Ryan & Garid Beeler / Answering Listeners Questions

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the ryan reese show from southern california this is the ryan reese show post your questions using ryan reese on his instagram twitter or facebook are you ready well i cannot believe it all of you guys that have been listening to this show for the last six years i want to thank you guys for tuning in it is crazy uh deloitte one of our techs in the back told me last week that this show has been on the air for six years that means i'm extremely old and what's also crazy is i have garrett beeler back in studio you know him from calvary chapel costa mesa monday night live he was teaching there for how many years was it it was about nine years year really old because that was a long time ago that was a long time ago i know i've been our church just turned seven so i started there 16 years ago vision church vision city church yeah and irvine that's right yeah you've been doing a great job what a great job wow well done no i'm stoked god's uh god's been doing awesome things and we just got picked up on three more stations so god's just he's opening it up and it's cool to have awesome guests on like you and have sean in the studio and then all of you know musicians and artists and we've had several pastors from here uh calvary pastors as well just uh bringing the gospel so it's been epic but i got news for you i and i didn't want to talk to you before the show but we are coming to your church tomorrow me my wife triplets my son asher what time does it start 10 30 in the morning we will be there right in the park yeah we do an outside festival style church and uh it's been great we have great weather lined up for tomorrow too so great great day to stop by we were going to come last week but i don't know what happened but we're coming and i think we're actually we're going to bring uh crystal's dad he's gonna start coming to church with us there great so look forward to we're we're excited because we've been looking for a new church to go to that has child care you know and you need child care we have to yeah well because you know we were going down to john randalls and they're doing their meeting on sunday mornings in the um san clemente uh outlets the outlets yeah but dude my kids running around uh uh a parking lot and they love the outlets you know because every time we go there it's like for the unicorn party or some other you know event or z pizza oh yeah so that's a great it's a great spot yeah so anyway they'll get distracted and i'm not trying to watch kids i'm trying to get fed yeah well you know what everyone's trying to you know make the best of a difficult situation you know but we're really fortunate we got a great outdoor area and because we have such a large space to work with it's uh great to have child care you know provided for you know parents to be able to have a you know 45 minute break dude yeah because you need that time to just to to just sit down and focus you know and hear really i know i know ruth ruth and i were just talking about it because we have four kids you know and so when i'm up there teaching ruth is the one taking care of the kids and she's like you know it's really important for me to actually go to church when i'm at church and so you know my my parents will hop in my sister you know some close friends to try to give give her a break but you're absolutely right it's really challenging when you have little kids to try to go to church and it's for like because i'm i'm able to study more obviously but for crystal gotta get her somewhere and i'm like pick where wherever you want to go she loves listening to john randall she loves listening to you and i'm like all right let's uh i don't really care for either one of them but you know whatever you want to do yeah yeah no it's great i love it i love both of you guys well that's great i look forward to seeing you guys there tomorrow sick hey um it is also uh ironic that when i first got saved i was starting to you know listen about like i was going to monday night study you were like the pastor that i was listening to every week and i was growing and it's so funny because the last time you were on the show you were saying that you were starting a series um on john the baptist right and it's the he must increase i almost decreased series and it's so interesting that um i've been going through it and literally i texted you the other day but you know everything that i've been going through over the last six months and the listeners that have been hearing i've been going through this like crazy storm this wilderness experience of whatever god's doing in my life but going when i started going through this series i'm literally putting it and my mouth is dropping i'm literally like this guy did this bible study like sometimes when you go to church they're like oh my gosh that pastor like he nailed a couple things literally everything in the bible study that's you're speaking in every single bible study i'm it's like it's it's speaking to me about certain things in my life or it's confirming and it's just it's like you did the whole series for me and i'm on c number four right now so thank you for doing that for me yeah hey you got three you got three left you got four five and six it's a six part series wow that's great i'm hooked well you know it's probably because you're so much like john the baptist in the way you look and the way you communicate uh that it just is uh apropos for you but you have the beard [Laughter] yeah no that's great that's awesome right here i'm really pumped but i just think it's ironic that uh here i am again now we're back because you know god uses what i've learned is and you know um god uses different people to speak in your life at certain times sure as pastors and different people you listen to on the radio you know greg laurie was really hitting it for a while with me when i was um doing a lot of stretching and stuff uh and you know like i do stretching and weights in the morning before i go skate but um and then jeff johnson god was using jeff johnson for a while it's all through k you know i'm listening to k-waves so it's like every 30 minutes bam bam bam yeah you got a great lineup of teachers and i think that the word of god because it's living it's powerful it's led by the holy spirit that it can meet you exactly where you're at in a place that maybe nobody else would ever know that you're there but god you know exactly it's really cool how god transcends all of that and is so concerned with every little detail of our life to to take that time that we give to him to really minister to us and so that's that's pretty cool that's that work of the holy spirit and before we start taking questions i am going to say your