[Vinesauce] Vinny - Quality GBA & GBC Games

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so this is a little collection of games for Gameboy oh these are for gameboy advance most of them urban Yeti again so this is terrible gameboy games I'm gonna say do the pack in Reverse [ __ ] okay well I'll do this one first and then I'll go in reverse this looks amazing Neri made this oh my god oh my god I don't even want to spoil this for myself Jesus so I didn't know this game came out most of these games I didn't know existed throughout time and around the world the let of the legend of the Yeti creature has been with us no matter what you choose to call it be it Bigfoot Sasquatch or abominable snowman surely it must exist surely surely a crust exists but how do something why look at that compression is it possible that these creatures have been living among us for some time if they live among us is it not not natural for them to have human desires do something like do they crave the comforts of home and family what the time has come to find out urban yeti find a suitable mate are you kidding me get ready to Yeti I'll [ __ ] off these are bad touch hands if I've ever seen them did that bird just take a massive dump a female Yeti scream and it is coming from the mainland you've got to find a way over there before another Yeti does hurry urban Yeti the survival of your species is at stake this is [ __ ] insane Oh oh my god I think my yetis an [ __ ] [Music] this is truly impressive levels of bad look look at this dude scooting the burbs while seagulls continue to take shits overhead did not take shits only give shits I have to say I'm getting like a slight degree of motion sickness which doesn't happen for most video games holy [ __ ] this is chaos ooo the cops have gotten involved now [Music] [Applause] the Yeti can scream and disabled vehicles with its scream some of the camera it's good camera right Winley in the far oh no I'm dead [Music] that's actually the the good ending believe it or not I mean the game is almost 3d kind of it has a GTA feel it shouldn't be I mean it's not awful [Music] no I mean like the game isn't entirely 3d it is 3d right so the buildings are 3d I think some of the character oh oh ah how 3d works [Music] jiggle buildings it's at a rat a rat knocks Bigfoot off of his feet [Music] you can't go there urban yeti it's a toll bridge you are a Yeti the tope is four dollars looks like you need a job what find a newspaper and check the classifieds are you serious [Music] no I refuse to believe this this can't be a real game well there's the newspaper how the [ __ ] do I get up there though oh there's a ramp [Music] this is a very confusing game I hear some checking Twitter I wonder if this has the Nintendo seal of approval [Music] employment opportunity available the city is looking for a soup kitchen manager must be willing to tolerate abuse and work just for tips apply within between the hours of 7:30 and 9:00 1930 interview start tomorrow [Music] okay [Music] and what's the deal with urban yetis 1hp the legend of the Yeti is about to come to an abrupt end and this is all before I could work at a soup kitchen sorry sir we're not accepting applicants just yet we closed at 1930 please come back after so my god [Applause] [Music] destroyed by bird herds oh wait no I died but then the soup kitchen accepted me serve customers fast keep them happy wrong are delayed orders I mean the punch means a punch in the face what grab tips before someone else steals them who the [ __ ] would want to work here a Yeti I guess [Music] look at those lips [Music] [Music] [Music] so you're good you fed your fed [Music] this is this is an incredible experience this is like a religious experience [Music] could you imagine this dude this Yeti serving you your food and then when you're not getting what you want you just go and punch the Yeti in the face like that's a good idea I made 20 cents [Music] rich [Music] thank you [Music] can we just talk about the music for a second - I don't have anything specific to say I just want to talk about it [Music] this is such a bad minigame I hate it I hate it so much why didn't you give me sometimes you serve them they don't pay [Music] hang on a minute hang on a minute I've got saves dates for this okay so this is level three [Music] okay what what hurt what is that what why am I getting hurt I'm a big [ __ ] Yeti I can't like steal a car can it no I can't imagine actually buying this game I listen me I could see myself buying something like this based on the title alone [Music] but imagine buying this without ironically liking trash that's the problem Wow these people know how to drive [Applause] they're all urban yetis [Music] just chaos the game is just chaos synchronized policing welcome to the town of Pandora can we serve you okay then here's level four it's the Disqus to a tournament okay the ice is slippery the disks are fast and the competition is fierce wait this game has a 7 out of 10 on IGN are you serious [Music] this game had a TV ad - I've never [ __ ] heard of this game it's just insane [Music] [Music] [Music] I didn't realize the goal of discus was to actually kill your opponent [Music] [Applause] vini this game has a movie adaptation I I just can't believe that I'm sorry even if it's true I just would like to prefer not to think about that [Music] [Music] okay I have to commercial people link the commercial to me we need to see this [Music] it just crashed for the [Applause] it's urban yeti for gameboy advance do you have the power [Music] [Applause] for Game Boy Advance yet call one eight seven seven get Yeti or visit our vignette EECOM to order now urban yeti Nintendo Game Boy pants only $29.99 quantities are limited so don't miss out what was that 1 877 get Yeti you hang on I'm gonna put on my parents credit card you welcome to a merit hottest top line guys hot ladies are waiting it's the [ __ ] same sex line from last time ladies it's the same sex line from last time Jesus Christ how come every defunct video game number leads to a sex line and not just any sex line but the same one there's a conspiracy there is a conspiracy while that was incredible okay now we have to move on to Little Nicky if you remember this the only thing I remember from Little Nicky was the dude with the tits on his head and of course I would remember that and then the other thing I remember is Adam saying they're going half chicken - [ __ ] awesome and that's it that's the first time I ever heard about Popeyes Chicken [Music] anyway how could this ever live up to urban yeti that's me John loveth whoa Jesus guys welcome to the hottest sex line in the industry [Music] alizarin just said I gave you this game physically like two years ago oh man