PAY ATTENTION: Heeding Conscience (Part 5)(Dec 9, 2016) Keith Moore

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Hebrews the 2 chapter and Proverbs the thir chapter Hebrews chapter 2 and Proverbs chapter 3 you know great things can happen without a lot of external Fanfare that's right on a cold outside December February night amen at church they really can yes sir uh something can can come into you from God that you may not even realize how big it was when it happened that's right but it changed you that's right and it changed the way you see things and it changed the way you believe and think that's right and set you on a different course absolutely that's right that's right you know uh flying the airplane just a a change of one or two degrees doesn't seem like much you you won't even notice that the plane moved but you if you don't change that over the next 8 hours doing 500 miles an hour you land in a different country right well just a little change in your life that can alter your course can seem so small at the time but over the course of the next 10 years amen you wind up a different person with a different life and if you realize you come back and realize it was an Incorruptible seed of the word of God that got in you Yes somewhere in that service or in that time or that meeting or feeding on when you read your chapter every day right or your prayer time somewhere that got in you right have you been enjoying the Psalms aren't they wonderful they are anointed inspired and anointed hallelujah hallelujah did you get that was that today for the Lord is good and his Mercy endures forever what are you talking about well around these parts it's widely known that everybody at Faith Life church reads their ch every day Monday through Friday now if that's new to you uh go back to the information area they'll give you a marker that you can put in your Bible and you can read with us uh every day very important man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedes out of the mouth of God Hebrews 2 are you there amen verse one Hebrews 2 and 1 one let's read uh King James first then we'll read the Amplified says therefore we ought to give the more Earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip read the Amplified since all this is true we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard lest in any way we drift past them and slip away uh it is so important that we continuously just what we're talking about feed on and hear the word of God the same truths that we have already heard right amen the we we need to hear repeatedly yes that's right even the most basic truths right that we think we know right that's right and it's not because the word of God is so hard to understand right and it's not because we're so slow and and and dumb or unintelligent it's because we live in a dark place right we don't know any different this is all we've ever known we were born into this right we're going to find out soon yes sir but there is pressure to take the word away from us that's right that's right on a daily basis right you remember the uh what Jesus taught about the parable of the swer right said the S SWS the word right and immediately right immediately Satan comes to Ste to to steal and take the word away that was sown in their hearts is that true or not that's true so I know it's a bad thought but what I'm preaching to you right now the enemy is going to come immediately and try to take this away from you and me that's right oh I rebuke that no you don't need to rebuke that you need to resist him when he when he tries to do it and you need to realize if Jesus said it that's true this is happening um this is very real to me when as I describe it it's going to be real to you too as a minister uh back when I first uh started in the ministry Phyllis and I some 30 plus years now uh it was baffling to me sometimes how that the Lord would show me something and I'd be so excited about it and 15 minutes later I couldn't even remember what it was have you ever done that yes yes well that's not even logical that's not even reasonable what's going on something that was so important to you you're excited about it you think it's life changing it's so real to you you think have you ever thought well I'll never forget that yes sir yes and then two hours later you're trying to think what was that what was that I was so excited about what was that what happened the enemy came to steal it away Ste it and if you if you don't hold on to it right and a lot of times what I learned I got I have to write this down right that's right that's right nowadays with our smartphones and stuff I can put it on my notes or or whatever but uh um and I'm doing that on ongoing basis I got notes going on this notes going on that notes going on the other and uh Years Ago by the time I'm talking about the Lord showed showed me something that was just outstanding and lifechanging and actually woke me up in the middle of the night and showed me and and I got drink of water and I would just about shouting about it and I laid back down and the Lord said to me he said do you appreciate me showing you that and I said oh Lord he said not even enough to write it down amen and and he what he's helping me to see is you are overestimating human memory and you're not treating this like it's for it amen right sir and also I wasn't aware of what I'm describing to you now how that there are spiritual forces right trying to take this away from us absolutely absolutely all the time and it's not that we're dumb or slow or that the word is so hard it's that we have to focus and make up our mind I'm not going to lose this and I haven't digressed because what did he say lest we should what let it slip or let it get past us and what's the solution pay the more Earnest heed