Can You Beat Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary Without Jumping Or Up-Specials?

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Super Smash Bros Brawl was one of my favorite games as a kid because it included the Subspace Emissary an expansive adventure mode that featured most of the playable characters you journey across the world of trophies fighting enemies and bosses as you attempt to stop the evil Lord back tattoo from sending the world into the void normally too diverse the levels you are expected to jump but that sounds a little bit too casual for me what if I were to beat the entire Subspace Emissary without jumping now you might think whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a minute Andy Nathaniel scuttle bug frame perfect positioning jumplist bandy already completed this challenge why are you copying him simple I'm not a casual I don't know about you but since I was a kid I always saw up specials as jumps so for this run I'm going to try and complete the Subspace Emissary without using the jump button or up specials and trust me the run is way different and easier than if up specials were allowed before we begin it's important that I define the specifics of the run first off I'm not allowed any jumps that can be made using the jump button we can make sure of this by going into the game settings and changing all the buttons that are used to jump to do something else additionally I'm not allowed to use any up specials which laypeople may know is up these because I still wanted to be able to point my control stick up I just reset the stage anytime I accidentally used an up special instead of remapping my entire controller other jumps that were not allowed included wall jumps edge jumps glides floats and jumps that get a character out of water the most important thing I did allow was any other move a character can do to get themselves in the air which are usually the other specials I also allowed myself to launch from minecart slide launchers and from buried States all of which I called ejections as they do not require the jump button to exit them it may have been possible to avoid these but I was already too far in the run before I considered it a conflict of interest another important point that I need to make is that this was played on an emulator and I use safe space and I know I know that's pretty casual but I'm a casual smash player my skill level and smash is basically what you'd expect from someone who loved the game and beat all his neighborhood friends but the second anyone with knowledge of competition level stretch showed up I'd be blown the [ __ ] out this channel may seem to be made with the purpose of causing me maximum suffering for your sadistic enjoyment but it's really about overcoming challenges so if I think it's worth cutting corners to save myself from wasting countless hours of my life I'll do it if doesn't cut into my standards also if you're expecting some elite mew2king level [ __ ] lower your expectations especially since I look even more like a casual in this video not being able to jump now that's not to say there's not going to be some absolutely [ __ ] up strategies in this run but I'm getting ahead of myself with all that being said let's get right into it we start off the run with the duel between Kirby and Mario it really wasn't that interesting in fact most of the fights between other characters and bosses aren't too much harder than a normal playthrough since they don't require jumping so I'm just going to skip over talking about most of them unless they were unique in some way the same applies to ambushes which are parts of the game that forced you to fight a number of regular enemies before proceeding there were some special cases and I'll bring those up when we get to them the first boss I encounter was Petey piranha which was a unique battle because the princess I chose to rescue would be my teammate for a future level in the run i freed Zelda for no particular reason and continued on the sky world this is where the run really begins as it involves actually moving through a stage I started as pit and are you [ __ ] kidding me I didn't expect to hit a literal wall in the first few minutes of the run but here we are pit the only character available for this section has no moves to lift them off the ground besides a shield jump yes I know I just said jump it doesn't count ignore it a shield jump can be done with any character but it doesn't allow any horizontal movement or input by the player so it was useless for this section however there was an item box behind me so I thought I may be able to get something useful from that I made a safe stay next to the item Cuban started reloading States to get different items it's my understanding that the specific item spawned is dependent on which game tick the box is opening so attacking that at different times will produce different items here's the problem you can't just get any item from a cube the cube seemed to pull from an item pool that is specific to each individual queue and this particular cube only produces soccer balls smoke balls mr. Saturn's Bunny hoods super mushrooms poison mushrooms and trophies none of which are any help to me you can apparently manipulate the item pools by changing the difficulty as higher difficulties will give less useful items but none of the difficulties seem to change the specific item cubes pool by the way I played this run on normal difficulty if you were wondering I tried shooting this item box up here in hopes that there would be a different pool of items but I only got trophies from this one death warping my way over didn't work either I even plugged in a second controller to see if I could do anything with that but there are only two interactions I know of that can happen between