VG Myths - Can You Beat Rockman 3 Without Getting Hit?

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Special thanks to sponsor Ironside Computers. Use the code "Gamechampmakesluigifanfiction" for 5% off. ... don't take any unnecessary risks, try not to drop your controller, and feel free to scream out in celebration as his health bar reaches zero! With Dr. Wily thoroughly phoned home, the Rockman 2 Mr. Perfect Run is Mission Complete! And holy mother of cheese on a holy cracker, WOW. Wow, never again! Good morning, everybody, and welcome back to VG Myths: the online internet video game TV show in a neverending cycle of unfinished business. You know exactly why we're here, and you're probably wondering why it took me three years to get this video up. I'll answer that question, as long as you answer one for me. Can You Beat Rockman 3 Without Getting Hit? The rules are the same as always: don't get hit. This is a single-segment full game playthrough with absolutely no wiggle room. If, at any point, you take damage even a single time, your entire playthrough is forfeit. You don't just go back to a checkpoint. You reset the game and start back from the title screen. Additionally, for obvious reasons, only gameplay features of the original Famicom release are allowed. That means no autofire, no save states, and no Turbo CPU. And finally, second controller inputs, which allow for incredibly overpowered debug features, are banned entirely. With the rules set, let's get this run three years in the making finally started! Being a Rockman game, we can choose any of the first 8 stages to tackle first. Naturally, we want to get the hardest bosses out of the way ASAP, thus cutting down on time wasted beating the easy levels before our inevitable painful and horrible deaths. Needleman is the hardest of the eight bosses, but in order to actually beat him we absolutely need his weakness, Gemini Laser. Unfortunately, Geminiman is likewise extremely dangerous. Snakeman is next in the chain and easily beatable as a first visit, so we're hunting him down first. The snake heads in the first room fire some super quick bullets, so memorize their exact locations and fire two shots to instantaneously kill them. The second room ambushes you with three snake heads simultaneously; wait a small fraction of time after reaching the top of the ladder, dodge, take out one or two heads, dodge again, then continue. For both giant snake heads, fire three shots during a dodging jump, two additional shots after, then repeat for ten total shots. In the next room, immediately kill the topmost snake head, jump over the bullet volley and slide past the copter to take out the next snake. When the pole vaulters show up, completely stop moving, wait for them to pass above, then jump over as they run back. The Snake Joes are almost always at a different vertical elevation than you, so play it safe and shoot at them just before they open their eyes. You shouldn't ever have to put yourself in danger. Once you reach the sky platforms, make sure you always jump as the platforms spawn rather than standing still; otherwise they're capable of pushing you off. When the Bullet Bills spawn in, a single shot will decloud them. This makes them continue at their current elevation, making them much easier to dodge. Snakeman is easy to fight buster-only, with one exception: he's incredibly difficult to reliably dodge when he first walks towards you. To counter this, switch to Rush Coil before entering. Though not normally intended for battle, Rush Coil gives you enough height to make that first dodge. You can now easily pepper him with buster shots with ample time to escape, finishing our first damageless stage. Next on our list: Geminiman. The enemies in the first area should be self-explanatory: carefully edge forward and spam them with Buster shots when they appear. Whenever you encounter dragonflies, spawn them one at a time, wait for them to get in position behind you, and jump over. Against the Ice Makers, fire the buster at a steady rhythm on the ground to keep the Penpens from reaching you, occasionally jumping to shoot the handle. The Ice Maker will die after ten hits. In the water room you'll have to deal with dragonflies from above and sub missiles from below. Carefully time your jumps such that the dragonflies try to attack you at your peak jump height, thus flying above you when you land, while always ensuring you're on the next platform before the missiles hit you. Before leaving the room, it is absolutely essential you grab the E Tank. Upon climbing the ladder two frogs will jump towards you. A quick volley of bullets should be able to kill both before their second jump. Thankfully, now that we have Search Snake, Geminiman is one of the easiest boss battles in the game; keep to the right half of the screen and jump over while simultaneously firing a snake. With the third snake, don't just fire once; mash the fire button a few times to get a hit on the other Gemini. Quickly get in to spam him with more Snakes, finishing him