ALWAYS PRAY: Why Pray (Part 2)(July 6,2018) Keith Moore

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anybody read their chapter today huh alright well if that's uh if you wonder what we're talking about it's widely known around all these parts and the parts of branch something other places that everybody in faith Life Church reads their chapter every day Monday through Friday now if you hadn't been with us on it's information area outside you can pick up a little card that shows what chapter we're reading and you can join us it works out exactly that if you read a chapter every day Monday through Friday five days a week you will have read the New Testament through in in its entirety in exactly one year and that's what we're doing right now and we're in the Book of Luke and we we have read about the building your house on the rock shall read that versus building your house on the sand and how one one built on the rock one built on the sand and when the start the same storms hit both houses being a Christian living by faith doesn't assure there will be no storms what it can assure is that when the storm is over you're still there [Laughter] Phyllis thought we talked about this earlier of what is the rock that you your house is built on huh know what what's the rock that your house is built on the word no huh there's reason why I'm saying I heard somebody said over here no huh doing doing the word can you see why I went through that hmm I see some people looking at me funny I'm gonna read it to you Luke well I'm not gonna read it to you you got a Bible check it out see if I'm telling you straight or not the one that does them come on right that's the one who builds their house on the rock and you can hear it and not do it so a lot of folks assume things about that but the thing that's going to cause you to stand through storms that others don't make it through is not because you just because you believe Jesus is Lord or because you believe he's the foundation the church is built on and it's not just because you say the word you believe the word is real and you think the word is wonderful and that will not cause you to make it to the store are y'all with me now what will cause you to make it through the storm you are actually a doer of what he reveals to you do it you act on it that's what puts your house your life on the solid foundation that can't be shaken no matter what kind of storms of life come hmm and so you see another reason why I'm all the time talking about I'm a doer I'm a doer I'm a doer of the word of God because it's not the the church doors it's not the attenders it's not the program Watchers it's not the DVD players it's not the note takers right that get results or that have the different it's only those who actually [Music] do it you hear it so anytime we come to church any time that you're hearing a message here anywhere else if it's the real Word of God if it's anointed you shouldn't just be hearing it for knowledge sake hmm as you're hearing it we you and I should be thinking how do I apply this what is supposed to change in my life now as a result of this work what do I start what do I stop what do more of less of what do I change right because if there are no changes there's no doing and that's not on that that's your house is not on the rock not on the foundation sale I think about meditate on that go with me please the scripture that we looked at on last Friday and let's continue we're believing for the Lord to lead us the right way Luke 18 Luke 18 and one if you weren't with us we you can get the you can go online watch or download or you can get a hardcopy won't cost you anything it said Jesus spoke a parable to them to this in that men ought always to pray and not to faint one translation said Young's literal said it behooves us always to pray are there benefits in prayer the amplified says Jesus told them a parable to the effect that they are always to pray and not to turn coward which means to faint lose heart give up the NIV says it like that that they should always pray and not give up said out loud always pray don't give up in fact God's word translation says it like this he told them these things to show them that they need to pray all the time and never give up she said like that pray all the time never give up which would be why people would quit pray it because they gave up that it would make any difference there are a lot of people who used to pray a lot who don't pray much anymore because they you know number of reasons why some people have gotten mad at God they didn't see their prayers answered the way they wanted them to be and they they prayed as sincerely as they knew how and as diligently in their mind as they knew how and they don't know why God didn't do what they asked him to do and then there are other folks that that's not so much the case they just got carnal yeah too much fleshy stuff and it's kind of like any other kind of exercise you you skip one time it's easier to skip the next time right and next thing you know you've skipped a month and huh and so you don't pray and then you don't pray and then you don't pray and it's been a long time since you've really spent any time praying but the Lord exhorted us and taught us he taught them he told us don't quit prayin always pray and never give up let's read some other scriptures to confirm that colossians was well first of all first Thessalonians 5:17 you don't have to turn there they'll they'll put them on the screen I'll just read them to you first Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without ceasing but that doesn't mean you're praying every breath I mean what about when you're asleep what about when you're eating what about when you're getting ready what about when you're working I only say it it means you don't get to a place