brother too your brother's also on the station yes and god i was listening to him he turned out i'm like there's little dealer so i started listening and it was like bang bang dude he was just hitting it and i'm like oh he spoke to me that's awesome yeah you know what little beeler's not little beeler in him he's not dude he's big beeline i know he got all buff so big he's he's bigger than i am are you serious yeah he he's totally yoked out so he's not baby brother beeler anymore i think he's bigger than both of his older brothers can he take you i'm like can i say that no [Laughter] i stole his older brother always okay so check it out we're gonna we're gonna take a bunch of calls tonight that's just we're gonna open up the phone lines but um i want to give out the number right now it is uh triple eight five six four six one seven three triple eight five six four six one seven three so we're gonna be taking questions on anything tonight it's all good call us uh now and uh present your questions so i got a phone call from a nine-year-old the other day it was uh the it was the the girlfriend of the boyfriend it was the boyfriend's nine-year-old and got on the phone with me and asked me a question and i want to ask you the questions just so you can get the the juices flowing in this studio so she said if if god is all-powerful then why is there all the the cancer and people getting hurt as in you know whatever like you know it could be like with with you know crime and all the like all this like evil if there is a god that is all powerful why is there so much evil in the world yeah you know i i heard somebody answer this question who is very very intellectual very spiritual guy and he he narrowed it down to man's free will to man's choice and that ultimately was an act of of man being able to choose for himself who he would have relationships with how he would conduct himself and he went on to communicate how it was a matter of love and if god is actually searching for relationship with his creation and if we as individuals have the ability to make our own choices we're not robots we god's not looking for a robotic relationship i know when we met our wives you know we wanted them to love us because that was their choice not because we forced them into it or because they lost a bet or because they were some type of robot and that they would you know do everything that we asked them to do and that they would say that they loved us and treat us a certain way because we had control over them it was actually something that they chose and that's what made it so special and so when god created man he gave him the ability to make choices uh when god created man he gave them uh gave him the ability to to make decisions for himself and consequently you know the consequences of that meant that you would either choose to do that which was right or you would choose to do that which was wrong and so when you go back to the very first man that was created adam and paul talks about this in romans as well you know god yes is all-powerful but man has a as a freedom to choose and when man chose to sin against god sin entered this world and the consequences of that sin and because god gave man that ability it also he also gave him the responsibility of having to deal with the consequences for his actions and so when you look at the evil that's in the world today this isn't the way that god created the world to be when you look at the terrible diseases and people dying at early ages and people doing terrible things you're you're actually looking at a perverted sinful lifestyle of choices that are being that are being carried out in a way that that's terrible and so which is sick which is which is sin and so what is happening though the good news though is that because god loved the world so much he sent his only son jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world so that through faith in jesus you might be saved from your sins so the consequences of one man's actions you know like you send athletes out to the olympic games and that one individual athlete represents an entire nation and so too adam represented this entire team called mankind and through one man's loss they all lost and so now we're reaping the the the terrible fruits of that and so god is all-powerful god created the world to be perfect he created man to live in perfect harmony with him but he also gave man the freedom to choose and so man chose to sin and then had to bear the burden of that and that's why jesus had to come and pay the price for the sins of the world so that he might bring his creation back to him and that when this earth passes away there'll be a new heaven there'll be a new earth free from the cancers free from the diseases free from the covid's free from the death you'll see what life was meant to be and that's what we look forward to and only an almighty god can make that happen and with that said in genesis it says that adam who you're referring to says that he walked with god god originally created us creating mankind to have fellowship like they walked they talked they were together so there was there was open communication together until the the the decision that was made in the garden because of free will and thank god for free will because we don't want it who wants to be told what to do who wants to be a robot because then if if we're all robots then we'd be like well how come god and give us free will you know and it's all about free will and it's you choose whether you want to love god or you don't you choose if you want to go live your life and do whatever you want to do or you want to be connected to the creator of the universe and have a relationship and be forgiven and have your name written in the book of life and have eternity like you said so when you die one day you you live basically because you don't ever die you just your soul never dies your spirit yeah and i think the hard thing is is that people want to live however they would like to live and they want to do whatever they want to do but they don't necessarily want the consequences of those actions and that's a thing so you know god created man like you said to walk with him he gave he gave us his commandments he gave us directives in the scriptures of how we might live pure and holy before him how we might live in communion with god so we have that given to us and then it's our choice to be able to either do it god's way or to do it our way but the bible says that the wages of sin is death yeah and there's no way around it and and so as much as we'd like to say oh there's an almighty god out there and there's evil in this world well you're looking at people choosing to do what is wrong and they will all give an account to god every one of us will stand before the lord