off before he can get out another attack. With Gemini Laser equipped, we can finally go after our first main target: Needleman. The hedgehogs at the beginning can each be killed either with a volley of bullets or a single gemini laser. The cannons can be killed with a single Search Snake, but are invlunerable until you get close. Fire a spread out volley, then enter their range, ensuring they get hit at the earliest possible moment. The Mets similarly can only be damaged when you get close and fire back much more quickly; you'll need some very careful timing to hit them beforehand. The last section of the level is mostly free; with careful play you shouldn't have any trouble until Needleman himself. Immediately rush towards him and fire a midair Gemini Laser. He'll always respond with either a short hop or a high hop. React with a specifically timed second shot, then retreat. You should now be able to get in two final shots from the far side of the room. Once Needleman is down, you'll unlock the barely useful Needle Cannon and absolutely game-breakingly useful Rush Jet. Of the remaining 5 bosses, Shadowman is the hardest. You might think we'd want to grab his weakness first, but anybody familiar with the game will know that is absolutely not an option. Shadowman is weak to Top Spin, an attack that requires the player to directly touch enemies. Touching things that hurt you when you touch them is not a strategy I'm going to recommend. Without his weakness as an option, our current gear is going to have to be enough; we're heading for Shadowman first. When dropping from the first screen, hug the center platform as you're falling; you'll always fall straight past to the next screen safely. The miniboss fight against Blues is super easy: he only has two actions: running while far from you, and doing jump shots while close to you. Just keep sliding between the edges of the screen while getting potshots from afar. In the room with grenades and walking eyes, equip Search Snake and fire snakes at regular intervals. The snakes will hug every surface and take each enemy out without having to aim. Rather than bothering to do any platforming in the lava room, turn the dial down to easy mode with our first use of Rush Jet. Notice I'm constantly jumping; Rush Jet's energy only drains while Rockman is standing on him. Any time spent jumping is free, so by constantly jumping you'll extend your maximum jet time massively. This will be incredibly important now that we've reached Shadowman himself. Shadowman has total control of ground level, being ridiculously difficult to dodge, so hop on Rush Jet ASAP and take to the sky to even the odds. At the beginning of the fight he jumps twice before attacking, then for the remainder will jump three times before attacking. Keep close in front of him and keep firing shots to hit him when he does a midjump or high jump, then move behind him when he attacks. This usually keeps you safe regardless of which attack he uses. Note, however, that this isn't safe at the very edge of the arena if he tries to slide. If his back is too close to the wall, preemptively make your way to the opposite wall, where you'll have plenty of time to react to whatever move he makes. Once his health bar reaches zero, the two hardest stages of the initial eight will be finished. The next hardest of the remainder just happens to be the next link in the weakness triangle: Sparkman. Take note of the enemies that spawn from the cieling chutes; they always spawn when you reach a certain distance, and with proper timing you can take them out instantly. The electric turrets seen throughout this stage are incredibly difficult to dodge, but the good news is you don't have to! They'll only spawn if you cross a very specific threshhold, and will despawn if they go off-screen. Align yourself just right, and most of them will magically disappear. Otherwise, the rest of the stage is simple and easy. Sparkman himself is the last difficult boss of the run. He randomly hops between 1 and 4 times before every attack. You'll need to be properly positioned to dodge in every possible scenario. To make this possible, go into the battle with Rush Jet equipped. Every one of his five attack positions have blind spots that allow you to safely dodge. Keep heading toward those and look for chances to deal damage quickly before Rush Jet runs out. With Sparkman dead, there aren't any more difficult stages in the initial 8; sit back and relax with 3 freebie levels. Of the freebies, head for Magnetman first. There's one new enemy type in this stage to take note of: the missile turrets. The semi-homing nature of the missiles and their small size make them super dangerous: keep as far away as possible, spam shots to take out the turret, then jump to hit the missile at the last second. On this screen, equip Gemini Laser, jump up and fire at the right wall at your maximum jump height. This isn't the fastest way to kill this guy, but it is the most incredibly pointlessly convoluted, and is thus required. The last room has a missile