Live With Ryan Ries - Addressing Social Issues, Upcoming Election, Transgender Bathrooms

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live with libraries this is live with Ryan Reese call now 180 day five sixty four sixty one seventy three or post your questions using the hashtag live Brian Reese on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook you know what I'm gonna read this I ain't voting for Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriends wife dude I love this someone I don't know where I saw her on Instagram or something and I posted it I think this is actually a proper time to post it again yeah I love it it's like it has to be somewhere in like I don't know you know somewhere like Alabama ain't vote for Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriends wife is so good I'm gonna post that up I'm gonna do it on Monday that's good prime time for posting that's right dude I posted that uh I posted what did I post recently and people were getting bummed out yeah they were which I read the comments the comments which one was it it was the one talking about the wine with the Oh was it Oh is the one right here with the guy from the shiny what's his name yeah that's Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson from the shining they're posted it says is this the ladies room Obama said I could pee here dude it looks crazy I know and that's you know what that is the reality interesting enough speaking of Obama did you guys see that that thing that he came out with recently about talking about the transgender bathrooms it was in the news you're not a couple weeks ago I was a couple weeks ago he just came out yeah it was some ride a Friday morning I heard it on the radio where he came out and he was using the Bible to justify hmm because Jesus is love source to love everybody you know what interesting enough he'd the way you spun it was he said you know it was like well you know these these poor kids you know they're confused and we got to have compassion right for these kids and I'm going dude that's so one-sided right yeah okay so this kids confused let's have compassion yes I you know we should reach out to this kid and talk to him but now you're trying to put this kid that's confused in the bathroom this guy with another with girls taking theism or to confuse them or this is just crazy you know like what about what about all the other kids guess where there's the one kid but what about the rest of the school that you're putting on kids and so what I'm at the majority this is just a testimony of our culture right now the thing that I was different she was a few weeks ago where the Obama administration was sending out through all the public schools that it was gonna be basically mandatory for them to have transgender bathrooms you know right now it's a process and a lot of people are speaking up about it but and now this is just kind of strong-arming the same thing and manipulating things to their own agenda what's crazy is like when you continue pick all the things that you want in the flesh it's basically gonna be there's gonna be a day of reckoning I say that a lot um but our society the children like you were talking about people are gonna be so confused and you're you're catering to such a small minority really when it comes to this kind of the kind of thing and it's a sad thing there are societies being driven this way and did you hear that June is LBGT month or whatever yeah junus Obama declared it mm-hmm so the whole month the whole month yeah the whole month not just today the whole month no yeah hey yeah he's going crazy interesting times that's for sure yeah interesting enough I got a text from my dad today that's it was uh it was a boy and he was probably in high school and he was dressed like a girl and he was sitting right in and out I know eating just out there no my dad's like yeah my god well that is not real like yeah he's like he was with my niece your daughter right and dude it's it's it's so crazy I can remember when raw would talk about all these are the endtime season times I mean years ago and I was like now like the things that you see are just in LA they're not infiltrating the small cities yet so you know what I believe the Lord is gonna tarry just a little longer but now it's everywhere you cannot go anywhere without seeing something it's just yeah like you said it was contained in the city yeah so we you know we're doing these high school tours right and I was far from LA I was actually probably like two hours out at a school and they had a huge gay community and they had the transgender community and that was two hours it is in with the internet it's worldwide right dude it's so crazy I I kid you not you say that about wrong but I was listening to check the last couple days he's talking about the work of the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit when you're not walking on the Lord the Holy Spirit is in the world and it has the ability to you know make you see wrong you know when God starts working your life and that's where conviction can take place in life it can draw you to the Lord and he was talking about how the culture at that time which wasn't he was teaching for about 15 years ago 20 years ago that there are people that were at that time doing surveys and just the culture and stuff and the hardness the things that a lot of the kids are into at that particular time saying it not in a near-future the mentality the morality of the people are just gonna go so down and the way he was talking about like future since 15-20 years ago if he was here today mind boggling what is being common in our culture today I mean nuts yep no we mean I was thinking about about just kind of what's happening even not only with that whole situation but even like with the whole Hillary deal I mean she what the emails and and everything else that's been going on I think that's about this she's still running mm-hmm and she's not jailed like think oh that's how crazy the world were living in and then we have Trump mm-hmm we have we have a some of that wasn't even in politics right and shake it up the place yeah and then you have burning a socialist it's like dude it's crazy I know what's going on right now yeah with that you know people go I'm gonna vote for Jesus yeah yeah I mean but you know what Jesus isn't running for office exactly yes Jesus is first right for he's our Lord our Savior but that's I feel like that's the cop-out when these you know got these Christianese people I'm not for Jesus netic and if you don't vote it's a vote for Hillary yeah yeah you exactly that's the thing you have to that's my point yeah we have to vote yep you have to vote you know and I think you keep everything in Pryor the right concept is that we we pray you who we're gonna vote for but whoever is in office is not my Savior no right it doesn't matter who it is though because sometimes people get so you know