and give an account for every action that we have ever done those people that you thought got off the hook they're not off the hook god sees all things he knows all things and everyone will be judged according to their deeds and so you either stand before god and jesus will say he's mine he's been forgiven or you'll stand before god and you'll have no defense and you'll pay the price for that and when you're walking you know it's it's it's not so glamorous as it looks when you're not walking with the lord with you know when you don't have a relationship with jesus because you're living in sin which sin just means you know you're missing the mark it's like if you're gonna you know get a gun and shoot it at the you know the bull's eye and you're you keep making you keep hitting it off a little bit to the right or whatever you're missing the bullseye you're missing the mark perfection you're missing perfection right and what's going on is that when you live that life in sin whatever it be i mean you don't have to be like a crazy like i'm do a cocaine every night in strippers you know what i mean but like if you're just like not walking with god and your little white lies to come up in the in the in the um in the uh uh like in your business you know or you're overcharging the insurance company with this all these little things that don't seem like this big stuff that still lies you're still cheating all these things these are all sins and what happens is when you live this life of sin whether you're like a crazy like a crazy dirty center the way i used to be really bad or you're just kind of like a white lie you know doing your thing at the end of the day there's still guilt there's still shame there's still stuff that comes along with that that you carry and you're it's not glamorous at all you're you're always going to have that in the back of your head because the holy spirit's always drawing man to himself so he's always the job of the holy spirit is to convict the world of sin right so that's the whole thing is you don't even if you're not walking with god you have free choice to do whatever you want go with god or go without god but even if you're living a life right now without god even if you get rich you make tons of money you're still going to be empty you're still going to have no hope you're you don't know where you go when you die that's the probably the scariest part like me i have so much insurance with my family because if something goes wrong with business something goes wrong with my car i want insurance and people it's really crazy how people could get so blinded and i was one of them big time that you're so blinded by sin because we know the sin the wages of sin is death but it's not only death like you're going to die from but eternally death like you will go to hell and it talks about hell in the bible there's the gnashing of teeth the fire hell is made for the demons and people just go out and live every single day and again i'm guilty as charged blinded by the enemy living thinking that they're gonna you know they're gonna live for you know that they're never gonna die but what happens is they have no insurance on eternal life and that's what a relationship with jesus christ is that he came on came out of the eternity died on the cross forgave mankind by us believing in him he writes our name in the book of life and as long as we abide in christ as long as we are connected to the vine and we produce good fruit then our name is written in the book of life but i want to ask you a question now that we're talking about this yeah so what if someone right now is listening on the radio and they go all right well you know once they've always saved like i gave my life to jesus before but yeah i can i guess to hear this the better question for the listeners once you give your life to jesus christ are you always saved or is there a possibility of not being saved yeah that's a great question and a lot of people ask that you know it's a very very popular question where here here's the bottom line you know usually i'll i'll have somebody come and and talk to me and say hey you know i gave my life to jesus but i'm scared i don't know if i'm really saved yeah and and they're they're freaked out about it you know they're really troubled and so i'll ask am i like well did you profess to jesus as your lord and savior like did you ask jesus to to fill you and and to be in charge of your life well yes yes yes and i say well okay well do you do you uh do you have a desire to go to heaven yeah man that's why i'm all troubled about this you know and then i said thirdly i i would ask them and i would say well do you have a desire to please the lord yes yeah man i want to please the lord i want to do what's right that's why i'm so just you know upset about this you know i want to make sure i am going to heaven and so you know based upon the people that i've spoken to and even a person that comes to me concerned about their salvation i i would have to say you know from my perspective i believe that you're saved and this is why number one you profess that jesus is is lord that that's scriptural number two you have a desire to please the lord somebody that's not a christian is going to care less about you know pleasing god and living their life for the lord so that's something you have that's something that the holy spirit gives you you know and thirdly like you know i think this is what kind of brings it all about you want to go to heaven i want to please the lord and i put my faith in jesus i said okay great then i think you can rest assured keep going forward keep doing the best job that you can now there are people that will come and maybe a harvest crusade or people that have come on a monday night gave the life to lord maybe somebody comes to a you know an outreach that that you do and they give their life to the lord but you know as we were studying you know with the john the baptist serious they showed no signs of repentance and this is a key because somebody can go forward at an altar call or not event or at an event and you know raise their hand or whatever it might be but the key step is repentance which really just means to go in the complete opposite direction so instead of pursuing a life of sin you are now turning and pursuing a life of holiness and that's imperative like you cannot follow jesus while you are following your sinful ways that's why jesus said you deny yourself take up your cross and follow me you have to get off of the freeway and then get back on going on in the opposite direction and so somebody that would come and say hey you know i gave my life to jesus but they're living in sin uh they've never repented they are doing everything that a non-christian would do i would tell that person i would not