turret at a higher elevation. The same strategy as before applies, though your shots will need to be even more precise. Magnetman himself is simple. As he approaches shoot him with Spark Shock, then hug the left wall. As long as you're running away from him you're always safe if he tries to magnetize you. If he jumps up, calmly walk to the opposite side of the room and he won't be able to hit you. Repeat until death. Next on the list: Hardman. These beehives spawn a bunch of bees once they hit the ground, but thankfully we won't have to deal with them: as long as the beehive lands while off-screen, the bees won't actually spawn, leaving the path completely clear. With all the weapons we've gotten so far, you can make your way through most of the stage with totally risk-free enemy clears. Shadow Blade's diagonal shots and Gemini Laser's bouncing shots both work great for this. This Met is dangerous if not taken out immediately, but as long as you fire a volley on the approach you should be okay. A crocodile will pop out of these green platforms shortly after you walk on them, but Rush Jet ain't walking. A beehive will spawn as soon as you move the screen. Scroll the screen as far right as you can, about face when the beehive stops, and you'll have just enough time to get it off-screen and continue. Be very careful about how you climb down the next ladder. Down here we have another fight with Blues, but this time it's not on flat ground, making the fight astronomically harder. Rather than being good at video games, we can cheat with Rush Jet. But don't start cheating just yet: there's a short cutscene that prevents us from summoning Rush until after Blues starts moving, leaving very little wiggle room. Instead, we're going to give ourselves a head-start. Summon Rush mid-fall, just before you touch the ground. He'll come out during the cutscene, with ample time remaining to board and fly up to safety. Follow directly behind Blues and mash a couple dozen bullets into his back for a cheap and easy victory. Shortly after is the boss door. Hardman can normally be difficult to fight since his hands double back after passing you, but there's a trick to remove that aspect from the battle entirely: as long as you're hugging the absolute edge of the arena, the arms will go just far enough off-screen to despawn. Jump over both while hugging the wall, dodge to the other side, and fire magnets at all times inbetween. After successfully avoiding a single immature joke, we can move on to the final of the 8 bosses: Topman. Most of this stage doesn't introduce anything you shouldn't already be able to handle, though there are a couple new enemies. The top launchers are usually at the top of a stairway. Equip Shadow Blade and mash blades towards them; you'll always take out the tops before they reach you. For the cat minibosses, stay back and spam Search Snake, with carefully timed bursts as the yarn balls approach. There are two cats to take out and only barely enough Search Snake for both of them, so keep an eye out and refill if given the opportunity. Search Snake also allows for a safe kill on this Met. For the final top launcher, equip Shadow Blade, rush below him, then alternate between horizontal and vertical throws as necessary. Miss the entire point of Topman's carefully crafted platforming challenge, equip Hard Knuckle, and enter the boss door. Topman has the simplest pattern out of all 8 bosses, with absolutely no RNG. Hit him once, slide away as the tops home in, jump over Topman and repeat. After 4 hits, you'll be done with the initial 8 stages and can move on to officially BEGIN your attempt. Everything you saw before now was the tutorial! Welcome to the Doc Rowboat stages! Before even being allowed to enter the endgame, we must beat four extra-hard stages featuring two battles each against Doc Rowboat, who, in every encounter, carries the moveset of one of the 8 prior bosses from Rockman 2. Considering how we obliterated them last time, these guys are understandably thirsty for revenge, and the ludicrously stupid ones have gotten ludicrously stupider. Logic dictates we should go after the hardest stage first, but keep in mind if you seriously want to beat this entire thing you'll need to be well-practiced on every single stage. I opted to instead head for one of the three less difficult Doc Rowboat stages first, cycling around to ensure we're never underpracticed in any of them. The second-hardest Doc Rowboat stage to clear is the Geminiman revisit. The first room should feel familiar, but now you'll have to pay much more careful attention to when the flame droppers spawn. Specifically, you should memorize the exact locations of the droppers too high to hit with the buster. Those specific ones you should shoot with Magnet Missiles. Once a little ways along, you should have enough Magnet Missile to switch to it permanently and take out the rest of the enemies. You won't need any more magnets for the rest of the level, so feel free to run it dry. At the stage's halfway point, we reach our