Keith Moore The Witness Pt 4 Flesh Led Or Spirit Led

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to the book of John John chapter 14 John chapter 14 will begin about verse 16 I think looking at some things we've looked at the last time I was with you and and going on from there as well if you weren't with us in any of the meeting the services last week for a week of increased let me encourage you to get the materials go online download them go in the word supply and get you CDs or DVDs I know you if you hear on the hearing side you know one side of it but from the ministry side I'm telling you from my perspective it was supernatural the Lord heard our prayers and I mean every night I don't remember a time when I was more specifically directed in a meeting I every night I knew do this and then do this and do that do this and then do this in this order and this way next night the same thing boom boom boom and we have already gotten a bunch of good testimonies about people that have gotten set free and got answers and it's not because I was the one do it and it's because of the anointing it's because of the word do you believe it and so if you if you didn't hear it you wasn't involved please don't just miss out take advantage and watch and listen somebody some ministers were texting me today saying they just got a chance to read it and that they got answers they'd been looking for for a long time and helping the Lord heard our prayers so don't miss it take advantage of it and feed on it and let the Lord minister to you through it in John 14 and 16 John 14 and 16 G said I will pray the Father he should give you another comforter he was their comforter up until that point he told him he's going away they were upset he said I'm we're going to give you another comforter somebody to take my place then he will abide with you forever he's not gonna leave you he's not gonna just be with you for a while and leave you he will abide live stay with you forever even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees him not neither knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and shall be in you unbelievers think their lack of experience in God proves there that they're right about believing there is no God but they don't understand God doesn't reveal himself to those that reject him and don't believe in him did you notice this phrase the world cannot receive him to unbelievers it's like there is no holy spirit and they can mock and scoff at people like us and go on y'all are just imagining just fanatics just poor ignorant folks that need the crutch of religion and they don't know how wrong they are because he's real I said he's real but you won't find out how real he is until you believe in him do you believe what the Lord says people say well prove it to me and I'll believe it doesn't work that way sorry you got to believe it and then he'll show you something he reveals himself to those that believe in that's the way it works keep reading in the 16th chapter well let's see I left too quick verse 26 in chapter 14 14 26 the comforter Jesus said which is the Holy Ghost ghost is an old English word Spirit whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said to you has God given us the spirit the Holy Spirit to indwell us to be our guide to be our teacher to be our reminder are we aware of him did you read with us in the book of Acts did you look for the Holy Spirit is there a lot about the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts were they aware of him I mean usually see it again and again and again the spirit said the spirit forbad the spirit directed the spirit they were very aware of the leading and operation of the Holy Spirit in the church in their meetings their services their personal life are we a part of the same church we got the same spirit then we ought not just be making decisions and doing things based on statistics and consensus and majority opinion and all these different ways children of God should be led by the Spirit of God just like we read in the book of Acts you believe that in the sixteenth chapter notice 16 and 13 jesus said howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth you notice how many times he he refers to truth truth truth God is truth it's impossible for God to lie the devil on the other hand is the father of lies and anything he's going to be saying and doing is going to involve deception and misleading and falsehood God's not involved in any deception anybody that tries to leave their idea that the Lord dealt with them to hide and lie and cover not be true I said God will not have anything to do with the lie do y'all believe it and the Holy Spirit is never going to be a partner to any deception any falsifying he is the Spirit of Truth the Word of God is the word of truth jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and the Spirit of Truth is going to do what he will guide you into what all the truth now there's there's more here than meets the eye like like always with the word if you know the truth then by contrast you know everything it's not right they all say let's see you're in a situation and you're you're in a business situation you're at the office and this stuff has come up and some are saying it's like this some saying nonce like this some sentence like this what do you need to know you need to know the truth you need to know what really happened and what the situation really is you need to know the truth and as soon as you know the truth what else do you know everybody's telling something else is telling lies because you know the truth hmm and you got somebody in you 24/7 that's endeavoring to show you and me what the truth is in every set of circumstances every situation if we learn to look when you hear a bunch of junk you know Paul even said about some some believers that had told him some things he said I partly believe it some things you ought not believe at all some things you only partly believe when the Lord tells you something you believe it completely because he only tells you the truth but anyway in any situation if we'll just Paul we're hearing a bunch of stuff don't try to figure it all that with your head you're just simply not qualified there's not enough up there to figure it all out I don't care how smart you think you are you do not know everything about everything or the past or the future or people's hearts or minds and intents you can't know all of that all the time but but God does and he'll show you the pertinent parts to you in your situation all you need to know is the truth and when you know the truth in the light of that everything else becomes plain and simple you don't mess with the other stuff because you know the truth said out loud the spirit of truth lives in me 24/7 and in every situation he guides