Can You Beat AHIT's Death Wish Without Jumping?

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hello everybody and welcome to VG legends the only internet video game TV wait a minute have you ever played through death wish you thought wow this modes for babies no well that's fine cuz I'm continuing at the video anyway who doesn't may not know death which is a hatton times take on new game+ featuring various face game levels or add up to 11 of obstacles hazards enhanced bosses and alike there are 38 levels in each having three objectives at each reward a stamp for your collection total of odd earned 14 one of these levels happens to be called zero jumps where you have to complete four levels while not being allowed to jump less the game instantly kills you and so death wish being my favorite thing about the game contrary to popular opinion I'll get a few others have asked can you beat all the hatton times death wish mode without jumping which also led into a spin-off question how many stamps can we collect without jumping and in order to help us solve this boat get steps up to challenge now this video is going to be long so I've split it up into several smaller sections that you can be the timestamps of right here and skip around to your liking alright so first off some rules obviously we're now allowed to jump well jump hop off wires or anything that would trigger the zero jump scandal seeing as we would die and be unable to complete the mission we also are not allowed to use online co-op besides four candles the reason for this is because death whistle was originally intended as a solo experience and I'd like to keep it that way this will also make puzzle solving all the more interesting instead of simply bouncing off someone's head and of course no gameplay altering mods or assist mode and piece of Tranquility seeing as all of these will make the mode far easier and less of a challenge what is allowed though of course is cosmetic mods usage of the jump button as long as you can complete level without or before dying glitches and down patching as for the last one it's a bit of a gray area seeing as down patch it can potentially trivialize some things so we will only use it as a last resort after all options are exhausted for a particular level so if we can't jump hairy's also do anything well thankfully our friendly neighborhood ice hat has what we need if you press the hat ability button from the ice hat you will go into the air turn into a however if you let go if they had an Olivia button while you're in the air you'll stay in the air you can then do an air dash climb up walls move etc as if you had normally jumped and the height of which is actually a variable that can change vision how you perform the ice cancel in order to make the video less wordy later I'm going to go ahead and front load of the six techniques we're going to be using throughout the video and what they are max height max height as I've dubbed it is what I was alluding to a moment ago basically the shorter you hold down the hat ability button before you cancel the ability the higher that ice hat will take you as you can see in this scene comparing a perfect max height versus a standard cancel you double your height and go almost as high if not a bit higher than a regular jump to best achieve this you really just want to flick the head of the lay button don't hold it down don't tap on it just flick it off a little bit of weight to it cancel momentum confusing name aside please refer to the movement you can make just after canceling your ice hat if you move in a direction as soon as you ice cancel you'll feel move a little bit in that direction jump storage if you hold down the jump button during a dash and you don't let go it will never trigger the candle you will be allowed to climb up walls without it ever hurting you hat switching the ice hats cooldown is so short that you will be able to swap to a new hat and use its powers while you're in the air it's not incredibly useful but if you need to swap to dwellers master or you as time stop to safely make it to a platform then it's very good knowing that you can do that while you're in the air super climb super climb as we are up against two parallel walls that are like a hat kids length apart from each other or are at two walls that make up less than a 90 degree angle and constantly spam your crouch and dash button if you're positioned right you will zoom upwards to top without ever having pressed the jump button and lastly super slide this game is very weird physics as such a few - onto a slope object you could fly high and fast into the air to reach otherwise impossible places who that intro sure was long wasn't it so if I'll further ado let's begin for the very first Deathwish in the game beat the heat now surprisingly beat the heat is not actually all that difficult no faucets are too far away from any hookshot swings or ground for you to use an ice hat and - cancel on the order of which will turn the thoughts is off are the slides behind so when we start the tower were then masked salesman is the first time piece area the lighthouse the sewers the waterfall and lastly the cane and now yet the go-to to reach the end the only actually difficult part is the tower and first time piece what you will want to do when you get to the tower is try it to wall jump onto the railings in order to get on this very thin of platform you want to wall climb up but do not touch your directional key just wall climb up as you would and then you'll land right on top of the railings this will allow you to jump on the umbrellas and reach the roof a little bit further down just be careful not to get too close to the jump ropes because they have a huge event horizon to take you and on them and getting on them is instant death once you've made it to the roof you can use the hookshot nearby - err - over towards the faucet and then use the other hook shot to go back onto the roof and then - over towards the lighthouse as long as you're careful and quick then the most objective stuff don't get burned and don't go into water more than twice are a cinch because for some reason you can't jump out of water without it counting as a jump I don't know why this is but we'll take it as the game doesn't count as a jump so we will not either just continue through the level and can get to the time piece and there we go one level and three stamps done already next is so you're back from outer space now already this level seems to possible there's a nice huge gap over there and we are boxed into this small section how are you supposed to get over there thankfully a very good max height with jump storage will allow us to just barely get to the edge of the platform which because we've done jump storage will allow us to climb on top of it without it actually killing us the same trick works for the next platform parts that is after pipes and then again for just after that to get to the Mafia flag but as it turns out despite our best efforts the Canada at the end of the section is just out of reach for us to make it to the next part it looks like already mission failed or so it would seem turns out thanks to epic Yoshi master for discovering if you go to the bottom left of the Mafia flag and then do a nice long air dash out of the corner you