like their go like you crazy thinking that this person is gonna change the whole world they dinner with Obama and they do it with different presidents and stuff and oh this is good then they get in their office and not able to do all the things that they thought they could do not gonna be this you got all these other people that actually call the shots yeah for sure so yeah crazy cuz I've been reading through judges mm-hmm and that's here now right now what happened like I was like okay if you who had all this said and then they did evil in the sight of God again these are like City it's the constant thing it was like okay they got okay and then they did evil you don't insane and then at that point that's when God raised up you know at one point Gideon to go and you know do the work but it's like you wonder like okay Lord when are you gonna rise up somebody to just you know demolish all these people that not demolish them but make them realize look in this is a lie that you've got into that you believe that's what society has told you instead of you know going on with it just stop and say okay wait there's got to be something more I mean think about it when you die don't you think don't people think there's got to be something more or they're just like okay well I'm just gonna go into the dirt and that's it I mean it's useless yeah you know it is and God chastens you know he chases those these love-nest that's what he did with the with the Israelites I know right when I went to judges in Chronicles that's like they're good yeah they're blowing it right they're good they're blowing Oh your your your things are ringing you got all this like gypsies because stuff going on here and you're shaking the whole radio station here last week we had who was Ronnie Ronnie - pounding on thing with his finger yeah I'm gonna do that's right well we all got these little twitches up here but up no it's it's uh no it's interesting because that's that's all through the Bible it's saying you know they repent God blesses up and then they go back to their ways but isn't that like like us in our personal lives it's like where we're following God and then we get a little off track and then God chastens us back and forth but he's gonna do it in a bigger way to the world and I think that you know we know that the Bible clearly speaks about that God's got a part of Spirit in the last days and there has to be I mean there has to be another great outpouring there has to be another revival because there hasn't been a big revival lately and I now teach the condition of the world something's big has to happen right it's gonna get gnarly and you really see what the Trump the Trump riots that are going on I mean something's about tonight something's gonna go down soon yeah I don't understand why I mean they're burning the American flag so why are they here I mean this is America this is where I mean they're getting everything from America but yet they're burning the flag that's so disrespectful it's just nice they're not educated you know you know talking about all these things you know this is live with Ryan Orissa and we just saw off the show because you know we're still it's still younger we have children that we are raising and we see this culture around us and what's taking planes we have you have to stand for righteousness and truth you you have to pray you have to be a light into your community in your world yes this is election year so we do encourage you guys to vote don't be a cop-out like oh that you're not getting the perfect kennedy or whatever it might be you have to vote for righteousness and that's the key maybe you two are struggling with with some of these things in your in a culture today maybe it's in your family that you're dealing with homosexuality like grandma's saying like a lot of that's confusion a lot of people are confused in their sexuality and they're being bombarded by all of these philosophies in the world and it just gets them confused if you have questions you want to call in and just kind of or have some comments on the direction we're going and you can call in at eight at eight five six four six one seven three again eight at eight five six four six one seven three what the heck is our theme tonight it's like politics we've been yeah anything goes at this point um but we've been talking about this a lot lately cuz this is what's in our face day in and day out with what's going on with with it we got the politic stuff going on and then and then somehow it's like we got this whole like transgender and homosexual I don't think interweaved I mean Obama keeps bringing in it's like it's like a smokescreen to the whole thing it's min's crazy so I don't know man you know like I said I think that revival is it's gonna it's gonna break out because these kids I mean we deal with these kids yeah all the time I mean with these these high school kids that are being influenced by this culture more than anyone and the stay to them they're just kind of like they don't know what's going on like anything-goes pansexual that's pretty much where you don't have a gender or a type you can be straight and date transgender or you could be straight and date someone that's gay pansexual just pretty much means it's like that all-you-can-eat salad bar just of all-inclusive it's all good no no you know you're not particularly any kind of thing which it's just insane you know it's so crazy to is that one thing that people have talked about in the last year or two is how Americans some Americans have gotten caught up and taken into a kata you know and they get basically drafted into them why people's are asking these questions why would an American get linked up till I can al Qaeda doing horrible things it's because people want to identify with something they could believe in yeah you know and in our culture today where it's just everything is like a smorgasbord and it's all relativism like just what's true for you may not be true for me and it just gets so confusing there's no foundation people lock into something like I want to be behind this even though it's crazy and it's crazy and it's horrible and it's demonic people get attracted to that when you look back into history the same kind of thing happy with with Nazis right well the Nazis as well they got involved a mindset they didn't think they were doing something wrong but when you take morality out of things I mean take this philosophy of atheism that is just into your culture then dude when you pull the mass back from it you you make up your own reality and what's morality and it will destroy everything it will destroy the fabric of a family the the relation between a man and a woman gets confused homosexuality was big during the Nazism at a time as well like it is perverted it's of the enemy he wants to bring confusion and the Lord wants to bring truth you know when we talk about the Holy Spirit you Ryan you're talking about the Holy