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I'm asked my wife to come up here because we love this lady and we are so honored that she's here and so at least we've been doing this confession every week I mean every day this of the conference would you come up here and say this with us to declare over our hearts that we are ready to receive from God and we're a family not a crowd so will you lift each other's hands up across your row you never know what people in your robe and walking through all week long and and this morning God is gonna speak to us so let's say this declaration on the count of three here we go one two three I'm because I have a purpose my heart is open my mind is ready to receive because God is not finished with me yet my best days are right in front of me and I have to be in my life because Jesus lives in me all right give it up for Lisa Bevere love you guys all right Wow a pulpit appeared behind me how are you guys doing so I'm super excited to be here I understand John was here last night I didn't get to see him because I got in late and I sent him a text message and they said I love you good night and I turned off my phones and my iPads and I prayed that he would not come and find me because I was traveling for a long time but we love this house I don't know if John told you but very much our story is woven with this story I got born again and filled with the Holy Spirit when I was 21 years of age and because this was the place to come I drove from West Lafayette Indiana to Tulsa Oklahoma and I was in the service when it was back at the car dealership now being a Catholic girl and then all of a sudden having a church meet in a car dealership pretty much knocked every religious thing off of my brain and I remember seeing Sharon and she was dancing another thing I had never seen before in my entire life and she was singing and dancing at the same time and I fell in love with Sharon back then and when I was a young mother and I was feeling overwhelmed I would come home on my lunch hour to pump my breast milk sorry guys and Sharon would be singing and dancing on the TV and I would pull the curtains and dance with her so Sharon was my first charismatic dance partner I love that she was just free she didn't care what anybody else thought of her and when I was a 25 year old girl I needed a mother like that and she was also the woman that actually told me it was time for me to minister I don't know if you remember that but because I saw her as a mother when she said it's actually time for your wife to begin to speak I looked at my husband and I said well I've adopted her as a mother so if she says it's time it's time so we love this family we love the legacy of what this family stands for and it is my honor to be here so I'm gonna show you my family now I understand that John showed the picture so this is my world I am surrounded by men now if you are a mother of three or more boys you get to be a mob mom mo P mob mother of boys I am a mob mom I am also a grandmother can you put it up there my little grandbabies there they go okay this one I need new pictures this one turns to today so I is hard now that he's mobile to get a picture of all four of them he wasn't even walking until like two months ago because of Lizzy because Lizzy knocked him down every time he tried to get up and so he's finally got enough meat on him to be safe but this is August Sophia Asher and Lizzy so I'm going home today I would have stayed but it is August 2 year old birthday so I'm gonna go home and celebrate that but I'm not just a grandmother I am a Sicilian grandmother and I don't know if you know this but there's a difference between Italians and Sicilians Italians will feed you Sicilians will feed you then they will kill you okay so I am half Sicilian prese name I that Sicilians are Greeks Arabs an Italians mixed I am 20% Arab my husband said that explains a lot so anyway I am going to be your godmother for this time that we have together and I want to share some things that I think we are going to have to lean into if we're going to see God do the things that we feel inside of our spirits how many of you know that what I feel and what you feel in here is not yet what we are seeing out there and I believe that God wants us to prophesy with our lives so that things begin to shift in the atmosphere and so the first thing and I don't normally have points to write them down this may be the first and last time that I actually have a logical message but the first thing is that we have to know when we are we have to know when we are you say don't you mean where no actually I mean win because there are times in life that knowing when you are is more important than knowing where you are case in point I travel a lot I live in Colorado Springs which means I have to use a go to Chicago or Dallas to get anywhere because it's not a major hub and when you switch from Colorado Springs to Dallas there is a time change I remember I took all of my boys with me to a youth conference we landed in Dallas and it was in the days of stupid phones do you remember stupid phone stupid phones did not change time zones and so it was a stupid phone time and I looked at my stupid phone and I said guys we got two hours let's go get barbecue and one of my more intelligent son said mom you said there was only an hour during this layover and I said well I was wrong look at what the phone says and so you know what happened we went to Dickey's Barbecue and when I arrived at my departure gate the flight had already left because I did not know when I was we are in a time period that is perilous and a time period that is wonderful we are in what is described in Acts chapter 2 verse 17 and I'm going to read it from the message this is God talking he says this is what I will do in the last days I will pour my spirit on everybody and cause your sons and daughters to prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will experience dreams from God the Holy Spirit will come