[Vinesauce] Vinny - Jazzpunk (part 1)

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yeah so this is going to be like a multi-part stream one second I'm just going to lower the volume and then we will begin let me know if the volume is okay I have to quit I have to quit okay [Music] so how about that Mouse you see the mouse why is there mouse wheel okay hang on hang all right welcome to the world of jazzpunk this is my very first blind playthrough of jazzpunk my smuggling a baby necrophos games presents that's weird already I love it I already love it I've been told to give you guys an epilepsy warning if you have visual epilepsy you might want to be careful of this dream [Music] this intro is amazing you remind me of generously catch me if you can the Spielberg movie with Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio people are saying it reminds me of Cowboy Bebop all right so my brain is already broken oh my god the mouse sensitivity holy [ __ ] all right that's a little bit better mouse is still a little [ __ ] let me see if I can get that smoothing up now let's see how that works okay remove the smoothing entirely it's going to be real like choppy here let me let me just let me get a little smoothing on and I'm going to play it like an e3 demo just just to get a little bit of that smoothing see this is how you play first-person shooter for e3 a box the mouse smoothing has not smoothed the game out at all I'm feeling like it's a very weird thing because the mouse smoothing on is a little too smooth but then when it's off it's choppy so I don't know what the [ __ ] to do but boxes sound really weird in this game I'm just a box leave me alone I'm just a box leave me alone just the back I don't know where that came from but I hope you enjoyed it Carter Fairfax import/export Ltd Giovanni the defector we'll be right with you it's really good I like when people make voices sound extra shitty you know stylistically saxophone lessons for sale stop just fullscreen you [ __ ] doesn't look like they're subtitles the director is ready for you subtitles happen just over their heads I guess please also we must lose miss for the Scots know that when I'm taking data cartridge I'm just trying to like take my time with the scam press e to sit down dick isolate we need you to infiltrate the Soviet consulate yeah like I came from of all important technology and it's imperative that we get back on the right hands as per usual here's your mission all subscription don't pay to money if you need me I'll be in the wine cellar okay so that this gentleman just gave me pills you're giving me these pills means I'm going to overdose take one capsule every mission or until reality is sufficiently augmented yeah sure I reset oh nice wine cellar infiltrate the Soviet consulate [Music] this is wonderful [Music] temporal shifting to criminalized time head celebrate by going back in time [ __ ] time heads ruining every day I shouldn't tell Wilhelm and run over by a car and another one I tell you those [ __ ] time heads really just a bunch of twice it's all about the Giles I am I'm just about you crazy I got a partition go like this I just stole the jazzman's money I was going to try to throw it in the trumpet again brother Oh sexpot what the [ __ ] yes yeah I got a dollar hey you crave it [ __ ] I love this game I just stole money to give to a sex robot yeah I'm into it I feel real I feel recalibrated thanks kind of reminds me of Austin Powers a little bit condemned due to Swan infestation she actually used to bounce on you what will you praise it apparently they changed it and at one point you happen again brother at one point she used to bounce on the character okay go for a little list well trying to talk to some of these NPCs but they're none interactable some of them the music does not give a [ __ ] [Music] [Music] take this d jelsa use it to scramble three carrier frequency pigeons hit each pigeon three times in order to decal suit why then should be cows TVs alright I can't even use the D cows therefore the [ __ ] real purpose bunch of [ __ ] do you remember you had to like monitor his computer monitors didn't wait a minute I remember having to degauss like once every couple months [Music] there's the built-in thing this is a button but yeah we're going to be cowards I bet someone would have not heard in a long time yep yep it's degauss all right [Music] sure you stole my laptop I'm pretty sure I didn't dick ass D Gussie okay you can leave Joe's thinking pizza baking piece Pizza initiated enjoy what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I'm in a pizza video game inside of a video game everything's pizza everything is peach to the mountains of Pizza the clouds are mushrooms no wonder everyone's recommending this game to me this is amazing the pizzas