player characters the first is the warping mechanic that allows player 2 to warp the player 1 but I could manipulate this to get me over the wall the second is the ability of the players to push each other if they are close enough together I tried using this to glitch one of the characters above the wall but it was futile also I'm pretty sure Foot stole jumping isn't possible in Subspace Emissary since both of the players are on the same team but even if I could use it I'd have to use the jump button there was one last resort that I thought might work pit does have a glide and even though I wanted to avoid it this violation would be less severe than using an up special unfortunately you must jump at least once in order to glide and it must be a midair jump this means I couldn't just fall off a ledge and initiate it I even plugged in a Wii Remote and use the motion controls to see if I could bypass the jump function but that failed too I just couldn't figure out a way to get past this so I guess we'll have to start adding to this mark of shame this run was now a minimalist challenge looking to determine the least amount of up specials needed to complete Subspace Emissary moving on I fought some baddies and came to another obstacle there was no way I can make it across this gap on my own but now I had enemies to blast me to the other side this is what I called enemy launching and I used it to overcome about 75% of the obstacles in the run in order to do this I needed an enemy to be on screen so I was always cautious about attacking enemies because I didn't know when I would need them I also needed to watch my damage if it got too high I would just get blasted off the screen without any hope of surviving but if it was too low I wouldn't get enough knocked back to clear most obstacles so it was a delicate balance to maintain further ahead I met up with Mario and used the invulnerable chicks to knock me across most of the gaps I stroked it a little bit with these rotating platforms but all it took was a well-timed fall to get past them I proceeded to the next level with Zelda and Kirby and oh give me a [ __ ] break there weren't even any item boxes in the area nor any useful structures or enemies there was nothing I could do with Zelda chic or Kirby's so that's another up special to the counter the following segment was pretty easy as I just had enemies launch me through most of it I used these boulders to get over a couple holes and it was on to the next stage Donkey Kong has no moves worth talking about but Diddy Kong sighs special has a tiny bit of upward momentum and a modest amount of horizontal movement that can be pretty helpful I wasn't tall enough to get in this cannon but I eventually found that I could just she'll jump into it after that was the plane where I ran into a more significant obstacle I got to choose between Pitt and Mario but I pretty much decided by this point I was never going to use Pitt again after the events in sky world near the beginning of the stage there is a moving wall that travels across several gaps it's possible to run fast enough to overcome the first gap with a Ledge grab but the second one is much wider my first idea was to build up enough damage to get launched by this enemy but the direction of the knock-back wasn't in my favor maybe it could have worked eventually but what I ended up doing was way more sick I used mario's cape to suspend myself in the air so that the wall could push me far enough to grab the ledge it took a couple hundred tries to accomplish mostly because Mario kept wanting to wall jump off the moving wall but damn it was satisfying to finally get across remember when I said it was important to keep enemies alive in ambushes it can also matter what enemy you kill last and where you are when you do it in this area I had to be able to get over the ledge when the fight ended or I would be trapped behind it with nothing to boost me over this trumpet ass looking ass over here kept frolicking out of range after I'd beaten everything else I was forced to redo the entire fight and this time I ended the ambush with Mario to the right of the ledge so that I'd have no problem progressing in the lake I got to play ass box whose side special was useful in clearing the gaps shortly into the level I was transported into a dark room you can get softlocked here if you use Fox as the objective is to hit this bomb in the corner which is out of range of his attacks however if we put Diddy in here he can grab his banana throw it into the bomb allowing us to skip using an up special unfortunately right after that we run into another problem there's no way to get myself up these platforms with Diddy or Fox without resorting to up specials although there is an item box over here it only seems to spawn maximum tomatoes so that's one two three more up specials added to the counter the following area was a bit tricky since I needed to get up here to hit this button the problem was that these buckle I only have one attack and it had set knock-back meaning it doesn't scale with damage launching me the same disc every time luckily the mites that spun over here did have the potential to launch me up to the button allowing me to progress I spent a stupid amount of time trying to get this hammer bro to get me out of this pit and even more time waiting for him to hit me into this cannon he kept jumping like a [ __ ] idiot and wouldn't throw any of his hammers forsaking both parts of his name I eventually got launched and completed the level next was the ruins ooh the part with a giant porky statue trying to eat my ass was pretty easy all I had to do was survive as long as possible and make it to the end of that stage at this section with the buttons it's possible to just roll out of the way and let the statue open the gates I had to