Victoria Rich / Co-Founder of Crave the Movement & Author of The Raw Confessions of A Good Girl

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the ryan reese show from southern california this is the ryan reece show post your questions using ryan reese on his instagram twitter or facebook are you ready ready all right tonight this saturday night it's about to go down i got one of my good friends tori i called you tori it's victoria but you go by tori tori yes yes i know i'm your friend so i'm tori yeah exactly all right so i have tori and victoria you guys know her from uh the crave movement we've done uh we've been at their parties we partnered with them um san diego nashville yes but you guys you could do parties all over the place mexico mexico colombia all over yeah so and you were on the radio show with you and your brother a while ago yes which was a really good interview i liked that when your mom and dad were here it was so good that was awesome but today we're here for another thing we are you've been working on some uh some new projects during the pandemic yes thank god i had some time to finally finish this project oh my goodness i have been trying to finish this for seven years seven years yes oh my god seven years i started writing this during a horrible relationship which i'll talk about yeah i want to hear all about it and um yeah during the pandemic i'm actually really thankful for that time because i finally finished good girl raw confessions of a good girl well this is a video so why don't you show everyone what we're talking about this good girl book yes um this this is the book it's real it's raw it is hilarious and um i just i just get down and i tell it like it is about myself this was terrifying to tell about transparent it's it's extremely transparent um even about my friends my poor friends are all in this book oh man they're real names [Music] rebecca's real name is in there she's with us today because she's an angel she's a saint so we can say her real name okay but the other ones we had to disguise because they're bad sometimes i had to do that too in my book okay so look i'm excited about this uh about talking about this book so seven years ago you started working on this book and how come it never uh came to to pass probably because god was healing me and just working everything all the way out and finally he said it's time you're healed you've conquered this or this or this right and you can help other women now because you can't really help someone if you're trying to fix yourself it's so true you have to make sure that you are full and you are in the place that you need to be with jesus so that you can pour into somebody else so i was finally ready um i decided not to like that type of men you know i grew to a place in my life where i'm you know i grew up i grew up in jesus and i really found my worth but i started writing it uh when i was dating a very bad person um but of course i'm i'm a pk i'm a pastor's daughter i'm still a virgin i'm 31 years old that's amazing and that is a part of my story i have not been perfect in any way we talk about that um i have conquered addictions as well um and we can talk about that too but during this bad relationship he's a drug dealer i'm a pk like i'm still leading worship at my dad's church i didn't know he's dealing drugs i find out he's dealing drugs and i'm like you know getting kind of addicted to him and how it feels and i'm just like talking to jesus like what what in the world am i doing why am i with this type of man you know he has anger issues and like what in the world's wrong with me i'm a good girl you know and then i look at my best friend and we grew up in church together a man is abusing her horrible and i look at my other best friend and she's with this like crazy religious dude that is controlling her and we grew up in church together i'm like what is wrong with us we are good girls and so i just began to write our stories really as how it began probably just getting guilt out and shame and all the things that i was doing i knew i should not be doing but the enemy was trying to entrap me let me tell you if the enemy cannot get you addicted to drugs or alcohol or a substance or a vice he will distract you with a relationship for real sexual things because we're all we all want that we all want love we're humans yeah um and he will use that and and he was bringing you know wrong relationships i could see it and the good girl gang i could i could look at us and see what the devil was doing so i just began to write and that's how it started you know what's so interesting is you know i could tell you story after story and i've talked about him on this radio show before of uh these good girls or these girls that are going to church and they just meet a guy in church yeah and yeah in church too he's just not yeah well they can meet him outside of church or in the church and it's it's he's like a poser basically and he's he's posing to be something that he's not yeah and um they just lie and live this life the secret life and what happens is the girl believes it gets caught up and basically next you know they are just they're a casualty of war basically yeah they end up just walking away they get pregnant or the guilt the shame or whatever that the enemy what he wants to do is he wants to bring all that in to destroy you to get you out of the church basically yeah and then they just fall away yeah but you have a different story yeah i i ended that thing it was really hard for me i i mean i fell in love like the disney in love that i think is a little demonic like i always say if uh good girls always think that they're going to change the bad boy every girl thinks that yeah girls in church out of church we just love the bad boy but that is such a demonic fairy tale that the quicker we can realize that that is so demonic then the quicker we can combat the enemy and his attack on our lives because like you said we can be going to church you know we're good we're not addicted to drugs we're not drinking alcohol you know i've never even been high i've never been drunk here walks in he comes to church he came to church that's how it happened so and then there it happens and you know the enemy just slides in so slick and smooth and there you're caught up and it is so dangerous so i talk about that i give clear honest instruction on how to stay away you know if you continue to just keep falling for that same type the merry-go-round of bad men is what i call it you know you're just on this merry-go-round choosing the same type of horse every time getting on going in circles on how to get off and how to recognize