upon all my servants men and women alike and they will prophesy notice it didn't say and they will criticize see actually what we are really good at is criticizing but it takes no anointing to criticize that is just echoing a problem but it takes a whole lot of anointing to prophesy which is to declare an answer in the midst of chaos we are a generation that needs to prophesy we need to speak the Word of God into our future and understand that the Word of God has the power in it to shape and shift things I look at the mess right now and I want to criticize but I know that I am an ambassador of heaven walking the face of the earth and I don't have the right to criticize if I have been entrusted with the Word of God to prophesy need to be a generation who speak the answer rather than echo the problem we need to prophesy and it's interesting that twice in these verses it talks about men servants and female servants women servants and it also says sons and daughters see I don't know how everything began but the future is not female the future is male and female the future is sons and daughters the future is all of us together I get it I get it that women haven't had as much voice but we do not add value to the women by taking it from the men we get our value from God and so I want to do something I want to say to every man that is here thank you because I feel right now that there is such an attack against men and I believe that you are men who feared the Lord and you celebrate women you would not be here listening to some crazies to say in God mother on a Saturday morning so I want to honor you and honor your voice and I'm sorry that everything in our culture is trying to dishonor the men and sexualize the women guardians of eternity and we know that an attack on gender is an attack on the image of God because God created us in His image male and female and because there has been wounding in the place of male and female our culture has tried to blend the genders but the answer is not making all of us the same the answer is on us being the best male and the best female and understanding that it is God that makes up the gaps in our life but we're gonna have to prophesy because we got to know when we are we are in a time period that needs us to be able to say erth erth hear ye the word of the Lord second thing we got to know is who we are we had to know who we are in the Blessed blur of my life in the last three years I think I've had the privilege of standing in front of close to a hundred thousand Millennials and this is what I have discovered about Millennials they are some of the most well educated most talented well interconnected group of people on the face of the earth but they also have no idea what they're supposed to do with their life and here's what happens when you have so many options it can become overwhelming I remember when I was deciding whether to date and marry John I had two choices do you want the Christian guy with a job or the Christian guy without a job the answer is always the Christian guy with and so I said yes Christian guy with a job it was two choices there wasn't 500,000 choices on my Instagram feet it is overwhelming but even more than too many choices this Sicilian grandmother believes that the generation of Millennials don't know what they're called to do because they are called to do something that has never been done before and the enemy is trying to distract them with what everybody else is doing but it is a generation that must lean into heaven and say god I know that you are doing a new thing you are not remaking the old thing and so I want to drive that generation into the presence of God because it is in the presence of God that you discover who you are you will never discover what you are called to do in the presence of people you will discover what you are called to do in the presence of God and we have a generation trying to find out what they're called to do when they don't even know who they are you will never know who you are until you have a revelation of who's you are when you are in the presence of God people call you by name and all of us have been called by names by our earthly parents we've been called by names for our mistake but God will not call you by the name of who you have been he will call you by the name of who you are becoming and that is your most powerful name and you will not find that on social media you will find it in the presence of your father Matthew 16:13 talking about Jesus is when Jesus arrived in the villages of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples what are people saying about who the Son of Man is they replied some think he is John the Baptizer on Twitter some say Elijah or Jeremiah on Instagram or one of the other prophets and he pressed them and he said how about you who do you say I am Peter said you're the Christ the Messiah the son of the Living God Jesus came back and said god bless you Simon son of Jonah you didn't get that answer out of books or from teachers my father in heaven God him let you in on the secret of who I really am and now I'm going to tell you who you are really are you are Peter he'd been called Simon what's wrong with Simon well the name Simon means read like and it also means to listen to so Simon bent in the direction of what he heard and bending in the direction of what we hear every wind of doctrine every opinion of man is not Peter see God wants to build something that is solid because truth is not a river truth is a rock and there is a generation right now that is lying to you that is saying you can have you truths I can have my truth he can have his truth well you can have your story I could have my story she can have his story he can have his story but truth is eternal and truth does not change and truth is not a what truth is a who truth is Jesus and Jesus is that truth that cornerstone that adamant that does not move and because Jesus does not change we can't Jesus it's the one who knows the real truth about you