where you say okay I'm done praying I've prayed all I ever need to pray no prayer is part of our life we never stop praying as part of our lifestyle and a lot of prayers don't have to be long yeah a prayer can be 30 seconds and be effective but there are also times that we need to spend some time praying more than five minutes more than thirty minutes there's times we saw last week there times Jesus prayed for hours there are times he prayed all night long well if Jesus needed to pray for hours you and me need to pray for hours if Jesus prayed all night long there were times that he did then for sure there are times that you and I should pray all night long and one of the things that we saw in that is at the end of that prayer he had direction about who the 12 apostles were to be yes that's pretty big thing right immediately that morning after praying all night long is when he called them together and selected the twelve and appointed him well where'd he get that how did how did he get it is it a coincidence that he just got through praying all night long and now he knows this he he said himself he only did what he saw the father do he only said what he heard the father say and in these extended times of Prayer it is the environment where the Holy Spirit can commune with us and we can see and hear and know can you say Amen I've said this for some time prayers get previews people that'll spend time praying they get glimpses of things to come that's part of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit say said he would show us things to come if we're if we'll spend time communing with him and some of those glimpses of things to come are things you need to do hmm so it's in the form it's a glimpse or something to come but its direction of the way you need to go if he's in 618 Ephesians 6:18 says praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints praying always you could some translation set like this praying always with all kinds of prayer and supplication now you'll find these two words used often in the same sentence prayer and supplication they're not unnecessary repeats they're there no superfluous unnecessary things in the word if it's either inspired or it's not and if it's inspired there's a purpose for every word many purposes it's a living thing and the best of my understanding and study prayer refers to the general topic and I'd say like this communing with God would be my definition of that was the word here translated prayer prayer communing with God and supplication would have to do with asking now you do your own study see what you conclusion you come to on it but having looked at it for some time myself that's where I am today prayer when you say prayer you're talking about a lot of things you're kind of rolling a bunch of things under one heading but prayer is just the word generally speaking refers to communion with God fellowship with him which includes praise Thanksgiving worship how many know we could call all of that prayer you were you were in your bedroom praising God and communing with him giving him thanks that's not all you did and and you might have asked him some things too and you might have just got quiet and listened for a while and all of that is communing with him but if somebody asked you what you're doing you might have said prayer right but there were several elements in the prayer what you what you call praying and included in praying can be supplication supplication involves asking asking but prayer is not supposed to be only asking hmm will you tell me how you feel if the only time you ever see a person all the time you ever hear from them is when they want something that they won't don't spend any time with you hear what you think talk with you the only communion they have with you is asking for something from you that doesn't bless you well your father is a person right you're created in his likeness and image and so he cares about us wanting to commune with him other than just asking something all the time but here he's taught might look at it again praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints and what's verse 19 and for me that utterance may be given to me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel Paul asked people to pray for him that he'd have utterance we we need not be so loose with the concept of prayer sometimes people say you know pray for me and so I've had people say pray for me every time you pray I'm not gonna do that what do you mean pray for you every time I pray why why should I pray for you now people will get upset just if that one that one responds why what are we praying about well you know just just pray for me no see that's being religious like it's not real there are two big issues with prayer that I can see is problems with prayer and one of them we've already touched on is not praying just not praying not praying enough not praying is a problem the other one is praying wrong praying wrong vain praying Jesus talked about vain prayer human he said don't use vain repetitions like the heathen do he said they think they'll be heard for their much speaking Jesus told us don't pray like these people pray we do not need we should not develop chance did you hear me we don't need to spend wills did y'all hear me yes sir do repetitious things repeating the same phrase over and over I know a lot of people do it Jesus told us don't do it he told us not to do it why because it is vain vain means useless no results no effect and sadly there's a lot of praying that is absolutely useless and people get mad if you imply that every prayer that comes out of somebody's mouth is not holy and wonderful and good people are reverent of prayer sometimes more than God I don't know if you heard that or not people say I believe in prayer what does that mean prayer is