like what is wrong with me why am i choosing that type of person jesus show me show me what is in me that needs to be healed so that i can choose someone that's going to love me the way i deserve to be loved yeah why is that because i know a few ladies that are in that situation now they just keep going after the same type of guy and it's just like that the merry-go-round of bad relationships and it's like one after another one after another what what is that what like what is it in a girl that keeps continuing to yeah to jump into this i think that the enemy will take what god has given to us as a gift and try his best to pervert it just like he does with anything yeah he tries to pervert our identity he tries to pervert um anything good the scripture he'll twist it and so i think the way that i am uh rebellious by nature you know i like to go against the grain i like to do things differently you know we throw parties and get people saved we don't do it the normal way just like you guys do um and so i think that the enemy will just he'll come in any way that he possibly can and i think me by nature i like i just like going against the grain i like something a bit rougher or yeah and i just i think the enemy will use our personalities our nature against us and we think it's just how i am i can't help it i like that type and no that's a perverted version of the type of person that you like that's the demonic version of the type of person that you like it's like it's just like a it's more of like a lust thing in the sense like your body's like lusting after this this idea in this sense of like because i mean i dated i used to like to date bad girls too yeah um you know i was a bad boy dating bad girls because bad girls are loose right they like to you know uh i used to you know i'm a skateboarder so i used to say you know loose trucks and loose women you know what i mean like because we were just that was the mentality you know it's and if we could get transparent here you know when you're not dating a christian guy chris non-christian guys they want to have sex yeah they want that's the goal they're like um they're looking for like this long deep relationship they may say so but at the end of the day you're young and you're just going you're just chasing girls and you want to have a good time frankly you know you want to drink some booze books of weed and have sex basically yeah and watch important so now with all that said is you know you get this idea and satan or yeah satan the you know as i talk about him in my book he's the master fisherman right he has this this tackle box with all these lures and he'll just keep casting him out until he finds out which one's gonna hit you and and he'll bring these these girls that are or boys as you're talking about that your body appetite's lust after oh yeah as in the idea bad boy he's hot he's you know he's he's the way he carries himself whatever it is right right and and that's what lures you and you know like in the back of your mind the deception that you're saying from the enemy is that is he's a liar he's a deceiver and he thinks that oh you could change him yeah but he knows that you're weak with your body yes your body appetite yeah he's like no this guy i know this guy that i popped in front of her he could like totally screw this girl up and still years years he is such a thief yes he wants to distract you and steal years from your life some of you that are listening you the devil has stolen years yeah careers confidence you're not even the same person because of what he or she did to you so true and god the good news is that god wants to restore you he wants to use your story just like he has used mine i was i am still but i was a very good girl i got addicted to pornography through this process through what dating uh well i'm talking about that i can be extremely honest um i was serving in a huge church in in illinois and there was some bad uh stuff going on in that church and leadership and i was they they knew i was a virgin they knew i was just so innocent and good i'm like 19 years old coming from small town kentucky just innocent as could be you know pastor's kid and i'm going for bible college into lead worship and i began to get pursued by someone in the church and i was so terrified i'm very shy by nature and just like nothing ever happened thank you jesus he protected me and i'm i forgive that entire thing we're humans we are all humans if you've gone through something at church or with a pastor like forgive like people are humans but i began to get encouraged to like you need to prepare for your husband you don't know what you're doing you don't know anything about what you're doing um but that was extremely demonic but it was like a seed was planted in my mind and i hear this a lot that girls think they need to know about certain things because they don't know anything they're not going to be able to do what they need to do or whatever so are we talking about like sexually invading your wedding night and all that stuff yeah exactly i've heard that too and they get trapped i mean it's important it's a yeah and that happened to me god protected me like i i didn't get to do it no i didn't god really protected me thank god but it was a stronghold for sure so check this out yeah and those are those fiery darts that the bible talks about that satan throws in your mind those thoughts yes that's why we have to uh bring our mind um to christ put our minds up all things of christ but barna group just the back of what you're saying but you know barnabas group yes barna group it's called they uh they said there was like this uh statistic they did and it was kids in church that there was like this high like 50 or more are watching pornography because they believe number one it's not a sin because you're not having sex with a person but then they also believe they also believe that it's uh sex edu they're using it for sex education which you said right but what is jesus says the eye is the light to the body oh yeah right if you even look on a woman like look yeah you're committing adultery right so here you are one of the statistics which there's many more listening yes yes and how how was it that you were able to break free because that's that's the question well so during this this season in in bible college and i began to open that door to the enemy in bible college in bible college the devil planted that seed through someone i really looked up to this demonic seed and i opened the door to the enemy and then after bible college enters this boy so i've got both of these things going on so my lust is out of control yep out of high and