are able to land on the ground normally you get warped back to the start when this happens but for some reason the warp zone does not work here therefore if you then are able to tiptoe around too careful not to trigger any warp zones around you to get sent back to the beginning you can climb all the way up these rooftops to get to the hook shots which can then let you swing directly into the time peace within a 20-second time span hooray two stamps but we're not double just yet we now need to kill all the UFOs now the first few UFOs are simple enough we pass them as we make it to the Mafia flag but how do we get to the last four well thankfully the warp zones of this level always are fixed they will never change no matter where you are therefore if we make it to the time piece but don't actually grab it we can kill the two UFOs on the platform's right next to the time piece then we can fall down right where we are and we'll be warped to the middle of the section we would be at from the cannon this allows us to go back a little bit to get the sixth UFO and we can then fall down yet again to go to the very beginning of the section to kill the last UFO hooray that makes six stamps next is collect-a-thon there's not really much to talk about on here mafia town is a very rocky place there's nothing really too high for us to ever get to thanks to how bumpy it is as such this mission is really just a little bit longer thanks to not being able to jump take the same route you would take to get all three bonuses and you will just as easily get it without jumping next up is vault codes in the wind because of how high we start off on the level we want to go to the lighthouse first otherwise we would waste too much time trying to climb up to get through the lighthouse and we only have thirty Seconds to get each ticket the White House will also allow us to very easily get to the black tent bike bouncing on the umbrellas and the hookshot below which is then as well right next to the waterfall ticket and the waterfall ticket happens to be right next to an ice platform that happens to take us at the very top of the level that allows us to quickly rush over towards the docks and pick up that ticket however this is where the trouble begins after you get the docked ticket is a race against time you have absolutely no room for errors as you make it back up to the top to get to the safe you need to bounce up on the ice platform that's right next to the docks which will send you right to the first time piece quickly run up the stairs I set onto the flower bed and ice hat again on top of the rocks above and then you'll have to ice hat onto the roof and ice hat onto the balloon which will send you right on to the safe with perfect execution you should make it there of just a second to spare Rikka then wall fall right into the timepiece as for the killing ten mafia bonus since you don't even need to complete the level to get this stamp all we the do is make some time to kill ten mafia because you have plenty of time between each ticket to kill a few and it is only getting to the safe as the actually tricky part of the level next up is rift collapse mafia of kooks surprisingly again this level is not actually all that difficult nothing is really different compared to how you would do this normally as long as you can form good max Heights except for one part in the fourth room you will have to go from one lower island or a bunch of mafia rollin meat into a higher island where the portal to the next level is now ordinarily there are no good ways to get up to that spot the spring does not give you enough height and distance in order to make it to the top and of course your standard ice hat is not going to cut it thankfully super sliding exists you see these two firework rockets that are facing the platform we need to get to if you are able to slide just right on the left of them then bokade will be sent flying high into the air just enough to make it to the platform at just the right height to where she could hardly walk climb over and get to the end then it's just going to the portal making sure you have enough pawns and going inside and get the timepiece and if you're able to perform this well enough then the 30 seconds remaining bonus is absolutely a cakewalk but sadly we cannot collect every pawn in the rift one pond in the fourth room on top of a tree is just a little too high up for either the magnet badge or for the spring to allow us to get to so sadly no all stamps are not possible but let's keep going to see how much we can get our next mafia town level issue speed ran from outer space using the exact same tricks we did in it so you're back we are able to make it all the way to the Mafia flag the issue though comes up trying to get past that the platform you two get to is too high up for us to climb through the wall because the fact that we cannot wall jump however if you go to the leather part of the beams and hug the beams and then ice cancel on - cancel you'll be able to stand on pixels on top of the flowerbed then if you do another ice cancel and - cancel you will wall climb up to the very top of the beams after this it's simply doing a very good Maps height on to get to the top of the rightward beam and then performing another good max height to get to the upcoming platform and finally the last off while the time pieces where you can then use the ice cancel to get to the time base it over to theta in a minute and 20 seconds you just have to be an absolute master at the root Mafia's jumps is the exact same level just without the timer so the fact that we could do shoe speed ran also means we could do mafias jumps and now for the final death wish related to Mafia Town encore encore this is an incredibly frustrating level mafia boss is already hard as it is in this level with all his bonuses and not being able to jump it just makes this all the more terrifying the biggest obstacles are his move where he'll twirl around the arena several times the best way to avoid this is to max height erred err - cancel into either corner as he comes towards you the corner is also a great way to avoid the Mafia goons and sandbags that he will drop seeing as for some reason they are just out of range to hit you there no matter what in Phase two he will begin going back into the arena and throwing his weapons at either corner and then Lenny in your current position the best way to avoid the weapons as they come towards you and toward the boss is to do a good max height with an air dash otherwise there's nothing too different about this face but in comes Phase three with the Mafia ball the mafia ball this move is already a glitchy mess as it is you want to wait until the opening and the Mafia ball is just about to reach a 90 degree angle ice cancel onto the very edge of it then if you don't move she should be able to bounce onto mafia boss and hit him right away cancelling the mafia ball without issue and of course lastly is the mega charge this move actually for some reason is not very bad there's a rhythm to it that you have to go into and that is to iced cancel - over to sparks then I scan Salovey 1 while moving backwards and then repeat that two-step process until he turns blue and you can hit him this will also prevent you from being hurt by any of the sandbags