not the Savior hmm what is prayer prayer is not just going through the motions of a thing prayer is communion with a living being the creator of the heavens and the earth whom if you're born again is your father mmm and it's if we'll do it right it is wonderful to experience his presence in communion with him and if we'll do it long enough until our mind gets quiet and all of a myriad of distractions that are in this world we tune out and become aware of him we can actually hear from him I'm not talking much seeing something feeling something with your body I'm not talking about hearing something with your ears but every believer has the ability to know only inside of them what he's communicating to us it's life changing its life leading life directing but the reason only reason you take the time to do it it's because you believe you can hear from him you believe he's real you believe he hears you you believe if you pray the right thing the right way he'll do it and things will change but many have not that they've divested the communion part of it and to them prayer is only asking and they don't know him they don't know his character they don't know his will they don't know his word they just think maybe they found out a neat thing that I can get whatever I want by just asking the big man upstairs I don't like that phrase do you that's spoken like somebody who does not know him no the scripture jesus said if you abide in me let's put it up on the screen was it John 15:7 I believe it is John 15:7 can we put that up jesus said if you abide in me that word abide means live stay dwell if you live in me and my words living you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done to you he didn't just say you'll ask anything and it'll happen do you see the first part of this should we take the first part of this series if you abide in me that's a living daily communion which goes along with this pray without ceasing right it's it's living with somebody right you live with somebody you should be talking to him right you should know something about what's going on with them about what they think what they like what they want what they're doing well we should have we should be living with him we should have some idea about what he wants what he likes what he's doing right and we should be on interested in that and available to help facilitate that if you abide in me and my words abide in you Jesus said you'll ask what you will it'll be done to you why because you're asking is influenced can you see this by knowing him by knowing his word by knowing his will you're not just asking off-the-wall stuff brother Hagin said my father in the faith he said the fella came to him one time said I want you to I want you to pray about something for me he said well what what do you want me to pray he said do I have to take he said well I'm not gonna pray if you don't see so much of the unspoken request is useless I know folks don't like that but he went on to say if he explained to the man he said if you asking me to pray you're asking me to believe for something you're either asking me to believe for something for you or to believe with you how am I going to believe for something I don't know what I'm believing for and how do you even know in this case you see had even know if it's scriptural or or something God can do right he's not gonna contradict his word sold the guy he said well I want you to believe with me that I will get so and so's wife [Music] what's good thing he asked right he said yeah he actually asked him that because he's decided that they should be together and well should you pray about them should you even say I'll pray about it no you you don't need to pray about it because the scripture has already answered that it says you're not to covet your neighbor's wife which is exactly what he's doing he's got his eyes on her and decided he wants her and he wants God to help him get hurt he what he wants God to help him destroy his family and destroy their family and hurt people and in contradict Commandments and scriptures no no we're laughing about it but a whole lot of folks have done the same thing maybe it wasn't as obvious but they didn't they don't come in with God they don't know what his word says I don't know what his will is all they know is what they want or what they think what their flesh wants I want this God give it to me if we really knew the truth and spiritual things were real to us if we came to the Father and asked about something that was off he'd say come on closer come here come here sit down spend a while since you've been here and and and we would commune you'd commune with him and as you're communing with him he would remind you of things that he said in his word he would help you to see your motives come on here with me your desires and these kind of things and if you're honest and humble at some point you'd go oh right sorry low you know forget that prayer just yeah forget that but even if we've made big mistakes what did Jesus say don't quit pray right don't quit pray don't give up just stay with it til you get it right because amazing things can happen when people of faith pray I mean cities can be changed countries can be changed I'm not exaggerating we have examples of it in the Word of God am a judgment can be stayed and prevented gifts of the Spirit in manifestation miracles can happen it's amazing what can happen when you pray right said out loud father god I do desire to commune with you teach me about real prayer not really just not man's idea true communion with your spirit real fellowship with you with you show me how show me to pray in the way in the way you can hear it you and do it and do it in Jesus name thank you Lord hallelujah even though we may have floundered and made a lot of mistakes we can straighten up we