Live With Ryan Ries - Lance Mountain / Progression of Skateboarding & Jesus

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this is live with Ryan Reese calm down 180 day five sixty four sixty one seventy three or post your questions using the hashtag live Ryan Reese on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook that's it so two weeks ago Lance I started the show and I was sent with one of my friends that I've known for many years and as the show started just like this I'm like yeah so tonight I have my good friend am I'm on my mind went completely blank you forgot it literally I forgot his name that's good and the more I thought about it the farther it went away too literally were all I could do is literally put my face down on this table here like literally I just moved away put my face down and just like want to hide from the world but and he go what's your name and he finally realized he's like Eric from sleeping giant is on the radio my thank you Eric I forgot your name oh we're on yeah we are on it is actually going down we're about 27 seconds into the show well tonight we have a Lance mountain pro skateboarder legend I called Ronnie Faisal edge and he got mad because you know he's been in the game a long time but you have been skating a long time how many years you been skating I started skating when I was 10 and I'm 52 so what year I don't do math neither do I so I you know yeah oh I started 74 74 so I was I was born in 75 dude that's crazy 40 years 41 years you've been skateboarding I was trying to remember when I started skateboarding and I got my first board in 1982 or 81 it was the first Cape when I bought I told you this before it was your board future primitive is did you know the guys running on the bottom the graphic but the guys in the dog came in type dudes yes they came in yeah so I got that board in second grade that's when I first started skateboarding my cousin bought the Christian Hosoi meaning these were the mini board so mine was blue with the black dudes the black pray and then he bought the hammerhead mini at pipeline oh wow in upland within my brother all took me to get that board - that was the beginning of skateboarding for me and oj oj oj wheels and that was insane there in pipeline in those days those were back then one or two years was huge difference you know so 78 77 that's so different than 79 79 is hugely different than 80 82 83 like it changed so quick back then so where the board's actually everything about style them it was progressing so quick the product the actual riders who was popular who had opportunity the industry and the magazine's coming and going so quick like it was so really better would quick let's go back to the beginning because I want to talk about how you even got into skateboarding we have mutual friends Jay Adams mm um and he was part of the Venice Beach crew back in the when was that what was the name of the boards that they're riding for back then well they wrote for his effort that that's what it was any room for the Zephyr team so that whole thing started how old were you at that at that time when when that scene started up there well it cuz that's how the skateboarding birth was from there um you know it's I started skating the same time a lot of those guys started skating in in some sense okay um not that Tony and those guys they skate they started skating in the 60s but their popularity really boomed in like 77 76 77 was that because all the contests um but there were skaters before them and there was known skaters before them and there was skateboarding before them and so we knew of skateboarders week and then skateboarding was very young and so there it was very trick oriented in that like what you'd call freestyle so right when you got a skateboard in loose ball bearing skateboard in 75 74 76 you tried 360s whoever did the most 360s was the local kid who ever could do handstands and wheelies this is all on flat ground like and those arm flat yeah and and you know as a couple kids were like trying to launch off you know Evel Knievel was popular so you'd set up bricks and try to fly off on bikes and skateboarders were trying to fly off on skateboards right and the reason the Zephyr kids the thing is that came and went so fast that the reason those guys were popular and became popular is there was a revolution of it was very much more surf oriented and Bank riding and transition riding and and and slowly going into vertical riding and that was a huge draw away from what was already there skateboarding so I'd say they really earth skateboarding is not necessarily fair and true to all the guys before them but it's definitely fair to say they're the ones that made us say we want to be this not that right so they brought more of like Thea because all that tricks that were happening we're on this flat ground area and they were doing that too as well Stacy was a brilliant freestyle skateboarder but he was also part of a movement that was very much more stripped-down where they were trying to mimic Larry Bertil men and surfers they dug that's what I'm saying because they're all surfers so then now they're surfing these banks are skating the banks a lot of the skateboarders before might've surf but it was on who's very territorial um-hmm I mean whatever I love all skateboarding so I'm gonna give credit to all these guys even the dudes they came against were brilliant skateboarders but they had it they had a UH they had something that made us want to do that um along with a lot of other skateboarders but um um what was Jay Adams deal because you know he stood out a lot obviously knows from style Jay what I mean Jay was a little bit younger than those guys and so you know for me I was like oh I relate to the younger guy cuz you picture yourself being the young guy with the older guys kind of what he was yep and he was the one that was in like nothing was in video you didn't know what was happening so everything was in photos and he was always the guy that was in some sort of new position on a skateboard that you're like how did you get there what is he doing does he make that and it made you like you know from a distance go I want to try what he's trying what is he trying and it made you think he was very spontaneous perhaps you know um and he's very yeah yet I yeah he was one of the dudes that you're like he has what you want like but you don't even know what it is there that's amazing oh it's more of them it would end you know what anybody that skated at that time was very drawn away from a sport that already had limitations to it you know here's the coach and they say you know you catch the ball you run to here you have all these things right it was very much attractive to the kids that didn't find their place in that or