be comfortable if i were you that's what i would tell them yeah yes because we know the stories like jesus says whosoever believe shall have everlasting life because all you have to do the simplicity of the gospel is you have to just believe by faith but you know what's so funny is it sounds so simple but that's like one of the hardest things to do sure oh because it's the full it's foolishness that the the scriptures talked about it's foolishness to the world that jesus came out of eternity to die on the cross for the sins of the world it sounds like foolishness but the hardest thing is to believe but also going back to john the baptist and that series that you're talking about he says like prove it by the way you live yeah prove that you've repented of your sins and that's that what you're talking about that's that supernatural work of the holy spirit that's in us that gives us those it produces the fruit produces desires right to go after christ to want our change to want to change um our ways right but i want to bring up this verse it says in leviticus 11 45 it says i am the lord who brought you up out of the land of egypt that i might be your god therefore be holy because i am holy now i love this verse because this is uh in the world that you and i are in where we're evangelists you know bible teacher evangelists um we're always reaching people we're trying to get them out of the world well here's the israelites in the land of egypt egypt represents the world you know i mean we think about that's where witchcraft came from i mean it was it was crazy over there they were in bondage in egypt to the world god said hey i'm going to take you to land of milk and honey we gotta go right he he brings them out but in the middle of that that time of them going to the wilderness i'm going to the promised land they kept looking back oh man it was so amazing in egypt and basically what what god's saying here is is like hey i'm the one that brought you up out of the world like me he brian i brought you up out of the land i brought you up out of slavery you were bondage to pornography you were bondage to drugs and alcohol you were bondage to sex you were in bondage to i mean i mean anger bitterness like just all that stuff you were in bondage so now i brought you out don't look back but now you must be holy as i am holy basically don't go back the problems talks about don't be like the doc like the dog goes back to its vomit so the fool repeats his foolishness so for us if we give our life to christ true repentance proving is the way you live and it's not the way you live outwardly it's the way that you live out in the streets and the way you live back at home behind closed doors right you know what i'm saying that's right because it's not like jesus is just in the streets yeah like he's there in your room yep he's there everywhere you go he's there when when you're turning on your computer late at night and doing your thing yeah no absolutely and i think if you know for those that are listening tonight and maybe they've they've uh tripped up or maybe maybe you you've you know fallen into sin somehow i want you to know that this is for you especially that god saw every mistake you'd ever make before you were even born and he still sent his own son jesus to die on the cross for you and now is not the time to wallow in your sin now is not the time to come under the condemnation of satan because satan satan likes it both ways honestly he'll he'll try to lure you into sin and then once you sin he'll say how could you do that god god's you know angry at you now yeah and so i i want you to know that jesus is reaching out to you tonight there is now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus so don't continue living after the lust of the flesh confess your sins to god and he'll be faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness because we're not we're not perfected yet i mean we're we we all make mistakes but the issue is this if you are calling yourself a christian and you're living in habitual sin that is a problem and i i don't i don't mean to burst your bubble but maybe it needs bursting like you you you need to understand that if you're living in habitual sin and you're doing things that are against god and it's not just the one-off oh i lost my temper or or i made a mistake but this is your lifestyle then you're not in a good place you need to remove yourself from that place you need to repent from your sin and you need to pursue the lord with all of your heart and he'll honor you for honoring him repenting is a great thing i love it you asked for forgiveness with the blood that was shot on the cross your wash white is snow you have insurance so if you take your last breath it's it's all good and not only that god wants to give you your marching orders he wants to direct you in life he wants to give you peace he wants to give you rest he wants to give you purpose this is the communication the relationship that he desires but we're not robots so you have free will and you go after it um we are we have a couple calls i'm gonna go ahead and how many minutes do we have left before break we got four and a half minutes here okay let's go and grab this call from uh let's go and grab this from terry in hemet california terry how you doing tonight what is your question hello hey how you doing what what's your question tonight sorry i i'm up here in the mountains somebody just dropped dumped some stuff out here by me um about my property um i was just calling in because i'm just having i'm just having a lot of heartache with my kids just not walking right with the lord and not um just being in the world and you know it's just really it's just really heartbreaking for this mom here and i know that other parents have dealt with this and and i'm supposed to continue praying and i do and it's just very it's hard i'm gonna let garrett jump in yeah hi terry i it in one of the one of the hardest things to to deal with is is watching somebody that you care about heading down a path that is destructive you know i know a lot of parents that have have wept over their children and that their heart breaks just because you know what god's word says you know the things that are coming down the pike for those that want to live rebellious against the lord and it's so hard you know to watch that happen and and it's heartbreaking i think especially as a mom but i i want you to know that your prayers are heard by the lord and i can't tell you i just want to encourage you because it even happened in my own family where you know one of my my siblings had walked away from the lord for 10 years and my parents prayed for him over and over and over again and for every day just prayed and prayed and prayed he was his own man he needed to make