falling down which really is the key to the bonus of one-hit hero besides what I said earlier and that is just never stop moving always make sure you're moving at least somewhat so the sandbags will never hurt you and as to the bonus of not missing a chance to be hit the only real issue is the move where he goes to the back of the stage to throw his weapons because it's RNG on how many times he does this before he turns blue which is two to three times in Phase two and three to five times in Phase three the best way I found to be able to react quick enough to hit him when he turned blue is to always make sure you're at either end of the arena when he jumps this way you'll always have a few seconds to register they turn to blue or not for one of his weapons gets to him to cancel out his blueness other than that you just have to be really careful and honestly a little bit lucky in this fight if you want to do this of one-hit hero but it is possible as long as you have absolute mastery of the controls and the fight and now time for the battle the bird death wishes first up security breach now really this levels no different than it is in regular play the only obstacle would be getting past the conductor which you can do in one of two ways and again to the coatrack to though to the left of him and then hop on to his chair and then hop on to the platform to the right of his chair or get on the horse and do a max height to get onto the same platform other than that it's generally the same however do note that you will be slightly delayed and how you avoid things due to the fact I views the ice hat so you need to plan a second or two in advance on how you will get past the guards otherwise just get to the timepiece and there you go both bonuses are cleared easily and now to challenge one of the easier missions is probably one of the hardest once the great big hootenanny now the overall basic platforming of the level is no different from how you do it in regular play however there are a jump ropes everywhere and as we remember jump ropes mean instant death because you can't hop off them this means it to be incredibly careful of how you get around the level and I say the bonus objective of the DJ tokens is an absolute nightmare because it's completely RNG sometimes the game will never spawn tokens sometimes it will spawn a lot of them and sometimes it'll only ever spawn the one hazardous buildings as such you only ever want to go for the buttons whenever a DJ token is right next to them as this will minimize the amount that appear on hazardous buildings not getting hit by the band is simple enough especially if you do not go for the DJ token bonus at the same time the same strategies you use to do the mission regularly will suffice for this bonus and now time for the inspiration of this entire journey ten seconds until self-destruct now I know this mission comes off as incredibly intimidating but to my surprise it's actually not all that much different than train rush zero jumps the baby of course is you're on a very tight time limit which means you pretty much are not allowed to make any mistakes whatsoever as you progress through the level the major difference starts at the end of the room with the six button you want to ice cancel a dash on top of the gate that's blocking the door and then ice skate slug and to climb onto the wall and hop onto one of the buttons then you'll want to hop onto the next button ice to cancel and dash down to the next button then dash to the next button and then you can safely touch the two buttons at the bottom and exit through the door other than that though this level is largely the same as was fight playing it regularly viously the ice cancel instead of jump as we're collecting all 9 conductor tokens this isn't really any harder than normal as long as you've got a good handle of the route as each detour to get each one really only costs you about half a second to a second at most and it is a little lenient as long again as you perform this route perfectly but Saturday of course one-hit hero and no hat abilities bonus is impossible because we would be able to get through the six switches at the end without a hat ability but hey two stamps out of three for this mission isn't bad next up is the ripped collapse of dead bird studio thankfully the route for this is not too horrible Billy major things are you want to make sure you land on top of the floating lights on the first room in order to make it to the portal where you can grab the other pawns as well as using no balk just slide on top of the broken wall to let you make it to the top of the boxes in the second room and lighting on the light on the top of that room in order to be able to make it towards the pond that's behind the portal then to easily make it towards the third room you don't go under the debris that the portal is on in the second room and ice cancel on the light where the loading zone is just in a reach to take you there without actually going into the portal this is where the trouble begins you need to perform a very precise max height err - cancel see as much height as you can to be able to climb on top of the first platform of the owls patrolling and again in order to make it towards the next section continue through until you get to the pond that's right next to an electrical box you need to position yourself just right to where you're just about touching the corner of the black metal piece in the floor while also facing right between where the far off support and the metal box are you then want to ice cancel - and then while you - cancel you want to make hat kid move tore the electrical box if you were high enough and did it just right Pat kids should be able to grapple on to the electrical box and climb upwards towards the portal where then you just want to ice cancel to the beam where you could pick up the last pond and then ice cancel the - into the portal where you can then safely pick up the time-base using this route above you can safely collect every pond as well as this was 30 seconds left as long as you performed a perfect route next up is a community rift rhythm jump studio now for the most part there's nothing spectacular ly difficult about this there is however one issue that can cause things into question there are a lot of ropes and we cannot help we get onto one in the second room however there is a glitch we can use to get off of the ropes now this was found by dhoka and by his words there's a trick performed early on in level we're pooping on a tight rope with controller will cause hacky to do a glitchy front flip off of it while the animation is technically the double jump animation and the kale does count it as a jump so we'll activate if you have it on you don't actually press the jump button and it's the game forcing you to do this with you not being able do anything with it so on technicality we are going to count this as jump list even though there's no jump you know doesn't agree with it because you never actually press the jump button but other than that the other tricky pond will be the last pommy crab for the set for the same room we will get to the very corner of the support and then do a super climb a successful super climb will allow you to get to the very top where you can grab a pond and reach the