even want to find their place in that um and it was very much here's a toy what can you do on it you can to venture out and around the corner you can try anything new on it um and that that was because it was so young and fresh like that that was the kind of the draw to a lot of kind of creative quirky weird kids that wanted just to be free and people like JJ's one of them was one of the guys that was like okay he seems the most quirky and the most creative and the most spontaneous and the most carefree and attractive whereas some of the guys that were before them were a little bit more possibly rigid and already ready to get skateboarding here's what it is um it was a team well he was like back then it was like teens right there was teams but is it more like it's the same thing it's a team group sport thing um activity yeah but it's also still in very individual ROM and it like it like it said like majority of us by the time the name Zephyr was known in skateboarding they had already split off and broken off into their own things JJ's step dad is making Z flex skateboards Stacey's riding for gns Alva was riding for Logan and very shortly after makes his own brand but at the same time there was all sorts of great skateboarding going on Tom in a way is from the area I was at whereas that is a San Gabriel Valley yeah in a way Chris Drupal nicknames that are coming up alongside oh you were in Pasadena right yeah Pasadena I was born in Pasadena and lived in alhambra my whole life yeah and there's guys from the valley that we're amazing Jerry Valdez and Kent Senate or and there's guys from all over badlands was beginning and yeah all those you know by the time by the time they actually said hey we can have a professional contest in a pool Steve Alba wins none of that you know none of the tony alva didn't win I mean like Tony Alva was the pool skateboarder the guy that brought vertical pool skating to all of what we wanted to do and what we thought was the best and by the you know the year and a half two years for them to actually organize and say hey we can judge contests and do this there's a new group of dudes that were like highly had to learn what they did and were more competitive and it would change so quickly the progression of skate well that's the way progression of skateboarding is it's like yeah it's crazy now even to see it's still progression I know it's so I was a what's the name Cody McEntire I just saw like his video that just came out on Thrasher or at the barracks and he's just I mean he just skating through the barracks cruising around just the kid is just amazing um the amount of kids that are accessible to and the UH the accessibility throughout the world and and seeing what other people do catching up and uh surpassing each person is so quick now um and the level of um critical thinking that was had before like if there was very critical like this guy's good that guy's not good that whole note that the standard what is good or not good or what's amazing or okay or just average is like who knows what it is anymore because there's so many voices looking into it now it's not necessarily just the other skateboarder that is good that's going no that's not good it's so broad and there's like there's so many voices outside of the actual guys doing it that is telling the world who's good or not good that it's you know how something so different now that I'm like well you know I know I've been trippin on this lately I've been watching uh wait if you just tuned in you listen alive with Ryan riess have Lance Mountain pro skateboarder in studio right now and Wow was it I just talking nonsense yeah pretty much a skateboard stuff and and Jesus uh is coming up soon but uh know what's interesting is that I've been watching the social media and I'm seeing these kids that are just doing the craziest weirdest tricks that don't even like really look good but it's just it but it's just something I've never seen before on social yeah I mean it's crazy I saw a kid drop in on a handstand on a quarter pipe and get back on his board like it's absolutely incredibly hard in stay insane like and it's just this a random kid do some really know he knows who he is it's incredible mm-hmm um it's just weird it's like it's um it's so broad and open now that it's uh I'm not sure what to think of it really well I okay that brings me to the next question this is the question I told you I want to ask you on the air I want to tell you before and he gave me no answer you already probably know the answer cuz this is like the topic right now so skateboarding hit the Olympics oh yeah yeah okay so what do you think what do I think what do you what is Lance Mountain think wow do we have to talk about that um just a little overview what do I sink here's what I really think my friend asked me yeah and this is the simplest answer I am so glad that I grew up in a time I did uh that I got to experience skateboarding the way it was when almost every skateboarder thought and was proud that it would never be in the Olympics awesome um now that it's in the Olympics I'm like cool go for it you got to keep going you got to keep moving forward things happen I'm just glad I got to experience and live skateboarding for what it is that's why I feel - but I when I saw even it's when I saw it come out in the Olympics you know where I've heard we've heard talks about it for a while and even the surfboard surfing is in now the Olympics as well I did know that those guys are probably bummed out too I mean I don't know if probably but skateboarding for sure it's like that's pretty crazy it's in the Olympics I saw this picture that Thrasher posted or I don't know if it was Thrasher someone but it shows um and Eloy and and then it shows like an Olympian he knows him like like jocked out dude like then Landy's like tattooed on his face like skateboarder Olympian Tony Hawk said that the Olympics needed skateboarding more than skateboarding needed the Olympics yeah um um if I was in the position I was if his skateboarding got into if it was if skateboarding went into the Olympics when I was at my peak we would have just done it - I know you're gonna take it whatever you're going to what's there what we did on a skateboard the generation before thought was ruining skateboarding thought it was terrible thought you're you're stripping it down and making it more trick oriented and and taking it to the masses and destroying it it was their thing they loved you know um it just keeps growing and progressing and it's a natural step to go wherever um the biggest thing is is the the control and who gets a control that's what the real issue and the arguments are about who's controlling it what does it do to the industry what does it do to my position as a skateboarder