me into the truth so I see it and I know it the truth do you think that would give you an edge in every situation ah you know you don't you don't like to say it but I've had preachers lie to me I know and but I remember well I remember one god bless his heart some some things were going on and he shook my hand and he just smiled and told me some stuff and he's as he was saying the Spirit of God inside me said that's not true this is the truth he's showing me the truth and I just sit there and don't man I'd rather you to slap me because why the enemy of my soul is trying to deceive me every day and night my brother and sister ought not do it right make up your mind not now just about everybody in here if not everybody has told a lie and hidden and deceived and whatever but friend let's put it behind us and let's repent repent means change and make up your mind from this night forward I am NOT gonna be a part I don't care what it costs me I'm not lying I'm agreeing with the lie I'm not telling a lie why nothing is more devilish than a lie God's not gonna be involved with it he's the Spirit of Truth and when you know the truth what will the truth do for you anybody know the truth will make you free you stay in the truth you stay free keep reading what else does the Holy Spirit do for us he he'll guide you verse 13 into all the truth he'll not speak of himself but whatever he shall hear that shall he speak because I thought about this I've talked a course on the Holy Spirit at Rhema Bible Training Center years ago and in the summer before the school year began I was doing extra study on the subject and preparing and and getting ready and I began to see more about the person of the Holy Spirit he's a knowable person the Bible talks about communion with the Holy Spirit you can commune and fellowship with the Holy Spirit just like you do your friend or family member and so I remember distinctly I kind of sit back in my chair and I said Holy Spirit tell me about yourself I want to get to know you tell me about yourself and I mean faster before I could get finished saying the words he brought the Holy Spirit brought up in my my spirit and said when he has come he shall not speak of himself I thought okay I thought Holy Spirit tell me about Jesus and it was almost like he said have a seat sit down that is his ministry he shall not speak of himself but he shall take of mine he will show it to you he's here to reveal the master to us he is God but he doesn't speak of himself and we are not trying to try to change that it's not going to change he'll glorify me verse 14 what's going to happen he'll gloried jesus said he's gonna glorify me he shall receive of mine and shall show it to you verse 13 said he will show you things to come same thing like is with truth there's more here than meets the eye new you know it's not talking about falling into trances all the time it's not talking about having open visions or our seeing angels or hearing voices you can just know quicker than you can explain it you can get a glimpse of how this is going to turn out nothing you're not necessarily seeing anything with these eyes but you get a sense and you just know in a moment this is the way this needs to happen this is how this is going to go and if you know something about that you can make preparations and you can make adjustments and if you know the truth of every situation and you know think how it's going to go and turn out would that give you an advantage over unbelievers and even Christians that don't know how to be led so much is available to us in the Ministry of the Holy Spirit somebody said again thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit he's my comforter he's my guide he's my helper he's my teacher 24/7 thank you lord go to Roman's the eighth chapter Romans chapter 8 talks further about this in the 14th verse Romans 8 and 14 says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God how many think sons of God can be in ought to be led by lead how do you think all Christians are being led by the Holy Spirit what's leading people well whatever you're following is what's leading you let me give you a few examples of wrong ways to be led you can be head led oh man millions of Christians are head lead they think about it they do a bunch of figured and they figure this and they figure that and then they make a decision they go that way head lead not the same as Spirit led no you can be feeling lead emotionally get mad so you do something get upset so you say something get hurt so you say something is that being spirit led no well let get you in trouble letting your feelings lead you well I saw some conviction across the credit there's some experience in this area you can be belly lid belly lid the Bible talks about people whose God is their belly now that's a poor God hmm you serve your belly your belly tells you what to do and when and how somebody said out loud my belly is not my god you can be desire led led by the desire of your eyes the desire of your flesh you can be desire or lit how many of that can get you in trouble you can be need lead you can be opportunity led hmm well it's a great opportunity well that's not a leading it's being led by opportunities the same as being led by the Holy Spirit is it the same yeah just in the early years of our ministry I could have been an associate over here I could have been a song leader over there we had opportunities and I don't think I'd be looking at you right now if we'd have taken some of those off why the Lord had helped us to see well it's a great opportunity it's a great place to live it's a good salary it's a good dish it's a good opportunity for people get to know you and people get to know your ministry none of that is being spirit-led none of that's being spirit-led do I need to go over this again real slow being led by opportunities is not being led by the Spirit but people said well it's a great need it's a great need well yeah but you're not the only people that God could use to do something about it right it's a great need don't be led by needs well they're putting a lot of pressure on me certainly don't be led by pressure I'm scared if I don't don't be led by fear right why am I saying all this because Christians are being led by all these things instead of the Holy Spirit what's leading you what are you following people say well you know what do you mean don't be led by if it's a great opportunity no listen for him the enemy can manipulate things out here in this world don't where we should not be led externally I don't care if both doors are open wide and there's soft music and people beckoning you to come and it's good money in a nice place none of that is a leading none of that is the spirits leading necessarily and what you need to do is be able to stand outside