VG Myths - Can You Beat Rockman 4 Without Getting Hit?

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Good morning, everybody, and welcome back  to VG Myths: the online internet video game   TV show on a neverending victory lap. After  permanently and finally murdering Dr. Wily   without letting a single drop of his blood  stain our hands, the seemingly peaceful Dr.   Cossack has taken advantage of the power  vacuum and unleashed eight new robots with   the ultimate goal of scratching Rockman's paint.  How much more harmless is Dr. Cossack than Dr.   Wily? I think you already know the answer.  Can You Beat Rockman 4 Without Getting Hit? The rules are identical as always: we  must beat the game, from start to finish,   without ever taking a single point of  damage. If we suck and die at any point,   the run is forfeit and we go all the way  back to the title screen. For convenience   we'll be doing this run on the Rockman Classics  Collection version, but all emulator functions,   including Save States, Rewinds, Autofire,  and Turbo CPU are banned. Functionally,   it'll be as if we were playing on the original  Famicom with its original controllers. With the rules set: let's route our suffering!  Luckily, the routing will be exceptionally easy   this time. First: Toadman for Rain Flush, one of  the two most used weapons in our arsenal. Second:   Brightman, who is weak to Rain Flush and gives  us Flash Stopper, the other most used weapon in   our arsenal. Third: Pharoahman, who is weak  to Flash Stopper and gives us Pharoah Shot,   which, while not used as much as the  other two will be the third most used   weapon in our arsenal. Additionally, in  Pharoahman's stage we'll acquire Item #B,   granting the very useful Balloon mobility  weapon. By that point we'll have all major   tools in our arsenal and all remaining  stages will be as easy as we can get them. Toadman's stage will actually be one of the  most difficult, claiming a huge chunk of   failed runs. During this first section, slowly  and methodically clear the way, charging up a   shot before each penguin and firing at them right  as they spawn in. Once you reach the first ledge,   you can safely slide below every enemy until the  first pit. Here you'll encounter a set of penguins   too high to shoot. Instead lure them to spawn  and jump over. Repeat on the following penguin,   and you'll be free to chain slides below every  enemy for the remainder of the screen. You should   be able to easily breeze through the waterways  until reaching the Snail Miniboss. You'll need its   attack pattern memorized. After briefly opening  its eyes, it will either toss a bomb or boomerang   its eyeballs. The bomb is super easy to dodge,  but the eyeballs are super not, so we'll want   to bait them before they're fired. Just before  the snail's eyes open, do two jumps: one to get   extra damage in and the second to ensure you're  in midair at the proper time. If done correctly,   the eyeballs will be sent straight forward and  completely miss you. Important note, the timing   of the eyes opening is different depending on  the prior attack, occuring nearly immediately   after tossing a bomb. You'll need both timings  memorized. Immediately after you'll rematch   the snail, this time with pits at the edges and  flowing water interfering with your movement. The   overall strategy is the same. Note that Rockman  will stay in place while standing directly under   the waterfall. Use that as your default position,  running out and jumping to the left inbetween the   snail's attacks. After it's dead, continue onto  the stage's last screen. The jumping fish here   are mostly easy, though the third can be scary.  Time for the first boss of the game: Toadman! I offer no tips. He is impossible. With Rain Flush in the bag, we enter Brightman's  stage. We won't actually be using Rain Flush   until the boss fight, since all enemies are  extremely easy to deal with using the standard   buster. The grasshopper spike hallways might look  dangerous, but they're realistically practically   autoscrollers. One note, however, that you should  only jump well before or after the grasshopper   has jumped. Attempting to jump right as its  jumping will cause you to re-land on it midjump,   embarassing you for the tenth of a second you have  left on this earth. You also might get worried in   the final room since at first glance it seems  complicated, but it's deceptively simple. Even   if you miss shooting the incoming lightbulbs,  you'll dodge under them automatically. In all,   Brightman's stage is the easiest in the initial  eight. To make up for it, Brightman himself is   the hardest of the initial eight. First thing's  first: we need to hit his off switch. Brightman   is programmed to freeze you in place when his own  health is at one of several specific values. Don't   worry if you suck at brainthinking, though,  knowledge of the exact values is unneccesary.   