as a business that's the real issue that everyone's arguing and getting bummed about and happy about or whatever the the truth of the matter is that I had a conversation with the kid once about a couple months ago and he said did you like skateboarding when you're a kid or do you like it now better and I was like oh I like it now better and he was bummed like why like it was so much better back in the day um and I was like when did you start skating and he said at Yeah right video which is you know whatever 12 years yeah and he's like it's it's just changing and they're ruining it and everything I was like wait a minute okay you used to skateboard with ten or twelve kids right or you had a group and you went out and you did your thing and you skate and you had fun right and no like yeah yeah I don't like do you still go skate with them and they said no I was like that's what you're really talking about yeah skateboarding whatever it does can't ever change because skateboarding is yours it's ours it's your personal thing and if you have the fright people to do within the right friends to do it it's always going to be the same um so um so that's that's a good answer yeah I'm just yeah my wife said don't wait long but I want I want to heat up about know what I am I just loved it here I grew up in and I also like the time now yeah I love skateboarding man it's it's a it's it's definitely like that's what I do you know I'm a Christian obviously that's my identities in Christ but I'm a hundred percent skateboarder but I've been skateboarding since you know 1981 or 1982 and I was like dude I'm 40 that's a long stinking time but I couldn't live without it you know it's it's it's a best thing ever happened to me besides Jesus so okay so look let's fast-forward here okay so now I don't know probably around that time in nineteen eighty eighty something I was at my dad's church and you know my friends I don't even know if you remember this but it was in Calvary Chapel West Covina and it was me and my friends we had a little skate Posse probably eleven I don't know ten to eleven of us and we were all in front of my dad's church and you come walking out a church and we didn't even know that you went to the church and we were like you know that was Bones Brigade things that was I mean that was like the video for for me that's I grew up on Bones Brigade probably 85 the search for animal search for animal chin I I was skating before but I don't think I really got into the video thing that's 87 yeah yeah so that doubts the what I mean I probably saw the videos watching with my brothers but I just remembered that was the video that like what skated everywhere right skate boarding had a huge boom right around back to the future oh yeah that's why because Marty it was that the skateboard behind the car it really had this boom and you know our skateboard videos and everything that Stacy did had it's like it really gave us that position and you know search for animal chin was around that era so so during that era when so when did you end up finding the Lord cuz how did you even meet Jesus through this whole this whole skateboard boys is just a hopefully I'll try to make it short but um simple question simple answer my dad's British okay and he was a never American citizen he actually was British citizen and his only child he was one of the kids that was lived in the south of London when I was getting bombed during the warranty they shipped him out of whatever out of London so he at 21 right out right after the war he joined military glance errs he was in the military for a little bit in the British Army and when he was 21 he's like I'm gonna go around the world see the world and he went to places whatever he went to Canada it came down to California met my mom and never left when he had kids yeah I have two sisters one that's older runaway and one that's in the middle bonny and then myself uh he wanted to send us to school and he did not think the public school system in America was good any sentence to a private school it happened to be a Christian school not Catholic school no way which one San Gabriel Union okay um it was in San Gabriel right um and through and he wasn't a believer um we the whole family became got saved and became believers through the school don't um my sick mom worked there and mice my sisters rolled into me obviously you might hey I'm gonna fix is that Mike back there okay golden I think they're paying pokey bond over there I'm not sure are you she good is he good over there okay great I'm sorry my story's too long um yeah I got saved at a young age through my sister and going to going to private Christian school and hearing the gospel and hearing um the truth of Christ and um at a young age I accepted him um all it was that uh Stan was right around the same time I started skateboarding I might even been about more nine really it might have been right before I start skateboarding amazing um and you know this is I I've never lived that crazy life that a lot of other people's stories have I did this I did that it's like yeah I'm more like you like you're kind of raised in it and it so it has to become real and it doesn't it can come real at little bits and pieces which is odd I think for someone that's kind of um raised in it raised in it I think you could get you know and this even goes for the listeners because there's there's there's you know kids are listening parents that are listening and people that are in our situation that you can almost get jaded by it because you're you're raised in it so your parents are Christians but you have a different story everyone has a different story and so your your your pops is a pastor mm-hmm so you can be jaded or kind of rejected or almost like I remember even asking you how you remember it because I I think of it all the time when I see my son in his situation every time I saw you guys I would like how your dad doing how your dad doing Oh your dad doing what is dad doing what and what would I say you'd be like I could just tell now you're lucky you'd be like why are you asking me what about me yeah yeah I mean that's annoying yeah it's annoying how's your pop doin how's your pops doin your pops is great your pops is great do you know what your pocket several times though but it's there for it now yeah no it is now because you went through yeah the cycle of the Lord bringing you back totally um I wasn't like that it was almost is really cool as more interesting it was more like I had the foundation but none of the pressure if that makes sense yeah so I started skating at 10:00 instantly the I mean this is during the Jesus Movement right so even the church I went to okay wait wait you're is this and 74-73 yeah that's right there um even the church I went to