VEGETARIAN Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S1 E10 | SORTEDfood

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(upbeat rock music) - We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (all laugh) We've got chefs, we've got normals, and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you. Hello, I'm Jamie, and this is Ben. - And this is PIO. Oh dear. (Jamie laughs) Pass it on. - No one's ever shortened that. - I thought I'd give it a go. - Where are you taking me, boys? - My goodness, I'm actually doing stuff. - What's going on here? - I forgot what the actual thing is. - I'm stuck. (lively rock music) - Okay, before we get started, I'd like to say, positive vibes, people. I feel there's been lots of negativity in the past. I feel like we need positivity. - We need a fresh start. - Fresh start. - What's our theme today, Janice? - [Janice] Today's theme is vegetarian. - I've heard of vegetables before. - Good. - The order? - [Janice] The order will be up to each individual once their turn is up. Mike will go first. He's so sexy. - Clever. - Oh, up to each of us. - No one pick Jamie. - [Mike] Can we pick someone twice? - [Janice] One at a time, the boys have 10 minutes to cook and add to a final dish. The remaining team will have no idea what's happening behind them until it is their turn. - Okay, I'm just thinking, create a really fragrant, amazingly spiced broth thing, and have loads of amazing vegetables inside the broth in theory. If I can't find any coconut milk, I'll come back to you with a new idea. Please, please, please. Yes! Amazing. Ah. Coconut oil. All I've probably got time to do is create a really nice spice paste out of ginger, garlic, onion, and some Chinese five-spice. (food processor whirs) In here, coconut oil. Don't have any lemongrass or anything super traditional, galangal, and obviously, when we come to make this, we won't be able to use that fish sauce or anything like that. Three minutes, three minutes. My goodness, I'm actually doing stuff. I think I'm gonna pick Ebbers next, or am I gonna pick James? I can't pick one of the other two, but it would be funny if I picked one of the other two, wouldn't it? I'm gonna pick Barry. I'm gonna pick Barry. Okay, I've got some aubergine, which I'm basically just dicing up. With any luck, Barry will open that, see coconut milk, smell that, say, "That smells Thai-y," and then put two and two together, and then probably ignore everything that I'm trying to do here, and the foundations that I've laid for him, and make a cloudick. I know, Barry communicates through nice bowls, so if I leave a nice bowl. (buzzer buzzes) I'm out. I feel like that's the strongest I've ever done. I also feel like I could well have easily just led the entire team down an alley of failure. For that, I'm gonna give myself a seven, a seven. I wasn't allowed to do that, was I? Bye. (whimsical horn music) For the sake of the video. (all laugh) (buzzer buzzes) - What is that? That's quite chef-y. That-- Michael Huttlestone, that is delicious. This looks terribly organized. Coconut milk? I'm stuck. Do I need to start cooking somewhere, or is he doing some sort of broth, and you want that to cook in-- Let's post off. Let's get some sweetness out of that. No, let's fry it off. This is hard. What does he want to do with this? What's he want to do with this? I'm-a go fry off the aubergines, and tell you what, I saw this done recently, it looked pretty good. Janice, can you get me a blowtorch, please? Oh, for-- I managed to blacken it. This brings out the sweetness. It caramelizes. Also a little bit of bitterness from the charring. Look at that. I'm not sure where Mike wanted this to go, but I don't think it's wrong. The question is, who do I pick next to continue this? Will I get a chef? A chef will correct some of my mistakes, might improve it, hard to improve this. When do we pick Jamie? He's gonna come in, and he's probably gonna ignore everything I've done and start something completely new. If you leave him at the end, he's going to ignore everything everyone else has done, then make up a play last minute. I'm gonna bring him in now. I'm gonna get Jamie out of the way. It's like a bandaid. Rip off quick. Let's get some distractions out. Right, I think the flavor's good so far. That'll go well. Let's put some of this out in front. My plan here is, the longer Jamie spends considering what to make, the less time he has to screw it up. Then, Ben and James come to the kitchen, and save the dish. What can go wrong? (buzzer buzzes) Otherwise, I could step away. Seven, seven, seven. I didn't do anything wrong, but we'll see if it makes it onto the final plate, so seven. (sings) (jazzy music) (laughs) - Oh no. - It's-a me? Right, what have we got? Some courgette. Look at that skill, really. - [Janice] Aubergine. - It's aubergine, isn't it? That's not courgette, it's aubergine. I'm color blind. I don't know what that is. Oh, everyone's laughing at me for eating this. Cheese, ladyfingers. - [Janice] Tofu. - What? Is that not cheese? Tofu. (laughs) We'll just put that over there? I