RICE Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S2 E16

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bratlie 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
(whimsical music) - I don't know what to do. (whimsical music) (egg cracking) (cream splattering) (torch hissing) - That's annoying! - Looks terrible, we're hiding these. (man bangs) - Ouch! - What is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? This should be really obvious. - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - Janice, what's the theme? - [Janice] Today's theme is, rice. We're looking for a dish which celebrates how versatile this ingredient is. Don't be basic boys, be creative. (boys groaning) - Celebrated all over the world, wonderful. - Rice is the one dish that we get told off every time we cook it. - Janice is there an order? - [Janice] The community has decided to give Jamie, the power to decide the order, good luck. - You idiots. - I knew I was their favourites. - What are you doing? What are you doing? - Why did the community give him the power? - Because I love to watch us fail, that's why. (Barry laughs) - Chef, normal, normal, chef Barry. (people laughing) - Is that 'cause Barry's not normal or cheffy? - Plating. - Oh okay. - So, I'm gonna start with, James, second. (Mike groans) Third, brings it all together, just has to plate it up. - Great, excellent. (upbeat music) (air whooshing) - [Janice] One at a time, the boys will have ten minutes to cook and add to a final dish. The remaining team will have no idea, what is being cooked, until they step into the kitchen. (upbeat music) - Okay, okay, okay, okay, so this is Black Venus Rice, never heard of it. So I built it around what I think the dish is gonna look like, and I think this will look really really cool 'cause its like jet black. Don't know what it'll look like when its cooked, but that's not my problem, it'll be fine. And then what do I do? Packet instructions, bring to the boil, reduce heat, simmer for approximately 25 to 30 minutes, I will leave that there, so everybody has the instructions. Get the chorizo going, It'll start releasing its oils, everything else will cook in the oils, this is like a good base, I think. I really don't know where they're gonna take the dish though. I'm no good when I'm put on the spot. (food sizzling) Mike's next. (upbeat music) I think Mike will, appreciate the flavour combo, I don't think he'll know where to take it. I think maybe something dairy based might be nice, to tack into this, use some of that creme fraiche or something, make a nice, like, white wine sauce. I might not even put the white wine in, I don't think I'll get the chance to put the white wine in. I'm thinking classic flavours, but striking looks, and I know Barry's plating, so Barry, I hope will get that. (food sizzling) That water is looking amazing, which gives me hope, for the looks. (horn beeping) Oh we're done. So I chose the rice that I thought would be the most unfamiliar to all of us, I'm hoping that it will be delicious and different and go with everything else. I'm giving myself a six, because I think it's a strong base but I really struggled, knowing what to do. Mike. (upbeat music) - [Woman] He's the man. (air whooshing) - Something smells exceptional and that is chorizo. Nice, what is that? Some sort of bubbly wine, is that a reduction? Ahhh, it's already too cheffy for me, I'm already out of my depth. Okay, this is cool, we haven't got any rice. Black Venus Rice whole grain. Is that all this purple stuff is? Oh no, I don't know what to do with that. Bring to the boil, cover with a lid, simmer for 25 to 30 minutes. Good, not my problem, excellent, okay, I'm back in the game. - [Janice] What about that lid? - What is this? What's this? - [Janice] He's been doing this job for 12 years. - Celery, what is the point of celery? Right, I gotta make some decisions, oh no, it's been two minutes, fennel. I'm gonna roast it, stick it on a baking tray and roast it, 'cause I'll be honest, I have no idea what else to do with it. Salt, it's already quite peppery so I'll just give it a dash. That can go in an oven. (oven door bangs) Okay. I'm gonna get this garlic in, lovely. What we doing here? Let's find some other flavours. So, I just grabbed some veg, some peppers and tomatoes. How long do I got left please Janice? - [Janice] One minute and 38 seconds. - Four minutes? - [Janice] No, one. - One minute. - [Janice] Yes, that's eight and a half minutes, spent ruining the rice. - I'm just gonna chop these in half, and chuck them in with the fennel, and just get them roasting, and a chef can decide what to do with them then. (upbeat music) (horn beeping) - Okay. Some things have been done. Did I contribute in a game changing way? Absolutely not but were we expecting that of me? Absolutely not, I'm gonna give myself a four. Spaff. (whimsical music) (air whooshing) - Whoa whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa. Da da da right. Whoa whoa, we got peppers, sausages? - [Janice] If he's struggling on this, we'd better buckle up people. - Sausages, and then that is, what is that? Raw, what are we making? Oven. (oven door bangs) Fennel and tomatoes. I don't know what we're making but, I can contribute, by slicing up some halloumi, and grilling it. In a rice challenge, we currently only have, one rice element, does that feel good enough? - [Janice] Yes. - No, it doesn't. I feel, like maybe we should have another rice element. - [Janice] No, don't do it. No don't do it, no. - Well, I mean, decision made right? - [Janice] Play his music. - What are the peppers doing? There is so many unanswered questions here. That's gotta have more water or could it have more wine? It's gotta have water, water. (whimsical music) Right, (sighs) halloumi. On. Why? (chuckles) I don't know, it's there. Can you grill celery? - [Janice] You could probably grill a shoe Jamie, but it doesn't mean you should. - Let's find out. Who's after me? Ebbers. Ebbers will know what to do with grilled celery, he loves celery. Okay, these peppers, why aren't the peppers in here? Peppers go in there. What is this? Here's an experiment. Popcorn. (horn beeping) That's on someone else. I think we can all agree that I did absolutely terribly, so I'm going to give myself, a three. Ebbers. (air whooshing) (whimsical music) (air whooshing) - Here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go. Let's have a look, rice challenge. Rice krispies in a pan, and what on earth is this? Are we anywhere close to it being, cooked, very striking. A whole rice grain so it will be chewier, that is still too chewy there, and I'm gonna add more water. I'm gonna get this halloumi out of the pan. Typically, I wouldn't have put the halloumi in yet, I would do that just for serving. It's got some lovely colour, what we might have to do is dress it now, so that it maintains the moisture. What is this? Who's grilling celery? - Can you grill celery? - Here's oh, something in the oven. Lovely. Okay, we got lovely Mediterranean style flavours going on and that's quite a good thing, not sure about that, but I will come back to it. I'm gonna dress this halloumi with, salt, pepper, and something sweet, little bit of sweetness from some honey, a little bit of freshness from some lemon and the oil, salt and pepper, and then, store that warm halloumi in it, and then it'll just stop it from drying out, it'll kind of dress it. Never had grilled celery, but someone started it, let's make a thing. So, these super savoury leaves, often get wasted. Not today, a bit like fennel fronds, they add an incredible flavour, along with, some parsley, few sprigs of mint, and to keep it fresh, some lemon peel. Basically I'm thinking warm lentil salad except we've subbed out lentils for, this incredible black rice. I'm gonna season this back on the board, and Barry will get the hint. That. Last thirty seconds, and I'm just gonna make this, nice and diced, to go through the chorizo and onion mix. (horn beeping) I've not added a lot, but hopefully, I've left it clear enough for Barry to do something with. I've left the hob on for him, it's his comfort space. I'm gonna give myself a six. Barry, come make it look pretty. (upbeat music) (air whooshing) (rock music) - Rice krispies, (beep) wow, celery (beep) What is that? Is that like squid ink rice? Obviously that needs draining, so I drain it, drain it. Oh my god, it's jet black, what is it? What are these hobs on for? There's hobs on, that must be for a reason. - [Janice] Welcome home Barry. - I don't know what this is. (rock music) Stop, just turn stuff off 'cause, lemme just think, okay. Turn off, take a step back and relax. What is this? - [Janice] Now would be a good time to check the oven, wouldn't it everyone? - A plate, start with a plate. There's a plate here. (rock music) I don't like it. (rock music) (whimsical music) Greek yoghurt. I can put this in there and then go in there. What is it? I don't know what is it. So I'll take my squid ink rice. (whimsical music) Aw crap. (whimsical music) Let's build, let's build. I don't know what this is. I don't like it already, I don't like it. (whimsical music) No, changed my mind, it's all going in here. I've changed my mind, there's more flavour in here, Barry, embrace it. Big bold portion of this, I don't know what it is. Back on the celery, it's fricking weird, halloumi shards, we're going angles now. No! Just gonna, place some more seasoning, so this stuff, they're gonna go on top. Why? I don't know, they're there. What is this? Holy hell, what am I? Is this, this always makes things look cheffy. - [Janis] Barry, artistically applies, lashings of Greek Yoghurt to the pile. - Art. - [Janis] Five seconds remaining. - What no! No, oh. Pepper. (horn beeping) What is that? I'm gonna give