was like oh my goodness these hippies are taking over that you know these sinful hippies are taking over pretending they're Christians no way of course that's amazing as we're coming from kind of like ortho thing um and I started skateboarding and all of a sudden you know I went to a school there's five guys in my class and it's all sudden oh let's pray for Lance he's joined the sinful world of skateboarding oh my I mean yeah and so and when I went skateboarding they're like oh no Christian [ __ ] so you were just right in the middle so I was like I was like it was maybe it really made me get into my head I mean that's how the good Lord made me anyways like really got into my head and thinking and at a young age analyzing and weirding out about everything and it was like then punk rock comes into skateboarding huge and it's just like this whole movement of like think for yourselves question authority um but I believe even punk rock turned on itself because they never they never gave the answer they only only always complained about things yeah but it gave me a standard and a feeling of like I don't care what anyone thinks I don't yeah um except for the Lord yeah um and slowly but surely trying to like put these things together where they stand what do they mean and my sisters um were older and they went to Maranatha High School which is a Christian high school yeah and by the time they were done with it you know they went through the whole they had the thing where it's like all Christians are hypocrites were so sick of you know and when it came for me to go to school it was like you want to go to public school or private school and I went to I went to a public high school I'm basically skateboarding at this time traveling doing whatever the family of it hold on saw you sponsored yeah that's it okay so your sponsors you're here you're getting your sponsoring you're traveling for skateboarding around the world or just whatever yeah the United States and at that point I'm like well I missed a lot of stuff you know I mean I would I had a great great uh I had two friends that were great friends in the school the Cray goes there dad was the Bible teacher as well as other things and he was a great great influence on me when as a kid yeah I actually got baptized in his in his dope in a Doughboy but uh pull on the back cool in the bath back um back yard at a leaving eighth grade going like wow I'm gonna go out in the world in skateboarding on my own and at that time um my parents weren't going to the family was not going to church anymore and so I was like I started going to church on my own and it was I went to exist church in el hombro so my uncle's Church earlier and it was like I walked in there and it was like what is he talking about this is like straight over my head really way over my head it was easy like a college professor you're like I'm a skateboarder what am i doing not even the skater I would just realize like what was I what did I really what do I really know about the Lord from the suppose of strict Christian upbringing and it was kind of like I was I didn't really have any uh I was just on my own but I decided like wow I'm gonna be out there cuz like whatever I were always already with the dudes that were doing whatever they wanted to do yep so I started going to church on my own um and through that you know you just grow you're growing a little bit more a little bit more you're failing your you know all that stuff um and so you you don't have that one experience where a lot of our friends have like I lived everything I gained everything it's I did this I did that it was empty it was more like I try to do everything right in as empty yeah I mean um I mean walking with the Lord and like because I accept the Lord so young am I saved what do I have to get resaved what am I in all that yeah yeah totally um why am i failing wideout you know and the Lord had some huge huge points in our life that um he made himself very well known and uh I mean that's that's the truth of the walk it's just like it's not to say like oh I did it right I I always felt that knowing the Lord at a young age how can i how how could I be so wrong where my friends don't know the Lord and they of course they can do whatever they want to do but since I know this why do I feel this way or why do I act this way or I just you know in my head I'm very in my head all the time it's it's a it's a walk of faith you know and just like what we were talking about earlier up before you became in the studio is that um everyone's in a different pace place in their walk and everyone's trying to figure it out and you know some people are getting gnarly teaching where they're growing quicker and then other people aren't necessarily reading the Bible and they're they're trying to figure out my save this and that and it's you know you know where you stand with God as you read the Bible and you pray and you you you seek him if you seek Him you will find them and a lot of people they they go through life it's like they're they're kind of like the double minded man in James because they're they're caught up in the world but then they're they're trying to follow God but they're not really committed to one or the other so they're not not saying this for you know no it's what I'm just saying it's but that's a common walk with people that a lot of people that I talk to you and they're like well I feel like I'm struggling and I feel like I'm walking one gotta have a relationship but I always just go back to them and say I read the Bible no no yeah did you give your life to Jesus yeah well we know the scriptures say whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved but when you when you ask the Lord to come to your life that's where your relationship starts that's where you enter okay now my relationship starts and now you gotta walk out what's been explaining oh very well by a lot of people as a marriage is it's not the wedding day the wedding day is accepting and then the marriage is all the work that you do from here until you die and that's um that's pretty I've never heard that but yeah that you haven't heard I believe your dad told me I I don't really listen to my dad too much um you know that's the accepting of Christ is the wedding day and then like there's all that relationship that you have to have and so many of us um even I found myself many times going like us it's very interesting like uh where's your wife oh I put her up on the shelf and I haven't talked to her in years 34 but I'm married because I figured like I'm married and I'm doing everything right and there's there's times when the like I don't feel that I experienced the power of the Holy Spirit until my wife and I had our son that was out of God's plan not having a son