CHOCOLATE Recipe Relay Challenge!! | Pass It On S2 E13

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(light instrumental music) - I don't know what to do. (light music building) - That's annoying! - That looks terrible. We're hiding these. (dramatic instrumental music) - Ow! What is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - It should be really obvious. - [Presenter] Oh dear, oh dear. - We've got this. - You're always so full of confidence, I love it. - Janice, what is our theme? - [Janice] Today's theme is chocolate. - We can't fail at just chocolate. - Also, I'm now inspired by the table, 'cause it could still go one of many ways. Okay. And Janice, do you have an order in mind? - [Janice] Due to the disastrous results of the last pass it on, where the theme was pastry, I've decided to press the reset button and ask you all to decide the order between yourselves. - Can I not go last? - I concur. (all laughing) - First, second, third, fourth, fifth. What could go wrong with chocolate? (upbeat intro music) - [Janice] One at a time the boys have 10 minutes to cook an add to a final dish. The remaining participants will have no idea what is being cooked until they step into the kitchen. - Thanks Janice. Back in a minute. I've already started by panicking. Okay, I am definitely going to just have to look up a sorted recipe. Because otherwise this is gonna go all wrong. What I'm thinking is, making a crepe cake. So we can make really thin pancakes, loads of them and stuck them on top of each other. And I'm just thinking you could put something chocolaty over the top. Basically what I'm looking for is, when you cut down it and open it, you get that amazing layered effect. It's insane, now I say it out loud. So I'm just gonna make pancakes. And then I've got to find out a way of making Jamie understand what I'm trying to do. First thing to do, preheat crepe pan because they take ages to heat up. And if you don't equally distribute the heat, it doesn't work. Oh, you know when you have an idea and then halfway through committing to the idea, you're not sure whether it's a good idea anymore. - [Janice] Mike sets to work creating a crepe batter. One part egg, one part milk and half part flour. Laced, he thinks, with melted butter. - So now I want to whisk this up and then I want to add in a little bit of milk. And then add melted butter. By which time I'm hoping that has heated up. Melted butter goes in and I think I'm lacing it. I'm putting butter through it. So then I don't have to add it into the pan. Right. It's make or break time. Oh, seasoning. The chefs will be going nuts. If I didn't season that. Pinch of salt. Rule of thumb, first pancake is always rubbish. Come on, crepe, crepe, crepe. Come on, crepe, crepe, crepe. It would help maybe, if we had a nonstick crepe pan. Yeah, this is not nonstick. Okay, I've made an omelette. I'm going to get a proper crepe pan that's not (beeping). I can't do anything with that. So what I'm actually gonna do, is sieve that. So there's no lumps because that's a good thing to do for Jamie. You'll probably shout at me for cheating, but I'm gonna see if I can get through my idea to Jamie using those serviettes. Crepe. Is this cheating? We did so badly last time. I don't care. That's not coming out. So we just need to let that-- Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. (buzzer buzzing) That's how to poorly execute an idea. I'm gonna give myself a five. J! (light cheerful music) - Okie dokie, okie dokie. What are we doing? Oh we're making a stack of crepes with a chocolate filling. Is that what we're doing? Okay. So where have we got to with-- Why is it being sieved? What has happened there? He's cornered me into cooking crepes but also what would be cool, is if our stack of crepes had like a crumb coating. We can make it look like a cake. It's a crepe cake. We could be off to a good start. Right, let's try. I mean, in terms of crepe pans, I wouldn't have gone for this one. This is frying pan. We've got flat crepe pans. I could go get one. Let me go get one. What is that? I too am gonna hide that because-- I'm sorry. Did anyone witness that? Oh right, cool. I'm gonna hide that. So nobody blames me because that's bound to be what happens. Pancake one done. Whilst that's cooking, is there anything I can do? I'm gonna get some biscuits for our crumb coating. This needs to disappear. That can go in there. It's a cold pan now. Boom! That is looking so good. Let's snack on this one. - [Janice] Way to kill off that stereotype, Jamie. - You always try the first pancake, Janice. Taste all right. It's good. I'm gonna crunch up biscuits and I'm gonna leave a message for Ebbers to see if he gets it. That I'd like a crumb coating. - [Janice] And the chocolate? (Jamie laughing) - In terms of a chocolate theme, I've not done chocolate. Mike hasn't done chocolate. However, all of the signs for chocolate are there, but it's gonna come later. So what if we did that? And then if I just-- He'll get that, right? Three out of three. I mean sure, only one is on the plate at the moment. Hurry up. (light cheerful music) (buzzer buzzing) Done. I would give a six out of 10. I feel like we're in a good place. Maybe we don't need this. Maybe this isn't here anymore. Ebbers! (people cheering) (light intro music) (dramatic music) - And here we are again. Crepes, two so far, another one in the pan. A little on the thick side. Right, there's a note in there. We can do better than chocolate pancake-- I haven't seen any chocolate yet. I think I'm gonna carry on making these. Maybe make them a little bit thinner. And then I think instead of layered, rolled. And then we can cut them onto a plate. So it would be helpful if we had some chocolate on the go. I also want texture. I'm guessing that's what this biscuit crumb is, but better than just biscuits. There's loads of nuts on there. I'm going to go have a play. Not with the nuts, but with the-- (beeping) I'm thinking flavours. 