Spirit for the Holy Spirit working these times the Holy Spirit is - is called the Spirit of Truth mm-hmm truth the world is in dire need of truth the truth is the only thing that will set a man or a woman free and the Bible says in the book of Romans chapter one we're talking about this before when it talks about immorality when man rejects the true in the Living God when the Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God it's a witness to man that like you're not alone God is real look at creation around you if you want to fight against that men give over to them to sin to fight against God they don't want to think about their conscience or maybe a conviction and they continue going darker and darker and darker and when the Lord says this God gave them over to a reprobate mind you want to reject God's truth and his principles in your life and man has the ability in his darkness of heart to go into horrible things it says even through homosexuality exchanging the natural use for a woman and burning unless for a men and women exchanging the relationship with a man and to be with a woman but it goes more in the unforgiving unloving bitterness and all these things that overwhelm my man's life and corruption comes into the society there is that article that just came out today - yes was it a no no no it's a couple of days ago this week though and it came out about his name is Trey Pearson and he's the lead singer of every day Sunday and he came out and of a closet and he said he's gay and he said that he believes that the Bible did not pray the kind of loving committed gay relationship known to the modern world and it says according to Pearson there is absolutely no conflict with accepting Who I am and following Jesus God wants me to be healthy authentic whole integrated and my truest self well I could say there's nothing healthy about a man having sex with a man now there's nothing go talk to the doctors about that you're not created for them no they actually actually at the Calvary Chapel were you with me at the Calvary Chapel youth workers conference this year know when when they actually did a class set aside just oh yeah I didn't and dude he literally broke it broke it down on what happens when a man engages with another man in sex and it talks about the like the tissue breakdown well yeah ripich the whole deal there's nothing healthy about that it's it's crazy the way he broke it down that was like the gnarliest thing at that conference honestly we should well that area was never meant to have something go in yes you know what I'm saying and that's the thing it's like it's unnatural and now he wants the further the gay agenda in the Christian world mm-hmm and it's like and you know what it's gonna affect many people why yes because this culture or what they're saying it you know it's all good whatever and now this guy this guy is some kind of a platform I don't know I don't know that man but he has some kind of a platform and those the Christians take know people that are listening yeah people that don't read the Bible correct they're gonna fall for it they're gonna fall for it just like people that say they're Christians and they fall for all these other things that are going on in the world and they fought they fall if you don't believe in anything you'll fall for everything Chuck Smith said all right that was a quote from him exactly and that whole deal is like if we are not in the Word of God and we're not reading and we don't have that Holy Spirit encounter we're gonna fall for the the next modern tech right not modern Christianity homosexuality and all these different things cuz we don't read the Bible but when you read the Bible the Holy Spirit will speak to you and it corrects you exactly very easily just like people that go back to their to their old lifes you know it's interesting I was reading in first Peter I don't know we're gonna find it really quick oh you have to read the Bible from cover to cover you can't just read a couple books you know what I'm saying and that's why I like the one your vibe over and over because it takes you through the entire Bible I mean just what Melinda was reading right now the important thing to note is like you need to sermon you need to sermons you know what is true and what is false all the way through that the New Testament multiple times the writers remind us to beware of false teaching and false doctrine that's exactly what that is that's false teaching you know that that's not biblical that's not of the Lord that's confusion that it's it becomes demonic as well you find your diverse you looking for right yeah I know yeah I found it no I just where's the first Peter 1:13 says so prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control but all you all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to you to the world so you must live as God's obedient children don't slip back into the old ways of living to set of satisfy your own desires you didn't know any better than but now you must be holy and everything you do just as God who chose you is holy for the scriptures say you must be holy as he is holy and it's so easy to fall and then you could go on and continue to read there but you could fall back in your old ways or you can fall for anything if you're not practicing self-control yeah you're reading the Bible and having the Holy Spirit work if you stop if you're if you can't feel life to Jesus and you never read the Bible you don't pray you don't go to church you're not watching studies dude you're gonna fall for homosexuality oh yeah the Bible says it's all you know there's nothing wrong with the Bible and in almost sexually you're gonna fall for all your you're gonna go back to your old sinful life of things of our past I'll go back to having sex with girls are watching part or drinking or going to you know do these strip clubs are doing all this other stuff or cussing like crazy if I'm not in the Word of God yep the crazy thing is is that he grew up in a conservative Christian home and was taught that sexual orientation was not a choice and yet he still is came out gay I mean you know I'm saying so what my point is he had the foundation you know I'm saying it wasn't like he was in the world became a Christian and then you know this happened but what happened to get to that point because it's not like you just wake up in the morning one day and go I want to sleep with the dude right and he's married and has two kids right so something happened yes there was something that he saw right I mean come on let's face it you guys we've we've heard of pastors watching pornography right guys are in the Word of God yeah well this guy could have watched porn or something and I introduced it I I know there was a Christian kid I went to Calvary Chapel uh Philadelphia or Delaware out there and I was doing a tour speaking to her and some kid came up to me and he was 15 years old he grew up in the church