first rematch: Doc Flashman. Equip Rush Jet before entrance, jump on as he approaches, and escape into the air. Doc Flash is the entire reason this stage is considered second-hardest, requiring some ludicrously dangerous movement. Make sure you're always jumping just next to Flashman as he freezes the screen. This keeps you in a blindspot where no shots can reach while simultaneously preventing Rush Jet from draining. Keep ahead of him when he passes the center and try to get two to three shots on him each pass. Unfortunately, Rush Jet will likely be draining slightly faster than his health bar, so we'll have to finish the fight on foot. When Rush Jet is almost out, look for good timing in Flashman's attack cycle where he passes the middle immediately after freezing. Jump down behind him, equip Needle Cannon, spray and pray. If you did everything right, he'll explode in two hits, which ever so coincidentally is the number of hits you'll be able to deal before a bullet collides with your face. Rush Jet is now near empty, and we'll want more later on, so stop by the first pit, send Rush on a neverending trip to hell, and grab Weapon Energy as it appears. Once Rush Jet is about halfway filled you should be safe. The next screen is the first and only use of Rush Marine in the entire game: just hold right and mash the fire button and you'll somehow accidentally reach the end. In the crawling bug rooms, keep every single bug spawn point in mind as you progress, being certain to kill each bug before walking below its spawn point. In the second room, with properly paced shots you can kill both bugs simultaneously and clear the entire screen in one go. We're now entering the battle with Doc Bubbleman, who's gotten a bit of an upgrade: no weapons deal quite as much damage as Metal Blade once did, meaning we'll have to survive a little bit longer and use a much different strategy. Head in with Rush Jet. When the battle starts, jump as high as you can without touching the spikes, then mash the start button as fast as possible. What, did you think there wouldn't be more pause shenanigans? Every time you enter and exit the weapon menu, you stall your fall just slightly, allowing you to wait for Doc Bubble's randomly timed jump, at which point you can fall past his first bullet guaranteed. Slide under the bubbles, deploy Rush Jet, dodge his return shot annnd Doc Bubble will bluescreen. The devs programmed him to wait for Rockman to touch the ground before his attack pattern can continue, and wouldn't you know it, Rush ain't the ground. Once you power cycle Doc Bubble, you can head into the third-hardest Doc Robo stage, located in the Needleman revisit. The second screen will take some extremely precise movements, with a series of extending and retracting toy lightsabers. When jumping up here, there's just enough space to stand on the ledge without getting hit. Aim for the same spot when making the jump immediately after, and once again slide through. The third spike of the next set will be timed differently depending on when you scroll the screen. Try to time it so it's a little delayed compared to the other two spikes, giving you time to wait underneath. Breeze through the next few rooms then get ready for our old unbeatable friend Airman, who's now even harder than he was in Rockman 2. As you can probably guess, we'll be using Rush Jet. Jump on as soon as the battle starts, and improvise. Airman will shoot out three volleys of air, with several preset patterns of the whirlwinds. Some of these patterns provide an opportunity for you to get in some damage while making a safe escape, but others are too dangerous and will force you to stall. When Doc Airman jumps to the left side it becomes too dangerous to actively attack; instead, hug the top-right corner and weave through the air gusts while conserving Rush Jet as much as possible. You shouldn't run out until after he jumps back to the right. Once he's low on health or you run out of Rush Jet, swap to Magnet Missiles and hit Doc Air as fast as you can to hopefully end the battle before the next wind gust. The next screen requires Rush Jet to traverse, but luckily even if you ran out there are infinitely respawning enemies to farm for refills. Take your time and try to relax; you definitely deserve a break. When climbing up this ladder, drop the controller and sip a latte as the enemy above fails to hit you and runs back to tell Wily he tried his hardest. Equip Shadow Blade for the next screen, a miniboss fight against a giant Met. Once it's dead, put the controller down and drink another latte. Seriously, this is a very important strategy! There's a weird glitch that sometimes occurs after beating this miniboss: upon death, the ghost of its hitbox will linger for a short amount of time. Attempting to pass before that ghost despawns to the afterlife will result in Rockman taking 0 damage. I repeat, Rockman will take exactly 0 damage. I'll let you decide if taking imaginary damage counts as taking damage, because I'm not touching that one with a 0 foot