet sir I'm a medical droid class two and meet qualified to treat all injuries and wounds if you need my services don't hesitate wow that's a lot of dialogue for a small game then II this is honestly a masterpiece compared to the PC version really that's interesting to hear you say [Music] so when a chat said this game is considered a war crime in at least 37 countries so it turns out han solo dancing - i'm han solo is not the worst thing to happen to Star Wars in interactive entertainment medium [Music] while they actually got the blaster sound in here on a gameboy color cartridge good for them [Music] you hey open up show some hospitality I could just see Luke saying that clear the Imperial riffraff and then we'll talk it's Luke forcing people to open their doors so that you know you can get in there put a boot set the boot from Mario was that [Music] Luke also when he lands on Tatooine his home planet you know he likes to just [ __ ] kill every droid and Jah why he confined with his lightsaber well within character nice work kid but the bar is reserved for senior pilots no admittance without a valid ID card but you said I'm gonna go to Taji station and get my power converters I can't tell who's an enemy and who's not an enemy I really don't know what is that [Music] with the ID card [Music] someone said they remember from when they were a kid that the green boot is a ration you can use to restore health I'm sorry you had this as a kid oh I can actually show the ID card [Music] oh my gosh but it's so like the FPS is so it's so janky [Music] how do I know you didn't steal this card I don't but if you want an early funeral Who am I to stop you there it is there's the bar the famous bar is at Green oh no beige all a solo job but from dad ah time for me to rewrite history and slay grito with my lightsaber wait a minute these events are all wrong [Music] if Luke is training with Yoda this happened already why is Han Solo hanging out with grito again who's already dead [Music] one qqqq solo not dead Jabba [Music] McClung key [Music] 10,000 I have to pay him maybe 10,000 credits why is Han Solo [ __ ] helpless against greed oh and and trapped in a corner can't do anything this isn't the Han Solo I know I have a lightsaber why not Luke fight saber [Music] I'm done bug attack Game Boy Advance game wait a minute I mean that's that's from Donkey Kong Country a new wire and my controllers is not this cable is [ __ ] Agata why's it go from blurry too sharp between options and start [Music] oh my god [Music] am i throwing TVs bricks [Music] this is homebrew right that's a Zubat I just killed a zoo bet this is homebrew that's a Simon Belmont walk cycle same for the whip that's [ __ ] c-3po [Music] why is this game [Music] bug attack oh this is some particularly rotten homebrew [Music] [Music] Linux penguin I'm in the sky now I've ascended [Music] [Music] look at amazing I don't know what game that's from but it looks very familiar the next original Xbox War of the monsters Hingham monsters we're inside the computer [Music] Intel Inside [Music] and you're debugging the computer yeah I suppose I am why am I still playing this I don't I can't we don't need this lockjaw the overdose oh yes lockjaw one of my favorite games classic puzzle game lockjaw Weimer I don't know what this game is Jerry it's it it's called Tetris no it's not very favorites oh this this is what white why are things going mental [Music] just because you can doesn't mean you should I have control over that and I can make it zoom with the L&R buttons right but I also have no control over it when it decides to zoom [Music] if it wants to zoom it zoom just whatever it feels like a chat [Music] it's getting me sick and I'm doing bad at Tetris anyway next is smashing drive that was Game Boy Advance so this is a collection of games for both Game Boy Advance game boy collar and regular Game Boy that's its name regular Game Boy [Music] smashing drive yep good good cutscene again anything that's 3d on the gameboy advance you have to think like that's really [ __ ] impressive that something like this even exists so I won't like docket points for attempting to be 3d it's just wow we've even got compressed human singing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this isn't that bad I'll be real this is this is actually this play is actually kind of okay aside from the three frames a second I love jerk Joe bayen singing in the background that's my favorite part [Music] yeah I'm amazed that this game works as well as it does on gameboy advance that said I would not want to play this for more than like ten minutes fun fact engine this game runs on blue roses was made for 3d graphics on the GBA and still around and runs on current gen consoles yeah the resolution the Game Boy Advance was really not made for [ __ ] like this even the D s was kind of struggling with 3d a bit it had a couple good moments a couple you know I had good 