his whole life in a Calvary Chapel Church teaches the Word of God and he got introduced to pornography at a young age on his iPhone or whatever what or iPad or whatever and the progression of it led him into homosexuality and now he's sitting there and he's like Ryan it's like I grew up in church I've been my whole life I've been going to this church I'm a Christian kid but because of these things that allowed in my life these secret sins now I'm in now a second now I'm feel like I'm a homosexual right now he's never slept with a guy right but here he is going this is what I like now right because he visually gotten into any opened himself up so what did this guy get into I mean so this is my question who knows because you grew up in a Christian home do you feel the need I mean do you does every like have that Holy Spirit encounter I mean I told my kids just because you live in my home and we're Christians doesn't mean that you don't have to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior there comes a time when you have to do it on your own I'm not going to cover you forever so you don't just because you grew up in this family doesn't mean you're a Christian you have to come to a point in your life where you make that decision for yourself so I mean does every child know that or do they think because they grew up in the church that there's no that they don't have to do that and so they never truly have an encounter what you know I'm trying to think like when because obviously I grew up in the church within a backslidden right I'm trying to remember when did I have a Holy Spirit encounter as a kid I was actually with godai your daughter on Miami at a church and we were we were at it's Calvary Chapel Kendall it was like they're off it was like one of their their other church second assault our area I forget the name of it but anyway so B Calvary Chapel so B and we were there and the worship was going on and like though I was having this Holy Spirit encounter where like I was like weeping you know I was crying right and I looked at my name like today like Mikey are you like are you cool yeah do you feel like what I'm feeling right now a spirit she's like yeah she's I could not stop crying so she had it all she's had it basically she had a Holy Spirit E right so she's she's happy knows right so whatever she's done in her life her relationship with God she's having these encounters with God now then I was trying to think back when I was young I don't remember actually having a Holy Spirit encounter so I was you know I remember getting real with God when I was like I don't know it's had to be had to be like 20 and I got real with God for like five months or something like that and then I just went back but I remember reading and like cabinet you know a god encounter but um then after that I didn't have that till later on in life and I think a lot of kids they grow up and do they ever get baptized with the Holy Spirit I know or is it just like ditions yeah yeah let me use a parent you can get so caught up in the fact well they go to church all the time so I don't have to explain this stuff to him because they're in church so they're okay and that's the biggest danger because that happens in the church sometimes where it's like that happens Melinda and then they try to bring the kids to the past Tuesday hey can you fix my son or fix my daughter but they're not seeing like the the life lived out maybe even in the home sometimes or encouraging themselves to pray like a relationship with God isn't based upon being in the building it's being led by God's Spirit God wants to speak to you God wants to lead your life God wants to direct your steps God has a message for you do his word and if you listen to him God could do great things look at the Bible itself Samuel was called at a very young age as a young boy David was anointed to be king at a very young age as well Josiah in the Old Testament eight years old and became King and you can go on and on about all these moments were they had to meet the Lord actually you should do an amazing study on Josiah when he was 8 years old and there's a progression that he did these things he did some righteous stuff in the land but then it wasn't until he was a little bit older later in his teenage years where he had that moment where the Lord that changed his life and God would lead Josiah to a great revival at that particular time but they have to have that encounter like a we were talking I'm thinking I'm reflecting on my life and Jude you could get jaded mmm you could get jaded and it's not that you don't like Church but like you could go to church like I grew up going to church I went to but I heard my dad teach you know one on sick days I'd be at church just hanging out I went to Sunday so I want to all the Sundays and went to Sunday School classes just like every other kid I wasn't like special where I hung out backstage or something you know I went to Sunday School I knew the stories I'd heard the stories we did the devotions in the morning at my house I knew I've heard I knew the stuff I could quote some stuff but I didn't have that relationship with God right how do you introduce a kid to that but I think that that's the danger like for instance my kids I work at the church there she is but I don't force them to go with me if they don't want to go they don't have to go but I think a lot of people force their kids to hang out there so those kids start resenting it because they'd rather be at home or they'd rather be doing other things but know they're stuck at church when it supposed to be something that they wanted to do and says something they have to do I I totally agree you know one thing that I was told by jail back in the day is like the little words that you say to your kids like I never say I have to go teach I have to go to the church and I got to do this I have to I have to no no I have the opportunity I get you man I wasn't able to teach God and this is what's cool about my kids didn't like what Cohen and Jed is like they were asked what what does daddy do somebody asked what does they do and simplicity he prays for people and he teaches that was it I was like okay I'm doing okay right now I got only six or seven but um to me I I want them to have that chip because I don't want to bring religion in their life where it's these rules and regulations and you have to really spend time with your kids and pour into them because a lot of times they revert to that you because a lot of times you equate your relationship with God as you do with your relationship with your parents and times like if you do this you'll get this and if you are really bad right here you're not going to get this and for us parents I mean we have to have like I'm have a reward system a little bit but you're also very important as a parent to teach grace to and sometimes that's giving them something when they actually don't really deserve it