Hyrule Myths - How Many of Breath of the Wild's Shrines Can You Beat Without Pausing?

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sandossosan 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
good morning everybody and welcome back to hyrule myths the online internet video game TV show brought back from being brought back from the dead to unearth some finished business last episode we covered a pause 'less challenge of breadth of the wilds master mode attempting to beat the game without the pause functions of the plus button minus button or left up and right on the d-pad if you haven't already I highly recommend watching that video before this one this video is an addendum detailing the runs bonus challenge attempting to beat absolutely as many of the game shrines as we possibly can before we get into it there are a couple things from the comments section of the last video I want to address turns out all the triple double backflip flippy tricks I did to get up Death Mountain were completely unnecessary death mountains burning effect can be countered with the spin attack of a two-handed weapon your health will still be draining but the timer is a lot less strict second only the pause functions of the buttons are banned not the buttons themselves accessing the quick swap menu with the B pad is banned but whistling with the B pad is not and finally when demo is in the bottom left corner of the screen that means most of the footage you're seeing was not part of the original run I record this extra footage during editing to better represent aspects the original footage couldn't during this video I'll only be showcasing shrines or moments that I found particularly interesting or important on screen now is a list of every single shrine we completed that will not be directly talked about in this video grouped based on which day of streaming the shrine was completed in if you think I'm a faker faker pumpkin Baker or our just curious you can check the let's strim archive channel linked in the description for the trying you want to see with those out of the way it's time to start the real list these will mostly be in the same order we completed them throughout the run with some occasional exceptions and one very important note we left the great plateau with Magnus's equipped and can't swap runes without permanently losing Magni sious so I went out of my way to complete as many shrines as possible with only Magni psious no matter how confident you are that Magni sis isn't necessary it's always a good idea to assume that I'm an idiot we're treating every trine as if Magni sis is our only room for the entire playthrough we're gonna have to get creative trial of power calm you talk shrine we don't have the weaponry to fight the Guardians head-on so instead force them to use their laser attack and parry it back at them Perris don't lower shield durability so this is infinitely repeatable provided you don't love your input there's an unstable bridge you're expected to stasis so it doesn't fall out from under you just run across while mashing the jump button and screaming profanities until you find yourself safely on the other side shortly after is this puzzle room the dev intended strat is to launch the boulder onto the bridge while the bridge is stasis the stream chat suggested manually pushing the door with my sword so I demonstrated how that doesn't work I'm an idiot thus we discovered the Magnus clinch you saw in the last episode as a refresher as long as both link and the metal object are acting on a separate movable object in the game world links movement will be given priority and effectively allow them to push any object regardless of size or weight ancient trifecta meza low shrine rather than actually bothering with the shrines puzzle you can press the gate switch from ground level move the large metal block next to the final ledge and glide straight on metal makes a path MOA key try you're expected to stop the rolling boulders in place with stasis without it we'll have to do some smart thinking but I'm bad a smart so instead I just ran directly into the boulder over and over like an idiot eventually through the power of sheer dumb luck I survived got back up and walked right on past a modest test of strength can I Chaka shrine for a decent while we'd been locked out of several shrines thanks to the presence of bamaca walls this early in the game I didn't have the cash to sustain bomb arrow purchases so the original plan was to make a note of all these walls and come back way later in the run however the Stremme chat suggested an alternative while taking a look at this shrine hid the bomb above all with our drill shaft which we coincidentally happen to be holding at the time I tried it out and bam the wall broke allowing us through turns out excavation gear such as the sledgehammer and drill shaft has the special secret attribute of breaking bombable walls this attribute is normally completely useless since bombs have infinite ammo but in the no pause run this insignificant attention to detail lets us get into shrines we otherwise couldn't pushing power