Ever coincidentally luckily, if your first  attack deals exactly 1 damage to Brightman,   for example with a single buster pellet, then  he will never reach any of the freeze values   so long as you deal exactly 4 damage with each  subsequent attack, which is exactly the amount   dealt with Rain Flush. We'll unfortunately still  need to worry about Brightman's base moveset,   which is its own can of bulbs. Brightman has two  attacks he'll choose at random: either jumping to   your current location, or firing a semi-random set  of three pellets. One of those three pellets will   go down, one will go up, and one will go straight  foward, but the precise order is random. From the   opposite side of the screen, only the straight  shot will hit you at ground level, easily dodged   with a jump. Brightman actually favors shooting at  long range, so with decent luck he'll get himself   stuck in an endless cycle of pellets while his  health slowly drains. We can't rely on good luck,   though, we need a strategy that beats Brightman  100% of the time. If he jumps toward you twice   in a row he'll end up in the middle of the arena,  at which point multiple bullet directions might   be able to hit you at ground level. To account for  this, rather than running away, stand your ground   and jump directly in front of Brightman's face.  It's incredibly scary, but memorize the timing   and you'll be able to jump over all three  shots regardless of direction, eliminating   that element of RNG. And obviously, be prepared  for Brightman to jump toward you at any moment. Once Brightman's burned out, we obtain Flash  Stopper, which we'll be abusing in conjunction   with Rain Flush in Pharoahman's stage. As I'm  sure you've noticed, Rain Flush is a screen nuke,   unleashing its damage shortly after the missile  pod leaves the top of the screen. Use it before   and during each trek through the desert  sands to melt every scorpion before they   can touch you. If rationed well you'll have  two shots remaining when you reach the end of   the screen. Rather than jumping down, use Rush  Coil to enter the secret screen to the right,   with Flash Stopper equipped. Fire Flash Stopper  the moment you've entered the screen and jump   along the surface of the desert, mashing the fire  button along the way. You may be tempted to slide,   but we need our timing to be precise, and Flash  Stopper's timer is a little bit funky. For   whatever reason, Flash Stopper's countdown  timer pauses whenever Rockman is sliding,   making it ultimately last longer. That  probably sounds like a good thing,   but on this screen I've timed things out  exactly without slides. Flash Stopper's   effect will deactivate and be available for  reactivation just before Rockman reaches a   spawning scorpion. After jumping over it you'll  be safe to slide the rest of the distance. At   the end of this path is Item #B, though we won't  be seeing it in use for another couple stages. Rockman will teleport into Pharoahman's pyramid,  skipping a chunk of the level. Rain Flush is   capable of damaging shielded enemies, so  use your last two shots to take out both   bats along the moving platform corridor. The  Mummy Joe corridor can be blasted through free,   thanks to Flash Stopper. Use it when approaching  each Mummy before they fire, freezing them in   place so you can take them out with buster shots.  Once you reach the boss door, don't go directly   in. Run back and forth to the final mummy and farm  for weapon energy. You'll want to have at least   3/4s full Flash Stopper energy before jumping into  Pharoahman's room. Right as his health is reaching   full, mash the fire button. Since Pharoahman is  weak to Flash Stopper, it will stop him in place,   leaving him open to buster shots. Keep spamming  that fire button, and up the pace when Flash   Stopper is about to deactivate to ensure it gets  reactivated ASAP. As wonderfully stupidly easy   as this is, sorry, but Pharoahman isn't going  to be embarrassing himself 100% of the time.   There exists a relatively rare glitch that can  completely screw us over. I'm not sure on the   details since this is pretty stupidly specific  knowledge, but it has something to do with   Pharoahman's invulnerability frames' activation  or deactivation occuring on the same frame that   Flash Stopper activates or deactivates. However  it occurs, it's so difficult to anticipate it's   effectively random, and if it occurs Pharoahman  will move and attack, Flash Stopper be damned.   To anticipate this, keep a bit of distance from  Pharoahman while mashing. If the glitch occurs,   keep trying to deal damage while getting a  lay of the land. If you're lucky, there will   be a thin opening to weave between Pharoahman's  bullets and continue your barrage from behind. Once Pharoahman is dead, take a break from  weakness order and head into Diveman's stage.   You could come here later if you want, but I  personally find Diveman to be one of the harder   remaining bosses, and we won't need any more gear  to make his stage easier. Throughout the stage,   launch Rain Flush as you approach Mets, sweeping  them up before you enter their range. Turns out   minibosses aren't immune to Flash Stopper, so  freeze the whale miniboss's soul in place and   kill it before it exists. At the halfway point  you'll meet Eddie, who will give you one of   several items. Don't grab it immediately, though:  Eddie can only give you one randomly chosen item   per stage visit. Leave and re-enter the screen  before collecting that item to force another dice   roll. Keep re-rolling and eventually Eddie will  drop an E-Tank. Use the buster and/or Rain Flush   in the manta ray corridor while jumping over and  sliding under the jellyfish claws, save for this   one, which you should freeze with Flash Stopper  before sliding. After exorcising another whale,   intentionally suck and fall in the next pit like  an absolute loser. This strategy rewards us with   Item #W, a mobility item that we'll barely  be touching, but is at least barely worth the   effort spent obtaining it. After you'll teleport  to the beginning