but the way we did it yeah and how we got there and why we wouldn't get there while we were walking and trying to grow and trying to do the right things and the deception and and not I mean we're like both at the Lord is so rad like at the same time the Lord was very clear like you know me but you've been trying to do it on your own power yeah so and when we had our kid at uh I was making two hundred dollars a month skateboarding it was like okay now I might learn how to give up cuz I'm I cannot do this yeah and as much as it is um the Lord just takes every failure and turns it into the biggest blessing if we are obedient and we spend time with him I want to stop there because we have 40 seconds left probably of the day yes and then it's over now we have out we're going to come back after the break in two minutes and continue off that note but we have a baptism going down on it's our fourth annual baptism at pirate's cove saturday august 20th at 12 p.m. yeah it's our fourth year it's going to be packed come down we got sunny sand of all Ronnie Feist myself shiny headband and it's going down it's going to be a Newport Beach you go to my website Ryan - Reese calm to get more information or our social media the whosoever's or my social media to find out more details if you want to hear more podcasts let's see what it what else podcast videocast any of the archives are on my website and we'll be back in two minutes more live with Ryan rays coming on 180 days 564 sixty one seventy three or four questions using the hashtag live Ryan riess on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook I think I speak for the entire administration when I say now back to live with Ryan Ruiz we are back I have Lance mountain pro skateboarder legend in studio and we're just talking about life and finding faith walk in the Christian walk not by faith or what is it we walk by faith not by sight in his career in the skateboard career he was he was one of the one of the many original guys that just made skateboarding happen back from the from the early 70s but and my personally I bought his his board was the first born I ever bought and and you're the guy that identified with in the Bones Brigade which I wanted to be like when I grew up when you say 70s that's very offensive to the guys from the 70s they I mean I'm an 80s you're oh yeah I'm sorry 80s 80s but I'm a 70 skateboarder yeah you started in 70s but you're an 80s gotcha so I'm an I'm an 80s I was born in 70s but eighties were just such we're so it was such a great time to be at the right place at the right time that's seriously all it is dude it was amazing I mean that video that's just like I remember I mean all my friends we there's you know a bunch of us we made launch ramps go to go to parks launch go to the schools just we were like we thought we were Bones Brigade was it was what's really interesting is that that time why I was okay too yeah he was he was a skinhead though he was asked it was part he was best friends with my brother Shane so he was a skinhead and Shane and all they're all the mods and skins you know you ride vest was too right you used to ride that one yeah so so basically everyone had that we all had that back then and everyone skated in Doc Martens he's the skate he had like a Schmitt stick a yardstick uh and used to skate twenty20 was a 20 year old doctor or whatever just crazy times back then fun times yeah fun and you know what that that time the egg we talked about it a couple times it was just everything was right that the economy in America and the things people were happy the music was happy like there was this pause that there was this idea like we could do anything and I don't know if kids have that feeling now at this at this time I just don't well we're talking about earlier like it was a special time it was 80's were silly time and it was like a lot of things were interesting and special and you know go and punk shows were really they're terrible they're actually really terrible but there were a special time but like cuz no one it hadn't been happening not a lot of people there and you yeah it was new and neat and you looking back and you're like I was really pretty dumb but it was it was a cool time yeah it's really we definitely live in a getting different time VHS was just coming out and like it we it was cassette tapes and looking weird it was an you know I as a skateboarder that got to be able to turn it into a profession and kind of being that first wave of guys that turned it into something that we could live off of where the guys couldn't before us which always bothered me poor guys before us were so good but they didn't weren't able or couldn't figure out or it wasn't the right timing to turn it into profession what do we got - you got some amazing all you guys are all still skimming Tony cuz you came up with Tony Hawk no Caballero yeah still you you're mean you're your sponsor now you're right for Nike right yeah Nike and flip baby in Spitfire recording yeah we still get to go skateboarding you guys get to duty and you guys all still sponsored us to see I just got to go to Japan and we worked on building a pool we built the pool I saw photos that pictures and got to do this art show with paintings of all the guys I kind of made me want a skateboard got to bring four of them out and skate and it's like it was probably one of the best projects I got to do in skateboarding in my whole life that's because there was no strings attached it wasn't this burden it was just having fun with your friends like we wanted to do when we were kids sidenote you're involved with a lot of pool building a lot of pools here and there I mean they get built so you know if we if we can kind of barge in and have influence or whatever I do it and then that turned into kind of building a building or a bunch of private ones I I never do any of the hard work the guys I build it build it yeah but the truth of the matter is I think kind of what goes into it is more important than anything yeah and just the little nuances and little tricks that make it either playful or more realistic that's the most important part it's hard for people to put that down on plan did you have and tired of talking about it like nobody did you help with any of the poles over here on vans the new van skatepark if you like him I did if you don't I didn't I haven't skated yet I'm skating but you helped this other one I worked a margarita I worked on some one that was the very first by your house he helped that build that pool that was a very first experience of how not to do something yes really yeah it was a this stuff drives me nuts oh yeah no okay the whole nother come it's a whole nother thing with so much red tape and let's go let's go back because you were talking