and go Lord you want me to go through there is this you and be willing to hear a no no matter how attractive it is and on the other hand if you come to place I don't care if there's armed guards and there's still walls and it's bolted and luck that doesn't mean you're not supposed to go in if the Lord tells you to go in you stand there and believe God until the guards pass out the doors open up and you get to go in right you're not led externally by anything happening out here are not happening out here we're led internally verse 14 do you see it as many as are led how by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God don't behead lead feeling Leadbelly led desire lab need lead opportunity led fear let don't be money led well it's better money that's not a leading it's big money's got to be God know they don't have to be God because it's big money all people have missed God over money you know it fool people have missed God over money don't be money let don't be price led lot of folks don't even pray about they just look for the cheapest one and that's it they make their decision is made that's being price led has anybody been alive long enough and have enough experience to find out that the cheapest one is not always the cheapest one oh brother there are some situations you and I'd have been better off paying ten times the price and get you know what's the cheapest one the one you only have to do one time and you're done works great lasts a long time that's the cheapest one but it may not look like it upfront and how would you know you can't know all of the factors and all the variables but the Holy Spirit does and if you'll follow him he'll lead you so you won't do too much or too little or at the wrong time if you'll follow that witness you'll know which one to get when to get it when to wait and what to do there's no way you can know enough in your head too too many variables too many things can change tomorrow that you couldn't know about too many things inside but part of praying without ceasing I'll just mention this to you did you remember the Bible says pray without ceasing that doesn't necessarily mean that you pray in every breath I'm not praying right now I'm preaching to you right so I'm not praying every breath every second but basically it's saying don't stop praying you pray as a way of life and the Lord dealt with me some years ago we were in a conference in another state and after the service some friends of ours minister friends and us went out to to get a bite to eat and as we were we ordered and the white person took our order and left and we started talking again and and normally what we would do is when the food came back then we'd pray over our food give thanks and we need and as they walked away and everybody started talking again the Lord spoke to my heart I don't mean to hurt a voice but prompted me he said now's the time to pray over your food right now and just in a flash I saw the difference between getting a good cut of meat and boiled piece of meat is reaching here or here and would you rather believe God and get over a poisoning or just never have to deal with it at all it we have not won because we don't ask and the Lord is dealing with me let me get involved before stuff happens not after the fact you right now as the white person is walking away before the kitchen ever gets the order anything say Lord we ask you to direct them in the selection and preparation and handling of our food and we call it blessed and sanctified and we thank you for it in Jesus name and then of course another benefit as soon as the food gets there you can start eating because you've already prayed man just dive right in sometimes people are saying grace and they don't even know what that means and New Testament scripture talks about sanctifying your food by the Word of God and prayer we should be released in faith not just going through the motions or something and the Lord helped me to see how that relates to praying without ceasing he dealt with me if you know you're gonna buy a car don't just wait till you get to the light as soon as you know or have some kind of sense that you're getting that model ask the Lord to help them build the right one for you and help it to get to the right play it might be a year or two for you get it are y'all with me you go to somewhere and you buy a TV or you buy a range or a refrigerator if you didn't know it until then well when they're going back to get it the difference between you having a lemon and a trouble one that you've got to take back twice or breaks 12 times on you are having one that lasts and never gives you a problem for 20 years whatever is them getting this box instead of this box reaching and getting this one instead and if we will ask the Lord he has a right to get involved and so you pray you don't have to pray an hour at a time on these things just you you you're praying all the time little prayers of faith when I say little I don't mean in effectiveness in length time wise you do while there what you don't have to roll that your o your eyes back and back of your head in Walmart and pray in tongues real loud and scare everybody don't do that don't do that just while they're walking back to get it under your breath quietly just say lord I ask you to direct them in the selection of my item help them to pick the best one for me get the right one for me hmm well now God has a right to direct them this kind of thing should be happening all the time praying without stopping a lifestyle can you see that and release in faith thank you Lord what was I talking about before we got into all that Romans eight right verse 14 as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God are not being money led head lead fear led feeling Lead Belly led opportunity led huh how about friend lead relative lead huh how about news lead politically-correct lid green lead you're the prey about everything shouldn't you go check your heart about don't just be led because it's green because it's politically popular or politically correct we should be spirit led all the time in everything now you won't learn all about this in a day or two but if you if you look and check your heart and acknowledge him in all your ways and practice this day after day you'll get sharper at it you'll get clearer at it you'll grow in it you'll develop in it until you can be spirit-led in even the small things of life you believe it says well why did he give us the Holy Spirit if not to help us like this and leaders and guide us all the time he wanted us to be helped like this said out loud I am a child of God and I am continuously led by the Spirit of God keep reading verse 15 he said you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father and verse 16 the spirit itself as most translations say Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God this verse is worthy of much meditation it tells you how the spirit leads you how does he do it put the amplified up there please if we have that the amplified the Spirit Himself testifies together with our own spirit assuring us that we are the children of God if he can confirm to us and let us know we're saved and children of God he could let you know something else it just means he can communicate with you and he just got through saying in verse 14 led by the spirit this is just the way of life for us but happens is not hearing voices or seeing things or hot flashes or cold flashes or our goosebumps it is the Spirit of God doing what bearing witness with that witness and testifying is translated from the same words what part of our being does he bear witness with not our head not our body not our emotions our spirit the core of our be brother Kenneth Hagin my father in the faith said he described the witness like this he said he said the witness to him there were times when it was like a dead feeling in my spirit almost await a check that means don't do it right that means don't go that way he said at other times he said it was like a green light go ahead he described it sometimes as a good velvety feeling he's not talking about a physical or emotional feeling we use the word feeling but really it might not be the best word technically it's a witness right not just a feeling a witness and we if we practice paying attention to this we can miss it less and less and get it right more and more you'd believe the Spirit of God never leads you to miss it if you're following him you're not gonna miss it the times you missed it's the times you didn't follow him and one of the biggest reasons why people are missing it and not falling in they're just not checking they're just not even looking there they're just being led by something else and not even checking in with him how many would acknowledge you need help in every one in your decision you you need some help but you have help if you'll check in with him and what the scriptures say in all your ways acknowledge him what had happened he will direct your paths if he's directing your paths you'll be going the right way you wind up at the right place at the right time with the right thing going on go with me to the book of Galatians please can you take a little bit or actually go to Hebrews four and we'll we'll go that way getting back to Galatians Hebrews four even with the things that we've talked about I know from some small experience people have a lot of questions about what's God what's not God is that really the Lord leading me is is that just me or what is that and so we're going on tonight into some things I believe will help in that area but first of all we should acknowledge that there been a number of people ancient times and all the way up to modern times that have abused this concept if you will that have misrepresented and said God said when he didn't say and said the Lord led me to do this or say this when the truth is he did not and we should know him well enough to begin to detect when it's not him and no matter if somebody says it is listen to subscription you'll have to turn to these but listen Jeremiah 23 21 Jeremiah 23 21 the Lord says I have not sent these prophets and yet they ran I have not spoken to them and yet they prophesied here's people prophesying saying thus saith the Lord and the Lord says I never sent them there saying thus saith the Lord but it's thus saith them if they would have been accurate they would have said thus saith me before they went on with their prophecy and that doesn't do away with the fact that there are some times when it is thus saith the Lord the real does exist but not everybody that says thus saith the Lord is actually thus saith the Lord that's why even the New Testament talks about judging prophecies right if I give if I say thus saith the Lord and I speak something else or you say something thus saith the Lord all of us are to judge it people get uptight let's go judge my prophecy Oh sir we are you better judge mine too what does that mean what does that mean well we're all going to check our hearts to see what kind of witness we have to what you just said and we're gonna check our memory of the Scriptures and then we're going to give you a thumbs up or a thumbs down anybody with me now does the Bible teach us to judge these things read 1st Corinthians 12 and 14 we're taught to judge these things what does that mean examine them and see if they're approved or not just because somebody says I'm a prophet I'm a prophetess thus saith the Lord it could be the same thing or it could be the first half of it was thus saith the Lord and the last half of it was just them why they're human they can mess up they can make a mistake which is why you don't just swallow everything that somebody says the Lord said as if it is absolutely what the Lord said you must judge it everybody away cos it's okay in Jeremiah 29 and 8 he said thus says the Lord of hosts let not your profits and diviners that be in the midst of you deceive you don't hearken to your dreams that they cause to be dream because they're prophesying falsely to you in my name I have not sent them says the Lord so here not we need to remember this he's saying this through Jeremiah so here is somebody that says they're a prophet and they say and us saith the Lord and then Jeremiah says thus saith the Lord that wasn't me whew dueling prophets that's the sucker would have read Jeremiah someday and you'll find out that on one occasion one of the guys got so brazen and got up in Jeremiah's face and Jeremiah that when he got through prophesied that guy fell dead because he was lying in the name of the Lord fell dead right there on the spot how many think it doesn't pay to lie in the name of the Lord who someone's a bad idea they had it's a bad idea of the places where he says they're saying the Lord said it but I have not spoken the Lord said so there are times and believers not just preachers believers can say there are there are times when people know if I say this is what I want to do it doesn't carry enough weight and they're not going to get the support and result that they want but if they'll say the Lord told me then folks can go oh the Lord told you yep sure did but that doesn't mean he did are y'all with me friends how would you know if it involves you now some things don't involve you some things are none of your business you don't have to judge it it's there you say hey that's between them and the Lord not my business I'm not the judge but if it does involve you and it does affect you how could you know if it was the Lord number one it's going to be in line with this written word number one number two if it is