and the truth about you is not what you've done or what you have been the truth about you as who you are becoming and we need to understand that God wants to speak to our generation and say stop being Simon I need you to be Peter I need you to be rock solid I need you to be invincible I need you to be immovable I need you to be adamant this is the rock on which I will put together my church a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of Hell will be able to keep it out and then I love the way the message paraphrases is because it feels like it's one of those late-night order bonus rounds okay and if you order in the next five minutes it goes and that's not all you will have complete and free access to God's kingdom wait who has complete and free access you will have complete and free access keys to open any and every door no more barrier between heaven and earth earth and heaven a YES on earth is a yes in heaven and a no on earth is a No in heaven you have complete and free access but if you don't know who you are and you don't know when you are you won't know what to ask you'll be praying small prayers you'll be praying Oh God keep my kids safe I cannot have you pray small safe prayers I need you to pray big scary God astound the world prayers I cannot have you be like Oh God please help us no I need you to prophesy I need you to say things out loud I need you to declare scriptures with such boldness that when you speak it out you're like what did I just pray you need be that kind of person and then the third thing you're gonna have to see yourself as an answer I have a confession I have a danger gene I don't know where it came in but I love to recreative death if it is something that cannot kill me I I don't want to do it now John gulfs but I hunt I ski i surf I used to have a ninja motorcycle until one of my sons wrecked it and this danger gene plays out kind of good for my boys two of my boys are smart like John two of the boys have the danger gene with me the younger two inherited my danger gene and because I have a danger gene I do sometimes stupid things so recently we were in Thailand we were doing a conference we were first in Singapore and then we were gonna be in Chiang Mai so we decided to go two days to Phuket I don't know if you've ever been to Phuket but it just looks like calm water with rocks drop didn't it just big rocks like God was like I'm just gonna drop some rocks that's what it looks like and so we got in a boat and we were riding around and we saw some monkeys and it was great but it was kind of boring and then we pulled up on a beach and we were all supposed to like you know maybe get out and Wade up to our knees but I happen to notice two guys that were free diving from another Island and they were swimming towards our island and the guy that was driving the boat saw me notice it and he said those guys are idiots there is a really intense like current between these two islands they shouldn't be swimming as soon as I heard idiots and dangerous current I made eye contact with my youngest son and we dove off the boat now I had to swim to the other Island and at first you know it it kind of I should have like I should have thought some things through because there was jellyfish in the water can you put up the picture of the jellyfish okay they weren't that big and so our dad said mom I'll go first to keep us out of the jellyfish and I said yes my son now we'd already seen one that big I should have been like no no child of mine don't go first but I did I was like sure you go first and so Arden swimming I'm swimming behind him were I've to me those are easy to avoid jellyfish and so we're like swimming and everything was going great I was like yeah I was on the swimming team in West Lafayette Indiana when I was 18 years before for God I was 58 swimming and then we hit the current and when we hit the current we weren't going forward anymore we were just going to sideways and I said Arden I'm going sideways and he's like mom I'm going sideways where but it's just going sideways and then Arden remembered that he was six foot three and he put his feet down and grabbed his mother's arm and walked us out of the current looking at John and John just looks at me like you're an idiot and even though he's like I can't hear you I'm like oh I'm like Arden they're not coming for us they're coming and so what do we have to do we had to go back through the current why did I tell you that because I love danger I love danger and because I love danger I tried to sneak and do dangerous things so I had been invited to Dubai Dubai is not dangerous unless you like shopping or golf like John but I don't like shopping or golf so I didn't feel like Dubai was going to be dangerous and I was speaking at an event in Dallas called propel and it was Friday and John said now you're leaving today to go speak up repel and Dallas I said yeah and he said why are you flying to Dubai on Sunday wouldn't you actually speak I said oh I'm I speak Friday he's like well why are you going Sunday if you don't speak till Friday then I knew I was caught and I said well can I forget to tell you I'm gonna go to Iraq first my husband was like excuse me I see yeah I'm just gonna go to Iraq before I go to Dubai I'm gonna go to Dubai first connect to Iraq and he was like no you're actually not and I'm like yeah it's just gonna be for a couple of days he said wait who are you going with guys I'm gonna go by myself I'm gonna vote what you might buy myself to Iraq he's like Lisa no you are not going to Iraq by yourself but he had this horrible feeling that it was gonna happen and so he said well wait who who who are you staying with and I said well I'm staying in some people's basement I direct message them on Instagram he's like okay no you have never met these people you are not going to Iraq and I said look at me look at me I can totally go to Iraq now Sharon can't go to Iraq so I went to Iraq and I found out really quick that I was useless I don't speak the