about your faith walk you are you were young you were you're walking at your faith you got your wife pregnant you were making two hundred dollars a month on skateboarding and now you're pregnant or your wife's pregnant and you have a kid on the way yeah so what what's going on what's going on through your mind I'm like I I don't know what I'm doing I cannot do this and the you know the Holy Spirit was pretty clear to my wife and I at the same time which is like you're trying to do it on your own power like you know I started the work let me finish it and it just drove us to UM really have that deep burden that this is this is God's gonna take care of it yeah we have to walk and and and grow and um put him first you know like in any marriage like I mean all you learn all this stuff after like I was never taught like um yeah the most important thing to do in finding a wife is find someone that loves God more than you yeah yeah that's true if they love God first then that everything's gonna fall into place and then I was never told like here's the here's the here's the way you date here's the way you don't date there is no such thing as dating like yeah all these kind of weird things that seems so uh completely a like absolutely absurd now in society they're all God's protections on us then you can kind of know them it and be aware of them as a kid but you don't know actually how to live it out or all that stuff and you take your walk and you make your mistakes and you do your things and um I mean we got married and things started picking up I started making money we could afford things and then then the whole industry collapse collapses on us and what year was this 89 90 it really kind of just 90 it actually collapsed and it's like you've already spent so much time in it is like you know everybody in skateboarding had homes and houses and children at that point and all of a sudden we went back to making a thousand dollars a month and nobody could do it so almost everyone went bankrupt or went quit skating and one did something else there's only a few of us that made it through and how we made it through or how we stayed involved was very interesting and at that point was a huge the way the Lord worked in my life um was like I didn't know what to do Lord like what am i doing like I walked with you I thought I've done the right thing how is this happening you know we all do that yes now here what yeah I was like whatever like I don't have a living what I'm going to do we all go to it poor poor me um a guy Yama straights is better when you're chess but when you're in it yeah that's all you can vote in focus on it it's like we always trip on those things and it's like I keep going like I have to go back to being obedient go back to studying going back to digging in to spending time with God and like uh um it's something you talked with skateboarder um sorry I got all mixed up um but anyways at that time I'm trying to figure out what to do what to do start a company was whatever was happening I didn't want to start a company I wanted to be a skateboarder I wanted to get paid but everybody was saying hey you're a skateboarder yeah I went and talked to your dad what do I do does it do his best answer I've ever got my life he left the room he came back he left the room left the room he came back with a box four boxes of tape the whole Bible Chuck Smith on on tape yeah and you go handed me there is like here we go there it is serious and I turn around find myself in the garage like bummed out that I'm not a skateboarder I'm actually doing a business I always mess around with my friends talk about I have a little tear rolling down my eye I'm listening to Chuck Smith packing it was the it was the most important time in my life absolutely um if you just tuned in now you listen alive with Ryan riess I have a pro skateboarder legend in studio Lance mountain and we're just talking about his walk of faith through finding Jesus getting his wife pregnant girlfriend getting married and trying to find out what he's gonna do with his life when the whole skateboard industry claps so here and basically where he finds himself as he talks to my dad Rory's and it gives them a box of Chuck Smith through the Bible which is the best place to start when you need to hear God's and hear your God speak to you yeah and you can eat I mean you can be nine years old in here in and know all the same stuff but it's like it's still relevant everyday yep and it builds and it grows and you know it's like I mean I talked to a lot of Christians like this is for Christians like most of my walk is for Christians that are like wondering what's up not like people who are in the world like hey like I don't know if I have a voice to them but I think I have a voice to Christians and they might like it or not like it it's like tithing is huge mmm it's it's a blessing to yourself I'm sorry I'm gonna pull that Micah well is it yeah is it good okay sorry yeah so tell hiding is good I think is huge it's such a it's God's Way of like relinquishing your feel that you have to control any of your finance it's and then he just slowly like I mean I did this company that was basically worthless financially and he kept it going for 14 years but the tithe did out of business within the first six months because I had no idea what I was doing i tithe off of what I sold not what it cost me to build and everything and I had I had an initial amount of money and I tied it away and the company ran on no money for 14 years basically at least nine no way and and through older more talk about the firm and through all those things I'm like what am i doing why am I doing this and then rate Barbie gets saved and then it's just like just enough water to go oh I see what maybe you're doing Lord and uh I remember I was I was making this one pair of pants and I was making a label and it was just like okay I'm doing this stuff I'm committing to it it's costing a ton of money whatever I go pick up the labels little teeny things really affect me yeah and I end up praying this is where you can pray too by the way just let you know I get the labels and they're completely wrong and I smashed the windshield out of my car I'm driving and ice punched the windshield out pissed yeah why we do this god yes like pissed as piss as I could be those are expensive those labels they're expensive they're done wrong we know about the best thing about it is nobody when I took him home no one knows they're wrong no it was enough for me to like yeah what I'm doing this for why yeah what why what he said he was very like you know he said something that yeah it was the clearest thing I've ever heard he goes I died in the cross for you I'm trying to show you how to die yourself if you can die to yourself I