that shit's been swallowed by the void just like Jon Lovitz or whoever the [ __ ] this is supposed to be horny little birds is this Ozzy [Music] oh my god Little Nicky this was on HBO all the time [Music] is this help now it's just Sunday on vine sauce same thing I am doing the list in Reverse now yeah your father wants to see you in the throne room Sonic metal mix God I'm not reading this [ __ ] out loud sorry this got an 8 out of 10 on IGN I'm just so confused [Music] I haven't played it yet really so I don't know if it's good it could what if it is good which Pokemon got a 7.8 because this is objectively better than that apparently I can't skip through this stuff Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire yeah this is a better game than those according to IGN I hate this dude's posture and face so much it looks just enough like Adam Sandler to annoy me earth simulator it's much colder on earth so you'll need to try and stay warm chickens I liked it when I was younger I thought it was actually kind of a fun movie I am not ashamed to admit that there's a couple Adam Sandler movies from back in the day that I didn't mind too much I thought they were good the golf one I liked some of Little Nicky I remember enjoying it because I was a kid it was on HBO and Big Daddy I liked but not again not all of it I remember hating parts of it but there was a couple moments that I liked like schoolbus Steve well I really would rather I guess someone rather like rub my nothing on a cheese grater then watch more Adam Sandler films so they started out like his movies were kind of decent and then it just got worse and worse and worse and then he just stopped caring and he started just making movies like so we go on vacation with his friends remember this is an 8 out of 10 game [Music] eight out of ten noises I think he's like doing a dance I think that's the walking animation there's like he's like snapping his fingers also someone in chat said something about Adam Sandler like he doesn't realize he's not in the 90s anymore like he hasn't moved on I think it's worse than that because I do genuinely think some of those movies from the early days like stand out as being decent movies even now it's just the stuff that he's been making lately is so boring and terrible I watched one of his recent movies which was it was him in like all his friends on like a camping trip what was it was the [ __ ] grown-ups or something so while I agree that maybe the dude you know had some talent and he's still trying to make movies like the 90s I also think that he's just got lazy I won't watch Jack and Jill I listen the red letter media review of Jack and Jill is one of my favorite [ __ ] videos I don't feel like I need to see the movie oh this is the tit head dude I was lucky I got head boobs he said look there's no nipples on purpose cause you know it's a Game Boy game but it says boob head on a gameboy game [Music] oh my god I need better support for my head boobs oh my god oh this is genuinely hilarious [Music] dunkaccino dunk dunk dunk Cochino are you doing [Music] so I know I'm not playing this game the way it's supposed to be played but I don't want to play it right [Music] Wow Wow I'll give it credit for having as many voice clips as it had and I'll also give a credit for the animations which looked pretty decent Rockstar huh okay so Rockstar made this that's [ __ ] surprising this is an Austin Powers game [Music] you what are you doing Nikki [Music] you you this is expecting the audience to read very quickly I want you to know I'm not pressing any buttons that's the default speak okay that was kind of funny oh my oh my god oh my god he's made out of silver I'm going to destroy the world with a giant laser unless I'm paid a ransom of 1 million dollars and through your personal details that aim to become an evil henchman for dr. Evil's organization [Music] I see that you want to be my clown eh I just hope it you don't turn out like scotch I shall call you a hench clown doing my best my pet will be a mutated sea bass okay I will permit you to look after my mutated sea bass until I need it to destroy Austin Powers oh this is already amazing hench person hey you can stay at my moon base but you will have to make your own arrangements to get there it's it now this is just Lorne Michaels now I know Austin Powers dr. evil was based on Lorne Michaels but it is so bad I'm interested in diabolical schemes if you think of any diabolical schemes then you must run them past me first I'm the one who makes all the decisions around here still going still more decision is there game in this welcome to my underground lair it really is breathtaking like a meat helmets scoffs OH that's that's a good animation in the bottom right there isn't it [Music] you it hit the corner perfectly you got for that [ __ ] oh my god okay I mean it's like an evil computer I get it [Music] but like why [Music] now showing big cat cat Warhol yeah sure is a lot of different backgrounds [Music] I can turn this into a destruction stream you [Music] [Music] it's fine that's good now let's let's actually find the folder that has no let's let's find in the games folder screensaver [Music] evil head $1,000,000 that's this is a screensaver [Music] freaking bone throw me a frickin bone here [Music] what are we watching I don't know I don't like that get is it it looks like his finger it's like a [ __ ] hot beef injection man I don't want to see that [Music] it is their game in this I'm looking for potential I'm someone said there's a games folder go back 1 400 this this this evil things oh wait no no those aren't okay hang on James rock-paper-scissors I'm not playing that that wait a minute look that doesn't look like dr. evil so much as it looks like Howie Mandel melting because he finally touched someone without a glove on it's a clan of pac-man [Music] this is the action 52 of Game Boy Advance I'd like to now point out that this game has given me salmonella domination how it's this thing [Music] well that was easy and oh one more minigame that's it you only give for Rockstar went [ __ ] pull Austin Powers with this they wanted to get this to be the accurate experience of the Austin Powers and this is what you get dr. evil he's kin evil Wow [Music] is this [ __ ] happy wheels this is spongebob motocross / happy wheels holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] IGN gave this a three out of ten I love that we're getting IGN review scores for this game as I play them that I think that is a beautiful touch to the stream I'm gonna say though that I would I would not write this lower than Little Nicky [Music] and the reason I wouldn't do that is because it's you know it's a fun little doughy well I mean then again if it's