the enemy knows this i have opened a door to him that's why it's so important that you do not open that door you have got to make sure that you protect your eyes the bible tells us we have to protect they are gates to our souls yes um so like he had this strategically planned out just boom boom boom boom hitting me and this is how he knew how to hit me he knew my weakness right like i said if he can't get you here he will get you here yeah so we have to make sure that we are protecting ourselves um but yeah i uh for many years i struggled with it on and off like i'd be like never again you know i know you're listening and you're like never again um and i don't really know what happened but it was just like you know what i do know what happened i decided to tell rebecca first i decided to tell someone my best confessed yes that's a big deal and that's what the bible tells us to do it's so amazing and james is talking about yes yeah things will be forgiven the word of our testimony is so powerful it will deliver us the truth will set us free and it's so amazing that when we actually do what he has told us to do it really works so i told her i'm like i've dealt with this i was so terrified to tell her and um she didn't judge me it wasn't as bad as i thought so then i told my mom you know i just started telling people and i told my dad you know he's like dude i just started telling people yeah yeah and then i was just free yeah yeah and then i started writing writing writing writing free this is so freeing this is the only thing i was hiding and i'm not hiding it anymore this is amazing so amazing god is so good and um and i just started hearing other people's stories i'm like oh my gosh i have to tell more people and i decided to make a video of it and i just released that during covet really and then everybody knew so it was extremely freeing and the devil could not get me there anymore it was like i i was so grossed out i never even thought of it it just completely shut the door yeah i'm not saying i don't get tempted of course but when you when you think about it it know it's true like what would i reflect back on on pornography and all that it's really like it's really just like it's really disgusting the way it's all set up the way the enemy has done it it just perverts everything it's horrible and um it's it's it's just like and then you start thinking about like this is someone's daughter you know what i mean or someone's son and when you really think about the whole back end of it you're like i can't do that i can't i can't i can't be a part of that anymore you know what i mean yeah so that's that's awesome how god uh touched your life and you know that's a huge issue pornography is a a big thing and it's increasing the younger the the younger they're watching at a much younger age and people don't think that uh girls are hooked they think it's a guy thing they keep it a secret yeah it's it's not though i think we we probably do it for different reasons of course yeah like of course i think it probably mostly starts with curiosity yeah and but then the enemy comes in and he attacks that for sure absolutely okay so one thing i did i was flipping uh through this i saw it was kind of cool how you put like verses to two things um you had some questions i forget where was that in this one there is a lot of scripture in here which i'm really proud of um so everything is backed with scripture that's what's up right there um i can't find it right now i think there's this section right here where it's uh i can't find it but when you go through here you have questions you go you know you're almost calling out the crowd in a sense um where you're like you know you're giving instructions you know uh real god you know help me with my my um with my hormones you know and then you back up scripture and like you basically say like real questions that people have mm-hmm and then you're like well where's that in the bible and you paste the verse yeah yeah you lean on because you know stories are awesome and i you say this all the time like you know i was telling people like when i wrote my book i go this is not a biography you know this is literally like it's a it's a faith building tool and that's what this is too it's like you're giving life application real life because people need to be able to see where how the bible comes alive like this is real life what's happening right now in my life in 2020 2021 and for the last x amount of years but then this is where we're late in scripture yeah while i was writing this i was so amazed at the scripture that was coming to life to me while i began to write i there's a section where i talk about taming your tongue and i had never thought about that in a sexual way but really how if we can just tame this little guy yep like it starts with this how that we can control the entire body and just but just things like that like god was just really making things come to life for me with the scripture wash me clean from my guilt purify me from my sins psalm 5 51 2 my grace is sufficient for you for my powers made perfect in weakness you know in in our weakness he is so strong and we can wait even if we are weak because he is strong in us you know so yeah it's full of scripture which i love yeah um but it's also full of stories and just real life transparency like i've gone through this i'm still going through it i'm not married yet yeah i'm still waiting yeah yeah i have not done the deed yet like it hasn't happened this is really hard yeah yes and let's you know i want to talk to you about that and also it it gives instruction or just just some fun instruction about like how to pick the right person or wait for the right person um and just some girly i want to actually hear about that let's let's talk about let's talk about that yeah um well first of all let's plug the book where they could find it again and with the name of it oh yeah is where you can find it to buy it it is on amazon i would love for you to purchase it through me so i can sign it and send you a gift are you signing them all if they do go direct i am that's amazing yes that's a good idea good girl the book i signed a bunch but i'm like that's a lot of signing do it do it that's awesome make it real you have to sign my book and this book looks really cool too by the way did uh josh did all that josh did all of this lindsay wrote the forward that's awesome so shout out to you girl thank you so much very cool chanel made my shirt for me little fashionista oh yeah the one you're wearing right there that's what's up good good stuff okay so let's talk about what we talked about you uh just dating a guy