3d games for sure but you had to kind of still optimize it and get it get it good so this is a whole generation before Nintendo really was like planning for 3d on their handhelds but yeah it was just the resolution was real low on the DS re to GBA was on this engine well have you seen six pac-man [Music] Resident Evil 2 on the GBA chat look up footage of it if you if you get a chance that looks decent looks kind of ok if you want to look it up more homebrew [Music] the pac-man ghost with the band-aid [Music] this looks like a DOS game yet does it really [ __ ] does [Music] Chett there's no game here as far as I'm aware there is no video game here I'm pressing every button to try to go in indoors can't I can't get in here gonna climb climb what oh I don't see that [Music] yeah this is like the rat attune hack man that we never got that maybe if Sega had the franchise they would have made [Music] this looks like the shock top orange [Music] yeah but you collect like like drugs and like you know beer in this particular game instead of pellets 6-pack man I get it now finally [Music] [ __ ] you [Music] hell boys eat a bag of of what [Music] I like when the guitar goes but I cut it boom boom [Music] are you kidding me I thought we were gonna get vocals I wanted to hear the song with the vocals [Music] at the power up that Wayne's World fascist Pig Bank this gave a spicy chat oh I can't believe it said hell boys for example combat advanced John chief yeah no this this is you don't know you do not make your sprites this big it may look cool for a second or two do not make your sprites this big please it's just like a Godzilla game yeah he's massive how do I turn oh I have to double tap [Music] I can't believe how much of the screen master chief takes up it's it's absolutely insane yes I have like 90 grenades amo they totally could have fit that extra m in there guess we ran out of enemies oops sorry no game left it's good sprite [Music] Batman Begins this might be yeah this is officially licensed ei trash it's in your ass so when a chat said I still own this game well let's find out if I feel bad for you or not [Music] keep an eye on that bat freak could be [Music] Alfred can you hear me quite clearly quite clearly sir please do be careful okay dr. crane I like when it gets corrupted all right let's pretend the corruptions not there that seems to be an emulation issue I mean I'm playing it on my real gameboy advance but it seems to me an issue with that very strange yes so they went for hyper-realistic like animations for Batman which is not helping the game very much look at that was that lips with a mouth tongue out that strip strip bite joint yeah that's pretty [ __ ] this is pretty gnarly you'll need that in a warehouse through the skylight sir may I suggest usage of bow rank press r2 crowd that's my Michael Caine impression [Music] now I'll just keep going it on don't blink I'll just keep going an adult link and the bigs keep coming in and out stop coming down I'll raise the cash perhaps it's best left in a fire department sir laughs I'd have to Crane [Music] about to just usually crap I select the switching gadgets oh that's excellent oh this is this is rough not the worst game I played tonight but still no no one gave a [ __ ] when they made this game really stiff clunky it feels like Batman's wearing hockey pads [Music] yeah it's better than the Super Nintendo version of Batman with Val Kilmer Batman Forever Super Nintendo that was way worse than this I don't like how smooth Batman's legs are makes me uncomfortable [Music] I mean it's all well and good right you're getting mugged and then smooth Batman shows up and that only makes it worse skin tight smooth like tight a [ __ ] shiny whatever material I don't know what that would be what nylon why is it so bright because Gameboy advanced didn't have a backlight good hit detection yeah it certainly is oh look it's Killian Murphy Batman claimed I'd kill for a look inside your head luckily I had my patience to do that for me and thus concludes Batman Begins Masters of the Universe he-man power of Grayskull 2002 Mattel that literally Batman Begins happened Batman spent years training and saving up building a Batcave all that stuff right only to be killed by the first like tough dude that fought him imagine that imagine that movie no trilogy Batman begins and ends castles under attack he-man listen to this techno music if 10 minions invade the castle we wiII die I don't ever really like this perspective with a d-pad that's the block animation chat I'm not doing any I'm not pressing it quickly I'm not trying to make it look stupid it just looks stupid I kind of can't tell what I'm looking at half the time like I don't like those those were skeletons right skeletons and armor I guess did you know that if you change the letter h in he-men to a letter s you get a different word it's the game starring Leonard Nimoy from years ago on the