make sure I had at least one stock left and ordered the death warp over this water because I can't jump out of it the next section have various spikes to propel me through the level and the water was a death sentence unless there was an enemy to hit me out weird how the things that would kill me in real life are helpful in the game and the thing I could survive the [ __ ] water Pokemon couldn't neither squirtle nor Lukas had any moves to get over this wall I tried baiting an enemy over there but the area before is an ambush and there are no enemies after them and the enemies immediately before the ambush get exploded when the ambush happens and enemies before that are just too far away I tried taking this bird from the beginning all the way back with me but it just wasn't feasible there were spikes right next to the wall but they wouldn't launch me high enough in general stage hazards like spikes and lava have a set knock back so I couldn't keep letting myself take damage and expect more air I did however learn that is possible to continuously block the spikes quote-unquote attacks not useful but it was fun I used Lucas's psi magnet to give myself a little bit of height and a slower descent but I didn't have enough horizontal momentum to get anywhere I thought maybe just maybe I could glitch myself into this box but now another up special added to the counter immediately after I reached another gap that I couldn't cross without an OP special squirtle was quickly descending the ranks to be my least favorite Pokemon becoming useless in the face of water like okay I know you can't breathe underwater but can't you at least do [ __ ] something immediately after that was an ambush and it required a little bit of strategy if you kill all these creepypasta electrodes without thinking you'll be stuck on this platform with no way to cross this gap however you only have to kill all the originals to end the ambush not the clones they produce after re-enacting a warped version of the prestige I used one of the clones to launch me to the other side the next stage with Marth was pretty easy and shortly after his segment I was introduced to the best character in the run Meta Knight I mean who else did you think it was gonna be all of mennonite specials can be used to gain height with his side special being the best of the three if Meta Knight was playable in a stage I made sure to keep him through the entire level as there were barely any obstacles he couldn't overcome after using the SS tier character to make a mockery of this challenge I moved on to the forest stage Yoshi's down special can be used to clear some jumps as it does have some horizontal movement but he was completely overshadowed by link with his grapple he can cross most gaps with ease but not all of them he had one other ace up his hammer space if you watch Bandys video you'll know that throwing links bombed down will only launch you to the left no matter which direction you're facing but I'm surprised he didn't think about the other ways you can utilize the bomb or maybe at least you didn't need to you can throw it up and position yourself under it or you can hold on to it until it blows up both tactics launching you in numerous directions you can also throw it against a wall to launch yourself in the opposite direction with all these different possibilities Linc became a close second to Meta Knight and I basically blew myself up through most the stage the next character I got to play as was also one of the best characters in the game and not just because she has a gun zero suit samus is down special flings her into the air with a really nice arc there was a slight trick to using it as to land on fall through platforms I had to get myself out of the animation by doing a kick but otherwise it's a great move and was actually really fun to execute it can be used to bounce off walls something that automatically does but I thought this looked too much like a wall jump so I never used this mechanic she also has a tether whip that can grapple onto walls like lynx claw shot but I apparently forgot this existed for most of the run you get access to Pikachu shortly into the level but only his side special was useful and zero suit samus was just so much better there was one jump that was especially tricky but I found the solution was just to initiate the down special while in midair besides that the level was a piece of cake now it's back to link of course I resorted to bomb jumping I had to build up my damage in a few spots to boost my knock back which was really hard on some of the small platforms after launching myself up I came across three key doors that struck fear into my heart the door I needed to get through was this top one here I tried throwing the key into the door but it just wouldn't bounce into it and once the key stops bouncing it disappears and responds at its original location I couldn't pull a bomb and launch myself while holding the keys so I had to throw the key up to this platform and launch myself up to grab it before it disappeared I then pinballed the key into the door and finished the stage in the next level with Lucas and squirtle I encountered the worst enemy of the run to Gama gah these guys are incredibly powerful shooting lasers with delay targeting meaning that it fires in the direction of where you were rather than where you are now this may predicting where it would shoot pretty difficult and in addition to that I couldn't roll around it and most characters in the game can't launch themselves over it including Meta Knight I had to knock them down a couple rungs for characters that could launch themselves or completely destroy it with characters that can't self launch like Lucas this next section with the lava was probably the most infuriating part of the run all these flaming