FRESH PASTA Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S2 E3 | SORTEDfood

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(airy classical music) - I don't know what to do. (egg cracks) (blow torch fires) - That's annoying. - That looks terrible. - We're hiding these. Ow!. - What is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious. - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - Hello, I'm Jamie, this is Barry. And this is fridge cam. - You keep asking for it, so we're gonna keep doing it, no matter what, it's Pass It On. - I got a good feeling about this one. - Really? - Okay, Janice? - [Janice] Today's theme is fresh pasta. Your dish must contain freshly made pasta, from scratch. - Right, now we know, one of the first jobs is probably gonna be making homemade pasta. Janice, is there an order? - [Janice] The community's suggested order is: nose size. - Nose size? - What? - That's ridiculous. - [Janice] Here's a tape measure. - Are we talking (laughs) - I think from brow to tip. - Okay, you're 6 cm. 5 cm. Five. Five. - They're going down. - Gonna say 5.2. - 5.7 - 6.2 - You do it. - He didn't want to do it - He just didn't wanna to go first "That looks like eight." - 5.6 - No, but the (mumbles) - Okay 5.6 Six. - Do me again! - No - Do me again! - So I have the smallest nose? - I refuse to believe that I have the longest nose - You have the biggest nose here, how is that.. - Mate, you do! How six is that? That is the sixiest, look at it! - That is the sixiest nose I've ever seen. - That is the sixiest nose. - Three normals, two chefs, what possibly could go wrong? - [Janice] One at a time, the boys have ten minutes to cook and add to a final dish. The remaining team will have no idea what's happening behind them, until it is their turn. (upbeat jazz) - Now, I have two options. I could either really try and do homemade pasta, or I could start a beautiful tomato sauce. I've got to do the pasta, got to, let's work as a team. 125 grams of pasta four. Blanch some spinach, 10 seconds. Spinach, right. Have I got, like, a colander, or something. We, honestly, have nothing in this kitchen. This is a joke. (crashing sounds) (TV error beep) - In my eagerness to perform well for the team, I might have knocked over one of the big lamps and, possibly, hit Ed on the head. Are you all right mate? - [Ed] Yup, all good. - We're all good. Start the timer again! (buzzer sounds) Oh! We're going! Right. So, let's blanche our spinach. Drain and squeeze out as much liquid. Ha ha. Pop that onto there. (gasps) Still really hot. All right, spinach going into there. Into that we will crack an egg. Some olive oil. Some salt. (Food processor whirs) Pour enough into 125 grams of pasta flour to knead until soft and elastic. Now, what I could do, is let Barry finish kneading that, whilst I make another pasta. So, we're gonna need another 125 grams of flour. Chili pepper. Flavour. (buzzer sounds) - I've made a big mess. Strong start, slightly panicked. I'm gonna give myself 8 1/2. 8 1/2, think that was good. (chair thuds) (Barry moans) (classic rock) - Oh what are you doing? (buzzer sounds) (gasps) He's making spinach pasta. Which, is notoriously really had to get the ratios right, because it's so wet. You're looking for a Play-Doh finish, that's bang on. Jamie Spafford, that's working! He's, we're making chili pasta. Right, I can't do anything until I just finish this bit off. But, bloody good start. Where is the cling film! Now I can't find the end! Okay. Pasta's good. I want to get a garlic bread on the go as well, on the side. So, give me a big clove of garlic. Garlic! I have to do this bit. So what I'm gonna do, garlic clove going into the oven. (mumbles) Give that, 10 to 20, 30ish, 20 minutes. That'll go soft, then we can kinda scrape it out, and wipe it onto some toasted bread. Which is delicious. Also, going to chop up an onion. (chopping) Mushroom and sausage pasta I do at home all the time. You need a good base of some sweated onions, and some garlic, to get it going. Onions can go in there and just sweat off. (slide whistle) Some garlic. 