Creating a Travel Booklet in Adobe InDesign with Kristy Campbell - 2 of 2

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hello hello everyone welcome back to day two of this beautiful adobe live stream with christy campbell from pinkpony creative i am super excited for day two i know everybody else here is uh good day to all my kiwis out there i'm probably not knowing all of the things but steve was all about cheer bro yesterday uh i think that's supposed to be a good thing so if not please let us know in the comments uh but wherever you're tuning in from welcome to this stream if you are on youtube make sure you come over to behance at adobe live so that we can actually talk to you engage with you in chat answer any questions that you have um but without further ado christy i'll let you tell everybody again who you are what you're up to and what we're going to be working on today all right hey guys i am christy from pinkpony creative i come from all the way in new zealand and basically i'm a branding and graphic designer and i own this studio called pink pony creative um just a little insight into my work some of you may have seen it yesterday i just do like a whole lot of really fun bold um kind of quirky work branding packaging your general graphic design um and just some really sort of out there colorful stuff so that's all about me especially my pink blazer today i i love the pink blazer i love your color palette i i think my biggest surprise yesterday was knowing that you do pretty much all your illustrations yourself um and just being blown away with your amazing illustration skills oh thank you yeah like all this little stuff this is definitely all me uh no i love the illustrations i love them they're definitely something i'm known for now which is cool yeah i mean and i can see why your your talent and illustrations are is unmatched it's incredible so thank you thank you absolutely oh cool cool well should i just get straight into it i think let's do a little recap of what we were working on yesterday and then where we're going to be going today all right so yesterday we worked on a travel brochure that was almost like a modern take on um your average brochure that you'd see when you come to a country so this is a hawaii brochure slice of paradise discover hawaii very inspirational and basically we just created this um really funky bold like eg style um design so we're using like gradient maps on the imagery i've brought in these really cool illustrative icons that i actually drew out for all of you guys if you don't if you missed it i hand drew them and then put them into illustrator yesterday so go back and watch that if you haven't converted them into vectors and then pull them into indesign which is a really cool way to just add some interest and features in your work uh and then so following that we just did the cover page we you know figured out our fonts our color palette and then we just started to work through the brochure and you know we went for the really big typography and some really nice white space and just continued to kind of work through it there and then we started to go into the more heavier content on the third page and on third spread in so yeah that's kind of where we were at yesterday hopefully you guys followed it along and i really enjoyed it i know i did so i'm excited to jump into it today and get designing yeah absolutely i know chat was going crazy yesterday i love the illustrations i love the spreads that you've been working on but also in case you are just tuning in for the first time today we also have a link in chat that will give you all the files and some of these sketches and vector pieces that you've done so super helpful for people to get started i know there's a bunch of people yesterday looking for those illustration pieces for their own personal projects and so that was a great leg up so we'll get that linked again in chat and then you can click it there awesome and yeah free for feel free to use those sketches wherever you want if you use them to use them commercially if you want to as well i'm not bothered they were here for you guys to use and have so totally happy for you to do that so jumping into kind of let's go back to the plan that we had yesterday um so i started out with this wireframe um just to really sketch out where we were going to go with the um with the work you know we've got our heading we've done that we've done our contents page we've done the snorkling page which was the first page of all the content and then now we're going to head into the surfing page obviously hawaii is well known for its surfing but something i wanted to do i was thinking about overnight as well how i could give you guys a few more really cool tips and design and show you something a little bit different so i thought let's add um between this page and the next surfing page i'm gonna add like a full spread really big type um just to show you a couple of little tricks and tips that i know in indesign um so you know with the flow of the work of the brochure i wouldn't normally go from you know we've just done our contents our you know first bit of content i'd probably have another page full of content but in this instance i'm just going to go ahead and make this really cool full page spread big type and we're going to insert like an image into the type which is always a nice little trick so i thought we could introduce the big the surfing uh bit of the brochure by having a big spread that says surf's up love it and if you followed along yesterday you know i was struggling with my paragraph styles and i went ahead and i just actually fixed those up um this morning to make sure i had them nailed um so we're going to go into heating and i'm going to make it really big actually so let's go for a nice big tight face i love that that you kind of went back and retweet some of the stuff what did you find was happening with your paragraph styles that you adjusted i actually i'm not sure i think what it was was that the fact that i had um character styles as well and i think it was almost something was happening there and i had to go ahead and delete them all and just start again and then it seemed to have worked but i wasn't really sure because if you missed yesterday what i had done was i started to create my paragraph styles as character styles purely accidental it wasn't anything to do with my thinking but then when i went back and changed it i think it was because they were doubling up a little bit and something was happening there so um just went ahead and fixed them all and it's made it a whole lot easier that's for sure that's really big i want it to be massive when you're designing stuff that that crosses these spreads it might have a trim or be stapled there or whatever the binding is how do you typically try to adjust or compensate for it yeah i'm just thinking now you know if this was a printed brochure obviously sometimes it's lucky you get the space here within the you might it might sit here but obviously it'll be a bit unbalanced but you know actually that doesn't even look too bad um having it slightly off to one side there but maybe we could even look at going um left aligning it and dropping that up and having it all on that uh left page let's just increase this a bit um [Music] yeah because if we get this printed this and the if was sitting in that stable line you would lose part of it which wouldn't be the best uh result that um and i think this would be quite um a little bit off balance let's actually bring this back up know what we could do i wonder if this will work i'm going to add in the word dude make it very this is very finding nemo actually let's see where we get to here um it still might actually potentially make i actually think that see having the u in the middle there might be okay and this isn't a thick booklet it's about 16 pages so your staple isn't going to be that deep um so i think it will be it will actually sit quite nicely there let's let's keep it here right so from here what i thought was a really cool little tip that if you're beginning or you know you're just learning indesign you might not know this tip so you basically get your type outline it you can use your hotkeys which are command shift o um and from here we're just going to place an image inside the text so go in command d and that should bring up your images and then let's find some surfing and we'll pop this one here and then we're starting to see the image within the text which is really cool which is just like a cool funky feature um i thought this would be cool to show that's a cool feature okay let's try and bury up so we can get someone surfing within there and even following on from yesterday we could actually add a gradient map to this image and it might come out quite nicely we almost need [Music] extra black or bold more more more type real estate so the image can show yeah yeah yeah actually thinking about it we might be better off i'm gonna go back actually and we could be whale way better off to use the slightly bolder version in this type so let's go all the way back to just before we outlined it there's actually a bold version here yeah this could come up quite nicely and i might even try this other image where there's a bit more darker waves coming in rather than the the white wash all right let's try this it's really cool seeing the waves kind of break through the tape a little bit yeah see even though you can't see the surfer here i quite like how they're sitting there so you know that just gives you i think for this instance let's just leave it as is like this um just giving you that really cool effective surface up dude and we could even add a few of our um illustrations into this which would be kind of cool this is when our waves could come in bring those across oh fun yeah this is going to look quite cool actually [Music] do you just love that when you start throwing things in and you're like wow that's actually really nice i can't wait yeah this is this is coming coming together nicely good job me yeah gold star for you even pull this guy in fergus says ooh that looks cool and steve says i can hear the hawaii fibo theme music oh beautiful you could have worked as intended i like it we could even pull this one maybe it doesn't look so much like a wave there didn't love them there could think about um yeah this is looking quite quite funky i just love i don't know what it is about big typeface like across a spread it's just just looks so good very powerful there's just something so confident about it that's so like yeah amazing definitely i like that um take on it confident what about i feel like the surfboards might look too overpowering a little bikini there we go it's like you're dressing the ass almost maybe the bikini looks a bit random i could even try and put it behind there i'm not loving the bikini actually we just need some splashes oh look at that this is exactly what we need yeah that's great they're perfect maybe just a couple more um all right some cool little water droplets here put them in a surf spout with a apostrophe there hopefully not as the design of my spelling isn't that good definitely more of a visual person let me see what a nice little yeah this is looking quite cool apparently there's a movie called surfs up