his own decisions he needed to have his own relationship with the lord he couldn't have it vicariously through his parents or his family members he needed to have it on his own and though he was raised in the same house he he went off the rails but you know the amazing miraculous thing that took place was that all of those prayers all those tears that were shed the lord heard them the lord saw them and we we are so so pleased that that my brother came back to the lord uh he he he's walking with the lord today he's married he has three beautiful kids he's the spiritual leader of his home and there was just a real real time in his life that he was in a bad place but the lord redeemed it and so i just want to encourage you every time you start to feel overwhelmed and you feel feel saddened bring it to the lord because the lord cares about your children even more than you do and his heart breaks for his kids that are hurting and i know that if you keep praying and if you keep being that witness and keep encouraging your kids that the word of god will never return void and you're going to see great things happen in the future and we'll pray for that as well awesome thank you can i have the name of that church that you leave and what city yeah it's in irvine it's called vision city church and it's visioncitychurch.com if you'd like to get more info on it all right awesome right on tomorrow at 10 30 sunday morning we'll be there partying with uh the family come down come on come on all right we're going to be taking uh more questions right after break i do want to plug the kill the noise book i have a book coming out check out amazon target walmart barnes and noble's all all your spots where you buy books it's out you can pre-order it now it's going to teach you how to kill the noise repent find that purpose be filled with the spirit and live that life you're created for we are also booking the uh the whosoever's mega tour across the united states hit us up at the whosoever.com we are going to be taking the united states by storm with the gospel of christ john the baptist style hit us up we love you guys talk to you in two minutes right after the break [Music] [Music] more of the ryan reese show coming up post your questions at ryan reese on his instagram twitter and or facebook [Music] now back back to the ryan reese show all right we're doing this tonight with garrett beeler he's the pastor of vision church irvine and they do sunday morning services at 10 30 and we're going to be there partying tomorrow i'm looking forward to it great first half of the show ryan awesome hey thanks for uh coming on it's always epic when you're here and it's your six-year anniversary of doing the show i can't believe it man look at that gray hair it's flowing gosh long gray hairs look at this [Laughter] all right um let me give the number out because uh we need to get some more calls in here triple eight five six four six one seven three triple eight five six four six one seven three we wanna take your guys's calls um we have a couple calls lined up let's go ahead and grab this one right here we got ryan from san diego what up man how you doing hey doing good how are you guys awesome man what's your question tonight man if i don't remember oh um it's like oh is it better to be is it better to think that i want to be like jesus you know what i mean like or is it like better to just be myself you know what i'm saying does that make sense yeah yeah it does like you're basically how should you live your life right well when you when you read the bible god gives us the he just gives us the way to live he teaches us how to live and jesus came we were talking about before the break he came to planet earth and he went to show people what it was to live your life with a relationship with god all the examples are in there the prayer the fasting the how he dealt with mankind how he dealt with dead religion how he dealt with the poor and you know it's everything's there yes jesus is the standard he is pr he's perfection he's perfect he is uh he is the model because if you try to if you try to just be yourself you know who got yourself it's like that whole saying um the self-help books who got you in uh and problems in the first place it's yourself you know it's myself for sure but um yeah and i think you know what i'll just speak into this look at this is the deal when you when you're reading the bible and you're having that relationship with god and you you're having the interest of me like you really want to know him he starts changing those desires of your of your of the past ways and he shows you who you really are he shows you who your real identity is and that's where you find security and that's where the self-doubt leaves and that's where all the confusion of the things of the world and i'm not saying that you're going to turn into this little this weirdo christian guy no that's not it you're going to be more of who you are because jesus created you in it for a specific plan here on earth and all those desires and all those you know wants as in and not like those things that you love in your life he put those desires in there and he wants to develop them and he wants to grow them but it all comes through a relationship with christ reading the word of god and then what happens is through the living water the holy spirit you grow in the faith and that's that's basically how you need to roll yeah absolutely and ryan just to hop in there real quick too it's a good question though because god created you uh in such a unique way the best version of you is going to be found by following jesus so the best version of you is going to be submitting your life to jesus and so you know in kind of a different angle angled approach of answering your question god created you to know him god created you to be victorious over the lusts of the flesh he created you to live holy as as as he is holy as ryan read uh just a few moments ago and so i would just encourage you that your personality and who god created you to be will reach its peak following jesus so you keep seeking jesus first his kingdom his righteousness knowing that all these other things shall be added unto you and then you'll you'll be set man right on and i do i do want to plug this in my new book that's coming out kill the noise i have a chapter called identity crisis and identity crisis is the the transformation from the old man to the new man and it basically breaks down of like you know to be christ-like and what that transition looks like and the things of the old that are still hunting you and pulling you in but then you're you're looking at that new spirit-led life and you're you're kind of in the middle and you're trying to figure out you know am i becoming corny or i want to be you know who i