of the manta ray screen, where   the same strategies as before apply. In the last  two screens, the bombs will detonate themselves if   you stand relatively close-ish, so be patient  and let them blow up before crawling forward. To safely defeat Diveman, we'll be abusing  knowledge of his attack pattern to lock him   into a predictable sequence. His only two  attacks are diving and firing torpedos. The   choice between those two will likely  seem random on your first few fights,   but on closer inspection he's actually only  reacting to Rockman's current distance,   with no random variables whatsoever. If  you use the same strategy every time he'll   react the same way every time. He begins by  charging toward you. Jump over, stall a little,   then slide away to the opposite side of the  screen. Provided you're not too close to Diveman,   he'll now fire three missiles before charging  towards you again, at which point the pattern can   be repeated. Just keep an eye on your distance: if  you're too close he'll break the pattern and stop   firing missiles to dive towards you instead.  Once Diveman is dead, initiate victory dance! Holy crap, it's windy outside too.  That's actually... particularly... bad,   cuz if anything's gonna make my  power go out, it's gonna be wind. Holy crap, this has gotta be a new  record! Can we get a- can we get a   high score chart for longest time spent  delaying the boss timer? Hahahahahaaa! Next target: Ringman! Fun fact, in practice I  thought this first screen was 100% consistent, but   it is not. Sometimes the turret will fire above  you, and others the turret will fire below you.   If it fires below, run to the left to get yourself  situated properly. On each screen of this upward   climb open with Rain Flush to clear every enemy  ASAP, and be prepared to adjust position if any   of the turrets get a shot off. Once at the top,  switch to Flash Stopper, jump into the next screen   and mash Fire. If timed correctly, the Hippo  miniboss will begin the battle while demonically   possessed, which serves absolutely no purpose  whatsoever. The hippo itself won't be frozen, but   the missiles it fires will, making it functionally  harmless. Use the buster to easily trek through   the following screen, swap to Pharoah Shot to take  out the sawblade, and fall into the next screen   while hugging the right wall. The Ring miniboss is  incapable of hurting you while flush against the   wall, and will die from a single charged Pharoah  Shot. The next screen features another hippo,   who can be safely demonized. Following along,  use your remaining Flash Stopper ammo to freeze   and defeat the upcoming roller enemies before they  can even spawn in. At the reverse light platforms,   use a combination of buster shots and Rain Flush  to take out every saturn as you approach. An   important note: the timing on Rain Flush is  a bit different depending on how it's fired.   If it has enough time to activate its rocket  jet, the rain will come quickly. If, instead,   you fire too close to the top of the screen and  the pod despawns before the rocket jet appears,   the rain will stall a few seconds. And while  not relevant on this stage specifically,   if you scroll the screen too far away  then the rain will be cancelled entirely. After this screen is a second Ring miniboss,  but unlike the first you're no longer safe while   hugging the wall. Rather than fighting, jump over  with Balloon and bid this miniboss a heartfelt   nope. Ringman himself has a very simple and easy  to dodge nonrandom pattern, with one critical   exception: the very first ring he throws can be  difficult to jump over. To bridge the gap, jump on   a Balloon as soon as the battle begins, then jump  down and equip Pharoah Shot to fight properly.   Jump over Ringman as he approaches, slide for  distance, jump over his chasing ring, and throw   a shot back as he's landing from his own jump.  Be patient, he'll counterattack if you shoot him   while he's running towards you, but obviously that  becomes a nonissue when dealing the final blow. Next up in the weakness chain is Dustman. Do not  step forward like some kind of dumb stupid idiot   when the stage begins, otherwise a shield will  spawn and run into you. Instead, equip and use   Flash Stopper. For some likely obscure programming  reason, enemies who can only be harmed from a   specific direction, like the shields, can be  harmed from any direction while frozen. Keep   the world frozen all the way until you reach these  rising platforms, at which point switch to Pharoah   Shot. Not only can you aim Pharoah Shot up and  down, the orb hovering over Rockman's head acts   as its own hitbox, protecting you from any enemies  above. In the crusher room, carefully edge forward   with the buster. The trickiest segment is this  final set of garbage blocks, guarded by a Met   immediately after a crushing wall, leaving no  room for caution. Slide forward right when the   wall rises high enough, and focus on taking  out the two rows of blocks directly under   the cieling. Try not to trigger the Met's attack  until just before Rockman reaches ground level,   then run forward and buster it as usual. Timing  is a bit tight, but actually more lenient than   it appears. I've only failed a handful of runs  here, and all of them were due to triggering the   Met early. Using Flash Stopper and Rain Flush,  you can kill every remaining enemy in the level   without resistance. Time for Dustman. He'll always  begin the fight by firing dust, which explodes   four ways diagonally as soon as it reaches your  horizontal position as of the moment it was fired.   