but you use that to teach them a lesson because that's a lot of times happens and they have this mentality of God is like he's only gonna bless me of I read 10 chapters in my Bible today he's only gonna bless me if I go to church on Sunday and Sunday night and Wednesday night and go you thing and I'll snow it's not the case when you're growing in a relationship with God like you want to be at these things I love being able to teach people who want to be there you know sometimes teaching the high school and in Scottsdale it's been amazing it's probably one of the more most toughest ministries to teach because you know like 50 percent says like well let's let's hold that thought we have uh this has been a cool conversation it's awesome we showed up here with nothing to talk about as I love about the show we have one minute left I tuned in this is live with Ryan Reese got a Melinda Sean and my niece Ireland in the studio looking cool over there but um you know we have our website the whosoever's calm we got sick potted up product up there we're doing high school tours a product that you purchase allow us to do free concerts at the high schools for the kids we set up a big stage we're in the process of purchasing a sound system we're buying a little bits at a time but we want this full stage to where we can tour the the high schools some doors have opened to even going to Catholic schools and obviously we're going to public schools maybe hit some Christian schools but we are going and we were giving the gospel to these kids because obviously what we've been talking about it's crazy times so we need to go right directly to the kids and gods opening the doors to go with us so if you partner with us gets a product represent the movement in your neighborhood and another thing Shawn McKeon is you're doing a killer job which are kids teaching them the Bible stories live you guys are acting them out David Goliath I thought you dead dang on the lines that don't matter the bend whatever I guess see whatever I can to kind of you know stir it up make it fresh alright we're gonna be back in two minutes so we'll catch you guys that bye more live with Ryan race coming up 180 days five six 460 173 or post your questions using the hashtag live Ryan riess on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook I think I speak for the entire administration when I say now back to live with Ryan Reese well that's a wrap we already talked about everything so we're just gonna show now but we have another 30 minutes I know you know let me say a couple things one is for all we've been doing the radio show for over about it over a year now which is sensing all the archives are there on Ryan's website at Ryan - Reese calm also you can sign up for the podcast I trip out all the time about people that hear this show I'm at my neighbor right across the street that moved in like six seven months ago says he listens all the time I just gave him a random conversation with him one day and told him I was on my way out to Costa Mesa go do the show he's been listening he's like man that thing's amazing this other day I was telling Melinda I went out farming and Bloomington I went to go get some carpet for my house and I've been dealing with his girl on the phone a little bit but not much I don't know her that much and I met her out by the dock and she's like I heard you on the radio the other night I know what their voice she's like yeah my voice that's crazy do that that's how it happens with my dad I go to get tacos cuz you know that's all you eats his tacos good I know like hey are you are you real racing through the hallways at the school and one of the teachers like I heard you on the radio the voice the voices way let's take some calls let's give out the number eight eight eight five six four six one seven three triple eight five six four six one seven three there's live with Ryan riess we're taking out cause I don't know man maybe you got some kids that are going through some issues that we've been talking about tonight you need a you need some words of wisdom something from the Scriptures give us a call because we're here with you you know as we're talking about all these things like these are things that are kind of going through our minds in our hearts like I'm asking Lord how can I answer my children these tough questions that are gonna come my way I know eventually they're gonna go to school with different people that have these different views they're gonna be like they're nice kids then yeah I'm not gonna downplay that right but there is a standard of truth you know and I believe that our nation is in dire need of revival of truth that's what's so important when I was doing a little thing with your dad the other day as we were talking about this nation you know and when I was reading back on some lyrics of old songs of like the star-spangled banner and God bless america America the Beautiful dude those songs dude read them but by yourself their brokenness there's like we are able to stand because God was with us he did an amazing things we were outnumbered in so many ways that's the heart meat of it the way that these songs are put together and you look at just a couple hundred years later and here we are with nation in a lot of ways rejecting that God even exists thanks I think you wonder why our nation is going through this horrible down spiral of immorality I talked about this a couple shows ago um you know just talking about our nation but there's that one guy the one black dude on he's from at California and he's running for Senate yeah oh yeah and he's a ex-marine he's an 8 yes and he's a Satanist he's part of the the Church of Satan mm-hmm here and he's running for Senate is that this guy's crazy yeah I mean yeah no he admits it yeah I mean before no one would admit to it right now they're okay to admit to it like it's perfectly fine yeah it's gonna be accepted because everything's accepted that's on by the way that's on Time magazine so it's time calm that's a reliable source yeah yeah yeah so and you know I think another thing is like because there's so much social media so you see the the mindset of a lot of people you like are you serious right now like you know one of the big things this week was the gorilla thing when that little kid fell into the group the gorilla pit and everybody was up up in arms I mean if you saw the video it was it was an accident this kid actually fell in and then oh did he fall in and he fell and I just saw the video where he was in there with the girl that I fell in you know the girl is just swinging them around and everything and at that point then during the room but this girl is huge what are you gonna do kid what would you do I would shoot the girl Zack and they shot please take that off here people were like oh I can't believe you know those parents are so dumb and the parents you're like you don't have kids you know that usually came out like