pole. In the next screen, equip Magnet Missiles. These take out the propeller mets in one hit, so fire as you pass through to keep the way clear. On the final screen, run forward and Shadow Blade the Hedgehog before it rolls into a ball, switch to Needle Cannon, and enter the boss room to fight Doc Clashman. Crashman has been upgraded since Rockman 2 and can't be quickkilled. When you fire your gun, he'll jump a random distance in the direction he's moving and fire a bomb midjump. Try to control him by forcing him to jump past you and cycle back and forth across the room. Be warned, he's entirely capable of jumping of his own volition, so keep that possibility in mind and be ready to adapt. With Doc Crash dead, we've only got four more rematches to worry about. The fourth-hardest Doc Rowboat level is the Shadowman revisit. The spikes may look intimidating, but if you slide off the edge of each platform while moving forward you'll always fall safely. Equip Magnet Missiles before the third fall, letting you get rid of the walking eye immediately. For the next screen, equip Spark Shock. Wait for just the right time, jump and fire a shot to freeze the jumping robot in place so you can safely walk below. The return of the grenade room can be skipped entirely with Rush Jet, which shouldn't require very much energy as long as you keep jumping. Head into the halfway boss door for the Woodman rematch. Woodman is even easier to beat now than he was in Rockman 2. Use Rush Jet to hide in the top-left corner, where you're 100% untouchable, then drop down to spam needles when Doc Wood is unshielded. Once Doc Wood reaches the left edge, head to his right side, wait for four leaves to rise up, then move back to safety and counterattack. Woodman is not only the easiest Doc Rowboat fight, but also one of the easiest boss fights in the entire game, so you shouldn't have much trouble. The Snake Joe in the next room is a little scary in this cramped hallway, but a properly timed slide will dodge his attack safely. After the Joes use Rush Jet in the lava room once again to cheese it. This time, frogs will periodically spawn in. Keep their locations in mind and aim where they're going to jump as you move forward. Before the final screen, swap to Magnet Missiles, and enter the next screen while mashing the fire button in midair. Four magnets will kill the launcher, then one more will kill the missile when it gets close. The Heatman rematch starts out very similarly to Rockman 2, with Doc Heat firing a volley of fire directly at you the moment the battle begins. This time, you'll want to hold down and right, sliding ASAP and jumping through the gap in the flames. That dodge is the only hard part; you can now slowly and safely whittle Doc Heat's health from afar. And if you need a bathroom break, now is the perfect time. Just lure him directly into one of the edges and stand at the opposite edge. He apparently understands and will wait impatiently. Once Doc Heat is dead, we can finally stop stalling and get to what you've all been waiting for: the absolute hardest damageless stage in the entire game, and hardest damageless stage yet seen in the entire series, the Sparkman revisit. The level's difficulty comes almost entirely from the boss fights; the enemies inbetween all being extremely simple. One note for this room, you can bypass a very scary encounter with a missile turret by immediately sliding forward below it. It won't fire its missile if you're that close, allowing you to safely spam Shadowblades from below. Next is Doc Metalman, where we'll be using Magnet Missiles. Slide to the halfway point, fire a missile, then slide backward just before the Metal Blades hit you. This will allow you to dodge all Metal Blades regardless of Doc Metal's jump height. He's not as pathetic as he used to be and may decide to jump randomly on his own, but it's rare for this to throw a major wrench in your strategy, making Doc Metal almost as easy as Doc Wood. Sldie and jump through the next few totally easy rooms as you reconsider every decision you've ever made in your entire life, because you're about to say hello once again to the nightmare himself: the physical manifestation of RNG, Quickman. More than any other boss, Quickman is most justified in his quest to end our pathetic lives. Remember how we beat him in the previous episode? We spammed him with weapons he was completely immune to, which had the side effect of forcing him into a fancy invulnerability pose. Though intended to show off his strength, this ended up being his greatest weakness, allowing for quick weapon swapping to drain his health bar before he even got the chance to fight. In this incarnation, however, he's learned from his mistakes: Doc Quickman has no immunities whatsoever! He takes at least 1 damage from every single weapon and thus there's absolutely nothing stopping him from obliterating you with pure, unfiltered RNG rage. In every single other boss fight in Rockman 3, I've figured out a strategy that I believe will at least theoretically make