[Vinesauce] Vinny - Game Boy Trash #1

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all right welcome back we're done with music talk someone's like thank God [ __ ] finally some good food no but I have more for you though it's not going to be pleasant it's not gonna be pleasant so I made it I made this it's terrible I know but I made it so it's mine and what we're doing now is Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color trash it's bootlegs shovelware everything in between and also some some bonus garbage so whatever you want to call it I'm gonna call it Game Boy trash the first game is something I played I think on the switch this is the gameboy version of it and boy do I hate it I hated it then I'm gonna hate it now I know it it's called an American tail Fayetteville's goldrush now I didn't play this exact game I think I played a game similar to this like in the same series let me lower this yes the data design interactive or conspiracy or whoever the [ __ ] that was made this so this is a collection from Corvis and also jb - and vetted and edited down a bit binary so thank you guys hey conspiracy entertainment the mark of quality so not data design but conspiracy an american tail fight fables gold rush i'm going in alphabetical order so this just so happens to be the first game this is louder than I want it to be a lot of the Game Boy Advance games sound really crusty you're lucky if you get a Castlevania or a mother three ru fievel mousekewitz yes I am who are you my name is Pierre and I have a message to you from Wylie burp from Wylie what is my good friend up to neh I know he's in a lot of trouble here's the message why they asked ed Wiley asked there you read it right away dear friend Fievel whatever it's a dog it needs help it's not doctor wahwee hey mega man we don't know where they came from [Music] holy [ __ ] how much setup do we need cat Malone it's a lot of lore oh this is some Wow if you try to go left the game stops you from going left yeah this is super cursed I'm really really really really sketchy is it just my controller [Music] I mean my GBA now the thing about the GBA is it was a very successful system and also has lots of shovelware so much like the Wii which is the shovelware capitol of the world along with the ps2 oh yeah that was a find problem the the going left was a problem with the binding don't worry about it it's fine but yeah the the GBA has quite a few things that are terrible also this is almost we level volume is down to 20% and it's still this loud is this better and can we exist with this volume can we coexist like this can you hear me also this is the original idea for copy but yeah it looks like they just took a bunch of frames of a 3d model and turned it into a GBA sprite [Music] you [Music] trying to get the right amount of volume so there are people that actually remember the series and liked it but this is the kind of stuff that you'd expect if you're gonna do like a tie-in licensed trash you're just gonna throw something like this on the GBA real quick sprites way too big camera jerking and Herc and all over the place [Music] yeah the movies I didn't even know there were movies of this I thought this was rescue rangers at first I was like is this a bootleg rescue rangers is this the boot like is this the version of rescue rangers that was in Europe but but you get to throw a hat I mean Mario Odyssey clearly stole this game mechanic [Music] as bare-bones as they come the the platforming is not fun there's no real momentum and you throw a hat and that's it [Music] Wow I'm depressed I played this and I got depressed [Music] don bluth also made Anastasia mmm that's a cool score I got there that's cool okay that'll be it for that game I don't think we need more of that game Barbie horse adventures now this was actually this pack was two packs like the wrapper to pecs and you have to understand there's a lot more stuff that's not even entertaining [Music] this is reaching weird uncanny valleys that horse is a is apparently made of chewing gum it's it's real weird why is the music like x-file listen this does not sound like Barbie music this sounds like like conspiracy like aliens yeah like some YouTube video that has the top five most powering encounters before death and that music plays I guess we'll race find all 10 flowers hidden in the village and just looking at this hurts my face [Music] oh boy these controls Ben he's just running at full speed it is it says a hundred percent now Tony Hawk too came to the GBA and did a little bit of 3d in a way that was cool Tony Hawk too had 3d Tony Hawk and a couple of other like minor 3d elements and in the rest of it was like this it was isometric and 2d and it was good it was actually good I don't know if this is using the same engine but this does not play like Tony Hawk did they forget that they could add like more than two tracks for the music did they forget that they could like compose music and not just use algo music [Music] boy this is rough I feel bad for whoever like Barbie growing up and they got this man it's not it's not easy to be a Barbie fan I can't even imagine I've played so many barbie games I'd say Barbie probably has one of the worst track records of any licensed