getting caught up in pornography which is so relatable all this is very tangible for people to take in and then um now you you've come up with the kind of guy that you're waiting for yeah so how do you build this uh what's this list or like i don't actually i don't know what does this look like okay maybe let's say this what do you want to say to people that are listening the girls out there and guys i know and guys that are that are single and ready to mingle and waiting to date um what gives some instruction of wisdom of how to do this christian dating i don't waiting christian dating waiting and dating waiting and dating that's a book right there well yeah i wanted to do just a fun book um about dms dudes in the dms or something anyways that's just dudes in the dm that's a side thing but uh yeah waiting dating i think i don't i don't know why the church is so weird about dating like like we're secretive about it like if i post that i'm on a date it's a horrible thing like oh my gosh it's sinful i don't know why we act that way or why i'm even embarrassed to do i don't know maybe the religious people i don't know yeah but i don't think that you should be afraid to date i think man i wish that we could go on more just normal dates well if they were like christian dates you know we're talking about hot heavy making out sessions no no if a dude wants to do that on your first date that's not a date what are you doing even responding to him after 10 p.m like he does not deserve a response but anyway that's all laid out in the book it's all laid out in the book yeah anyway so give us the run give us the rundown there is no easy response or answer to dating and waiting obviously i don't have the perfect response i'm not married yet but i do feel like i am at such a peace like an insane that i've never felt before because i am so close to jesus and um and i don't say that in like a corny like i used to get mad when people would say that like are you kidding me like for real yeah but like i'm saying that now i'm like oh my gosh i'm i i was one of the girls would be like come on just be real but i really am so at peace and that his timing is going to be perfect and if all of the rest of what he has done is true he will finish what he has started he is so faithful and in the waiting he wants to do so much in your life he does he doesn't want you you know i see girls so so often they're like 23 years old i'm so sick of waiting like do you do have you explored yourself have you explored your dreams like what are you doing for jesus right now like go have an adventure in the perfect time jesus will bring the right person and you will run together run towards jesus and as you're running someone else will be running and it will just come at the right time you know what's interesting is that you say that there's there's a there's this mentality in the church my wife if she was here on the show with us should be should jump into this but the mentality of the churches you talk to these young christian girls like i just want to get married like that's their goal you're like i have a chapter about that you just want to get married like that's that's your goal in life where did that come from dude that's that's really bad to have that mentality so bad who are you as a person yeah like your identity is like they're like oh i will be complete if i find my husband and i'm that person that's not what's going to make you completely right rebecca you will not be complete it's a relationship with with god yeah and that's going to make you complete and what you should do is what people understand is like you have your whole life to be married but have kids but you need to go out and like people aren't even don't even have their education or they're not or forget even if they don't have their education but they don't have a good job good pay go try and get married with not a good job not good pay and then on top of it you'll be fined like that if you're just married like that but then try to you know you have double car payments double gas double insurance double everything because now you have to provide for your wife then try having kids that's a whole nother budget and if you keep having kid after kid after kid you will literally be life will be so difficult and so hard so this is why it's good to go out get your feet on the ground put yourself in a good place where you have at least a job that you like and where you want to be at the start where you're not you know you're not miserable if you're barely making miserable that's that's not going to be a good thing and then you're going to add more stress to yourself and and go find out who god created you to be individually because i'm gonna be honest like for a guy like what intrigues me about a woman is that she has it together i'm not looking for a girl that's trying to wait at home for me every day i want a girl that's advancing and getting things done and doing cool things and yeah and being her she's being her being heard that's that's attractive yeah you know what i mean yes and you know so that's that's what we would encourage people is go find out who you are in christ yes and and go travel go because you know what once you get married you ain't gonna have the budget to go to france anymore it totally changes everything changes like everything your dreams like unless you have a good job and you're actually advancing in your career and you have things though all those dreams stuff those things will never come to pass enjoy this time yes if you are coveting a marriage go spend a couple days with your married friends i mean really like go listen to what they're dealing with if you are coveting children like go babysit somebody's kids for a couple hours like it it is all a lie from the enemy enjoy where you are right now if you have kids if you are married enjoy that time right now go go babysit kids for like 48 hours bedtime when you're exhausted they still want to party yeah and you have to feed them till late night so but the enemy's robbing he's robbing us of our right now 20 years old we're coveting our married friends i get so many dms my friends are married they're engaged i'm like how old are you that's my first question are you 35 are you 40 45 like i'm 23 i'm like girl come on yeah what are you doing enjoy you have all the time in the world to do incredible things and they're getting robbed during this time because they feel all down and out when they should be you know and it's a sex thing too you know people want to get ready to have sex which like hey let's just be real yeah like every christian is like i'm trying to have sex so i'm trying to get married