34 seconds. If I take it so far, that we can't turn back. So mushrooms, can't do that. Let's get some sausage meat out. (buzzer sounds) Ahhhhhhh! That's annoying! So, I'm gonna give myself, a three. (melodious music) - This is lovely. You're strapping me to the chair. - Oh, sorry. (Uptempo funk) - Okay. (buzzer sounds) Did someone make one of them and then Barry's come in and gone "Ugh" and made another one? Wah! What am I gonna do? Sausage and mushrooms, like... A bit obvious. I'll start making a sauce. 'Kay. Right, this here, is called romanesco. Sometimes we get that confused with romesco. Which is a Spanish pesto. So, I'm going to make romesco. You roast off peppers. We haven't got time for that so, I'll just blow torch them. Chop em up, blitz em in a food processor, with garlic, hazelnuts, and something else. I might have to look it up. And then you basically trickle oil in. I think everyone's going to expect us to go down the Italian route. So, let's go down the Spanish route instead. Blowtorch. I'm gonna blister these, oh this could take a while. Okay. I think... Slowly realizing that what I wanted to get done may not happen. Because, the blowtorch cuts out every 10 seconds. Stop doing that! (blow torch clicks) Half my time's gone, and this is what I've done. How are my hazelnuts looking? Oops, some are on the floor. Awp. Bit. Like. This. (buzzer sounds) I've contributed little. Out of ten? Four. (heavy rock music) (buzzer sounds) - Is that Barry? A bit like this? Two forms of pasta. One we'll use. Nowhere near a dish yet. But, we do have pasta which looks like it's good to roll. I think, what he's trying to do is make a romesco sauce. My concern is, with 20 minutes, I don't know if we got time. We need roasted pepper, not blow torched pepper, we need roasted pepper. And then sausage and romesco, sort of two very contradicting flavors. Have we got an oven on? Is there anything in it? There's a bulb of garlic in it. What the? Toasted bread. At the moment, none of them are ready to blend. Okay, I don't wanna come here and be Mr. Negative. But, I feel like nobody's thinking ahead. Pasta challenge, at the very least, have some boiling water on the go. Barry's even left his wedding ring here, that's how much he cares. (heavy rock music) Not a bad bit of pasta. Whoever made the pasta, great job. Flecked with, what I assume is, spinach. Impressive. For speed and ease, we'll go with quite a chunky cut. Bit, like, a tagliatelle kind of consistency. All I can do now, is try and leave clues for James to unfold these. I've flapped a bit today, so, I'm going to give myself a 6 1/2 out of 10. I hope James can save this, 10 minute to do a pasta dish. (scratchy guitar riffs) Just think, don't panic. (buzzer sounds) - I'll just keep sorting this out, while I'm thinking. This is not a dish. Oh my God, there's nothing in the fridge. Where's the dish? Hazelnuts, I think I'm gonna blitz them. I'm gonna put some more hazelnuts in there. Ahh, ahh, ahhh. Grab what's in the oven. That is someone's sad contribution to this dish. I don't understand this at all. It's not romesco anymore. Where did I put that. It's a pesto. (ripping of herb) Five minutes. (scratchy guitar riffs) Maybe I'll take the earth out as well. (food processor whirs) Okay, it's, kind of, slowly better. I'm putting it with the onions, cause, whatever. That's a lot of salt. But it's okay. Uhhhhh. I have no time to do anything with this. I don't even have time to go and grab a grater. I've got three minutes left. This has to go in there. Bread and hazelnut crumb going on. Okay, I'm putting that in here. (scratchy guitar riffs) I'll add some pasta water. I want some spinach. (Fast rock music) Just gonna let it drape on the plate. Just let it drape, just let it fall. Yeah. You just want it to have, like, a little coating. Obviously, this is probably the worst sauce anybody's ever put on pasta. Parmesan, some hazelnuts, some extra virgin olive oil. (buzzer sounds) I think it looks good. I think it tastes, slightly above average. And I think I'll give myself a 7.8 out of 10. - Go for it. [All] Ahhh - Actually. Okay. - [Janice] In 50 minutes, the guys have made spinach tagliatelle, with a romesco pesto sauce, hazelnut