While this can be skillfully jumped over with  precise timing, if you're bad at video games   you can substitute the skill with Balloon. For  the rest of the battle, keep at a mid distance,   swapping between Balloon and Ring every time  Dustman acts. You'll have to improvise depending   on which attacks he randomly uses, but regardless  you'll always have enough time and ammo. With   Dustman finally living up to his namesake,  bring Dust Crusher into Skullman's stage. On the first screen, spam the buster in the  narrow hallways to take out the turrets and   their bouncing projectile safely. Against turrets  in more open areas, swap to Rain Flush, which   kills the turrets and projectiles in one hit.  Use a charged Pharoah Shot to OHKO the Skeleton   Joe on the next screen. Swap back to Rain Flush  and use it to flush the entire next corridor. The   entire rest of the stage can be cheesed through  effortless abuse of Flash Stopper. I only note to   stop for a moment in a safe spot just before  the timer runs out, to ensure time is always   frozen while you're in motion. Pay very close  attention to the Skullman strat, because it is   incredibly easy to mess up. Enter the battle with  Dust Crusher equipped, stare Skullman in the eyes,   and take a bathroom break. Skullman, more than any  other boss, is incapable of independent thought,   so if the player does absolutely nothing,  Skullman will see the brilliance in the strategy   and shamelessly steal it. Otherwise, Skullman  has two moves. If the player presses Left or   Right while Skullman is awaiting input, he'll  respond with three aimed shots. If the player   presses the B button while Skullman is awaiting  input, he'll jump slightly in front of Rockman,   pull up his shield for a random amount of time,  then run forward. Note that he'll never respond   with the same move three times in a row, opting  for the other move instead. Skullman does not   listen to the A button or down directional input,  meaning you can still move yourself forward via   slides without triggering a response. You can even  hit him with Pharoah Shot since he only reacts   when the B button is pressed, not released, but  he's immune to it so this serves no purpose beyond   the entertainment value. Regardless, since he only  moves when you move, you can patiently map out a   plan until you're ready. Bait him into firing,  let the first two shots travel horizontally,   and jump just before the third shot is fired.  This ensures that third shot travels upward,   so you won't have to dodge it after landing.  You can get in some extra damage by shooting   him during the barrage, when he's not paying  attention to your input. When he jumps forward,   try to hit him just before he lands. If timed  right, you can shoot him again just before his   invulnerability frames end. While the initial  Dust block won't hurt him, it will split into   4 smaller projectiles a moment after, which can  still hit Skullman even inside his shield. Wait   in place for his shield to lower, shoot him with  Dust and immediately jump over. It's important   to note he'll start awaiting input immediately  after; I'll leave it to you to choose whether   you find it safer to run away and dodge the  bullets or stop moving just in time so it's safe   to patiently slide. Whatever you choose, repeat  the strategy until Skullman is nothing but bones. We now enter the final of the initial eight  stages, Drillman, which we won't be talking   about long. As always, Rain Flush and Flash  Stopper will bypass the majority of enemies.   Important note in this spike hallway,  don't worry about the upper spikes,   your maximum jump height doesn't actually reach  them. There shouldn't be any major surprises until   Drillman himself. Drillman was one of the hardest  bosses in this run to find a viable strategy for,   but with that finalized strategy he became one  of the easy ones. When he drills underground,   hug an edge of the screen, wait a couple seconds,  and then run away while jumping. You'll need the   timing memorized, but the safe window is very  forgiving. When he's back in the arena, you'll   need to react to his every movement instantly.  He'll dive back underground, jump to your current   location, or run towards you while firing Drill  Missiles. The third option is the most dangerous,   with nearly perfect pre-emptive movement required  to dodge both the missiles and Drillman himself.   Pause buffer just as Drillman is acting to  give yourself extra reaction time. If you   see he's walking towards you, swap to Balloon  and jump on, bypassing the need for any skill   in dodging. You'll still need to return to  the ground eventually, which takes a bit of   prior knowledge to time safely. Drillman always  fires his drills at specific intervals of time,   and stops firing once he reachs a wall. If he  started walking from the opposite wall, he'll   fire four total shots. Otherwise, you'll just  have to figure out when he's done firing based   on your own memorization of the timing. It takes a  bit of practice, but once you've cemented all the   relevant knowledge, damageless Drillman becomes  trivial. Another very minor note, if Drillman   dives underground with 1HP and you have some  Rain Flush to spare, swap over to it and you can   finish Drillman off while underground. It barely  helps, but it's silly, and is therefore required. With the initial eight down, we have every single  tool in our arsenal, and enter the endgame:   the Dr. Cossack stages. Important note, our  current weapon ammo is remembered between stages   for the remainder of the game. Since enemy drops  are random, how much remaining ammo you have on   each weapon at a specific time can vary wildly.  