Patterrz Reacts to "Can You Beat Pokemon Without Getting Hit?"

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okay boys and girls this is can you beat pokemon without getting hit and this is the video that when i watched small ants video everyone went in the comments and was like okay now watch this one like this is crazy as well what's this one this one's absolutely insane so i'm doing this i'm doing this for you i'm doing this for you you guys wanted this and we'll see it right now all right we also got chat here so all right here we go i'm also going to shiny out while we do this because why not here we and welcome back to vg myths the online internet video game tv show that is yes completely 100 serious right now pokemon red and blue are the classic monster collecting games that start wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the tc tv show this is a tv it's an online tv show just that kind of like that sounds sounds a bit weird a media franchise in human history and yet not once has anybody ever actually tried to be good at them let's fix that shall we okay he's got jokes he's got jokes okay i think we're gonna like this one chat he's got jokes can you beat pokemon without getting hit first let's define it with owls okay the entirety of pokemon blue on official hardware without any of our pokemon taking a single point of damage for any reason status ailments themselves are okay but taking damage from one is not and of course causing damage to ourselves via moves like self-destruct and substitute is also a no-go to complete the run we must collect all eight badges and defeat the elite four wrong warping to the end credits isn't gonna cut it the run is officially complete after dealing them imagine if the entire video was set up and then he just like glitched into the elite four and he was like yeah we did it guys we did it final blow to the champion of course given the length of the run saving the game is allowed but save scumming is banned we're not allowed to turn back the clock to undo any badly made decisions if a mistake is made we have to live with it or die with it if at any point we take a single point of damage the run is entirely forfeit we must delete our save file and start the game over from scratch oh my god that's like most events that's like small ants run on steroids when when small dan did it he went back to the last gym but he's he's deleting the entire save and starting again from scratch faster d brother but for the sake of keeping things coherent i'll be jumping around the timeline a bit when my pokemon will wobble between level 5 and 500 that's why with the rule set it's time to start our pokemon journey and of course immediately after choosing our first pokemon you reached the game's first roadblock hello internet users my name is mccasperi and apparently i'm the anthropomorphized representation of pokemon challenge runs ah pickass free now i've seen his videos before he makes good videos too he does he does a lot of cool stuff like trying to soft lock yourself in certain areas of pokemon games so that you physically cannot leave it because there's ways that you can for dangle yourself into certain areas and then force it so there's literally nothing you can do to continue the game from there and he's pretty here to ruin game champ's day by reminding him of the unfortunate reality that he is in fact bad at video games immediately after choosing your starter and before you're even capable of gaining a single experience point you have to have a one-on-one battle with my own hand-picked starter since both the players pokemon and my own are essentially still babies one hit kos are impossible this run is dead before it can even get off the ground you'd have to get outlandishly lucky to get through unscathed you'd have to get outlandishly lucky to get through unscathed all right yo make predictions how many attempts is gonna take 442 and a half i'm assuming like it's gonna take him like 15 attempts or like a solid like 20 minutes of playing something like that that may be true there's a surprisingly simple strategy that gives us the maximum chance of success squirtle only knows tackle and tail whip tackle only has 95 accuracy and tail whip merely lowers our defense charmander meanwhile comes with the best starting attack move scratch with 100 accuracy we just need to keep resetting over and over and over until squirtle finally wastes its turn about six times in a row that sounds like it's going to take forever are you even certain that this run is the best idea nope i am fully aware that this is a terrible idea and that's why instead i'm temporarily throwing pokemon blue in the trash for a casual playthrough of pokemon stadium 2. yeah boys we're just going to play stadium 2 instead here we go ever so coincidentally this is in our best interests pokemon stadium 2 contains the ultimate secret weapon for the no damage run after knowing about half the game you unlock the dodrio gameboy tower capable of running the game boy games at quadruple speed remember oh he's using speed ups without emulators i just couldn't just use an emulator to be honest when i said this run was being done on official hardware just because it's officially supported by nintendo and game freak doesn't mean it's not literally made of cheese we're able to accomplish that task of playing pokemon and having a life at the same time it takes less than a minute to get back to the rival after each reset within half an hour you're likely to see a perfect matchup punching asprey in the face six times in a row to officially get this run started oh no and here i was thinking that you would faint after one more tail whip you're not quite out of the setup phase yet you'll have to i can imagine sitting here like he's just you've used you've used tailwind five times and he's like okay now