BROKEN TANK DPS VANE Best Build Guide - Sigils & Weapons Showcase | Granblue Fantasy Relink Guide

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today I will be showcasing my endgame build for vain a character that surprised me because not only is he the best tank in the entire game capable of putting down a shield to protect the entire party for a very large duration so that even the harder mechanics from the strongest enemies in the game become a joke to your team he is also capable of dishing out crazy damage output I seriously did not expect vain to be this powerful of a character because in my head it just doesn't make any sense that the best tank can also will be a very powerful offensive character but here we are so with that being said hello everyone my name is dark hero and welcome back to another build showcase if you guys are enjoying my build videos please subscribe to the channel and let me know which character I should cover next now vain is a pretty simple character All Things Considered his basic attack combo is this three hit combo very very simple and it gives him a little bit of his gauge this gauge is going to be the pleted each time you use your triangle attacks but what you want to do is finish off his basic combo and then use your triangle attacks as combo finishers like so and you can even use them after a link attack which will increase them a lot faster these triangle attacks have a very special property as each time you use these triangle attacks the game considers Vin as being blocking at the same time and once your meter is fully maxed out you can unleash this very long but very powerful combo in most cases a combo being long is kind of bad because you have to avoid incoming attacks and whatnot but in the case of vain the combo being long is not bad at all because you'll be blocking the entire time you're doing this combo and so that allows you to be much more aggressive compared to other characters another very cool thing about vain is that whenever you do a triangle attack with a combo finisher you'll be able to heal some of your HP so that makes vain even more of a sustained character without you having to rely on any sort of healer on your team additionally vain can go from any of his offensive skills into a combo finisher which will let him heal even a bit more so let's go ahead and use heroic beat which is this Gap closer that heals you for a little bit and then you can follow it up with a combo finisher very simple but powerful stuff arm destruction is this big powerful blast that has heavy stun power which means that it is perfect for breaking Shields and for breaking Parts as well Rift devider is this multi slash combo where Vin pulls in enemies while doing all of this and at the end you can follow it up with a finisher very cool having the ability to pull in enemies can be very very useful not only in Horn missions but in boss fights in Maniac as well where a lot of ads start to spawn and being able to clear them while fighting the boss is going to be very very valuable and the final offensive skill for vain is energy destruction where he does this big powerful hit that deals more damage depending on how much SBA gauge you have it's a very powerful hit but it has a very big downside and that is that you have to have your SBA gauge be full if you're playing in multiplayer chances are that many players will activate their SBA Gauge before you activate yours if you aren't the first to get it so right there you may encounter some issues with you getting the most out of this attack additionally if you are playing online with a powerful team or even solo and you have built your characters well enough a lot of fights will simply end before you have the chance to use your SBA gauge yes even on Maniac difficulty if you saw my vaseraga build showcase you know exactly what I'm talking about and every single time I play with Duran and a couple of our maides were able to demolish pretty much any sort of content that the game throws at us and we're even able to clear some Maniac quests in a minute or two so that makes energy destruction a lot less consistent and so it is a skill that I don't like taking on vain that being said the rest of vain skills are actually quite powerful with breakthrough increasing your attack by 30% and also giving you hostility which is a self taunt making the enemies more likely to attack vain a very useful skill to have especially since vain is the best tank in the game and he has so much self- sustain that having more enemies attack him with him being able to block while he is attacking and healing at the same time makes this skill very useful dren Schultz is yet another self buff which will increase Vin's attack and defense by 30% and also give him guts which lets him survive lethal damage with one HP left and from what I have tested this gets buff does not expire on its own so as long as you don't take lethal damage with vin you're always going to have that extra safety net available and solar option is yet in self buff however you can only use it when you are below 30% HP and when you use it it heals you back up to full cleanses you of any debuffs you may have and increases your attack and defense by 50% it's an extremely powerful buff that also allows V to be a lot more sustainable on his own and allows for you to have a team composition where you don't even even have a Healer because vain will be the main tank he'll be able to power through most attacks while also healing at the same time and V's final skill is rampart where you're able to place this shield down and anyone that stands inside it is going to be Invincible for its whole duration this is perfect to avoid any of the big AOE mechanics that a lot of bosses especially in the end game like to use and so they'll become a little bit of a joke and as you can see the shield is about to run out but the invisibility period will linger for a little bit letting you move out of the way reposition yourself and still avoid some extra attacks so depending on the type of content that I'm doing and whether or not I'm playing in multiplayer I may or may not take Rampart with me though you don't have to worry about the AI they will actually stand within Rampart it's just that whenever I'm playing solo more often than not I like to take arms destruction which is a very powerful skill that will also allow me to break parts to be able to complete the side objectives to get the s++ on all missions now let's go over my endgame build for vain because there are actually quite a few differences and things that you can adjust get the most out of this character now as for your damaging sigils damage cap is going to be your priority more often than not you want to max out this skill because otherwise you're going to easily hit the damage cap especially if your character is high level and you have most of the offensive masteries and your weapon is leveled up additionally because a lot of veins gameplay is all about hitting those combo finishers well the central combo finisher is