myself a three. (whimsical music) Shh. - [Janice] Scallywag. - Three, two, one. (upbeat music) - Oh. - Can I put it back on? - Oh, oh. - If I were a black bird, and this, was piled up in my bird house, I'd think its quite appetising. - [Janice] The boys have created a big old pile of Black Venus Rice salad, with chorizo, peppers, and celery. Topped with griddled honey and lemon halloumi, Greek Yoghurt, and twice toasted rice krispies. - So, what were you thinking, or hoping for. - I didn't know what to do, so I picked the rice that looked the weirdest, the one that I hadn't seen before and the one that nobody would know how to cook and then I cooked that. - Oh, that's how weird purple rice isn't it? - When was the rice done? - James must have done the rice 'cause I came in second and it was already on, I thought it was a red wine reduction. (laughing) - So I, put the right ratio of water in, put on the hob, left it to come up to boil and by the time it started to boil, Mike was there to turn it down to simmer, put a lid on it, and just leave it for 35 minutes, so no one can mess it up because its the exact right amount of water as long as its like simmering with the lid on. - Interesting. - So what I did, is I took them all and I just compiled it in an artistic manner, twice, 'cause the first time was even worse than that. - Really? Wow. - And then once my time ran out, I checked the oven. - I did envisage some roasted veggie in there. Kind of med veg - Oh yeah, there's no fennel? - No fennel, I've thought like, a big, yeah well. - I was gonna ask where my bloody fennel was. (gentle music) - Cheers. - Cheers. - It's very tasty isn't it? - It's pretty good, it's tasty like the rice is tasty, it's got a bit of, zinginess to it. - I'm not usually a celery fan, but it needs something to lift it. - I griddled celery. - Can you griddle celery? - I don't know if you can griddle celery, but, I don't follow rules. - Right, well, I don't feel I contributed a huge amount to this, especially as the two things that I put in the oven aren't on the dish. I gave myself a four. - It actually contributed quite heavily to the dish, I started griddling the halloumi, I made sure the rice - You in third? - Yeah. - Why are you griddling halloumi third? It takes like two seconds. - Mis en place, mate. Mis en plus. (man laughing) And then started toasting off the rice krispies. - The rice krispies are good, but you can't really taste them. - You toast the rice krispies? - Yeah, add more toastiness. (laughing) - What did you score yourself? - I scored myself a six, and, I'd give that a pass, it's really tasty. - I had a mare, I gave myself a two, but then, I had to pick myself up and give myself a three just for confidence reasons. - And a pass or a fail? - I'm gonna give it a fail, because, it could have been better. - So I gave myself a seven. I'm gonna give myself a six. It's far from perfect, but the rice element in the rice challenge, is really good and interesting and tasty. And I've nearly finished this and would go back for more. I think it's a pass, just. - I think it's also a fail, I feel like it tastes okay, elements taste good, but it doesn't really know what it is. - I don't know what the F that is, the only F that I know that that is, is a fail. - No. (upbeat music) (buzzer beeping) - Well you know what we think. We would actually love to know what you think too. Please comment down below, rate us from best to worst, one to five. - No. - Also give the video a like if you enjoyed it and continue to contribute thoughts on, future themes, future orders, and just future chaos. - See you in the next one. - [Mike] Have you ever got to the end of a long day with no ideas, ingredients, or energy to cook. Take away? Hm, it'd fourth the week. Well that's why we built our revolutionary Meal Packs app. Thousands of people are using it to shop, cook and eat a whole lot better and easier, while saving money as a result. You can go and use it in its entirety for free, for a whole month and see if it's for you. The link is in the description box below. (upbeat music) And now for the blooper. (beep) - Maybe some, oh there's one of Mike's hairs. Oh no, whose hair is that? Janice. (man laughs)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 653,314
Rating: 4.9668794 out of 5
Keywords: pass it on sortedfood, pass it on, recipe relay, sorted food, cooking fail, pass it on challenge, sortedfood pass it on, sortedfood challenge, pass it on s2, pass it on sorted, recipe fail, sortedfood janice, recipe challenge, sorted food pasta, recipe video fail, sorted food boys, timed challenge, cooking challenge, rice, how to make rice, how to cook rice, rice recipe, rice dish, rice meal, salad, halloumi, best, best ever, sorted ultimate battle, sorted gadgets, review
Id: xrtzQ2CB_2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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