too oh really it's like an australian movie it's got like a penguin oh charlotte buff is in it and jeff bridges uh oh there's quite a big uh big cast there wow first thing on google says why is surfs up so good so recommendation of the week is to go and watch this up maybe we'll bring him forward yeah a little bit a little bit edgy it does seem to need an apostrophe ah no i thought that would be the case yep ruins everything well you know what we're living life on the edge today what what if you just made one of the droplets uh oh yeah the apostrophe there oh he almost needs to be like one of these ones where we're a little bit more curved i'm liking this idea this creativity yeah oh beautiful look at that i feel like this is quite a fun little piece uh see if we let's have a go at taking that image behind this could um not actually come out as strong as i thought but let's try and make the um introduce that gradient map into this image and actually because it is so blue it might not show up that much so yesterday if you guys were following along we used an action um in photoshop and created this gradient map and adobe live action so we're just going to remove those last two because what we did yesterday and when we play it boom there's the gradient map this usually comes out quite strong here all right let's just save this one um save them there open him back up see what he looks like oh striking i don't know what i prefer actually i can't i kind of liked it without that and the color perfect yeah yeah especially because you start it i think it looks more like a wave without that showing that one's not working for me all right i think we're looking quite cool even just for this spread nice and simple um things looking pretty cool there you could even as in like an additional little tip you could look at even um not that i would do it for this spread if we copy that image behind that's within the text and then place it in place and if we're sending this to the back we could even look at doing something like this is where you could maybe bring in a black and white version or the gradient map and then you've got those oh that looks nasty but you'd see what i mean where you could bring in maybe maybe it is the same color maybe it's the and then we're seeing a slight something like that could look quite cool um but i think in this case i prefer it when it's just really clean stripped back and we've just got the text there um what do you guys think tell us what you think yeah what is more busy do you like it clean what other feedback i think i i think i like it cleaner actually i do as well yeah definitely cleaner i think especially in the context of your uh editorial work right now i feel like this is a really healthy like amount of like breathing room so as you kind of get in the story you kind of have a page kind of reset and then get back into the content yeah especially because the first few pages are quite busy you know we've got the gradient maps the illustrations it's nice to have that breathing space here have a little breather all right let's head on to the next page which is going to be the surfing page so this is when we bring in a bit more content we're going to lay out using our grids again and see how we go to from there stephen bell both say that they love it and it's looking great so oh good i'm glad guys thank you for the the positive tips all right surfing so i've kind of just like briefly laid this out this was definitely something that i didn't really think about i just kind of placed them there so i was thinking maybe we'll have big image two images the text and maybe on this page we'll have a bit of text here as well on the image depending on how that starts to work out so let's just go ahead and i'll start to start to map out this whole page all right where are we at we're doing surfing so let's hit us with a really nice surfing shot oh my gosh there's so many great photos there is surfing images are just cool like there's just some cool cool stuff um or even this one i like this if they're not physically surfing in this photo but when you have so many wonderful photos how do you choose which one to choose like put in there good question i think it's like a gut feel but also i do find that when you start to map out your page or your structure if you do have quite a few good images just place some kind of placeholders in there and then when you're starting to bring in some text you know see what works maybe we're going to have a heading up here because we've got a really nice space for hitting maybe a bit of text in there and then your text here too you know if we were using a different image the heading and the text might not work up in that left corner so you know mapping out the page trying to find what works with the content i think is key as well um so let's bring in this surfing oh look up we've got another i've put dude in here as well ride those waves dude so we've got dude twice but hey maybe let's make it let's write those waves instead of dude there we go so i'm going to start to pull in these headings so we'll bring in this one and we're going to use our paragraph styles that we've set up correctly i love it you're nice and pull him in and then we'll start to bring in the subheading top surfing locations you can't miss i was thinking what does that say here we go i'm no copywriter but i wrote all this myself thank you thank you well done i think that's really always super fun when you're doing these things you know make your own copy because yeah sometimes it's really boring you know yeah exactly okay you know maybe i'm gonna i want to see what this looks like just on there now it doesn't really work like that i think it works better just in the whole using the one uh one line there maybe this could look quite good this could be the gradient map on this page um actually let's just continue i'll continue to map out the page for the text and stuff and then we can always go into changing the gradient map adding that see how that looks alright so let's pull in oh i'm picking out something else there okay now we're gonna go and make that into these subheadings i can't remember what one we had yesterday let's go back we need this little guy contents i'm pitting that's the one cool content sub-heading all right and then we'll bring in these little ones these are kind of just your location i've got these under as like body bold and then we're going to just add in some placeholder text i'm so glad adobe you know put in placeholder text don't know what we'll do without it oh it's so nice it is so even like looking at this here i can start to see that i would like to see some text on this page but obviously it's not going to work that nicely because of the image maybe if it was an image with like a really clear sky and it was just blue that would work quite nicely but let's just continue to map out the rest of the page i thought we could also put in um some i'm actually just getting a parcel and he's right there all right um so we're going to add in just uh let's put in one of these massive big wave surfing images all right so we're just going to start to map this out what i typically do as well i always just copy and paste if i've got you know a whole lot of body text that i've already popped in copy and paste that over it just makes it all so much easier absolutely just copy and paste and pamela says that her mom won a trip off the radio to hawaii in the 80s oh my god that's epic yeah i love that yeah my family actually have been quite lucky in that sense too we wanna and all the way from new zealand won a trip to america to go to disneyland his kids so it was quite epic wow that's awesome yeah it's a log flight it is a long flight actually especially it was quite a few years ago so i think we would have had to do a few stops you can't go straight to la or anything all right see what i was thinking for this kind of page it looks a bit tight there actually but maybe we could have i don't love how this is looking actually i'm thinking what do you know i think because at the moment these columns here this column here almost need to match that a little bit maybe we have to bring it out stretch it out a bit more um [Music] so we're stretching those out and then see even that's looking a little bit better already um and maybe we could start to bring this column across so we're sort of hitting that same width and then we can open this up a little bit more to kind of balance it out a bit bringing that up and loving it the great thing if people are designing with us at home is if they don't want to use the you know the placeholder text that you have in adobe which is just lorem ipsum you can also just wikipedia places you know north shore has a lot of stuff on wikipedia you can pull some of that stuff in just as placeholder copy i know a lot of people in chat are talking about how difficult it is to write copy from time to time oh okay yeah differently and if you don't want to use placeholder text that's typically a good way of just filling it with relevant copy for sure you know what's so interesting especially when i started out in my business i designed i was working for other people for like seven or eight years as a graphic designer for other businesses but when i started my own business i found that um you feel the pressure to then also become a copywriter and also become a a web developer and also a social media manager but i totally think that it's okay to say no and say you know that's not in my area of expertise and then refer other people absolutely it's also a great way to start building your network you know because you don't want to be able to handle all that for your clients as well so meeting social media managers or people help you with the web staff will help you for sure it'll help a lot actually um and i just don't think like i'm not a very good speller so i don't know why anyone would know me as a copywriter but i'm a good designer so there you go all right i always love when you're making a logo and then you've been looking at one word for so long that it feels like it's misspelled definitely or it starts looking a really weird and really odd and you're kind of like is this even right i don't know all right you know not sure why but i'm not loving where this is going um i almost think you know what we could also do let's actually drop these uh to two of these columns and make extend them up a bit and we're gonna so for me like you know doing editorial design or doing any kind of layout is just so trial and error um and sometimes depending on how creative you feel that day it might take so much longer than other days um it's like logo design and things some days you'll smash it out and feel so confident and other days you'll be struggling and you know it's been two days and you're still not getting anything right i i really like how you narrowed these down and then they're just kind of sitting there yes it's yeah it feels like you're looking through like a window pane almost yeah i see i think this is a little bit nicer with the white space i think this is going to be too i'll see even like i kind of like yeah i like how those are sitting there so maybe we can kind of work walk around with this and see where we could go with it maybe we start to see even this um you