victory possible regardless of luck. RNG can make a boss harder but never impossible. To juxtapose this, Doc Quick will sometimes literally decide that you lose the moment the fight begins. Meaning, for the damageless run to be possible, Doc Quick will literally have to decide not to win. And, of course, in addition to that requirement, you'll also need to improvise perfectly around his ludicrously hectic movements and attacks. But don't give up hope: being good at video games is still not required. While Doc Quick's usual preferred weakness is Gemini Laser, I discovered a secret that makes this fight just a little more bearable: if too many objects are on-screen, the game will start to run slower, and Doc Robot's sprite plus the three boomerangs are already filling the screen near the limit. Since time is moving slower but your brain is moving at the same speed, you'll have a better chance of figuring out exactly what's happening on screen to adapt on-the-fly to Quickman's movement while preparing for his next move. This doesn't really help us with Gemini Laser since we can only have one shot on-screen at a time, and thus the game is only ever slowed down if we already failed to hit our target. But Doc Quick has a secondary weakness. Search Snake may not seem like the best offensive option at first, but it allows you to have up to 3 shots on-screen at a time. Intentionally miss with two snakes and save your third snake for Doc Quick himself. Okay, yes, yes! Practice finally paid off! With enough brute force, Doc Quick's random number generator will generate mercy, allowing you to pass without a scratch. After all these years, we've passed the most difficult roadblock in the entire game. It's victory lap time! Welcome to the Wily Stages! Most of Wily Stage 1 can be cleared with strats we've already seen. Just note the water room with the flying penguins. Memorize their spawn positions, swap to Magnet Missiles, and fire shots off while you jump across the spikes. I'm probably going to be responsible for a few dozen spittakes, but before entering the boss room you should equip Top Spin. Yes, seriously. While Top Spin normally results in the player taking damage upon use, there's an exception most people don't realize: no damage is taken if the enemy is killed in one hit. Wily Stage 1's boss consists of multiple separate turtles, each of which can be killed with one Top Spin. The whirlwinds spat out by the walls and floor can interrupt the spin, so keep your space a bit, but otherwise the turtles are sitting ducks. Stage 2 features some more beehives in combination with crocodiles. The first of these will require some hectic hops back and forth to despawn. The second and third can be safely despawned through clever use of Rush Jet, which will deliver you all the way to the boss door. The boss fight is against Yellow Devil Mk. II, who has been upgraded from maddeningly difficult to incredibly pathetic. You have more than enough time to react to each blob through reaction time alone with no memorization required, and now have the ability to slide under. Once he switches sides, jump and fire one Hard Knuckle, then wait and do the whole thing over again. When he moves to the left side specifically, swap to Rush Jet as soon as the Hard Knuckle hits, climb aboard and fly over, thus skipping the practically undodgable mess of incorrect hitboxes. Punch him in the eyeball a few more times to move on to Wily Stage 3. Once again, no new strategies are necessary. There are a couple enemies to take out from afar, a grenade room to clear with Search Snake, and a hopper requiring a very stressfully timed Spark Shock. After a short moving platform segment we'll be going after the third Wily Stage boss: Holorock, who's going to require us to play a little bit less fair. Only one of these Holorocks can take damage, but all three can deal damage, firing three bullets at us shortly after the battle starts. Once that happens, your death is nearly guaranteed, so you'll have to finish this entire battle in about two seconds. Luckily, while the true Holorock's location is normally randomized, this is not the case when the battle begins: the real one is always on the top platform. Additionally, Holorock has no invulnerability frames: he'll take damage as fast as you can shovel it into his face. We could use his weakness, Search Snake, to end the battle with some extremely precise movement, but this is way too risky. Instead, we'll be using the most powerful weapon in the entire game: a very, very good boy! Most weapons don't allow the player to enter the weapon menu while their shots are currently on-screen. Each Rush weapon is an exception, letting you open the menu whenever you want. After swapping weapons, the preexisting pellets will take upon the attributes of whatever weapon you swapped to. For example, if you swap to Search Snake, the pellets will deal the same amount of damage as if you'd hit the opponent with an actual snake. This is cool on its own, but usually isn't useful since you can only have two shots