Veg 3 Ways | Jamie Oliver

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hi guys i've just put together a whole bunch of beautiful recipes from my veg book i know you're gonna love it now i think i've got for you one of the very best veggie burgers ever whether you eat meat or not you're gonna love this we're gonna take some onions carrot squash my inspiration came from an onion bhaji but we're gonna load it load it with flavor we're gonna take a carrot and do nice long strokes i'm using a butternut squash and you can just grate that in as well so let's get all that veg in there and now paneer is basically an indian cheese you could use halloumi but the paneer is really good look out for it it's fantastic just two level teaspoons of cumin go in the next spice is turmeric two of those two cloves of garlic and then ginger a thumb-sized piece of ginger the last two things i'm going to add flavor-wise a chili so we do want a little bit of a kick and then a nice little watch of coriander now we're going to bind this with some flour so i'm going to use gram flour season it with some nice sea salt and a little swig of water and we're going to mix it up and that my friends is perfect and then you can pat them out to little patties i've also got my hand quite messy now but just a little bit of oil in a pan and then we'll go in with this nice little patty i'll cook two but you can do them in batches and they'll be lovely so if we kind of get back to that whole kind of vibe about a burger right you'd normally have some mayonnaise so i'm going to kind of do my sort of indian version of that with a coriander yogurt get a pestle and water a little pinch of salt and have a smash up just put the yogurt in here and i'm just going to muddle it in so look at that color absolutely beautiful okay let's have a little check of the fritters one two three and what's lovely you get the golden on the outside and on the inside it's just luminous yellow and then i want some more crunch some more freshness so i've got a nice gem lettuce here and then there's one last bit poppadoms snap them and then kind of crumble them up like that now i've got these buns these are spongy white rolls which is exactly what i wanted i'm going to put the coriander yogurt in on both sides and then we're going to dust that with the poppadoms it's going to be crazy good let's take one of my patties we're gonna go straight on there with some mango chutney a whole load of the lettuce some corianders just a few more chilies just to remind them and then the last bit on top like that and that my friends is one hell of a mouthful that's probably the best veggie burger i've ever had i'm going to show you how to make the most delicious reverse puff pastry pizza packed full of veg and it is so easy to put together it all happens in here in a tray well we're going kind of provincial with the veggies so courgettes peppers an onion and 250 grams of lovely cherry vine tomatoes and what i want to do is just kind of clank everything up not too small otherwise you're going to lose the veg but also so it's nice sort of bite-sized pieces so a centimeter slice on the courgette with the onion just peel it and quarter it and then in the tray just kind of click it into little petals it cooks really nicely so this dish for me is a real cracker when you want to put something together that's really easy this is the one you can buy these amazing rolls of puff pastry which you know it's all rolled out it's all done i mean look i love making homemade pastry but puff pastry is a real thing it's a real ritual it takes loads of time and space and effort and to be honest most people haven't got time for that then with the cherry tomatoes try and get different colored ones if you can simply cut them in half so this recipe is one of the recipes from my new cookbook veg this is a book that's really close to my heart i wrote it about eight years ago and then in the recent years when people have become so much more interested in veg plant-based cooking i've brought it back and i've re-edited it rewritten it re-shot it you know i'm a meat-eater i eat fish and i think it's amazing that you know you can have a delicious meal that feels totally complete that you're missing nothing and i hope you like it with the veggies here what we want to do now is amplify flavour so there's a couple of things you can do first a little season up with salt and pepper i'm using oregano really brilliant herb and what i want to do is simply take it off the stool give it a little twist just to kind of bash and bruise up the oils and then i want to just drizzle on some nice olive oil and give it a little dress so give it a nice little mix up all the seasoning the herbs and the oil and what we want to do is slow roast this and it will reduce in size but it will absolutely amplify in flavor so we're going to roast at 180 degrees celsius which is 350 fahrenheit look at the colors amazing super easy and then after 50 minutes i'll show you what to do next so it's had 50 minutes and it smells incredible have a little look at that so the next part is really really simple we've got ourselves some beautiful all butter puff pastry when it cooks it goes like that and it gives you this most incredible crispy crunchy luxurious texture so of course normally with a pizza it will be a dough that you have to sort of spin and turn but we're cheating so what i want to do is get the knife and just push the veg right into the middle like that because what we want is extra delicious crispy edges and sort of nice packed veggies in the middle i'm going to take the puff pastry it's already rolled out for us so easy drop it straight on and then like tuck it into bed and literally push it in and that is going to be incredible so this goes back in the oven for about half an hour until this pastry has gone golden and crispy and delicious and that pan's hot so i'm going to put this back in the oven and i'll show you what it looks like and i'll show you how to finish it and have a little look at that absolutely beautiful and you can see how golden and puffy and crispy it's