Dreamcast see men [Music] [Music] nice fine tea men smash open barrels and jars when you find them sometimes you'll find items that will help if I could tell what these items were yeah this is just another just shovel we're just just pure shovel just just to have the name he-man on gameboy advance because the gameboy advance was just you know like easy money I guess a couple easy bucks [Music] Wow someone said it doesn't seem that bad yeah [Music] [Music] rescue the men-at-arms so he can fix the drawbridge it's again not the worst game ever but yeah it's it's it's not it's not good it's not good and there's supposed to be a man at arms around here all right what do I do [Music] [Applause] [Music] Adams family okay this is wow this is [ __ ] old ass regular gameboy all right Adams family 1991 we are going back to the past [Music] I might have seen this game advertised in like funcoland catalogs and at the time the Addams Family movie was pretty good [Music] yep well I mean a lot of these properties wait why am I playing is Hitler so a lot of these properties that they wanted to make games out oh this is this is a really cool cool gameplay loop get overwhelmed by ghosts so a lot of these like properties these movies these TV shows whatever toys you name it they wanted to make a video game because it was the hot thing make a couple bucks what do you do with the Addams Family how about a side scroller where you throw knives at bats done print it ship it and it happens like there are so many games where they just took these bizarre properties that had no business Cheers the game I'm making that up but maybe it exists Frasier the game Seinfeld the game I don't know who knows and it just it becomes this bizarre like home alone was pretty bad [Music] Addams Family Values is a surprisingly deep RPG for the SNES sometimes they got it right I mean a movie like Goldeneye like anything James Bond obviously fits the video game world pretty nicely because the dude is basically a video game this is not about like this is as stock standard look at look at Christopher Lloyd this is as basic as you can get for a gameboy game this is in fact what Game Boy games felt like in 1991 so I won't be too difficult I won't be too hard on it but I will say that this is a very confusing game before they really figured out how to make better video games it's just boring and you get overwhelmed by the same enemies over and over again and again you play as john c reilly as hitler so i don't know how i feel about that that sprite is not gomez addams [Music] Batman Beyond return of the Joker poor Batman got so many bad games [Music] time [Music] yeah the Arkham City games were obviously very good it's not like there was just a zero for zero there's there's plenty of good games but I think the amount of shitty Batman games I've played on Sundays I could you know I could open up my own funcoland [Music] mostly just bad Batman side-scrollers my fighting like The Wolfman [Music] also this pack was called from shitty licensed trash which is why we're seeing a number of licensed games mixed in with homebrew and all kinds of other stuff so that's why the moniker cheap Gameboy trash is is the title for this because it's not specifically licensed it's not specifically trash it's it's a whole bunch of stuff jokers number one [Music] then have you seen Batman Beyond I know what it is I haven't seen more than one or two episodes I was never a Batman fan growing up which is a mistake because that Batman show was phenomenal it took me the Batman stuff I liked as a kid more the Tim Burton movies never saw Batman Forever aside from a couple like Jim Carrey moments on HBO never saw more than a couple episodes of the Mark Hamill cartoon and and then I watched the one with mr. freeze a million times because it was so terrible I loved how bad that movie was Batman and Robin [Music] ice to see you god that movie is just fantastic alright this game is just not fun it's a beat'em up with one button one button combat which is a kind of a limitation of the medium more so you know you can have beat em ups on the NES that were pretty good but then you have stuff like that it's just it's boring these days I guess the flesh [Music] whoa [Music] well he moves a little faster than Batman [Music] there is a run button [Music] that is a we [Music] I say there's a run button but it's just both buttons at the same time [Music] I can't tell if I like this better than Batman Begins but or Batman and Robin but this is also technology limitations more than it being a terrible game [Music] someone a chat described it perfectly it manages to be both too fast and too slow at the same time yeah when you start going fast things scroll by too quickly but otherwise you're just real slow and it becomes a kind of a boring beat him up it's fine nothing remarkable to talk about here nothing to make fun of too much either Bionicle for Game Boy Advance this was