on-screen at a time and all this weapon swapping is incredibly inconvenient compared to just punching people in the face. Thankfully, there's yet one more tidbit of information: Top spin, unlike every other weapon in the game, does not immediately despawn after touching an enemy. This normally doesn't matter much given the nature of the attack, but if we give this attribute to a buster shot, and the enemy in question has no invulnerability frames, the pellet will deal damage every single frame. With this trick, you can take out Holorock with plenty of time to spare. Welcome to Wily Stage 4, the final stage in the game and beginning of the final boss rush. The garbage bots here are simple, but be warned, if a garbage block spawns the garbage bots are still capable of throwing it even if they're a dead corpse. On this screen, do NOT drop down the ladder, instead climb down and stop immediately. If you drop down, you'll automatically take damage, but climbing down allows you to magically hold onto the ladder that no longer exists. In the boss rush, almost all bosses are fought with the same methods, however, remember that our strategies for both Shadowman and Sparkman used Rush Jet. Rush is more critical for Shadowman, so go after him before Sparkman, being careful to conserve Rush Jet as much as possible. Additionally, there's a new strategy possible against Hard Man that actually makes it literally impossible to lose. This is the "sip a latte until the heat death of the universe" strat. As funny as that may seem, trust me, you do not want a glitch like that happening in an actual run. (Archived Audio) Oh NOOOO! OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD! Everything when exactly as planned. With the boss rush down, it's now time for the final boss battle: refill on Rush Jet and Spark Shock on the way there, equipping Spark Shock for the final battle. Wily Machine Number 3 will fire a very difficult-to-dodge spinning orb at your current location shortly after the turret appears on-screen. To prevent it from causing any problems, wait until just before Wily finishes moving to the left for the third time, and jump. If done correctly, the orb will be fired into the air. Stall for time just a little bit longer; if you destroy the turret too fast, Wily will glitch a bullet past the right side of the screen and through the left side of the screen. If you stall long enough, he'll only be able to fire them as reality allows. Hop on Rush Jet and you can easily whittle his health down with near-zero risk. But don't get too excited: just like last time, this is only the first final boss battle. We've got just one more to tackle. (Archived Audio) All right. We go in with Shadow Blade, we position ourself in the center so we can't get hit by the bullets. We rhythmically jump up and shoot up, make sure we don't intersect with the bullets while doing that. While we're waiting for Phase 2, we hold down and left, and at the exact moment that Gutsman connects we slide to the left. Uh, we wanna do it very quickly, and then jump after the shot is fired from Gamma. Immediately after we've dodged that bullet, we switch to Rush Jet, we fly up, we fire two shots, we switch to Top. Hahaaaa... AAAAAAH HAAAAAA! UUUUUUUUUUH, AAAAHH! OH MY GOOOOD! OOH. OH MY GAH- OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD! With Dr. Wily glitched into horrifically permanent and canon death, the Rockman 3 Mr. Perfect Run is Mission Complete! Do not ask me about the fourth game! We are going to sit here and we are going to be happy about what we've already done! Okay?! By the way, two final notes. First, if you'd like to see the run in its entirety, or any of the failed attempts it's archived on the Let's Strem channel. Second, random fun fact time: I like money! I want to eat money. I want to eat YOUR money. Starting today, there's a new tier on the Patreon: with a $10 pledge, in addition to the usual vocal shoutout, you'll get access to commentated versions of some of my videos. In these commentaries, I give random thoughts and behind-the-scenes info. Did you ever want to know why I say "Mission Complete?" You could find out this incredibly inconsequential information if you shovel money directly into my face. One commentated episode is live right now, and until we get a decently sized backlog I'll be uploading one per week. Additionally, since these won't be live on the main channel, I don't have to worry about analytics and can make minor updates whenever I feel like it. Let me know any questions you have about prior episodes and if I have any interesting answers I might update the commentary. Speaking of giving me money- Special thanks to all Patreon backers including: Drew Colpurs Anon42 Rb_Drache Zahlen 0 LezLamb Chris Nate Alexander Botkin Anyuu Ikreera Vincent Hall Alex Nelson LivelyLeader Th3QuackyGam3r Jace Nilges Vaeth Rory Kelly Layne Robert Leishman LittyKitty Jaych Harsh CrustaceanCreep Queen Sapphire PlumSweater procrastinatingDestiny EpicEvan921 Alexlikestoeat Ye Olde Foren Rundamgoy Miss