don't want to become a cornball christian i want to be i want to be christ-like and what's interesting as we're talking about this garrett you know about the whole christ like like look at jesus for a minute dude he was radical i mean he went in and he went to the temples and he taught the scriptures right he broke up with the scriptures and that's we have to be men and women of the word of god then he would go through the it says he would go from town to town village to village and who knows what you're going to run into i was in venice beach earlier today for outreach dude talking about freak show just crazy like anything goes there right anyway so here's jesus and i was talking to one of the guys that was doing the outreach i said jesus went from town to town in city to city you don't know what you're going to run into in the cities but it shows that jesus would be in the big in the big cities in jerusalem then he'd be out in the the sea of the gentiles from town to town city to city casting out demons i mean dude how the the demoniac like that was a gnarly scene in the bible but then you see him breaking bread you know with matthew and them and all these notorious sinners it talks about in the scriptures there's many of these notorious centers around jesus then he has the girl mary magdalene that had like seven demons in her like what the heck was she into i mean jesus's character yeah was i mean the more you learn about him you really you're going to have an edge oh yeah you know he's not this like soft like he was soft in those moments like when that woman came up to him and and this the pharisees the religious people were like look at we caught her in adultery the act of adultery but he was soft in that moment and just showed there his grace and mercy but then he was radical to all the religious guys yeah he was the perfect balance yeah compassion where compassion was needed and you know serious when seriousness was needed and you know he loved the children he loved the children coming to him and hearing from him yeah he's breaking bread and you know speaking to the multitudes down in the hillside so i think with jesus what we see today is that he can meet you wherever you're at and it doesn't matter what you're into or how far gone you may be jesus is still there for you and and i think that's one of the most amazing things and that's that's why we want to be like jesus we want the heart of god and when you when you when you just watch the model because he is the model when we watch the model of the way he lived his life and if you actually pursued what you read on the scriptures like i just i just have that kind of like child like faith like i read the bible and i'm like okay you can do that i believe that that's what he did so that's my model like that's how i live my life when i'm in the streets at starbucks gas station meeting with people if i see someone in need or if i'm out doing evangelism or whatever i'm always doing evangelists wherever i go but um the models when you're following jesus's way the way he lit he lived your life will be exciting and you're going to find your identity and you're going to be secure in it and you're not going to be looking at the things of the world he is the model and he is the way so he's just go read the scriptures and you're gonna you're gonna be just like he'd be just like him that's the model all right let's uh go ahead and grab this next one we got jason here in hemet california what's up jason good evening guys i i have a pretty good question for you so i i work with one of my co-workers he's a he's a pretty big proponent to uh what i believe in such as anything orthodox christianity and his biggest thing that he always tells me about he skips over the the creation argument and all that and his biggest thing that keeps him from believing is the fact that there's different ethnicities and he says if we have a common ancestor how could we possibly have different ethnicities and such so i try to explain to him how adam and eve and how they had many children and such so i was curious by the time of noah by the time of the flood do you think that noah's children had like maybe some of their spouses were different ethnicity or they were all the same and where did these ethnicities and not necessarily races because we're all the human race but where do these ethnicities come from that's a good question yeah no that is a great great question just to hop in well we know that noah and his family repopulated the earth and so that's what the scriptures tell us from history um adam as you know he had all the dna uh of all of mankind uh you know within him uh and and if you're if your friend is gonna go back to you know okay what about ethnicities according to what the bible says it just says that noah and his family repopulated uh the the earth and so we are led to believe that each of those three sons hamsham and japheth uh were the fathers of what we what we see today as as the different races and obviously as as people gather together in different areas and congregate in different areas and travel to different areas around around the country and around the world rather you know you would start to see certain traditions you would start to see certain ways of life you would start to see certain architecture and arts and music and things that would be unique to that to that area but there's really not a complicated answer to it you know it's just what we know from the scriptures is that those three sons were the ones that ended up repopulating the earth and so that would lead us to believe that what was within them as uh as as they had children uh led to the different ethnicities that we see today you know i was thinking about thank you jason i was thinking about um tower of babel when all that happened all the different languages and everyone kind of uh dispersed into different areas of the united states i mean in the united states of the of the continents of the world all right let's go ahead and grab uh we have al out of rancho cucamonga california what is good al what's your question tonight hey pastors how you doing gentlemen thank you for taking my call i'm um kind of at odds right now i'm you know i been out on the streets driving all day my wife dropped a bomb on me after 42 years and my heart's broken and i don't know you know we go to we go to church well since the colbert thing we we've been watching it online and uh you know we pray every night we read the bible every day we're going through the bible and we reference and we do all that and i'm i'm very very confused as to why this is all going on and i just don't know what to do guys i i'm you know i'm parked in my driveway right now here uh i'm i'm at odds i i don't know why or where or what's going on so i just i'm