VIDEO MASTERCLASS | What's New in Premiere Pro CC 2022 (Release & Beta)

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[Music] [Music] all right everyone hello good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are in the world my name is jason levine and thank you so much for joining me today on the friday master class where today we're going to be talking about what's new in the latest release updates to premiere pro cc 2022 and largely focusing on the premiere pro beta for the reason that uh most of the really cool things that we're working on are currently in the beta now before you go uh beta well the truth is every cc subscriber has access to all of the video application betas they can co-exist safely on your machine side by side and again you don't have to install a beta if you if you don't want to but i just want to show you a couple of really cool things that we're working on some of which you may have seen in the max keynote that i did just a few weeks ago with many of my colleagues including terry white but there's a couple of other little sort of small things but big in the scope of hey if you're doing a lot of editing these are really useful and uh a couple other little sort of behind the behind the scenes under the hood changes that we made which you probably didn't even hear about just make exporting to certain formats a little bit better and uh you know just more stuff that you again wouldn't probably stumble upon but that is super useful whether you're creating sdr hdr content so as always we're coming to you live across a variety of different networks so thank you so much for joining us you've got john archer from mexico what's uh uh what's up donald ping moving picks videography karen brisa so wonderful to see you fl studio tutorials by in purpose music that's a long name uh we've got reverb mike daryl dasa randy uh mill iron oh thank you very much keno was awesome thank you thank you appreciate that steve what's up felix what's happening um corn cody bear slimon rufus what is up so many people here rick adams z by hp biola wonderful to see you all okay so without further ado we're going to get right into it got about six or seven things hopefully that i'll get to uh equally force rcp how are you doing as well okay so let me go ahead and switch over my screen and let's go ahead and get into it on this fine friday always trips me up to see myself in that same shot um looking that way because i kind of have the exact same look right now okay so um as mentioned i'm in the premiere pro beta now just real quickly if you're not even aware of how would i even get this if i wanted to play with some of these new features um you access this via creative cloud desktop and along your categories along the left here you'll see at the bottom oh my head is covering it up there you've got beta apps right here okay and in beta apps you will see um access to all the betas that you have now i i forget and rufus chime in remind me here i don't know if everybody has access to photoshop and illustrator that could be just because i'm i'm internal and part of the the internal pre-releases but all of the video products so premiere media encoder premiere rush after effects character animator audition oh and xd is another one too you have access to all of the video betas just by being a cc member so you'll be able to download these and again these can co-exist side-by-side i myself have the release version of premiere installed as well as the beta version and again i'm going to call out here which features our beta and which are available in the release so the first one we're going to talk about is something that is currently on in development in the beta and it's this new import and export experience the first part of which i showcased during the max keynote the second part i didn't get a chance to because of time so we're going to show you that here so one of the things that you'll note at the top of the interface and this is again something that you will see most likely moving forward is that we have this new sort of home import export and edit uh option here okay so again part of the new user experience for import is that we've changed the way that works rather than going through you know sort of the os file import dialog which you know you can still do by the way right so if you want to import media file import it brings up this you know standard dialog here and that's fine you know and obviously you can change the way things are viewed and whatnot but we realize that's a little disconnected particularly when you're dealing with video right there's more to it you want to see what's in the clip you need it a little bit bigger you need you just need more options so that's what we did so if i go ahead and click on import up here this is going to take us to this new import uh import experience and what you're seeing here this is the sample footage which um i imagine we'll be uh shipping with in the in future versions of premiere here you already have sort of a similar look similar view inside of premiere rush with other sample footage as well i believe this was all shot by devin supertramp if i'm not mistaken from a couple years ago now the nice thing about this as you can already see is that first and foremost as you scrub over the content you can immediately see what's going on in the content so very nicely again as i kind of move through and by the way this has already changed since max this little this little sort of playback line here wasn't there when we shot this back in early october so this is constantly in development and part of the reason for using the beta if you notice there's this little um uh uh this is is this a beaker or a bunsen burner i can't remember now it's a beaker right whatever this icon right here um this allows you to access all the things that have been changed rate features but you also have the ability up here to provide feedback from within the beta so you know if you've ever done sort of the uh the for the for forum thing say that 20 times fast this just gives you more direct access and i can tell you this firsthand if you make if you give feedback from within the betas around features in the beta these go directly to the engineers that's that's not that's not an exaggeration it literally goes right to the engineers so the engineers will see stuff on the forums but those are usually