they actually didn't have kids you're thinking like you're talking nonsense right you know and this is the thing that bugs me it's like I wonder if the same people that are up in arms against the the gorilla being shot of the same ones that are for abortion right yeah or how would they be if the child died yeah you know what I'm saying it seems like there's more animal rights people out there that are for the animals and they are for these unborn children that are getting aborted daily I think that people don't think before they talk they just post whatever it is and there's no there's no logic behind half the stuff that's the world with them it's just crazy it's just this stupidity you know like I say you say the comments sometimes like men making crazy pills like sometimes you wake up and you're like dude is the world eating crazy pills like this can't even be real right now you know you get that picture from you know they're not kidding chilling he looks like like a little skater kids it's like it's a joke it is you know you don't know going on that you know it's not to downplay you know the confusion that some kids have in their minds and yeah hearts but to me this whole agenda thing is destructive for this because you are telling a young boy a young girl like you don't like the way you feel change it mm-hmm you know and so they try to change all the outward to try to find happiness or whatever but that's not true like the Bible says the God made you that he created you that he loves you with all your imperfections and you want to eat that's when you'll find peace in yourself that's why a lot of people try to do so its outward to find satisfaction but it's always gonna leave you dry yeah so here we have a we got an interesting call coming in right now I just don't know if we could pick it up yet it's line three is not ready yet so yeah we want to we want to talk to this guy when Moses says they lock him down but um ya know it's it's it's it's a crazy time crazy crazy time but you know what back to this whole you know we're gonna have a guy calling it actually here we got this guy right now Darren from Torrance Darren how you doing sir hey Jen doing good man we saw we saw you getting put in the queue here and you want to give us a few minutes story of uh your story sure basically you know ever since I was really young I thought I was homosexual and even believe that lifestyle was never in a relationship but uh when I came to Christ afterlife loose that's drugs and everything i I always knew what God's Word said and and I and I struggled with it even in the homosexual life how could God's Word say that its abominations and and yet yeah I never thought I couldn't you know I never really believed that I was I was created that way so I asked Jesus I said Jesus if this isn't accept this is unacceptable to you please remove it from me and he did and I mean I've never struggled with his sense Jesus is real you can do abundantly above exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask for things well if there's any people that are out there listening right now that are struggling with homosexuality maybe they got some confusion or maybe they think this is the way they were born what do you have to say them Darren they weren't born that way it's you know maybe they grew up in a dysfunctional household and they saw that you know their mom and dad weren't getting along so they somehow psychologic you know that they were born to like the same sex well it's not true it says it live the enemy and Jesus like I said he can do anything you ask according to his word that's it amen dude awesome right on Darren thanks for calling in man love you bro all right thanks tonight so you know it's awesome it's so simple huh mmm Jesus has power yeah you come fast uh-huh ask him if it's not you taking away and that goes with anything in our life it is yeah anything mm-hmm matters power there's power and in in the name of Jesus you see this is the thing what the Bible says is that there's sin sinners came into the human race man is born spiritually dead in need of a revival in his life Anita being born again the Holy Spirit and all of us have different things that we are weak to you like in our flesh some people battle with this anger and the battle with I mean drugs or whatever and some people it's sexuality it can just be lust for a lot of women or for a woman have being with a lot of men and this just overruns their life so there's a hominid my lion the same thing with homosexuality like that's a weakness in some people hmm you know doesn't make it right and make it right just because like in your flesh you want to be with a lot of women or for you a woman I mean with a lot of men does it make it right you know and then same thing goes over homosexual eye if you put it to then say it's sin right yes lost the board yeah it's sin yeah ensign and then the only thing that is sets you free is the work of the Holy Spirit like we started off talking just to be clear for the listeners sin is sin if you're liar or if you're your if you're living with someone and sleeping with them and you're not married that all the way across the board not none of those people won't inherit the kingdom of heaven no no how many Christians like are living in this life right and they think that they're actually gonna go to heaven and it's all equal no it's all the same he doesn't he doesn't he's not a respecter of persons exactly at all when you take away the strength and the power of God's Word like he tried to take the sword away um you lose its power you know one thing I Melinda was talking about earlier when she read that article this guy is trying to justify his lifestyle to make it fit his life so he has rest himself but doesn't make it right and when you take away the the meat of the word of God that cuts when it goes in it cuts when it goes out I get convicted now of things in my life oh yes I'm crying I'm like Lord like I catch myself somebody think I'm talking to myself like lord help me like cleanse my mind wash me Lord driving in my car because there's a battle that we all face in our lives it's that I can't just get into like these temptations and these thoughts of my mind I have to submit to the Lord Paul says in Galatians he says I do what I don't want to do and I don't do what I want to do in Romans 2 but basically what it would it's this war that's constantly warring but they're fighting with each other back and forth and it's that's natural because you have that flesh and you have the spirit so we got to continue to to stay in the Word of God and eat up every single word cuz it's sharper than a two-edged sword Charlie Campbell said this I remember listen to one of his studies and he said you know so people look at the Bible like it's a salad bar you know I'll take the many times I'll pass on the radishes I'm gonna get some of the spinach you know no it's you have to get the whole thing but