ahhm be a road emerge arise whatever oh [ __ ] pizza cutter physics Pizza cabin I'll [ __ ] yeah this is all I've ever wanted out of video games I finally got it is this accurate as to how New York City looks this is my home you're getting an insight into where I live all work and no play makes Jack a dull pizza oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you're laughing at me no no no people I didn't YPC evil Oh [Music] oh thank God it was just a game I don't think I can bear to live a life with evil Pizza people are bad enough sometimes man I couldn't I couldn't bear the existence where that which I love the most is also [Music] [Music] [Music] she likes it I have chronic reptile dysfunction What did he say wait a minute what the [ __ ] did he just say chronic reptile dysfunction reptile dysfunction okay I'm not all there tonight so I'm missing like things that I shouldn't be missing for a minute I was looking at the normal sentence just move go you know go past it move on something weird about having wrecked Isles reptile dysfunction try it with me with a stick problem Mars this is egg-like taken to a [ __ ] scary amazing degree get back here they drop anyway what won one of their things I cannot get pheromones did PJ all the pigeon is psychedelic I think I broke the pigeon [Music] MPC is dead but pigeons live forever oh it's only a one-time use this game is so [ __ ] weird I love it this is Mario Odyssey levels [Music] of strange quadruple indemnity Johnny pneumonia a cult is my password the big sleep mode yeah milk the milkman there so Dottie sorely go on in whenever you feel like it whatever please don't forget to buy over pricing or what about my d'Agosta oh I don't need it anymore okay the first person cigar-smoking i need that i [Music] want to do a 24 hour stream of some [ __ ] game while I do swing-wing it's the best way to give yourself brain damage by the way that's why that that wasn't a very uh this wasn't a lasting product of the 70s or of the of the 50 I don't really care how deep a buted mission I don't know said 70s that was just a typo in real life that was a voice typo that was a sixties thing yeah I guess so it was a swing wing it was the swinging 60s for a reason okay all right someone played a prank on me but I'm trying to get free Wi-Fi from Starbucks but I dropped my password cracker on the road oh my god really yeah this game is kind of amazing amphibian data Visor no that's a Geordi LaForge visor not data a visor collect eight data packets to crack the network oh my god this is so weird I have no saliva now I can mail my letter all I needed to just like a little side question my ice cream I like that you're given tong tong missions like during a minigame you're given minigames like knock over hands this game is insane I need this in my life and I'm so happy it is in my life thanks now a little privacy please sunlight all privacy what are you watching I think I think he's watching frog porn on Starbucks Wi-Fi but like I'm doing all these side quests and I have no idea what the point of any of this is words we've reload go away leave me alone which I'm assuming is exactly the point is that there is no point we specialize in laundering your stolen goods types that are fired to use Comic Sans that's [ __ ] fun of it and yak please insanity - I know it Johnny that's better than ever never probably do vegans well I got an idea nice of his button good thing I had quizzes he's my superior to address him in almost every way don't bother my boys all day long why do you humans exist on a food in your suburban are you a person or an antelope I wish more people were like you it walks like it [ __ ] itself I have no owner I'm free I killed my over at his place you're not my real father I was programmed 1992 in the future my mother never taught me do weekends well I know this robots entire history and yet I know nothing about my character I ate some now I'm bursting with energy fish and chips I'll come out customer reaction has been overwhelming puns everywhere goal word if I could make games this is exactly the type of game I would make I've said this before for a number of walking simulators magic magic yeah trash sandwich one you can see why I wanted to do that as a sundae stream [Music] we cool music apparently I have to turn in a sidequest real quick we go see the degausser manga [Music] he was the sign questions thanks for collecting with his rooms now he's a different one all secret only doing this one first you know he was late well we're big I'm here late now so stop move all used to make that worked out a lot better than expected bio fourth-degree burns all over my entire face that's cool oh it burns ah a little cake degree burns all over the right employer all right this game is giving me giggle fit I like it I'm