calling for prayer for my marriage basically that but this storm would end let me i'm going to pray for you um i've been on several phone calls recently and you know we know that during the the pandemic it shut everything down and everyone got grounded at home and when you're on the run when there's issues and i'm not saying i'm not talking about you and your wife or whatever but just when there's issues in relationships and you're on the grind you're working you're going to work every day and she's doing her thing with the kids and she's going to sports or i don't know whatever you know people do and all of a sudden the pandemic hits and you put these people together these people that are married and also it's like you have to face the music if whatever like past doubt or past pain or stuff that never got resolved else and it all kind of just comes up and and there's all these feelings and all the stuff that's happening because they're people aren't basically caught up in all the noise of life and busy so they actually have to face what's what's really going on in the relationship and this is what i've heard and again this isn't i i don't know anything about you al i'm just talking about in general of conversations i've had with several people that are married and they're they're thinking about separation they're uh thinking about divorce um i've heard this over and over and over and all i know is that you know prayer is is powerful and we have to know that god's in control and you literally have to give it to god and pray that he has his way between you and your wife again i don't know anything about you so i mean this is probably like a this is like a sit-down counseling meeting to to find out more but i'm going to pray for you now and your wife what uh actually don't give me her name all right in jesus name i pray for al and his wife we don't know what's going on but you know every single detail that's going on what is causing this and what um is happening currently in this situation but i pray in the name of jesus i plead the blood of jesus on this relationship got that god that you will intervene and that you will bring unity wherever there is fogginess uh you know where she maybe she's not thinking clear whatever is happening that is causing this division we just ask in jesus name that you just remove it and you bring clarity to the relationship god and that you bring unity and bring him back together lord and that you do it in your timing and during this time i pray in jesus name that you speak to al and her i don't know how you want to speak to her audibly through the word through dreams whatever you want to do lord get their attention give peace bring clarity to this whole situation in the mighty name of jesus christ amen we love you al okay hey um go uh i mean i don't know where you're at you're in rancho word calvary chapel dama bar up at my dad's church ralries contact them uh they they're open they're having people there you can go meet with someone and and get some counseling and some prayer please do that there's obviously no charge just get there call them and uh start with that and sunday tomorrow sunday so just go show up tomorrow there's plenty of passers there all right bro thank you all right brother see ya yeah you know the lord has a very uh special way in drawing his kids to himself and it's usually not until you have those crazy kind of times that you realize hey maybe i need to change something or maybe i have allowed things to slip too long but nothing is ever beyond the power of god to restore or to redeem and so maybe there's other people out there tonight ryan that may have marital problems they're feeling discouraged they're feeling bummed out they feel like they've blown it they have that sinking pit feeling in their stomachs you know i i think they need to know tonight that nothing is impossible for god that your marital problems are not too big for the lord and that if the lord has brought these things to your attention and maybe now things are starting to play themselves out in a way that you're not liking because maybe made some bad decisions maybe you neglected your relationship with the lord or whatever it might be if god has your attention right now then he wants you to seek him and to seek his will and to ask for his strength and his restoration and like ryan said i i think it's very important find a church in your area meet with a pastor have some good biblical marital counseling and let's see the good things that the lord can do this is definitely a an issue i it's i keep hearing it over and over i'm gonna give the number out we do have uh about 15 minutes left triple eight five six four six one seven three triple eight five six four six one seven three and if you're like me and you got 80d i'm gonna give the number out one more time triple h five six four six one seven three i remember i'd be listening to pastor's perspective they'd give the number out what was it couldn't they just say it one more time i do so good all right we got we got a phone number coming in so garrett uh what's another thing that is oh so let me tell you why this phone line's coming in so i went to uh went to venice beach it's been crazy because you know i told you i've been listening to john the baptist series and you know god's been really speaking me through it and i today i was i was at home and one of my friends text actually i had three different guys text me about this outreach in venice beach and god always works in threes with me so i got them at different times and i'm like what are you i'm like it doesn't make sense i got the radio tonight i'm not going all the way to venice beach that's like two hours from my house and i got another one another one it was three and then i'm like oh my gosh oh my god i guess you want me to go there i'm like this is stupid why am i going to venice beach like i need to just kick back and study and relax finish garrett's uh series of john the baptist sounds like a great idea anyway dude i'm driving up there and i'm going to drive up there and i pull off the freeway once and i'm like i'm not going and then i get back on the freeway and i pull off again twice and then i pull off the third time and i'm like i'm not going i'm late i forget this this is a stupid idea so then my uh my wife i called my wife crystal and she's like are you gonna go up there like no no i'm late this is stupid she's all just go so i'm like bird i just pin it so i go all the way to venice beach i get parking front road to the event thank god but uh i get there and i'm sitting there i'm just kind of talking all these they're all electron it's all like an edm event right there like they're just like you know doing it yeah and praying for people in the whole thing and um long story short i'm