Speedy Quiche | Jamie Oliver | UK | AD

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Hi guys, hope you well. So like most of you I'm working from home right now, and me and Tesco wanted to carry on giving you lovely people, ideas for cooking beautiful, delicious, healthy things that the family are going to love at home, this is so good. It's a speedy one tray quiche. Instead of shortcrust pastry we're going to use filo pastry. It gives you the most incredible texture and crunch, and then we're gonna big up the filling with cheddar cheese, lovely gooey, and then broccoli, courgette, and spring onions. This is a winner, so let's do it. Take your courgette and we're just going to grate away, this will give you a beautiful texture that works so well in this quiche filling. Then with the broccoli, of course we want these lovely beautiful florets, but what happens often is the stalks here get thrown in the bin. There's nothing wrong with that it's delicious, nutritious, and if you just carry on grating it, we can take something that would normally go in the bin, and get it into this beautiful quiche, and as you grate the florets will start falling off. So this I will put into a bowl, I'll put that there. Then we're going to go to spring onions. Now, of course you could do onions white or red, in the past I've even used a few sliced pickled onions, naughty but very nice, but spring onions are very good so in that goes. Now over the weeks eggs have been hard to get, but it's getting easier. Now I'm putting six eggs in here, but this dish will feed four to six people. So just crack those in, so you want about 50g of cheese, give it a nice little grate. If you've got any odds and ends of, I don't know brie, feta cheese, red leicester you know you can blend the cheese's with great success, and we are ready to rock and roll. Season it with a little salt and a nice pinch of black pepper, and then all you have to do is mix it up. Now that's going to bake up absolutely beautiful, look at that right, really really nice. So let me just wash my hands. So guys now for the fun bit, this is the pastry. It couldn't be more fun and more simple. Take yourself a nice little roasting tray like this, now I love these little spritzer oils, they are so good for baking when you don't want to overuse oil. We're gonna take the filo pastry and you want to work fairly quickly with this, because it will dry out. If it's frozen defrost it overnight, lay your filo in and let it hang out the sides guys. If you're gonna be slow just get a damp cloth, and put it over the filo pastry. So I've put four sheets in here and then you can either just layer it up to keep it really healthy. Or if you use this little spritzer, the sort of mist is so fine that it's like hardly using any so that's brilliant, but also I have another tip. What I often do is, I buy sun-dried tomato jar right, I'll get a little blender and put the whole thing in here like that just whiz it up. Now you've just made sun-dried tomato, tomato puree. Just putting little bombs, you just come across a little bit when you're eating it it's like bow! You know you can really have fun with this, you can kind of reflect the seasons fresh peas, frozen peas, broad beans, asparagus, cauliflower. I've pushed it into the corners right, I've got it hanging around the edge, and then very simply this goes in. Every last bit of it, and then push the florets to the corners make it kind of as a flat as you like, because it's got egg in it that's gonna rise in the cookie. So when this is in the oven, like magic happens. So all I do now, is just fold up these edges, again there's no right or wrong way, squaf it all up, if that's a word. A small grating of cheese in the middle just because cheese changes the world. So guys look, that's it super cute really really nice. So this will now go in an oven at 180 degrees Celsius, which is 350 Fahrenheit, and I'll cook it for about 35 to 40 minutes. I'll put it in the bottom of the oven so the bottom gets really crispy and gorgeous, and then I'll serve it, I'll serve it warm with a salad for lunch, the kids are gonna love it happy days. River! Come and have a look at this. Whoo-hoo! Look at that, that is dreamy just look at it, look at that mom, whoo! So look I'm really pleased with that, let's have a nice little portion. Can you hear that? Guys come with your plates, I'll sort you out. Look at this, so good. Corner or inside? Corner. So there you go guys, this is for me and Jools, the family have smashed it. Remember it's all about the swap outs having the confidence, so if you haven't got broccoli or the courgette, go cauliflower, go asparagus, go peas, fill your boots. Have fun, please look after yourself and if you want the recipe just go online click the link, and get yourself down to Tesco. Pick up the ingredients and have a nice little cook up, lots of love.
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 1,060,561
Rating: 4.9343395 out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver
Id: XMasl8ceaYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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