as youma shrine this shrine expects you to use both cry honest and stasis but thankfully isn't that difficult to choose Magnus only first to a shield jump onto the platform with a giant Sheik of all it's too big to push normally so use the Magnus's glitch to force it down once it's rolling down the waterway race it to the bottom using Magni sis to guide or unsick it if necessary catch it just before it falls off the ledge and loop it around into the goal buried secrets toe Yassa shrine the shrine itself is easily cleared with a sledgehammer and Magnus's but getting inside the shrine proved a bit more difficult this one is buried on the elevated platform and the Thunder plains to access it we need to get the for nearby spheres into their respective pedestals on the raised platform two of the balls are found on the towers to the side the dev intended method has you launching them across the gap with stasis without stasis we've got to be a little less creative go find a rock laying around any rock will do and walk back with it there's a Ledge on the race platform that's closer to ground level and more stable than any other point drop the rock there make sure it stays foot and use it as a footstool to throw both spheres up tandem G hurrah shrine plus toe Cuomo's blessing toe Cuomo shrine getting into these two is a bit tricky we need to hit the stone doors at the end with a giant snowball opening the stone doors ourselves is a no-go they're specifically programmed to open via cutscene when a snowball runs into them at a decent speed Anto kumo blessing in particular the path is blocked by a puddle you're expected to use cry honest to fill instead I carried a snowball directly in front of the door and used the mag Nice's trick to carefully nudge it uphill until it was large enough and moving fast enough to trigger the cutscene getting inside is only the halfway point for tandem this shrines final puzzle is designed around stasis you would stasis the boulder and shoot the ropes on both sides thus causing it to fall straight down onto the button I went back and brought over a boulder from elsewhere in the shrine then use it as an extra platform to reach the button it won't react to links weights unless of course the link has infinite mass bring over your weapon with Magni sis and the moment it touches the button gravity will decide to exist opening the way forward a major test of strengths Goma a saw shrine this shrine is blocked by a few large chunks of ice to get rid of them we went up to the nearby shield surfing masters cabin with a torch kick open the front door run to the fireplace light your torch and get the hell out of there before I Pat the door closes or she has time to ask what in the world you're doing once a chunk of ice thaws it's permanently destroyed on your save file so you're free to come back later with a proper weapon for major tests of strength I recommend a royal Claymore one of which can be found on top of woodland tower and another near to bantha tower both of which will respawn at every Blood Moon tower of reach Rock ooh odd trine partway through the shrine is a gate locked by the switch on the other side held down by a couple wooden barrels there are lanterns at the beginning of the shrine that could allow us to light arrows on fire so I use the obvious natural solution and push to lantern all the way to the end you might be thinking there is a better solution but you're wrong on the move Geno shrine there's a laser blocking our path you'd normally stop with stasis grab the metal chest from the far sides conveyor belt and drag it right up into the lasers face with proper placement the chest will stay put and block the laser letting you walk across safely two bombs showed onto shrine the method to open this shrine is normally simple take a luminous stone out of your inventory and drop it on the pedestal in a pause less run however it's impossible to hold materials in our hands we'll have to get up a luminous stone already in the game environment using only the power of physics link is physically incapable of interacting with pick up objects so the magnetic Lich is a no-go we've got to do it the old-fashioned way I tried dragging a metal rock over the luminous stone for a while as well as directly hitting it with my weapon but the pedestal slope is deceptively slippery after a few minutes I started slamming the rock down in frustration like an idiot this is of course a completely valid strategy we're still not done yet though inside the shrine we discovered as the name implies it's built to ram the bomb room and bomb arrows are only gonna get us so far the raisable pillars and the gate to the monk are directly linked to each other when the pillars are up the gate is down and vice versa we need to be next to the gate when the pillars are down but extending the pillars is how we get up there in the first place arrows won't go through the cage so that's a no-go with the Stremme chats help we eventually managed to majiggy or a solution earlier in the shrine are four boxes blocking a corridor rather than breaking them use the Magnus's glitch to push