think we're making a curry. How am I gonna help this? Mushrooms. I think we can add mushrooms into there. I think okra should be cooked by frying it in coconut oil. We'll take off the tops. Eh, should we take the bottoms off? Let's leave the bottoms on. Let's live a little bit. I'm gonna throw green beans in as well, but you do take the tops and the bottoms off those, that's fine. I am uncomfortably confident with what I think is happening here. I'm just gonna go down this path confidently, and if I'm wrong, then so be it. Coconut milk, in. Now, what some people say is, don't use all of the liquid from the coconut milk so you can adjust how thick or thin you want your curry to be. I don't listen to those people. Let's get some more mushrooms. Let's live a little. That's crack on. We're all having a good time. Everything's going well. Let's lose that because nobody wants that. Who am I gonna pick next? There's two chefs left to go, so in essence, it doesn't really matter who I pick next. Ebbers is great when it comes to curries, but James's surname is Curry. (laughs) You can see the conundrum that I've got. Let's slice some mushrooms. Who's gonna create a better final-looking dish? I'm probably gonna pick Ben next, and let James finish. I'm hoping they'll add something to go on the side, maybe some rice or something like that. Let's get our aubergine into-- Oh, I'm having second thoughts whether I want to do that. If I do that, we are committed. No. 30 seconds, right. Fry, my pretties, fry. (buzzer buzzes) (laughs) Rank myself out of 10? Five. I came in with confidence, I delivered. I don't know if what I did was right or not, but I'm out. (intense rock music) Go. - Me? - Yes. - Yes. Okie dokie. Yes, even though we're sat over there with headphones, (sniffs) you can still smell the amazing smells going on, and this is exciting already. Looks like we're going for some sort of curry, saucy, coconut-y milk. Lots of lovely vegetables, okra, aubergine, mushrooms, they're gonna need a bit longer. I feel like it needs something to soak all that up, noodles or rice. Can't-- It's lacking. To be fair, this is where chefs have the advantage, 'cause we know all the ingredients we've got stashed away, some lemongrass and Kaffir lime in the freezer. I think that's what this is really missing. Don't feel like there's any heat going on either. Chili would be nice. My theory is, if I get this in now, halfway through James's time, he'll be able to drain it off, but I do want to infuse that water with some lime leaves and some lemongrass. Before I threw those in, I chopped a little bit, which I'm gonna also do to Kaffir lime and chili, 'cause I think one thing that is brilliant when you're doing vegetarian food is, find other textures and other sources of protein, and nuts, and seeds, and poultices are great, but maybe a few nuts roasted off in these flavors will be a nice little final addition. I'm just gonna make an oil with those flavors in it. Now go in with cashew nuts. Just cook those off until they toast, and they can just go on the dish at the end for texture, kind of the fattiness of them, but also the protein. The sauce is coming together. We want to reduce that down, and then mushrooms, okra, and aubergine can all go in, and it will need seasoning. It needs a lot of saltiness from some soy. We'll keep the fish sauce out 'cause it's vegetarian, and a good hit of lime 'cause, at the moment, it's just to coconut-y. I think I'm also gonna throw, it's very anti-me, but Thai food should be spicy, and at the moment, that sauce hasn't got enough of a kick. Yes. Our rice is gonna need draining next, so if I wipe down and get a sieve ready for James, he has a chance. Nuts are great. I can take those off the heat now, just the residue in that pan. In case he doesn't spot them immediately. The sauce is looking great. I'm gonna throw the beans in now 'cause they're the only thing that's still raw, and I'm gonna get a sieve in the last 20 seconds. (buzzer buzzes) So far so good. I want to stir those in. I'm leaving now on a seven. Now he sees it. I want them down there. Guess who's up. Yeah. (buzzer buzzes) - Okay, I haven't been last for ages. A curry that smells southeast Asian, and we've got a bowl that's been chosen for me. How presumptuous, but it's quite nice. It's quite a nice bowl. Okay. It's really sour, and not very balanced. Could I grab some fish sauce and some sugar? I forgot we were doing vegetarian. Oh my god. That's a little better. I'm not sure how to plate it. What's this for? What are those? What's going on there? Am I supposed to put tofu in it? Okay, I'll put tofu in it. The mushrooms and the aubergine. I'm gonna keep the okra out, and just put it on top 'cause okra can get a bit slimy. What I'd like to do is fry the tofu off. I don't know that I've got time. Start plating it up. I'm piling the rice up on one side so you can still see it, trying to work out what to do with the pepper. I kind of just want to dress the plate with it, but I think that would be a silly idea. I'm gonna split this, try and put it around the edge. Does that