I can't just pick from what you like from it it's it's the Word of God every single word you eat it up it's the word became flesh yep existed then this is the the word that came down from heaven this is the manna from heaven it's Jesus Christ it says he's the Living Word and we got to eat it up and that's what transforms our lives and that's what helps us to put the old man down that flesh but I'll tell you this if we're not reading a brain do that old man will come alive I was with one of my friend I was talking to one of my friends the other day and you know he was just kind of struggling because when he said he gave us he's like man I just feel like I kind of fell away a little but not not walked away from God but just kind of like not where he was I said well wait what when you first got say what were you doing he's all dude so God read like six seven days a week going to church and fellowship pray and I go okay I go so wait are you reading out as a no I have you read lately no not really go that's well high right they said yeah that's right I'm like yeah it's so simple is it was right simple you read I told him look dude go back to the basics get the New Testament and just start reading through it right and you know he travels a lot he travels a lot so you know it's hard for him to get into church but I said just read fine you know if you like listened to my studies go to my website or if you want to listen to who ever watch the Bible studies when you get a chance to read and pray and I go if you just do those basics I go you're late you guys come transform he texts me I go when I hang up go read go pray and hit me up later he ends up texting when I draw and he's like dude I already feel lighter like it's like that attorney you know he doesn't feel this burden anymore right Jesus said my yoke is easy my burden is light come to me all you are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest for your soul if you're tuning in right now this is live with Ryan Reese we had to spend kicking around just a lot of subjects there's a lot of stuff in our culture lately that I know maybe a lot of things that you're wrestling with and we're also talking about just the work of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the one that will give us victory in our lines if you want to call them maybe have a question maybe you're dealing with something strong and struggling with something maybe something's going on your family you want to call an eight eight eight five six four six one seven three we're gonna go ahead and take four go ahead and Andy you're on the phone this is live how you doing doing good man what's your question my question is like how how is it that we could like protect our something like our kids like using like you know the whole poor situation like now I mean when I was younger it was it was hard to get a hold of some sort of porn yeah now the kids have it like instantly it's like there's no limit and there's like parents like they let them have these phones and it's like from elementary there we have phones and it's like how do we you know they stopped this and kids having stoned I guess such a young age I mean like before the the most biggest thing that came was LimeWire like you guys know the line where I've heard that or if I knew that I've heard that oh yeah what you're saying though is okay so like for instance even Instagram even Instagram I have people that follow me and you know you can kind of look through and see who's following you and there's literally people that are like they're not real profiles they're actually porn site that actually like you and then you go to their site you you see who it is and then in their link you'll say hey I'm so Natasha or whatever and then click on the link below I never clicked on the link below but I can imagine where that links going oh yeah I see those all the times if there's like a trippy name like that I just block yeah yeah yeah but that's what I'm saying like it's everywhere yeah exactly it's everywhere it is and yeah I'd like to encourage you to you know if you do have small children that do have internet or and iPad and iPhone whatever it is is that you need to be involved you need to be looking at their phone looking at their iPad what they're looking at on iPads you can put a parental thing on it to block those kind of things and maybe it's a matter of them not having internet whatever it takes to keep them from you know seeing things that they shouldn't see and having open conversations about it hey you know what it's things like this pop up it's wrong and don't look at it why because the Bible you want to be pure you want to make sure that you're appear before the Lord and so it's a matter of being involved you have to know what your children are looking at you have to know what they're doing you have to know who their friends are and all that kind of stuff to safeguard them from the things of this world I think that that's the key Andy we're gonna go and grab a couple more calls dude I hope that helped you out honestly that that is so true it's you have to be involved communication is growing up my parents everything was open I don't hang with your kids I mean we have a nine year old here right now you're nine right yeah nine year old here at the table but they know they hear everything you talk about it openly then it's then they're not hearing from their kid at school right what something is right hey one one simple verse before we take that next call is this Psalm 101 verse three I will set nothing wicked before mines I love that somebody told me that to have that I will set nothing wicked before mines something that really teach your children as well exactly it's true yeah I mean it's the but this is this is the this is the reality yep this is the reality is some you have to be in communication with your kids because they're seeing it thanks for their friends yeah their friend that doesn't have the pair that's communicating I'm gonna show them right I'm terrified now like my device you know what's gonna be around then right exactly virtual reality it's like crazy mm-hm what um which one would you guys like to grab we got a lot coming in right now so we're gonna gonna grab this one I don't know what's going on now do you hear that ringing yeah yeah that's not coming through yeah for some reason we're gonna have to call the big guns in and have I been coming here for a second fun CD do three I'm trying to click on I don't wanna drop it let's see here we go it's coming William William hello are you doing good thank you we'll be right now I'm talking to you guys right now what's your question tonight William well it's a lot of questions about dating you know being working with the lower for two years now and in July and I'm being doing my reading researching but I need more opinions you know like what is like you know like the best wise way to data person you know I'm saying