full price never mind I don't know I guess I'd have to play both in full I don't know I just thought the little Nikki thing was atrocious you know they kind of have like a theme here they got the OS show you get a bunch of little things to [ __ ] around with it just needs more like if it was more like Mario Paint and there were better minigames more of them and a couple more things to do anyway this is like pokémon red and blue one is dr. evil one is Austin and and yeah that's what this is [Music] I thought it was a real message nuts it's pretty [ __ ] bet oh god same music the same [ __ ] thing gadgets it also reminds me a little bit of WarioWare [Music] you man so there's like a fake okay well I'm sure there's several good commands in there that I would love [Music] okay that's weird format I thought we were gonna get like WarioWare type gadgets but no programs so you have a Austin's pad [Music] if for some godforsaken reason you want to use a gameboy to type notes to yourself [Music] why would you ever do this why would you sit SEC why would you subject yourself to this Internet [Music] I heard that noise in a while [Music] so it's an advertisement for the movie I can't believe a gameboy game has this in it a reference to shagging and a character named fat bastard really it was Saturday Night Live warned producer Lorne Michaels who discovered him there which led to his Saturday Night Live debut as a featured performer and writer on the show in 1989 also I loved the Mike Myers era of Saturday Night Live I used to enjoy that [ __ ] Dana Carvey Mike Myers Chris Farley David Spade was all right - I mean Sandler was actually kind of funny at the time norm while Norma was a little bit later but that's the you know that's the [ __ ] I grew up with I liked it Wayne's World was my [ __ ] so this is what a movie clip would look like on a gameboy that is naked Austin Powers he's pissing is this legal am I allowed to show this on stream [Music] [Music] everything is so crusty well if I as a baby did not want to watch Austin Powers before I certainly do now [Music] if see stuff again part of me doesn't want to hate this because I like the WarioWare like style but there's just so little to do oh my god stop that hang on I want to check out the game thing as are their games Jesus let's see if they're the same rock-paper-scissors yep same games except one unique game platform game [Music] oh it's terrible this is the same company that brought you gta5 Red Dead Redemption and dr. evil welcome to my evil lair [Music] jeez I don't really know what else to do so I'm not gonna do anything else [Music] extremely extremely interesting from historical perspective but utterly terrible and unplayable okay this is what was playable I guess I don't know this is driver somebody chat said I've played this before chances are I don't remember having played it [Music] and now all so we moved on from Game Boy Color to Game Boy Advance just in case you couldn't tell [Music] nice France nice but no that's the name of it it's actually there's a place called nice nice [Music] it's pronounced nice oh I'm sorry about that so this game came out in 2005 but apparently the Nintendo tsk mout in 2004 like well there's a lot of [ __ ] story here okay I don't remember if I play this the description that Mary included I think is appropriate impressive but terrible I'll be honest yeah for Game Boy Advance yes slick it's cool it's really impressive for Game Boy Advance I mean gameboy advance was capable of limited 3d you remember the [ __ ] flight of the Falcon Star Wars game with that glorious three frame a second 3d but Tony Hawk was was a launch title that had some 3d what other like notably 3d games where they're on Gameboy pants [Music] monkey ball ex vs. sever there yeah there was a couple of first-person shooters I gotta be honest this is kind of cool I mean why would anyone want to play this especially you know if the DS came out did to be honest the DS wasn't capable of the best 3d but I almost would have a hard time distinguishing between this and DS for some of the shittier DS games some of the DS 3d games look terrible but this is this is fake 3d it is there's a lot of tricks being used here what I have to say this is really impressive I can't really run anyone over [Music] kind of kenton but just knocks them down [Music] and you got like a full map to explore it's like if you only have a gameboy advance and you want something that's reminiscent of GTA you could do a lot worse Wow look at that warping oh man oh my god that was that was really impressed I'm eeen the game secrets have been revealed everything is made of jell-o this is like kind of a psychedelic experience just walking around and looking at the 3d there's a punch button I hit it with a manual blast [Music] just keeping everyone on their toes well we got some bonus corruptions tonight too this is really an interesting specimen of a video game I know there's probably stuff to do and things to collect them races to do which I'm sure the racing is the most fun part but I'm not gonna be playing this long enough to find out I just know that as far as I can see there's no punch button Vinny this was made by two people and they made a bunch of technically advanced games for the GBA and ds2 people made this Wow also the [ __ ] cars are sprites but it actually looked kind of decent usually when you know you're doing sprites in a 3d environment it looks terrible [Music] Thunder alley [Applause] good [ __ ] dinosaur is that a dying pterodactyl [Music] tango blow look at these characters so that's a talking about the b-52s that's the singer what the hell is her name I knew it yesterday Candice Chucky Biff Sarge buzz and two cool Queenie I'm gonna go for Sarge [Music] or Peggy yeah that looked like Peggy Bundy oh boy well here's another attempt at 3d know where Neal izmir is know where Neal is Armstrong it's nowhere near as elegant as the previous game the resolution is really really bad [Applause] but you know it's trying [Applause] then again you know what else was trying the [ __ ] TI 86 [Music] someone ported someone ported the goddamn the goddamn doom to a calculator when I was in high school and I tried playing it and it was that would be you know what that would make for a good stream TI 86 i think that's the name of the calculator i had if there's a way to emulate that and stream games from it and you know actually play it on stream that would be amazing his Hawk can do it oh I would love a collection of games for that like the stuff that I played in high school that would be so good I didn't learn math because of that calculator ti-83 that might have been the one [Music] hee hee [Applause] I don't really want to play any more of that because it's [ __ ] boring and terrible but again I'm really surprised at how kind of decent the 3d is on some of these things just come okay so this is some dudes video I want to show this to you for a second this is what it looked like I'll tell you the name of the dude it's um LGR if you want to watch more it seems like he's got a relatively interesting channel so I recommend it but just check this out think of it this way you get this expensive calculator you know and you're in you're in high school and then maybe like a couple days into the semester you find out people have transfer cables for these calculators and that there's games and you could program games and people were programming games and it was like an underground game market okay so it was like the black market of video games where people would just trade them and like whoever had the coolest games was awesome so I remember there was a couple people that had like really good games and then they would come in with different games and then I was like wait a minute doom and it kind of sucked but you just you played it anyway there was like a Mario clone there was a game called like fallout or something there were puzzle games there were just shitty nonsense games but like kind of stuff that you might see on the Atari or NES so that is why I didn't learn math there is a fake Pokemon to so this is chicken chute oh yeah like flappybird esque games to [Music] Kate Pierson that's her name just came to me without tryna so I played the first one of this thank god there's a sequel yo I want you guys if possible would you guys be able to tweet me your favorite calculator game so I can check it out later and maybe make a collection if you have any experience with this I can't play that anymore so here's medal of honor underground okay so nari says that this collection maybe should have been called games that shouldn't have happened instead of terrible games they're not like completely terrible you second okay so Medal of Honor under [Music] that chicken game was obviously just could you imagine paying full price for that [Music] cool cool even during these scenes I can still make the noise [Music] okay I take back what I said this is absolutely atrocious [Music] that was a Molotov cocktail you just saw it [Music] oh I know it wasn't never mind [Music] if this is bad this is real bad are these like Nazis am i killing like World War two German soldiers or am i killing spacemen how does it play it's it's it locks on it's just really slow it doesn't play any better than it looks I'll tell you that much normally when they had to translate a 3d game to a handheld they just make it like top-down or a side scroller like you remember perfect dark the Game Boy Advance oh no no is a gameboy color game I think and apparently it wasn't that bad this is just pixel diarrhea if you squint it kind of looks like it kind of looks like what you get at school for lunch like if your screen just looks like a plate of greens like mystery greens that exists by the way it's not just mystery meat mystery greens exists [Music] Molotov cocktail just explode I guess they do yeah I think I didn't play medal of honor underground on the ps1 but I think the idea was that you were a member of the French Resistance Oh what the [ __ ] is this good good game engine you got here yay [Music] is their doom on the GBA I think so I don't know [Music] so this is a game called not Nintendogs doom one end to our GBA then they run any better absolutely doom on the GBA and it's better than this [ __ ] who pocket dogs you did doom GBA corruptions oh yeah I guess I did [Music] good chat [Music] [Music] nice to meet you a a it's only for a little while but please have fun with me [Music] so it's just pictures they didn't bother to make animations for this while really lazy it was so-so [Music] what's worse the talking dog or no animations I'm feeling grumpy uh-oh oh don't look at me like that [Music] actual part of the game it's just yeah it's just a terrible terrible terrible intent oh [ __ ] terrible Nintendogs it just keeps corrupting okay I'll try not to I'll try not to do that again for the sake of all of our ears this one's called get fat no rules get fat pH 80 remember do you remember that in the 90s we would say that fat that shits fat do people still say that starring one-eyed Jack yeah one-eyed Jack back in the 90s that's with them them lads used to call their dicks too so this is a very 90s game the subtlety of a dump truck that that was Jack time for school can't gotta watch snoop nasty and the super homies know I'm saying Jack it's time for school whoa I'm sorry mother but I'd vastly prefer to watch my favorite animated television series oh it's a translation whoa that ain't snoop nasty how odd that is not my favorite cartoon character we're from the planet punk ass we think we're all that better move your butt fast because we're here to get fat alien monster we are aliens from another planet we believe that we are superior we advise you to flee our mission is to it is not to improve your health oh yeah well I'm one-eyed Jack I'm fat with cocoa soul and I'm sending y'all back down yo slimy punk ass my name is wha argue the comments for this it says early 2000s the game that bad about sums it up you got yeah you got everything you got like slang you got a limb Mouse skateboarding hip-hop you got a dead child impaled on rebar Wow that was like surprisingly [ __ ] gruesome there it is again what new and creative ways can we torture this poor kid how about more rebar someone said in shet doesn't look completely terrible but another person said they almost got their ass hole pierced by rebar which is no joke does that mean that your butt cheeks got pierced by rebar cuz that's almost as terrifying I don't like that IGN gave this a 3 out of 10 what did it give Medal of Honor underground in anyway oh my god what is perspective why are people obsessed with IGN scores I don't really hold any like weight over an IGN score they're one of the original like review sites it was between them and gaining a spot back in the day so when you know early on before there was metacritic before there was before there was any like real easy way to get like a collective scores for a game you just had to go based on a couple and IGN was one of the ones even back in the day though people didn't exactly trust it but it was still no review from IGN for Medal of Honor underground but five point five from GameSpot so I mean it was a kind of a big deal but it was also a way for people to like engage in console wars and be like oh this game is objectively awesome they gave Ocarina of Time attend it's the best game ever from state that PlayStation losers I liked EGM because it was for reviewers for