can use you but dang and it's like I'm not taking your knees I'm not taking your legs I'm not taking your passion for skateboarding I'm showing you through this label that no one even notices is wrong to die to yourself and and then I can do something of it it was like wow it's it I mean every time I tell the story I cry I'm not crying right now for some reason but um it's so uh lord will do those experiences of those things and things and it's like I slowly realize like he has no he doesn't it might be rude and I might be saying things out of out of out of place but he he has no interest in my business he has no interest in my win or loss category in contests he has interest in lives and we so much say like wow if I can be successful and I can win this contest that I can tell people thank God will really let ya yeah it's like he don't care just know he cares how I he cares about lives I'm not important it's the win is not important the business is not is it fair to say he cares about obviously lives but he cares about our heart issue towards him as well he wants they want us it's our relationship I mean it's I love that verse where it says he says come reason with me it's real interesting I mean it's real I don't know where it is if it's before or after really but it's you know you hear a lot about it's like you're seen as as red as crimson but you make it white as snow and he said come reason with me I don't know if it's before or after that because I'm not that scholar we don't have shot here tonight so it's wait till next week he's like begging us to come consider how he designed us and this whole thing because it only works under his plan and we so often try to figure it out through our plan even being saved and he's like I got a better plan I have a deeper issue and he it's interesting like I remember praying when I started the company like I didn't want to start I wanted here's what I want God here's my list of what I really want god I'll do whatever you want I will do whatever you want if it's working at McDonald's I will I guess but here's what I want I want a skateboarder I want to scape what I like it it's who I it's what you put in my heart I think as a passion I want to do that I want to have influence with the best skateboarders I want to I want to be in that position to have influence with them and that's funny I used to always know the three um anyways I always thought that meant this has to play out to get that and years and years and years later 14 years later I find out that I didn't create a company that I'm stuck to that is so successful that I can't get out yeah um that I'm stuck behind a desk when everything's changing and the business is collapsing I am actually a skateboarder right I got to be with people's lives I got to be in things in weaving and out of different people's if there's more people that came to the Lord through the firm as well right well truthfully um a couple at all truthfully at at all everyone that rode for the firm except the Lord at some point I almost ya seen or have seen whether they're walking or not walking now is a lot another issue yeah well that's that's my god but yeah they all yeah well there's I've seen there's a couple that weren't but I've seen almost all of them like either walk up next the Lord of prey in a thing they threw through a situation or not or um but that's the firm is just that it's weirded that was my it was such a neat time in skateboarding and those relationships we were built or so neat but that time has come and gone already and it's like I've been just as long in a whole nother world riding for someone else I know somewhat feeling selfish and somewhat feeling like wow I missed those absolute just hopeless times I'm not asking for him again God but I really I really appreciate him yeah um Bigler they're learning lessons when you go through those because they made me bold - I would never would I never would be able to talk this way without those um I went to Christian outreaches and things during the 80s when I was on PAL even because they asked and I've never felt that like deep draw that that's where I belong or but I was like I'll go if you're asking um but I never was like this is this is my deep passion or this is where it feel comfortable or this is you know I'm so I'm always Dunham or whatever but um I've always had this um deep desire just to be with um kind of like the guys that were like right at that top echelon some writing but the Lord keeps changing those seasons I'm in a different season yeah who knows well it's it's cool too because even like I mean obviously you had some kind of influence in even Caballeros did you have any influence in caballero coming to the Lord or hot soy or any that okay so I do because I mean well cuz you were your boys I mean you guys are all friends I mean they cuddle house you were watching your life Cavallaro and I had talks for years about the Lord direct ones about it yeah well there we go whether whether they're whether there's anything watered or not watered or was I possibly in these some of the conversations like I possibly be one that may be one of the major excuses for him that white Christianity wasn't real huh Christian and I weren't closer that way so I never had those talks um personally he was too busy up in LA popping off popping it off up there huh I don't know it's a madman but I had him in here in the studio cause that's great um you know it uh when I when I was young 70s there's a few few kids that became few skateboarder pros that became Christians and at that time the Lord led all those dudes out of skateboarding because of their lifestyles none of them were like the Lord didn't keep them in they liked whatever the Lord does different things and different reasons for whatever and so I remember being really young when my friends were kind of mimic me and mock me because they knew I was Christian or whatever good more like Oh goody-goody kid yeah whatever um just having this burden for pro skateboarders um meeting and greeting and wanting these guys to know the Lord and just four years going it's never gonna happen yep and just seeing the Lord do his work is like wow it's so cool I mean I remember going to see Christian in jail oh yeah I'm ever going to say my Hawaii or was he out here it was when he was in Riverside I'm saying because they're like he accept the Lord and I was like I'm gonna go see him how was that oh yeah we got like five minutes left let's here's awesome I walked in and his like I it was just like yep he's except the Lord I knew it you can see I yeah we knew it it was just it was um and you know everyone's like oh is it a jailhouse conversion is agree whatever it's like it was rad the Lord just know he knows the Lord I don't know if I went to check