VG Myths - Can You Beat Rockman Without Getting Hit?

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

First game is RNG due to the Big Eyes, but every other game is pure skill. It's possible to beat all Mega Man X games without damage too, but unless you're TASing, your eyes will bleed trying to beat Infinity Mijinion without damage.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/X-the-Komujin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes, there's been plenty of channels over the years that have done it, the real question is if Mega Man 2 is possible without getting hit. There's a sniper joe in a wily level that always hits me no matter what I do because I can't jump over the bullet when the ceiling is already so close to the ground.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Marth_is_Shinji πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The real question is, can you get through X6 without getting hit?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChaosWarrior01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 26 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ricdesi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Good morning everybody And welcome to VG myths, the online internet video game TV show dedicated to playing games Exactly as the developers intended. In Rockman (Mega Man in US and Europe) you play as a gentle little helper robot turned Unstoppable death machine who steals the combat techniques of everybody he murders. And for once we're not throwing a wrench in the works, We are taking the easy way out and using our entire arsenal to blast through a normal casual playthrough of the game Just you know, an absolutely 100% perfect casual playthrough with zero room for error Can you beat rockman without getting hit? For convenience were playing the Mega Man Legacy Collection (Rockman Classics Collection) version of Rockman Which is functionally mere identical to the original Famicom release. And for accuracy only features originally present in the Famicom version of the game are allowed Meaning no auto fire and certainly no save States. If we get hit at any point in the entire game If we get hit at any point in the entire game, We have to go all the way back to the title screen Otherwise, there are no limits: everything possible within the game on original Famicom hardware is allowed. With that out of the way, let's get this run started. We start out the game with absolutely nothing other than the puny rock buster (it’s called the power buster) But we get one new weapon after each of the six bosses additionally There's a special mobility weapon in elec man's stage requiring the super arm earned from guts, man Which is central to our strategy to get this ability safely We're gonna be heading to guts man and cut man stages first for a no damage run babystrats Are your best friend never put yourself in danger? Unless absolutely necessary and when you do have a consistent plan ready before you jump in tiptoe forward let an enemy spawn take them out and Continue, you never have to fight more than one enemy at once and guts man stage So even buster only it should be a cakewalk. There are however two moments where we'll be praying for. Good rng This jumping robot will either slowly approach you and get stuck like an idiot or make a mad dash at you like a blood crazed Maniac the former is preferable. Next is guts man himself There's no special technique to fighting him just dodge his attacks keep laying down shots when his invulnerability runs out and cry when he decides to jump left Cut man stage is the easiest in the game what little rng you find here can't do much to end your run near the end Of the level though are these infinitely respawning orange flying pods rather than playing it safe here You're going to want to run through as fast as possible. It'll be a bit scary But if you keep moving you'll always make it to the next screen with 100% Consistency cut man Wow easy to tank is a bit scary in a no damage run So we're resorting to cheese run straightforward off the rocks stop in front of cut man fire and pause unpause fire unpause fire repeat repeat repeat Remember I said everything is allowed no matter how cheap the developers forgot to stop invulnerability timers when the game is paused Allowing the player to effectively end the bosses invulnerability Instantaneously since cut man has a giant pair of scissors on his head He's weak to the rock buster and can be infinitely staggered until his inevitable demise Next up is elec man Now that we have rolling cutter clearing the path ahead gets a bit more manageable and you barely need to worry about weapon energy even so well-liked man stage is gonna be a tense climb with precise timing and movement necessary to safely dodge these green electric enemies you Can either shoot them with absurdly precise timing or climb slightly up the moment they fire to squeeze in between their shots Whatever you do rush as fast as possible the less time you spend on these screens the better near the end of the stage You'll finally get your greasy hands on the magnet beam now you don't even have to bother fighting the RNG BOTS just walk over them and watch as they Pathetically chase you to their doom before entering elec man's room switch to rolling cutter and fire once to the right thus ensuring you face the proper direction throw rolling cutter at the exact moment the boss battle begins an Elected side boss weapons don't disappear on contact with an enemy allowing you to pause trick elec me into death instantly Iceman stage just might be the scariest in the main six But now you've got thunder being the easier fears thunder beam kills most enemies in one hit fires in three directions As a gigantic hitbox and barely even uses weapon energy making it our go-to for almost any situation Use it to mop up every enemy in your way until reaching this endless chasm of randomly generated pain Normally you try to jump across on these terrifying bullet spewing platforms, but that's hard So no instead run across the entire chasm with magnet beam waiting as late as you think you can get away with in between shots time them out far enough and you'll Have enough screen height to waltz across the entire pit The rest of the stage and Iceman himself is a cakewalk with Iceman dead You already know what time it is The two main gimmicks a fireman state are the rising and falling flame enemies and flame geysers the falling enemy locations are random So always be prepared for a quick Thunder beam the flame geysers meanwhile are completely harmless if you freeze them with eye slasher when you reach the Bullet Bill jump above the screen right when a bullet bill is About to respawn if you're above the screen, they'll assume you gave up and go home after a job Well done with a bullet Bill's gone. You can calmly walk through the fire and flames to reach fire man fire I slasher at the exact moment the battle begins and starts some intense pausing You need to perform the trick perfectly more times in a row than ever before too fast and fireman won't take damage too slow and both heat and the ice shot will move just a bit further away from each other, but she absolutely Perfectly and fire man's justice is cooked The final stage of the initial six is bomb man in a stage