can get it together and we can become very effective in prayer and we read this last week and it'll be okay to read it again James five James five verse 16 I'm already from the Youngs translation be confessing to one another your trespasses be praying for one another that you may be healed very strong is the working supplication of a righteous man now don't get hung up on righteous and begin to question am i righteous enough to be an effective prayer realize what has made you righteous we could not accomplish enough righteousness on our own merit and works Jesus had to come and give us his own right standing but he has and if you'll receive it you've been made righteous with his rightness is my rightness good enough will it better be it's his is that right if his is not good enough there is no good enough now his right standing has already been accepted and that's the righteousness we come to the Father in prayer in that's how that's how we can come boldly right to the throne of grace got a right to be there hmm why because we're not coming in our own righteousness we're coming in his well this is a revelation I said this is a revelation see anytime those thoughts come to you wonder if I'm you know I don't know if I am a really a righteous man or woman to pray are you saved have you received Jesus did you receive the righteousness he gave you it does get doesn't get any better than that righteousness so could ask him that question the NIV says the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective somebody say powerful and effective does it do any good to pray this is why a lot of people quit because they prayed a bunch of things and a bunch of them didn't happen and the enemy lied to God didn't hear you God doesn't care does God exist I mean the more you start questioning the further off you get the worse it gets but just because you made a mistake doesn't mean prayer is not right doesn't mean that the prayer the right prayer of a person doing it right do you see right righteousness as Old English word for right doing it right is powerful and effective Oh somebody say powerful powerful and effective the amplified says it like this the earnest heartfelt continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available dynamic and it's working and we know he's not exaggerating he goes on to give the example of Elijah praying and for I suppose hundreds of miles the weather being changed for years and and this is not some conjecture the Bible tells us is because this one man prayed that this happened so if this one man's prayer and praying changed the weather for years over a large region why couldn't all of us stand up together and believe God when something's trying to damage us or destroy us he we can't we should God's faithful can you say Amen have you been made righteous yeah you have can your prayers be powerful and effective effective effective go with me if you would to Philippians the fourth chapter I studied and got a too much material today a bunch of material but you're believing with me for the right thing is that right for tonight and maybe you can come back and get get some more get some more because what prayer is a big subject roof you talk about praying you've got a Bible full of verses on prayer and we only need the right thing for right now and so we prayed prayed earlier in the service and our prayer is effective that's what's going on right now Philippians chapter 4 I'm going to answer the question just a little bit why pray why should we pray Philippians 4 verse 6 are you there scripture said be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and you see that phrase again right prayer communion with God which includes all different forms of praying and supplication asking in prayer and of course if you hook James with this you need to ask in faith not just asking but ask in faith not wavering be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and application with Thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God I had a fellow one time actually this is that more than once either in person or through some kind of communication say brother Keith the scripture said let your requests be made known so I'm letting you know that I need this that's not what that said did I lose somebody it's not what he said didn't say let your requests be made known let them be made known to God you might say well you you you you talk about what the church is doing and before that's not my personal needs and desires your the church coming around with me and all the partners this is we're believing for this as a family but you don't hear Phyllis and I said we're letting you know what we won't personal in what we need personally we're supposed to go straight to him he and so are you well that went over big dinner ah why pray praying correct prayin it's what we're supposed to do instead of worry hmm praying is what we're supposed to do instead of be full of care and anxiety put the amplified up on that place Philippians 4:6 the amplified says it like this do not fret I'll have any anxiety about anything but in every circumstance and in everything do what by prayer and petition let's say the amplified brings that I didn't know that if I'd said that definite request that's another way of saying ask you write a request is asking by by prayer and petition and with Thanksgiving make continue to make your won't stone to God if you need something and you don't have it you're in a situation you're going to be tempted to friend don't care who you are right so what are you gonna do most people just fret most people just worry right that's what they do or and or they pull on other people they plead with people they pull on them too you help me you got to help me I need this but would I have to do that it's so wonderful believers never have to