could see me thinking just then i paused start to see this um on a horizontal how far are they what do we say here trust the process exactly trust the process um and you know and then we could even start to you could swap the images around here so we we've got all of our text lined up and the images are below rather than being on top and that could also look quite quite nice start to see how that's shaping do that i feel like you need them on top i think i do knew them there on the top it definitely worked a little bit nicer i think it's because the jaws uh copy doesn't really fill the the horizontal space in your eye so it like it's not symmetrical as much as with the images on top definitely see that i think we're getting somewhere though this is looking a bit bit tidier even if we pull this across crosses narrow it down oh good glad yeah this is really coming together nicely yeah i think so and then you could even um bring this right up as well i just once again love the big text pull them even really high i think this is where we could actually bring in maybe those two lines will start to work quite nicely and you right align them there even something something sort of along these lines see how that's starting to sort of shape together it follows kind of some of the the type styles from earlier where you're locking them up into the corners of that yeah yeah i should quite like it sitting in line with them that that texture is all right nice also because you were you were trying to scratch that itch a little bit yesterday where you wanted to do the the hor the vertically like definitely and it wasn't going to work like on this page you know if we had the heading here it feels really you know you're reading the left side before the heading which doesn't make sense but obviously with this this kind of spread you're reading that really big bold heading first it's in the top left corner and then it's bringing your eye down to the right bottom corner which is nice absolutely all right let's see if we can find another cool image um that could potentially work so even something like this could and you just drop them right down oh yeah that's so much nicer yeah and maybe this is where we even bring so it's kind of funky quite like this uh yeah and then the text there is so much more readable um which is really nice nice on the eye always good i'm gonna see how we feel about adding a gradient map to this guy and i'll just save him bring him across cool i'd love to know if that anyone in the um anyone watching has any questions about anything that i'm doing or um they'd love to know how to do a specific technique feel free feel free to ask i like the light there actually that's quite nice yes chat please ask away ask away we can also later on we can always test a spread if you ever wanted to and then have chat vote on it with a poll oh yeah that'll be cool that's not that could be really cool it's an option it sounds like a cool option all right now let's we're going for the surfing so let's see i'm not sure about how these surfboards will look because i think they're too bulky they're too big unless we no it could do is even bring he might look like he's floating so might not work as well i was even thinking about bringing him in somewhere there but it doesn't look that good there and then it just looks like a floating board in the middle of the ocean there looks like i wiped out yeah someone someone wiped out and fell off their board all right maybe we'll try another one steve says it'd be tempting to put a wave text uh warp on the word waves oh yeah i like a wave through there yeah like if you were to do like the wave warp distort on it oh yes can you do that in indesign or would it be just an illustrator you could even might just do an illustrator yeah i'm sure you can do it in indesign but i think there's even i wonder if i made a wave big wave surf what about this guy or maybe this one this could look actually quite cool even though we just said surfs up before hey that's all right we're not we're not here for the the uh con the copywriting we're here for the design and let's just pop him in even he could look quite cool just so that was sitting there steve says no you'd have to do it in photoshop or illustrator yeah did think so actually yep all right now it's interesting as a designer when i was learning and even at university i don't remember doing much and and and that was a mouthful in illustrator i feel like we only did we did so much in design and so much photoshop but illustrator didn't seem to be like a massive thing but i don't know i went to uni between 2011 to 2013 so sort of a little while ago but all right let's go trying to remember what was the first thing i learned i think i learned photoshop first what was the first tool you learned i think i learnt photoshop too as well and i i did it when i was i would have been pretty young like oh like you know 14 and i wanted to change the color of my hair so i decided to take a photo and see if i could photoshop it and it looked shocking but you know that's where some the love for design started to spark the boss um yeah so i just want to bring in a few of these little guys see what they all look like i wonder if this would look too much i could even take him behind behind the text there what was the first thing that you designed that was like oh maybe i'm like i can make a career out of this or like i'm pretty good at this i don't know i'm just i wonder what it was like when i look back i actually still have my work from school um some of my work that i did at school and it's funny to look back and i remember i think i've actually got it on my instagram i like reviewed my old work and i kind of took the piss out of it because it was you know not the best i was clearly learning um but uh in the work i i've made this flyer um for fitness and i'm pretty sure i did it onward it was very you could you could just tell you know you can tell when something's done did you have the the 3d word tool yes all about that you know love it really a classic like your um mix of what's the font that was uh called out yesterday comic sense and i can't read what it was a papyrus yeah that's the one i should have um pre-loaded it and we could have uh added it to my really missed opportunity really this ties in perfectly because i said the word poll voodoo val heard it in her subconscious and made a poll so we already have a poll going in chat right now oh really the poll is i love it we never speak of comic papyrus again oh oh here for it unfortunately her options are a little bit biased because there's three options there's yes with the period yeah then there's an all caps yes with an exclamation mark and then there's yas queen oh i think i'm i think i'll be going for the yes queen i'm all about who is that person they sound fun voodoo is the most fun she's amazing she's a long time streamer and a moderator she's amazing i love it uh also my best friend uh she loves star wars we did a design off once together where is this your best friend well yeah she's everybody's best friend but mine oh amazing uh and yes queen has got two votes so far and is winning so oh yes score votes now i'm winning get your votes in and if you're wondering where is this oh how can i vote you're probably on youtube and you come on over to behance on slash adobe live and hang out with us here and shauna says i'm on voodoo val's side liz hmm comic papyrus is great okay i'm trying to like visualize what it would look like but i can't at the moment the tricky one well it's got the best of both worlds it's got the papyrus texture on the comic sans like curviness beautiful i i don't know if um this font would have ever got so much uh media before probably not two days in a row it's no this is a long every time i'm on even i had my i did a racing logo stream a long time ago and yeah we made a little racing logo with comic papyrus so i love it that's a thing did it look um okay no i didn't want to say bad or good exactly i think avatar 2 needs it for their headers oh that would be ideal erican idea all right i think we're starting to look pretty good here i'm actually happy with how this is sort of coming along yeah it's looking great got a little bit of your cute surfboard there your surfs up even though we just set it in the pre uh previous spread that's okay all right oh you've got jaws here too which is cool let's pop the jaws shauna says that she'll never watch the avatar again because the subtitles are in papyrus they really i can't no neither can i that is wild that is crazy a bit of jaws see i think if we reduce that it'll change the air you know what i'm quite happy with where this is going we're looking pretty pretty tidy [Music] um obviously the textings were not quite right but hey that's all right i'm looking pretty good um i love that you can make the polls in the chat too oh yeah the polls are amazing so if you ever want to do a poll we can spin one up real quick yeah that's a really cool little feature all right you know what we haven't done in this book page numbers page numbers let's go ahead and just put some page numbers in there who needs page numbers oh you know we've got a contents so that's true good point so let's throw the page numbers in there uh let's go into type apply no that's the wrong one what am i doing here special characters here we go current page number you know why i'm a real big fan of adding a let's make it um adding a zero in front of them i just like a couple extra numbers you know so what happens when you have a zero and you're in double digits it'll be 0 10. i love it i think i love i just love how the zeros look in this font um it looked pretty cool so let's just add him we'll make him quite a bit smaller too because we're at 11 right now so he's actually if you print printer an 11 point type out it's going to be kind of big let's make it a nice light pop him in the corner there and let's see where we're up to so if we go into our page oh there he is he's looking good oh yeah nice let me see it there because obviously he might be disappeared here but you know what it's all right let's maybe just pull it across and nice and that's where we can bring in our page numbers on the contents page so we're looking quite cool here i do like where we're heading all right i think for this page for now we're we're going pretty well i agree yeah cool all right what's the next page this is where we'll head on to view views i should have put views there so this is all about you know you your awesome beautiful hawaii that you would see i want to do something really different with the layout so i'm thinking we could even pull in like an image that kind of goes across and then we've seen our you know our headings here so let's kind of and it can be kind of this style let's do something like this so maybe we'll spread it across to that point so we could go one two three that could look really nice actually well i'm feeling creative today which is always good because i'm on adobe live all right some days when when everything's firing right it feels so good nothing it does and then there are definitely those days we seem to get a little stuck and you just can't think of much yeah and that's okay too and that's okay we all have those days all right i didn't give this one a