them to the back room line up the boxes and use the pillars to drop them on top of each other one by one once you've got a stack of three hit the switch and glide on top if the stack is positioned right you'll be able to do a shield jump onto the ledge and walk through the open gate foci use blessing foci you shrine this shrine will only appear after lighting the four torches surrounding it and the entire area is guarded by a mole tuga the standard method to fight mildew Guses with bombs so that's a no-go the mole Duga can only he attack you while you're on sand you're totally safe while on solid rock we are turning this one into a tremors ripoff grab ass and seal and use it to quickly - between the rocks and if possible light the torches from afar with arrows the Sancia won't be around anymore when you exit the shrine so slowly creep your way to safety wind guide kah ochio shrine this one proved a bit of trouble thanks to its breakable blocks I wasn't using Palmeras at the time I found the shrine and you're expected to use the Korra cleave so I couldn't just use the sledgehammer the coral cleave can't be dropped with the throw button the only way to unequip it is to break it luckily there are some workarounds to make do without for this block I mag me assist my original weapon and push down one of the powder kegs the fall being just barely far enough to make it explode shortly after is abominable block locked into the floor that's blocking a whirlwind and this instance I chose to just not bother there's a launch platform at the beginning of the room capable of giving links some substantial height just enough to reach the edge of the upper spike maze ridiculously coincidentally this edge is close enough to the end of the spike maze to glide over from here you can finish the shrine in the dev intended manner built and release doomed the tog shrine up to this point I've been running under the assumption that all metal weapons function about the same when you try to push them into other objects with Magni psious that is 100% untrue and not even in the way you'd think by complete accident we discovered that boomerangs are literally forged from hopes and dreams with magic physics altering abilities to rival the magnesia switch they're capable of pushing the giant stone buttons long distance where other weapons normally wouldn't that makes this otherwise difficult stasis focus shrine incredibly easy cannon buried an OGG shrine to reveal this shrine we needed to light a campfire on top of the pedestal which has basically the same solution as the earlier luminous stone incident with slightly more explosions the shrine inside is built around a cannon activated with a bomb room you might think we're gonna use some sort of stupid cheese trick to avoid using the cannon but you're actually completely wrong we're gonna use the cannon for a stupid cheese trick walk on top of the can and glide to one of the lanterns then do a very precise shield jump over the wall and into the monks chamber halt the tilt shy Yuto shrine this shrine normally has the player freezing the seesaws with stasis but it's still possible to get up them all by either holding them down with the metal chest or ignoring the laws of physics to jump straight up a modest test of strength me JA roki shrine we need to stand on this pedestal nude during a Blood Moon simply waiting for a Blood Moon to happen coincidentally would take forever but we've got a trick up our sleeves blood moons only officially occur if link is standing in the overworld as the clock strikes midnight if you duck inside a shrine or hyrule castle you can indefinitely postponed the Blood Moon just keep chaining this together until you're ready at the pedestal dagger Keeks Blessing dog a key crime the shrine quest for this one is directly linked to the completion of Furuta but it's still surprisingly possible to complete the shrine the ceremonial trident spawns at the bottom of Sora's domain even before starting the quest it's out of reach and you'd normally grab it by making a cry honest block in the middle of the river so we'll have to improvise on the bridge just above the Trident location or a couple of wooden boxes push one into the river glide down onto it and quickly Magnus's the Trident to push it closer to the opposite side before you fall off now you can fish it out and head to the pedestal for a slam dunk or guchi des Blessing core coochie - shrine you might be wondering how we managed to clear event ID island sorry to say the solution isn't any more complicated than running away like a little [ __ ] baby fun fact it's actually possible to clear the Yaga hideout after getting spotted but without killing anyone I was seen by the first door's guard after I'd already entered the doorway managing to get myself locked into the second room even though the first doors cards were ambushing me the second rooms cards were too dedicated to their job to notice all the explosions letting me successfully unsuccessfully sneak right by stalled flight dhaka KO shrine the center block has an electric bulb on top but at the top of its arc we'll hit