squirtle use tail whip do one more roll of the dice about a one in three chance to catch a rattata this rattata dubbed general squeaks will be our main pokemon for the rest of the run it evolves into raticate having what's happening attack and speed stat and a move learned set that keeps it useful both in the early game and the end game in particular quick attack is an extra priority move absolutely required to make this run feasible if an attack uses quick attack they will always attack first unless we use quick attack ourselves my god he's level 30 already no that's interesting though ryan kate being like the main player that's not what i expected literally anyone apart from raticate would probably be what i would expect effectively forcing us to use quick attack against every opposing pokemon that also has quick attack in its own learn set now that we finally have a run that both gets past aspri and catches a rattata we have enough options to transition into a much more careful much more boring playstyle for the rest of the game we're gonna be over leveling our pokemon to the point they're able to one hit ko all required opponents except for specific exceptions like pokemon with the higher speed stat moves first in battle and our opponent will be forced to forfeit their turn if they're a dead corpse but don't start bowling over just any wild pokemon for exp believe it or not caterpie is an absolute nightmare even if a move has 100 accuracy it's still not a guaranteed hit thanks to a programming error dubbed the 1 256 glitch yeah did you know that chat that even if a move is supposed to have 100 accuracy there's still a very very very small chance just in generation one that the move can still miss i don't know if that applies to swift though because it's one of those never miss moves i'm not really sure if that's the same when checking if a move hits 100 accuracy moves are given a value of 255. when attacking the game rolls a random number between 0 and 255. if the random number is lower than the move's value the move hits unfortunately 255 is not a larger number than 255 meaning unmodified 100 accuracy moves have a hit rate of roughly 99.61 bro generation 1 is held together with sellotape and just hopes and dreams 0.39 might seem astronomically low but keep in mind the more times we roll the dice the more likely it is to come up tails at least once to put things into perspective even with all the strategies i'm about to explain in this entire video the odds of finishing a playthrough without witnessing the 1 256 glitch during a required battle are only about 67 if we were to add on any extra risk during wild pokemon training the odds of a successful run would quickly approach zero thankfully as long as our pokemon has a higher speed stat than our opponent running away is one hundred percent guaranteed additionally ferrari and forest is home to metapod and kokuna both of these pokemon oh my god he can only fight metapod and he has to get them up to like basically level 100 oh bro that's a nightmare he can oh i can't imagine how long this grinding is going to take i wonder if he only feels like kept track of it which doesn't deal any damage whatsoever our first short-term goal is clear burn viridian forest to the ground be warned even at forex speed this is going to take you a couple days in real time with high attack power and by the time we learn it our stats will be high enough to one hit ko all of brock's pokemon in the pewter city gym earning us the boulder badge brooks like brooke's sitting there like wow this trainer has no gym badges i guess i'll go easy on him all right onix use ta is that a charizard oh my god then we immediately went back into viridian forest to grind up metapod for general squeaks we are not right none until they are completely extinct the path to mount moon features several trainer battles against opponents that might potentially know quick attack flamethrower simply isn't fast enough of course only take out the trainers that explicitly block the path and simply walk past any that are optional also pick up water gun and mount moon and teach it to general squeaks this will let us this is the dumbest thing of all time a rat can learn how to blow water out of its mouth what's going on with that that's ridiculous take out higher level rock pokemon without having to train up sieve any further and keep in mind cerulean city is located just past a one-way ledge that's right and before you can leave the city you'll have to rematch me this time i have a level 18 pidgeotto complete with quick attack you need to eradicate around level 40 to guarantee a one-hit ko but you might know metapod or in the grass west of cerulean you'll have to do all of that grinding entirely within viridian forest which you did and now i'm thoroughly punched in the face how well there are still a ludicrous number of required batteries i love this commentary one of them will be quite as buff as that pidgeotto until after we unlock a new safer and faster source his his like source of like dry comedy like really appeals to me it's it's fantastic experience beeline for vermilion city grab the bike voucher then backtracked to cerulean for the bicycle itself it's time for phase two of our training regimen leg day south of cerulean is the daycare center at which you can leave one pokemon daycare this pokemon will gain exactly one experience point per step the player takes using the bicycle and the dodrio gameboy's extreme speed this is the absolute fastest safest and easiest grinding method available to us head to the underground tunnel so much fun as well your favorite workout playlist and bike for a couple days as always i literally mean a couple days at level 61 i was finally brave enough i think he streamed this entire thing too from what i was aware of like i'm pretty sure he streamed this