beg never never if God is real and he's God and he's your father and he supplies all your needs he's your provider why would you ever have to beg anybody you don't you don't but if you if you don't pray and you don't have faith you're gonna do something because the pressure is on you need this you need that you got to have this to pay your bills you got to have that to take care of this what do you do most people including most Christians most church-going people they fret they have anxiety they worry they worry but there's something you can do instead of worry you can pray and not pray a vain prayer of vain repetitions you can you can come before the Father and you can start out in faith and you can say father I know this is no surprise to you right why do we pray we don't pray to inform God of situations [Laughter] [Music] never never do we come in and go oh God I've got to have $5,000 and I gotta have it right now never does he look over and one of the angels and go when did this happen Michael gebben nobody tells me about are you kiddin I tell my him who knows the end from the beginning know you we're never going to surprise it might have been a surprise to you but it's not a surprise to him and he's never caught unprepared remember we're reading about he choreographs seed for the soul he saw that need coming before you are ever aware that you were going to be in that area much less that you would have a need in that area and actually you know where Abraham went up on the mountain to up his son as a sacrifice and he had said by faith God will provide and then he called on then he called the name of the Lord their Jehovah in Byram Jireh are some pronounce it different but and it literally means the God who sees someone says I thought it meant to God who provides it does but it literally means the God who sees ahead and provides because when when when Abraham was ready to offer up Isaac and the angel said no no no he turned around there's around with his horns caught in the thicket well now that realm getting then getting caught that's some good timing come on can you see that I mean we don't have to say okay Isaac's not gonna get off for today where is the sacrifice I've got to find sacrifice no he's right there already and that's what Jehovah Jireh means hey Z still Jehovah Jireh the God who sees ahead and provides the supply for those that's on his path what if Abraham had said no I'm not gonna do that I'm not going up there I'm not doing this well he would have never he would have never experienced the provision the Lord had for him you got to be on the path but on the right path there is prepared provision do you believe it that Jehovah Jireh the God who sees ahead so he he knew before you knew he knew what the whole path was start to finish and if you would go down the path how did that ram get up there hmm this realm I don't know maybe three days ago maybe before that he just gets an inkling to go this way and so he does and he does and the next day for some reason he just lacks the looks of it over there so he goes over there and and then on this day for some reason he winds up at the exact right spot and he just wants to stick his head in those brush and rummage around in there can you say well what's going on there is a leading there is something that is choreographing and causing this to wind up at exactly the right place at the right time so that every need is met every bill is paid come on can you said every obligation fulfilled every need met is he still Jehovah Jireh is he still the God who sees ahead and provides the supply well backing up only those who are on the path are going to intercept this pre-prepared provision how do you know to get on the path that's where the praying comes in come on can you see this the praying comes in about what Phyllis and I've seen this and and I'm not claiming that I've always done everything perfect but we haven't had disasters in the churches or our projects are concerned and I give God the praise for that but one of the one of the things I want to do on that kind of thing is there are times we may talk and pray about a project for years before we launch it are y'all with the Christians why because I know if it's him it's not going to be a problem can you see that if it's something that he's directing us to do you're not gonna have to try to talk him in to providing for something that was his idea but you also need to know the right time and the right way to do it can you see this the wisdom of God and whether it's us personally and whether it's your business or a church or a ministry people have gotten in trouble because they didn't ask him they just ran off with an idea or maybe they even got a piece of an idea from him but they didn't get the rest they didn't get the time they didn't get the way can you see this and where you're gonna find out all that if we'll take some time can you see this and instead of worrying about it whirring whirring whirring whirring takes time and does no good come on can you see this there is a god-ordained replacement for worry it's prayer prayer and not just begging vain repetitions but communion with God you cut you come in before his presence you shut off your phone turn off the TV come on hang out with me mute silence turn off whatever you need to do get in there and commune with him tell him you love him praising thank him come on around with me he already know what you want to talk about is that he already come on we need to remember who we're dealing with here he already knows the answer to the question you're looking for the answer far right he knows to the answer to the next question you hadn't thought of you the one you're gonna find out about in the three weeks we need to remind ourselves of who he is how big he is how awesome he is how wonderful he is