the Holy Spirit there's just one Holy Spirit if it's the Holy Spirit speaking doing something through them you've got that very same spirit in you and there will be a familiarity and a knowing and a witness you'll have a witness that yeah yeah that's right yeah man my spirit bears witness to that hmm the Bible said Jesus if my sheep know my voice a strangers voice they will not follow what does that mean when you're hearing it and you're going whoa that's weird Wow where'd that come from that's the thing you don't accept and the thing you don't do are y'all with me now I don't care who it is or what kind of Prophet they're supposed to be are y'all listening Saints you got the Holy Spirit in you too and if it doesn't bear witness now until my things that pertain to you but you got to watch about trying to be led for somebody else that's another subject I think we'll see uh go with me where did you go where did you got off to ok Hebrews 4 that's a good place you're in a good place in Hebrews oh man Hebrews 4 and 12 Hebrews 4 and 12 the Word of God is quick it's living and alive it's powerful it's sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit so soul and spirit are not the same thing though they are very closely connected and of the joints and the marrow in fact the way to understand the relationship between spirit and soul is to understand joint and marrow how our spirit and soul connected and functioning just like joint and marrow does the Word of God is can't can distinguish and separate to that fine a point and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart how can I tell what's God and what's not your main tool support is the word the Word of God the Lord will quicken to you the applicable word in your situation and it will help you to identify what you're hearing and what you're sensing as him are not healed and there is specific word in Galatians 5 that describes what is the spirit and what is not the spirit and I want us to look at it and go with me to Galatians 5 please what's God what's not God what's him and what's not him we there are specific things in the word that can help us quickly and positively identify what's him and what's not him in Galatians the fifth chapter Galatians chapter 5 just quiet when I quit talking Galatians 5 and 16 he says walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh how can you keep from yielding to the desires of the flesh that are wrong walk in the spirit and you'll do that automatically for the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would so you and I he's talking to born-again believers when we got born again it was the the man on the inside the spirit that became a new creation in Christ Jesus not the man on the outside you've got the same body and the same propensity for desires and thoughts and everything else now as you did the day before you got saved your body did not get born again there's coming a time when your body's going to be changed right but not yet we got the same body with the same inclinations that can be pulled on with the same desires and temptations as people who don't know God who've never been saved are y'all with me the difference is the man on the inside we have been changed on the inside and immediately being born again we're told to do something with our mind and do something with our body where to get our mind renewed with the Word of God and we are to keep our body under control aren't we we're to control it and hear this this passage is revealing there is a there's a pull the body is trying to pull you one way and your spirits endeavor and employ you another way has anybody discovered this yet and there's nobody in the church house that has become so spiritual that you're not having to deal with that anymore and it will not happen in this life as long as you got flesh is it will put it will pull you the wrong way if you let it but you but but the inside of you if you let that dominate you being will pull you the right way can you see this description here when he's what he's talking about them the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh they're contrary the one to the other verse 18 but if you be led of the Spirit you're not under the law what's the key to this dilemma being led by the Spirit verse 19 now the works of the flesh are manifest they are revealed and obvious which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murders drunkenness revellings and such like the list goes on of the which I tell you before as I've told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God all these things he just mentioned what are they they're works of the flesh would that be different from the leading of the Spirit absolutely the next verse he talks about the fruit of the Spirit well the fruit of the Spirit of God is going to lead you in the ways he is he's a holy spirit his leadings are going to be holy he's a Spirit of Truth his leadings are going to be truth he's a spirit of peace his leadings are going to be peace can you see this his leading is going to be love and joy right so here in these couple of verses we see a list of things we know couldn't be his leadings and we see a list of things we know will be his leadings so let's go over it get it in our mind real strong so that we recognize it remember the Word of God helps you to discern what's him what's not him in verse 19 let's look at him the works of the flesh this is not the spirit this is the flesh are manifest and are these what's the first one is the Spirit of God leading people to have affairs with other people's spouses huh ever ever in some isolated instances that are very complicated huh oh no not now we heard laughter but I know of situations where people have tried to tell their ministers and try to tell other people I've prayed about this we've prayed a lot about this and our marriages have been dead long ago and in the spirit that was already done and and it's okay for me to pursue so and so's wife now don't I know a lot of people have made mistakes in these areas and we're not looking back right but if you did mess up in the past and you're in a different situation now if you want to keep from messing this one up we need to get some things real clear the Holy Spirit is never leading you to have an affair with somebody else's spouse ever ever never no exceptions is this okay or not saying hmm so if you got a pull something's trying to lead you to get involved with somebody else's spouse what do you know this is not God I don't care how many records you listen to people go well if loving you is wrong I don't want to be right that's being led by your feelings by your desires by your eyes and it's not love it is it is no it's not the love of God I can't live without them I need them we I've never been in love with anybody like this