scores and if you didn't like one of the reviewers you could just read a different one I think ocarina was absolutely a revolutionary and wonderful and beautiful game but it's just for me some of the review scores they were there was like tilted very high so seeing a 10 on IGN it felt kind of common whereas if GameSpot gave it something a little bit more on the like 9 out of 10 10 out of 10 side it was like whoa anyway this is um some hardened pony you you øt got numerous tens well I'm saying GameSpot was the type of place where if they gave something a ten I'd pay a little bit more attention because they were a little harder on games they would give like a lot of really great games lower scores than IGN but to answer your question why people still give i GN that kind of level of respect I'm not really sure though I love hearing about the classic review scores because that's kind of just what we had at the time what is a pardon like a partner it's me you I already hate it I remember in the early days I tried to stream pets horses like four or something this is like six or seven years ago and it was truly a terrible experience but it wasn't like I just decided to move on from it like oh I'll stream it for five minutes I'll stream it for ten minutes and then I'm done I tried to [ __ ] complete the game that was a very very how powering experience I don't know why I tried to complete the game I really couldn't tell you it did like three or four streams of it and then that was it [Music] wasn't a good time it wasn't even that funny I mean a couple moments were funny but I'm sorry I'm missing out on all this lore [Music] holy [ __ ] I am getting anxiety playing this like I can't make anything happen and it's very frustrating put new straw egg you know what I just want to ride the [ __ ] horse and go on an adventure I can't even do that [Music] this game is somewhat cursed perhaps more than someone [Music] music though wait what the [ __ ] is this what I think it is you [Music] I think it's that oh my god it is now scoot though I'm pregnant it's the Gameboy Advance version [Music] I guess I should revisit a little bit of vine sauce lore about three years ago two and a half scoot the burbs this is a real song people were spamming this song on YouTube with scoot the burbs and so the dude who uploaded it you know to preserve this like little punk band that barely made it you know just because that he liked their work but people were [ __ ] spamming scoot the burbs so he ended up deleting the video anyway so here's what happened I played the Game Boy Color version of this there's a video on my channel if you if you've not seen it right and I heard this song and I thought it was really funny so I started singing along to it [Music] like you know scoot scoot the suburbs it's still up but the comments are disabled okay so I ended up from from memory from what I thought this song sounded like I ended up making a song out of it and I was off it wasn't the same song so I made my own version here you go [Applause] still like that baseline I made up [Music] yeah yo jack [Applause] [Music] [Music] we go it's a piece of a very very silly grown adult man's life just a very very silly moment in time it's been about three years yeah scoot the burbs was three years we did it live version of scoot the burbs at [ __ ] too many games two years ago now it's about two and a half years [Music] anyway yeah it was kind of more a play on just all these [ __ ] like pop punk mm like like a lot Jack I don't know who [ __ ] sounds like this but some of these songs everyone sounds like paths [Music] and I like some of that stuff I think it's it's kind of fun music like if I scooted I would scoot those burbs why not but I just never understood the vocal thing that was going on there it was so it was so like silly this game controls exactly like the same bag of turns this is a very similar game to the one on Game Boy Color from what I remember and you know it's like Tony Hawk it's got an isometric Tony Hawk kind of feel to it it's not that bad it's it's a little turd like but it's also you know just complete Tony Hawk instead man Tony Hawk was great this is I don't know what the [ __ ] this is but by the way that was a glitch maybe [Music] I mean it's it's a cute little game but I still think Tony Hawk on the Gameboy Advance is better and it's especially Tony Hawk on PlayStation in n64 [Music] okay so this one is that was a nice trip down memory lane this one is called games explosion [Music] question [Music] Doku good yeah it's called neon squares everybody neon squares remember that it's not pong very different different [Music] this dude wants to cyber it's a [ __ ] GBA plugin plagued basically that's how nari described it to [Music] can we just call this action 53 oh I thought it was climbing [Music] game over life lost camera that camera keeping up keeping up with the action keeping up a good pace [Music] you know how I know a game is bad I have a knack in my streaming area at the moment it's like a little fly and I can't get him cuz he's too fast so I stopped trying it he's my pet I named him Herman it's fine but whenever then that flies by the game is especially bad [Music] where's Herman someone in chat you said it's not a problem their name happy muffler and then everybody clapped no it's um I see what's going on here we got moths versus nets [Music] this would be an unfortunate gift to receive [Music] you [Music] you know every time I return to the title menu I was like what does this remind me of this looks like something the title menu I know what it looks like [Music] [Music] you [Music] do you know who that Pokemon was [Music] mmm-hmm do you want me to reveal the answer this Pokemon [Music] but [Music] Pizza Man lefted like oh god it's the game from urban yeti papper yeah there are a number of games that had this style this is not a new concept this is like yeah it's like a shitty plugin plague slash action 52 kind of thing I don't really know like I said it would be really unfortunate to get this game collection [Music] good [Music] I am pressing the I'm pressing the required buttons I swear I'm pressing oh okay good avoid blips just a picture of a [ __ ] solar eclipse for the backgrounds in this game they just use the dhobi like eye candy [Music] I'm just waiting to see the fire effect a fire plug-in then I miss the I miss adding fire to everything in Adobe Photoshop [Music] what a game [Music] can't do any more of that actually before I do before I do this I'd like to this this is something that I couldn't really include as its own thing so I figured I'd throw it in this stream you know I'll go music write the algorithm music generator well someone did a mod of it [Music] I'm gonna try up a