right yeah but the problem with sex is it's not just about sex there's so sex is a very small part of the marriage it's you're talking like a commitment like a life commitment with the right person and if you marry the wrong person you ain't gonna have any sex oh lord right this is why people get divorced because they're just like over each other so it's it's a bigger thing but we're going to be back in one minute and we're going to continue to get into the nitty-gritty and talk about this uh good girl book with victoria rich um you guys have followed whosoever's movement we're on tour book us i'm doing a book tour right now myself with the kill the noise book you can buy this book everywhere books are sold amazon or my website and uh anywhere else barnes and nobles etc buy it it's a discipleship book it's a faith building book from the male side now you have tories from the female side so i would suggest purchasing both books and then you'll get it from both sides and um basically uh continue to uh book our tours we are gonna be uh we're touring the whole united states right now and if you're out of america and you're different country we are working on booking tours now we are opening up our school program again to invade the schools come september again hitting skate parks churches music festivals etc we'd love you guys hit the whosoever dot com watch our new film full send video of our idaho tour during the lockdown we have not stopped and we won't stop we'll talk to you guys in two minutes after the break peace more of the ryan reese show coming up post your questions at ryan reese on his instagram twitter and or facebook now back back to the ryan reese show all right we're back with one of my good friends victoria rich or tori if you're homegirls and homies um got this book yes good girl the wrong confessions of i look at this good girl on the cover right here and it just looks like she's been through a lot yeah i have i have been through a lot that is that's the purpose of the image there but then the rejuvenation on the back of tori of the gods grace of just bringing her out yeah so choosing purity over everything that's what's up oh my gosh we need that so bad choosing purity in this culture that is so jacked up yeah what do you think about this cool you know you know we talked about sex you know christians want to get married for sex and obviously that's a that's a no-brainer let's let's let's talk about i want you to hit on that a little bit and then just talk about um purity in this culture which will lead to identity yes yes um can i get that water please i start this book out saying that we all want sex let's just get that out in the open like we are humans that is a normal thing totally uh ryan you're married i'm not i'm still a virgin actually have not been perfect whatsoever you will hear about that in the book but um don't make a decision because of your need for sex fix that need with the presence of jesus honestly the more you draw near to jesus the more you have intimate time with jesus just alone time with him it is miraculous how you don't need or lust as much as you used to um and i know that maybe sounds corny but it's so true spending intimate time with jesus intimate time with jesus just means alone time just setting time aside uh where he can fill you up and that is going to help i promise i'm going through it well the bible says that in galatians it talks about the the fruits of the spirit versus the fruits of the flesh yes the works of the flesh and the fruits of the spirit you have to feed self-control yes all those things you need it has to be a supernatural work um it has to be a supernatural work of the holy spirit and able to help you to not act out and want to watch pornography and have sex okay it has to be supernatural work bottom line why because like you were saying right after the break this culture that we live in it's so sex it's everywhere driven and you're younger than me you know you're younger than me but i mean me growing up it was never even like that and i grew up in the 90s 80s 90s i mean what was radical back then was madonna like a prayer video you know that was pretty like seductive and sexual but nowadays oh my gosh it just everything just wants to make you have sex now oh i don't even know i don't know how i i mean it's so perverted identity is so perverted you know we know we know what's going on with our identity and our kids and and it's just so perverted and that's why this book is so needed i really feel like i wrote a book that is a smack to satan's face and a response to his perversion and his evil that he is just trying to cover the earth with the jezebel spirit this is like a slice to her throat and what she is trying to cover this world with a perversion you know i always tell teenagers this that if the enemy can steal your identity if he can steal um who who you who god has created you to be your identity in him if he can steal that he's done a huge thing because you were created in the image of god if he can flip that you know he wants to do that so bad that's why he hates us so much one of the reasons because we were created in the image of god and if if he can flip that image and make it look not like god he's done a pretty big thing with your life and what's that image look like i'm thinking about visually so god created you in a certain way and then what satan does is he gets you hooked these strongholds are these footholes the bible talks about and all these like you're get addicted you could be addicted to an emotional relationship you know you have to be addicted to drugs but exactly overall like say addicted to an emotional relationships with a guy um or you're caught up in pornography or drugs or whatever anything success whatever these these things are and that's what your identity becomes in because these become your master passions your gods in your life these little gods exactly and that's how that's basically how he trips you up yes and and you're not who you were created to be in christ yes he has changed your identity you no longer look like god i mean um through god's grace you know instantly we're washed clean yeah but he is trying his absolute best to pervert your image really just like the cover of this book you know i'm messy i'm in shock you know in the in the back like you said good illustration yeah it's it's a flip that's it if the enemy can do this to you he has done a big thing he doesn't have to have you addicted to drugs like he can just pervert your identity and you think you're somebody else with the mind yeah um and and that can happen through sexual things obviously we see that or just