the the more attention to it we need to keep hearing it right right that's right isn't it true that when you've been preached to again if you've been in the word for any length of time or known the Lord for a length of time and you hear maybe a truth that you've known for 30 years but then you hear it again and you go I knew that I knew that I need to get back on that right well what happened you had let it slip right yeah why cuz there's pressure around you to take it away from you right yes sir but we got to make up our mind we need to hold fast that which we have right and we need to hear the same things over and over again so we don't let it get taken away from us can you say amen amen he said we ought to pay more closer much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard lest in any way we drift past them and slip away go to Proverbs and we'll just go straight to the fourth chapter and the 20th verse proverbs 4 and 20 he said to my son do what attend to we might say pay atten ition to my words incline your ear to my sayings let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart well why would you need to do this so you got to watch about I heard it I understand it I got it that kind of Pride will cause you to lose it that's right right absolutely no forces are at work right to snatch this away from you you and me right and when the Lord shows us something and it's an answer to something in our life you need to write it down you need to put posters up you need to get that CD yes are y'all with me or download whatever it is and you need to hear that again while realizing that that's my answer and the enemy is going to try to get me off of this and me get me get busy back at home and and get busy back at work and next thing you know 3 months have gone by I hadn't even thought about it what happened I let it get by me I let it slip and then you got to watch about now you're looking for the answer again and the Lord already showed it to you right he already gave you the answer right but you let it slip have you ever done that I've done it you've done it but we're the ones that pay the price right if we do why would you need to pay attention to it incline your ear to it don't let it apart from your eyes keep it in the midst of your heart does this sound like you have to be ongoing making an effort to get a hold of this and keep this not cuz God's trying to make it hard to get or he's trying to he's keeping it from us or none of that it's because of where we live right and who is the God of this world and what he's trying to do and the last thing he wants is the word of God producing a harvest in your life that's right that's right and you have a good testimony and people seeing it and then them thinking they going to get it too right this thing could catch right right and so it's easier to crush an acor than it is an oak tree producing acrs so that's why he tries to snatch it out of you before you get it in you and get results but we're not ignorant of his devices the Lord's helping us out even right now so he said for they are life to those that find them and health are the margin says medicine to all their flesh keep your heart or guarded with all diligence for out of it are the issues of Life am thank you Lord thank you Lord uh go with me to the book of Hebrews the 12th chapter and I want us to get into something this evening that uh you don't hear as much about maybe as you should we should and it's a subject that some folks think they don't uh they don't like that much but man if you see it right you'll like it a whole lot amen um what we're talking about is here hearing from God and uh I mean people are interested in that all real Believers are but you got about three categories of of humans people concerning hearing from God you got a group that does not believe that people really hear from God today right I'm talking about even a church going group right bunch of churchgoing people if you say the Lord told me you lost them right there huh the Lord showed me the Lord told me the Lord said to me then they look at each other and go they think they're hearing from God so you talk to God and he talks to you and then when you turn away they [Laughter] go so there's a lot of people in that group then there's a lot of other people in another group that everything they imagine right right is God talking to them yeah that's right true that's true that's true huh absolutely I mean everything in the world God told me this God showed me this and when you're hearing it you're thinking really God said that H right and everything that crosses their mind right is God talking to them right that's right and everything they imagine is God told me and it's sad but a whole lot of people don't know enough about hearing from God to people can tell them anything that God said and they go well okay if God said it true it's true but you do understand just because somebody said God said right does not mean God said God said amen amen you need to test it right right right if it has anything to do with you right because we've already established earlier that a whole lot of stuff is just nothing to you that's right but if it is going to affect your life before you just say okay if God said and then make a decision based on that you need to determine did he say it that's right did he really say that amen and so you got these two groups and then there's a third group and that group is people who believe you can hear from God right but they know that everything is not God so they're endeavoring to discern exactly I knew you'd identify with that discern is this God right or is this just me right or is this just them right that's right and U most of us fall into that that category but even at that there's a whole lot of uh not being sure and why is