next room you want to make sure you've gotten the exact number of ponds needed to get to each level except for the third room where you want to get a fifth pond to make the last room doable because there are not enough ponds within reach of that last room to make it in in fact because of that exact fact then the bonus of collect every rift pond is not possible sadly neither is cutting every page because one page happens to be with one of the ponds that we cannot get to no matter what so sadly only the first day was cleaner well on this mission lastly is killing two birds thankfully this mission is really no different than it is in regular play dude the extremely flat Ravena and how these guys as moves are phase three is a big pain however thankfully the ice cancel does give you enough height to be able to dash over the cars and phase three and high in the corner as you normally could other than that it's simply being very careful and clearly within 100 seconds is just as easy because there's nothing really changes in your aggression however hitting only one director isn't clearly tough purely because phase three is extremely long and again is the most difficult part of this challenge you need to have a good RNG to where both directors either use the exact same moves at the exact same time or use different moves in an alternating pace whereas in one uses the move and then five seconds later the one uses another move these two options will allow you to mostly safely get phase three done however otherwise you will be in for a very rough ride want to make a pass phase three though it's simple you just want to always make sure you are jumping in the air and you will do fine but the party don't stop let's weave on a sub conformist part is the same as it would be to get to the 125 bonus with jumps on the outside you want to dash between the tree and the well using no bow to quickly go inside the well the major difference is now inside the well once you've made the water start running is you want to ice hat cancel and dash into the gust of wind do not cancel though you will automatically cancel when you go into the wind then you just want to ride the hook shots upward activate the wind on the second pipe by going near the spider and making your way out you can also now safely hop outside the water and - in order to get to the timepiece quickly cuz again dashing out of water does not hurt you quill a ton of snatcher is honestly not that different from the regular thing the only move that changes and how you should avoid it is his ground pound move because that's seven soft waves now thankfully the shock waves will lower in height as they approach you and if you just do a dash cancel on the ground then you'll be able to safely avoid it no problem otherwise you can also go to the very edge of the arena and let him trip you where if you're on the edge of the you're in it it will said you high into the air to do that which can hopefully get you out of the shock when it's harm otherwise the Remi six minutes is no challenge just be attentive rift collapse sleepy subcon is again not really all that different the only issue is trying to get into the first portal just want to get on the rock and do as good of a max height as you can and you'll be able to slide right on in otherwise grabbing all the pawns all that is really no different how you and a standard play you just gotta be a little bit of faster if you want to get the 30-second bonus I would say the hardest part would be the room with the falling ice pillars if you don't lean on them correctly you will grip onto the weirdly and fall to your doom wasting time so just be very careful of how you climb onto these otherwise clutching every pawn is also a non-issue next of course will now be community rift Twilight travels and spoiler we cannot collect every pond but we can collect every page however if we are wanting to do this we're actually going to need a mess of our key bindings a little bit you will want to change your ice hat ability to be your mouse wheel instead of the control tab or whatever else you have it set to this will allow you to achieve a one frame a perfect max height where you go as high as you can and this will be useful for getting to something we need to get to page one you can easily be gained by simply falling down the corner in the first room page 2 can also be easily gained by swinging on the hookshot and then releasing on the apex behind you in order to climb onto the top a pillar to get that page once you've passed the dweller gate this is where it gets a little hard you want to angle yourself just right in a leftward pillar to be able to form a super climb we're using the pillar and the wall right next to it being able to climb to the top this is hard to position because sometimes you may get stuck in the middle the pillar unable to go any higher the third page is located on the right word pillar at the very at the other side just be sure you go down there before you get upon and continue on you will need to perform a very well times wall climb and - cancel to get to the above pond and do some finagling with the dwellers mask and hookshot or to get through the magnet badge then has enough reached we can get both the fourth page and the pond that are behind each of the toilet platforms by positioning yourself in such a way that you will be sliding across either wall and then - back into the main platform so you don't have to redo the entire super climbing segment the next room isn't really anything special you just cannot grab on to the hookshot part to get to that pond because it's not within our mobility other than that you'll just want to do a very good max height and homing attack onto the spiders to get to each the platforms to make your way up the last room is where the key buying trick I mentioned earlier comes in and II would start the part of the final room with the Spyder of the poet's head don't forget the page it's at the bottom of him and then he want to otherwise go right go as close to the corner of the pillar as you can you know your keyboard you're not already do a frame perfect max height using the mouse wheel - torn and - cancelled - the spider pulling attack him and you will hopefully have homing attack them successfully - where you can then proceed to the level just regularly just when you get past the two bridges instead of trying to figure out the puzzle just dash downwards and you should appear where the portal is don't forget about the page behind the statue in the in the timepiece room and then otherwise you are good and now we move on to boss rush despite the intimidating factor that this would hold there's actually nothing truly difficult about this even if you do zero jumps now of course there are a few issues and getting that don't miss a chance to be hit bonus the first of which is the mafia ball which you can thankfully treat largely the same as we did in encore encore thanks to the fact it's not as fast as an encore encore this shouldn't be as horrible to get into next up of course is the toilet if the fruit explodes without damaging him it will fail the bonus so you always want to make sure that you are right in his face when you throw the fruit in order to not feel the bonus when it comes time for Phase two when you're swinging and