or just culture you said culture thinking that you are this and and you're just following the drum beat of culture you know i see people all the time uh incredible teenagers they go off to college i don't even recognize them anymore there's such a darkness on them i'm like whoa you used to be full of the fire of god like i saw you lay hands on people and people were healed and now you are in front of me with i don't even know what like you're just dark yeah your identity is gone i don't even know you that's what the enemy wants to do to you he will use men women he will use love what you think is love he will use lust sex pornography all these things money money he will use money he will drown you in debt he'll he'll bring a relationship that will drown you in debt i've heard of those like fifty thousand dollars in debt it yeah it happened to my friend really good girl it's in here okay we got we got about 18 minutes left time's going fast so no let's keep talking about let's let's hear some more of these stories no this is all good stuff that you're doing let's talk let's talk about that story of that girl yeah yeah um one of my best friends beautiful she's like a model and uh the enemy brought this man into her life at a young young age and we didn't know it for a while but he was physically abusing her pretty bad like really bad weird things going on just weird weird things and i'm talking about a girl that was raised in church filled with the holy spirit you know she knows she knows better you know like what in the world but it's all in here you know um drowned her in debt he was addicted to drugs stole everything from her her things were going missing like where's my favorite leather jacket where's my jewelry he was pawning things off um not that attractive i mean that doesn't matter very much but i'm she's beautiful i'm not talking about somebody you know that's not anyways um and just just tearing her confidence completely to shreds you know where you couldn't hardly recognize her anymore it's so heartbreaking and that is why i began to write this because i'm just looking at my friends i'm so heartbroken at what the devil has done and i'm so mad and the the identity that has been lost the years that have been lost the money there's like a line in here i just read like if he's draining your bank account get out like just little like these huge things that just fog our vision because we think we're in love are you kidding me that's so demonic that's not love you are in a demonic fairy tale he's been trying to entrap you in this demonic fairy tale since you were little with movies like that that is the end goal that's the end goal to feel this this love you know this this uh cinderella and prince charming just going off into the sunset or or even this toxic love that you can't contain this passion we're fed this stuff as children and and i just see it played out through some of my best friends and even through my life just entraps us takes our identity but through god's grace she is doing incredible now has an incredible job got away from that relationship that's one of the stories in the books so many stories from all different walks all different backgrounds ethnicities cities all over the nation ages all kinds of women in this book men are actually enjoying reading this as well which is really shocking and and women of all ages are enjoying this and what i'm hearing from girls that are reading this is blowing my mind um i think the biggest thing that's shocking me is that they can't put it down i can't believe it's a great thing when you buy a book because it takes me a while to read like i'm like distracted like i have to read well the reason why is because it's it's not what's out there it's it's a well it says right here on the front too it says the wrong confessions it's raw it's raw and that's it's real yeah this is what people need right now in this time because we were talking i do want to plug this on the radio shows that we were talking about before we got on the show is you know uh in the news it was talking about the sex ed that they're pushing in in um fourth grade and it's like a woman with this young boy and they're showing the kids and yes he gets you know a um he gets excited we'll say and in the video he's asking the lady why he's excited and why he's having these things happen to him in his lower area and um the teacher like like basically ended up quitting and went to the school board the parents are furious they're at the school board going why are you teaching our four-year kid kids about about these the sex this is like hardcore like this is bizarre talk to polluting kids minds yeah the devil's not hiding we can't hide yeah so this is why this book is is crucial is that you have to we have to shoot straight the devil's shooting straight he's shooting a kill yes and the church is kind of like beating around the bush like well you know we don't really want to tell our kids uh we don't really hit any subjects hey if they don't learn it from you they're already learning it from social media and they know the the perverted demonic version oh my gosh yes like it is so important the devil's not messing around we can't mess around either what about the grammy's on all these all these was it the music rewards the grammys like i didn't watch the losses i just read the news like it's pretty much like some nasty super nasty stuff again it's like we have to wake up and we have to educate our kids and we got to get them on point we got to come back the enemy we have got to stand up and and just be real like parents have talks with your kids like you went through stuff we know you went through stuff like why why are you so timid like talk to us just tell us i think lindsay when she in the forward she says that this this doesn't feel like a sex talk from your pastor from your parent like it's like getting on you but it feels like a big sister just coming coming around and saying this is what we've been through you don't have to go through this that's awesome i like that and i really love that she said that because that's what i wanted it to feel like yeah um that yes like your parents are gonna have to talk with you it's gonna be awkward it's gonna be weird um but this is this is something you can get your teenager or even your young adult you know that's in a bad relationship slip this book you know in their mailbox or drop it off at their apartment or something get this book in their hands they're going to enjoy reading it they're going to laugh they're going to find identity they're going to find confidence they're going to see other women struggling going through things god's