sent in recently actually I don't know if this is any good some people may like it the person emailed me and said that this was a childhood game and said it was really bad but I only play these guy I listen I acknowledge that I'm only playing these games for like five minutes each so I'm never really fully gonna be able to say like oh I played that game it's terrible like I can say that my five minutes with it we're bad I can say that I don't like it but you know I'm sure there's people out there that like this game I'm having some issues with the controls specifically turning this perspective does not work with a d-pad as mentioned previously [Music] I don't know about this one chat I absolutely do not know about this one the camera the the controls it's it's um [Music] can anyone email me at this website to tell me how to play this game I can kind of like hover [Music] you have to jump many times [Music] oof I like when the music's yay-yay-yay-yay ay-yay-yay Wow Wow you brave souls that liked Bionicle that had to play this game when you were a kid I am so sorry perspective oh my god so pressing up on the d-pad means you go up north up up east we have a little bit more time so we're gonna go very quickly with these next games and I'm gonna play for you cars on the GBA I want to knock these games out because we only got a couple left so [Music] what's always tell me you like cars Jay Leno is that even you anymore someone said stop skipping dialogue what the [ __ ] are you trying to read I gotta go fast you heard me what do you want to know from the cars video game chat member what do you need to know so this is another game that kind of ends up it's not bad it's just it's way too fast it's the sprites are like too big which is cool and everything they look nice but everything's like way too big so you don't have a lot of decision-making time maybe if I read the lore I don't know I've never watched the Cars movie so I have to wonder are some cars alive and some not I don't get it [Music] all cars are alive okay 80 the extra-terrestrial sometimes known as the extra testicle and if you know about ET then you know that ET on the Atari 2600 nearly tanked the video game industry not totally single-handedly but it helps more than most games I think I played this already [Music] yep maybe not this exact one but I played the ps1 version look at his shiny ass I hate ET so much I never understood the appeal of this thing the movie is fine I like the movie but I do not like this alien well I don't like the way he shimmies and his smug aura mocks me [Music] but yeah I've played a ps1 et I think another et somewhere I don't know if I played this specific one but it doesn't matter ET is not a good video game franchise I'm gonna go out on the limb I know that may be controversial to some alright I know the Final Fantasy seven streams have been a little spicy despite my enjoyment but that is my true controversial gaming opinion that the et gaming franchise is not very good [Music] I hate this oh it's so ugly and I mean the whole game [Music] why're beetles and frogs damaging ET this is a [ __ ] space alien that can wipe people's brains and finger magic and use finger magic and it's like you afraid of a couple bugs don't you people have interdimensional interstellar space flight can't we do a little better than being afraid of bugs et has been captured it's for the best all right I don't know why this was included in the pack now earthworm jim is actually a good game maybe this version is bad yep it's bad [Music] this is some of the worst sounds bad port [Music] very bad port gameplay is is kind of intact but I I couldn't tell I'd have to compare them side-by-side but yeah the visuals are like some of the animations aren't as good the sounds are terrible and the screen real-estate is not good enough so yeah this this doesn't feel like a good part earthworm jim already i feel is a little honestly not that great I think it's okay I rented it a lot of times so clearly younger me really liked earthworm jim but i think i'd i think i'm more like the the character it was fine had a couple cool moments i liked when the levels weren't [ __ ] i like the humor it was funny but then you take that and then you you like distill it down to its pure shittiness on the GBA with horrible sounds and you have a recipe for warm [ __ ] [Music] hey speaking of bad ports do you think earthworm jim could have gotten in smash if earthworm jim stayed around and had some more better games and didn't peter out so badly I think earthworm jim could have had a chance yeah it's a big character for a little while there everyone knew who earthworm jim was so welcome to Mortal Kombat on the original Gameboy and here are your selections if you squint your eyes you can almost see people otherwise it's cigarette burn mark one cigarette stain to the Joker I don't know what that is actually I can't tell burnt penny some hardware is