like whole playthrough like a stream of just going up and down on a bike forever like i can't imagine doing that it'd be like a stream of just encountering pokemon over and over and over and over and over again when nothing else happens and you just encounter pokemon over and over and over again that sounds terrible enough to enter the ssan and punch aspirin in the face for the cut hm that wasn't very nice of you before we could use cuts where calamity struck quick attack and i'm going to move there he streamed it front now oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no what oh no the 1 and 2 56 chance bro the 1 256 chance no are you no this is a nightmare man no he's is he gonna is he gonna get is it gonna attack him though is it gonna attack him the goldie might not attack him it might not use horn attack i might use like i don't know super sonic god gold inconsistently god goldie and can stillness yeah yes yes i've never been so excited for someone else to use tail whip yes oh my god he choked he choked he choked jack he choked after that brush with death we obtain the cascade badge and earn the right to use cut but first we need a pokemon that can actually learn it while charizard is technically capable any pokemon that knows an hm can't be put in the daycare and i didn't wanna wait any pokemon that knows the hm can't be put in the daycare the hell that's the i didn't know that was a thing that's that's weird forfeit the option of leveling up steve if i didn't have to there are wild kakuna just above cerulean so we grabbed one of them and swapped trained in the same location until it evolved into b-drill before entering rock tunnel i'd also like to grab flash while flash is technically optional i opted to assume if i didn't use it i'd manage to accidentally bump into every single trainer like an idiot there are just enough non-dangerous no no listen if you can plan out your entire run like this if you can plan out every single aspect of your entire run you can map out a cave like you can't you can't leave that after chance of randomly bumping into people wild pokemon for us to catch including an abra we can teach flash once you've decimated the last trainer in rock tunnel and reached lavender town i've got awesome news this is the damageless run's breaking point just south of lavender is an npc ready to give you a tm savior of the run swift up to this point absolutely every time we attacked an enemy we opened ourselves up to the one in 256 glitch swift however has a special gimmick it always hits rather than simply having standard accuracy swift goes one step beyond and throws the accuracy check in the trash thus bypassing the glitch entirely give it to general squeaks for a 100 safe method of attacking most wild pokemon and trainers of course this only applies if we're strong enough for a guaranteed one-hit ko the opponent doesn't know quick attack and the opponent isn't a ghost for ghost pokemon radicate dig an extremely high power move that also happens to be super effective don't worry while this does technically mean giving our opponent a turn our opponent's ghost pokemon will never know anymore yeah they kind of can't do anything to you targets rocket hq to identify and defeat the ghost marowak and lavender tower but required is in quotation marks instead stop by celadon's mall and buy a pokedoll as anybody familiar with pokemon speedrunning is already aware the devs were asleep at the wheel while programming the ghost marowak the pokedoll the devs were asleep at the wheel when they programmed the majority of this game let's be honest allows the player to run away from wild pokemon with 100 success and despite being a required story battle ghost marowak is legally considered a wild pokemon turns out running away like a little baby is a one hundred percent valid method of soothing marowak's wayward soul letting us safely run tactics bro speed run tactics dude while enceladon stop by gamefreak's hq to politely borrow nathaniel bandy buy a thunderstone evolve him into jolteon and immediately run him off to the daycare center don't worry nate we'll take you back out in a week or so at west to grab the fly hm wake up snorlax and run away like a little baby forcing snorlax to de-materialize out of existence you can get through the entirety of cycling road without triggering a battle by hugging the right wall thus reaching fuchsia nice the coward's way out the best way zone here is absolutely essential both for the required hms surf and strength as well as offering a great variety of catchable pokemon without any risk of taking damage these include mero the doe duo to teach fly nick robinson the kangaskhan to teach surf and strength and most importantly etika the nidorino who will be absolutely vital in the endgame unfortunately we're not actually allowed to surf until beating coca's gym koga has a level 43 wheezing with massive defense overpowering it with swift is going to take even more massive attack power but rather we need more attack power boys we can multi-task with a better option mug the entire world we're gonna all right boys the plan is clear we need to mug everyone need a lot of cash in the near future and it just so happens trainers drop their wallet in fear after murdering their pokemon keep a strategy guide handy to see what every trainer has in advance if they don't have a pokemon that knows quick attack and they're decently lower level than us swift will be a guaranteed team wiper building up both raticate stats and our bank account simultaneously this also gets a few of the gyms out of them multi-tasking they're total pushovers after obtaining most of the world's wealth i still wasn't quite as powerful as i wanted so i started training against the one that's jeff bezos that's literally a quote from jeff bezos after obtaining most of the world's wealth