before and you hear people say this and they they never spent any time together they just eyeballed somebody across the room or or at work and they're head over heels in love they don't even know them and yet they're in love what does that mean if this is not loving them this is not the love of God when you say I love you I need you that is a self love you love how they make you feel are you listening and if they quit making you feel that way well now you're fell out of love and the thrill is gone and we're looking for spouse number nine and the problem with that is no matter how many times you go through it eventually the news is going to wear off but we're preaching now are we having a good meeting now but he's so excited can you feel the excitement this is flesh enticed by the enemy James says when anybody is tempted don't say you're tempted of God because God cannot be tempted with evil and he never tempts anybody to do evil but everybody's tempted when they are drawn away of their own desires and enticed and when that's it we'll put it up on the screen for so I'm quoting it but everybody needs to look at it James 1 and 16 let's look in the Living Bible and look at it this way the the Living Bible King James says do not err my beloved brethren but the Living Bible says so don't be misled dear brothers are we talking about being led by the spirit what would mislead you what would lead you off your flesh or somebody said your flesh you got flesh oh you do did your flesh get born again it did not your you can't trust your flesh any further than you can throw it your flesh your flesh will do anything you let it do your flesh will be a drunkard a drug addict will do sexually perverted stuff your flesh them so no no you let it go far enough it will get worse and worse and worse and what used to do it for you won't do it anymore and you'll get more bizarre and more messed up your flesh will go all the way to the bottom if you let it I said if so what's the solution don't start down that road there's a little simple two letter word you need to learn with your flesh uni buddy guess what it might be in Oh No I would so ensues wife no don't bring it up again I won't steal that money in no no I want to do this I want to do that back up to verse 12 in James 1 on the screen they got it for us Happy's the man who doesn't give in and do wrong when he's tempted will you be happier if you give in or if you don't give in if you tell the liar you don't tell the lie you have the affair you don't have the affair which will you be happier if you don't give in afterwards you'll get the reward the crown of life that God has promised to those that love him keep going verse 13 when someone wants to do wrong it's never God who's tempting them God never wants to do wrong and he never tempts anyone else to do it keep going temptation is the pull of a man's own evil thoughts and wishes you can't even blame this on the devil your flesh won't sit hmm but you don't have to follow every urge or desire that you have a thought that comes across your mind keep going verse 15 evil thoughts lead to evil actions and afterwards there's death the wages of sin is death it started out as a desire as a thought as a feeling before it's all over with there is devastation there's destruction families destroyed ministers destroyed churches destroyed finances ruined come on are you listening to me Saints was it really worth that no but if you follow the flesh it'll ruin your life go back to Galatians 5 what do we know is not a leading of the Holy Spirit adultery is not a Holy Spirit leading fornication is not a Holy Spirit leading though and that word fornication is also translated harlotry whoredom it basically means being loosed you're sleeping with anybody and everybody you can I know the Holy Spirit will never leads you to do that what else uncleanness other translations say impurity debauchery lasciviousness that word basically means no restraint what does this flesh need it needs some control doesn't it you need some restraint because it don't know when to quit have you found out this about your flesh it let's keep on going go until there's nothing left till everything's destroyed so if you're smart you'll get yourself by the ear and you say no we're not going down this road don't even start with me don't bring it up it's no today it's no tomorrow it's no next year it's always gonna be no we're not doing this this is wrong we're not doing this even the most holy saint of God has found thoughts and feelings come to them that were unclean and wrong did you hear me say that doesn't mean this is something wrong with you or that you're evil it's not a sin to be tempted Jesus himself was tempted in all points just like us yet without sin anybody can have a wrong thought or feeling what do you do with it it's what matters do you meditate on it do you dwell on it do you fantasize do you try to make it happen or do you say that's wrong I'm not gonna think on that I'm not going I'm not gonna do that I'm not going that way and you cast it down and you let you walk in the spirit you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh can you say me idolatry spirit of God never leads you to worship something else covetousness is idolatry the scripture said did you know you can worship a car you can worship success you can worship a house huh you can worship your stuff you can worship your status we only have one God none of this stuff witchcraft is the work of the flesh you ever thought about that witchcraft it's called a work of the flesh other translations say sorcery some say spiritism did you know the Spirit of God never let LED you to call a hotline and get get a psychic reading mm or to get your palm read hmm hmm that's that's flesh and that's the enemy trying to entice spirit of God's not in any of that what the words that are translated witchcraft here actually include two ideas of medication and magic it's where we get our word pharmacy and pharmaceuticals from beware of drugs friends of course we know you shouldn't be on heroin snorting cocaine and you know shouldn't be home crack but you know there are millions of people that are addicted to prescription drugs and it keeps their mind in a fog are you listening to me they are not who they should be they're different people and it's flesh and maybe there's some stuff that you used for a while that helps you out but you should have been off of it years ago are y'all with me friends and that it is not the Spirit of God leading you to continue using drugs as a crutch that's flesh your flesh can use things as a crutch and it'll hinder your spirituality hatred the Spirit of God ever leads you to be hostile no that's your flesh I've seen people just rude I was with a minister that's been long years ago we were traveling