I catch the fruit you want to wait for the fruit to be pretty much right in front of him then you swing into and throw it immediately for it to go right into his face without issue climbing up him to get to the fruit bomb is also a non-issue in Phase three other than that you just want to be careful of his shock waves for a moustache girl again same as you would try to do it otherwise just be careful and for phase three once again as if the fruit explodes not ever damaging her then that fails the bonus what she gets to her enough phase you just always want to be calm and wait for her to use a move that will leave her open as well as constantly moving in one direction washing your feet to make sure that no type pieces are going to slam onto you you always want to use your homing attack when you can as this will prevent you from being hurt by any falling timepieces as long as you're careful you'll be able to do one hit hero no problem however breach Nick contract is another story altogether this is I'm not gonna lie an ultimate RNG cluster fest the major difference of this from the regular fight that would ordinarily have killed the run is the fact that his minion moobs will now summon shockwaves that will hurt you if you're on the ground level thankfully though Doka was able to come up with an idea where if we pick up one of the fruits that are behind the arena take it with us and hold on to it during the cutscene of when the fight starts we can actually use it for the fight and be able to get on top of it and avoid the shockwave successfully in order to get on top of it you want to throw it against a wall at around a 45 degree angle preferably to the right as how it will land on the wall will actually determine how usually we can climb up onto it which we can do by pressing against where it's touching the wall wow we're angles slightly toward the fruit when you're on top of the fruit you can very safely avoid any shock lips that come your way if they spawn near you you can just do a dash cancel to get around them however despite this precaution it is still a very rng heavy fight on which moves he uses and where those moves will land however thankfully it seems we do have slight control over how his exploding rings move as they seem to be relative to your location I have found this standing just a little bit to the left of the fruit will usually make it triple exploding barrage start right next to the fruit which if you're able to get on top of the fruit just before it goes off you can use a dash cancel to avoid the shock waves and they will never hit you for the whole duration of the move however there is one move we have to take a hit in and that is during this four ring explosion which also throws potions at us now it is possible to a do this without getting hit however it is a very narrow and if you fail to do that a technique then you will take to damage however if you just tank it for one by hugging the middle of the arena you will only take one hit and can they get in safely throw the potion Pat snatcher his other hit to make them vulnerable his whack-a-mole is avoidable the same way that it isn't Foley in time of snatcher just make sure you wait for a shock moves to lower in height and then dash cancel over them just be sure you stay relatively close to the fruit because right after you hit him you want to be sure to go into that fruit right away or else you will risk getting bombarded by a shock wave depending on what movie uses next but that's really just the general rule this fight always stay near the fruit if you can help it because you never know when he'll use a move that requires you to use the fruit to avoid then if you have the ultimate engi you will be able to do that don't fall to one HP bonus as well however there's only one way to get that don't hit of one umbrella and that is down patching to patch 1.5 in this patch you will be able to position yourself in such a way where you can actually hit him inside of his pool you can hit him very fast doing this and can get rid of all eight of his health within seconds then if you're able to get on top of where the tight piece will be before it spawns and then it begins to spawn if you press restart Deathwish just before the timepiece is grabbed by you then you will die but have successfully completed the level and for some reason this makes the game freak out and give you all three stamps right away this is why I said I was safe down patching for a last resort first stamp because this is far less interesting than doing the fight regularly no jumps but breaching the contract is just the beginning the difficulty will now severely ramp up let's move on to alpine skylines bird sanctuary now this set bush itself isn't very hard to pull off on its own the only real struggle honestly is getting over the first birdhouse if you've never known an air - actually gives you a little bit of height and so does an air - cancel gives you even more a little bit of height so you want to stand in the middle of the bird rests on the first birdhouse do as good of a max height as you can followed by an air - and an air - cancel where you've gone as high as you can for each of them and you should be able to wall climb up the birdhouse relatively okay other than that though it's simply going through the bird sanctuary it's carefully as you can to make it to the end when you get to the part where you have to go across the two nests in the long birdhouse with the multiple exploding birds below I like to use time stuff the moment I land to the ground and then dashing through which will give you just enough time to get through it without tricking to exploding eggs or getting the Elvis crows on your ass just treat the level the exact same way you would with the one-hit here a badge on and it's a cinch however the killing six Mafia goons bonus is a heathered story altogether the first one is easy enough as it is however the one behind the dweller platforms requires some finagling instead you want to make your way towards the third mafia that's inside the birdhouse but instead of breaking the Box go on top of it and Bay you'll want to - on top of the house you should superslide to the very top of the house we can then make your way over to the other house which you can then safely drop down to kill that mafia you want to be careful though or else you'll hurt one bird fact spoilers you'll probably hurt at least one bird which brings up if you go and hurt a bird commit when you hit one bird time was slow and two seconds later you'll take damage however any birds you hurt within that slow time will not count against you and will die without repercussions so if you're gonna kill one make sure you kill them all once you've gotten the second mafia down the third mafia as easy as it is however you want to ignore the ice platform and continue on through and make your way to where you blew the horn in the base game level you will want to kill the birds that are inside the tiny bird house make your way to the top right corner and you'll want to do a super slide if you're angled adjust right you will slowly move upwards and then you can grab the hookshot which will then allow you to move around and get on to the Mafia bosses guarding the horn as long as you're careful you will do this without being hurt