Sweet Potato Chilli | Jamie Oliver - Ad

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[Applause] okay guys we're gonna be making the most delicious veggie chili with some gorgeous veggies sweet potato all roasted up beans gentle spices herbs chili it's gonna be so so good four to five of your five fruit and veg a day in one dish come on you know you like it and also I'm gonna be big enough my brand new stainless steel range by t fells so let's get cooking sweet potatoes absolutely amazing really really nutritious so just slice these in half I've washed them and I've given them a little scrub the skins really nutritious so don't take the skin off and I want to climb come up in two inch chunks I'm gonna take a roasting tray let's get them in I'm gonna go in with olive oil seasoning of salt pepper and then cayenne pepper just a nice little pinch I've got a little cinnamon here and then some cumin nice and savory and that will just you know as you cut it through look at that all of those flavors have been crusted and stuck to the sweet potato and as that roasts you get wonderful crisp eNOS on the skin the inside goes really caramely and stodgy and gorgeous and that's gonna be amazing in that stew so we're going to take one onion and I just want to half it and I want a roughly chop all the veg roughly around 1 1 and 1/2 centimeters in a sort of dice pan on will go in with olive oil the onions straight in there get yourself a couple of cloves of garlic just finely slicing and then let's do the peppers cut the sides off and again roughly chop the peppers into the same size as the onions so you want to break down by cooking to get the natural sugars out that will give you the flavor that's going with the yellow pepper wonderful colors look at that and I quite like to add a little seasoning now but we'll go back to our spices again a little bit of that cayenne pepper just under a teaspoon a little pinch of cinnamon there and the cumin and as that toast the veggies it smells absolutely tastic and what's really important I believe when you're caramelizing you don't want to have hot spots in pans so having that thick bottom which is essential in this pan you know it gives you really even heat distribution which is perfect for cooking next we're gonna go in with some coriander stalks just finely slice them or roughly chop them if you want so in they go smells amazing I'm gonna go in with a couple of chilies they're just gonna finely slice it I'm gonna leave the pips in because I want a little bit more heat next up we're gonna go in with a classic kidney beans really good for you two tins stir that through let's go in with two tins of gorgeous plum tomatoes and I'll top these up these tins with water in with the water you're gonna now simmer that for like 25-30 minutes that's now get those gorgeous sweet potatoes out of the oven and they should have concentrated and gotten lovely and crispy let's have a little look look at this yes we've got that caramelization there crispy little skins and if you squeeze it absolutely soft and gorgeous in the middle so after half an hour the vegetable chili looks like that is cooked down beautifully you can see it's concentrated and its reduced by third so you've got that wet June but by then stirring the lovely dry roasted sweet potatoes in it's gonna be texturally really really nice then I want to just stir this through great colors really healthy I want to get some nice coriander now just chop that up and stir that in to your stew look at those colors absolutely amazing and I love taking your nice little pot like this to the table I'm gonna serve that with some beautiful rice look at that guy's and what I'll do is I'll finish that with a nice little lob of yogurt really refreshing and a lovely contrast to the heat from the spice and the chili a few little bits of coriander maybe a few little bits of chili and happy days full of color full of excitement and with the avocado that is by of your fruit veg in one meal there you go guys that is my fantastic veggie chili you're gonna love it please give it a go and of course made in my jamieoliver by t fail range if you want more information on those pans and the whole range and other ranges then click the link in the details below [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 957,156
Rating: 4.9532704 out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, veggie, chilli, tefal, sweet potato, stainless steel, range, chunks, olive oil, salt, pepper, cinnamon, cumin, cayen pepper, roast, crispy skin, onion, garlic, peppers, seasoning, coriander stalks, kidney beans, plum tomatoes, simmer, guacamole, avocardo, tortilla, spicy, vegetarian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2017
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