commercial airlines and there was some kind of problem with our flight we got delayed something happened and then he chewed out the person behind the counter and he gave them what far and what was going to happen just just hostile and rude I backed off a little distance he looked at me he came gonna explain it to me he said well he said he said that's my prophetic anointing it gets strong I just shook my head has got nothing to do with prophetic it's called F le SH flesh are you listening to me spirit of God's not leading you to be rude hard unreasonable with people hostile with people pushy demanding with people how Legault she's got nothing to do with that that's not him well how does he lead love joy what else peace what else long-suffering that means you stand there for three hours and you still got a smile on your face and your flesh is having a fit you say shut up shut up this is a perfect opportunity for me to crucify this flesh your flesh will be squealing I can't step I gotta get out of here I got places to go I got thinking you say shut up flesh and you just smile and act like and they asking you go oh no y'all y'all go first y'all go right up here in your flesh your spirits pulling you one way your flashes trying to pull you another way it's up to us what we yield to isn't it he cut in front of me he cut me off I'm gonna cut him off like a heathen let your flesh lead you wind up on the five o'clock news that's been something that's helped me several times I used to be a sport fighter I learned how to punch and kick and we're on a trip one time and this guy said some ugly rude things to Phyllis and I got flesh and I mean quicker than you can blink your eyes I saw how I could kick him upside the head and then I could put a ridge hand right on his right on his neck and you know he'd have time to think about it on the ground I mean just like that I saw how I could do it and wanted to do it now and just like that the Spirit of God prompted me and I could see headlines in the local paper doesn't the media love stuff like that yeah Oh supposed to be a man of God and Here I am kicking people in the head you know and the Lord dealt with me it's already done you're doing that's not going to change that thoughts of vengeance is mine getting even getting back it's my department not yours oh man wasn't easy on me you know I'm wanting to punch somebody but you can get it no matter how you feel you can get a hold of your flesh and just chill out make yourself take a timeout right if less you need a timeout cook we can sit down and be quiet you can always look like a heathen later if you decide this what you're supposed to do but right now you know you're not supposed to but right now how many if you can if you can get ahold of yourself and wait just sometimes just five minutes wisdom can prevail and you can have some sense and spare yourself from lawsuits injuries money or you are listening to me all kind of stuff why I wasn't the Spirit of God leading me to kick him in the head I know that's obviously y'all sitting there but have you ever been worked up over something have you ever been you know you have and where your flesh try to lead my flesh was trying to leave me but the Spirit of God is trying to leave me another way it's up to me what I listen to which way I go thank you Lord for your mercy spirit of God's not leading us in Wrath fits of rage he's not leading us in jealousy hostility he's not leading us in beings one translation says ill-will he's not leading us drunkenness to stay drunk and stay high hmm spirit of God never led you said you need to get drunk right now that is never the Holy Ghost you need to get high that's what you need to get high never the Holy Ghost somebody say never the Holy Ghost verse 17 says revellings you know what that is sometimes they should say orgies some say wild parties it literally means to let loose abandon what does the flesh need it needs restraint it needs control why it will do anything you let it do it will and if you keep reeling it'll get worse and worse and worse so what's the solution don't start yielding in those things make it easy on yourself don't go to the wild party you know the writer the Proverbs warned his sons about the wayward woman he's so much the prostitute and when some of his advice some of the best advice you ever heard he said don't go near the door of her house what does that mean don't go to that part of town don't go down that road why cause it's easier to pass the grocery store than it is the cookie aisle you might know what I mean or not you make it easy on yourself right is it or not let's say you wanting to lose a couple of pounds and you want to cut the cookies or ice cream out for a little bit hmm which is easier avoiding the grocery store are avoiding your refrigerator which is easier it's easier just not having it in there make it easy on yourself right if something's pulling on you avoid it stay away from it make it easy on yourself don't subject yourself to unnecessary temptation you're asking for trouble and people that say I can handle it I can handle it I'm I'm gonna go I'm gonna learn some things about how sinners sin we're gonna read about you on the news I can handle it no no no the fact that you wanting to dabble with it means you're already further gone than you realize you're already yielding and don't have enough discernment to see it if you weren't really worth free you won't stay away from it she really did see what's going on you'd want to stay away don't go down the street don't go around it it says and suchlike the list goes on the spirit of God's never gonna lead us in any of those things that's not the spirit that's flesh how's he gonna lead us look at the the fruit of the Spirit in closing let's remind ourselves how is he going to lead us when your flesh is trying to get you to be selfish and mean if you check your heart the Holy Ghost is leading you to what love love love can you be nice to somebody when you feel like slapping King can you can you give them a gift when you feel like running them over can you you can't say you're going to have flesh sometimes people like to leave their idea what I've been sanctified and I no longer have any of those feelings I just love everybody you'd like to do an experiment with those folks sit them in a chair and go whop how you feel tell me how you feel long as you got a flash you're gonna have feelings and if you've been done wrong or perceived that you've been done wrong your flesh wants to get back it does and it can be loud it can scream I don't have to take that they're not getting away with that and you if you listen to it here come the enemy will come with a plan for you to hurt them hmm some way caused them to lose their job caused them to have to do this or I mean and it's a leading