work? Might work. I'm still deciding about that. Hi, I'm back. I'm just getting some coriander. Just trying to get as much color on the tofu as I can, and then I'm just gonna pour a little bit of soy sauce into it. Would it be cruel to leave the pepper off? I'm worried that that's something that is all someone's done. One minute. I'm still deciding about the pepper. (chuckles) Just looks a bit weird, I don't know. I feel like we've done a good job, and I want to include everyone in the final dish, so it's staying on there. Done. (buzzer buzzes) Aw, I was gonna put some chili on it, but I think we're happy. I think we're good. Out of 10? I think I cooked the rice nicely and got it off on the right time. I added some tofu. Eight? I think you're all gonna like this. I'm gonna go for it then. - [Ben] You're gonna go for it? - I'm gonna do it. Three, two, one. (all gasp) - [Ben] Actually. - [Jamie] Oh, I'll tell you what, that does not look bad. - [Ben] I'm not sure what's draped across the top, but. - I have a story. - That is a hefty portion, and I love it. - Everybody looked like they had done a great job. Everything was there, ready for me, and then there was this random pepper, and I thought, everybody's done such a good job that I don't want to leave anyone off the plate, 'cause that could be something that someone spent 10 minutes charring. - What you're saying is, this is a sympathy pepper. - [James] I put it on there. - I thought the tofu was cheese to start with. (all laugh) Then Izzy went, "What is it?" I want, "Oh, yeah, it's tofu," so I thought I'd done a good job of hiding that, but obviously not. What I did think was, I don't know why somebody's blowtorched a red pepper. I will leave that there. - The red pepper was there before you started? - That was already torched. - Almost like a red herring of a red pepper. - Mike, where did you start then? - I picked the red pepper up. It was really there probably mistakenly to inspire Barry for when he came into the kitchen. - So hang on a second. - I don't understand what your problem is. - If you didn't blowtorch the red pepper, and you didn't blowtorch it, I didn't blowtorch it, and it wasn't blowtorched at the beginning. - Is anybody here apart from you saying that blowtorching was a bad idea? - We were a bit confused by it. - On the chef-y side, we were just confused. - Oh my gosh. (Jamie laughs) - Yeah, that's right, get it all on there. (upbeat electronic music) - Oh. - That's good. - Oh. - Oh. - Wow, that is, oh. - That is delicious. - The Italian twist of the pepper is really good. - The pepper was there by Mike. - That rice is really well cooked and very well flavored. - All right, 'cause I'm genuinely confused. Why wasn't that chopped up and put into it? What's wrong with it? I don't understand. - We're all just scuffing it and not really talking, which says a lot. - It's really nice. - It's delicious. - It tastes proper creamy. - I love the textures. You have got the mushroom and the aubergine, which have go to the point where they're almost getting slimy, but the okra isn't, which normally would go that way if it's overcooked. The beans have got a crunch. The nuts are good, and the tofu has got that kinda chewy bounce, but with awesome smokiness. - Well, I'm gonna put it right out there. I think that's the best pass we've ever had on Pass It On. - I think we more than passed. I think we nailed it. - Yeah, Baz? - Agreed, pass, strong pass. - Definitely. - Decent. - I gave myself seven. - Seven. - I went for five. I said I was middle of the road. - Hm, well, you did very well on the okra. I also went seven. - I went eight. - Well, I underplayed this. - I think it's great. - I'm sure you'll make up for it in the next episode though. - As usual, put us in order from worst to best. How do you think we got on? - Do you like having your own theme tune now? - No. - Big thumbs up and thank you for all your suggestions for themes for Pass It On, and an order in which we play. - Make sure you subscribe to the channel and you've clicked the bell to get notified every time we upload a brand new video. That's every Wednesday, every Sunday at 4:00 pm. We'll see you soon. Bye-bye. - Sunday's the next one. - [Jamie] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. Lol. We've built the Sorted Club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. Janice the fannis. - Ow, ow, ow. - You okay? - Ow, I'm injured.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,320,433
Rating: 4.9637475 out of 5
Keywords: vegetarian, vegetarian food, vegetarian relay, recipe relay, cooking challenge, cooking game, vegetarian cooking challenge, vegetarian recipe, thai curry, lemongrass, thai paste, thai chilli paste, jasmine rice, thai green curry, curry, how to cook a curry, thai curry recipe, cashew nuts, tofu, tofu curry, thai veg curry, vegetarian meals, vegetarian recipes, vegetarian food recipes, vegetarian dinner recipes, vegan, vegan recipes, sortedfood, cooking fail
Id: nTf8Zo_vsN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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