then you want to make your way to what would be the final mafia goon but instead of going across all those platforms where the pushy crows are you would simple to turn it to a sharp right and ice cancel into the edge of the house the mafia goon will then aggro towards you which you can very easily kill him you want to ice cancel to get back up to where he used to be use timestop to get across the platforms with pushy crows and then fall all the way down toward the last mafia goon would have been that you would use the ice platform to get to how you recommend opening the homing attack for him leaving the birds away from him and then killing him with the time stop and then once he's dead he'll have gotten the stamp hooray but now comes was probably the most difficult platforming challenge in all of the zero jumps obstacle course wound up windmill it's not too bad at the beginning however once you get past the first fast moving platform and you're at the first spider I recommend going to the very top right corner where you can then glitch onto the hookshot that's on the outside to open the door that will allow us to go up a big ladder to make it up to the next section just fine then you will want to try your best to get onto the windowsill and then move all the way up as far as you can which then lets you climb up to the spinning block you then want to make your way to as if you're going the yarn as there's some weird geometry that you can ice cancel on top of and then get to the next platform that way as well as use that same super sliding trick to get to the top of the blue windowsill and then you can ice cancel on to the top the gate I recommend being on to the rightward gate and being a little bit away from the corner where the two gates are joining then Facing the Giants rotating here of the blue platforms on it and then ice cancelling and dashing towards it once you begin to see a blue platform appear from the left if you position yourself and time yourself just right hat kids should be able to grip on and do a wall climb and then again sliding down and then fall onto a blue platform which you then want to jump to the blue windowsill and then go to the outside part of it and go either left or right just as long as you get to the very top and then scoot as close as you can to the edge of it which should Boop you to the very next floor a well time to max height will allow you to get on top of the next platform which you then want to wait in time yourself for the rotating wall to be right on top of you which you then can stand on top of it to let carry you to the other end other than this it's just well timing yourself and being patient for all the platforms and eggs to explode you will need to take some fire damage to make it up but then using time stopped will let you get past the two platforms and even if you are able to time yourself right dodge the fire otherwise you may take a second pit but this isn't so bad considering how we never take another hit after this in the final room you will largely tree it the same as you would regularly except we reach the diagonal pace act you cannot avoid this chisa lee here so you'll actually want to with fast Hatter on use your Brewer hat to kill the spiders that will appear you want to be quick though where else you will be bonked off and now the true challenge of wound up windmill begins once you have to park the lone spinning blue platform you will want to get on top of the lantern you want to iced cancel with a little bit of leftward momentum and then cancel until your Apple little protruding spinning gear and then ice cancel the moment you touch it and you should land on the blue platform safely which then lets you go on to the next section safe you then want to get to the black part of the spinning blue platforms and then once you've passed the eight of the bottle one you want to ice cancel - towards the next one then once again get on top of the black part of it as far to the edge of it as you can and then ice cancel - at this point you should land on the spinning gear and hat kid will struggle very greatly to try and get on top of it you want to make sure you're constantly trying to - cancel and then hopefully the game will finally give in and let you get on top of the gear where you can then wall climb off it and then here's where I recommend using the time software you can then successfully get to the middle of the support beam which doesn't rotate if you've done a perfect route of this you can do this in four minutes or even as early as three minutes and a half but sadly doing if one hit here oh and no hats is impossible for obvious reasons and the frustration does not stop illness has speed run to do it within six minutes requires absolute perfection you cannot fall whatsoever and I would recommend a route of the birdhouse followed by the windmill followed by the lava cake now the trick of doing this within six minutes is to abuse a checkpoint glitch when you go into the zip lines and ordinarily then your checkpoint will be that zipline however if you remove the hookshot badge from your inventory just where you reach the end of the zipline then you will still make it to the platform if you were close enough but your checkpoint will be the hub island still this makes it very quick to get to back to the hub island to get to the next plants however it makes falling down all the more punishing because if you fall out on accidentally you go back to my house island instead of wherever else you could have been this was found thanks to epic Yoshi master thankfully though we finally have a breather with rift collapse alpine skyline this level is really no different from how you would do it in normal play you seem to make sure you don't get on to the zip lines and are a little careful how you move you however cannot grab all the rift bonds because of one pot in the final room is being guarded by a waterfall of two blocks on top of it just no matter what you do cannot get enough height to wall climb on top of the second block making this impossible however you can very usually get a 30 seconds remaining as long as you get all the pawns in the first two rooms and edges are gone over towards the time peace sadly the difficulty does come back in community rift mountain rift we can only complete this mission on down patch 2.1 where for some reason none the community rifts count as death wishes this will allow us to use the fast Hatter badge as for those dopes no fast Hatter does not work in death wish besides for the brewer hat and so we can now abused Weller's masks to clip across several obstacles to reach the pawns we need as well as all pages sadly one pot in the second room is not obtainable so we are unable to get that stamp one very tricky pawn though is in the very first room you will want to grab on to the hook shot and then at the absolute apex we're talking pixels let go and then at the apex of your height gain from that - and then - cancel onto the wall that's behind the portal which which will allow you with the magnet badge get the pawn if you were high enough but it is really difficult to get to but the issue comes back again in the final room don't forget the page it's on the left the second pond isn't really frustrating to get to you need a really good positioning with the