filtered through adobe care and other colleagues they're like oh hey there's a whole thread going on about x here you send that feedback through the app it literally goes to the people who are designing and building the app so it really behooves you if you want to be part of it and by the way there's no there's no obligation like uh you know in previous betas you know if you're always like oh uh you know do i have to submit x number of bug reports you'd have to do any of that it's just there for you okay so how does this work well very simply see the footage you want start selecting it come over to another clip start selecting it move around all right see what we've got in here and what you're going to notice is that as i'm selecting all this footage all right it's building my face is blocking it here but it's building a timeline sort of in the order that we selected those clips down below again if you're if you're familiar with rush it's doing the same kind of thing and of course you can navigate to other folders so let's see let me go to something here there's some of my mac sessions uh let's go into 2021 and i have nothing in here oh sorry i went too far there's all my mac stuff i'm just looking for other footage in here max keynote there we go all right and let's pull in some of this content here so again this is allowing me to pull from different pieces of video different different folders by the way again beta so if you get this and you will because it's a beta just choose disable asserts and ignore and that'll go away and hopefully you don't see that again all right so i'm just going to select a couple more pieces of footage by the way these are not all the same i believe that sample footage is uh is in um it's not even hd i think oh no maybe it's 720p so these are all a little bit different okay so we're going to select those here and then at the up at the top here you'll see that we have a couple of new options now this one again wasn't even in the beta when we shot this for max is copy media so if you've ever used prelude before this is nice because what this will do particularly if you're pulling from multiple locations multiple drives multiple sources as i just did this is going to allow you to copy everything into a new location all right so if you choose to do that enable copy media you can use a preset here you can do the md5 verification if you so desire again this is right out of prelude so anyone who's used that before that's going to look familiar copy file destination same as project preset destination you can save it directly to creative cloud or you can choose a custom destination all right so make it super easy to just take all the media from multiple sources maybe it's on different cards sd cards cf cards whatever place it all in one localized spot for you all right then we've got a bin so same thing you want to place all the content that we just selected into a discrete bin okay i'll call this my edit and then you have create new sequence we'll call this adobe live all right so directly from here we just make it easy all right now this is constantly changing i know someone asked me recently can you set individual in and out points here not at present okay now again this is something that you can do in prelude i imagine we will see this this is why this is still in development and not yet released to the public okay so we're working on it as we go but just showing you this is one of the things you can do and then once you click import it imports those files and then immediately it builds your sequence and your sequence is front and center and you can see as i scrub through this there's all of our content okay again the reason why those are sized differently the sample content is 720p and i think this is like 4k that's a very very close-up shot of my lovely profile with makeup okay all right so that's the new import experience clean easy video front and center media first find stuff review stuff create bins copy the media right it's just it's really easy and again if you like the prelude method of importing files part of what i loved about it was just being able to copy the stuff over this does that too all right now the other part of this of course is the export part now by the way at any point in time if you want to bring more media just into your project or build a new sequence this is the nice thing is that you always have the ability to go back to import so let's say i wanted to you know import more con you know new footage into this project i don't maybe necessarily want to build a sequence it's weird it's not letting me check the box on some of these it's checking the i mean this is you know ui weirdness again beta whatever um you could say no don't put it in a new sequence but yes put it into a new bin and i'll call this additional content spelled strangely there go ahead and import that all right and then if i come up to my project panel here additional content there's these are all stills now again once you have those bins you know you can choose how you view them whether it's uh in the icon view or in freeform view right we've talked about that in the past that's our friend uh anna mcnaught aka anna mcnaughty on instagram you've seen her many times on adobe live all right so it's just really easy to organize and just a nicer way to really work with your content uh in this in this latest edition all right but talking about export so again let's now go to the new export uh experience here so you can still of course do uh command m control m but instead of going to what you know today as the export dialogue which is that modal dialogue in premiere when you do command m or click export here it's now going to take you to this right and this is a fundamentally different looking albeit with the same purpose export experience all right just checking the comments here very quickly steve see i can always count on you for identifying shark puppet jason's son is a burgeoning video master and has made a few cool vids featuring horror characters and shark ah thank you i'm gonna share that with him that's that is awesome shark whales you're very kind thank you daryl all right sweet okay let's see what else we got here nice all right navid from lahore great to see you e-a-i design great to see you from brazil hey what's up gabrielle from sydney oh wow thank you for tuning in okay so the new export