just have a set knock back so I couldn't use them to get over the slabs even more frustrating was that these candlestick looking [ __ ] that I needed to launch me would get stuck in a knock-back loop in the fire at one point I got stuck behind this little wall while this [ __ ] [ __ ] did nothing but rub his belly I had to restart multiple times to get the enemies in the right position to launch me I even had to push one of them away from the flames myself so that I could progress this passiveness and stupidity was likely due to the low difficulty I was playing at so if one of you wants to do this run on intense at least you won't have to deal with this [ __ ] shortly ahead I got stuck in this room after an ambush I had to reset several times until the enemies dropped a smart bomb which I kept until that fight was over and used to launch myself into the adjacent room which was another ambush however this time the wall was much higher and these enemies only dropped healing items and other useless garbage at the end of the fight I tried forever to get through this one without using enough special deathwarp sworn the option but one thing I did try doing for a long time was timing this trackball to kill the last enemy after he had launched me into the air the intent being that I would have enough height to clear the wall once the door opened upon its death unfortunately even when delaying my fall with the PSI magnet the time between its death and unlocking the door was just way too long after over a hundred resets I conceded another up special to the counter and I did try doing the battle before over and over again hoping I'd get an item but nothing useful showed up with the counter reaching such a high number I was starting to get pretty demoralized [Music] the cave contained the most challenging parts of this run after exploding my way through the beginning I ran into this section with all these moving blocks this was basically the same deal that happened with the Mario Cape section but the walls were moving the opposite direction so I couldn't use that technique though I had four other characters none of them had any moves that would help me out so it was up to my boy link in his endless supply of boom makers there were three different configurations of moving stones that vary in what part of them is cut out and if I got caught in the cutout while it descended into the ground I would get squashed I couldn't grapple any of the ledges so I'd need to launch myself through the cutouts and over these two gaps it was excruciating I eventually increased my damage in order to get better launches and found that the trick was to time the bomb to blow me up after I had fallen down this pit after more than 150 attempts I made it past the first gap in save stated the next gap miraculously only took me three tries to clear and I was filled with confidence and determination however this stage isn't over yet while bomb launching my way through the level I confirmed my earlier suspicions of being able to manipulate knock-back direction you see if you make a directional input during the freeze frames of an attack you can influence the direction in which you are knocked back this technique is known as smash directional influence or SDI because link is able to create his own knock back he is much more versatile than the other characters that have to depend on enemies to launch them this fact however made me paranoid that if I lost link I would be faced with a challenge that couldn't be overcome by the other characters forcing me to restart from a much earlier save or even the beginning of the entire level this resulted in me building up so much damage that I started to have problems getting through the level without launching myself into oblivion which is what happened in this room with the Koopas and the moving platforms the only way forward was to get the bomb to explode right above the level boundary and SDI in a direction that would send me high enough to land on a platform but low enough so I didn't hit the blast line I tried using this technique I saw in a test where using the camera mode and zooming out super far seemingly prevents the character from hitting blast lines but I later found out that it's only possible in project debug mode also it's worth mentioning that the camera's reaction time is inversely related to the amount of damage the player has meaning that at high damage percentages the camera moves extremely slowly increasing the chances that the player will hit a blast line and die anyway after many many tries I successfully lost myself to the spinning platform wheel now I just had to launch myself again to the right but it became obvious that links time in this stage had come to an end I kept going to vertical and not enough horizontal when blasting myself I did get to this moving platform by shield jumping but after spending way too much time trying to get the perfect launch I ended links tortured existence and formulated a plan to get across with another character as Mario I kicked off this coop his wings and pushed him onto one of the moving platforms I then spent an agonizing amount of time building up damage manipulating the Koopa to launch me to the right failing and then building up more damage and trying again I had to make sure to elicit attacks from the Koopa at certain times because if he got too close to the edge he just ye'd himself off the wheel I also had to be careful not to fall on him when I came back for more damage after a stupid amount of attempts at different percentages I finally got myself up to a hundred 90% and successfully launched myself to the next area following that there were just a couple more enemy launches and I had completed the cave after an hour and over 500 deaths next it was the ruins with squirtle and Lucas man