that it's quiet in here Hebrews 12 are you there verse one now haven't digressed from the subject what are we talking about pay attention pay attention to what well what he said well first of all we're going to have to hear from him that's right and then we need to know is it him right well Hebrews 12 he said wherefore seeing we also accompass about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us now skipping down to verse 11 he's talking about correction he says now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous but Grievous nevertheless afterward it yields the pre Peaceable fruit of righteousness to them which are exercised thereby wherefore lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees make straight paths for your feet lest that which is laying be turned out of the way but let it rather be healed and follow peace with all men is is that do we know from Colossians that's a key to being led amen right let the peace of God let it decide the Amplified says between things right being led by the spirit of God involved in that is being led by peace cuz he is the spirit of peace right but notice the of the verse follow peace with all men and you could say and follow Holiness right without which no man shall see the Lord right this is a big key to Clarity in distinguishing what is God and what is not God thank you Lord it's an answer as to why there's so much confusion that's right now a lot of folks would read this without Holiness no man will go to heaven it's not what it said and I'm not saying that has no application but I am saying it has a bro it has an application in the here and now right when are you to follow peace now when are you to follow Holiness now right now and and this same word that's translated see the Lord is translated in other places listen um Acts 21:17 says your young men will see Visions that's the same word third John 11 says he that does good is of God he that does evil has not seen God right now that's talking about right now right right has not seen God not necessarily talking about seeing him with your eyes like it's going to happen when we leave this life right but with without Holiness you won't see the Lord that's right and I there is an application here that without Holiness you won't see that it is the Lord that's right absolutely that's right everybody listening yes sir now I'm going to show you other scripture that talk about this go to Romans please the uh 12th chapter Romans 12 thank you Lord Lord's helping us with this tonight there are answers Here Am answers the Lord showed me this long time ago but some of the things I didn't say as much about because I don't like to just say the Lord showed me something right I got to be able to show it to you in the word right right y'all with me got to again we're we're Discerning did he say it exactly and uh these passages I'm I'm taking you to now I said well Lord I need to I need to know how to show that in the word and the ones I'm taking you to right now the ones he gave me okay praise God to show you amen that that's where it is and when I saw th this one actually this Romans 12 I just a few months ago I saw that I hadn't seen that before but it's been here all the time when you see it you go there how long's that been there Romans 12 are you there yes sir verse one he said I beseech you bre therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body as a Living Sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world which is the definition of Holiness what is Holiness Holiness the the Lord said be ye holy for I am Holy that's right Holiness is God likess right it's being like him exactly un excuse me worldliness is being ungodly right not being like him taking on the characteristics of this world is taking on the characteristics and qualities of the God of this world because even though people say you know God's in control God in control by and large on this planet Our Father God is not controlling it that's right he's not the Bible said the God of this world Satan is and because he is if if he's controlling it you're going to see his influence and you see the hate you see the cruelty you see the destruction can you see it is it in the earth if God's controlling it you know what you're going to see you're going to see peace you're going to see love you're going to see life you're going to see Joy you're going to see blessing well the more we let this world influence us and it's easy to do all you got to do is wake up in the morning and go with the flow of the world and feed on worldliness ungodliness and it will shape your thinking and your perspective and your speech and your actions absolutely and you will be ungodly you'll be worldly you'll be ungodly and you won't be holy right being holy is not adhering to some group or some denomination's list of dos and don'ts it's being like the master right which is being unlike world the world that's right that's right and you you know why I said in the beginning you don't hear as much about Holiness and worldliness right among some groups today right but the Bible has not changed right I the Bible has not changed and it's not about doing holy things so you can be counted righteous or be saved right exactly no that's all by grace and by what Jesus has already done but even though you're saved and by Grace your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life and by Grace the the lord loves you and has accepted you in Christ if you're too worldly right you're going to be easily confused you're going to be in the muck and mud of all of this come on are you with me and you're going to be wondering what's God and what's not God for without Holiness no man will see the Lord that's right that's right that's right that's right y'all with me friends that's right so we're not