going to be perfect for him with this ual increasing their damage dealt up to 50% at max level additionally because vain has so much self- sustain and you don't need to have a Healer on your party I like to use the sigil life on the line for him as it will boost your attack going up to 50% more attack at max level although you won't be able to heal from your allies but again that won't be a problem for vain stun power can also be a very useful skill for him especially if you go with armed destruction so you can get those part breaks and reach that s++ as you can see my vein is currently like this I have six different damage caps which gives me damage cap level 61 I have two combo finisher fives which when maxed out are going to be both at level 15 at which point I'll have combo finisher level 30 but for now it's only at level 22 I also mentioned why I like to take stun power and overdrive assassin is also a very powerful offensive skill which will boost your damage at level 11 by 54% whenever enemies are in overdrive which especially in the end game is going to be for most of the quest and once this sigil is leveled up it will be level 15 at which point I'll get a 70% damage dealt increase and again with just five overdrive assassin sigils leveled up to the maximum I would be able to put this at level 30 which would quite simply double my damage output finally I have provoker on here which makes enemies more likely to Target me giving me 27 hostility now I don't know exactly just how powerful 27 hostility is but given that I want vain to be targeted by enemies this is a nice sigil to add that being said whenever I play solo and I want to go with vain as my main character I often replace provoke with either Ages which will raise my maximum health and ages is actually more beneficial than simply using the health sigil as you can see with ages 5 at level 11 I would go up to 36k HP and with health five also at level 11 I would go up to only 30k HP there is also the option to go with Vin's own signature sigil with Heroes will decreasing vein skill cooldowns after landing a combo finisher the 3% decrease is a nice quality of life Improvement I'm still not sure if it is a sigle that I would like to use because for the most part Vin skills either have a very short cooldown especially the offensive ones or when it comes to the big defensive Dome or the skill that you can only use when you are below 30% HP and heals you back back up to full those two are the ones that have very long cooldowns very often you can only use one of those per Quest and so I feel like this sigil would only help me get out those skills more often which could be good but I'm not a huge fan of it personally I would like to have a more offensive sigil and his other signature sigil Heroes Creed will grant a damage cut to Vin after landing a combo finisher by 20% for 15 seconds which means that you can have a 20% damage reduction with almost a 100% s up time since 15 seconds is a very long time and so you'll be able to have this very easily but so far I haven't found the need to use this because again vain is such a tanky unit but if you are making vain your main tank and if you are having trouble with some high-end content this may be the schil to run on him as for my weapon I am using my Ascension weapon I still need to ascend it and upgrade it all the way and the rest of my weapons are not doing too well but that's because very often I use vain as a tank and I don't run him as my main character very often and of course if you have Krabby resonance at max level you're going to want to slot that in now let's go ahead and take vain into a maniac level Quest so we're up against a maniac level Inferno it should be a pretty easy Quest as we'll be able to power through pretty much anything he throws at us so let's go ahead and use dra and Shults to buff our damage and keep on doing some combo finishers now that he's slowed let's go ahead and keep on the aggression I was not fast enough to finish that going to a link attack as you can see I'm able to power through that charge go ahead and use arms destruction and combo that into a combo finisher trying to break all of the destructible Parts nice our gauge is almost all the way filled up we're able to power through that and again we still have plenty of health so we're pretty fine we just have to keep on dealing damage now I'm not going to cancel this combo because it does have some Gap closers in the middle of it so you're still able to land it at the end like so so we still haven't been blown back by anything and now that we finished our combo we gain Stout hard for a little bit already HP decreased so we're going to go ahead and use solar option and now we have 50% more attack and defense as well let's wait for Inferno and dash in and go for some big damage again trying to break as many parts as possible big link attacks and right there I was not doing one of my triangle attacks which is why I was interrupted I forgot to even disable cagliostro heal which was totally not needed because again I'm not going to rely on any healers with vin and we already have our spa gauge all the way full let's keep on doing damage while we wait for the rest of our team to have higher Spa gauge so we can use it I'm waiting for Lancelot to be at 85 or 90% speaking of Lancelot he goes ahead and freezes Inferno dial right there we're almost at 100% in our link as well which is very very good we break one of the arms the head should almost be broken as well big damage and I'm going to go ahead and use the SBA here very flashy animation with a big hit at the end lelot is going to follow that up you can also use the Gap closer and any of these skills simply to get the gauge back up quickly and now cro is going to finish that off big damage output trying to Target the head so I can break it and we got all the destructible parts and now that we have a link time we can simply spam the triangle attack we're going to be dealing tons of damage and if we're able to finish off the combo without killing infer aile not quite we do finish him off with the big combo finisher but I was about to say that if you are within the link time you can actually keep on using the triangle attack and the gauge will still be all the way full it will not be spent so you can keep up with your aggression and there you have it that was my guide and build showcase for vain one of the absolute best characters in the entire game he is an easy recommendation for everybody to get him as I really do believe that it does complement pretty much any team in the entire game very well so hopefully you have enjoyed this build showcase and guide and let me know which characters you'd like me to cover next with that being said thank you all so much for watching my name is dark hero and as always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2 (DarkHero2)
Views: 79,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d9iRXPlzQPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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