language I don't speak Kurdish I don't speak Arabic I don't speak Yazidi so everywhere I went I just watched other people that could speak the language but everywhere I went the same thing played out the children would all come running out and I'm gonna tell you the children were all girls because I don't know if you know what Isis does they have the young men take off their shirts if they have underarm hair they shoot them if they don't they enlist them they were also mostly grandmothers I met people that two years earlier have been living at Mosel making $500,000 a year that we're now living in a container when Isis came through they cleared out everything so the last place I went the last night I watched all of the kids come running out except for one little girl one little girl was kind of in the corner kind of lagging behind she looked like she was the same age my granddaughter Sophia when we all gathered in the back of a semi-trailer that was abandoned that was now home to 14 people you know semi-trailer I have kitchens they don't have toilets she was in the corner wall the other look girls were surrounding Jessica of pre-emptive love so when they got done I said tell me this little girl's story and they said oh that's Sarah Isis killed her dad in my city yeah that's pretty much fun to hear about everybody and they said I said why is she over there and they said oh she lost her eye to a cancer tumor and we couldn't get a child-size prosthetic eye so she has an adult prosthetic eye that she can't close and it's covered in dirt I said you bring that baby girl to me right now I have a picture of her she's absolutely terrified she's like why is this American talking to me why has she put me on her lap but see what they didn't know what this little girl didn't know was that I had lost my eye at the exact same age - the exact same cancer tumor as this little girl I had retinal blastoma when I was five and so I let her feel my eye and I said you guys can check it out afterwards I said see how this one saw this one's hard I said they took out my eye when I was five she didn't actually believe me at first and then I opened up the pictures and I showed her my family her name was Sarah and I said Sarah you can dream Sarah you can be loved Sarah you can have children you can be whatever God tells you to be and she just kind of nodded her head she held my hand as we walked out that night and I laid in the basement and the only person I could think about was this little girl see I knew I couldn't bring back her dad but I knew I could get back to the United States of America and get her a child-size prosthetic eye so I came back to the guy who makes my plastic guy and I said I met a little Yazidi girl he said that's weird I do uzd refugee eyes I'm like what he said I happen to have five spare but ice you need left or right I said I need a left eye he said I have five spare is eating [Applause] so here's Sara afterwards we got her a new eye but then we decided that wasn't enough so you can show the next picture we decided to move all of these little girls and their mothers into another area where they could all get education why did I tell you this story because often what is a problem for you is an answer for somebody else God will take the areas where we are vulnerable where we are weak and he will show himself strong people do not connect with us based on our strengths they connect with us based on our vulnerabilities and then we lead them with our strengths I don't know if you understand but you are an answer looking for problems to solve everywhere you go you are an ambassador of heaven declaring hope and love and faith and wonder on the face of this earth and so many people are like no don't say the truth right now you're going to sound judgmental I'm sorry we need to tell people that there is a truth you know we didn't tell people that we weren't in bondage and we got set free I remember when God said to me how many more men need to hold you before you feel whole come on we need to be able to tell people I know what you are looking for and another man and another woman in another fix in another possession but those things will leave you empty we need to let them know that there is a God we need to draw them to the one who will meet their needs instead of worrying about whether they're gonna unfollow us on social media we need to declare the truth in love by living the truth in love but that doesn't mean we are silent that means it because we live it they can hear us when we speak because truth without love is harsh but love without truth is a lie and we need to live the truth in a generation that is desperate for it you are an answer looking for problems to solve 2nd Peter chapter one verses three through five says everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know personally and intimately the one who invited us to God the best invitation we ever received we're also this is what we get to do we were also given absolutely terrific promises it doesn't say absolutely survival promises it says absolutely terrific promises to pass unto you your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lusts so don't lose a minute in building on what you have been given we have everything we need nothing lacking everything we need to live a life that is pleasing to God if you know when you are and you know who you are then you'll know what you are you are an answer fourth thing is you're gonna have to write it down you're gonna have to write it down I don't know if this happens in Tulsa the way it happens to me in Colorado but sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and the Holy Spirit will be speaking something to me so beautiful and so profound that it moves me so emotionally then I think wow that's so beautiful never forget it and then I go back to sleep I remember half of it or I remember that God spoke but I don't remember any of it anybody else have that happened to them you know what God will speak to you in the night