talking about trying to be holy so we can be saved right so we can be accepted of God that's where PE there's confusion about that nowadays are y'all talking about keeping the law we're not talking about keeping the law we're talking about not being so dumb that's right yes sir and not being so easily confused that's right right learning how to be led right how many would like when God speaks to you it's Crystal Clear and you know it's him is that worth anything to you well then you need to know something about Holiness right about being like him right read it again Romans 12 he said I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a Living Sacrifice whaty holy well not let you stop here present your what body that means you're not doing defiled perverted stuff right with your body that's right absolutely you're giving it to him right what's my body for my body is to serve God right right first and foremost not to sin with right not to see how full of alcohol and drugs I can get it not to see all the perverted stuff I can do with it right my body is he talking about Holiness yes and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind what's the result of this what's the result of this this Holiness right this separation right this not being worldly right but being Godly and being holy what's the result that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God that's right Hallelujah you'll be able to distinguish and discern what's God and what's the world right what's him what's not him right instead of feeding on junk and ungodliness has anybody noticed how that TV programming and movies has gone the wrong way buty and I'm not saying there's nothing you can ever watch and see but if we watch watch too much junk what's that going to do to us if we if it bothers you at first but then you override it to where it doesn't bother you what has happened why doesn't it bother you as much as it used to D that's right and here's the thing the Lord said to me decades ago he said if you refuse my correction you can confuse yourself about my Direction that's right true if you refuse my correction you dull yourself and confuse yourself about my direction you can't say no I don't want to listen to that and ignore that and then say yes I do want your direction right exactly you're pushing it away with one hand and saying no I want it with the other and if the Lord dealt with you to correct something and you didn't want to hear that right and you ignored it right but then three days later you got something serious you really need to hear from God right and so you're trying to hear from God and something comes up in you but this the what came up in you that's the same thing three days ago you said wasn't God right can you see why there is confusion right right and all of us have uh had some of this most have had way too much but the reason it's not clear what's God and what's not is not God's fault at all right right is the result of too much worldliness right H yeah and too much ignoring of what he said that we didn't want to hear that right if we say that's not him then tomorrow who is it huh I can't say this is not God today and then tomorrow it is god well that I've confused myself yeah who was it if it was if it's God today that means it was him I got to I got to repent now right because that was him too which is exactly how how you recover sensitivity is this okay tonight let me let me read this to you from U another translation the uh this is the Holan translation he said verse one Hebrews excuse me Romans 12:1 therefore Brothers by the mercies of God I urge you to present your bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy and pleasing to God somebody say holy and pleasing aming to God he said this is your spiritual worship do not be conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your mind why to what end so that you may discern what what is the good pleasing and perfect will of God what will help me to discern the will of God not being conformed to this world but being holy like him will make me sharp and aware and clear is it worth it I said is it worth it to be clear so when he tells us stop doing that quit doing leave that alone you don't need that stop stop reading that stop listening to that yeah but I like it yeah but is it good for you what's it doing to oh it's it's not it's nothing is it really nothing or has it for the last 15 years little by little do you so that now you're saying is that God or is that just me or how many want to be clear now the truth is a whole lot of folks they don't wanted enough to make any adjustments but the truth is you can be you can walk down here on the earth for the rest of your life hearing the father as clearly as Jesus heard him if you're willing to live like the master lived and the devil will tell you well if you do all your fun is over you don't get to do anything is f he's a liar I said he's a liar he's a liar full obedience to God is not going to mess up your life it's going to help you to have the best life you've ever had and the stuff you thought you really wanted to keep doing if you just wean off of it for a few months and get the the good things that begin to come in your life you go wow and you get to the point where I don't even like that anymore I don't want that what's happened you've grown you've become more like the Lord and your taste and desires change he said be ye holy for I am Holy oh somebody say glory to God glory to God you you're there in in Romans 12 go back to Romans 1 and you see how this happens I am so thankful because for years I knew this was true but I didn't know how to say it in the word and I've got half a dozen New Testament passages than we've already been over one of them Hallelujah does it say that there can you see that there