experience how is this different well first of all it has the what we once referred to as the spp the social publishing panel remember this this was something that i actually sneaked at max five years ago this is not exactly the same thing but this was the concept of it so all of your destinations are front and center all the way to the left so the first thing you see is where do you want this video that you're exporting to go so obviously by default you're going to create a media file what happens if we click here yo you can rename you can duplicate you can do some things there okay you then have all of your other social destinations so if i want to go if i want this to go to youtube i can enable this right here okay and then of course you're going to have all of your sign in uh uh options here you can already see i'm i'm currently signed in to my channel on youtube i can choose the playlist where i want it to go you know i can give it the title description privacy tags custom thumbnails or i believe i can also pull a frame from the source which is super nice so you can do something like that and i can again use current frame or select a particular time we just make it super super easy right so going to youtube by the way why is this lingering that should go away when i click away it's staying there right now these are the kind of things you're going to see in the beta i'm experiencing this live it changes daily or every other day or every couple of days so different things all the time vimeo twitter facebook behance creative cloud or an ftp so all of that is front and center all right then when we get back over to here now we've simplified the actual export and file format choosing process now you might think why is this cool or why is this not cool or what what gives okay so first the basics right file name where we're exporting it to and then presets and format and if i click down on the preset menu here what you're going to notice is that right away this is this has been minimized right so today if you go into premiere pro and you go to export as h.264 most common format for the web and sharing this is a very very long list of presets right so what we've done here is basically we're giving you seven or eight presets that are the most commonly used in variety of qualities matching the source with using adaptive uh vbr and high higher bit rates medium low bit rates then we have a couple of quality options so again this is just sort of using higher attributes for 4k 1080p 720p i think the youtube one is showing up here because i've used it so frequently you have match sequence preview settings but then you have access to all of the presets so the idea here is that we're just showcasing some of the most commonly encountered ones to clean that menu up because we've just heard feedback from users particularly new users that it's super daunting to see this list of you know 125 presets when i just want to export my video and have it look good the default is match source adaptive high bitrate for me usually high quality 1080p and honestly i always use the youtube ones because that's really where my content is going anyway so if you go to more presets zoom back out now this gives you access to everything that you will recall so all of the adobe stock presets all of your various you know pro res flavors everything in here and it's all alphabetical so like i was saying by the way you can see i'm scrolling here look at how many pre i mean like i said if i'm a new user and that's the first thing i see yikes it's awesome that we have so many options it's terrifying if you don't know what you're doing right so everything is still here so if i wanted to export this you know as one of these xd cam hd fit well it would be hd60 for where i am but uh whatever i wanted to choose one of these i can do that it gives you a little summary of all the attributes right particularly the audio this is so nice to have all of this comments the category that it actually falls into the video itself what it's producing so this would be ideal because this timeline is 720p all right click ok and now that's the preset that's being chosen and it automatically chooses the format that was associated with that as well so again we make it easy having said that too if i were to go into format here it's the same format menu that you know as before so you know again if i'm going to youtube i'm probably not going to do an mxf op1a i am going to choose h.264 all right most definitely all right now um one of the nice things here too is that all of the tabs that you had in that export dialogue that were kind of hidden right so this is where we've shown how to do things like overlays right and time code and the loudness normalization and video limiter all of that stuff is contained here as well all right under effects so it's you have all the same options they're just kind of more nicely twirled up or down here again all of your basic video settings so frame size frame rate order aspect ratio match source and then if you want all those additional parameters click the little uh ellipsis icon here get all this max depth 2020 color primaries if this is hdr it's not max render quality render alpha only again all the stuff that you saw before we've just kind of cleaned this up all of your audio options same thing okay multiplexer never go to that not a thing i do captioning we'll come back to this later all right effects again adding looks uh image overlays time code the time tuner video limiter all of those things metadata all right this is important in particular if you're going to be creating content for broadcast or other other destinations where they require certain types of metadata embedded in the exports you can do that here including your time code and then just some of the additional general settings like importing your exported video back into the project using any preview files that you may have created during the edit or using proxies okay so just cleaned up and simple again and then all the way on the right this is what we're exporting so this is our timeline this is what it's going to look like i can you know readjust the in and out here okay i can tell it to use the entire source source into out work area or a custom version right gives you a little uh source um uh read out here as well as what the output will be based on that particular preset oh and