the trigger to open the gate without stasis we can't get it to stay up there but notice the gate still opens even if the player doesn't do anything want yourself up to one of the wall lamps wait for the perfect moment and drop right into the monks room no runes necessary blue flames shore aha shrine this one is pretty trivial as long as you have normal arrows equipped but I had bomb arrows at the time and didn't feel like swapping so I decided to go without and see how much of the shrine is completable you're provided with the torch at the beginning and have to transport a blue flame between the shrines many Lantern this is our only torch to work with so if it falls in the lava we are screwed unfortunately we had to sacrifice our torch right when the shrine started to throw it across a pit where it inevitably fell in the lava luckily there is a back-up plan with some well-timed shield jumps you can skip over the first gate and the second gate do some precise running jumps and you can reach the moving platforms next to the water jets from the second moving platform make a leap of faith over to a wind gust on the other side the chest right next to this wind gust has a forest dweller sword which is flammable and can therefore carry the blue flame fly back down to the start of the shrine and start escorting the flame as normal these two side-by-side torches need to be lit simultaneously the devs went out of their way to space them too far apart for the player to hit both with a spin attack they failed spectacularly there's no way in hell we're actually doing the moving platform part legit so instead like the sword and throw it across then make a mad dash to the other side before the sword burns out make one more throw past the next gap and you've reached the last section where for once you'll actually be able to use the dev intended method tempered power mirages shrine this shrine is an absolute double triple quadruple septuple decker doozy the base premise is simple golf the ball into the hole with stasis problem is we don't have stasis and links arms aren't quite strong enough to go for the three-pointer the ball can however be thrown over the initial barrier if thrown in just the right way near the wall additionally link himself can make it over by riding the lift back up to the shrine entrance and doing an ultra precise shield jump over the gate from here the path forward is questionable we can get the ball next to the stretch of land by pushing with mag Nice's but since the water is too deep to stand in we can't even attempt to throw it up if you remember from earlier boomerangs have the special ability of pushing objects with Magnus but this is highly limited for vertical movement try as we might the boomerang just won't lift the ball without it sliding right off but of course there's more than one kind of boomerang say hello to the giant boomerang as you might hope the giant boomerang does indeed push things even better than the little boomerangs do it's still not a pretty solution though it struggles to lift objects and even if you do get them in the air they tend to slide off pretty quickly never less it was the only option I had left so I tried it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and [Laughter] doot-doot did it work oh my god it worked I want to give one super special shout-out to Akhil from the Stremme chat who is dedicated enough to do the trick themselves before I even managed it and even ran to the store to buy an SD card to try and share the video thank you so much Akhil I hope your storage space serves you well with giant boomerang and tow we're now ready to tackle three of the game's most terrifying shrines located in the spring of wisdoms spring of courage and spring of power each of these shrines will only appear when you drop a scale from their respective dragon into the spring water and a normal playthrough you'd shoot the dragon grab the scale and drop it in the water manually no biggie but in a no pause run the moment you pick up a scale it gets locked into the menus never to see the light of day again thus we have only one option manually move the scale all the way across Hyrule the spring of wisdom is the easiest of the three this scale is loosely magnetized to the spot it falls but the moment it touches the water you'll trigger the cutscene to reveal the shrine the other two dragons unfortunately aren't as nice we'll have to find them flying along their predetermined routes on the overworld and move the scale from wherever it happens to fall four ferocious scale that meant fishing it out of lake hylia pushing it up the nearby hill and taking a long walk through the jungle to the spring side entrance avoiding the mop of lizalfos finally came din Rahl scale din Rahl is dumb and stupid and bad choosing to spawn up here the spring of power is here if you hadn't noticed there's a death friggin mountain in the way just walking around the north side is easier said than done there are tons of steep slopes with no clear easy path forward but we've got another chunk of cheese in our arsenal before getting the scale head up Death