max height and air - cancelling to wall climb up to the top of the pillar to get to this pond you then will continue on swing through the hookshot skipping the one of the sections and then making sure use dwellers mask it this part before you touch it or else you will be stuck with a wall climb to get to the south page here though you need to position yourself in such a way on the green platf on the green block where will you twala's mask it and try to move ever so slightly toward the green block it will zoom you up to the very top and then once you're at the top you want to quickly - over towards the page other than this though it's just good hat switching mix of ice cancelling as well as making use a fast Hatter of the dwellers mask to get to the last few pawns and make it to the end and now we make it to the final section the rest where we will cover chapter 5 chapter 6 and seal the deal first up is the mustache gauntlet which all three tasks can't easily be gained without jumping nothing is really out of the ordinary how you in normally complete the level except for the dweller raccoons that are being guarded by the fire turrets halfway through you need be very careful if your ice hat and while I mask usage but otherwise you'll be able to get through just fine similarly you want to use the hats which at the end of the action of the mafia goon falling platforms to be able to get to the platform successfully you cannot do both bonuses at the same time however as you are forced to take fire damage at least once to kill a few spiders in the file section but they can easily be dealt with for projectiles and another run to not get burned in the next time next up is no more bad guys now surprisingly all three objectives can be done here as well thanks for a very small arena and the fact that she always wants to be in your face clearing this mission as well as in three minutes it's not that difficult at all compared to standard play just be careful with the shockwaves and you'll be ok however if you don't use hats this is where it becomes tricky and the only way that I could really do this was by down patching it patched 1.5 where if you stand still her laser beams cannot hurt you that gets you through the first two phases alright and in fact I did discover her second phase the mafia ball will only ever dissipates when she is hit with a laser beam so if you're able to stall one of her attacks to be another laser beam you can then hit her seven times in that second phase instead of six which allows her third phase be reduced to seven hits and sent an eight which does help you because every time she uses her shock wave in the third phase you have to take for two damage this means you cannot survive more than one shock wave on the third phase this means that the third phase is highly RNG that she never uses more than one shock wave other than that it is plain regularly and when you get to the final phase just stall keep stalling the only time you ever want to hit her in her final phase is when she uses her laser beams which you can do by doing a very good - cancel on the ground while she is right next to you and mashing that attack button otherwise just keep stalling avoid her attacks no matter what the shock wave here thankfully can only hit you at most one time and the healing is frequent enough to where the limit of RNG on your side you can do this however you are going to have to jump to get to the time piece but you can grab it and it counts for you before it kills you so we're counting this now it's time for it to collapse deep see how much harder it could this be we've done all the other ones right well sadly hate to bring it to you but this mission is utterly and impossible while you can't get to one pawn without jumping the others are too out of reach for you to get so low No to mention it if we could get these pawns to get to the next room there are far too many large gaps and tall walls for us to ever get through here however deep sea is now required to get access to seal the deal and we already have enough stamps of that so cadet would still be possible now even though deep sea is impossible let's just see if cruisin for a bruisin is which yes all three stamps are possible all of our acquires is absolute mastery the ship layout and how to handle all the tasks there's no real golden trick to this it's a little bit of good RNG and as long as you're great at max height you know the optimal path to each task yeah nothing really is different from regular play the only actual difference to how you have to route things is that in the hotel area you cannot climb upwards at least not easily so it's really not worth the effort so if you ever need to go to the upper part of the hotel just come from the upper pool area and you'll be just fine however if you fall into a washing machine you are dead even though you can jump out of water safely everywhere else in the game for some reason you can't do that here if you jump out of the water from a washing machine the zero jump handle will activate and kill you and now the coup de gras seal the deal is this possible well as we know we can do encore encore we can do killing two birds and we can do much just relax very easily they don't really change from their missions to seal the deal easy so far right just naturally we did Ultra snatcher probably we can do this well I'm afraid guys this is not possible you see this is all because of one addition to his moveset and that is the falling lights that appears during his minion move because of this we cannot camp on the fruit and while technically we could pick so perfect to move our way around the fruit to not get hit by the lamps if you die once on this mission it's it removes the fruit so you have to go back to the whole 50 minute gauntlet to get another chance which honestly isn't really worth seeing if it's possible or not so I'll go to demon as impossible you can't even survive long enough on patch 1.5 to do the snatcher quick kill that is how hard the lamps will kill you it is really sad because we are literally like a minute away from saying that death wish mode is possible but it's not it's just not despite it not being possible to clear Deathwish mode though let's just continue for there see how many stamps are possible so as we've been keeping track throughout the mission we now know that we can fulfill snatchers hitless and camera tourists fairly well the only missing objective for both of those is to fulfill the 10 pitch occurs while being bullied which you can very easily do in the science lab rift and for camera tourists you can either go to mafia town at night or go to the birdhouse and snap a picture of three enemies in the big birdhouse has 4 0 jumps are you serious are you really gonna make me talk about that and now the snacker coins we will go in order of chapter 4 this soliciting it of mafia town this one requires a little bit of effort but nothing too horrible you want to finagle good max Heights to get to the top of the roof by climbing on the gold statue and trees but then you would position yourself just right on the floating island to be able to land right on the bell tower where the second stature point is is otherwise we will not be able to get to it then it's simply making your way to the snatcher coin below the tower