grace his provision and they're going to see truth and it's going to combat the enemy and when the enemy is going to come at them with a relationship or a lustful eye or anything they're going to remember the scripture and what was written in this book that's what's up much needed okay any other stories you want to testify about before uh yes one more yeah there was a girl in memphis that came up to me after my little book party there and she was probably like 16 i would say and she bought a book and the book party was over she came up to me and she said i've already read half of it like oh my gosh amazing she just went up to the coffee shop and read half of it and came back are you serious and she's crying and she says i was raped for two years starting at four years old and i thought that i was tainted that i was full of sin and that it was my fault and i've asked people was that a sin what you know am i not a virgin you know to god because this happened is it somehow my fault and she said no one ever knew the answer they just told me it was sin and i just carried that weight i have horrible anxiety i'm taking medication she's having night terrors and she said when i read your book i finally found out that that was not a sin it wasn't my fault and that virginity is much deeper than uh than that even you know yeah then our mess-ups you know purity really has nothing to do with how perfect we can be purity has everything to do with how fast we can fall at the feet of jesus get back up and and keep going um but yeah for the first time she found out that that was not her fault at four years old dude that is amazing she carried that that she was not a virgin that she was tainted that she was full of you know lust and all the all these things and so we prayed for deliverance we prayed that the enemy would be broken on that thing and that healing would come forgiveness would even come for that person yeah and that's happening so much our oh we are such an abused culture oh my goodness so many people are being molested and raped and um so yeah you're hearing a lot about that with with the molestation and and rape with just conversations of people dm'ing you or yeah oh yeah and and that if you have experienced any type of abuse this is going to help you as well awesome well we have uh we still have a little bit more time so is there any one more is there any one more story to testify about about this book i've gotten so many amazing dms uh one lady 55 years old she is a school teacher she read the book in four hours and just couldn't put it down just loved it i'm like really i just did not expect the older women to like this i was scared they would be offended by it it is it's very real i don't think we've said a lot about that it's it's real like i just i talk real life happening i talk this way so that your kids will read this yeah i don't want them to be like uh whatever and just throw it away i want them to be like oh snap she said it yeah yeah like these are the these are the questions i had you're saying what people are thinking basically yeah i had the question how far is too far i never got that that question answered in church i didn't know like is this too much can i do this and it's still okay you know yeah um and we talk about that in a really real way and i i just think it's it's so important and um i think people are not being offended by it because they can see how dark our world is right now and the attack and the force of the enemy is just going so strong like he's just hitting it so hard and fast so we're supposed to be the light of the world right and because the world is satan's domain he's the prince of the world the bible talks about and the world is decaying it's it's it's i mean if you just look at the culture over the years it's just it's going down and us as christians we're supposed to be salt of the world and the salt is what preserves just like it preserves me but what happens is a lot of us christians what happens is we we like to be the salt in with salt and the salt shaker we never like to go out and actually do anything in the world and this book is basically a piece of salt that's going out yeah and it's going to have that preserving effect on people that are going to read this because it's going to bring them back it's going to preserve what's left of of them from the situations they've been in and rejuvenate them through the work of the spirit but also people that are right if they're about to make bad decisions yes this is going to give them that road map to this is what happened but it don't have to be this way yeah for good girls but also for somebody that doesn't even know jesus totally well well that's the thing is the good girl concept is it's just basically like when you find god you become a good girl yeah you stay because if you're walking with god you've been a good girl you you continue to do that path but then there's girls that are like i want to be forgiven and i want to get on a good girl path yeah and the good girl path is just the work of the holy spirit it's the fruit of the spirit and and to surrender and to make him your the lord of your life basically yes so it's for all ages it's for all people it's for the 60 year olds it's for the hey there's there's divorcees out there right now that are single and ready to mingle and they're once we're christians and they are no longer a christian they're going out i met one in um in um we're in new mexico going out there to speak and we uh we stopped at a we stopped at a uh mexican restaurant to eat and for whatever reason they were just gonna close but they let us in and i was talking to her and it turns out that this girl was divorced she was with her kids she's stressed out she's sleeping around she's using drugs and we were there for that right time and we got the praying leader of the lord right there and she wanted she knew she was in the wrong place she just got distracted and she so easy to get distracted it's everyone's all age is my point yeah young old doesn't matter you cannot quit once you reach a search exactly because you're old like you're 50 now leave them alone no you know so that's that's awesome well i think it's an amazing uh thing what else um that's that's we plugged the book what have you been doing uh during the pen oh you wrote the book during the pandemic well the book was written for many years but you got it out i perfected it and i got it out okay good yes so during that time though now what are you guys doing you guys got music festivals you're working on what's the goal we with crave crave the movement we are hearing so much from god right now and we feel so much