Mountain for one of these babies though it may look like a flying machine this object is actually a minecart designed transport valuable materials and believe it or not we're actually gonna use it as detailed in the warranty carefully escort the minecart to where dinner all appears and knock down a scale having the scale sit next to the minecart isn't helping much so use the nearby giant skeleton to push the scale over and into it the circular bomb holding area has a secret special property of lightly magnetizing any objects inside this lets you move at your full walking speed safely and in the unforeseen circumstance the scale does fall out we've got a back-up plan I like to call the ravioli scoop charge up a ravioli tornado to lift up the scale cancel it and move the minecart directly under thanks to the minecart we got dinner all scale over the mountain and finally proved that it is indeed possible to complete all three Springs without pausing shatter the heavens yah naga shrine this one is ordinarily simple expecting you to use the bob roon to launch the stone pillar up through a hole in the ceiling without the bomb roon this shrine is ultra intimidating and another I contemplated solutions to during most of the playthrough event you will leave once again with the help of a strand chat we found a surprisingly simple solution you can watch the block a little with a well-aimed bomb arrow from the far right corner it isn't quite enough height on its own but we can close that distance with a triple shot though due to the side arrows aiming diagonally you can get an even better angle to launch the block all the way to the top finally shattering the heavens the water guides ha the Hammar shrine this shrine is designed around Kryon us which if you remember is the one room we're unable to bring outside the grey plateau you'll need to bring all the cheese you can to even get over the first two gaps don't bother heading in unless you've got a ludicrous amount of health fairies and bomb arrows bomb arrow explosions are capable of launching link farther and higher than our standard jump but only barely we need 2 min max this thing as much as possible get a running jump pull out your bow in midair and use gyro to do a complete 360-degree turn this gets us over the first gap the second gap however needs just a little bit more room there's an extremely brief window of opportunity after firing your arrow but before the explosion occurs during which link is Tecna we free to perform one more action use the shield jump during this window to add on a tiny fraction of extra height it's ludicrously difficult to time and is still gonna take a ton of retries but with the ultimate positioning ultimate timing and ultimate dumb luck link will safely land on the upper ledge you're still not home free yet though you've got to finish your round of mini-golf aim some bomb arrows up where the giant ball spawns and tying your shots or the arrows explode immediately after it appears with a well-aimed and well-timed shot the ball will drop onto the goal platform officially completing the shrine things were going good in the late-game mop up until we encountered a mystery I accidentally picked up a shield this should not have been possible my shield inventory had been full since darned near the beginning of the game somehow a shield in my inventory had disappeared without me or anybody in the hundred-plus viewer Stremme chat noticing this was the greatest heist in Hyrule history however we failed a potential explanation a few hours prior in the run I've done the test of wood which requires the player to equip the forest dweller weapon set normally you have to pay for these and have an empty inventory slot for each so of course I emptied my hands before starting the quest what I hadn't realized is if you have at least one of those items in your inventory that one will be auto equipped instead of buying a new one Stremme chatter Sam can't take a username scrubbed through the early footage and sure enough this happened on day three I'd had a forest well err shield rotting in my inventory the entire playthrough eventually getting pulled out for the tests of wood leaving an empty slot that I would eventually accidentally refill and sorry to say we are officially done with Magnus it had a very good run but it is not helping us in shields from water Kai you want rhyme this is the dizziest of the doozies requiring crayon s to get over the first wall far higher and farther than the ones we saw earlier a simple bomb arrow explosion is absolutely not going to cut it we're heading to Peru and retiring Magnus in exchange for remote bombs you might be thinking we're gonna blow ourselves up with a bomb but that is completely incorrect instead we're gonna blow ourselves up with a bomb bombs are nearly indestructible until the manually detonates them if it by an explosion they'll just be launched in the opposite direction it's also possible to release a bomb directly below link by pressing the room button in midair shoot an arrow just behind the bomb after releasing it in midair and bam the bomb will smack link