game I've ever played those poor bastards that like Barbie you you guys got screwed over that is a shame this is a prime candidate for a corruption by the way if anyone wants to get on that for a future corruption stream those are people clones [Music] this may be one of the worst Game Boy Advance games I've ever played this this probably is the worst game Boy Advance game I've ever played I like how the horse slick blends into the brick wall that's cool Vinny it seems functional yeah you can if you want you could be the one to play it you know what else is functional um don't worry about it does it say a clown serial-killer but that doesn't make it good [Music] urban Yeti which way to the glue factory a lumpy touch creator of super mario lock a pupa Bros has suggested that this horse go to the glue factory not my suggestion mind you sorry ok I can't do this anymore I'm good Care Bears the care quest it's funny I'm playing this I care less and less why is there horror sound effect this is like when Michael Myers starts stabbing you get that noise you [Music] Care Bears the pair quests I don't believe I played this I don't believe yes Canadian is its own language 8 it's good to have friends friend bear has to match the Care Bears with the toys Oh a psycho not okay it was psycho the movie psycho it is good to have friend [Music] boy I'm bad at baby games it took me a minute to figure out that this was actually a memory game and me not actually attempting to pull these poor animals out of their home and throw them to the [ __ ] ground I was like how do i execute the throw maneuver then you look at their faces yeah the faces are a little crusty I'm not very good at that video game funshine bear has to find the hidden Care Bears [Music] this bear's face is very crinkled and scummy it looks like the remember when the Pokemon detective Pikachu movie trailer first came out and there was like a picture of Pikachu's face that was all like crumpled and like scummy it kinda reminds me of that a little bit [Music] all we need is love love a lot bear has to make the happy star buddies meet me-80 boy GBA got some real bad trash here I was thinking that I was like totally out of shovelware showcase this is pretty much that you may be wondering what is the difference between shovelware showcase and this well shovelware showcase could be multiple systems in one night it's also usually played on a real game console so I tend to shovelware showcase I have the physical games I have the cases I can break the discs it's one of those things [Music] someone in chat just said LUMO what the [ __ ] happened to you poor luma a helping hand cheer bear has to drop rainbows on obstacles to make the star buddies jump press a to jump who the [ __ ] is eating bananas in the sky and leaving banana peels on the clouds [Music] like you think if you can fly around and you know in the sky and your home is the clouds that you have a cloud Kingdom like you might not need to eat no let's play champ Fair plays tennis and has to hit the ball past the other Care Bear this is well I wonder how many games there will be the technology to make these bears appear 3d is really blowing my mind right now boy perspective is hard isn't it [Music] also officially confirmed carebears started let's plays let's play sweet dreams humph all there's too many minigames [Music] help the Care Bears fall asleep I don't know right now I'm helping the audience fall asleep the chat is probably like 50% in a coma medically induced or otherwise watching this [ __ ] game the Sun always shines always look on the bright side I'm gonna say it this is still better than that Barbie game I mean this would still be like do you know those moments where you have to like grow up when you realize certain things about life you know when you first come of age to the idea of mortality and you learn things about the Easter Bunny and Sandy it's like you're a Care Bears fan your whole life you love Care Bears you're up until your whole life up until this point has only been six years of course and then someone for Christmas gives you gives you the the Care Bears game and this is it this is what you get and then suddenly you realize the Care Bears don't care it was all a lie [Music] children have a surprisingly high tolerance for shitty games to someone in chat Oh make no mistake I rented lagoon three times or so Lagoon was terrible [Music] watch a video about it Jeremy parish did a good video about lagoon it is a really really bad game with some nice music and a couple good ideas but I thought it was good I thought was just bad at it I mean I played some shitty games I had no idea when you're like six you don't know what [ __ ] you're just like oh another game that's not true though because now I think things are a little different because when I was growing up the only system in town was NES for a while and there were a lot of NES games that were good at the time that are now considered shaky Cartoon Network speed but I couldn't even finish that Cartoon Network Speedway [Music] [Music] I mean this is how could this be bad it's got ed ed and Eddy Johnny brought Johnny Bravo cow chicken sheep courage cow and chicken and probably some like other characters like Powerpuff Girls