You'll have to use your own best judgement on   which weapons to refill, and save ammo with  the buster when you have a relatively safe   opportunity. After Rain Flushing the first set of  wheelers, charge up a Pharoah Shot for the first   Skeleton Joe. It's finally time to bring out our  good boy's patented aerial form, Rush Jet. He's   unfortunately received a very necessary software  update and is far less versatile than before,   but can still be used to skip most of this  screen. Halt once you reach this Skeleton Joe,   who you can kill with a hovering Pharoah Shot. Now  that we're watching our ammo, it's important to   remember that Pharoah Shot will only expend ammo  when a shot is fired. Killing an enemy with the   hovering sun is completely free. Additionally,  you can begin charging for free by pressing   and holding the button at a time Rockman isn't  capable of firing, such as the pause screen. After   grabbing the weapon ammo, finish off the rest of  your journey with Rush Jet and coil all the way up   until this first weapon pellet, which you should  use to refill Rush Jet. You should now have more   than enough Rush ammo for the remainder of the  game, so all other weapons take priority. Make   sure you climb down and back up the lower ladder  before flying across with Rush to ensure the claw   hazard is predictably timed. Equip Ring Boomerang  and enter the boss fight against the giant moth.   I'm actually not 100% certain on the pattern  here, but I've gotten the impression it fires   its bullets on a timer, and will dive downward at  seemingly random. Despite that seeming randomness,   it's never actually dived while I was sliding  under, so don't be too afraid to do so unless you   find evidence otherwise. Your attacks will only  reach the moth's hitbox at its lower elevations,   so time them out patiently. Don't rush your  attacks or you risk a bullet getting shot   at you at just the wrong time. Even with cautious  play, I can still take it down within two cycles. In Cossack Stage 2, take the left ladder, drink  a small latte while the pinecones curse Cossack's   level design, Rain Flush the upcoming skull  spawner, and Rush Jet across the spike chasm.   Spam buster shots during the journey to take out  the enemies along the way, who always spawn at   your elevation, and make a couple stops for energy  refills. Equip Pharoah Shot on the far ladder,   hold down the charge, and let the upcoming  buzzsaw walk into it for an ammoless takedown.   Switch to Balloon. It's not going to make these  spike platforms stress-free, but is absolutely   safer than platforming the old-fashioned way.  Time it so you move past the first set while   the spikes are vertical, jump past as they change  horizontal, and land on the last two blocks when   they turn horizontal. In the upper room, proper  timing will allow you to squeeze past with only a   single Balloon. Rain flush to the end of the next  room. You could totally jump the last gap on foot,   but screw economics and conveniently ride Rush Jet  for ten centimeters. Both the next two rooms are   free and lead to the boss fight against Square  Machine. Its pattern is thankfully extremely   simple both to understand and to dodge. If it  moves at full or midspeed, slide under. If it   moves at slow speed, jump and slide inside. It  will open its weakpoint to fire three bullets,   all predictably timed. Jump up with Dust Crusher  inbetween, but absolutely feel free to waste an   attack opportunity if you need to get your  bearings. This is about the point in the   game where my fight-or-flight instincts kick in,  making simple input mistakes a lot more common.   Keep calm and get in a shot every once in a  while until earning a brief moment of relief. Cossack Stage 3 begins with an autoscroller. Other  than the very predictable spinning orbs, there are   just two turrets on the top path. Memorize their  positions and take them both out with Rain Flush   right when they're spawning in. Important note  that is completely pointless but very stupid:   if you attach to a platform with wire near the  beginning and let the screen push you aside,   you can clear this screen by sipping a latte  as you ascend to the heavens. Rockman is still   legally being pushed upward by Wire, and  will continue that upward journey until   he finds a ceiling, which will probably take  a while. Once the screen is fully scrolled,   you can still cancel Wire as usual. Notice the  jumping enemy moved to the right; that's because I   moved Rockman to the right, he just needs a little  bit of time to re-enter Earth's atmosphere. Once   Rockman is back on-screen you can grab the ladder  and continue the level. As funny as this is,   and while it's technically safer than platforming,  I personally don't use this strat since there   are two large weapon energy pickups along  the way that we'd have to skip. I'm sorry. Back on track, Ring Boomerang the sawblades  in the upper room, and rush to leave ASAP;   if you stall too long it's possible for the  floating enemy to spawn on top of you while   climbing the ladder. The next autoscrolling  section is super simple and easy buster-only.   