song title divine sauce the special theme abide sauce like we need to see the name of the song too oh this actually kind of sounds like thing Mario will be here shortly mario has logged in sparing mario is best a little lets it go this is really entertaining to me it won't be in about this is genuinely amazing dreaming of stars the silver Simpson music this is my life where people get to make modifications and that's what we get we get that for a Sunday stream every now and then it's just a beautiful beautiful thing this is my Animal Center in Africa so okay um the relocation Africa went great your hospital is already opening today become a meerkat veterinarian Africa simply breathtaking nature and all the wild animal out of so many event hospital buildings are her I have the volume on there's just not any sounds in this game the [ __ ] happened in the sounds you I don't think I attempted to turn them off see maybe I did my accident you know it will go really well with this I think malgo music [Laughter] it's a good face you got there okay [Music] thought we were gonna get the Rugrats theme for a second [Music] I don't know why this is included in this collection well okay I want to give it like a second here I gotta give it like a minute so I can actually see what the gameplay is why am I so fast you gotta be fast you know when you're a doctor you got oh my god you cannot find anything remarkable see how no [ __ ] the right eye is gummed up with a suppurative secretion when you look at the under lid you will see that the conjunctiva is very red in other words shits got pinkeye all right we need to open your eye please the right eye is sticky so we know what it is we've done the proper diagnosis your butt okay but spine we know what it is if you could if you just continue the diagnosis the game-keeper will take the animal away do you really want no wait no no I'm sorry I [ __ ] up the gamekeeper I press the wrong button I guess the meerkat is just gonna have to live with pinkeye forever [Music] don't examine everything even if I can't find anything remarkable I still have to check every location okay so it's it's obviously conjunctivitis it's an allergic reaction or a bacterial or viral infection which the vet can treat in several different ways the animal stays in the hospital for a few days during which you can regularly administer administer eyedrops I know how to speak wait we already did this though urate oh this is a new animal well how do I fix them how do I save the animals I know how to diagnose them Wow whatever I'm just gonna let that song continue to mutate I mean I watched Woody Woodpecker when I was younger but that laugh eptein song oh [ __ ] this is his remix Wow [Music] Oh wavy GN did an episode on this dead dead dead a Janet yeah yeah so why there five of these did Woody Woodpecker really sell that well a character from like what the fifty sixty s I'm not sure this is the one where Bugs Bunny showed up oh right that's an old-ass one one two four were Bugs Bunny okay I had crazy castle on the Gameboy could never complete it try it so many times want it to like it it's like a semi 3d Woody Woodpecker jump button oh it's it's crazy castle if there's no jump on I like how the attack is actually further back than when I press the button like yeah the beat is lettin sticks out a little bit just it just feels weird it just feels wrong I mean the best thing this has got going for it in my opinion is the music kind of like the music the title screen to this otherwise it's it's pretty much yeah it's it's crazy castle all right all eight keys they're like puzzle platformers [Music] also woody woodpecker's confirm 1940s Jesus Christ that's a weird addition to your face they're just it's like just the way it's drawn here I mean doesn't that look a little odd it looks okay right it's fine naughty a day in Toyland [Music] [Applause] this is described as the bare minimum it's a new day in Toyland Nadi is sleeping peacefully in his house for the lowest common denominator time to wake up Nobby begins his day in Toyland and goes outside to find his car and then he realizes he can't drive and crashes it into a [ __ ] ditch but not he's okay because he's not a real boy and he's made of wood there and there's a happy ending big plans for another exciting day you jerk [Music] I'm gonna nickname naughty is that okay I have a nickname cut for brains or maybe [ __ ] for brains [Music] I mean you'd normally say shit-for-brains but I just I wanted you know I wanted to do something unique I wanted it I wanted to do something slick something cool something wrong well cuz that's just the kind of guy [Music] he's done nothing wrong what naughty I don't know I can I can probably find a couple things that not he's done wrong [Music] let's check his search history [Music] you this one's called a kill switch Colonel it's me almost snake you [Music] oh no no more 3d future soldier music is the best way I can describe it okay allow me to tell you what the game controls like for a second forward moves you forward right obviously and then you strength with left and right and then you turn left and right with Eleanor [Music] [Music] [Music] feel like I'm in a dream Snake Eater I'm really really not sure what to say about this game there you go okay [Music] it's scores some [ __ ] field goals field goals and so I thought they were called when I was a kid dumb [ __ ] [Music] [Music] I mean again it's a 3d game on the Game Boy Advance right so you're gonna get you're gonna get what you pay for which is like don't do it like if you're you know yellow man don't rub it in I didn't see them when they came to MSG conspiracy entertainment please god no sea-monkeys like this little fried shrimp Fra would have fried frozen dehydrated whatever the [ __ ] they did to them brine shrimp I gotta be honest chat sea-monkeys freaked me the [ __ ] out when I was a kid they just reminded me of like little bugs just gross little bugs and then the cartoon versions of the sea monkeys are just ugly but yeah I guess we have a sea monkeys I'm surprised there wasn't a sea monkeys like movie wasn't there a TV show based on the sea monkeys the Snorks no no no wait can i torture the sea monkeys like i was talking about the other night it was like talking about like like like torturing AI by the way Mogi who did the corruptions for Final Fantasy 7 Chrono Trigger MVP Mugi told me through email about a very interesting thing which is there was an actual there was a game 20 years ago that was made to look all cute and everything that had a I like these creatures could like develop PTSD from you abusing them like there are these cute little elf creatures right [Music] but what would happen is like you could do whatever you want