like like have people telling me go on an group's first or you know right unison I'm saying I just don't want to do things the same way I was you know bark down on the word in the word yeah so yeah yeah absolutely dude last week if you go to if you go to my website Ryan - Reese calm when we hang up okay our last show was it last week with their baby one we did a whole show on dating it's even up on YouTube - but well this will give you a short version of it pretty much you probably came from a lifestyle like us where you didn't do it God's Way the first way and then you gave your life to God and now you you know you want to do it right so right being in groups absolutely positively because I'll tell you this your week where I thought I was the strongest when I was around my wife that was gorgeous I realized I was the weakest man out there and me hanging out with her in groups was the best decision and then just kind of you know it's good just to kind of hang out as friends first but then just kind of wait on to God because you don't want to waste any time dating and dating today just wait on God and God will prepare that person that he has for you and he's gonna prepare you right now you're a new Christian he's gonna build you up you're gonna read you're gonna pray you're gonna learn about him and he's gonna he's gonna chip away things that he doesn't want in your life he's gonna add new things new gifts that he has for you and he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna get you right where he wants you and then he's gonna bring that partner that he created for you to you but I don't think there's I mean there's nothing absolutely wrong with going out and hanging out no in in groups I mean that's that's safe you want to you want to play it safe you don't want to get caught up in a situation where you end up doing what you did before you are a Christian you know mm-hmm like you know like going out I wanna want with a person there's nothing wrong with that but I don't think that no basically there's nothing wrong with that right no you could go out hang out but you just do you trust yourself Ben I don't trust myself Ronit hanging out with some girl that I think is firing hot you know yeah I don't I do I go out with accountability because I don't trust myself that's why I did that because we're human were 4-week and if you think this girl is fine and here out with her on a date and she maybe doesn't have you know deep roots and christianity and she you know she tries making out with you and and you know it could get heated yeah bro no what happens after that so and on the court you know obviously the main deal willing man you pray you pray for God to bring you that right woman and then when it starts entering into that relationship you got to realize you are investing in your relationship been dating and preparation for marriage almonds and so you want to show respect you want to show a men that that is walking and truth and like Ryan was saying the reality of this is we're gonna be tempted a lot of ways and when some tation comes you have to be led by God's Spirit didn't see that Torv escaping like you know I got a bound right now yeah a little sketchy and you got to go out that door because those kind of things will hinder you in the relationship that you probably desire you don't want to go back into the Owens it was Joseph right yeah that's not part of his life tried attacking him and he was young he was in his prime Potiphar's wife was a eunuch that means you could even sleep with his wife even if you wanted to and she was all about him Joseph and literally she grabbed his clothes and he like ran out because he loved the Lord and he did not want to put himself in that situation he literally opened the door and ran out of the place naked yeah and you know you don't wanna be in that situation exactly laughter you got to do it all right thanks a lot Williams for calling in from Miami man thank you awesome right on well uh yeah so we got it we got some more phone calls coming I think we have a couple minutes left yeah just about three minutes I think well that's um because we can grab this one this one's ready to go what three minutes left cool Ryan from Colton California how you doing sir good we got about two minutes left I think so what's your question today um I tried to get in with y'all last week and there's a relationship issue I'm married I married a Catholic girl and I'm Christian and it is not equally yoked and has been in this trouble for five years and I just pray I'm gonna keep praying to keep praying that the Holy Spirit will do the work cause she's the only one I can I can't and she's talking about divorce we had two baby girls and it's breakin heart has beating me up pretty good yeah Ryan I would stop good good keep going he's more she's more traditional I'm just it's been tough yeah you know I'm not trying to bash any religion I might you know why I met a lot of I've met actually I've met a few Catholics now that have the Holy Ghost in them but then there's a lot that they're just go with the religious side if they don't have the Holy Spirit encounter just like there's Christian they say they're Christians that don't have the Holy Spirit encounter so we're not bashing anyone we're just talking about there's no relationship yeah relationship exactly the tree there tree they've got fruit in the trees yeah right we got we got one minute less all that Shawn close the deal here I will say oh yeah we're not done yet all right come on okay no we'll be praying for you too Ryan but I will say this I'm just gonna give you a couple words of encouragement number one are you to divorce no if your wife is talking about it and all that stuff you stand your ground you stand your ground you stand your ground you be an example of Christ you make her thirst for what you have that what's the most important thing the Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 that if the woman is not obeying the Lord or the man's on obeying the Lord you by the way you live your life you draw them and you influence your children you let them see that you're a man walking by the Spirit of God and you will see God your work in the in your life if she wants to reject that and she goes things thinking things into your own hands that's gonna be on her and you deal with that as time goes on but you stand your ground walking with the Lord and put him first in your life and he'll honor that all right till next week and thank you very much Ryan peace this has been live with Ryan race to connect or find out more about riots click on Ryan - Reese comm check us out next Saturday at 9:00 p.m. for live with Ryan Reese
Channel: Ryan Ries
Views: 3,065
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Id: nQ4CYRoc_ik
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Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2016
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