If you're curious, yes, you can do the  glitch here as well, but it's slightly   more nonviable. Not only would you be skipping  weapon energy, there's a solid wall at the end,   and apparently Dr. Cossack managed to get his  hands on an infinite height building permit. Equip Pharoah Shot, and very very importantly hold  Left on the D-pad while jumping through the boss   door. Actually, also, double super important  note that I didn't figure out until recording   demo footage for this video. Hit the boss door  while your jump is arcing upward and continue   holding the jump button. This makes Rockman bop  upwards slightly, which is a tiny bit sillier   and thus required. This boss comes in two: the  first cockroach only clings to the ceiling,   while the second moves faster and rotates along  the entire wall. When it's on the ceiling,   try to hit it with your hovering charge. Not only  does this let you attack directly above your head,   you'll retain your level of charge and can still  throw the now nonexistant shot when you release   the fire button. As for dodging, keep as much  distance between you two as possible when the   cockroach is travelling below. When it's  travelling above, it should be safe enough   so long as you're not standing directly below  its dead center. Don't be afraid to waste ammo,   either, pausing the game now risks messing  up your timing and Pharoah Shot has plenty. Once both roaches are dead, you enter the final  level, Cossack Stage 4. For ultra showoff points,   make sure you make the jump to grab both weapon  energy drops without having to summon Rush. If   you fail, your run isn't forfeit, but you  are officially lame. Rain Flush the turrets   in the next room, and don't worry, the top  turret's bullets are at least one pixel away   from hitting you, which is enough. When you reach  the fork, take the right path, the easier and less   ammo-expensive of the two. From that point on, you  won't face any major danger until the boss door.   Just one note, the spawning skulls make for a  quick and easy weapon farm if you're exceptionally   low, but if you rationed well this shouldn't be  necessary. When you're ready, equip Wire for some   reason and enter the final boss battle against the  Cossack Catcher. As soon as the battle begins, run   against the wall, turn around, wait for Cossack to  approach, and time a wire shot upward. This won't   be enough to beat Cossack, but it's basically  free and will give you a major headstart. You'll   notice that sometimes you can hit him twice with  one wire shot depending on his height and the   shot's timing, but please resist the temptation  to stall your shots. While that is possible and   can deal extra damage, I consider it too great  a risk. Once out of ammo, switch to charged   Buster shots. Cossack has only two attacks:  a volley of three bullets in your direction,   and an automatic grab if ever Rockman is standing  below him. The grab will not occur if Rockman   is sliding instead. Play it safe, watch for the  bullets, always slide under Cossack, and get two   or three hits in. Surprise plot twist: Kalinka  is convinced by Blues to come clean and admit   she was behind this all along! She firmly believes  that glitches are cheating and that Rockman didn't   deserve to save the world, convincing her father  to dedicate his life to punching Rockman in the   face as a birthday present! Finally able to stop  and feeling the weight of his actions, Cossack   will insist on apologizing and explain to Kalinka  that glitches are a part of life that should be   embraced during the length of the most needlessly  unskippable cutscene in video game history,   which incredibly coincidentally lasts as long  as it takes for you to use the bathroom. You'll   wash your hands just in time to see the end of  the cutscene, where Dr. Wily comes back from the   dead as an alien zombie! They don't address this  in-game, but if you check the wiki Kalinka asked   her dad pretty please for the necronomicon. Time  for the second and true endgame in Wily Castle! Wily Stage 1 is full of Mets, in three varieties:  standard and underwater Mets can be killed in one   hit with either the buster or Rain Flush. Ballet  Mets are killed in three hits with those weapons,   or 1 hit with a fully charged Pharoah or Buster  Shot. Use Rain Flush for the standard Mets in the   first two rooms, then the buster on the remaining  Ballet Mets. While slightly more risky, you've got   the space to retreat easily and Rain Flush ammo  is valuable right now. At the underwater area,   swap to Rush Marine. This might seem unnecessary,  but remember, this late in the run your nerves   are going to be shot, and it's a lot easier to  flub precise timing on a jump than Rush Marine   movement. Swap out of Rush when the path drops  and narrows, take out the last Met on foot,   then use a Pharoah Shot charge to eliminate the  sawblade in the next room for free. That room   can be safely jumped through without item usage,  but in the next, you should use Rush Jet to bypass   the spike gap, then either Wire or Balloon to  reach the upper path. You'll only have Wire   if you were lucky enough to get a small energy  drop earlier in the stage, so get used to both   strategies. On the final screen, use a charged  Pharoah Shot to take out the first Ballet Met,   then charged buster shots on the following two  on ground level. Equip Ring Boomerang and enter   one of the most stressful boss fights in the  entire run: Met Daddy. His pattern is as follows:   he'll come out of his helmet, wait a random amount  of time, jump to your current position and retreat   into his helmet. Upon landing, he creates  a shockwave that stuns Rockman if grounded,   and additionally will spawn four Mets from the  top of the screen. These Mets will be in groups   of two and walk towards the screen exit. Shortly  after all four Mets are gone, Met Daddy will stand   back up and repeat the pattern. Ring Boomerang  doesn't deal damage fast enough to safely kill   him before he locks you at the edge of the screen.  