and spend some time with him not begging in unbelief but talking to him about it in an intelligent way and then asking him to give us uh trous to pray out exactly what we should pray out and thank God at that point for speaking in tongues and if you don't know about that find out do not let this pass you by because this is the means to pray beyond our limited knowledge understanding and to pray out the scripture says divine mysteries things not things they're not a mystery to God well who they're a mystery to you but it's a way for you to pray pray about it and then find out about it why do we pray we pray because God told us to pray and we pray because it's better than worry we pray because it's what you do instead of worry instead of fret instead of fear instead of toss and turn instead of pace instead of call other people in bug them come on now how many no don't don't don't point fingers are examined you know situations where people called you and they shouldn't have they should be praying they should be talking to him but you know the Flex don't want to pray wants to be lazy you just tell me what to do you just give me the answer save me all that I've heard people talking for you you pray and find out and just tell me and there's been more than once that I did I tried to do that and the Lord said you tell them come see me he's even told me before that's that's none of your business that that's between me and them and I'm glad I'm glad he won't hang all of your dirty laundry out for me to see which means he won't hang mine out for you to see right he's good he's merciful he's gracious he's kind but what I'm saying is other people cannot do your praying for you doesn't mean they can't pray for you but they can't pray instead of you they can pray for you under the right conditions but there's a lot of wasted motion in prayer there's a real legitimate question if somebody says pray for me the next question could be why right what what are we praying about what do I need to pray about it's not like I don't have a life right now like I'm not already using my faith I need to pray about not saying I won't pray for you but what praying is needed that you can't do for you or just won't do but if we'll spend time communing with him we get direction we learn about getting on the path and on the path how many remember proverbs talks about this path is that right the path of the just it's like the shining light it's like the the dawn of the Sun that as the day progresses it gets brighter and brighter brighter and brighter means you see more and more everything gets plainer and more clear to you well there's nothing like knowing what to do knowing where to go knowing who to work with knowing what to do here and with operating by the spirit of knowing Jesus did this how many believe Jesus always knew where to go what to preach who to see what to answer right he also did a lot of praying didn't he reckon there's a connection between any of it you know yeah yeah so we pray because the Lord told us to pray and we pray because so much better than worried and Philippi there in Philippians back up to Philippians 1 I know this is basic but we need basic Philippians 1 verse 19 he said I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ listen to the new American new American Standard says I know that this shall turn out from my deliverance Nega remember Paul's in jail he's in prison not for crimes but for preaching the gospel I know this will turn out from my deliverance through your prayers and the provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ said out loud prayer and provision this has been coming up all night head prayer and provision why do we pray the Lord told us to sure beats worry is that right we do it instead of worry here's another reason why it results in provision provision that God gives that God releases the Youngs literal translation says it like this says I've known that this will fall out to me for salvation through your supplication and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus do see these two phrases prayer and provision supplication and supply one of the reasons we pray is because right praying results in supply given to us provision released to us thank you lord well if you believe that you wouldn't put prayer right now in Philemon I want you notice this Paul said this that just one one chapter follow him in 22 Philemon 22 Paul said this prepare me a lodging for our trust that through your prayers I shall be given to you he said go ahead and get me a place ready because I'm trusting that I'm going to be released because your prayers through your prayers somebody say thank you Lord prayer and provision supplication and supply why do we pray because prayer allows God to change things securing his release giving him a supply of the Spirit you will see this in the book of Acts there's one thing that's talking about I got way too much material for tonight because I started looking at prayer in the book of Acts and begin to see they prayed and God moved they prayed and God moved they prayed and God moved I'm talking about specific instances in the book of Acts and I'm not done they pray and God moved and then guess what happened they prayed and God moved you know what happened after that you reckon they they prayed again and God moved again and you can see they're just they're just back to back you read about them praying and like two versus three verses later something amazing happened then don't misunderstand me don't give the glory to prayer prayers involved prayers a factor it doesn't it doesn't happen just without prayer but prayer didn't do it God did it come we need to keep this straight because if we give the glory to the prayer you wind up glorifying the prayer can you see that and a lot of folks like that well well