I said it's a leading but it's not the Spirit of God and if you follow I mean no as a child of God you can follow the wrong thing you can follow your flesh spirit of God's gonna lead you in love the Spirit of God ever leads you to be depressed mm-hmm no what's he leading you in joy Spirit of God ever leads you to be scared and worried and fret and paced the floor he's leading you in peace Spirit of God ever leads you to be impatient hmm hot-headed quick tempered quick mouthed no what's he gonna lead you well what does long-suffering mean means you suffer a long time right you're hurting but it's uncomfortable but you can handle it because the greater one lives inside you how many think all every child of God needs to learn to bite their lip and be quiet and put up with some stuff mm-hmm and not let it no matter what's going on let it lead you Jesus is a good example even when he ran the money changers out of the temple he didn't just do that off-the-cuff the day before he came in there and observed it the whole day you know it bothered him you know it upset him but he didn't say anything he didn't do anything why cuz he only says what he hears his father say he only does what he sees him there he left he didn't do anything until the father directed him to and then he's not doing it just because he's mad and upset he's doing it because the Lord directed gentleness one of the qualities and characteristics of God that God's in something that God's in somebody they're kind everybody say kind we could spend a lot of time on this did you know it's not just what you say but it's also how you say it makes all the difference in the world the Bible said the sweetness of the lips increases learning sometimes just how you say it learn instead of telling people learn to ask instead of same you need to do this you know you're supposed to be doing that I told you people don't respond well to that they just don't well they should be strong and not have a problem with it maybe they should but they're not if you'll just just have some wisdom and come in and lower the volume and change the tone and turn it into an inquiry have you thought about this you know I was thinking about such-and-such and it seemed to me that this would work good instead of you need to do this what are you doing that far are you crazy what's wrong with you I've told you a hundred and ninety times does that work good hmm now you don't need to be thinking yeah I told them not to talk to me that way no it's all about how you talk to people don't be thinking about people talking to you or to how you talk to people and all of us can improve I don't think all of us got room do you believe you got room in this area this includes your kids this includes your kids your teenagers treat them with some respect it's include your spouse well I gotta have somewhere where I can just come in and let my hair down and be myself they understand me let me interpret that phrase let my hair down be myself flesh out yield to the flesh and it's not okay to yield to the flesh at home anymore than yielding to the flesh at church it's not okay and the spin when you're when you're fleshing out telling people how you really feel give them a piece of your mind the spirit of God's not leading you to do that that's flesh and the Bible said the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God does it that means you're doing some stuff but God's not in it your child of God you know something maybe you maybe tell them the truth but the way you're doing it then then I'll be hearing it at all and don't want to hear it well this is what's right you have to do what's right nobody never have to do what's right they have a free will and you have to you have to listen to me they never have to listen to you hmm this includes your teenagers they don't have to listen to you millions have proved it you will do what I say they may not may not be a thing you can do about well I'll make them that's devilish hmm you can lead but it's up to folks where they want to follow or not even if it costs them dearly if they don't the Spirit of God leads you in love joy peace longsuffering gentleness somebody say gentle gentle gentle gentle did you know God could scare us so bad our heart would stop in his tracks and our eyeballs pop out of her head did you know it he can come in this room right Nancy eyes sad hey dog he could scare us so bad yet notice when Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit so the Spirit of God came in a bodily shape and form as a he could have come as an elephant he's big Kimmy he could have come as something else I mean he but it with all his might and his power when the most outstanding characteristics of him he's kind he's so powerful I mean all the saw the stars and all the planets and their rotations and all the gravitational forces all of it is upheld every millisecond by the word of his power the power coming out of the throne we have no idea how much power does it take to keep our star burning our Sun how much power much less all the rest of the universe all that all that power comes out of him and yet as powerful as he is he can speak to you in a still small kind voice it doesn't scare you at all that's the spirit of God oh no he he speaks up at times I don't mean to imply that he doesn't but he's never trying to scare us he's never trying to just overwhelm us and he wouldn't have to try very hard everybody say love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance that last one temperance many of them say self-control where the flesh is no restraint do it all do anything break every rule spirit of God's not leaving you there that's the flesh what's the Spirit of God leading you to do put a lid on it control that right control yourself self-restraint temperance means self-control self-restraint and the Lord will help us and when we're spirit-led we're led into life and victory and the full plan of God can you say Amen and when we don't yield to the flesh we're spared so many problems so many fights we don't have to get fixed so many apologies we don't have to make so many messes we don't have to clean up huh don't have to get new furniture don't have to get the car fixed come on you listening to me you'll have to apologize to the neighbors for all the noise and unchristian like language and huh stand on your feet everybody [Music] oh thank you lord I sing graders He that is in me greater is He that is in me [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 32,445
Rating: 4.7877984 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Witness, Pt, 4, Flesh, Led, Or, Spirit, Led
Id: 726TXqPQ-vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 1sec (4801 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2012
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