and that's not really any difficult to get to however dead bird Studios wanted to be difficult right off the bat the dead bird studio stature coin can be gained by going to a little bit off the center of the schoolhouse then performing a super climb of sorts by allowing yourself to max height towards the right part or the left whichever you want to choose then - towards the next part and if you have gotten the right amount of heights that should push hat kid up to the top to get the coin you then want to go towards the big parade which will then effortlessly allow you to get the coin behind the sign now is train rush to get this coin you want to grab on to the first hook shot we're at the outdoor stage move around to where and you then are facing toward where you came from and then let go the apex of your of your jump we're backwards and then - over at the apex of your height which would then allow hat kid to wall climb up the silver part to grab the coin for subcon forest the first coin I went for was the one by a sub Connell which for the most part is the same way as you would get it regularly however we just cannot jump high enough to get to the hook shot to get on there so you instead want to climb up on the tree right next to the shot which it's a little difficult to find a good grip to stand on but once you're able to do it you can then cancel into the hookshot which takes you right to the coin the second coin where the time rift used to be is really not difficult at all I get - it just looks a bit intimidating because the depth perception may be a little walked from ice floating around but just do good max Heights and you'll get over there no problem Vanessa's manner however is the big problem here getting past the initial gauntlet toward her is not too horrible for the first part of the gauntlet you will want to activate the dwellers bail then ice jump over towards each of the green platforms and then wait for the doors Bell Circle to slowly sink in and then Justice about to let the purple platform Reema Tyrael eyes you want to wall jump onto the wall to the left of it which will dentally you jump right on top of the purple block afterwards is just patiently bring the fruit to each section to allow it to blow up the wall then it will decline Queen Vanessa's manner follow the railings to the right side of her house until they end you should see two protruding ice pillars next to each other that you can then super climb around to get to the very top very carefully then you will want to continue rightward and move around and you should see a very tiny opening between two parts of her house why that's there I don't know but will allow you to do another super climb and go all the way to the top of the roof which then it's just a simple matter of ice heading over towards those chimney now I do believe the Alpine skylines Center codes take the cake for the hardest ones to get to for the lava cake one you really just have to damage boost to the snatcher coin it's nothing it's really too out of the ordinary difficult here but the windmill one requires a little bit of finagling you want to get to the house in the windmill the same way as we did during the death wish and then you'll actually want to be able to get onto the hay sack and then zip on over towards the house we're at the very top of the house you will be able to make it towards the tree for actually sticking out and this is where a bit of trouble begins you need a time a very good max height while holding down the jump button as you've dashed to store it which if you're able to do it just right you should be able to wall climb up a little bit release your wall climb and then hat kid will automatically grip on to the next tree and go to the top next you want her to face the wall and hug of all as much she can summon player to take control of player two and half player to you is the ice hat to ricochet player one to the very top of the building this will allow you to get to the snatcher coin the same trick will allow us to reach the snatcher coin in the hub area go to the Twilight Bell zipline and hug the wall summon player two and have her ice ground pound the other kid to the top if the player being launched up uses the hat selection wheel the moment that she's launched up this will magnify the super trip to allow her to reach the top of the wall after that it's just a matter of using good ice having a mix of no balk badge to make it to this natural coin and now time for the Neo gives us natural coins which this part will be a little boring both the pink pause station and the Bluefish station are not difficult whatsoever to get to just get to them the same way you would regularly the green clean station one though actually does take a little bit of work to get to well normally what you would do is ascend to the top of the green clean station and then get on the train and double jump over towards the snatcher coin however while we can do with the first bit just fine without jumping getting to the center coin itself is a little difficult we do not have the height means to get to it even if we good max height surprisingly if you are to max height onto the wall where the cat train disappears you can actually stand on top of it and this gives you just enough height as well as distance closure from the statue coin to be able to make it there with a very good max height and dive and of that we have now explored all of our options for Deathwish zero jumps coming to a wonderful conclusion of 36 out of 38 levels doable without jumping as well as 100 and 114 stamps if you don't count down patching then the Stamp number does go down to around 94 95 but regardless this is still an amazing achievement and I never would have thought that we could have gotten this far I want to give a special thanks to dhoka an epic Yoshi master for having helped me figure out a few routes steriliser 64 for being the initial inspiration that made me get curious about this the zorp nemesis who pushed me to do some more after I did just one and of course all my friends they egged on about how much progress I was making while doing this as such I highly encourage that you give them all a follow their links are down below similarly my twitch will also be down below if you ever want to follow me when I do things live overall this was a very fun challenge and while some parts were incredibly frustrating for the most part this is fun it taught me a lot about how to play if the game I highly recommend that anyone who wants more on a Deathwish give this a shot for themselves of course if you want to see a full run of each level described in the video you can find a playlist has them all clutter together in the description below or ant ate it on the screen overall I hope you found this very enjoyable and enlightening I am master Tara signing off [Music]
Channel: Master Terra | Midouri ミリ
Views: 6,374
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: A Hat in Time, VG Myths, Death Wish, Zero Jumps, Without Jumping, No Jumps, Mafia Boss, Mustache Girl, Snatcher, The Conductor, DJ Grooves, Seal the Deal, Beat the Heat, So You're Back From Outer Spac, Can You Beat, Can You Beat A Hat in Time Without Jumping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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