suffering I am dying sporting I'm dying [Music] shrink place effect never take class of ex after taking mission all oh [ __ ] what was going to clean this up Sasebo x ah [Laughter] so see Bex when the mailbox marked with chalk on the side it will see further instructions from later we are everywhere and underwear no I can tell you but then I'd have to kill you and then I have to resurrect you locate the mailbox marking chalk [Music] now finger but but that finger now it was like a runnin Stimpy finger second Harlem Globetrotters music Harlem Globetrotters I think was what I was about to say Mario obviously looks weird yeah what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I see you you [ __ ] Nippon telnet is the finger again no alright well I tried Xerox PARC I suppose I should have expected that [Music] do you have the MacGuffin no not yet all this music see you type [ __ ] alright connecting no I guess [ __ ] doesn't work [Music] am I not looking for a mailbox I'm going to find a mailbox with chalk on the side of it [Music] type boob 8 0 0 8 little message part sitting on a bed to deliver this package and I have the Maga fallacy but keep your arm will keep a newspaper box mark with a piece of chewing gum great sound effect [Music] all like old stock cartoon sound effects they're almost very urgent go to the lavr motel knock on the door using the secret milk oh come on really much the knocking we'll be right inside the secret knock who would have ever who would have ever known why I didn't know actually so nevermind [Music] [Music] shave and a haircut that was for the guy who left at fart noises earlier I kind of didn't even do that really well good enough congratulations you believe it what are you doing to this pigeon you sick bastard put this pigeon away this carrier frequency pigeon possesses top-secret information we need you to smuggle it into the next level by any means necessary don't let us down this trench coats made of the finest bald eagle elves every secret agent it's a good Eagle pelt trench coat of course hat was in the toilet I repeated the cap is in the toilet this trench coats made for the finest bald eagle pelts well done we'll be keeping an eye on [Music] great yep I've just ingested a pigeon the cat is in the toilet I repeat sick asses in the toilet miss tentacles may be the finest bald eagle belts I tried everyone I tried I don't think eating a pigeon is Bora it's just called eating a pigeon chat the chat the chat is in the toilet I repeat the chat you're gonna get an oily tomorrow the colony and don't look behind you hey you got not like that in the president that's like the jelly guy oh wow he actually he actually did get eliminated I'm gonna say yeah I was gonna say the deli guy the conspiracy deli guy who is just like where's the blood man where's the bodies members just said were barred what smegma well done that's it then all right [Music] believe in yourself best friends whatever I know where you sleep at night learning is fun I love to learn my love you rest in peace it's fine he will eventually he will eventually learn how to live with the pigeons as one of them in time he will grow to love his new life as a pigeon house oh yeah VHS just another stool please don't stand on I would appreciate it if you didn't use me as a stool another stool please don't stand on it Wow I've been smoking since I was three and how old are you now five I'm 34 years old oh oh that answers that ah I've been smoking since I was three [Music] Wow feel lost stuck in life call the hint helpline we'll set you right on path on the right path I might be a little dyslexic don't mind me dial toll-free five by five hint $2.00 per minute that's a $200 per minute first [Applause] [Music] [Applause] counting is fun 5 6 7 8 at least I feel safe having cameras on me at all times [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you got 3 please clock I don't know what that has anything to do with but that's that's fine [Applause] [Music] there were never real hands in twerkers take a break at noon okay [Music] we'll keep a newspaper box Marco already did that shouldn't smoke man I feel like if this was on like another day I could be giving this game even more but yeah today I'm a little bit out of it but I love it I think it's great I'm looking forward to actually playing through the whole thing including the expansion lunchtime communist plotting vodka and biscuits potato sack race one of these things put the [ __ ] remember that Sherlock Holmes game we're watching would follow you around when you didn't look at him pretty much that [Music] did no one notice that I'm afraid you don't have appointment I'm sorry I cannot allow you access the rest is not me if you have known it I'm afraid you don't have appointment so then we need to make and we