I'm gonna pray I'm gonna pray all night and all day I'm gonna straighten this out I'm gonna fix this no you are not the you're not the Savior you're not the healer you're not the Creator you you're gonna come in and talk to him about it and prayer is not to be one way it's to be two way you talk you listen you listen you talk we're supposed to hear from him in prayer and there will be times I mean there's scriptures where he told individuals don't don't ask me about that don't pray don't pray about that we have to know him well enough to commune with him and hear from him when we bring up things that we shouldn't be talking about there is no set answer if anybody ever comes out with a thousand volume book on everything to pray about and everything not to pray about save your money it is not exhaustive it cannot be correct if you could do it with that you wouldn't need the Holy Spirit only he and only only through communion with him can you know day in day out pray about this keep on praying about this leave this alone don't bring this up to me again come on here with me God is a person and the better we know his word and the better we know his spirit the quicker we'll recognize can you see why some folks have been off they got mad at God they prayed and asked for a bunch of things didn't happen exactly where they thought but they didn't know him they didn't know his word they didn't commune with him it wasn't prayer and supplication it was just supplication it would just request request request give me what I want and I'm not gonna go to church anymore huh really I mean people try to make deals they and that means they don't know him they don't know him he's never trying to take anything away from us always got your best interest at heart in mind he just knows so much and we know so little and if we're smart we'll trust you and he really tells us something even though we don't understand it if we're smart we'll go well there are things I don't know right and he's right always always right look let me let me give you just one in the book of Acts real quickly before we finish up this evening you got time are you all right go to the book of Acts and chapter 12 I mean I and I got three pages of it before I got to that one so we're we're just being led right Acts chapter 12 why do we pray help me out science why do we pray not just to be religious not to inform God of things hmm we don't just put in time praying to make us feel like we did something like we're we're holy why do we pray number one he told us to told us to pray all the time if he told you to pray all the time there's reasons why you need to pray all the time right you'd be smart if you did number two you need to do something instead of worried because we're just gonna mess everything up it's gonna wear you out it's gonna make you sick it actually gets in God's way hmm what are we gonna do instead of worry you can pray instead of worry half the night what if you prayed in faith in the spirit half the night oh you're gonna come out so much better the same time same amount of time and then thirdly we pray because praying right allows God to release supply and provision into the earth it changes things in acts 12 about the time that Herod the king about that time he stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church and he killed James the brother of John with the sword and because he saw it pleased the Jews he proceeded further to take Peter also these were the days of unleavened bread and when he had apprehended him he put him in prison delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people Peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church to God for him now think about it you know one of one of your favorite ministers the government just came and got him and killed him and one of maybe one of your other all-time favorite ministers they grabbed him and put him in jail and they have already set an execution date for him so you can't go to church and and hear him preach and you can't go to the meeting and and be in the meeting with them one of them's dead one of them they said is gonna be dead in a couple of days or the next day next day so what do you do you could worry huh you could be mad you could upset be upset right you could say what right do they have to do that what did he ever do to them I mean you could you could cry about how unjust it is about how unfair it is you could write papers you could be indignant you could be distraught you could be beside yourself with anger and grief and you could worry or we have discovered tonight you could do something else come on help me out now I'm not just going on for no reason in that what I just described is it what a lot of people do you know it there's something else you could do and at this early days of the church they knew how to do it instead of fussing instead of crying they prayed and didn't quit praying they kept on praying why would you keep on praying because you don't have it yet you don't have the answer yet you don't know what to do yet you hadn't got to release yet come on can you see this and that's one of the Lord said yeah me not to always pray and not quit not give up why why do they keep on praying they don't want to lose Peter and they don't know they hadn't had a word from the Lord about it that they could just stand on and they know something Bad's happening because the other brother there one of their favorite ministers he's gone they killed him so what do we do they prayed and they kept on praying the whole church kept on praying kept on praying kept on praying kept on prayer what are they praying they're not begging God in unbelief I mean there's no good to say ten thousand times Oh what are we going to do what are we going to do what are we going to do what are we going to do they're talking