watches I just now keep my iPad in bed with me and whenever God speaks I type it down when you write something down you honor God's voice God is whispering things to you that are solutions to huge problems God is whispering things to you that are solution to relational problems that you've had for decades God is giving you songs he is giving you books he is giving you innovation he is giving you creativity he is shifting the way you see things he is whispering your name over you do you know that he is singing over you as you sleep pretty much every morning I have a worship song when I wake up and whatever that worship song is I actually just begin to echo it over myself I just think that's what the Angels have been singing over me one of the songs that I woke up with this morning is I am who he says I am do you know that that actually is going to be a counterculture maybe one of the most courageous declarations that any of us could ever make because our culture is not saying I am who he says I am our culture is saying I am who I say I am I am who I want to be I am what my lust says that I am but God is asking us will you meet two courageous enough to be who I say you are now I am NOT a mistake then I am chosen that God has good things for me I remember when John first married you know what actually asked me to marry him I said you have no idea what an amazing deal you're getting okay tell me about it I said well I have a woman's body and a man's brains John was like okay I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that and I said well it's just it's just the way it is and he's like why would you say that wha tell you why I would say that I've been hurt by men but I had been wounded by women and when you have been wounded you will disassociate but God understands the wounding of men and God understands the wounding of women and he alone speaks the truth that sets us free he alone is the one that whispers things over us in the night watches that counteracts the things that others did to us in the night our God is that kind of father who washes away our shame who washes away our guilt who washes away our questions by giving us answers and a new beginning but we got to write it down do you know every book that John and I have ever written was a whisper that we wrote down Habakkuk 2:1 says I will take my stand my watch post and station myself on the tower and look out to see what he will say to me and what I will answer concerning my complaint see I love that there has a couple of things in how I want to highlight first of all you have a stand and you have a watch post and you have a station and it's not in this realm it's on a tower you are seated in heavenly places far above the nonsense that is going on here and you need to stand at your watch post and you need to ascend that prayer tower and then it says I will look out to see what he will say most people aren't listening to hear when God is saying open your eyes and see what I am saying all we have to do is look and that we know what God is saying do you know how the Bible says if you see your brother in need if you see it God doesn't have to say anything if you see it you should do it you just say how do you want me to do it we need to look to see what God is saying prophetic generations see things we need to look to see but you won't see when you are down low you will see when you are leaning in to what God is doing and then the answer to my complaint see what we're going through right now is nothing new why does it seem like the evildoers are being blessed why does it seem like all this nonsense going on and God's asleep or something Habakkuk was in the same situation and God answers them and said write the vision and make it plain on tablets so he may run who reads it for still the vision awaits its appointed time it hastens to the end it will not lie if it seems slow it will seem so I'm just gonna tell you it not if it seems slow wait for it it shall surely come it will not delay what is he saying he's saying we right pathways we right but we have not yet seen every book I have ever written is a dream that I wanted to prophesy from my heart men and women together a generation understanding that there for signs and wonders and miracles not for death and destruction we write what we long to see we write the vision and we make a plain we don't make it cloudy in a time period that needs clarion voices we don't hint we declare right the vision and make it plain we got to do that and then the last point is that we have to have the right conversations with the right people right now a lot of people are asking the right questions of the wrong people trying to have the right conversations with the wrong people Facebook is not the right people okay you don't even know who you're talking to and trolls are real they don't live under bridges they travel the the cyber highways they're on line you don't know who you are talking to and if we're going to have the right answers we need to have the right people at the table what is right people at the table look like in this day and age it looks like black and white and Asian it looks like Hispanic it looks like young and old it looks like male and female it looks like minister and businessmen we need everybody from different vantage ah's at the table because God is not going to just give it all to the old or all to the white or all to the black or all to the women he is going to give it when we all get together at the table and have the right conversations because when you have the right motive and you don't want to just be mad and be heard but you come to a place where you say getting a solution is more important than me venting my anger we begin to fight for so we need to be a generation that fights for so we need to get the right people at the right table Malachi 3:16 says then those whose lives honored God got together and talked it over God saw what they were doing and listened in a book was open in God's presence and minutes were taken of