and Dexter maybe oh I know exactly how this could be shitty [Music] yep it's a good thing I have a face on the left to know who I am otherwise I wouldn't know that I'm Johnny Bravo in fact so thank you Cartoon Network for giving me the Johnny Bravo face on the left so that I know I am in fact Johnny Bravo poor ed ed and Eddy you know a cow and chicken got separated ed ed and Eddy no autonomy no individuality they have to be together at all times it's really quite sad you know they never had a successful solo career like John Paul George and Ringo it was like which one are you I'm ed yeah I know but which which ed [Music] so who are these characters from the outlines is this plank from Ed Edd and Eddy the the wood okay Samurai Jack apparently is here perhaps I is this who is this it's Pikachu the ass devil okay yep the ass devil I remember the ass devil cow but cows already in the game so like maybe a different version of cow [Music] someone just hooked me up with a password to unlock everything so I'm going to do that real quick marvelous and now I can find out oh it's a super cow ass devil little Susie Johnny 2x4 Muriel from kind of courage and swanky where's the it was the old man with the penis Jim [Music] that was Nickelodeon I feel as if this devil's ass was heavily censored it's a little more like ill-defined and amorphous than it should be I was expecting some chunky cheeks but no [Music] they I can't believe they nerfed the ass Devils s it's you know it's it's a Mario Kart clone but at at best it's um it's just one of those things that you play for a couple minutes and then you use you've gotten it you saw it there's a charm that Mario Kart has there's I don't know I'm not the biggest fan of the Mario Kart games Super circuit I never owned I played later it was okay I love you know Mario Kart 64 I have a nostalgia for the Super Nintendo one but Super circuit not my tempo so this is dynasty Warriors on the gameboy color because how the [ __ ] is this gonna work and finally I get to play as Goku dynasty [Music] man there were just some game concepts that should not be applied to a gameboy port vini it's said finest T is this a bootleg I think Nerys going to be able to answer that question if he's still here I cannot answer such questions [Music] syntax is a bootleg group oh yeah that's right when I did GBC bootlegs it was always syntax - tea I totally missed that I was busy looking at chat I did not see the by nasty warriors I love that I hate the game but I love that this game is not good our field the search for pokey John it's me I read over all right so Garfield is sleeping he wakes up in subcon and there are shy guys vegetables' Berto and lots of strange creatures and things that you have to then kill like war to wake up will you get off my foot sorry ouch my fault get off my foot or I'll slug you these are the bad guys oh wait they're stealing they're stealing the thing [Music] this is amazing this is amazing he'll be lost forever and I'll be trapped in an eternal Monday holy [ __ ] lumpy you got some new material eternal Monday is a great song named about Garfield of course I've always searched the whole house or almost searched the whole house I have to go outside and continue my rescue mission unfortunately I need John to open the door meow meow stop that Garfield your sad eyes don't work on me all right first you have to catch all those mice wandering around the house then I'll let you go outside sometimes I wonder if he understands more than I think he does [Music] there's so many layers of this this is truly a nightmare it's bad spell I can see like the JPEG crust around Garfield look at the [ __ ] look at this no go back I mean that's that's good look at that crust crust crust crust like if you're gonna steal a JPEG of Garfield at least cut out the [ __ ] thing don't just use that one tool the you know you gotta you gotta like go manually to [Music] the magic wand tool yeah yeah I didn't want to say magic one because I know that's also like a [ __ ] high-powered like dildo vibrator and I didn't want to give I didn't want I didn't want my stream to get banned for mentioning it [Music] [Music] 434 hot dogs [Music] and written 34 Hut hotdogs in this level I can only blame John for what's happening in this house books and broken glass all over the [ __ ] floor honey on the windowsills and on the library this is a disgusting home I'm surprised this cat hasn't died ages ago it's leaving hot dogs all over the place can cats even eat hot dogs I mean is it good for them I'm sure they can but [Music] [Music] stolen asset B's you know just everything milk just leaving it all out how long is that milk been out for hot dogs are bad for everyone said someone in chat so can't deny you have a point [Music] this level just keeps going just keeps going [Music] does this not work [Music] someone said you have to do it one by one so if you miss a mouse then you can't get the other Mouse well you have to get all the mice in order what a fun game mechanic even more fun is collecting 434 hot dogs okay you have to drop them off at the cage listen mate there's only so much of this [ __ ] I can take this is GBA organizer [Music] which I don't know if this ever came out it's like fake windows [Music] it's definitely an organizer it's a Productivity app [Music] this might be a gameboy color game now that anything about it let me check the file it's um no it's GBA it is GBA believe it or not this is what you did before phones you needed to download an app oh wait you needed a cartridge so that you could keep all your contacts for your cellular telephone but remember don't break the antenna off the phone because then it won't work as well [Music] you can even like set a password so no-one can get in there and see your your notes and your dates and your calculator this reminds me this actually does remind me of the dr. evil game because I played a while back there's an Austin Powers and a dr. evil organizer for the Game Boy Color and you could open them and there would be calendars my father was he had a penchant for meat helmet I don't remember this there's a quote so I like Gumby I grew up watching Gumby a little bit I don't remember what Gumby like even really was aside from like I remember pokey I remember Gumby and I remember it looked cool [Music] with the correct frequency super transmen are capable of so tired having to walk over there and push that still have to fix those last robots a little time [Music] [Music] so I wanna chat just said this guy looks like [ __ ] Jon Lovitz I know at least half of you know who jon lovitz is it looks like mr. Potato Head Jon Lovitz and Larry David got mashed into like some kind of weird [ __ ] blender [Music] prickle did it's a prickle stand aside people extra toasty bun anyone okay so like everyone is here all of the Gumby characters and then these lads show up is Gumby still around like do they still make new Gumby product no they would if they could there's gonna be a Gumby revival trust me he's gonna be a Gumby Cinematic Universe at some point speaking of I watched the the Rocket Man trailer and the first comment this the highest rated comment was and after the credits of the Rocket Man movie Freddie Mercury shows up and he says um I'm starting up [ __ ] what was the quote it was so good not a minute he goes bad up no it was it was but let me just check that out I was loud you can see what volume I'm operating it Freddie Mercury says hello darling I'm putting together a team at the end credits of the Elton John movie and then the Bowie movie Freddie and Elton show up and then they form some kind of squad [Music] but trust me they're gonna try to reboot this at some point they will try but I guess the reason Gumby isn't around anymore is because P Gumby just wasn't making the big bucks like he used to [Music] I love it when the jump noise is louder than anything else in the game or in the room I'm in [Music] I'm missing something here oh I guess I have to push it [Music] even an Oracle of Seasons I keep forgetting that I can push the trampolines [Music] very specific jump the camera of going mental the camera is not very conducive to jumping and landing on on enemy's heads Gumby is currently being remade no franchise must die all franchise must live it make product consume product make new product if product failed reboot well you get to be a ball I was just about to complain that they don't take advantage of Gumby's play [Music] well it reeks of every other licensed low-effort GBA game big sprites the camera you know the character looks like the character just awkward platforming and boring run-of-the-mill Zhu Zhu s platforming it's not too bad it's playable if I got this for Christmas and I had no other games I'd play it if I was a huge Gumby fan I'd play it and I'd probably enjoy some of it so pretty painfully mediocre the worst part is the way the camera whips around though I'm not really feeling that but of course this is this is what happens when you have a licensed game and you need to make a platformer all right thanks Gumby see you during the remake when you get a grim dark realistic Gumby Cinematic Universe razorback developments hot wheels stunt track challenge you want speed you want danger you want action you're welcome to start track challenge the show is get it out have your host Ryan storm the rules of the show I simple beat the opposition and every stunt challenge and race over six exciting episodes only one contestant can drive away with the title of stunt track challenge champion only one contestant can win the ultimate prize the Hot Wheels gold card I think you've got what it takes well let's buckle up and find out because it's flavortown more or less just my um guy fury voice hey it's time to go to an age of monsters to an age of danger get ready for the Jurassic Jam okay kin to it all right [Music] or they really really are very stingy oh god no oh no oh what Wow whoa wait a minute this is kind of cool kind of cool for Game Boy Advance it runs pretty well it's not pre-rendered it's um [Music] wow it's I was expecting [ __ ] well that was great now on to the next challenge does it control well um I don't know yet it might I mean it gets a little slow here and there but for the most part this is pretty competent and with a fairly impressive 3d engine for GBA maybe one of the best I've seen my only real complaint is that that our barrel move sounds like a fart and that this course is ripped directly from Diddy Kong