there it is Romans the 1 chapter in verse 16 he said for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God un salvation to everyone that believes to the Jew first also to the Greek for therein in the gospel is the righteousness of God revealed from Faith to Faith as it is written the just shall live by faith for the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against what all ungodliness now that's also unho not holy it's also worldliness and unrighteousness if it's not like God it's not right either of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is Manifest or you could say is shown to them next PHA next phrase says that that for God has shown it to them um for the invisible things of him of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen clearly what seen seen now he's not just talking about seeing with the physical eye he's talking about seeing truth and he's especially talking about seeing godallah glory to God without what no man will see the Lord Holiness without Holiness no man will see the Lord here he's talking about ungodliness unrighteousness the invisible things of God from all the way back to the cre creation of the world are what are what c not just seen clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead what does that mean people say it it's really pitiful it is brother Hagen would say ignorance gone to seed that's as bad ignorant as it can get that's a old term gone to seed is as far as it can go uh people say there is no proof of God that is ignorance gone to seed might say why because this clear this makes it clear explains it everything around you is evidence of God the planet you're standing on the sunshine you feel the air you breathe everything in creation the Bible remember the psalmist said uh the the Stars the the heavens declare his glory that's right H and if you say no it doesn't then you're being dishonest right right you are everybody on the planet at some point according to this at some point there was a spark in them and they had a realization there is a God right now that might be all and it might have been brief and they might have grown up in 10 generations of idol worshippers but there was a moment now if they'd be honest with that moment about what they know in their heart God would give them more and if they'd keep following it he'd lead them to full salvation in Jesus but if because of pressure from families or culture or whatever the case might be if they quench it yes and they go I I don't want to see that I don't want to know that Watch What Happens Next verse 21 because was that when they knew God now that doesn't mean they had a full-blown relationship with God what does that mean they saw his reality and they knew it was him if it was just a tiny spark and there may be people that lie and say no I've never seen anything they're lying there's nobody on the planet that doesn't have an opportunity that's right when they knew God they what they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was what darkened when you get a glimpse of light amen or a lot of light but you decide you don't want it well if you don't want the truth what else is there for you to believe there's nothing else but lies if you don't want the light what else is there to receive nothing but darkness and so what can happen is if you don't walk in the light that you have darkness comes over your mind right and now you don't see and if you keep doing that you get to the place where you are deceived which means you believe a lie is the truth right that's right that's one of the worst places a human being could ever be right cuz if you're deceived you don't know it's not a lie that's right you think it's right right but the reason you got there reason you got in that shape is your own fault because when you saw something you wouldn't go with it right true accept didn't want it right and can you see that phrase if you reject God's correction what did you just do yes you confused yourself darkened yourself about his Direction which you going to need for the days out right and you need to pay attention to it right because it can it'll spare you save your life save your family save your marriage save your business save your finances save your children right do you believe God loves us and he's watching over us and I I just a few days ago phis I talking about I felt it so strong so I I knew I sense some of the Father's Heart how much he wants to help us and I and I was looking at a situation and I I I knew something about it he wanted to spare those people from everything they're going through yeah yes sir but they would listen and none of us can say we've never done that right sometimes it cost you a little bit sometimes it cost you too much right that's right but it costs to ignore him it does you may not see it when it happens it may be five years may be 10 years down the road but it's going to cost you oh but it pays to obey oh come on somebody say it pays PS to obey to obey you have to obey by faith because you don't know why he's telling you this or or you sometimes you'll get a urg and you go what's the big deal and I don't know why this is such a big issue trust him just trust him just trust him oh and if you do you'll see I was spared here I was spared there we were blessed here we were able to keep this and not lose this oh thank God sometimes it'll be years before you realize it that's right that's right say out loud it pays it pays it pays it pays to obey Hallelujah it pays to obey and one of the ways it pays is in spiritual Clarity Hallelujah in little things if he deals with you don't do that stop this change this whatever little might seem like little but if if he deals with you how many would say anything he deals with you about ain't little that's right if he dealt with