it you could like [ __ ] with them you could treat them well and then they would start to develop like things Carol let me read some of this because it's it's I was just talking about this the other day creature's it's called creatures [Music] and let me read a little bit of this email to you it says here the creatures which in this game they're called nornes a composed of digital DNA and have simulated physiology including organs chemical receptors and meters and brains with lobes neurons and dendrites they act autonomously existing in a 2d world that simulates things like light heat background radiation and soil nutrient contents they navigate by vision and smell learning to eat play and speak a rudimentary language they breed and lay eggs an offspring are comprised of a mix of their parents genetics they can even mutate both in physical appearance and the way their brains and bodies work nornes can be diabetic deafblind and they can suffocate starve experience chronic pain or suffering anxiety to name a few of the endless possibilities one mutated gene and a newborn norm could take its first breath Noren and convert that air into not into precious life-giving oxygen but to cyanide [Music] okay apparently there is a website called tortured Norton's run by a user called anti Norn there was a huge controversy about this and the outcry from the community was huge so there were people that were like upset that these creatures were being like abused and you know it's the first known example of someone deliberately inflicting pain and confusion to a simulated life form which could develop neurosis phobias and behavioral issues as a direct result of the users actions so soon copycat websites began to appear offering more creatively tortured norms for people to download so apparently I'm sorry it wasn't that there was an anti anti Noren wasn't trying to save them it was trying to torture them [Music] so I guess the SeaMonkey game kind of like falls a little short in comparison to that huh so the thing that I mentioned on stream the other day about people being sadistic to AI to get like their frustrations out as well as you know like being able to interact with them in a way that maybe create some meaning in their own lives apparently there was already the first steps of this the first like beginnings of this kind of thing a couple years but 20 years back and I don't think I've heard of anything like that since so 20 years ago we took a step towards Black Mirror and then we just stopped [Music] [Music] this game is also very confusing pick up all the goldfish for the sea monkeys reach Venus I get it [Music] it says here as an in-depth exploration of the genetics and neurology of the Eddins in creatures to reveal that they were constantly in pain apparently by design this discovery was met by fan up for Jesus so this is not that this is not that at all I thought this might be some kind of like sea monkey simulator thing by the way there was like an outcry against sea monkeys too because people looked on the Box they saw these like you know these things that had human characteristics and they were just brine shrimp but you know kids wouldn't like to feed them right kids wouldn't take good care of them they would [ __ ] die so there was some kind of you know there was a lash back against that - anyway here's American Idol American Idol isn't really happening anymore is it I mean we're past that as a culture or are we still doing a lot of this I mean it's still a thing but there's like talent show related stuff he was like he'll bar that talked about you know everybody being a dancer or a singer mess-up on purpose [Music] yeah [Music] you know this reminds me of name is for how Eden jihad or its water swim [Music] your passengers passwords in this game [Music] here let me let me let me know let me do a different song so if you miss it just the voice wobbles it's great it's really really good I'll take a different head please good twist and shout like beetle twist and shout they got the rights of this or Jesus well [Music] what was it wasn't this a cover didn't the Beatles cover this who originally did twist and shout Chubby Checker [Music] I met Chubby Checker I love that there is a dude named Fats Domino and then someone named someone was like you know what I want to be like that and they named themselves chubby checker I wanted to be slim chess that's who I would be you burley backgammon next please when it all collapsed in the end didn't it what a complete disaster you know what that wasn't good I think you know your chance just left [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] this has been running for ten minutes more than ten minutes it's mutating by the way if you leave a song on on on algo music it keeps mutating and getting weirder and worse and and Oh Britney Spears time to mute the vaad doh butan yeah [Music] honestly I'm not sure I'm gonna do so much of this because this is gonna be like some severe Vaud Meucci I get to see virtual Britney Spears fail how exciting oh okay they couldn't fit the actual song so it's MIDI it still probably will get muted and copyright claims instruct that's fine [Music] I'm so sorry virtual Britney Spears but I cannot help you [Music] [Music] yeah it's just pressing a why would you ever want to press a why would you why would you ever want to do that sweet that's about it really I mean there's nothing else you can really do this puzzle mode oh it's a [ __ ] slide puzzle god no absolutely not look look it no okay the Bible game now we can learn about Jesus it is Sunday some parts of the world still wear for take a pot unto you the whole armour of God BC in 613 what have we learned chat tell me what does this mean chat explain in your words what this means no seriously I don't I don't get it wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God take God's big armor that's good god is my shield that's good I should abandon all hope also good God will keep you safe that's good there you go what's the armor of oh game explains it it protects us from deceivers are you sure you're not a deceiver because you look like something that has ripped off a human like the skin of a human face and just attached it to your demon skull [Music] this is your brain this is your brain on Satan this is not a normal-looking effect this is not okay [Music] deceivers are Liars that cause us to make mistakes this armor sounds really cool holy [ __ ] can we see it sometime you can't see it you gain it by studying the Bible and following its teachings we still want to see it Wow run the master deceiver has escaped who will save us now Wow [Music] ready to put on the armor of Job let's go find the armor of God literally oh my god [Music] [ __ ] honey I'm