Racing [Applause] I am shocked that this game looks this good and runs this well and it plays pretty well too [Music] now I'm trying to figure out what the boost button is [Music] now you do stunts gotta be careful though also the vehicles are 3d models as well which is kind of surprising I mean even the Mario Kart game on the GBA didn't have this level of 3d it was just it was just like a mode 7 kind of thing and meanwhile here this thing is running with not bad frame rates not the best but not too bad pretty good draw distance and it plays well and it looks good what the [ __ ] nari did you sneak this in knowing it was good [Music] I mean that there's no textures aside from the cars there were two Hot Wheels games and I deleted the wrong one well that explains it [Music] [Applause] no I I'd rather have I'd rather have a decent game here and there it's kind of nice to take a break from the trash for a second and appreciate a developer that actually put some time and attention and care into their game if it had items like a kart racer I'd be more into it [Music] it also doesn't have drifting the same way Mario Kart does like I like I like the way Mario Kart Super circuit plays a little bit more because it has that Mario Kart drifting stuff but this is still great so hell yeah we got a loop and everything [ __ ] hell does have items just not this level Wow well okay that's that's an impressive game [ __ ] it's in your ass you what's this music it's very 2005 and not at all what I'd expect when I think football them teams well I don't even like football I don't really have any particular preference but I'm just gonna play for the New York home team because that why not I don't really even know but yeah I feel like the audio is a little too crusty and - muffled - get claimed oh man this is cool this is a cool concept for a football game it's football but you have to play during an earthquake that's exciting [Applause] I think it's football I think what's happening is football I'm pretty sure it is but I don't believe I'm controlling it shaking is invisible on hardware damn I was hoping that it was I was hoping that this game was exactly like this [Applause] can you guess who my character was that's right Jerry Pepper's Brian pepper is his brother whatoplay first down what play there was no clue because I ran over the line of demarcation right that's all that's it the fall term right I'm in deep throw me the ball I'm ready yeah I'm in deep throw me the ball first down okay we're gonna do the old rusty bucket bay I'm ready for it I want it let's score a field goal ball run [Applause] okay now this one they were you know nari and Sphinx were discussing and it looks kind of cool hundreds of go the land was rich in beautiful and there were stuff and people and there was a Lisa ad and then someone picked up a sword and then they decided to fight and save the world mazes of fate well you can make a custom character that's cool [Music] and there's only three portraits let's just use a premade character shall we [Music] one-handed weapon parry strength and all that fun stuff okay my name is number one you number one welcome to the big tuna tavern [Music] there's there's some crust here for as impressive as this game may be big tuna sowait big tuna is Jim from the office isn't it so it's a dungeon crawler it's its first person and it's grimrock Ian I [Music] have to talk to the master warrior okay hang on a second you mr. warrior I think the master warrior is going to give me a key [Music] tuna sent me I just want to get in there and I want to get a key and I want to go in there that's all I have to consult with the elder gods of course I will point to the location on the map cool it's the old lady's house what happened that's weird finally awake you were trying to cross the border right walked right into that Imperial ambush how'd that happen yo they ported Skyrim to the Gameboy I was waiting for a good opportunity that wasn't the best opportunity but I tried [Music] vinny go left oh man I just want to fight I know which way I have to go damn it [Music] dr. granny cream [Music] here to help you master warrior and wants me to take care of the rats okay good all right so this is the like the tutorial rat level so at least I can see what this game is okay weird controls but I'm getting it that to make do [Music] combats a little little rough [Music] Charlie you gotta kill the rats charlie [Music] a nice attempt [Music] a little trashy but it's not too bad I mean for what they're going for they almost succeeded [Music] yeah I mean if it's babbies first dungeon-crawler someone could enjoy that monster trucks is nexts from Majesco a name i've not heard in a long time monster trucks I feel like I may have played this this is how you don't do 3d on GBA first of all let's get the volume down then you played him at Jesco game like a half hour ago before that it was a name I'd not heard in a long time all these are these voxels [Music] oh god these frame rates the controls are almost as bad as the frame rates at least the guitar is mental it's a slideshow someone said why don't the tires spin they spent all their graphics on the on the little Hills on the ramps sorry sorry too much graphics in use [Music] yeah