i still wasn't quite as powerful as i wanted to be so wild pokemon just outside of fuchsia until level 95. this is high enough to beat koga as well as aspiring oh cool i lost again important note we're reaching the threshold where boss battles have pokemon too beefy to beat with swift you'll have to risk the one in 256 glitch by using more powerful moves nevertheless with all that done we now have access to the final and best training location for general squeaks in the entire game see foam islands where we trade for steel levels with general squeaks at level 100 raid and nonchalantly curb stomp the final gems with the eighth bat you said raid there i thought i thought it was gonna transition into a raid ad match in hand we've officially earned the right to enter victory road and fight the elite four it's time for the absolutely final grinding session and if by this point we've been streaming for nine total days the vast majority of that time spent grinding and it was finally too much for me to handle no joke this run was causing me actual literal recurring nightmares where i do something embarrassingly stupid like take damage by stepping on a thumbtack and in my disoriented dream state i convinced myself that even though i only imagined getting hit imagined damage is still technically damage and thus forfeits the run in the interests of getting this run over as fast as possible so i can both get this video out and manage my stress i chose to do the rest of the daycare grinding off stream in a more peaceful environment i can only hope you all trust i didn't immediately jump into a horde of caterpie as soon as the camera was off i also trust that you agree with me that imaginary thumbtacks don't count as a hit i don't know chat what do you think imaginary thumbtacks i don't know man it's it's up in the air the jury's still out on that one guys the jury's still out on that one several days later on november 29th 2019 i booted up the stream for one last time 200. our final team consists of only three pokemon general squeaks the level 100 raticate with may be maxed or near maxed from training knowing the move swift bubble beam and dig nathaniel bandy the level 100 jolteon given a full helping of 10 calcium to boost his special stat he went straight to level a hundred on this thing and knowing the move i mean you got to see though no you gotta see etika the level 79 nidorino given a full helping of carbos to boost his speed stat and knowing the move horn drill wait you didn't evolve it yourself with an arsenal of x accuracy xspeed ethers and the poka flute and you are finally ready walk into route 22 to catch up with osprey for the penultimate battle this one is really just a formality since i unfortunately suffer from good ai any trainer with good ai will prefer moves that are super effective against the player's current pokemon nidorino is a pure poison type and my pidgeot knows agility a psychic type move that does absolutely no damage that's not good ai i mean i understand like it prefers moves that are super effective that's fine spamming agility it's not good ai regardless agility is still technically super effective against poison meaning i'm legally obligated to use it on every single turn no matter how incredibly obviously stupid this strategy is while pick asprey is basically literally nothing we can set up the ultimate unbreakable combo use x accuracy and 6x beats then take down pidgeot with one of your standard attack moves x accuracy is absolutely ludicrously broken rather than simply raising the accuracy of our moves it causes them to skip accuracy checks entirely so yeah that's ridiculous this even applies to horn drill a move that has low accuracy but always one hit ko is on contact generation casper has effectively already lost the entire battle horndro will drop every one of his pokemon as soon as they show up take your victory lap through victory road and prepare yourself for the final battle restore your pp at the polka center make sure etika is at the front of the line and walk through the doorway to your destiny and immediately take damage have to reset the run back to the beginning boys here we go our safe scumming is banned there's no turning back tonight you'll go down in history as either the ultimate champion or the ultimate failure i'm sure you're already aware we'll always try to counter nidorino by falling asleep it doesn't work set up the horn drill combo to take out her entire team risk-free remember to use an ether immediately after to restore horn drill to full and swap raticate into the front slot bruno isn't going to be so big use bubble beam on both ends swift on hitman chan and hitmonlee and swap to jolteon to overpower machamp with thunderbolt against agatha you'll have to swap between raticate and jolteon every turn put jolteon in the lead thunderbolt swift thunderbolt swift thunderbolt thunderbolt swift thunderbolt swift thunderbolt swift thunderbolts finally it's lanta's turn thunderbolt gyarados then swapped back to etica to trick lance's dragon air into spamming agility and horn drill combo the rest of the fight pidgeot no longer knows agility so keep nate in the front slot use one more ether to refill horn drill and walk through the doorway to our final rematch like it would be so easy to make the mistake of like forgetting to use an ether or something like that and just like walking through the door and you've got no pp i can't do i can't imagine like being in the stream in this moment like watching after all like 10 straight days of streaming and all of that coming up to this moment and then be like oh forgot anything yikes boys with aspiring and this is where it all comes to an end no human being has the willpower to survive viridian forest power leveling twice in one lifetime there will be no more vg myths when people think of pokemon