and breadcrumb. Topped with Parmesan. I'm not really sure if I care about everything else, as long as that pasta is okay. - Go on, team player then. - I've never seen a pasta dish like it. - No. - But, I can't imagine it's going to taste that bad. Because of the ingredients in it. I just think it's a bit confused. The pasta rolled very well. Should we see if it tastes any good? - The pasta looked great. I wasn't sure if the water was seasoned. - Oh it was very seasoned. - I seasoned it again. - Oh, when you mix it up, it looks bangin. - Yeah. - Cheers. - Cheers. (inspiring orchestral music) - It's a bit salty. - It's quite salty. - It is a bit salty. - Quite garlicky - Bloody chefs over seasoning it. (laughs) - Could do with some lemon. - I like the crunch from the hazelnuts. - You're welcome Jamie. (Jamie laughs) - I think the pasta's really good for fresh pasta. - It's almost okay. - If the two chefs had tasted as they go. - (mumbles) We cant', I can't even pretend that this is anyone else's fault around the table. I am so sorry. - Definitely needed a little squeeze of lemon. Or, a nice, crisp, acidic white wine on the side. - The thing with pasta... It's beauty comes in it's simplicity. You don't need five people to make pasta. - [Jamie] No. - It feels like 5 people have made pasta. - (mumbles) what happened to the mushroom? I love mushroom pasta. - I didn't even see any mushrooms. - I hid em. - Oh, you hid them? (all laugh) - What did everyone score themselves? - 8 1/2. - Can't knock that, that's quite scary. - It's annoying isn't it? - Yeah. I gave myself a three. - I think you did better than usual. - I gave myself, in hindsight, a rather generous four. - That was generous. (all laugh) - I gave myself a 6 1/2. It is what it is. - That water was really well boiled though. - It was. - Well, lucky I got it on, I'll tell you. If I hadn't got it on, we wouldn't have a plate of pasta. - In the hands of anyone else... - I gave myself a 7.8. - I'd be happy to say, that Jamie took us to a pass, on that one. - Fresh pasta is perfect. - Just the pasta and some olive oil, I think I'd have preferred. - [Jamie] (laughs) Done really well. - Yeah. - I think it's slightly obscure, but an interesting mixture of flavours and textures. So, I think it's a pass. - The pasta's perfect. I think, us four failed it. So, I say it's a fail. - I cooked the pasta. - I cut the pasta. - And I made the romesco. (all laugh) I'm gonna say, from a looks perspective, and a taste perspective, within the category of fresh pasta, that is a pass. - I think it's a pass. - I think I have to agree. And, it turns out, we have to thank big nose, over there. (all laugh) - As always, comment down below, and let us know your suggestions for orders and themes. Janice's book is waiting. (Barry laughs) - Just day one of 2020, and we've had our first pass of the year. - Brand new decade, brand new us. - If you liked that video, and you wanna see more of Pass It On, then, you know what to do. Like this video! - And if you're really enjoying yourself, and you're not subscribed yet, click the subscribe button, click the bell to get notified every time we upload. It's Wednesday and Sunday, every week, until 2030. - It's gonna be a good year. Good decade, actually - Gonna be a great decade. - [Mike] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. (laugh sound) We've built the Sorted Club. Where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out, if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. (TV beep) - Have I got a long nose? - [Man] That's different. (Barry laughs) - Great - I think Jamie's got complex now (laughs).
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,046,818
Rating: 4.9712687 out of 5
Keywords: pass it on, food challenge, pass it on sortedfood, sorted food, cooking challenge, recipe relay, recipe challenge, pass it on challenge, sortedfood challenge, pass it on sorted, cooking battle, sorted food ben ebbrell, timed challenge, FRESH PASTA Recipe Relay Challenge, Pasta Challenge sorted
Id: 0xXxVzHVlrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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