need to let say Communist Party let's do vodka and biscuits what is what he say ah insufficient security clearance incompletion eclectic needle so I want I can biscuits I will believe I must ask you activities to be going out this you not millionaire you have insufficient security clearance [Music] lunch time I know I know the hint I just wanted to see if I could get some vodka and biscuits first turns out the vodka and biscuits were a lie I'm 35 years old I would appreciate it if you didn't use me address cool I'm a worker I work hello I'm here to work totally unnecessary role which multi-celled organism is this and why does it have so many viruses missed until stage complete it's some nice for rusty event uneventful news day seizes a nation moon explodes I don't worry about the moon no one really cares about the moon we would we haven't been there in a while it's fine just just forget about it nothing to see all [ __ ] twitch please do not ban the stream please these stools look mighty uncomfortable double stools no thanks here Bhutanese needs human half oh [ __ ] oh I see okay yeah I mean to like have the eyeball scanned and I can do so by using a picture this is technology of course of course where is it I want to see it I can't see it oh wait no there it is beautiful no no I can use the butt as a disguise I wouldn't want to say ass god forbid this is a holodeck comrade [ __ ] crunch I was gonna say comrade [ __ ] don't worry about him he's different this is comrade crunch steak stays communist even in milk of capitalist Pig okay I have a meter okay I need the whistle then this game is so [ __ ] cool Thanks yes thank you no no no go nope I guess all 669 doesn't really work does it try to keep the quiet I have to get in the computer Gord Matt one of them just says math because it's really wonderful [Music] lots of caring attention was put in this game no what the [ __ ] oh oh thinks there's ice [Music] Wow stealth I am the stealthiest a a nice floor caution floor lubricant oh it's like the oil I spilled yesterday just put me in this way [Music] koi pond micro luxe industrial grade breadcrumbs welcome back although at least everything it was a gratitude I hope you're ready for another job by the engineer I feel cool in star connection thing to aphorism a particularly valuable official kidney estimated value on the read markets over 25 billion yen Jesus and somebody against revenue has a dollar sign new boss I know you'll do well probably if you don't wanna go on landlord install but your feet are still on the table I think the guy just gets wasted it just gets wasted that's what he talked about with with the wine cellar before he was talk about wine cellars yeah he just gets you trashed he's a little insecure about not having feet so he keeps the shoes up there I get it I get it it's fine follow the cowboy but what if I don't want to follow the cowboy this level got a considerable amount of new content in today's update was it today's job date was it is today thing or did this happen a couple days ago hi 80 trash spider trash those whatever spider trash does hey that right Marge [Music] what they could decide Oh disco apparently this update actually did come out today so really good timing on my part I thought it was a few days ago they came out for our come suck bought five thousand make good suck suck even when you're sleeping this could be poison so little golden bubble that was me so sphincter bought it freshly squeezed pigeon Milken boom it go - did your solo sort of the monkey water wash your house because I have been ashamed while you click on me yet while you click on me I love this game [Music] all right - okay we have lightweight happy in my nice joke I'm gonna format my thumb right - fkd hers but wait [Music] how do I like the new blade runner' yeah this is this is pretty cool it's pretty cool I didn't know that the androids were that shitty in Blade Runner 2 Wow Wow replicants sure haven't downgraded missiles off your water excuse me Mikey I like motor oil a little bit he's a diplomat he's getting a shot he's a conspiracy theorists world body's gonna get shot Oh any robot that pees dotted lines is fine by me [Music] the atmosphere in this game is really good missing item nothing I wanted to do more with the machine it broke the machine broke what now have to reset or off that's mission-critical it isn't broken do more with the machine okay I have to insert floppy but I'm anything but floppy right now and I try not to copy that floppy warning do not EA I agree did pretty good so a good Mike I thought it was a cup of tea but it just whiter floating in cyberspace or something oh I thought it was orange we go it tastes like chalk sometimes I threw all things that I don't remember eating where's my medication and I know I wasn't doing nothing