requiring super fast Reaction time and a ton of tricky aerial maneuvers note that you can she's the first sniper Joe with eye slasher fairly easily Even if he blocks the ice with his shield He'll decide to be frozen the instant he tries to jump or shoot later is the return of the annoying infinitely responding orange ball Which we can now Thankfully glitch out of existence freeze it with ice slasher and run it off screen before it on freezes It will never respond again making the rest of your journey Totally safe freeze and rolling cut the next to sniper Joe's and make your way inside the boss door Now this is gonna look really scary and really stupid, but you can skip the whole ladder section by hugging the right wall Don't worry. It's 100% consistent and.. WHAT???? like I was saying, nothing is 100% consistent and I'm an idiot So chief with thunder beam like a little sissy baby hold right when entering bomb ants room and just as the battle begins he'll jump Over you letting you pause trick him to death as he lands with all six main stages completed We're heading into the wily levels weapon energy depletion carries between stages from now on so we're not going to be able to rely on The magnet in every room rather than using it to skip over the first orangey BOTS use I slasher on them in midair So you can run under on the second screen equipped Thunder beam and be prepared to fire right before climbing up the ladder with that orangey You'll have almost no time to react to the frogs above use the spawn glitch on the Bullet Bill in the next room after spawn glitching the Bullet Bill you'll be climbing into the Scariest room in the entire game a gauntlet of RNG platforms firing willy-nilly and moving in whatever direction they think you'll hates Do not drop off the ladder from the prior screen. Otherwise, you're guaranteed to take damage climb down instead Wait for the first bullets to go by jump down fire magnet beam pray and improvise there's no telling which way these guys are gonna move so run across and scream as much as you need until you make it to the other side Hopefully unscathed, but the pain is only getting started after refilling your energy It's time for the yellow devil boss fight I don't have any fancy tricks to dodge this guy's attacks and he can only be damaged after the first volley I hope you've already played this game a couple dozen times cuz you're gonna need his attack pattern Embedded in your skull dodge his eye pellet fire out thunder beam and pause it right when it's intersecting with yellow devils eye thunder beam Unfortunately acts kind of wonky when using the posture ik everything gets a bit desynced And there's so many objects on screen You'll have to wait a bit longer to get a successful hit in all hope isn't lost if you don't kill him on the first Go but for the love of ativ king Please kill him on the first go any more than that is bad for your hearts Wily sage - doesn't feature much new thunder beam what you can kill and magnet beam over what you can't we'll need to refight cut man And elec man - cut man is identical but elec man now requires us to wait until the last possible Moment to hit him with rolling cutter right before he gets close enough to shoot after climbing down the final ladder You'll enter the copy robot boss fight stare him in the eye and get ready for a one-on-one Grudge match like the world's never before seen and by that I mean a grudge match between incessantly flailing chicken and rock man taking his name a little bit, too Literally copy robot will always use the same weapon You do no matter how stupid of a choice you make equip super arm Like an it and copy robot will be legally obligated to run around in circles Endlessly trying to pick up rocks where there are none to be found. That's only step one though We do still need to find a way to safely kill him We press the fire button copy robot randomly jumps either to the left or right Get him to jump to the right edge of the screen switch to firestorm and pause glitch copy robot into oblivion Wiley stage 3 is thankfully is short and easy 1 when you get to the water tunnel stand in place and fire Buster shots in a rhythm until the Bullet Bill show up at which point you should start jumping over and Pray, the Penguins don't turn into missingno like they did for me it makes things get real scary who won't Luckily doesn't require anything more complicated than flawless casual straps hug the bottom left corner finished three phases with standard Buster shots Then she's the rest with super arm You finally made it to wily stage for the final stop on your murderous rampage for peace The green electric enemies make a return. But thankfully they're way easier to take out now that we have thunder beam and firestorm It's an easy run through Wiley's guts man action figure collection to the yashichi refilling all our weapon energy in time for the upcoming Boss gauntlet bomb man fireman and Iceman are still cake walks but guts man still has a bit of troublesome RNG run to slightly pass the third girder in the background jump when guts man is about to land and throw a bomb at The top of your job a bomb thrown from here will be in just the right position So guts man should get hit by its explosion No matter what RNG He gives you Wiley's entire robotic army has now been Dismantled with one exception his greatest creation The ultimate combat robot wily machine number one Immediately firestorm pause trick the first phase and get ready for our final pause against all sound reasoning and logic Wait a few seconds before shooting wily if you do it too soon There will be too many objects on screen Making the pause trick take longer and thus become way harder to perform with perfect timing But if you do get that, absolutely perfect timing Wily will be stunned by our complete disregard for honor and lose the fight before he can fire a single shot With wily begging for mercy the rock man won. Mr. Perfect run is mission done Yeah, there were a lot of complaints in the splatoon one run, but I didn't like do the complete alliteration So there you go. My debt to society is fulfilled Ah Special thanks to all patreon backers including Andrew cyber mrs Eckman Eric Flynn less Lam our Beach rock David twenty covers Solano. Mr Harry Wonka Alexander pocket Chris Nate Mason 2k on you little sissy baby who runs away Salieri Ross Clark Akira JD J's Robert beef Rossi air citrus plush Shana vein King Dominick PC our main sound JJ McKnight Joshua Bradbury cool monkey 666 Vincent Hall facing or 313 plasma Phoenix atom em, yellow alert I'm going to unban Julius II know and Anan 42 one last note this time I did the run live on stream if you want to watch the entire playthrough or join the stream chat for fun later links are in the Description and as always let me know how much this video sucks (yoo do suck lol) and how I can improve in the comments below Everlasting peace for watching and get out of my house (OKAY SORRY jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 2,855,101
Rating: 4.8890867 out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, vg myths, mega man, rockman, can you beat, without getting hit, no damage, mr. perfect, nes, challenge run
Id: ZtjumCS0dGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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