actually that content was 640 by three 360p not even i was way off said not not 720p 360p it's half the size of that all right that's why these other 4k clips are so zoomed in all right super easy right there it's just nice tell us what you think and then of course you also have now this option here this is actually new background export so this is doing just that now previously if you sent to media encoder which you can still do right you still still see that down here it does export in the background but it's actually as you're doing stuff in premiere it's it's it's it's pausing and or slowing things down a medium coder now this is a true background export option okay export in the background all right and then of course you have the modal option here so this is exactly like the current export button that you have in premiere pro the only difference is you're in this dialog here but this is taking all of your resources to export this content all right quickly right so it's not a background option it's you're you're using everything you're not gonna be able to do anything in premiere while you're exporting but it's throwing all of your system resources at it to get the fastest export possible okay all right see if we got any more messages here all right uh okay wait a minute hold up jason you're a singer oh my god me too nice daryl all right mostafa is having some issues with media encoder in the 2022 version let us know let us know in the beta what issues you're having i admit i haven't uh i haven't run into media encoder issues myself i've run into some other ones so you know that's that's kind of the agile development world we're in right that's why things are always updating that's the flexibility but you got to let us know because not every system configuration is the same so we definitely want to hear from you and thanks for letting me know all right so now let's cut a little bit into captioning now we've talked ad infinitum about captions and just a few weeks ago i did auto transcription here it's not going to go into all of that specifically though what i do want to talk about however um are a couple of the options around the auto transcription that are new in the beta all right so here again this is the sequence that i showcased at max so this is a bunch of different people that i had on my adobe live shows how long is this this is like two minutes okay so i'm just very quickly just for the sake of time i'm gonna cut out these because i haven't i haven't tested it with this version of the beta i just love doing things for you live it is a live stream so let's see how it does maybe it fails all right so we're going to transcribe this sequence which by the way um you know is pretty pretty awesome let's come into here okay oh i'm not even seeing the option right now oh that's weird and no wait a second hold on let me let me see if i create a new maybe it's because i've got a uh a pre-existing project i'll make a new sequence from this okay oh look at that yikes okay let's go into our text panel here oh yeah something is broken in here what oh flaggle gaggle yeah i'm selecting a sequence with audio okay well that's part of the beta all right i can't show you this evidently i can still talk about what it is though so today when you go into uh create transcript as i mentioned at max you choose a mix you choose your language you can see you can download different languages here this is ideally probably how you'll be able to access more languages in the future all right you can transcribe you know setting in and out points what not you can recognize when different speakers are talking and click transcribe what is in the beta but appears to not be in this beta at the moment is there's also a transcribe on device so currently what you're doing in the release version is it's actually sending it up to the cloud and processing and returning it down there this is not in the today's beta unfortunately so we can't show it to you but there is an on-device option so you saw some of this on device stuff that terry was showcasing with some of the new neural filters in photoshop so we're going to be doing or attempting to do some of that uh in premiere pro as well now one thing that i still can show you around this is when you have your transcripts and you saw that we have that recognize different speakers now again this beta is seeing these things differently so i don't know how this is going to work but oh they're still coming up as speaker one two three four five so this is something really cool that i didn't get to showcase in the max keynote which is that you could obviously name these things and it does a really good job of identifying all the different voices so if i come into our edit speakers here let's go ahead and edit speaker number one oh it's not even letting me do that oh this is totally broken it's it's the beta it was working yesterday not working today okay you can name all the speakers why is that important because as you're editing and going through your transcript here this is a real bummer because i really wanted to i really wanted to showcase how to edit this let's see if it'll let me do it now it just isn't clicking on the edit pencil it's not doing it it's okay it doesn't matter i just want to point out again of course you can edit the transcript directly right here right whatever you want it to say and then from here you click create captions all right gives you all your various captioning options subtitle default that's what we want go ahead and click create it builds the captions and just like that you now have we switch over to captions here you have the actual captions being displayed play back a little bit of this for you you can expect to go into a career in music and be able to feed yourself that's absolutely true absolutely true it's always a thing that i talk with my students about and i have to tell them like listen guys i love this okay so um again if we want to now modify any of this this is where the essential graphics panel comes into play because all of these captions are customizable using essential graphics so first and foremost of course you can change the text you can change the font uh if there's a particular adobe font that you want to use you know by all means switch it to something so maybe we go into this like um barricade pro that's very thick all right maybe oh it's only regular