I love socks I could eat a sock right now okay he is sucking I thought it was a cup of tea but it's just lighter floating in cyberspace or something though I thought it was orange we go it tastes like hmm coffee tooth dill cigarettes used sandwich used panties live centipede or Raman cyborg take one live centipede please thank you oh that's gross two of coffee 200% more fluorocarbons do not use near open sewers not to be sprayed with human arms auto lighting dill flavor in for toxic Marshall aid marital AIDS are like martial arts no I'm smoking a pickle get your own trash pickle YUM hmm that is good I'm saving the best for last Robin cyborg here it is oh boy but what are we going to do with these worn panties fluffy cotton crunchy delicious oh god their food honza John no put your panties back on I gonna be okay gonna be okay [Music] nice brain there's a brain what the [ __ ] is there like a small brain doing in that vase good why are there floating brains you know be be an agent of chaos shitty Joker wants you to be an agent of chaos well it's better than shitty Homer what are you say Marge opportunity for bankruptcy is most gracious techno van Oh is a fly the whole time you [ __ ] [Music] town is full of flies - video box boss Pokemon that's actually kind of genuinely disturbing oh you too Paul D you alright I'm going to go back to the VAE shop well maybe that's the difference between you and me I never go back to the main shop she where is the vase shop I lost it [Music] acquired taste Oh Papa me that's a shame this machine is still [ __ ] broken Oh silly luck let's go disco if someone told me to smack the Robo hobo portes I import solve it I hope you're not bored because then the stream wouldn't be going well now with it by the way Queens of the Stone Age new song pretty good didn't blow me away kind of have some issues with some of the mix and mixing but it's fun Dancy pretty chill I'm excited for the new album I want to see what direction it's taking blank master vidicon high electric squid at your 3 o'clock you this is a six Hong you'll brain Rana we will serve your kind here these this is actually Blade Runner Easter eggs dye your eyes I design your eyes hold a lot of a stone midnight my family from Cydia my electric squid at your Co o'clock well I used to have a VCR but she left me I threw the remote away years ago how dare they try and control me over my cold filaments left on or Fedora it's not the size of the tube that counts it's the intensity of the electron gun I'm all out of TV punt re was that the TV you wanted me to look at so so much to look at so much I do oh it's the jazz guy hit this time he's a PI he's a jazz PI a magpie eating a jazz PI humbly [Music] knife chugger it's a little Blade Runner reference again yeah I got a job for you I need your blanks an easy old knife yeah I was quick when I came in here the kids they're back and we're real tickets wudu you twice as quick now who you're doing the old timey one for me for old times sake get the hell out of my office your little people now Decker just a blank get Holden he's good and old time he won for me for old times sake I need you to track him down and retired a whole mess of them now we put down a quarantine barrier in the immediate area you can't leave until you catch them all etc take this with you the boycott machine detect whether someone's a real plug into a pile of bananas or whatever it's right out on yours truly Boyd coughs and the name of the testam Blade Runner is called the voight-komp test real book Kent detected no identification videoscope captain it's a sea horse kept them see the cake it would be nice if he was a real poke in he just like it ran away like [ __ ] you got me like he gave the mission but he's also a real bookin oh [ __ ] no more organics detected wait that doesn't does that mean identification to children this game is awesome any game that has Blade Runner references to this extent is already awesome but then you have two children stacked on top of each other in a trench coat pile of fish oh and she was replicant yes recommendation retirement yay you retired welcome to your retirement party Jesus almost reminds me of they live a little bit [ __ ] sake in Blade Runner they call it they don't kill replicants replicas and so like you know they are virtually indistinguishable from humans that they use them as slave labor and a bunch of them escaped so blade runners are like the cops aka Harrison Ford's character that are set to kill the escaped replicants because they're not allowed on earth or they're not a you know they're not allowed to be unauthorised on earth anyway in the opening crawl of the final cut it says that they don't call it killing they call it retiring I actually can't use the flyswatter I'm stuck with this thing until I finish the