heading what could we call it um let's for now because we don't have a heating i'm just going to type in heading to go here and we'll make him a heading size and we'll start mapping out this page once again so let's go we've got our subheadings um this is a content subfitting actually so i reckon we're gonna go we could go to three grids here so we've almost got one two three and we could start to see how that would look let me pull it all together this could look quite quite cool oh this one here oh he just fits who are you i love you a little woohoo ecstatic it's my friday today so ah feeling good thank you eating on into the weekend cool all right all i want to do this weekend now is surf because of this for some reason and isn't it cold where you are yeah and i'm not i don't know sorry so yeah there you go hey it gives you the opportunity to learn exactly i could however go surfing it is summer over here in new zealand so and it's rather warm and i'm wearing a blazer all right let's just keep shaping this one out so obviously for something like this if you were actually this was a real brochure you know the content might all be quite different so you might find this you know might be a little bit shorter than this bit of content or that bit of content could be a little bit longer so you can then start to play in or maybe if that one's shorter it should sit on the right side rather than so then this is the you know which would swap short draws in this bay around just so it's a bit nicer and it looks a bit more balanced um and it's got that nice flow there that's a great tip it's tricky sometimes with content you know trying to get around it especially trying to if you've got like a whole lot of content you're trying to fit it all on one page yeah and it can be it can be tricky to navigate i also like to when i'm like shaping these things i like to delete like the first couple of sentences from the placeholder text on each thing so that it feels like a different body copy even though it's the same content just like sometimes it doesn't look exactly the same for each context exactly even sort of um adding in you know a little uh spacing say even like here so it looks slightly different to the previous yeah that's for sure it's just a good way to like get your mock-ups closer to a higher fidelity for a client without yeah doing too much effort see i missed out on the subheadings here too you know with this one we've got ride those waves top surfing locations you can't miss and then here we've got nothing but hey it's okay i think the way that you've shaped it right now looks great yeah so we can go let's just sub hitting here we can start to you know maybe we could even maybe that could be there's so many different ways you can do layouts say especially with this sixth grid you can see that i'm really you know utilizing all those spaces so you know instead of the previous grid maybe we could have it something like this where you've got your everything on the left side and then you've got your text here i'm just kind of mapping out a few examples but i prefer the old one but there's so many different options you can use with the six grid which is really really nice um let's go back to where we had the image all right so this is i just love how how quickly you showed the possibilities within that system and how fast yeah it's a really nice grid uh layout i think so six by six and to the to the margins not so much the page i am thinking though you know looking at this i feel like within this gap here it should be a little bit bigger like i'd probably for me i'd almost like to see the same width for something like this between those two for some reason my eye kind of let's just sort of see how that would look if we were to change it i don't know like i said all a bit of trial and error and i feel like you know what i just did i was measuring with a square which i'm sure every designer does measurement with a square my favorite measuring tool i've done it since i started and i don't think i'll ever change yeah when people ask millimeters or inches i say square square it's actually one square or two exactly all right the views so this is where we see beautiful hawaii maybe we'll go these famous uh gardens what are they called i've got the name quite like this one this could look really nice here i actually don't know how you say that i'm going to butcher it so i don't want to say it botanical gardens we'll just call them they're beautiful unfortunately when i was in hawaii we didn't actually go sounds like another trip oh definitely post covered would be nice oh we're looking good see and in this kind of image we can even look at bringing the heading up maybe he becomes white and he could look quite cool there oh funky see it's interesting actually looking at all the other pictures we've played with they're all oceans oh except for that one i was gonna say so the gradient map works really nice with the ocean um and that actually works okay this works nice we've seen the ocean because it's blue but i wonder what it would look like on this page but we've got greenery and it's quite a green scene i don't know if the gradient map would look as good i like your heading being aligned to the bottom there i like that too actually you know looking at where this is going i would potentially if this was a real project i would consider maybe removing the gradient maps and keeping them all full color i just don't know looking at it i'm not sure bringing in like the two images how it works well like i love the spread and i love how it's the white clear space with the gradient map image um but i'm just wondering if this was a real project you know maybe i'd go ahead and then sort of even insert full color images to the whole thing see how that worked see if i preferred it over the gradient map mixing with full color images yeah um maybe if we have time at the end we can spin up differently updating those images and then seeing what it looks like yeah even here as a quick example yeah like you know that looks quite a good spread yeah i love that the white drawing on top of it too um so now i'm reconsidering everything now it's fine you know exactly we can update it see how we feel um you know the great thing is you have both both versions saved you didn't overwrite them so you can exactly come out easily without having that it's really nice go through change the psd all that good stuff yeah and i think um that's an important note as well like when we're designing to try and keep everything really um easily changeable and editable um you know saving a new image keeping both the original and the um edited just so that when we if we find we want to go back to the original we're not uh saving over it all right see i'm just even trialing what it would look like with let's do it as a little quick um see what this would look like maybe you've got your columns i think i prefer the big columns actually i agree yeah maybe you've got the collins there let's go back all the way back all right maybe they're just sitting a little bit higher we could even bring that the image down a bit bigger i think i like where this is going actually yeah it's looking awesome yeah all right looking good have you ever seen the local project no i don't think i have it's a like a youtube channel that features incredible architecture and design in australia and new zealand incredible um i should check that out actually the local project all right is that something you knew about or was that in the um in the chat oh no chad didn't mention it but it is one of my favorite youtube channels it's so cool it just makes me want to visit australia new zealand celebration ah you definitely love it here it's a good spot all right let's bring in some of these cool you know we're banging out these spreads quite nicely quite quickly yeah i love your little palm trees they're quite cool that i'm liking them too let's bring in a couple of those especially for this spread this could actually work quite nicely even just here maybe we have another one see what that looks like i like this one because he's kind of going a little bit in a different direction steve says his pals and him took a a day and drove all around the island of oahu and a convertible jeep of course what a blast oh that's cool that would be so fun i feel like steve's lived so many lives for everybody in chat yeah it's amazing steve steve from wellington has definitely lived the lives that we all want to live um all right let's put on a few little grasses i reckon you know these little bits kind of make it these little bits are little bits of scratches or grasses um they kind of add to the character of the page i like to say throw him in there too all right cool i think this is looking quite quite cool uh maybe even this leaf i like this leaf actually he's quite a cool guy bring yeah did you like it there or up here kind of like in the top left yeah it just felt like such a nice little out like little detail that was just concerned yeah a nice little detail there change the color here i'd love to know how many times we click the mouse a day i'm probably going to get arthritis in my my finger [Laughter] far too many we'll maybe add a couple more little leaves and we could even add one up in the top corner there too that would be really funny to get a counter for that i've seen like twitch streamers and stuff that used to like do adobe back then oh yeah they used to have like a control z counter so every time that they would like our command z every time that they would do undo it would just like add another tab to their list i don't know if i'd want to see a day i think i'd be horrified especially how many times we click and there'd be too many way too many all right i want to add like a cool little word oh here we go this is the i think this is the name of the garden so we can't say i don't want to butcher it all right maybe we'll put them in white so you could actually look at um if we bring in let's just go black and then you could even pull them behind and make in the opacity behind there could look a bit messy but yeah i'm not the biggest fan of that but you know you get the idea there could be something to think about um let's pull the opacity back up i actually think this is the gardens here so we can even just like give them a bit of a name okay that's a good idea all right i'm gonna give the gradient map a go here i don't think i'm gonna love it but let's try it anyway all right oh not the biggest fan i think because of the coloring yeah i just love the lush green yeah something you don't see very often so the lush green or the green and the blue the blue forest because i don't think anyone sees the blue forest often either that's true okay cool and you can imagine you know have a hitting there could look really nice um you could even look at um i actually like the big white space there i think that's quite nice yeah it's it's nice to break it up um if anything probably would what i might have done was push it all to the the right side because we've got the white space here so when you're looking through your booklet yeah it could look really nice um i think i'd have to then your heating's gonna get in the way i actually like how this looks though um but then your heating's gonna be sitting within the