to God about this they're communing with him prayer was made without ceasing of the church to God for him and when Herod would have brought him forth the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and the keepers before the door kept the prison and behold the angel of the Lord came upon him and a light shine in the prison and he smoked Peter on the side Peters sleeping hours before he's supposed to be executed I like this don't you like this he's sleeping so sound the angel had to kick him to wake him up get up I'm here to get you out and I was sleeping good what what do you want he smoked Peter on the side he raised him up and said arise up quickly and when he got up the chains fell off of his hands without a key can God do some amazing things now what's two verses before this what was it prayer was made without ceasing of the church to God for him reckon there's any connection this is an amazing thing why is God doing this they're asking God to intervene they're asking him now I doubt anybody knew to ask specifically for this because they didn't have a passage to read where this had happened before but they just know they want him out maybe they're thinking some legal maneuvering maybe they're thinking a stay of execution but I don't know what they're thinking but God has different ideas then people do he says you want him out let's get him out now right you don't need to check with anybody keep reading the angel said to him gird yourself and bind on yourself put your shoes on he's having to tell him everything get up come on no get you clothes he'll put your shoes on put your shoes on so he did and he said now put your garment on put it around you it's cold out here and follow me and he went out and followed him so he's just checking along following the angel and he wished not that it was true which was done by the angel but thought he saw a vision he thought he's dreaming or having a vision and when they would past the first and second Ward and came to the iron gate that leads unto the city it opened to them of its own accord and this was before there were openers it just it just unlights and opened up is this amazing or is this amazing and they went out and passed on through one city and forthwith the angel departed from him and when Peter was come to himself he said now I know of a surety the Lord has sent his angel and delivered me out of the hand of Herod and from all the expectations of people of the Jews he realized I'm really outside heard that angel go and when he had considered the thing he came to the house of Mary the mother of John whose surname was marked where many were gathered together what well well praying praying reckon there's any connection why would the scripture bring it up before right before this happened and right after why would it bring it up why would it bring it up it's connected can you see this is connected many have talked about wanting to see more of these mighty things more of these signs and wonders well we need to pray more come on can you see this pray right pray in faith pray in power pray as a church pray as a group pray as a church family pray as the church many were gathered somebody say many many many were gathered together praying we should not if bad things happen we should not be quick to give up can you see that phrase and just go well in that awful isn't that awful we should know things can be changed right God can get involved something can happen and especially when we're stirred we should pray and keep on praying and keep on praying right many were gathered together praying and as Peter knocked at the door of the gate a dancer came to hearken named Rhoda when she knew Peters voice she opened not the gate because she was so glad and excited but she dispatched him standing there and she ran back and told everybody how Peter was standing at the gate well what are they praying about well they said prayer was made without ceasing in connection with Herod taking him there praying about it and so she comes in and said he's at the gate he's at the gate verse 15 they said you're crazy why you think we've got to be good but she constantly affirmed that it was even so they said it's his angel maybe Peter continued knocking hey let me in hey you just got out of jail you don't want to be hanging around on the street is that where anybody can see it and when they had opened the door and saw him they were astonished but he beckoning to them with the hand to hold their peace he says let me tell you what I'm told I have the Lord had brought him out of prison and he said go show these things to James to the Brethren and he departed and went to another place I don't blame him he left town that night is this amazing or is this amazing this is just one if you're interested and I encourage you to do it read the book of Acts it's not that big a book and look at the connection you just saw here and see how many times you know how the book of Acts start it starts they were in one of course in one place one Accord and the few verses prior to that said they had been praying and then on the day of Pentecost here comes the Holy Spirit you see prayer they prayed God moved they prayed God move you'll see it all through the book of Acts we're a part of the same church we got the same name of Jesus we got the same gospel we got the same Holy Spirit right we can pray if we will if we want to willing to like they did and we can see some amazing things happen do you believe it says stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 10,629
Rating: 4.8742137 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, love, peace, joy, faith
Id: DB_ShCRrzmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 45sec (4425 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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