side quest gotcha I had to do the pawn shop would I be interested in doing a Blade Runner movie night asked before the new one comes out well it's a couple months from now but yeah definitely I've seen it recently ish I showed it to a couple friends who had not seen it before so I've seen it fairly recently but I'm always down to watch Blade Runner [Music] where does one hold these movie nights in Fantasyland of course one two three make-believe Street finally I can retire and pay what makes Blade Runner so special says a member of chat I'll tell you in a second it's not for everyone by the way for some people you're a renegade Rolly blank a loose cannon when I said retire I didn't mean retirement I'm a deadly I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you bad can you God and your other gun catch gun out of my office you ready little [ __ ] god I can't believe I was married to a replicant all those years our marriage was a sham god I miss ya makes me sick now get out of my kind of reminds me of like The Naked Gun series of some of the humor what makes Blade Runner so special what's the [ __ ] well so he did this happen you find yourself alone in a dark alley trash surrounding you there's no escape discount where's number where is it's like [ __ ] Deus Ex now yeah so Blade Runner was a movie that was made you know kind of just before a lot of special effects became more more mainstream so it was done using like computer animation started happening in the mid 80s you know CG happened in like the early 90s but but actually like using computers to composite stuff was done kind of just after Blade Runner came out so Blade Runner is a movie with amazing sets amazing costumes amazing soundtrack always watch the final cut of Blade Runner by the way I got an idea just a lob bad thing she's got band-aids on her titties mixer after the death certificate we need those folks until the freeze whatever like okay confession I've not played Deus Ex I know that makes me lame so I'm probably not going to actually end up appreciating this reference fully but yeah the final cut is definitely worth it individuals are incredible the miniatures are incredible it was directed by Ridley Scott when he was at his best so just after alien Harrison Ford is great in it there's some real like themes that let's stick with you after watching the movie you know it's it's but it's a slow-paced movie and it doesn't immediately gratify everyone who wants just like like ball numbing action you know it's a movie that takes a couple of watches to really appreciate and I love it I think the characters are great the movie itself is just a lot were and just incredible the everybody Vinnie this is shadow runner this isn't a deus ex joke okay someone in Chad said it was a deus ex joke so it's based on shadow runner B blows out week hey what do you carry around an ID middle on earth yeah I was based on a philip k dick book who wrote like Total Recall and so much sci-fi that got adopted to movies and short films and stuff and it's really good I read it do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is excellent I have my eye on you I don't like you or as desert says wow you mean Vinnie hasn't played every video game ever I can't keep up just too many video games there's too many games conversations being recorded for quality purposes Oh let me see maybe maybe one appeared here in the beginning nope just yellow and trash wait so this is some of the new new stuff that came out today can't actually talk to this guy someone said hobo that looked like a hobo to me there was one by the hobo oh this is the thing I'm a dumbass I thought I did until I guess I was expecting it to glow I was expecting some kind of like glowy thingy I know it's gone next step means a lot it is a virus hunt around the alleys for germs anything backing or not the procedure inside this is cool so apparently this Tokyo segment was a lot more linear and today's update really like beef this up so I'm really really glad I waited to play this and it's also a really bizarre coincidence that I decided to play this just before they announced or just before the DLC came out it's really weird just kind of randomly happened like that they did remove the sexpot animations yeah that's a shame I don't talk to you let me see your identification now you can trust me mate identification now nope on my eyes I am defeated I wore like styles identified by the developer of this game I want it I want to step inside his imagination for like a couple of minutes and just see how weird is hi Steven I don't know your codes Oh they don't stay down for long do they please with your life information have an administration camp ever candidal mild agnes myspace though show you my special confirmation detected right now we've detected big