the gap there and it probably won't um in the margin what do we reckon guys left or right it's so hard i think i prefer yeah i think i prefer on the left too yeah definitely but maybe i think like you're saying we probably need to add something that's a little bit more [Music] full color on the right side because it seems like we're doing left the right side being very white spacey different which is also not above that like maybe that's just the way that it shakes the way that the booklet is exactly oh cool i had um i asked my instagram audience yesterday um if they enjoyed the live if they had any feedback and i had someone um they just commented and said they'd love to know more of the process the client communication um process and how that all works and so i thought i'd talk about it just quickly yeah but basically what i do um in terms of client communication i keep most of it on emails um and obviously like you know your first your big meetings where you're talking about your projects um and you're trying to get as much information out of them as possible you want to do over zoom or in person for sure um you know i think you can do things in questionnaires and emails but you might might miss some points um and i think it's also really nice that your clients get to know you as a designer um and who you are and your personality you'll probably merge and create more of a relationship which probably will mean they will then also come back to you if they like you and they liked working with you um but yeah and then so i guess following from that you know you start working away and i just do everything over email you know i'll send the pdfs or if there's a really large document i send them a dropbox link or you know we sometimes work on envision to share files things like that and write notes so that can also work quite nicely um do you typically have a questionnaire that you start with or like how do you know that do you start with like budget questions to see if they can up pay you or how do you work with that technically um well i sort of especially when i'm doing things like branding i will have a one-on-one chat with the um client and i have like a bunch of set questions that we kind of go through you know things like what are your values what are your goals with the business um you know what do you want to achieve where are people going to find you things like that and then from there i'll just kind of take a you know all the notes i can and just dive in deep and do my research into the market into the business um but with things like if it was a brochure that can be a little bit more complex um in the way that you know i think sometimes clients they're not creatives you know it's not their job to try and understand all this stuff so they can have a hard time communicating that so the best way with that kind of thing i'll just kind of say to the client you know let's have a chat see me over all the content you would like in the book um if you want some imagery and then i can start kind of mapping things out for you if they don't know where they're gonna go with it um even create a bit of a guide you know like we've done here um and show them you know this is where i'm going to go we're going to have snorkeling on this page surfing next it's going to be a 16-page book and if they say yep this is i love this this is great this is where i want to head that's when you can just continue and start designing really all right i reckon this page is looking pretty good yeah i think it's looking awesome yeah could even add the little flower down there no i've ruined it all right let's go to the next spread so we've got activities next awesome everybody loves a good activity oh i love a good activity i was thinking what activities that i put in here wow watching hiking and stand up paddle boarding well i liked this too i saw this online actually someone said stand pedal glide and repeat so that was cute that makes it sound way easier to do than it is oh for sure for sure um we have about 27 minutes i believe before our artist spotlight uh so make sure that you go up into the tab in the top right of your behance really quickly and nominate yourself or a fellow artist or creatives for spotlighting later on um so yeah 27 minutes before that happens sounds good all right code let's so activity so what i've got here was kind of almost like surfing but i want to like mix it up a bit again and try something new with the um with the spread i actually quite like how this was gonna gonna studies yeah so i'm gonna i might try that so because we've got we keep putting the big image on the left let's try and put the image on the right here this time balance it out make it look really nice there all right so we're gonna add in the image voodaval asks christy what has been the most difficult project you've worked on and why and how did you solve the issues you faced that's a tricky one um there's not necessarily a difficult project i feel if anything i think it's a real uh what's the word it's hard to get past when a client comes back and sort of says you know this isn't what i'm after and you sort of you miss the mark um and that does happen i think it happens to you know you'll still you could be an expert and still get that feedback but you know we do our best to try and not get the feedback like that um but it happens um i had one recently actually where a client came back to me i actually loved what i'd put together but then they came back and it just wasn't what they were after um and we decided to take a whole full 360 start again basically and then the next concept that i sent sent to them they absolutely loved so um yeah i don't necessarily think there's ever been a really difficult con project that i've worked on it's just when you get that feedback that feels um you know yeah as much as it isn't personal um it's always like ah damn you know i really tried trying my best here and it just wasn't exactly what they wanted this time but that's okay you just got to move on um something that i've actually one of the ran like the most random projects i've ever worked on um would definitely be when i was working for another business um they had a really big building an office building it wasn't massive it was a two-story building and they said to me oh we want you to you know like a vehicle wrap a design for a vehicle they wanted me to wrap the building and design the building wrap wow and which was crazy and i was like what and i was thinking this is crazy i don't know anyone who's wrecked a building um so that was pretty cool so i got to design like literally it was it was almost like you imagine the vehicle wraps where it's like that plastic that they put across the vehicle it was that kind of that same kind of thing i think even the print business who did the actual actual signage it was kind of a first for them too yeah so that was quite wild yeah um we missed our headings here too that's all right um yes i think that was a really that was definitely an interesting one and then obviously i was working in really massive um scaling in illustrator so i had to just condense everything down and you know i think it was even sitting at like you know ten percent of the size or something yeah and clearly because illustrator can't handle like a two-story building yeah so that was quite interesting and did you do illustrations for that or how what what was that output for it it was actually quite a simple design um we had this big globe that i had put together um it was like a globe a vector globe that i designed and it wasn't necessarily illustration work and it was before it owned my business i think since owning my business i've really ramped up in all my projects and like how creative i am um so it definitely wasn't as creative as i am now um let's just make a subheading here when you go through those like difficult client feedback sessions or complete direction pivots how do you keep your kind of morale up to to keep the excitement to keep the creativity up how do you reset it can be it can be difficult actually and especially if you're you know in person with these in the meetings and um you feel really disappointed in yourself a little bit that you didn't hit the mark um i think you've just got to take it on the chin and sort of say yep that happened but i'm gonna nail it this time um you know and it's gonna i'm gonna get this right and yeah if anything you've just just got to keep uh putting one step in front of the other very inspirational again i'll pull out my hand i want in a quote today and let's put on the while watching here okay cool um it could be tricky though it's a hard one you have to renegotia do you typically need to renegotiate your contracts for that or are your contracts set up in a way that allow you to do another complete direction change yeah they sort of do allow me to do another complete direction change which is good um and i know that's not like ideal because it can take you're basically doing another whole concept but i really pride myself in um you know really working hard for my clients not saying that they then i'm doing work for free but you know there's sometimes that i have to really put more effort in and more time but it then will equal to more work in the future they really appreciate it they're gonna then refer me to other people which is really nice yeah what are we doing here hiking hiking stand-up paddle pudding and oh i like this image and while watching a nice mix of things this would be a fun day i have to say but these all in one you would be quite tired at the end there yeah it's okay just lay out by the beach the next day it'll be fine exactly that's when we'll go snorkeling the next day i'm gonna put the greenery in the middle there you know i think it'll be interesting to see how the heating will work on this page um and we'll see if this will start to work out um this kind of layout or not when you're when you vacation do you are you an activities person or are you typically a more like let me lay out and don't bother me rejuvenating definitely a bit of both i do get a bit bored just sitting in the sun so i do like to do things um when me and my um now husband went to hawaii a few years ago we um did you know went on we went hiking and we went did a lot of snorkeling and surfing so he's quite a good surfer but i on the other hand was learning so i was definitely not the best but giving it a real go that's awesome um we didn't go while watching which would have been really cool i think it was off season for the whales could be wrong but we did see dolphins that was fun and a lot of turtles oh something's happening here there we go i'm just going to save this this one so we don't lose them all right let's then move these headings across does everyone and um who if anyone's watching am i going too quickly or is everyone falling along quite nicely i feel like they're probably following along quite quite nicely but quite nicely chat let us know if you're let us know or if you have any questions please let us know we'll happily answer them definitely steve says oh yes learning to surf is great stuntman training you mostly fall a lot perfect it's davis stuntman steve are you stuntman as well i know he's a sommelier and a designer someone is like a person who like is it has