the meeting with the names of the God fears written down all the names of those who honored God's name do you understand that we can have conversations that are so monumental that God actually listens in and tells his angels I need you to take notes of that minutes I need minutes of that meeting because I'm gonna watch over their words to perform it because they are speaking my word and they are honoring my name and they are trembling at my word these are the God fears I'm gonna listen in to that conversation the antithesis of that is giving an account for every idle word every idle what does that even mean an idle word means words that are void of utility oh yeah it's not just the word you speak so where'd you tweet so where'd you post on Facebook it's this thing as you retweet if you don't really know you really shouldn't say anything how many of you know it's not just fake news we got lies happening okay so the media loves to put pressure on the spirit of division women against the men races against one another old against the Young Democrats against Republicans everything that is going on is a spirit of division and we are not stupid and we are not ignorant of his devices because we understand that houses divided fall so we're going to be intentional to make sure that we have multiple voices in our life that our God fears God fears at the table I want to be that kind of woman that God can listen in on my conversations and take notes and make sure that those things happen now I want to do something because I believe that you are those people and I believe that God wants to do a new thing in your life can I get all of you to stand up and I'm gonna pray as so say and God brother prayer over you that's well as I have nothing to do with death but if you could just stand up I'm redeemed I know that you're here whether you're old or young because you're hungry for something more than what you have seen so I'm gonna lean in and believe that if we are hungry for something more than what we have seen we gotta have more capacity and be a little bit more than what we've been that we need to be agents of changed with our words agents of change with our life so I want you just to lift up your hands and I'm gonna make this a prayer for all of us I want you to repeat after me say Heavenly Father I want to know when I am give me a sense of urgency show me who I am call me by that name that name you forged for me that name of destiny not that name of history I want to know what I am I want to bring solution and answers to problems near and far and father I will write it down bring back the things to my remembrance that I can create pathways for myself and for generations to come and give me the opportunity to have the right conversations with the right people but I will no longer speak words that you have to allow to fall to the ground I will speak your word so you can watch over to perform it in Jesus name Amen amen that honors the Spirit of God and the Word of God and we brought two books that we feel like are to be honest with you I feel like these are crucial books at this time I brought my book called without rival how to find identity and purpose in an age of confusion and comparison that's here and I brought adamant finding truth in a universe of opinions truth and identity these are the two things that are under attack right now and so many people were like what the heck is adamant is Adam Ant I mean I'm just gonna tell you that adamant I know I know I pick weird titles okay so adamant long before it was an adjective that meant stubborn and unyielding was a noun and in many ways a dream of the Greek poets and philosophers they dreamed up a stone that would be immovable that it would be invincible that could stick in the fire and grab it out and be cool to the touch that it would be mad Matic what would draw but not be drawn that it would capture light and redirect it that it would be woven so tightly that any lesser stone would be crushed when it came in contact with it and they called her Adamas which means invincible this idea of a stone that was indestructible was so compelling that it traveled up to Great Britain where it became adamant for years they thought a diamond was an adamant than the 1700s they just they discovered that a diamond that if he put it in a vacuum magnified life if vaporizes so they began to think there is no such stone to see I think they were thinking of the stone prophesied in Daniel chapter 2 where it says I saw a stone not made with hands and that stone hits the if everything man makes and then that stone becomes a mountain and that mountain fills the entire earth I believe that Jesus is the Animus Jesus is the cornerstone he is the indestructible one he is our shelter he is our sanctuary and so we need to understand that we are not hard knuckling and trying to hold on to a rock we are in the rock peter said welcome to the living stone we are in our adamant and so we need to know what it means to be invincible immovable unshakeable Jesus always draws but will not be drawn so that is out there as well as without rival it's been an honor and a privilege to be in this house we love this house we believe that this is a new day a new decade not that the old was anything wrong because we honor that but we believe that this house is going from strength to strength and glory to glory we believe in multiple generations we believe for new songs we believe for new strengths we believe that God is going to gather people all over the earth to come into this place and experience his presence and his delivering power in Jesus name Amen name
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 47,005
Rating: 4.8579884 out of 5
Keywords: Lisa bevere, paul daugherty, victory conference, 2018, female preacher, sermon for women, sermon for men, sermon for young people, sermon about getting better, how to live right
Id: oPm1wQhiK0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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