just kind of sitting there and this guy comes up to me and he's like hey where you from he's from huntington i guess and i'm telling him from down here and and then we start talking all sun dude he just gives me a prophetic word and i'm like literally it was like everything that god that's what i forgot to say everything that god was confirming through the verses the things through all your messages he basically like laid it out i've never met this guy in my life but he was like so check this out this is what god's showing me and i've never met him he's like blink bang bang bang and this verse and ding ding ding ding and this verse and i was like what the heck like god had me drive all the way up there for this moment just to confirm everything that was resonating with me through that series i love it but uh yeah that's how big god is he cares about the little details and he'll do the craziest things when you're obedient to him good on crystal tell your fish yeah she hasn't even heard the story yet because right when i got home i took a little a little nap before i came to the radio show i'm like i need like 20 minutes but what's crazy is god makes you do some crazy things sometimes i can't drive all the way to venice beach yeah and i was i wouldn't have gone if i would have got the one flyer but i had three different guys from three different parts of the united states that were spinning at this event here in venice beach anyway that's all spirit led and that's god does cool stuff i love the holy spirit i love how i know how he works all right here we go we got a holy spirit question coming in right now all right we got a call coming in from oceanside how you doing tonight so what is your question tonight because we have a few minutes left we want to get to it yeah no worries so um the holy ghost is something i've been praying for and i know it's something my pastor preaches all the time you know like pray for the holy ghost um you know he's like you need the holy ghost um you know if i if you don't have it make sure you're praying every night and i mean i i can say just being honest like i i you know i'm forgetful and i i don't pray every night as i should but um i guess what my question is what was your experience going through that and like when you received it like how how how much work or effort did you i mean not work or effort but did it take a long time for it to actually happen okay no that's a very good question so i'm just i'm just struggling and like feeling a little frustrated because okay i want to tell you a book to buy it's by chuck smith it it's called living water chuck smith living water it's a book on the holy ghost okay get that for sure i recommend everyone that book actually led my wife to the lord so amazing uh but listen so i when you give your life to jesus christ you receive the holy spirit he's in you right right but what think with the pastor's talk and so if you're a believer you have the holy spirit in you but what the pastor's talking about he's talking about the baptism of the holy spirit or the upon experience it's in acts 1 8 jesus the disciples they received the holy spirit because jesus blew on them they received the holy spirit but they didn't have the power because you look at peter and he was dropping the ball he's blowing it over and over three times right before when jesus was gonna get crucified they didn't have the power so he said before you go up and tear it up and live the great commission you need to go to jerusalem you need a post up you need to wait and when the holy spirit comes upon you when he gets when he baptizes you or when he feels you that upon experience that's when you receive that power that dunamis power for the for and that's when the gifts of the holy spirit will come because when you receive the power the person of the holy spirit then he starts manifesting the gifts in your life so i would have people go somewhere where there's pastors tell them to anoint you with oil and tell them to lay their hands on you and tell them that you want to receive the baptism of the holy spirit and when i got back or or just pray for it i i didn't even get baptized with the holy spirit from the laying on of hands i was actually at my friend michael guido's house and i was it was right it was like six months after i got saved and i was listening to some worship and and i was just listening to worship and dude i just felt this power of the holy spirit come upon me and it was so intense that literally i was like god stop like what the heck is this stop stop it it was so intense that i literally took my headphones off with worship and i put it down and i was like saying telling jesus to stop but that's not for everybody some have powerful encounters and some just receive it because jesus when you read the scriptures he works differently in different times you know in acts i think acts 22 or something it just says that he was speaking and the holy spirit fell upon them then in acts 1 8 they were just sitting there and the holy spirit fell upon them then there was other times when they put their hands on him and prayed for him and it says that they were filled with the holy spirit so there is different ways so for me i try i'll try everything lay your hands on me i'll pray for it i'll ask for it and god does it in his timing and he will send it so we have i don't know how many minutes we have left but i'm going to pray for you right now we have one minute in jesus name i pray for alma lord split the sky send your holy spirit baptizer with the fire and the power of the holy spirit you said if you ask anything in my name it will be done lord you said knock knock and the door will be open so in jesus name god i pray that you will baptize you with the holy spirit that she will literally encounter your presence and she will start operating in the power not only through the word reading the word but operating in the power of their spirit and with the gifts of the spirit god lord send it filler and holy spirit come upon her in jesus name amen amen we love you all right get that book living water by chuck smith all right i don't know i think we lost her but check it out guys we have 30 seconds left go to the whosoever.com book us for a tour grab the kill the noise book it's a tool to disciple you and to get you on the great commission garrett thank you hey good night god bless this has been the ryan reese show to connect and find out more about ryan click on ryan reese dot com check us out next saturday for the ryan reese show
Channel: Ryan Ries
Views: 559
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: bFpdBLDW3Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 52sec (3472 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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