expertise knowledge and like a beverage oh that's what's happening is they'll tell you everything about the region and the notes that you taste and all that stuff oh wow that's really cool i feel like i'd be a stuntman in a previous life or something that'd be pretty yeah that would be an epic job wouldn't it stand then it'd be pretty cool it would be pretty cool what steve says i've done some stunt work in my younger days no way steve's an all-rounder holy moly what i love it i i was a competitive horse rider for a long time that's right um so that was my stunt my stunts that i did how long did you compete for um i was probably competing for about 10 years so quite a long time um i loved it it was very cool so you know in this kind of layout i'm not sure where i'd like i don't mind how the heating's sitting like i could you could even shift i don't know how that would work um with this one i kind of like it though it's kind of different you know just for the the sake of showing different layouts and seeing where we could go i'm going to try a few different things here um because i think it's really nice showing you some inspirational layouts some ideas of different layouts we could do maybe we're going to make this guy white i do like this image if anything this image makes me want to go swimming it does yeah i think it's the water you can even pull [Music] see it's interesting you know like i like this except because your eye is going from left to right and going from the leaf top corner to the right bottom but the hitting's right at the end so it doesn't make sense um yeah maybe there's like some copy we could put there that isn't necessarily a headline yeah yeah let's actually take this back up here sweet guy like make new whale friends or i don't know i don't i'm trying oh my god i love that nemo i'm gonna need my quotes i'm gonna add that in stop that's cute no now i want to go swimming and make wow friends all right you know i reckon even just the heading sort of can just be somewhere here nah that's a tricky one isn't it where would you where would you put the heating in a layout like this ah i think it would depend on what the copy is i think it could be really fun to like break that header out into like three different lines if if you had like three or three different words yeah something like that where it's like i don't know get active now sounds like the most motivational speech ever it also sounds like a um an advertisement for like running live yeah i mean the ideas here we've got the idea here um you know what i i actually like i like this idea um definitely would you know wouldn't need to work with the copywriters and uh talk about the copy here somebody save us yeah exactly there you could go go find nemo oh there we go still not quite right but you know [Music] and you'd almost want them to be all quite like even four to five liters so look but i think this looks a lot more balanced so the idea is there um this would work quite nicely with the um snorkeling spread differently i have to stop you really quickly to tell you that dopegasm used we were talking about this person yesterday using your illustrations for the project they just linked and chat their enhanced project using your illustrations for i believe this was actually for a client this is the first behance project um and i will send you the link after uh we're done today but it's so amazing and so exciting to see the work uh done leveraging your assets so really well done work i would honestly love that yeah definitely i'm excited to see that it'll be really cool yeah they made business cards with a lot of your illustrations and things oh my goodness so cute it's awesome amazing i loved that yeah really well that would be real that'd be really cool to see definitely definitely uh want to see that one um awesome you know i can add these cool little um spikes to the to our little quote here make new whale friends and add one at the bottom oh it's the whale and it's friends cute it's adorable i like the little uh like confetti with it yeah adding a little bit a little bit of something something to the text there and then we could even go ahead and add so what are we doing we're going traveling we're looking at the views we're hiking we stand up paddle boarding oh this is where little jandals might come in quite cute i might even just pop them in um except you're not gonna wear jandals hiking are you no i mean might as well you might as well for sure you can even pull them up like you're gonna go on a little adventure beautiful you know i quite like them how they're sitting there so cute yeah it's quite fun a little bit funky all right we're starting to even like looking back over the other uh grids and layouts there's some cool grid ideas here i really like this page how this one came out yeah and then we've got a really cool um you know spread with our really big type that image in it the first spread yeah this is looking great joel is here from your instagram oh hello joe thanks for joining like i love that party people have a song voodoo has got another question for you that's a great one as well let's just hear it christy you said that some of your designs can be very out there can you tell us about a project where you took some design risks and you felt making decisions and how did you feel making those decisions and presenting them to the client so you know what this is a good example because it didn't end up going well and this was a client that i was talking about recently that came back and unfortunately just um the direction wasn't in the right direction i guess i wasn't going in the right direction for what the project should have been and i created these really epic illustrations and i won't go into too much detail about it but um it was quite out there for the the brand and i think i had gone too far across that line um so when i presented it i was actually really confident with it i loved what i'd done i thought it really suited the brand and the business um but then when i presented to them it was almost like i said just a little bit i had taken it a step too fast i've been able to kind of draw back um and say really go back to my research what the business was about the values um and then you know discover and develop a new concept so i mean that was a an instant where it didn't work um but i think a lot of the time i'm i'm very much someone who uses a lot of color and clients often come to me and sort of say oh you know i just want to use maybe some nudes and some black and whites and i'm not really about all that um it's just not my style of design it potentially might work for you know certain businesses and things but sometimes i'll say to them you know try this splash of color this bold color see how that works and a lot of the time they come back and love it so it can work in that sense as well which is really cool that's awesome um maybe we'll do a few little splashes on the whale i'm just woohoo just group these ones that was a good question actually yeah val's questions are incredible yeah i love that whales always make it look like you're waving at them or they're waving he does actually he really does i like his little splash it looks almost like he's breathing um breathing out the water one of one of the words oh look we've even got a splash a little word here they've all tried all these in white how thoughtful you were with all these little illustrations and and like words that you started sketching out yeah they've really come together yeah i don't feel like there's ever been a time where like oh i don't have an illustration or a word for that thing you know like made sure i covered a few things um what's this sunshine clouds we've got discover aloha beautiful lots of different ones there i'd even quite like to add in a couple more of these little line ones maybe throughout here maybe somewhere like go could be an underline on go emphasis that go let's do that chloe asked hi christy do you ever use the baseline grid the baseline grid no i actually don't actually use the baseline grid um i will often accidentally turn it on but no it's just i think with that as well it's a personal preference really and just what works for you um [Music] actually i'm gonna switch them up there seems to be a bigger thing for web design it might be definitely yeah i think so um all right even this page just this page is starting to come together i reckon i'm just going to add a couple of these little marks to add the graininess oh we're taking the whole whale over don't want to do that we've got about seven minutes before our artist spotlight so if you haven't nominated yourself or a friend uh make sure you do that in behance on our live chat up in the top right side it'll say are in a spotlight you can dominate whoever you want it's a good time epic how can we start to look really good uh you know you could even look at dropping that yeah that word down there let's make these guys bold yeah nice this is looking quite fun i like the spread now it's all in the heating you know go find nemo yeah yeah i'm glad about the previous one go be active or something good after that get active go find yourself way better it's just like an advertisement i love it all right cool and we can even add just like little perfect nice balance there with those little guys i keep talking about my art like they're real people they are real people they are yeah they are you know it's good yeah even watch like seeing this all come together like these pages i'm loving the full color um so i think near the end i want to go back and even maybe see what the first pages would look like with their full color images it might change the whole look of it but i'm definitely keen to give it a go let's see how that turns out all right i think we're looking quite cool uh yeah i think so maybe just a little scratchy i love this guy i keep using him and like all the spreads why do you think you like that scratchy so much i think because of the this is such a designer thing like it's a bit more subtle than the others but it's like just a little bit of like texture graininess that i kind of like yeah but then i don't know if it uh suits the the page as much as the others so yeah let's let's bring those out eric we're staying to look cool like if you're zooming out the grids you can see the grids even and all in the zoomed out uh view yeah i'm starting to to like how it's all going together should we present this to hawaii and they can they can get off me i think that if you present it to hawaii they have no choice but to fly you out and all expenses paid whales hiking standard pedals surfing yeah surfing snorkeling definitely all the above and i've got to find nemo exactly i mean you'll be busy doing that too so yeah i'll be busy doing a few bits and pieces in hawaii all right cool i think this is looking quite quite fun let's it's great we've got about four minutes still before the artist's spotlight so probably get something teed up yeah all right what's the next page now we've got we're actually getting through the book really nicely we might even like finish it right on smack bang on the end of the adobe live so this last one is all about the towns so initially i started to think about this kind of layout which i actually really like we haven't done much