you it's not little and if we do that even if we started so clumsily in our spiritual life are so dull or darkened if you do that day in day out you just when he deals with you you just do what he said what'll happen you'll get to the place where you quit asking is it him you know it's him oh Hallelujah you're you're able to discern what is the good and perfect Hallelujah well pleasing will of God you know it it's just as clear to you as they say like the nose on your face you know it's him you don't have to ask anybody you quit running to people and asking them what they think which is why the enemy is continuously trying to get us to ignore what God Said procrastinate just if he can't get you to say I'm not going to do it put it off days turn into months months turn into years H what happens is a dulling processes going on do you remember the scripture said in uh uh 1 Timothy 4 you have to turn there but put it on the screen it said speaking lies 1 Timothy 4:2 speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with the hot iron the Young's literal says in hypocrisy speaking lies being seared in in their own consciences right should we pay attention to our conscience yes should we keep a clear conscience Sir Paul said I always exercise myself to have a conscience void of offense before God and man he said I this I exercise myself in this all the time what does that mean anything that bothered his conscience he wouldn't let it stay he would get it fixed right he'd get it right with God he'd get it right with people amen why cuz spiritual people know how vital it is to keep your conscience clear because that's how you keep hearing from God clear that's right I must not override my conscience because if I do that I just do myself that's right and I keep doing that day in and day out I get to where I don't know what's God and what's not right right go with me to Romans the 2 chapter please can you take a little more amen I know our flesh don't like to hear some of this but the flesh will hold you back won't it the flesh the flesh will hold you out if you let it but are is it worth it to make some adjustments and to hear from God clearly are we still talking about paying attention yeah have you ever not paid attention oh yeah when your flesh don't want to hear something you can play games act like you didn't hear it right because a lot of times it's just God giving giving you something on the inside nobody else even knows it right so if you act like you didn't hear it who's the wiser right I mean huh the Lord dealt with you stop doing that dealt with you go repent for that dealt with you change this and and if your flesh don't don't want to do it then you can do mental gymnastics with you you you can go what was that that thing that came up in me we and if and if you're open to it if you don't want to hear it then the enemy picks up on it immediately sure he's there to steal the word right all the time always and and he picks up on immediately and you go well was that God and the enemy go no no we don't know what that was that was you ate too much and you're just nah uhuh that's you know everybody thinks that's okay every so and so does it and everybody you know no no you're fine no big deal it's quiet in here and if you override your conscience what happened you just you just dled it a little bit but the problem is you keep doing that you get dollar and dollar right and so when God's saying something to you you're like is that God cuz the last 20 times you said it wasn't God so who is it today Romans 2 you see how the conscience Works Romans 2:15 oh thank you Lord thank you Lord it's kind of like a repentance night ain't that's all right in Romans 2 and uh 15 it said which show the work of the law within their heart it's talking about people that that never were taught the law and yet they got born again and they know in it ly that stealing is wrong and lying is wrong and they never heard any law how would you know that because the author of the book is in you Hallelujah and he communicates with you through your spirit thank you Lord and conscience is the voice of your spirit it sure is and uh he said they show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience doing what bearing witness and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another the each each thought one another thoughts this is happening inside you right you know exactly what it's like it's happened in you many many times uh the ninth chapter uh hold your place there and look in chapter n Roman hold your place there and in Romans 9:1 or just look at the screen either one's fine he said I say the truth in Christ I lie not I what Li not one of the biggest things about this is just honesty right correct I lie not my conscience doing what bearing me with in the Holy Ghost uh the NIV says I'm not lying my conscience confirms it in the Holy Spirit the word conscience the Greek literally definition is co- perception conscience is akin to the word cons conscious conscious to be conscious of something is to be aware aware of it but the Greek word for conscience is not just being aware it's co- aware somebody else is inside you besides you right can you see this and my conscience is saying this and the Holy Spirit is also saying this so I got a internal confirmation right that's right and when I've got this it's a big mistake to ignore it amen so true true it's disrespectful right can can you see this to the holy spirit it's dishonest Act like I don't know when he knows I do that's right that's right have you ever dealt with somebody that tried to play you and they and they said oh I didn't know that I didn't know that's what you're talking about I didn't understand that and you know while they're talking they're lying this is a very bad thing right bad for them