every single level with them is a pain in the ass timing the mice to hit me over these moving blocks was a matter of pure luck and the part with the spikes was also a headache as I mentioned before spikes have a set knocked back so you can't just rack up damage and assume you're going to get flung farther additionally though I could stand on top of them if I waited too long I would get smushed into the ceiling the solution was to launch myself all the way up using this pronate [ __ ] but he kept getting impaled by the spikes so it took way longer than it should have once I finally got up there I had to hit this switch to open the door none of my ranged attacks worked but I eventually managed to get on the spikes and survive getting smushed because the top of this spikes was spikes instead of flat ground weight I hit the button with a PK fire and progressed further into the ruins the next issue in this stage was the area with all these buttons and fast closing doors in a normal run it acts as a fast paced section where you press the button and have to get through the door before it closes thankfully it isn't really that type of window but in my case I can't jump up the first wall the solution was to get this mellow phone through these two doors and back to the wall where I could have him launch me it was immensely frustrating the first step was to push up to the door which took [ __ ] ages the next obstacle was getting him trapped in between those two doors look how happy he is in there disgusting I timed the opening of the door to match when he was frolicking in the other direction and got him to his final destination once there I had to hit this button and get him to launch me through the next door before it shut it took a long ass time but I eventually got through it with the help of a mutated pokeball I had to do the same thing with these dick wads to get through the next game which was sickeningly tedious as I had to hit two buttons this time after getting slapped in the face with balls for around 15 minutes I finally made it through Meta Knight was available in the subsequent level so it was pretty easy the only thing that gave me trouble was his army but I think I'm just bad at the game after way too many deaths I defeated it and moved on to defeat the boss in the next level I had the option to play as link you already know how it went down the swamp with Fox and Diddy presented a couple of problems moving from ladder to ladder with Fox was pretty tricky and the ambush here gave me a lot of trouble hammer bros in general were just annoying to defeat especially when I couldn't reach them this vertical side-scrolling section was also pretty difficult and I relied on death warps on most of it because I just couldn't make some of the gaps towards the end of it I had to jump off a ladder toss a banana pick it back up throw it into this bomb and get back on the ladder in order to proceed after getting falco the only other exciting things in the rest of the level where the large amount of precision spring launches I had to do and my use of the vines to get launched out of the water returning to the research facility zero suit samus made the beginning pretty easy I got the suit and immediately felt a sense of dread from having lost my down special acrobatics Suda samus still has a grapple so it wasn't all that bad one thing I should point out is that you can't chain the down special bombs to gain extra height at least not like you can in melee speaking of which that was the first game I wanted to do jump list but he had already been tasked by stingrays 110 so be sure to check out that stick video after this one the section of what the moving boxes was hell and I spent 10 minutes trying to find the correct timing and STI to launch myself the outer lance added itself to my list of enemies I tried for a real [ __ ] long time to get myself over this wall with bombs and I made it to the moving platform section the goal was to launch myself up onto this platform over here using these robots from The Incredibles movie it took a long time and I got really frustrated son of a [ __ ] on one attempt I successfully got onto the platform but the camera didn't catch up and I got delivered straight to the afterlife I eventually got down and had to make one last easy launch to the door and one of the rooms following I was forced to fight this ro turret by launching myself into the air with bombs so that I could do an aerial attack as none of my other attacks seemed to be capable of reaching it then I got to this room neither Samus nor Pikachu had any way to clear this gap so that's another up special to the counter in the outside the ancient ruins stage I played as Captain Falcon while completely ignoring the other spacefaring character there are a couple of great things about Captain Falcon both his Falcon kick and his side special can be used to travel across gaps and they can be used in combination with each other to overcome other obstacles the only difficult part about this level where the gaming is that stood in my way glacial peak allowed me to use Meta Knight so is just recoveries the entire way up after that I played a level of snake which lasts is about two minutes before I met back up with Meta Knight there wasn't really anything notable about this level [Music] after rescuing peach and Zelda I now face the stage that I had been dreading since the beginning of the run how the hell would I get anywhere when there's no enemies and neither of my characters have usefull moves peach does have her side special but she doesn't gain any height with it I didn't want to use her float to cheese this so I racked my brain for any other possibility wait hold on I remember when I used to play this with my friends I'd sometimes get other items when I use peaches down me let's