available there again we could change the fill color so i love i love the yellow uh subtitles initially when i saw network starting to do that it was bothering me i actually happen to really like it now you can add a stroke to it you can add drop shadow if you want to do that okay you can see how the drop shadow applies you can then save this as a track style so if we like this style what is this what i say it's barricade pro barricade style yellow all right now that applies to all of the captions already here okay if we want to further modify that with a different style i can come over here using avenir light go to sort of classic classic looking captions if we wanted to add that sort of uh um black box behind them we can do that as well okay so something like this oh i may have just crashed it i think i did i'm just using the beta something could happen no stress we're just going to relaunch that's going to give me a good opportunity though to just relaunch that and check out the chats momentarily so let's go ahead and do that okay so let's see javon is saying okay so when should you use after effects did you organize your scene in premiere first and then go to after effects or start an ae first well it depends what you're trying to do um javon after effects is you know primarily for creating motion graphics and visual effects so if you are um working on a video edit and you're wanting to add certain visual motion elements to it you know fire particles you know even lower thirds or text animations and things a lot of that of course you can do directly in premiere but you can send the content um from premiere pro to after effects via a right-click menu which i'll be able to show you here in just a second or you can import the entire premiere project into after effects if you so desire uh from the file menu so or just drag and drop actually from media browser inside of after effects so it just depends what you're wanting to do typically again if you're if you're doing sort of additive graphics whether it's visual effects or more broadcast style you know youtube style lower thirds or just having a nice background or like a a spinning logo typically you'll start cutting it in premiere and then you'll transition to over to after effects so as i was saying if i wanted to say you know add some particular graphics or something to this shot in after effects that i couldn't do here in premiere i could just right click now again i don't have the after effects beta installed that's why it's showing as grayed out here because we're in the premiere beta but i can choose to replace with after effects composition and that's what it does it automatically creates a dot aep of that clip in the premiere timeline takes you over to after effects you do your graphics on top of this video clip and then when you bounce back over to premiere it shows up and it's live okay now again it's unrendered so depending upon the level of complexity you may consider rendering that although in the latest version of after effects with multi-frame rendering stuff is happening super super fast so it actually behooves you to render stuff out and bring it in directly rather than necessarily uh you know creating the after effects comp from within premiere but that's how you get the footage over there in any case so that you maintain time time code positioning all of those things all right oh yeah no no video size limitations there in terms of you know anything from the premier timeline you know up to uh i think it's i don't know if we've expanded it used to be 10 000 by 10 you know 10k basically so uh i don't know if that's been expanded or not i think it probably has been because i think we work with 12k footage i mean lord help us if you're cutting something in you know beyond 10k anyway but um 8k certainly yeah directly from premiere into after effects that's a great question i don't you know it's been so long that was long before we had 8k it probably is sort of infinite now but i don't actually know all right mustafa can we get some insight into what you are working on with frame i o oh that's a good question oh and i'm not signed in here at the moment so well obviously we just recently acquired uh frame i o so all i can tell you is that if you're not familiar with what frame io are they are the uh sort of the primary um provider having the primary provider for online collaborative video review commenting sharing and editing directly from premiere you can export into this frame io panel you can then send a link to people share with others they can comment and up and maybe if we get time towards the end i'll log in and show you uh super cool so at present it's the frame i o experience that you already have because we're still depending on the actual frame i o panel that you've been accustomed to using no no no changes immediately this just happened there will be changes in the coming months you know weeks months years whatnot but for the moment it's this it's the same experience uh that you have today all right okay daryl can i make stinger layouts in premiere pro or in after effects uh as in transitions for streaming oh yeah i mean you can you can certainly make them here this is again where we're going on a little tangent here but you know if you're looking for graphical transitions i'd highly recommend going into essential graphics go into uh the adobe stock panel here let's choose some free ones all right and let's search on transitional graphical elements all right a lot of these i've already got licensed so i'm just hover scrubbing over this to show you how this plays back which it's not wanting to do at present probably because i'm in the beta there we go kind of see what that looks like this is like a super standard clean not fancy type of transition but you get the idea so i'd actually look here there's all kinds of cool transitional elements but you know if you're using something from adobe stock you just drop it right into the timeline okay something like this all right and this is premiere created so it's probably pretty fast let's just see that but i want to first talk about a quote all right you get the idea but i want to first off you know that's not not super super awesome i mean it's cool it's nice it's free you get the idea so yes you can create those manual in after effects you can create them in premiere there's lots of ones already