got to get a little spatula or spoon and just go around the edges like that just push in so it goes underneath get yourself a nice board or platter put it on top then get yourself a cloth to hold the edges a little good luck count to three one two three and flip give it a nice little tap and you're gonna get the most incredible reverse pizza here we go oh come on look at the crispy edges full of color absolutely beautiful i'm gonna take some gorgeous mozzarella bust that open and get little bombs of the mozzarella and stuff it in between the veggies a few lovely delicate basil leaves tomatoes basil mozzarella what's not to love and actually what's nice is as the seasons track throughout the year you can change up your veg now last but not least get yourself some beautiful sticky balsamic vinegar and i want you to go a little bit jackson pollock just have a little drizzle up and there you go a flavor combo that's going to slap your taste buds around the face enough talking let's have a little slice boom brilliant with a salad glass of wine crispy colorful and delicious and what's nice is that residual heat from the crust will start to slowly melt the mozzarella so it's half cold half melted half oozy and then it's gonna half get in my mouth but not for half long good times eat it like a normal pizza oh yeah pure pleasure and i'll be honest normally i eat it with a knife and fork but it's quite nice to go a little bit filthy and i hope you enjoy it take care i can't wait to show you this delicious meal it's mushroom stroganoff how do you get incredible flavor out of these beautiful mushrooms so starting off with 400 grams of beautiful mushrooms this will be enough for a generous two portions so if you go to the supermarket you'll find a whole array of mushrooms we've got some standard brown mushrooms classic oyster mushrooms jerol i absolutely love these but they all taste a little bit different but they're all kind of you know giving you that deep sort of savory flavors that we love you can just slice these up no trouble at all you can tear them there's no right or wrong just you know rip them up like that make it a nice mouthful size we're going to get a big pan on a medium-high heat and i'm not going to add any fat at all cooking the mushrooms in a dry pan like this naturally brings out the nuttiness from the mushroom so i probably eat vegetarian two or three times a week i really enjoy it i think to be a fully rounded cook it's really good to not rely on meat to kind of get away with big flavour so i find it a really positive thing for my cooking i think it's a really positive thing for your health now back in the pan we're still dry frying guys so you're sort of lightly charring it you're making it nutty you can see the moisture is coming out so while that goes on i want to quickly prep the garlic and the onions i've got one red onion i'm just going to peel it half it and then finely slice it but then i'm also going to finely slice the garlic everything's going to happen quite quickly from here on in we'll give it a shake around a little seasoning salt and pepper and some nice olive oil so it's the first introduction of fat the minute you add the oil we're changing gear right so now we've gone from nuttiness to more sort of caramelization and frying so as that fries around i'm gonna take just a few cornichons four little silver skinned pickled onions i'm just gonna finely slice those it gives you this beautiful sort of slightly acidic crunch it's a really nice surprise so i'm also going to add a little caper to just a little tablespoon like that so i absolutely love it so that goes in now add a nice pinch of paprika that's going to give it a little spice absolutely beautiful i want to add some parsley rip off the kind of herby part for later and then with the stalks don't throw it away finely slice the stalks there's brilliant flavor in there very sweet and that's going to go in the pan right now and then i'm going to flame it now you don't have to flame it i'm using whiskey you could use cognac you could use even gin very very nice so give your pan a nice little shake like this then add your chosen alcohol just a couple of good shots like that and then flame it there you go flaming it is going to help to caramelize and flavor the vegetables which is really nice of course put your fan on you know get your hair out the way don't singe it you know be careful you don't have to do this but when you do flame the booze you cook away the alcohol and then what you're left with is the effort of the maker now at this part in the story we're kind of done all we have to do is add a nice spoon of creme fraiche you could of course use cream i'm going to add just a little swig of water to give you a consistency of a nice creamy sauce go in with some roughly chopped parsley leaves we'll bring that to the boil and that my friends is gonna be a delicious stroganoff i think it's a brilliant time now to embrace more veggie dishes whether you're veggie vegan or you're just trying to reduce the amount of meat dishes you have in the week this is a brilliant brilliant thing and if it's delicious it's delicious you know veggie food should never be a compromise have a little serve up look at the colors guys the lovely different shades and colors of the mushrooms look at that you could serve this with noodles but for me it has to be fluffy basmati rice so these have been cooked for like 12 minutes and i just put the lid on and let it steam it will soak up all of that beautiful creamy sauce this is absolutely one of my favorites it really makes me happy when i eat this it's a generous portion look so there you go delicious mushroom stroganoff enough yapping let's have a chai there we go rich and intense and delicious have a go have a cook up and enjoy
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 399,406
Rating: 4.9360065 out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, veggies, veg, quick and easy, delicious, onion bhaji, mushrooms, pizza
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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