in the face and send him flying ever so luckily the room we starred in doesn't have a ceiling so a proper bomb launch will leave us standing up top you're still not quite done yet we need to get a little bit further up to actually reach the goal the second bomb launch needs to be a bit more precise since there's not much space to land on don't overshoot your mark and get it done before links health runs out and you can continue along the upper ledges to glide over to the muck this is the absolute final shrine completion in the entire pause less run bringing our total to 117 shrines now after all that you're probably wondering why it didn't just use the infinite jump glitch for most of the playthrough I'd assumed that wasn't an option as far as I was aware the glitch could only be successfully triggered by teleporting it wasn't until extremely late in the run at the Stremme chat let me know the glitch could also be triggered by killing the glitched out horse with bomb arrows since this wasn't until so late in the run I figured I'd just keep going without the glitch until I really needed it turns out we never did unless there are some other ridiculously glitchy discoveries this is the end of the line the three remaining shrines are all locked by doors with paws shaped keyholes Sancia racing requires us to put the sheikah ball in the pedestal you can only interact with the ball after winning sans seal racing and you can only play that minigame after you finish the uncompleted vonda Boris the situation is similar in Kakariko village as shrine quest the attached shrine quest will only trigger after finishing several side quests for Kakariko residents this lady in particular wants you to release five fireflies into our house at night the only way to release a firefly is to hold it and the only way to hold the Firefly is via the inventory menu I couldn't find any way to get the fireflies outside to move and sitting in the doorway while leaving my switch on for hours in the hopes they'd accidentally fly in on their own was equally fruitless I also tried bringing Roscoe to both pedestals but they don't respond at all possibly because it's the wrong type of ball possibly because the shrine quest hasn't reached the appropriate trigger point yet I'm guessing it's the latter if anybody wants to feel free to spend a cup thousand hours testing every other sheikah ball on the game but I'm personally hanging up my delivery cap the last remaining shrine is locked by the Warblers nest even if the player inputs the correct password at the pedestal there will be no response unless the Rito kids are there singing they're all back in town desperately begging for me to cook some salmon manure in order to cook salmon manure or anything for that matter link must hold the ingredients in his hands since we can't hold things in our hands we can't cook of course I also tried asking every single NPC I came across if they had any salmon manure on them but all I got were funny looks and attempted murders nevertheless I'm extremely satisfied with the end result of the bonus challenge I did not imagine we'd come so close to completing all 120 shrines and since the remaining shrine quest so blatantly demand pausing I can end the run without regrets before we go special thanks to everybody who showed up in the stream chat and double special thanks to everybody who shouted false lies no seriously I do appreciate it this run was a collaborative effort and many of the tricks seen in this video were found directly thanks to you please accept a sub temple Decker smoothie of heart emojis special thanks to all patreon backers including and true cyber the friendly resident of subcon forest mrs. Eckman lastly our Beach rocks on zero Aleksander Potkin Chris Nate on you chosen muffin a career HSBC our main santa Basinger vincent hall fights int whitey yellow alert Alex Nelson and on 42 chocolate boy 97 Lively leader Pepsi man exe the quacky gamer kozo a pencil twist back soy Jason ljus luminescent dragon Z Master Jace harsh prey tours a VG Ashley Mikey Parker faith Lane Robert Leishman Rory Kelly whether we wanted it or not we've stepped into a war with the Cabal miles Wolfram goopy fella Comic Con Deadpool Crustacea and creep Queen sapphire Quinn mud jury plum sweater dingo cam the cam one show sue you leave 19 the Ouija means me the commentator Ellis Shipman Nathaniel colita celestial cookie luke hall and Robin Goodfellow Xander Kozak I paid five bucks just to hear game champ say knock a kapag bug that was my first take I'm leaving it a shadow Murloc jorb miss functional and run dumb boy let me know how much this video sucks and how to improve in the comments below a hearty helping of salmon manure for watching and get out of my house
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 1,327,836
Rating: 4.9574761 out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, vg myths, hyrule myths, nintendo, the legend of zelda: breath of the wild, challenge, can you beat, nintendo switch
Id: usnPBkmhDP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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