created in after effects here that are really really cool uh you know and you can see if we just go through some of them here some of them are very very visual and creative some of them have like motion blur like this one this looks pretty cool you know this is very sort of specific but i like i like the motion blur on those leaves and it just drags right into the premiere pro timeline kinda can't beat it right all right okay moving on let's talk about remix let's disable okay so remix is as mentioned a technology that we have currently in audition that you can use to automatically um adjust the duration an audio file to fit the duration of your video all right so here i have some music a composition of mine and my buddy fred's from years ago and if you look at the timeline you can see that it's it's it's too short now just before i go any further remix works whether the content is longer than you need or shorter than you need and we're gonna see in a minute i'm gonna try actually my uh our track that we've been working on the last couple weeks i'm gonna bring that in here and we'll test out remix on that the idea being that if you're not great at audio editing if you've ever done audio edits and you're like ah it sounds kind of rough or i hear the editor it just sounds bad or just you're not comfortable like editing music remix does it for you using ai it knows what to do it automatically detects the best edit points and it gives you options so if we go ahead and just play back there's a couple seconds of this here [Music] previous streams on adobe live amazing guests all right let's go ahead and right click here and go into remix enable remix when i do that it automatically brings us into essential sound you saw okay there was a progress bar there it was analyzing the clip that is super fast and it's incredibly fast if you're working on the native m1 builds on the latest macbook pros even the macbook air with m1 sick sickly fast that doesn't make any sense and then all you have to do is type in the target duration but even better and this is something which i wasn't able to show at the max keynote come over to the tools panel here under the ripple edit tool we now will have a remix tool so again this is accessible to you today in the premiere pro beta hopefully it's still working so i'm going to take the remix tool and i'm just going to drag this and snap it to the edge of my video and remix is automatically going to edit non-destructively my audio to fit the duration and these little white wiggly lines that you see here let me see if i change the label color maybe it'll be easier to see caribbean there we go those lines that you see those represent the edit points so to listen to what this sounds like at the edit points let me go ahead and play this back and let's hear if we hear any like pops or clicks or weirdness well and you kind of said that earlier right i mean that's the thing sounds awesome let's go to another one how dynamic link works with after effects amazing bridge the gap from handwritten storytelling now if you're listening going i don't hear anything exactly you're not hearing anything because the edit is seamless dare i say perfect but could be all right then you have a couple of options here you can choose like edit length how many edits do you kind of want inside of a track by the way if you double click on the audio file you go into this little isolation mode and the source monitor this is nice so let's say that we want more edits shorter edits all right as i adjust the slider here you can now see it's applied different edits and one because this is ai it's always going to be a little bit different it's never going to be exactly the same that's such a pained look on my face there all right so let's play this one back yes [Music] okay that was like that was a weird edit it was clean but i didn't love it so again this is where i just maybe readjust the slider here see what it does there's only so many options based on the parameters that we've given it we could also tell it to feature more on the harmonic structure which is interesting wow let's let's see what that just did what did that do now i feel like eight edits [Music] so for whatever reason it's kind of vamping this like he just likes it you get the idea now you might say to yourself well if i'm messing around with all these things you know is it is it taking more or less time than if i just edited it myself well i don't know i don't know how accurate you are audi uh editing audio and editing music personally i'm incredibly fast you might not be this by default by the way nine times out of ten the default rocks as you saw when we first started by the way it's this is the default settings again but now there's like another weird edit at the end here which we didn't even do so again it's always a little different it always can be a little bit more random it does an amazing job let's try it on something unique and new specifically the track that uh i recorded live a couple weeks ago randy is saying that is amazing i could have used that for a project i was working on and the darn song was too short i can't wait to play around and beta with that footage i had to manually repeat the track yes all right it is it is amazing and you know i'm i am very very honest about you know the the good the bad the ugly the limitations all all that it's it's really good it's really really good okay so here is our uh here's the track that i recorded the uh the cover of that billy idol tune that kind of re-inspired me getting back into recording by the way i started to do a little bit of mixing of it i'm gonna take the vocals out for just a sec uh so let's go ahead and just mix this down all right let's do a mix down entire session okay that's fine bitter taste 3a it's going to the desktop okay uh click okay all right we're gonna let it export there and do its thing steve your head now daryl what mic do you use to sing and what camera do you use well for singing it depends on this particular track i was actually using a classic old school mic choice i don't know if you can see it here this is the sennheiser md441 very very popular in the late 60s and 70s excellent for snare drums the mic that i use in here for the stream is the uh sennheiser mkh 416 my typical uh mic for tracking vocals however and i use this on this track for this particular reason for a particular