'Cause at the moment we've got a great basis, but I don't think there's any flavour choice yet. So white chocolate, I'm gonna put chopped up into a cream cheese and nutty filling. Might've been nice to put a little bit of citrus into the batter, perhaps. Slightly sweetened with a few pistachios. A handful of walnuts and those biscuits. And then cherries. Really terrible choice. Why did I choose these? They've all got stones in the middle. We haven't got time for cherries. Raspberries. Another pancake, just so James has got options, but I'm hoping he'll see what I'm aiming for. So I'm gonna go for white chocolate, chunks, and a cream cheese filling. We have crumb, pistachio, walnut, digestive, lovely crunch, and chocolate. Then we roll, and we repeat. We can either slice those and lay them flat. Or there might even be time to bake them with a chocolate sauce. Neatness counts. But also that will give him an idea of what's in there. That's the plan. We've got the pancake batter, we've got the cream cheese with orange, walnut, pistachio, biscuit crumb filling and white chocolate. I put a pan of steaming water on when I started, so I'm doing double chocolate. White chocolate in, a little bit chocolate here. Will he get that this needs to be baked? (buzzer buzzing) I added a few flavours, added some chocolate in a chocolate challenge. I'll give myself a sweaty seven out of 10. James! (rock intro music) (buzzer buzzing) - Okay, got some chocolate. What's going on? What do I do? These look a little bit sad right now. Somebody wants me to put chocolate sauce on them, but that's not gonna look nice. That's not my style. So what can I do to make this more interesting? I'm just gonna take a trip to the table. How long do I have? Oh my God, I've had like two minutes already. This is a good flavour combination. Carrots, ginger and orange. I don't know if I got six minutes. I might be able to do this, you know. Carrots and sweet stuff are cool. So I'm gonna candy some carrots and see what Barry does with it. I'm gonna keep the carrot tops for Barry to garnish the dish with. Because I feel like it needs a little bit green. In addition to these pistachios. A bit of orange. I will put some of that in chocolate as well. This is good, chocolate's good. - [Janice] James adds ginger to the carrot and pours cream into a separate pan. - I've done such a weird thing. All I've done so far is to do some carrot tops for garnish. (James moaning) Ooh. I'm going to segment an orange whilst I talk. It's not an orange, I know it's not an orange. But you know, it is orange. So it needs a bit of interest and it needs a bit of hype. And I know Barry likes a little bit of hype as well. This is actually looking really nice. I think this will look amazing on the dish. I really wanna-- (music climbing dramatic) (buzzer buzzing) Four, four out of 10. I had good ideas, though. They're all good ideas. Barry! (upbeat intro music) (buzzer buzzing) - Last 10 minutes. What's going on? Parsley? What am I doing? Just testing stuff. What's this for? Testing. Is this sweet or savoury? No! I had such high hopes! I have decided to embrace my inner James. What I'm gonna do, I'm going to plate up everything here in the most pretentious fashion I can and hope it tastes nice. I'm taking these rolls. Yup, sure. Got some carrots, I ain't got a clue what this is. I'm putting carrots into the dessert. I don't know why. But they're delicious, they're here, and they're going on. Let's go for some orange. It looks really cool. I'm just hoping these flavours go well together. I literally got hope, that is it. What's this? Let's put that on it. Let's go for some fresh berries, 'cause they're here. They look pretty. Some biscuits here, let's put some biscuits on top. (upbeat music) White chocolate shards on top. Oh, yeah, nice, angles. Needs more chocolate, dark chocolate. I think the term, if you throw enough (beeping) into the wall, some of it is gonna stay. I'm throwing all the (beeping) I have. Throwing more stuff on it. I'm going for some honeycomb Crunchies on top for a bit of texture. Let's just put some herbs on top of it. Why? I don't know, 'cause it's here. (buzzer buzzing) (Barry chuckling) For my art, I give myself a nine. If that art is tasty, we'll find out. (upbeat music) (bell ringing) (people cheering) - So much jeopardation at this point. - [Janice] Sorry, jeopard-what now? - I left the kitchen in a good place is how it felt. - I have blind confidence. - Oh, I'm even more worried! - Ooh. - It looks beautiful. - Yes, I'm into it. - But are they carrot tops on there? - That is completely different from what I had in my head. - But what was in your head? - I wanted us to make a crepe cake. - It's not that. - [Janice] In this chocolate pass it on challenge, the boys have made, what is best described as a pistachio, cream cheese, biscuit, and white chocolate filled crepe. Decorated with raspberries, candied carrots, chocolate shards, honeycomb Crunchie, orange segments, biscuit crumb, and carrot tops. All on top of the chocolate ganache base. - Whatever it is, I'm excited to try it. 