You'll have to somehow get past this giant Met   while dodging its even more giant hitbox. Going  underneath is possible, but absolutely out of the   question. That leaves travelling above. Stick  relatively close while firing Ring Boomerang,   getting ready to jump away. How to deal with the  small Mets depends on context. If you have enough   wiggle room, pause buffer while keeping your  eyes on the top of the screen. As soon as you   know where the Mets will be landing, adjust  your position accordingly, then attack with   Ring Boomerang. If you don't have enough wiggle  room, you'll instead have to swap to Rain Flush,   timing its firing to kill the Mets in midair. Once  you're close to a wall, switch to Balloon. Fire   your first Balloon early, but stall the second  Balloon. Jump over Met Daddy as he jumps under   you. Make sure you're not still standing on the  balloon when he lands, either. Standing on the   Balloon is technically still legally grounded,  so the shockwave will still freeze you. On a   good run, you'll only have to pass above Met  Daddy twice before he runs out of health. Wily Stage 2's stage design should be pretty easy  to figure out, all enemies are ones you should   already know how to safely deal with. My only  major note is that once you reach this screen,   equip and charge up Pharoah Shot, sit back, and  drink a latte. This is the safest farming spot   before the true endgame, letting you sit here  with the B button held down until weapon energy   appears. While it's not technically necessary to  fill up literally everything since there are still   a bunch of guaranteed energy drops ahead, it all  needs to be filled up almost all the way, with the   exception of the Rush and Wire items which will  see no more use. Once satisfied, make the rest   of the trek to the boss fight against Tako Trash  with Drill Missiles equipped. Keep a careful eye   on Tako, who will randomly launch a fireball  straight forward or a bomb to your current   position. Your goal is to land a single hit on its  weakpoint with Drill Missile. Once it's been hit,   abandon all logic and reason and literally walk  directly into Tako Trash. You are now completely   and 100% safe to win the fight buster-only. If  you're wondering whether this is a glitch, gosh,   I'd love to know too, because isn't this silly!  Tako Trash, as you would expect, does begin the   battle with a damaging contact hitbox. For  some astronomically stupid reason however,   if Tako Trash receives Drill Missile damage, that  hitbox ceases to exist, removing the only obstacle   stopping the player from giving Tako a hug. I'm  guessing what happened is a dev fell asleep at   the keyboard and accidentally copy pasted the  destructible wall attribute onto Tako's contact   hitbox, which apparently is a thing that can just  happen by accident. Regardless of why it happens,   it's incredibly convenient and stupid, so abuse  it at the first opportunity to cook Tako for free. Next up is the second final level, Wily Stage 3.  Refill your most empty weapons in the first room,   grab the final E Tank, and drop down the left  side with Flash Stopper mashing to bypass the   shields below. Hug the left wall while falling to  the next screen so you can grab another line of   weapon energy, and continue your descent into the  initial eight refights. Our strategies here will   be mostly identical to the first battles, but some  important stipulations apply. Drillman absolutely   must be fought before Dustman and Ringman.  All three of their strategies use Balloon, but   Drillman is the only one of the three without a  backup strat, and how many total Balloons we need   is largely decided by RNG. You'll almost always  have enough Balloons for all three combined, but   I'm sure you realize the exact moment you leave  an opening for bad RNG it's going to happen ten   times in a row. Also worth noting is Pharoahman  is now fought on flat ground. While this makes   him harder to hit if you freeze him in midair,  it also makes his shots easier to dodge if you   encounter his glitch, so this should altogether  be safer than the first fight. Otherwise,   use all your original strats and pray your fingers  don't slip, because god knows your controller is   drenched in sweat. With all eight dead, equip the  Buster and enter the second final boss battle,   and arguably the hardest boss battle in the entire  game: Wily Machine #4. Walk slightly in front of   him, charge up the buster, and sip a latte while  draining his health bar with absolutely no danger.   