horizontal everything like horizontal image and then text everything's been very much and vertical so let's give that a go i think we'll um add in a image i'm just loving that the feature where you just drag and drop amazing that's such great who would have known clearly i didn't for a long time oh this is where we get the real hawaii vibes with uh waikiki so why kiki i think it is i think someone said uh yesterday my sister was watching and she said that someone said my accent was cute so i'm glad like the kiwi accent can sound a bit uh harsh next to an americans oh no i feel like yeah i don't know as an american i feel like everybody's accidents are better than ours i know it's always the way with your own accent yeah exactly let's go and just get these sub headings what was this happening before i know i'm gonna add my own uh hitting here this is the cute little towns of hawaii let's go heading um and then i love all the surfboards stacked up there they look so epic they're incredibly cute yeah cool all right this is where we can start to add and add a little bit of text and we're going to go for that more horizontal so we'll have our image and then text on the side or we can give that kind of style of um of layout ago oh lost our way there joel reed says the accent is great texture cheers cheers oh that probably sounded very kiwi then um all right let's take these across i love how you just kind of wireframe things out really quickly too in these layouts instead of just dropping in tons of photos you're using like placeholder copy and blocks to kind of lay things out really quickly yeah like you could even go ahead and do a whole booklet like that you know if you came in to map it all out you could even do it instead of doing something like this actually map it out within indesign itself and figure out your your fonts and you know where things are going to go it could be quite a nice way to start start your structure actually absolutely and we'll add in some [Music] body text oh that's not text that's a box all right we're gonna add down the ticks now beautiful we'll just add a bit more all right you could even look at i could even bring this little guy up in line with um in line with that text there and then we could have our body a little bit bigger see what that looks like let's just paste that on the end and then bring this one down and if we then go ahead and copy and paste all those down so you can start to actually bring and flesh out your grid really quickly um just to see yeah what the overall vibe is and then the last one let's you wrap that one up we can jump straight into the artist spotlight sure thing i'll pretty much finish here for now anyway i think we'll uh we can jump into that at a spotlight let's do it so in case you all are unfamiliar with the artist spotlight there's a tab in behance on the top right for the artist spotlight tab you can nominate yourself or a different artist or anybody to be featured today we have an artist drum roll please um this is an artist that i've nominated her name is abby connorick she's actually in the uk um and i've just been following her for a while i wanted to showcase her her designs i just think she does an incredible job of like really cool custom typography branding um her colors are really awesome she's quite similar in her color ways in terms of similar to me say and the way that she's just really bold loves a really big contrast in colors um you know just yeah all her illustration work is really cool she also brings in a lot of her victor illustrations and drawings into her work and i just think she does such a cool job of all that this is quite a funky project that she did recently bringing in those bright colors again i think it's um so nice to see it's quite unique you know and then even the type here bringing in that custom g um always looks really cool as well just making a little giving it a little bit of different and adding something extra i agree and i actually really love her website as well i think it's a really great example of how to build a clean yet personal feeling website so definitely check out her instagram give her a follow give her all those likes and check out our website because it's pretty sweet yeah very clean website i'm actually curious to know what she's made it on because it is so clean um this is also something else i really like to purse and i know she has a youtube channel so and it's amazing so um definitely hit her up she does really cool tutorials um you know how to brand how to create brands how to custom um customize fonts things like that that's all really cool stuff and she even sort of showcases how she made and watch this video where she made this crispy cream rebrand just for fun so definitely check all that stuff out because she's really really awesome well she's got some little animation chops too that's exciting yeah her youtube videos feature a lot of this kind of stuff which make it so cool to watch and you know it's more than just the design she gets really creative all that stuff very cool designer [Music] and she actually just did her own personal rebrand um you can see when her instagram changes um and her her branding her personal branding for herself is actually also very inspiring i loved her colors bringing in those like fuzzy gradients almost glowy um glowing gradients are really cool yeah it's awesome i i we all know how difficult it is to do your own personal branding so to have something so kind of clean simple robust the poster mockups should super great as well so yeah i love like added texture to projects and to even like logos and presenting them in a different way using those kind of textures are really really nice yeah it's great cool sweet oh she's got some epic stuff definitely check her out guys you will uh not be disappointed that's for sure absolutely awesome well you want to hop back in i know we've got about 20 minutes left so cool i reckon we could be almost looking at um finishing this document up which would be pretty cool i actually didn't think we would get through it and two hours or four hours all up we got through a full uh design of a booklet really so let's start to play more around with these with this guy here you know i'm going to actually bring um that ticks in a little bit and we could even shift him over one column and give him a little bit of room there i think that works a little bit nicer you can even make the heating a little bit shorter that's quite tidy maybe we'll just pull them over just to that edge there as you can see you know i'm still when i work i flick between those two views so much and i just think that have really helps with making sure i'm still keeping to those guides um but also still making it short making sure it looks really cool and really good in the preview mode as well maybe we'll move him right across there let's start to bring in some images into this what are you thinking for these images these ones here you know i don't love them as much as the previous ones oh that's so pretty though it is so beautiful and the other ones i feel of uh more lifestyle kind of images these definitely feel a little bit more um i don't even know what you'd call it but they're still beautiful we visited uh lahaina and it was so beautiful there such a cool little town um and then we've got waikiki which is also a classic in hawaii of course you know you can't go to hawaii without coming here i see look at that like that image is beautiful yeah it's incredible so nice oh to be able to just go and fly there right now so we'll just bring those down a little bit and then and this one's the last little guy here all the turtles they're massive they are massive yeah huge turtles that's a cute quaint and cute town in maui beautiful right yeah i guess the thing you've got to watch as well because i added them in as blocks to start with um sometimes you get that tiny faint line around it you can't actually some like see it too much but depending on what view you're in if you're zoomed right up close or a little bit further out sometimes i can actually i feel like i can see the edge of that so i just like to make sure i turn them off so there's been yeah no color behind it that almost says in all of these photos yeah they're incredible like yeah these it's so nice these are like these ones are from adobe stock they're so like oh just like please let's all take take me there i've just been on this journey for four hours with you almost four hours and now i'm just ready to book plenty yeah ready to book to hawaii that's for sure um i was thinking maybe about putting a different image here but i'll just have a look see what i've got um actually quite like the one we've got here it's quite cool i like the big surfboards um he says those turtles look 100 times huger looking going days when they swim up besides you on your air mattress as you float around the beach i love that those don't look like you're classic uh they almost there's different types of turtles isn't there i've lost them now these ones sea turtles and those look like those look massive yeah the biggens huge this is no longer a design tutorial this is learning about it's turtles the little old youtube kids like i like turtles yeah i love it i do love turtles josh says lol the truth one of the scariest moments i've ever had while surfing a turtle surface right behind me oh really i love that you know you could even um have the heading there or something and you could actually even look at bringing that sub heading down here maybe it's a little bit longer um maybe it said um [Music] i like that sub head right there like that yeah it's quite nice right it would be quite nice if it was i was going to say even a little bit longer so that really extended out a bit more but i actually kind of like you know depending on what the wording was there it's it's definitely dependable your layouts can really depend on what you have for your content like if we imagine these layouts if we had like heaps and heaps of content it just wouldn't look the same it wouldn't be as clean so it definitely would make a difference let's actually shift this up so we can try and get that heading you know if we were um if i was really wanting to use this image here i could even go and look at opening up in photoshop and just doing some really minor changes which might be um adding the burn adding a bit of a burn through here just to like darken that up just slightly like so minor that when we if we save that um and it might mean that we just get a little bit of a darker point through there just so the g stands out just slightly um so let's try that and we're going to go towns i'd sort of did a little bit didn't do too much you can kind of it probably wasn't enough enough and i probably needed to photoshop just this little bit in here just to darken that up a little bit i guess it depends on what what you're going to write in that space too definitely like i think um yeah you had a word that was didn't have the g maybe we could make it a bit hip hidden here [Music] um yeah so you can kind of do some things like that if you've got a big bit of text i um often go in and just edit like something slightly just to make that like white pop a little bit more um that's a great tip instead of doing drop shadows and things like that because