cuz they are confusing their Spirit right they are d pulling themselves to the voice of God no God knows what you know right he's one showed you right you can't play him right you can't you can't act like I didn't know it God I didn't know that nobody told me just just quit it stop just stop he knows what you know right right and so what do you want to do number one walk in the light somebody say walk in the light if you know it's wrong stop it if you know it's right do it right and if for whatever reason you didn't walk in the light you ignored it what do you do come on help me out what do you do you repent that's right as quick as possible you say I forgive I did see that I did know that exactly I know you told me that right cuz playing games only put you in a deeper hole right exactly and if you say remember that that scripture in Romans when they saw it was God and they didn't want they didn't want to hear it and see it what happened understanding darkened right this is what we're talking about here is scary you talk about a nightmare this is scary stuff that you think a lie is true and are darkened and don't know what's God and what's not oh but I don't care how far somebody's got and how much of dishonesty they were all you got to do is fall on your face come on all you got to do just fall on your face and get real right get real with God quit playing with him and tell him I know and you told me that 20 20 years ago God I forgive me I'm I ignored you I should listen to you forgive me and the moment you do Grace will be right there it'll be right there Hallelujah Lord back when Phyllis and I first married I got a job working on the docks loading Freight and uh it's a it was a rough job we worked out in the weather you know night like tonight we'd be out there uh we had you know it was concrete platforms but there's no walls and U you're working with your hands all the time and um there were guys out there had' been working there for 10 20 years and sometimes during lunch I saw one of them he took a little pin knife he's sitting there uh cutting in his hand he can't even feel it he's got calluses that thick oh my and uh over a period of years me working there my hands begin to get like that too I mean they begin to get so so thick and and callous that uh you could poke something in it you didn't even feel it you know unfeeling H insensitive what's another word for that unaware yeah C didn't even feel it C same same idea with searing cuz what happens if something's seared and then Scar Tissue comes back over it right but same thing unfeeling right here's the good news come on I got little baby tnder hands today little baby tnder hand man I couldn't I couldn't do a hard labor day I'd have blisters all over these preacher hands Glory what am I talking about what used to be thick and unfeeling has become very sensitive come on are you listening I don't care how far off you got you can come all the way back you can be more aware than you've ever been more sensitive than you've ever been all you got to do is pay attention God pay attention Hallelujah acknowledge when you get something in you and you know and your conscience bothers you don't let that don't let that go if you say something and do something uh uh contrary to someone and your heart bothers you about it even if they don't know it yeah do what the Lord prompts you you may need to call them you may need to apologize even if they don't know it why it's not just about them right it's about you staying clear I said it's about you staying clear and of course if that's true with man how much more is it with God when he deals with us about something oh come on how how many think do what he says right yield to him yeah stand on your feet [Music] everybody oh thank you Father [Music] Hallelujah if you would just close your eyes focus on him he loves us so much he's such a good god it Grieves him that so much of the population of the planet does not want to hear what he's got to say has no time for him has no respect for him we can't control all of that but we can control ourself yes close your eyes and just focus on him say it out loud father God father God I know I know you are not the author of confusion you are not the author of confusion you're not in confusion you're not in confusion if I got in confusion I got in confusion I did it without you I did it without you and apart from you and you are the light you are the light and in your light and in your light we see light see and if we stay in the light and we stay in Walk In The Light walk in the light everything is clear everything is clear Hallelujah Hall oh thank you for clarity thank you thank you for clarity keep praying said out loud father God father God forgive me forgive me for at any time at any time that I have ignored you that I have ignored you acted like I didn't hear acted like I didn't when you know I did when you know I did forgive me forgive me that's not right that's not right any time anytime I rejected I rejected what you said what you said or put it off or put it until I forgot about it until I forgot about it and then believed something wrong something wrong I want to see you I want to see you I want to be like you I to be like you I want to live like you I want to live like you I want to hear you clearly I want to hear you clearly with no interruption No Interruption no confusion no confusion in Jesus name in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord sing I yield my myself
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 11,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, faith, love, God, Jesus
Id: AsfQzXdW0Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 57sec (3717 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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