see if there's anything geez oh [ __ ] I could pull up a bomb out that's really [ __ ] helpful oh no oh no oh no no why are we still here just suffer every night I can feel my fingers I swear I pulled at least a thousand turnips and there were several spots where I had to do this the only thing I want to say about this is that if you're trying this run yourself you can hold down the control stick and just keep pressing B instead of another button to throw the turnips this makes it someone you get a different item than the turnip you won't throw it preventing you from accidentally eating a bomb like I did several times after plucking all of trophy world's turnips and single-handedly solving the problem of world hunger I had an easy samus level before running into a roadblock in the second part of the subspace bomb factory I needed to break these blocks and jump to the top of this section to hit a button that was a requirement for opening this door but Captain Falcon had no moves that could reach any of the blocks I used Diddy to break the blocks with his banana like I had in previous levels but now I had to find a way to get up there what I did after about an hour of different strategies was used this rob to launch me up to the second row of blocks and then I just threw an item at button a little further on there was a moving platform I couldn't reach but I just deathwarp to get past it I did a cool juggling act with a key and after a vertical side-scrolling section I thought meta-ridley one of the only boss fights that took a little bit of thinking as his health goes down ridley moves further and further to the left meaning that to reach him I had to get on top of this fin fortunately most of the characters that have joined us in the earlier parts of this stage have some move that allows them to get themselves up there after one or two tries I beat meta-ridley and now it was time to bring the fight to subspace almost every character I played as before was now available to use in subspace but you know there's only one character that matters obviously there wasn't any problems but easy come easy go tattoo uses [ __ ] stamp butterfly powers to turn all of the characters into trophies but thankfully some of the characters survived thanks to King DDD's brooches and holy [ __ ] did you guys know that DDD planned all this according to the smash wiki DDD found out about tattoos plans I predicted that he would turn everyone into trophies without leaving anyone to revive them DDD created the brooches in order to circumvent this and even gave up his own brooch for Peach King Dedede is the true hero of this story I mean I'm never gonna play as him but isn't that crazy anyway back to the run the character selection I had wasn't the best but it did have Ness it actually went pretty well until I got to this part I needed to get launched way up off the screen here but my damage was too high and I kept getting killed so I spent a lot of time responding the enemies in the area prior and using save states to farm the food to heal myself in hindsight I probably could have just restored the level and got to this part with less damage but whatever when I finally got up here I ran into another issue as there were no enemies to launch myself past these pendulum platforms I killed nests hoping like a death warp but I just got weeds in the same place things weren't all that bad though in addition to his side special launch we each can lift himself off the ground quite high with his Ouija Cyclone this got me through most of the level but it was difficult in the areas with these glowing stairs once I hit the gold one the others are on a timer so I did ascend pretty quickly in order to clear them one particular set of stairs was incredibly difficult I had savestate in my way halfway through but my computer lags when I create and load a save state so I didn't make any more states in fear of running out of time for this set of stairs I had to press the button extremely fast I must mean at least eight or nine inputs a second to me that's absolutely insane like why would the max height have an input threshold that high from what I know not many people can mash that fast and my max average is around 11 inputs per second which I can achieve by flexing all the muscles in my arm in order to vibrate it not only did I have to do three of these jumps at near maximum height I also had to make sure to angle the control stick in order to get some horizontal distance if I didn't I either wouldn't reach the stair or I would just fall through the corner I did at one point deathwarp to the door but I wasn't gonna let this challenge beat me so I kept trying with weed here's some live audio of the attack after 40 minutes 300 tries and a lot of cursing I finally made it across my arm was actually sore for two days after this it was [ __ ] wild man and the next part of subspace I only had Kirby to use but thankfully I was just able to launch myself to the entire level I rescued Meta Knight made 200 attempts to launch myself successfully past this area and two time an ambush enemy to launch me into the air while it died so I could land on a platform that spawns upon its death now it was time for the final level the great maze this behemoth of a stage contains many of the previous areas with slight modifications a plethora of bosses and the ability to choose any character you've rescued I picked Meta Knight and the rest doesn't really matter there are healing stations placed quite frequently across the map and you can even switch your characters if you want to but I never did I used Meta Knight the entire time and there's literally nothing worth talking about it was all breeze after clearing every area in the maze I was able to face tattoo but not before adding one last character to our team I actually chose