peers to be voxels and maybe not the best choice sure the graphics actually do look like the hills look smooth but if you're gonna get these smooth hills and sacrifice frame rates you may as well just not get smooth Hills [Music] I don't understand how Wow Wow [Music] do you at the time to listen to e wine it's not even that it was just a similar chord structure but not really pitfall the Mayan adventure I had this game on the Super Nintendo remember when I was saying that kids earlier on in the stream you just don't know better kids don't know better you just play a lot of shitty games because you just think their game every game is created equal well I had this game on the Super Nintendo which was probably the better version of it and I liked it because it was kind of like Indiana Jones oh man they have to really sacrifice those graphics what the [ __ ] kind of texture is that one of the things that this game was famous for was its visuals and how like smooth and fluid the animations were and this kind of looks like a Commodore 64 game but up res the animations are nice but yeah I played this the Super Nintendo version was pretty ok it wasn't the best game in my library but I still liked it my main issue was when you'd like try to whip things and then it would um it was missed because the pixels had to be perfect and I'm like the enemies would get like that like that enemies just bum-rush you it's like [ __ ] off I guess with graphics this good they had to sacrifice the music what why does he sound like that why is he sound like a like a chipmunk Bab just whacking the little monkey fella that's all it's fine this is a this is a weird case because this is a port of a game that came out ten years prior which also had a PC version if I'm not mistaken which in and of itself wasn't the most amazing game but had some memorable moments and it was pretty cool and it's a nice attempt but also it's it's also like why also the screen real estate doesn't like the resolution is not helping because this is a game with big chunky characters and you know you usually take damage before you even know there's something there I mean again camera whipping it you get whiplash just looking at the game and then a monkey will throw its feces at you and then you're dead and then [ __ ] you but so much has to be sacrificed as I've said before on Sunday streams and many other streams I'm very interested in ports I like to see an inferior console get a port that actually ends up pretty good and I like seeing what was cut I like to see what sacrifices had to be made I think it's I don't know just interesting to me for some reason but this is this is just not that great it's also a very hard game took me a long [ __ ] time to finally beat pitfall a very very long time pocket protector quick notes Volume one who's this lad you I can learn everything so why did I choose 1800 to 1825 I just watched the movie Master and Commander and it takes place 1805 during the Napoleonic Wars and it was interesting and I was hoping there would be some mention of Russell Crowe's character turns out he wasn't real that's a shame alessandro volta precursor to the mars volta now here we go here's some Napoleon stuff it's just like cliffnotes it really is just like you know history abridged why not get a book because it makes you learn because it's on your video game system look at all the history World War two has a ton of history but I mean again it's it's it's so truncated what the [ __ ] are you gonna learn from this at any detailed nothing well maybe hang on famous musicians let's see Gershwin you know Bach Beethoven Lenin John mozart strauss vogner I can't believe they put John Lennon in there he was alright visual artists this is a fascinating look at history Harry Houdini Santa Claus is in the same category as Houdini and [ __ ] Johnny Appleseed it turns out he was real hyperlink mathematics science US government computer basics an operating system so programs like Windows 98 98 and os/2 were created to serve a common platform we don't have the space to cover everything the operating system does especially when you consider its really the operating system BIOS I like how they could just copy select bits from an encyclopedia and not have to develop a game [Music] and no GBA /g ba si stream would be complete without some bootleg Pokemon [Music] even the music I know her this was developed based on the music alone Stage one huge ball pag [ __ ] [Music] why is Pikachu red when they clearly use the yellow for other assets and what is that asset I don't remember there being like a grim reaper and Pokemon like that [Music] it hurts what the [ __ ] is a melody just jam as many notes down the players throat as possible wow I didn't even I did not stop moving I stopped pressing right and Pikachu are still moved also those look like things from Mega Man am i fighting like Mega Man and sprites I'm pretty sure they just ripped those from Megaman the Gameboy ports of Megaman X or whatever Mega Man game this music is actually rearranging the fate beta waves in my brain I don't even know if that means [Music] skulls what what region is this also Pikachu walks upright why not [Music] my collecting cheeseburgers I don't know our pokeballs I