challenge runs they will think only of me i'm about to end your entire career one shot pidgeot with thunderbolt one shot alakazam with swift one shot right on with bubble beam one shot arcanine with thunderbolt and swap to etica for one final ai loop against exeggutor yeah champ you just made a critical mistake while good ai makes me prefer super effective moves there's another ai modifier that's given quintuple priority i'll never use moves that inflicts status ailments against a player that already has one even if it's super effective i'm not stupid enough to use hypnosis on a pokemon that's already asleep uh oh yo pig asprey it's your chance to end his run no don't do it instead i'll always either use barrage or stomp you're completely open to take damage on the next turn the run is officially over bro this sounds like it's like a yu-gi-oh like protagonist moments where they like explain everything that's happening they're like draw your last pathetic card so i can end this yugi you don't know that my card allows me to draw two cards which will then allow me to activate the effect of my monster which will allow me to activate another effect which allows me to draw one more card and activate the effect of my spell card in my trap card graveyard which i'll activate this effect it's over hello saspri but as an ai trainer you've still got one last weakness for me to take advantage of you're a dirty cheater cheater pumpkin eater the ai doesn't simply choose its move at the start of the turn like the player does if the player moves first the a it chooses it after you choose your move which is nonsense absolute nonsense i will wait to make its final move decision afterward meaning there's one more loophole that can get us out of this the poka flute functions in battle as an infinitely reusable awakening use it to wake nidorino up thus removing its status ailment since nidorino's status is normal aspree is forced to cheat and make an otherwise impossible move decision he's forced to cheat i love that phrase well looks like i have to dude i'm forced to cheat hypnosis well i guess this is what i get for completely disregarding the rules of the game since opponent trainers don't have to worry about pp we're now effectively unbeatable it's only a matter of time until hypnosis misses letting us gradually set up our combo obliterate exeggutor select horn drill once again gather your thoughts and make gaming history by absolutely annihilating blastoise and crowning yourself the untouchable pokemon champion the pokemon mr perfect run is mission complete that's ridiculous that's actually insane after all is said and done i have to say this run was an unforgettable experience if you'd like to try it out yourself don't please this is a very bad idea seriously if a challenge run is giving you literal nightmares it has passed thoroughly into unhealthy territory do a challenge i always encourage doing challenge runs just just don't don't do this one please you deserve better and if you want to see more of me you can head on over to my channel where i make all sorts of different videos many of which feature me exploiting the mechanics of different pokemon games in the form of challenges and soft locks but that's all i have to say here peace out plus shout out to everybody whom my pokemon were named after sieve gaming the charizard small ant the abra skip the tutorial the bee drill watch mojo the metapod nathaniel bandy the jolteon mero the doduo nick robinson the kangaskhan still gaining the hitmonlee and chat the lapras shout out to all their i like to think you would have thought this was cool couldn't have done this without you that's very respectful and finally special thanks to all patreon backers including andrew seibert the friendly resident of subcon forest and there we go that was sick honestly this guy he does absolutely insane challenges like this i mean just look at look at his channel look at this channel can you beat ratchet and clank with only a wrench that's that's just the newest video if you go to the most popular ones that's not even the most popular video on this channel just look at this can you be super mario 3d world without jumping can you meet super mario odyssey without jumping can you beat breath of the wild without climbing like this this is insane can you beat split soon without firing the hero shot don't even know what that is man but that sounds pretty wacky but hey we recorded this entire reaction on slash power is live because it was one of those videos that i wanted to do a reaction to but it's a little bit too long for me to do in like an edited video so i was like i'll do the best of both worlds instead of having nothing we'll have this as like an additional video like additional content which is kind of nice too also you should come and watch our streams because we like hanging out isn't that right chat we love hanging out here but anyway thank you so much for watching this video see you guys next time bye thank you so much to our twitch subs and youtube members of the day remember if you are a youtube member or a twitch subscriber that both gives you access to the sub discord and i appreciate you supporting the channel thank you so much guys
Channel: Patterrz
Views: 125,093
Rating: 4.9498339 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon ruby, jaidenanimations nuzlocke, jaiden animation nuzlocke, jaiden animation pokemon, pokemon ruby nuzlocke, pokemon, I Attempted my First Pokemon Nuzlocke, reaction, react, patterrz, patterz, gamechamp3000 breath of the wild, gamechamp3000 pokemon, VG Myths - Can You Beat Pokemon Without Getting Hit?, Can You Beat Pokemon Without Getting Hit?, beat pokemon without taking damage, beat pokemon, beat pokemon red with magikarp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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