tiny a not too [ __ ] bad i had a crush on her just grab the cash i'll world off the guard so she's just dead then okay school yeah this is payday hey why was this OpenAL one one zero zero one one maybe I should keep that in mind oh there's more money in here [ __ ] so mother we [ __ ] you'll be sucked not mating nice flight favors my eye on you where do you think you're going just is in the machine I guess that means more yen for us huh yeah after taxes to yet alright now just open the door fully blind mommy bye got me in what the handle ball is right [Music] but it was all just fantasy I was caught in the land side which is like four side or moon side see you know that's how you that's how you turn a vocal typo into it into a reference but why have I made friends with Korb matrix matrix matrix matrix looking I have no idea what you're talking about there appears to be a dead body under here I can't actually for some reason um let me dig [Music] welcome to the future virtual reality [Music] meanwhile this is the only game I want to play in VR hey stop looking at me so I had a shovel that's gone now and I guess I'll never find out what's under there [Music] yeah bootleg power gloves [Music] it's a bug yeah couple bugs on this level so far the machine stops working what is your business here I'm taking you in are you sending my authority oh and good morning to everyone I woke up alone ah please call maintenance please call maintenance [Music] I don't have zap anymore this drink oh [ __ ] Jurassic Park reference there's a brief phone but it checks out dinosaurs are so hot right now in video games hi your web spider web Kitty Homer impressions - spider web Oh No Oh Kishida yeah wasn't jurassic park I guess it could have been both [Music] how am I supposed to bring this tape boom I'll reflect solve one right now I've king chips to fool this humbly come upon [Music] hi Madison I believe you I believe it oh okay haze all right [ __ ] things are so weird look at the mint is [ __ ] delicious lemonade for sale whoops be ashame of the blood where two mixes of lemonade you're a fly no you're not there was a guy with an ear okay I'll get him later mayo soda please oh it's filthy snake serum that's filthy Tomic ginger ale of course coffee tooth again very popular drink this coffee tooth and Texas catheter sounds wonderful perfectly shaped rubber hose for extended neuro Dec sessions slide whistles are so great timeless I saw that there's a cloak human ah you know was going to happen [ __ ] old-school Batman sound effects [Music] nobody punches the Batman so chilling eulalee blank to the ultimate wrestling match yeah yeah clapping eye on me ooh psycho Johnny mania oh my god this [ __ ] game yeah we're gonna give to the cup coffee in the big plane here we'll be putting the power that melt yeah and now entering the ring on here telling me Jean Polly why [Applause] ended mid-corner 10 time heavyweight world champion psycho Millia what do you intend to do to paly blank come you my tenets guns got your name on them I am journey psycho canons gun they say anything Frenchman free the insane rantings of a madman and you only like the you face work for mr. cycle - [ __ ] look at how powerful I am I don't even know that's a pretty good macho man impression rather than at the mouth that was my coffee in the big Danielle on camera push it Oh oh my god he married APU the next like old lady your challenge this is indeed a dark day the world of professional shuttling you are the ultimate heavyweight champion oh who is boxing glove now that you've won what do you intend to do fascinating that's all for tonight ladies and gentlemen tune in the world thank you Saturday yep I'm the inter-dimensional everyway champion screams I'm good I'm good that was amazing it's getting late though I could just keep playing this game this game is awesome but I think I think it's time for me to go it's actually very much time for me to go so let's go I'm sorry but it's time all good things must come to an end until next time of course yeah interdimensional if you a champion here [Music] yep I love it I love it it's great it's awesome we'll get back to it real soon I am extremely excited to see the remainder of this game and next time I stream this I will hopefully not be in such a foul mood which is to say that I'm in a mood of chickens really like chickens what can I say
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 410,308
Rating: 4.9095106 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Jazzpunk, Necrophone Games, Adult Swim Games, Unity engine, PC, Microsoft Windows, Adventure, Art game, Single-player
Id: wEnFDqy8-sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 22sec (5482 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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