think I feel like I'm losing myself okay I don't even appear to be taking damage the enemies don't hurt there are no rules nobody knows the rules oh wow I had a lightning move that whole time [Music] level end in a softlock [Music] you [Music] you [Music] what an astounding night tonight that Billy Corgan really had a good a neat idea when he said tonight tonight [Music] so this is wrestling video game on Gameboy nice we got Steve Austin the rock [Music] what what are these stats on the bottom [Music] I don't know what those stats are is that they're like lifeline is that their heartbeat Triple H Undertaker Kurt Angle pain Chris Jericho Chris Benoit oh oh oh Billy Gunn capisci edge Christian Bubba ray does I don't know who most of these guys are if I can be honest jeff hardy matt hardy bradshaw Farooq what a name Eddie Guerrero Raven Tazz another good name Hardcore Holly I need to watch a lot of wrestling [Music] oh my gosh what the [ __ ] is this cut see [Music] why is Vince McMahon making faces at me [Music] oh my god and the midis are great too [Music] Wow they actually got the voice [Music] that that's him that looks just like him that's him this intro [Music] like I kind of want to show this to the rock now like he's a big movie star and everything I want to show him this game his intro and his sprite be like dude this is this is you put your name on this you agreed to this your contract allowed this you can just kick a guy in the balls over and over and over again and probably win I mean there's no way his balls exists anymore their pastes they're just it's nut paste at this point am I even winning [Music] objectives unclear kick the men's balls into paste [Music] I'm leaving I'm out [Music] where's the chair give me a chair give me [Music] [Music] you [Music] draw you're gonna tell me the man whose testicles no longer exist it's a tie [Music] I just want to check out a couple more intros Steve Austin and Triple H I never understood like I was not watching wrestling at the time that this was happening and I never understood why people liked this stuff it wasn't until years later that I finally kind of got the entertainment value out of it but I like I would see this man's face and see Austin 3:16 and everyone was losing their [ __ ] over this guy and I'm like who is this guy start game HHH start game a triple H HHH start game Triple H HHH [Music] you know it also took me years to figure out that 3/16 thing was a reference to the Bible because I'm a dumb [Music] it's not a reference to the Bible wait what is it then what what is the stone called 3:16 mean [Music] it's how fast he beat someone oh well I'm still a big dumb then [Music] The Undertaker's got to have a good one Vinnie it is a reference to the Bible it isn't a reference to the Bible it is I don't I no longer care boy this man had a large neck [Music] they tried so hard to get intros into the Gameboy game they tried a couple pictures some words in a flashing light or two and that's good that's all you get good enough [Music] you holy [ __ ] couple games left and then we're not gonna have time for getting weird with it but I got something else that you might enjoy that I will be able to show you so next week we'll do getting weird with it it's a good one too hey guys hey [Music] Angelica [Music] acrobats you know tell you something about acrobats acrobats worse than mines [Music] so you can't back out of a minigame once you're in a minigame you're stuck there [Music] oh I'm sorry did I say Acrobat I meant Aquabats Aquabats are worse than mimes [Music] someone just said dude [ __ ] you Aquabats are awesome is that that's the hill you want to die on well guess what I'm gonna die on that hill too [ __ ] Aquabats I've never heard a single song I've not heard any of their music ever I just remembered there were years ago there was someone who made like this big post about how Aquabats upset them and they couldn't see anything related to Aquabats because it would make them like really really like angry and upset yep and it was it was funny to the point where I'm like what the [ __ ] is an Aquabat is this like it's a it's like an animal it's like a bat that that swims and then I found out it was just some mean band that apparently people seem to really like I don't I've never heard their music Meem it's a ska band but okay so it's a ska band and not a meme game a better band same thing as I said the other night Scott in about 20 years is going to be considered classic rock so so the Aquabats will be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame soon enough this is a horrible collection of minigames barely has anything to do with Rugrats it's really it's this is the same game as before oh god this is bad alright vini you are upsetting much of the chat if me saying bad things about the aquabats and ska in a joking fashion is enough to upset someone then I mean you're just going to deal with that unpleasant feeling [Music] scooby-do-be-do without you like soit's cool I'm in a shitty GBA game already graphics bro crappy hotel guests yep that looks like a scooby-doo character [Music] why did the characters look like Gumby [Music] likes points boom I saw Fred run in the opposite direction what's he doing here is if that even is