Sonic as my first character because of his homing attack which made it easy to attack tattoo who moved above the ground for most the fight other than that I just chose some favorites over the course of the run that had some sort of aerial ability it was a pretty easy boss fight and it ended in tattoo getting killed by a hothead despite numerous attempts to kill him with a mr. Saturn and that's it unfortunately I didn't beat the Subspace Emissary without jumping hold the [ __ ] up did you actually think we were done there you who [ __ ] thought you [ __ ] thought I wouldn't be able to do it but your [ __ ] ass was wrong this was nothing compared to the old Gwyn run I made it new ultimate technique [ __ ] sit back because shits about to get real before we get to the ultimate technique let's clean up what we can of the up specials with some straps I picked up along the way starting with the halberd Zelda Sheik and Kirby don't have any way of overcoming this wall but what if I got a different character in there I restarted the playthrough and this time save peach from PD piranha you already know what I'm gonna do I did have to redo one level as peach which was no issue and the only other part of the game this decision effects is this boss fight which I also read in another up special I cleared from the counter was in the research facility I didn't know until after my first playthrough but it is possible to switch back into zero suit samus by inputting up top-down taunt and upped on extremely quickly I use this to simply acrobat my way over the ledge that has dumped me before what about the rest of the up specials this is where the ultimate technique comes in a mechanic introduced in brawl was the use of stickers which you can collect throughout the game even the normal ballgame type these special adhesives give your character buffs to be used in Subspace Emissary most of them are related to stat increases like attack power or launch resistance but there are a special type that allow you to start each step with an item a step refers to any time your character is loaded into the game whether by going through a door the spawn at the start or after a death you can have a beam sword a mr. Saturn and oh what's this I started to grind the Bulldog sticker by setting all the items off except sandbags and stickers use the special bra to increase speed and made a custom map to increase efficiency I mapped the controls of player one and player two to the same buttons on the same controller and absolutely annihilated sandbags for over five hours by the end of it I had more than 600 different stickers and many many duplicates including a good amount of Bulldog stickers so let's start with pit thankfully you immediately start levels with up a bomb but I still had to rush over to the wall before it exploded after a hundred attempts trying to shield jump and launch myself over I finally cleared the wall by using a poison mushroom from the item bottom earlier in the level with Diddy and Fox that forced me to use three up specials I got Diddy's damage up entered the room of darkness and found out that tossing a banana doesn't throw the pit bomb so I was able to free myself from this dark prison while hanging on to my ticket out of here I rushed over and shield jumped to this platform and began blowing myself up in all different directions in addition the STI and I had to change direction in midair quite a bit so as to gain a lot of height without hitting the blast line the highest I ever got was this platform but I was still determined to get out of this without using an up special if you blast herself high enough you can spawn the hammer bro on the platform above I was able to knock him to a lower platform with a banana and from there I got him to launch me to the ladder that's three more up specials removed on the counter moving on to ruins ooo I got through this entire section with squirtle backtrack to drown him and what I saw his retribution and death warped right to the problem area with a Baba with a simple toss in the air I lost myself above the step and decreased the counter by another point in the following area I used PK fire to open the door and threw the bomb into the wall to clear the other up special in this stage sticking with Lucas and squirtle I got these naga gongs to low health have them kill me so I could bomb up a bomb made sure they did a bit of damage to me before I defeated them and then launched myself through the now open door using the wall on the opposite side oh and the jump after that turns out you can just deathwarp over and that's it for real this time I had successfully beaten Super Smash Bros Brawl Subspace Emissary without using any jumps or up specials yeah I think I'm ready for the tournaments this run was a lot of fun though I'm not really sure if that's because it really was or just because it wasn't pure suffering like my last run but there are still things to improve on I'd love to see someone do one of these modifications to the run especially at ask if you have any ideas on how any parts of the run could have been done easier leave them in the comments below more importantly leave comments on other runs you'd like to see or what you liked or disliked about this video if you want to see more runs in the future subscribe and share my videos also I'm currently streaming my gifts only run of code vein so if you want to watch me suffer in real time drop on by my name is Andy and thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Challenger Andy
Views: 402,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: embassy, sub space, jump, jumps, super, smash, bros, brawl, ssbb, upspecials, jumpless, adventure, mode
Id: aQQ1lIeKToQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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