home ah Clint it's so good to see you god bless how are you well honey purchased a new video game for our child remember we bought them that gameboy advance from Nintendo system but no games because none of them were you know friendly enough to our beliefs yes honey of course I remember that Clint well what this game Bible adventures for our our son jebediah jebediah we'll love that game he's been talking about wanting to play Grand Theft Auto and punch who cars in the face I'm not sure what that is honey but I'm sure he'll love this game just as much jebediah definitely doesn't resent us for naming him that so that's why I'm sure he'll love this Bible game where he gets to wear the armor of God of course Clinton now get down here and eat my [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh it's in the Bible I read it I went to school for years about it v-not those who them die afford to go down then down thus just remember though they're married they under the union of God they're fine I swear I don't I know I [ __ ] on religion a bit I kind of don't have a problem with it if if it makes you happy it makes you happy if it makes you a better person good for you I really right listen I went oh at the Catholic school for 16 years I did face a lot of hypocrisy and it turned me off to a lot of it but I have nothing against I'm more of an agnostic than an atheist I'm actually you know I meditate and stuff but I do think you know it's good to eat now [ __ ] if if you're married and you're in a loving healthy union with both your spouse and God it's it's um it's totally fine [Music] [Music] can I get an amen [Music] speak [Music] this turned into a weird stream [Music] so I guess some have to endure extreme violence by Satan and spiders because remember spiders are sinners but I can't fight back now I can wait what do I have I have like liquid oh oh so this is the combat system it's a little simplistic for my tastes who is the Israelite baby found hidden in the bull rushes by Pharaoh's daughter that Moses I'm gonna prove that I went to Catholic school of hope faith in charity which is the greatest faith no charity but no one for - it's not good who told the shepherds that the Christ child was in Bethlehem an angel what is the first word of the Bible and on the first day in I meant that in the beginning in the beginning I thought it was and on the FIR I say I got it right who was the first person to rise from the dead does agree still Satan is very pleased yes you cheated on your exam on what day of the week did Mary Magdalene and Joanna find the stone rolled away from the sepulchre that's the third day no on the seventh on the first day [ __ ] didn't Jesus bring Lazarus back from the dead did he just not exist people in chat brought up Lazarus you're right in the parable of the prodigal son on what did the prodigal son spend his substance wine righteous living wait he was product wait a minute he was prodigal because he left and he started whoring right [ __ ] I don't know anymore god damn it not a good Christian give me some more questions I need give me one more Satan please just want one more set of questions [Music] all this the scummy cave [Music] [Music] that's really it we're going that stereotypical what is the last book of the New Testament revelation 4 as in Lucifer all die even so in Christ shall be made alive for as in Adam all die who said I have baptized you with water but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost that's John the Baptist who was Paul's what was Paul's occupation Paul was a tentmaker [ __ ] I'm gonna stick with my mistake I thought he was a Fisher of man what mitt I can't believe I'm vaguely remembering some of this what name did the angel tells a cariah's to name his son who wrote the Proverbs of the Old Testament he was Solomon I was gonna say Solomon isn't Solomon David's son all right I'll stick with my mistakes here in what city did Joseph and Mary go to be taxed Bethlehem thought it was Nazareth the deceiver has escaped [Music] if you don't memorize facts if you don't remember this is a lesson if you don't memorize the exact moments the facts the specifics then you you know then they escape so uh Olive Garden this is the Garden of Eden Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus had his moment of doubt right or like I don't know maybe he would no no that was the desert Jesus Garden of Gethsemane yeah is where Jesus was before is the Last Supper or something I don't know by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if you follow me if ye love one another of course [ __ ] - what group was Jesus speaking when he said ye are clean but not all the Apostles - what city was Saul traveling when the Lord appeared to him Damascus that was a guess which of the apostles betrayed Christ that's Judas almost everyone knows that especially if he played Binding of Isaac how was Stephen the martyr killed it's ok stoning anyway I did it yay religion see we learned so much [Music] now this would have been the last game had I gone backwards but we've we've done it that's it that's the whole thing that's everything [Applause] [Music] so I learned most of my religious facts from the life of Brian the Monty Python movie this is what mario sounds like [Laughter] [Laughter] speaking of tired that's the stream another wasn't a lot of crazy [ __ ] tonight it was enough to fit I think did you know usual four hours just about but one of the things that I was gonna do was there's a couple of a couple of indie games that I was interested in checking out but I figured tonight I wouldn't have time this was good I enjoyed this this there was a lot of stuff here we got to see some Japanese indie games we got to see some bad Game Boy games but for future streams there's a couple things I have that I want to not spoil all of them but other thing called the dumpster crate five you know Corvus made it we haven't done a dumpster crate in a while I have some like I said some weird indie games of some bad ones I've got more corruption I've got a lot more corruptions actually corruptions have been like really good lately so there's there's a ton of different corruptions I could choose from and I think some other stuff too that I won't specifically spoil if you have an idea for a Sunday stream you should reach out alright let me give you the number of that sex line from earlier
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 74,312
Rating: 4.9377165 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Quality Games, Game Boy Advance, GBA, Game Boy Color, GBC
Id: 4NWNaqs4aoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 4sec (7864 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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