Fred oh it's the movie scooby-doo ok it's miss movie do the movies there is the movies [Music] Road you read my thoughts Scoob let's follow that grub [Music] Shaggy's legs are just like polygons it this whole [ __ ] body is just polygons but note like what a weird visual style [Music] okay finally I get to play the game I don't think I want to play this game now that we've been through all that [Music] poor GBA so many great games on the GBA and yet tonight we choose to remember it with a game like this so you talk to guests you collect things you solve puzzles it's just a very unappealing game it's very unappealing best thing I could say about it yep people are saying in chat that that's Vinnie that's me this guy's me you guys really don't know what I look like do you that she says from boundary break you [Music] sega smash pack no this is not Smash Brothers but I'm gonna get through some of these very quickly so we can get to the last game because it looks like it's going to be worth it you oh my god all right we know Saiga so it's three games Ecco the Dolphin Golden Axe and Sonic Spinball [Music] Thanks that's closer than I've ever needed to be to that dolphin [Music] [Music] yep this works on a screen this small Shore [Music] what what's even happening [Music] eko deserve better [Music] [Music] [Applause] I can't tell if that was a glitch or that was supposed to happen I genuinely don't know what happened I was at the alien abduction [Music] that goes great but this port is miserable that was supposed to happen that's why it was included in the collection [Music] I don't know if I want to play the rest of them in the sonic Sega collection [Music] just do sonic yeah I'll just do the Sonic Spinball which is fine because I played Sonic Spinball on the gamegear before I sold the system and bought drugs with it at the tender age of nine well one part of that story wasn't true but I did sell my my game here wow that's a scummy looking Sonic too bad [Music] like I don't know if this is the same game that I thought I had because I I had it how I had Sonic Spinball I just don't I don't remember it I was upset it wasn't a real Sonic game just a spinoff [Music] it's pretty faithful to the genesis version issues running poorly cool that's where I want to be I want to be down there die and listen listen to the options music play out of one East stop [Music] Benny you but wouldn't you not care if it wasn't a spin-off or not since you hated mainline Sonic at that point I was like eight I didn't know how to hate I knew that I was upset because I didn't have it but if I had a Sonic game I would have enjoyed it [Music] you [Music] so options menu [Music] this isn't there's no music here they removed it alright well I'm just gonna find it on YouTube because I need to hear what this sounds like people are making a big deal out of this Sonic Spinball options music is the first result that is the first result you get [Music] [Music] Shrek Fairy Tail game from venom I think it's a hacked version of it fairytail freak down man it's weird that I'm like after all this time I'm still finding Shrek games that I haven't played because I played a lot of [ __ ] Trek games at this point oh there's a fighting game I've played a fighting game version of Shrek at some point oh god this is bad then you have played this one I don't know if I play the GBC version maybe I did I don't know [Music] shrek is very powerful his double leg kick is unstoppable not even Pinocchio could stop it that's sprite oh my god this is so bad this is so bad [Music] I don't know if there are moves oh man we got someone who can zone are you cheap [ __ ] you cheap [ __ ] I say as I defeated my previous opponents by pressing one button repeatedly [Music] cool game cool [ __ ] game [Music] you super panda what the [ __ ] is this this is the last game panda world stage one [Music] are these not Mega Man graphics that are vibrating at an intense ray ok there's some corruption crusts I am NOT attempting to corrupt this I died [Music] so it's Mega Man [Music] and yeah your jar can you know the jar kills you I am very confused but yeah obviously it's a bootleg Lizardman stage from Mega Man 6 yeah I've used these tiles in mega maker you know I've had enough all right that is the GB trash Gameboy trash we'll call it doesn't matter I was fun that was terrible that was also fun though and good collection of games quality games some good laughs and also Gumby Gumby was there interesting gbt Gumby ball torch
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 103,645
Rating: 4.9361458 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Trash, Bad, Games, Awful, Funny, Weird, Bootleg, Terrible, Barbie™ Horse Adventures, Care Bears: The Care Quest, Cartoon Network Speedway, Garfield The Search for Pooky, Gumby vs The Astrobots, HotWheels Stunt Track Challenge, Madden 2005, Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure, Pokémon Garnet, WWF Road to WrestleMania, Rugrats in Paris - The Movie, Scooby-Doo, Ecco the Dolphin, Sonic Spinball, Shrek Fairy Tale Freakdown
Id: UUpucR6SK00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 58sec (5818 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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