'Cause it looks decent. - Challenge is gonna be to get little bit of everything. - Why have we got a carrot covered in chocolate? What's going on? - I didn't get carrot. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Cheers. I'm so excited. (light upbeat music) - Well, that's pretty delicious. It tastes as exciting and interesting as it looks. - It's got a rich chocolate ganache with the fruits and the carrot, as a fresh and earthy vibe to it. - Do you know what it tastes like? Chocolate orange. But the orange isn't just orange, it's carrot and honeycomb. All the things that taste orange and look orange. - First of all, I'm eating a chocolate orange and I'm having a great time. And then it's like I've put a roast carrot in my mouth. - But carrots are sweet. - Yes, they also taste of carrots, Ebbers (laughing) - It's candy carrot. I'm guessing that was you. - Yeah, I like that, a nice touch. - You just like trying to hide vegetables in dishes where they don't belong. - So true. However, I think that's really rich and indulgent, and the chocolate is uber chocolaty. It's almost a bit too claggy. There's a little bit of citrus, a little bit orange, a little bit of berry to help. But it's a little on the claggy side. - Considering the 'mare I had at the beginning, I am just happy that there's a crepe on the plate. - I cooked the pancakes. I thought that's the best use of my time, because then they can become the basis of our crepe cake. - What I had was a plate, with somewhat thick pancakes. However, the batter was great. So I made more, but just a lot thinner. - Are they not my pancakes? - No. (laughing) The batter was great. They were just a bit thick. The ones you made were just a bit thick. - I just had to plate it in the most pretentious fashion possible. - Oh mate, well done. Then you've done an amazing job there. What did you score yourself? - Nine. - Oh yeah, of course. (both laughing) You know what? And quote me on this. You deserved a nine. - Good. - I scored myself a five and I actually think that that's pretty fair because it's been taken places. But hey, the thing that I started, made it on the dish and I think that's a pass. - I think it's a fantastic pass and it could be one of our best yet. - I rated myself a six out of 10 because I thought that I came in, I saw the direction-- Why are you laughing? (laughing) - I added chocolate to the chocolate dish. A few other flavours. rolled it, changed it... I gave myself a seven. - I gave myself a four because I knew nobody would like the carrots. - I feel like the process is a massive fail, but I feel like the end dish, and I pretty much solely put this on Barry, and this kills me, it's a pass. - I think it's a pass. - Carrot boy? - I don't think it tastes very good. It's not nice. - Oh, I downright disagree with that. I downright disagree with that - I just don't think it's very good. - I think that it's nice. I think that the carrots are weird. - I made a mistake, guys. - You need the fresh, otherwise it's just claggy. - Claggy and fresh, and they're fighting. And it's not nice. And it's a fail. But you guys said it's a pass. - You've heard our thoughts, over to you guys. Comment down bellow, whether you think this is a pass or fail. And also, why don't you list us in order as usual. Worst to best. And any other thoughts that you had. Where you thought it went wrong, where you thought it went right. We've also build the sorted club, where you can get tonnes of foodie inspo, using the Pack's midweek meal app. Discover and share restaurant recommendations, using the Eat app. Listen and contribute to our "Feast Your Ears" podcast and send us ideas for new cookbooks you'll receive throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to (upbeat music) And now a blooper. (beeping) - There aren't any chefs here to judge this. - No, I know, I bet the other table, they're just going, "This is awful. "This is one of the worst fails ever." And we're just going to look stupid.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 696,511
Rating: 4.9693341 out of 5
Keywords: recipe relay, sorted food, pass it on sortedfood, cooking challenge, pass it on, pass it on challenge, cooking fail, recipe challenge, pass it on sorted, sortedfood pass it on, recipe relay challenge, pass it on s2, sortedfood challenge, sortedfood, pass it on chocolate, sortedfood chocolate, chocolate battle, cooking battle, sortedfood pass it on playlist, recipe relay sortedfood, sortedfood pass it on season 2, sortedfood pass it on chocolate, sortedfood janice
Id: WRDnFWcjSrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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