or went to encourage or I don't know what I want to do I don't even know why I went but it was like wow it's rad dude amazing well you know like I said we about I don't know four or five minutes left there any uh any last words or anything that you were anything it's like on your heart that you want to maybe tell the listeners you know maybe maybe maybe it's encouragement for some of that um trying to become a pro skater you know and they're there on that they're they're young kid in there they're submit their videos they're they're trying to go for it you only because you know I've actually talked to several kids you know that that couple kids are come to shine they're gonna be a pro skateboarder I want to let my light shine in the skateboard industry but it's it's just like the skateboard industry is just like the rock and roll industry it's uh you know it's wild and it's easy to get caught up yeah the major thing is you have these I believe that those dreams and passions are they're put in you as from God I think we were designed by God we created by God so I think all those dreams and desires are put in there by God how we interpret them or what we want to do with them is gets to be the tricky part because the Lord will change your desires if you walk with him if you're not supposed to be whatever we want to be and um just that I mean I want to keep coming back for a Christian kid I want to keep coming back to obedience like I think we've got the church has gotten so soft and the world's gotten so soft that obedience the word sin is not even allowed because people don't even want to know what that is or whatever it just means missing the mark yeah we all miss the power short well we all miss it yeah from the beginning and then I think the other thing is the most Christian kids don't really want to like be obedient that seems like a weird word but it's like it's all for God's protection outside of that someone that isn't a Christian or thinks that what I'm talking about is a complete joke like all I can really say is like um it's been the most wonderful time and the only thing I do value at the end of it even reaching the things I've done in skateboarding I would trade it all um I'd give it all up for uh the friends and the people I know in skateboarding that don't know the Lord I would trade everything that I've been able to get or have through it because it at the end of day is basically worthless and fun it's only fun in my view because God gave you seen God's hand through the whole thing yeah and the things that I've chased after and received and and and try to grind and scrape to get is they're all meaningless yeah the money's meaningless the fame or whatever like I don't that word is a super annoying to me all we wanted to do was play on a toy as good as we could and experience this yeah and then when we get older we're like wow how do I make this pay cuz I don't know anything else yeah but any of the other stuff is complete nonsense to me yeah I still want to play on that toy and it's I think the Lord's allowed me to be a pretty immature in that way but I want to be mature in his ways well you are still ripping and are you hurt right now are you still skating I've been skating so yeah I mean I had I had to you know it's funny we don't have time for it yeah but there did come a time after that punching the windshield years and years later three years ago I did lose my knees I read that it really mean I had a gnarly knee thing and I couldn't walk I couldn't skate and I couldn't basically skate for about two and a half years and the Lord was like now you don't have knees what do you say yeah we still walk well you still believe and there was a it was a struggle was painful it but uh I realized the Lord is being is still very gracious and just he's he's weaning me off of what I've loved my whole life because at some point I won't be able to do what I want to do yeah instead of going nope he's going a little bit away a little bit away wean you off we knew off you so when I'm in my wheelchair going well I won't be so hit by it dude thank you for coming on and guess what no question I want to invite you back No we'll see what your rating say I'll tell you ten plus ten plus no dude it was awesome lads it's you know it's cool to have you on thank you so much um Mouse very cool I don't know um yeah well look at check this out you guys if you want to find Lance mountain you can find on my at Lance mountain on Instagram and I'm sure you have a website is table website just my name my dad's mountain calm it's it was built like 30 years ago to youtube go to youtube and look up Lance mountain check out his uh his most current footage and we are again we are doing the baptism if you have been baptized you baptize awesome come down it's on and cracking the fourth annual who storm's baptism at pirate's cove in Newport Beach Saturday August 20th at 12 p.m. and of course if you want to get any of the webcasts archives or any of the stuff you go to Ryan riess calm and the Hoos survivors calm we got banging products we got did you like our product got a new shirt right now there you go he's putting it on right now no he's not actually but I I know we got a lot of cool stuff you guys here are sock collection to need to give you some socks I know you you were the crazy socks right yeah let's get him valid in for sure dude it was awesome and I got to get Caballero in here next oh he hasn't been here no man he won't return my call I'm so busy no not great he's all good he um I we just reached out through email but I know he's been traveling and his kids are ripping at the skate park and he's just doing that dad life you know yeah having Christians and their kids are hanging out I'm like I'm like in a whole nother world like my kids come and gone it my kids he's having kids my kids the same age as their kids it's like I mean my kids kids kids kids I know so I'm in a whole different place in my life like okay I'm gonna be like them I'm the old guy with the young kids I do love you man this has been live with Ryan race to connect or find out more about Ryan click on Ryan - Reese comm check us out next Saturday at 9 p.m. for life with Ryan Reese
Channel: Ryan Ries
Views: 12,849
Rating: 4.6734695 out of 5
Keywords: the whosoevers, ryan ries, surfer, skaters, larry bertlemann, jay adams, lance mountain, tony alva, progression of skateboarding, cody mcentire, the berrics, professional skateboarder, hand stand, the olympics, thrasher, andy roy, xavier ries, strict christian upbringing, independent, skinhead, bone brigade, vans skatepark, santa margarita skatepark, family, raul ries, christian hosoi, powell peralta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2016
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