sound the one that i actually typically use is um an audio technica 4050 multi-pattern condenser um it's just married to my voice it's been my vocal mic of choice literally for almost 30 years dating myself a little there but i've owned it since 1995 and it's just wonderful for my voice so it's you know but it as i've talked about on stream many times in the spirit of the harry potter quote the juan chooses the wizard the microphone kind of chooses the voice um not all mics sound good on every voice not all microphones even the same microphone can sound good on one voice and bad on another even two versions of the same mic can sound slightly different on somebody's voice so it's just about finding out the kind of voice you have and what really resonates well i have a whole stream on that which you can find on the adobe creative cloud youtube channel or my own channel as a custom thumbnail about microphone which microphone to choose so i highly recommend checking that out okay so we've got this uh mix down here oh that's why it took so long i had like a i think this is just bass at the end of it it's bit oh it's actually vocal okay so let's take that out take this out let's save this and we're going to um i'm going to bring this into premiere pro now actually i just realized you know what i can do let's see let's try this oh i don't know if it'll work because it's the beta i'm not going to worry about that okay let's go ahead and import this directly so again now i could use import here technically desktop and uh where's the track where did it go i'm just going to go old school here desktop bitter taste okay let's take this track out of here and let's grab bitter taste oh i mean that's just that's it's today's beta is not looking so hot sorry it's beta it's worth pointing out as well yeah sure let's try and recover the previous project um you know and we say this all the time sure don't go doing any you know like your life depends on it productions in a beta right i'm i'm comfortable doing it on live stream but you know just keep in mind can't really apologize they're you know they're all a little different let's see if this is crashing this could be like a file import issue let's just see hopefully not okay oh it even had it already in the track oh that's fine okay perfect here we go all right so this is a great example getting back to our uh uh longer shorter so here the music is you know two and a half times as long right so we need to shorten it so once again i'm going to right click here go into remix enable remix okay it's doing the analysis you can see it right there super super fast all right and then i'll grab the remix tool oh come on no no oh you finished it oh it's not quitting it thought it was all right like that and there it did its edits all right let me just do the track mixer here i don't know how loud this is so let's take a listen absolutely true absolutely true all right let's see the edit here [Music] nice and here looks like there's two edits here [Music] wow awesome so this is what i'm talking about it it's it's shockingly good usually with defaults now again if you want to get you know want to get fancy here we can start saying all right you know i want i want longer edits just kind of one or two and hear it it was able to do the whole thing with two edits so right here let's put the voices back in university like yeah that's just something's not right right it's how dynamic link works with after right seamless let's check out this one here so how do you kind of bridge the gap from you know handwritten okay don't love that one so again maybe i make some more adjustments you get the idea remix check it out hopefully he's not crashing all over the place for you beta okay don't learn the bugs haven't noticed you're vying yeah i mean look i'm very realistic about this it's the beta we're working on it live again these you'll you'll often see updates to the beta almost every day usually for premiere all right and take the bait out behind the barn and teach it some matters that's kind of old school now steve careful careful all right oh yes and what is the studio camera sorry i forgot to answer it yeah so i i'm using a nikon d850 uh with a 24 to 70 lens at uh at f4 in this case fixed aperture lens of course but at f4 all right uh let's see how much time we have we've got about eight minutes okay auto tone oh perfect this is this is a good one so maybe for this i think i need to go to some other footage so let's go to import and you know i'm almost i almost want to choose some of these because they are they're kind of flat looking i don't know how well these are going to grade but why not let's just try it all right and let's go into lumetri color and let's talk about auto tone so this is uh an updated new feature in luma tree which functions similarly to the way that auto toning functions in lightroom so as you've heard me talk about over the years one of the reasons why i actually started to even feel confident or comfortable maybe comfortable is a better word to start doing my own color corrections in premiere is because we introduced the basic corrections panel which is essentially the beginning of the of the develop module in lightroom and camera raw right it's that those first eight or ten sliders from there that i'd been using and learned about years and years ago well now we're kind of following suit with auto tone where it's just gonna do a better job of one re recolorizing or i should say tonalizing it's just doing an auto correction but using some intelligence to do so now again this clip i don't know if this is the best it's like it's just like feet and a ball here but and it's very low res but let's see what this does oh actually kind of nice now also in the spirit of lightroom it's not a black box fix meaning that it applies this change but you don't see what it's done did you notice all of the sliders moved so you can modify all of those settings in the basic corrections panel to better suit your needs and actually that that looks pretty good you know let me let me import another piece of footage here from that same collection maybe one of these they're all so short is anything more than two seconds this is so short this is all right let's do this one so i don't want to put it in a new sequence i want to put it in the same sequence how do i put it in the same sequence that's a good