Functional CamTheCan1 Nathaniel Coleda Hold on, you're going to have to explain how exactly Gamechamp got meaningful gun control legislation passed, you can't just say Zo Multicore Aaron Bailey The Green Scorpion Game Champ says Trans rights are Human rights! Xander Kozak Celestial Cookie BoomBoxxy Verovious KirbsD50 Jorb Damien R. YopAlonso World's slowest game of chess, white playing c3 to avoid any board cracking. that's dangerous, you know. A queen might die Star Captain Eli Shaba of Clan Ghost Bear SaltySweet Chronosanthium dwro_25 BlueMoonVon Idaho britfaic TheNonchalantNacho kid Very Goochy wispy-syrup Ryley Anderson rcombs NeptunianBaby Greg Campbell NickyWicky34 Slowest Game of Chess Black. Sure, Mr. White. How are you doing today, have you been enjoying Gamechamps content Officer Slard Whats that noise Have you ever considered not being bad at video games, Miss Champ Nova Siniikwe says #LandBack Sulfuric Boss Fae B. ZythAgol Zandragen Eric Barron Xyrill Mars Becker Xzy Fira Shadowfire638 Silktoid ibmackey DrawnByAJ 2 - The Return of the Haha Funny Meme Name. Amphyzen Admiral Ampersand Literal cat Sylvi 'wingedcatgirl' is gay and doesn't go to bed on time. Reblog if you too are gay and or don't go to bed on time Eve Weaver Cable Zebras I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and their stuff together. Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam! Flip-Chicken Sound0fRain Ryan Garvey Milk Succubus GrandeNero If you download the video then it will be an offline Internet TV show Nee Gamechamp-san, if magnets are made of rocks, then shouldn't Magunettoman be called Rokkuman Fireblade974 LiterallyJudas NowIOnlyWantATriumph Norahana AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Beem Animates The Jelly Bean Warlock TheInsaneOne Triceratops' frill, beak and horns are covered in the same material that your hair and nails are made from, which is keratin Eleven Sorio99 Jack Silverson Dakota Riggs NeO SaNdMaN4040 InfamousPeace MilesEdgeLord TrisChandler aertide Makii Bee dreeze Lily_you forgot the underscore_Sap Colin Monsma darknitte Attempted Wholesomeness ChampDoesntLikeToSayFunsieRunsie Iydak Gamechamp says EA Games is the greatest game developer ever. Carlo Calcaterra brizgee DrFeed Margaret Josephine madrox07 Corporal Hi Friendly reminder that it's NOT normal to sneeze, I have never sneezed. F Amadon Release Eidola LP 4 TBrenelly200 QuietMisdreavus Pug Master leverage LemonPlanter HighPrincessErinys NitsuaGamer (Nitsa-Gamer) got to a ringless run of Sonic Adventure 2 before GameChamp did! Fluff System Feduje Rekindled in the Dying Flames of Capitalism Gracchus Frillylilly Dirjel Alex S. Warrior Frick, how did I misspell deprecating. Goddwordit. Nobody saw that. Gamechamp please delete your previous two videos it’s too emb Supporting Gamechamp until ratatouille 2 is released CutieMonica My D&D character whose name only Gamechamp can seem to consistently pronounce, Nemeia TeckGeck Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So lets get to taking out their command, one by on No one Oh no I seem to have dropped my five dollar bill Has anyone seen where it went My cat requires it for my rent mmnmnmnmnnmmnnmmnmmnmmnmn ThatHippieGamer BJMashPotato is making Gamechamp read more and is very sorry Out of the night that covers me black as the pit from pole to pole I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul Cody Merchen Dantastic Biggus Dickus We're not sure how but Gamechamp3000 used video game challenge runs to get meaningful gun control legislation passed TwinBee 11Natrium Capt. Kyzerk (pronounced Kai-zerk) Matthew Williams doodlesack12 Viohazard MrOrangeFan Howl’s one-handed egg cracking technique I Pledged Five Dollars To Gamechamp3000's Patreon Per Video and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt So tell me GameChamp Does making my name really long make me stand out it would be cool if people could hear the name Hamm Mann MoominBiscuit Metroid for the Nintendo Entertainment System was programmed on duct tape TheBeardPhantom Brandon Pelaske Everyones favorite Trans Dragon girl Aurelia Let me know how much this video sucks and demand I do Rockman 4 damageless even though I told you not to in the comments below. Don't worry, it probly won't take three friggin' years, and get out of my house. Oh, I also forgot until very late into editing that Breakman exists. He's pathetic, murder him. Also, oh my god, it never ends. Also, while I was editing, I ended up finding a glitch. If you leave Hardman's room as he's freezing the screen, like during the softlock glitch thing, then for like the rest of that level, you will be, like, slightly vertically disjointed from the ground. It looks a little silly. That's it.
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 876,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, mega man, rockman, capcom, nintendo switch, playstation, damageless, challenge, can you beat, without getting hit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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