expansion and favor on the idea of throwing festivals um instead of not in okay not instead of we would love to keep the party tours going if it's possible but to focus a lot of energy on a a massive festival um two two day festival uh like a camping festival yeah people come in camp music art extremely creative but a place where christians can also come and experience the power of god in a real and tangible creative way but also that it would draw the lost and salvation is happening as well i kind of want to merge the two i really felt god saying to me you've been fishing for seven years the eighth year was the the pandemic and now you're going to be able to fish and fill you're going to see people be filled with my spirit and we just returned from mexico we had a little revival tour awesome and we felt like god just pushing us in that way saw incredible miracles baptism salvations healing i mean insane stuff yeah um and it was just confirmation i'm it's it let's fish and phil people are hungry oh they're hungry it's different now it is are you experiencing that um yeah yeah i mean the shift definitely happened during during the pandemic people are scared yeah there's this whole like fear agenda going on and people are it is different people are open mm-hmm people are i mean especially even like even at the skate parks that we're at like you know anyone that's a skater knows that skateboarding a skatepark is the hardest ground ever like it's easier to leave people lord at music festivals even at a metal music festival or whatever skate parks are the hardest ground and we are just seeing dude like like the majority of people give their life to jesus thank you jesus the skate park why because there's just there's just a shift in time right now right now the harvest is ripe so right and we don't know we don't know what's going to happen if there's going to be a resurgence of the the coronavirus or whatever is this fear going to linger for the next couple years is god using this he didn't give this it wasn't a god going i'm giving the coronavirus to the people the lord you know yeah but but um is he he's gonna is he using this time of what's happening to draw people to himself oh for sure yeah i think so oh yeah i think the the fear you know the enemy always tries to obviously he's he's trying to cause fear he's trying to do everything he can before the antichrist comes and um but god is doing everything to prepare for his son's return exactly and and and i think everything the enemy tries to stir it is really just helping god's effort oh yeah ultimately it's like god is in control and he will use he will use that and people are fearful and it's kind of a good thing like i think we needed to be shaken up and um and really just they're hungry they woke up the church too oh for sure it woke up to church because because people that weren't teaching the word that just had these fuzzy you know uh i call them polish posers and all these these guys on on on social media that just have these one-liners and stuff that's just like talk there's no like depth to it it's just rhymes yeah yeah uh it's it's uh that stuff never stood or last during the pandemic we weren't the real thing it was only the real bible teaching people that were giving the word uh yeah um yeah i mean i mean you saw even like what carl lentz you know you know it's it's it's it's tragic but during the pandemic if if you're caught up in the limelight and the fame and not and he this is from his words he was operating from an empty place he was caught up in more of the fame and the and the um the show and the production of things and that stuff doesn't last because when the pandemic hit he got taken out yeah and we have to stuff does not last because the men and women are the worst it's the only thing that's going to keep us in all areas of life all the stuff we've been talking about you have to ground yourself in the word when satan comes at you you give him the word exactly that's what jesus did we have to follow jesus like we have to follow what he has already told us and explain for us to do but yeah i even told myself i'm never having church again the way that i had it i i it has to be different our entire church we we have said that we're we're not going back to the laziness that we had before this pandemic and i feel like god is awakening the ones that are really following jesus he's awakening us and taking us to another level with him i think we have only a minute left but i think during the pandemic what happened is that the true believers they stuck in they pressed in it was brutal but they pressed in and all the other ones the fly-by-nights that were just coming because it was convenient and whatever they all fell away during the pandemic and they like fell away like they're still out there they're not back at church it's crazy okay one minute left go buy the book where please please please you're gonna love it get it and then uh you can find it on social media plug your social media platforms please yeah instagram victoria ray rich r-a-e-r-i-c-h at crave the movement at good girl the book go find it get there and if you obviously follow the whosoever's movement we have not stopped touring we won't stop book us we are booking tours all across the united states right now we're working on some uh overseeing stuff as things open up and uh i'm doing a book tour speaking to her with the kill the noise finding meaning above the madness and i'm doing it all over the united states right now as we speak we're hitting the local skate parks and we are opening up the the booking for the schools once again if you want to donate and support the mission uh please do it funds our mission to bring the great commission we love you guys thank you so much and you met my triplet so that was awesome oh they're so adorable and your little boy this has been the ryan reese show to connect and find out more about ryan click on ryan check us out next saturday at 9 00 pm for the ryan reese show [Music]
Channel: Ryan Ries
Views: 911
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: The Whosoevers, K-WAVE, Ryan Ries, Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, 107.9FM, Kill The Noise, Tour, Holy Spirit, God, Truth, Purpose, Hope, Love, Outreach, Students, Jesus, Faith, Suicide, Depression, Anxiety, Trials, Healing, Drugs, Pornography, Sex, Identity, The Ryan Ries Show, Radio, Talk Show, Saturday Night, At, 9:00PM, Victoria Rich, Author, of, The Raw Confessions of A Good Girl, Good Girl, Co-Founder, Crave The Movement, Crave
Id: cqnAdcYR3es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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