just not equipped to handle oh my god so I don't think I've played this port but this is horrendous I I did not need more than a moment to make the distinction it's really bad I mean you could just see for yourself we don't need frame rates do we not only do we not need frame rates we don't need the full speed of the game at least you can use special moves yeah the one from Moe's it last week what Mortal Kombat did I play last time that was absolute garbage that I couldn't use special moves what system was that on that was the GBA one yeah there's some special moves you might have one or two if the inputs work which sometimes they don't I can't believe how bad this is how about Sonic the Hedgehog on the GBA I probably have played this port feel like I have [Music] looks good so far something feels wrong with Sonic [Music] sonic is like floating around at the speed of different gravity I don't know if something is wrong with this dude also zoomed in yeah again GBA limitations it makes it difficult to see what's coming up and when you're moving that quickly you're gonna need as much visuals you needed as much forewarning as possible put it to the spin - chat there is no spin - in Sonic 1 alright [Music] anniversary mode has it yet not only is Sonic really floating but the camera is not doing this game any favors otherwise it looks like Sonic I would have I would imagine a lot of people got fooled into buying this - any other differences in anniversary mode or is it just spin - [Music] Vinny this came out on the same day as Sonico six while philsie that does not bode well that's it's just spin - what what a laggy [ __ ] game this is awful like they're trying so hard to get the sounds in this game and not have them sound like [ __ ] but it's not working out that great [Music] vini there's a story of a fence so upset with the sonic GBA part he made his own as homebrew which is perfect I guess it could be done then [Music] vini this game runs a lot slower on real hardware so even slower than this and finally one more game Game Boy Game Boy Color Sponge Bob 2001 SquarePants and The Legend of the filthy crust what is it called I don't know the name of this one legend of the lasts lost spatula let us join Sponge Bob I'm not gonna skip the dialogue I don't want to upset anyone look out Sponge Bob what is this he has uncovered something well mr. Krabs will know what this is mr. Krabs I found a statue that statue marks the entrance to the Dutchman's underworld and okay I'm skipping now all right oh it's you talk to me that is a [ __ ] very quick jump hey there little square dude what why was spongebob naked don't do that ever again what a lame attack Oh cuz I saw ya spongebob was in his underwear I was wondering why is why spongebob and his tighty whities it's because yeah you take damage you lose clothes so I mean you can clearly see what this game is but I'll just tell you it is a very weirdly controlling game it doesn't it does not play very well the bubble attack is just god-awful there you go sponge underwear and the jumping is finicky and way too fast I mean you know so there you go I feel like I'm preaching to the choir here but you know what I mean I just needed to explain why this is tough to play because it doesn't it's no one play tested it no one played the game they just put the code in and then they left it and they just released it [Music] I open this fresh pair of pants well good for me [Music] [Music] while fish took SpongeBob's pants off [Music] that'll be enough that's all of it that's all I've got that is a full Gameboy showcase of just some of the worst license stuff I've seen in a while there's a lot of other stuff that I could be streaming in terms of bad games on different systems I've got collections of Genesis games I've got n64 it's just yeah I guess people like watching me play bad games would that be fair to say whatever the case is tonight was some pretty pretty rough [ __ ] but I hope you enjoyed the stream at least I did tomorrow more Final Fantasy 7 maybe some Animal Crossing rimworld soon maybe we'll do some more marble this week and might do that via our chat showcase and maybe other random [ __ ] too thank you everybody for stopping by
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 83,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Trash, Bad, Games, Awful, Funny, Weird, Bootleg, Terrible, Star Wars: Yoda Stories, Bug Attack, Lockjaw, Smashing Drive, Six Pack Man, Combat Advanced, Batman Begins, He-Man: Power of Grayskull, The Addams Family, Batman Beyond: The Return of Joker, The Flash, Bionicle, Cars, E.T. The Extraterrestial, Earthworm Jim, Mortal Kombat, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spongebob Squarepants: Legend of the Lost Spatula
Id: 6XpeMken_0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 52sec (3532 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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