If you thought I was joking when I said this was  arguably the hardest boss battle, bad news time:   this fight has two phases. In Phase 2, Wily's  elevation will set slightly above Rockman's head,   and he'll take to firing energy blasts at a  constant rate while randomly wiggling left and   right. These energy blasts will be aimed toward  Rockman if he's in range, and otherwise will be   fired straight foward. As you can see, standing  below the backside of the machine is a 100% safe   zone, but safety is meaningless without a  way to actually deal damage, and no tools   with remaining ammo in our arsenal are capable  of attacking Wily without putting ourselves in   some kind of danger. Even if we hypothetically had  gone out of our way to refill Wire ammo earlier,   I consider it too big a risk as Wily could back  up and punish us with an energy blast. Instead,   bide your time, sip a couple lattes, and keep  your eyes out for the golden opportunity. The   ideal situation is to enter the danger zone as  Wily Machine is located in roughly the center   of the screen and currently moving to the right  side. This gives an ideal compromise of screen   space to maneuver Rockman while also giving Wily  the ability to continue moving away from you. If   Wily is moving away from you, his energy blasts  will be more spaced out. Be very, VERY patient,   Wily wiggles almost as much as his eyebrows,  aggravatingly wasting full on minutes before   presenting an opportunity, at which point your  nerves will have exploded so many times in a row   it might be best you wait until next time. Once  the opportunity presents itself and you accrue   the necessary bravery, run out, detonate  a Drill Missile next to Wily's weak point,   and slide back into safety. With proper  timing and good RNG you'll slide under   the energy blasts. Unfortunately, there's no  guarantee Wily will act like you're expecting. Nooooooooo! Agh! *After* I  killed him! *After* I killed him! It unfortunately took me a couple embarrassing  failures to realize this, but if you end up in a   tight spot, do NOT try to dodge. Instead, pull out  the final weapon of the game, Skull Barrier, which   will negate each energy blast on contact. This  will be the longest RNG endurance match yet seen   in the series. Be patient and think through every  move before you make it, and any sufficiently   cool-headed player will be able to take down Wily  Machine #4 damageless 100% of the time. With Wily   Machine #4 destroyed, Wily will escape into the  really truly final level for real this time,   Wily Stage 4. Side note, no, using Rain Flush to  kill Wily in his capsule does not count as beating   the game. Wily in his capsule is a completely  separate enemy from the final boss, Wily Capsule,   and the former is a completely optional enemy  who does not trigger the ending upon defeat. Methodically buster through the final caterpillar  hallway, swap to Pharoah Shot, jump in the final   final final boss door and get ready for a  victory lap. While certainly not a freebie,   Wily Capsule is one of the easier damageless  bosses, and to my memory I've never once failed   to beat him after learning his pattern,  even in practice. Wily can only hurt you   either with his aimed electric shot, which  has a long and obvious tell before firing,   or with his direct contact hitbox. The contact  hitbox doesn't legally exist until he becomes   visible, which coincides with the energy shot  properly forming, making the exact timing obvious. Wily can only appear in preset locations, and the  only preset location which would overlap with   a grounded Rockman is at the dead center  of the screen. Knowing this, in order to   reliably dodge both Wily and the electric orb,  position yourself at the center of the screen,   watch for the orb's spawn location, and escape  to either the left or right edge accordingly. Nice! Ahahahahahaaa! I was so worried  there for a second! He had me locked in   like right at the edge of the screen  with a bullet heading towards me,   I thought I was gonna get hit after I  beat the final boss! Oh my god! Hahhhhhh! With Wily's resurrected ambition  put on yet another hiatus,   the Rockman 4 Mr. Perfect run is Mission Complete! Before heading out, special shoutout to Youtube  channel Sequel Wars' video explaining the AI   behind each of the initial eight bosses. The  in-depth info was incredibly helpful, and even   if you're not planning on doing the run yourself  is interesting to know anyway. I should also note   they apparently made that video as a part of  making their own sequel to Rockman Mega World,   which is still in development. Has nothing  to do with the challenge run, but it's neat! And if you were interested in throwing money at my  face: an important announcement: in the interest   of preventing the ends of the videos from dragging  too long, vocal shoutouts will be moving to the   $10 tier on Patreon on October 1st. To hopefully  make up for it a little, also on October 1st,   all commentated videos will become available to  Patrons at the $5 tier. Hopefully this helps me   lose a few pounds. On a related note, special  thanks to all Patreon backers, including: Charles Surett! Hey! I'm sorry Charles! I-I bet  you were- you were really sad that your name   didn't get called out earlier. I just somehow,  it didn- I just missed it! I'm sorry Charles!   You're so cool Charles! Everybody say happy  birthday to Charles! Let me know how much this   video sucks and how to improve in the comments  below. Thank you for your Rockman 5 suggestion   which somehow you managed to comment before this  video even went live and get out of my house!
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 291,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, mega man, rockman, nintendo, capcom, nintendo switch, playstation, xbox, no damage, damageless, challenge
Id: GBt7TDS_yPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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