they can get pretty messy yeah actually i don't mind a little drop shadow but it's just gonna be like a tiny tiny one yeah yeah i feel like when i first started doing graphic design i threw drop shadows on everything and if it was a mistake and now i just can't bring myself to adding drop shadows to anything i remember i did this poster and it had this like what would you call it curved kind of shell like um shape and then i added a drop shadow to it and it was massive and i was like oh blinding on the eye um all right let's add a cute i like this shell let's add some shells and stuff oh he looks a bit cute there um i think as a designer i say cute way too much cute i think that's my way of saying it looks good that's for sure all right add a few little little dots to kind of add some graininess steve has named it it's the drop shadow fever everyone going way too overboard i like it drop shadow fever you definitely do when you start out it's it's a thing i think yeah but then again i do love drop shadows and like really big um animated style logos like your kids logos and things something you might see on um kids toys i mean drop shows can look so good and stuff like that they really can especially if they're super soft and you know especially certain trends pulling in color drop shadows or a thing and again and yeah it's just i really struggle getting over like you know it's like whenever you eat too much of one food and then you never want to eat it again that's yeah i feel about drop shots it definitely is the drop shadow fever yeah i love that we're bringing back all that all the trends oh nice that's looking great yeah so we could even pop him in there somewhere that's looking quite cool um and then we could even try you know i feel like that um title hidden here actually works quite nicely for the spread because we're going somewhere which is quite cool what would you do for the sub the sub subhead i don't know maybe you could do a little like um [Music] you could say something like um jump from island to island and explore hawaii there you go there you go oh do you reckon i think he's good at it yeah jump from ireland to ireland and explore i've gotta explore the beauty of hawaii amazing we're going to watch that little uh hyphenation yeah where is he here he is oh see now that doesn't look good we'll just extend it out a little bit i could even just look at it you could just do like highland hot and explore oh yeah hopefully nice nice look we could start a um copywriting business uh so there you go even something like that would look quite cool explore is uh misspelt oh classic classic me there we go look at that now full service creative copywriting editing skills we got it right here christy and alex here we go okay this is looking really good i reckon you could even do cute little would you call this uh what would you you called them confetti before actually i did take a patty but that was i liked it i didn't mean to spiritual no no this is good confetti i was even going to say spark like a little yeah yeah i think we this is looking cool i like this spread actually this could be one of my favorite ones i agree chris also says it looks great i love the layout ah beautiful poland was talking about copywriting on a uh list of courses to take so that's great love that keep getting the education yeah got to keep learning [Music] one maybe add in a little shell it can be all about the showers here yes it's such an art trying to get that trying to get the randomness that's still looking well placed yep absolutely i see i quite like them there there may be one tiny one little something something oh a piece of pineapple what about this one we haven't done any of the pineapple and stuff and a weird little bit of lemon [Laughter] perfect a perfect mix all right this is looking cool and maybe let's do this little heart throw him in there too i can't wait to see this uh this project that um someone used with all the stuff all their illustrations i'm so excited about that oh cool camera this is looking good i like this page you know that's something else you've got to watch you've got to watch these bad boys uh what are they called just the text you know if this was real text i want to make sure that that's all being shown i obviously wouldn't delete it like that but because it's a placeholder we can yeah i always forget what they're actually called but i just know them as the you've got too much text in this box and you're yeah make it shorter yeah i'll just keep getting oh my computer just uh lost the plot right we're back into it here we go now we're looking good tim is saying that uh drop shadows are tricky to get right unless you're going full 90s [Music] you know you know like i feel like even if you added a little drop shadow here i'm just going to give it a go see that would be way too strong you'd want to make it really small even just to try and make it pop out a little bit everyone's going to be going closer to their computers like trying to have a look exactly squinting their eyes yeah see that definitely does make the white pop out a little bit like you can see but it does stand out quite well without it so yeah definitely something you could look at adding if you wanted to give it a little extra and pop there clevver says that they're called overflow warnings which is a way better more eloquent way of saying it than i said it yes no for sure i didn't i don't even know if at university we were taught what they called all right let's uh that's looking really cool i like where it's going you know i was gonna do one last um spread and it was actually going to be about saving the oceans i was going to get inspirational for your last spread and a fact that i didn't notice an estimated eight million tonnes of plastic into sale oceans every year so you know what let's actually put that we're going to just make a little um we've got about five minutes so i'll be a spooky boy do you reckon we can this will be a test see how fast christie can design i think you can do it i think i can too all right even let's hit it with i'm just gonna go this gradient here even though this guy's surfing i want to throw on a gradient map make them smaller so i'm going to because we're working on the back page here i want to match that front page in terms of we've got the a bit of a border on there so i just want to bring that border in on the last page too and actually let's just grab a couple of these headings because i will make them uh and the last page this can just be the back page of the book clip where we've got our final little bit of stuff find a little bit of text that's such a good way to finish it it's like yeah and you know i'm teaching everyone about design and also reminding them to save the oceans can you multitask any better come on thank you thank you [Laughter] i actually quite like it um this text you know it feels just a bit more striking i agree um let's even make put him lip saver on a different line you could even bring this one up and maybe just balance those out nicely um so i can't believe we've pretty much finished this booklet just in time yeah it's it's almost like you're a professional and it's almost like i knew how long this was going to take me beautiful and let's even just make that white you know i'm even thinking maybe we'll put this all in the in this font here just that last page just see if we can finish it off nicely we're pretty much there i haven't thrown a sauce there for you so i do think it's important when you've got facts in your booklets and things if you've got it from a resource add it in there if you can i agree beautiful oh yeah they're coming together maybe we'll make that that blue and it's actually really balancing out quite nicely both sitting on that top good line there oh look at that you know and let's go back to that front page grab our little logo we can even pop them on the back there make that look really nice oh look at that so cute so cute so let's kind of go through the whole booklet and what you've done over the last two days and four hours knocking out like 16 pages so if you guys followed along good on ya um so obviously when we spoke about potentially removing the gradients this would be the time where i might go back and review that um because we've kind of got the main structure there so we've got our our title page it's looking really cool contents you know you'll change your page numbers out see i do love the gradients here but then we do go into these pages and i don't love the mix as much i think there's just because there is a lot going on it could be too much going on having the gradients and mixed in with the real photographs um so that would be something i'd like to take a look at you know you've got your cool spread you could always look at adding another spread like this near the end um i do like this page as well this came out really cool i think this came out quite nicely um you've got your surfs up ride those waves uh your views so all about your volcanoes and yeah more tourist places to go and then now of course i'll go find nemo page with a whale i loved this actually this turned out really nice um i liked how we used the there was a good suggestion there yeah these are all so so beautiful and so incredible yeah they've come out really nicely actually and another so really just cool inspiration for different layouts you could do um and of course the last page which we did in about two minutes absolutely crushed it it's amazing i'm stoked with this you've absolutely done offend a fantastic job over the last few days what is the website and instagram and everything that you want people to kind of go to obviously you got to pants give us a shout tell us so i am just pink pony creative everywhere that's pink like the color and pony like the horse um you'll be able to find me on instagram tiktok and behance as well um and also my website we'd love to have you guys there if you guys followed along please share and tag it with me that would be really awesome to see and thank you all for watching i honestly appreciate it so much and i've just loved being on adobe live so thank you yeah absolutely and that's a wrap for us today but stay tuned we've got the premiere pro daily creative challenge coming up with sherin and then coming up after that the draw along with kelty webster at 2 30 p.m pst it's the last one let's make it the best one uh just was such a great series with them so thank you so much but we will be back very shortly to stick around but thank you so much christy i really appreciate it it's been so much fun i'm sure we'll see you again soon thanks guys bye [Music] you
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 2,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Cloud, Adobe CC, Adobe Cloud, Adobe creative suite, #MakeAdobeCC, #AdobeCC, #ACCTags, Kristy Campbell, Tanya Kar, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, graphic design, branding, identity design, how to brand, freelance design, logo design, type design, Adobe, Adobelive, Adobe Live, how to design, how to draw, illustration tips, graphic design tips, five
Id: 17o22w5Jj7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 20sec (7040 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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