question there's there's the thing i need to report right now what if i want to put in the same sequence why are you making me uh why is this not dragging it oh maybe it's the same now it doesn't want any footage coming in here that's working that's odd oh for heaven's sake oh because it's the same no i don't know why i don't know what's going on auto tone i have time for this okay ooh that looks really nice this is also without using a lut by the way so what i love about this you know first of all again we can this is where i would probably do something like um adding loop playback so i'm going to go to my button editor here let's drag loop down in there loop this back right and really start playing with this so it kind of warmed it up oh so many today's beta was not the one to showcase unfortunately but you're getting it all still yeah send whatever oh just do it already stop asking me no i work here i can get frustrated all right back to the original okay so auto tone you get it you saw it try it it's good as you just saw does some nice results let's try it on this ooh a little too much smoothed me out a little too much there's the before there's the after but again the nice thing is i can see what it did oh yes it kind of bumped the shadows so i don't need so much of the shadows and maybe it bumped up the highlights maybe tone those down just a bit so now before after not bad right and that's kind of the brilliance of auto tone is you see what it did you can learn from it it also pumped the exposure a bit there but that's fine so you can then modify it that much more easily all right all right so this is another one now this is one of those little hidden small things that most people don't think about but it's super cool so if you're ever in a case where you know you're working in a timeline and you're going to be trimming you want to trim a bunch of clips simultaneously so something like this i select all these clips and i want to trim a few frames off of each of them for whatever reason and then you accidentally click away now i just lost all of my my trim selects which is really easy to do in the timeline so we now have a keyboard shortcut uh for restore trim that you can use and assign some type in restore trim selection here i'm going to click into the shortcut field and let's assign that to alt t which appears to be available so i'm holding down alt there's nothing on the t key alt t alright so now you can see alt t restore trim selection so now if i were to multi-select all these clips to trim them like this and then i'm talking and doing my thing whatever and i accidentally click away alt t they're all back all right real nice clean simple all right bars and tone haven't done any renovations haven't done any modifications to bars and tone in a while but you will notice we have revamped bars and tone to include primarily a host of different uh color spaces so whether you're working in hdr sdr you can create the appropriate uh bars and tone for that you also have the ability now to create a sequence or a file for that matter with specific reference tones coming from the audio days so this is like a one kilohertz tone uh you know we used to do for mix for mixing on different consoles you'd have a hundred hertz 1k and 10k this will generate one tone at a time you can also have it identify audio channels again you've got some presets in here as well so as mentioned you have your sdhd ultra hd uh hdr sdr presets it's just really simple really nice something to throw on to the beginning of uh of your content so here it is all right that's what a 1k tone sounds like right this is just a standard rec 709 and 1080p um just some new modifications there all right kind of a nice thing all right uh oh this is another one here so if uh take a look at this sequence so again i've got stuff kind of stacked all over the place this is nothing i mean this is this is like 10 clips but let's say i want to share this or archive it and i effectively want to simplify the construction of this sequence under the sequence menu now we have a function called simplify sequence you can see in here you can choose to do things like close vertical gaps flatten multi-camera clips and then you have removing you know empty video and audio tracks okay you can remove graphics or transitions through edits muted tracks you can choose all the things that you want to remove so i'm just gonna remove empty tracks you can remove markers so this is a nice thing i love when i archive stuff i've got a million markers in the timeline very confusing if i open it up five years later like what what is all this stuff you can have those stripped away click simplify now this one there's not too much to simplify oh but look at that nice and clean there's the before now it looks like it just kind of you know compressed everything down it basically did for this one but you know it also had the benefit of again if we go back to simplify do the same thing here again clean nice simple easier to identify what's going on in there too particularly useful again if you've got tons of empty tracks and things now there's no empty tracks it's just tracks that are being used i love that i love that ability to just simplify and keep it clean and keep it nice all right unfortunately friends that is all the time we have one last thing i wanted to point out if you're interested in using essential sound for your audio you will notice now that we have a whole series of new partners epidemic and jamendo were the classic ones when we first introduced music uh in adobe stock fine tune keyframe and music revolution we now have more than 52 000 tracks that you can license from within premiere pro and that's just the beginning but unfortunately it is the end of our time so again have a great rest of your morning afternoon evening wherever you are in the world we will see you again next time up next is the illustrator daily creative challenge have a good one everybody bye-bye you
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 3,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Cloud, Adobe CC, Adobe Cloud, Adobe creative suite, #MakeAdobeCC, #AdobeCC, #ACCTags, Premiere Pro, what's new, CC 2022, editing, speech to text, remix, jason levine, beatlejase, tutorial
Id: _PiVAbxaq6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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