Using the Conditional 'if' | Learn English Grammar 🔴

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night depending on where you are in the world we're going to wait for everyone to join us I think YouTube is coming up now I see some people already in the chat we're getting Facebook set up too so all as you join please make sure to hit the like button of course if you're watching this video after the live stream please feel free please please please hit the like button as well as we get ready to go I want to talk about a few things review a few points we discussed last week and then we'll begin our topic for this week which is if conditionals today we're going to talk about if conditional sentences and I'm going to introduce a few patterns that we can use with if conditionals too so we're getting set up right now Facebook we're waiting on Facebook and I think YouTube is on I'll take a look at that in just a second Oh Facebook is up great ok Facebook is up and I don't see chat yet for Facebook it's coming now I think so just a few more minutes maybe a minute more and then we'll get started oh ok good YouTube chat is up fantastic hi as always Brazil good evening good evening to you in Brazil lots of people Anderson welcome back Xavier I think from Ecuador high gear May hello great alright I see all of our our regular viewers from Brazil are here HJ Kim from South Korea hi I don't recognize your name ok Facebook is up good Nadine hello I see you on Facebook fantastic ok we have everybody Facebook and YouTube both up now Magali from Peru hi a lesson about mixed conditionals I would like to today I'm going to talk about a few different types of conditional so maybe that will lead into some mixed conditional discussions as well all right Pham from Vietnam hello and welcome great let's see on on Facebook I still just see us for a second there uh hey Kai would you do oh hi oh good morning yeah great Edoardo from Mexico hello and welcome fantastic okay everybody's joining so while we wait for a few more minutes for a few more people to join as they get the notification I want to review last week's topics last week if you joined it was our Halloween episode or Halloween themed livestream we didn't really talk about Halloween but some vocabulary words and we talked about the kinds of costumes we wanted to wear or the kinds of things we were interested in doing around Halloween so I always like to share an example from my life so here's my I said I would post it I said I would share it so here's my actual costume that I wore for Halloween very cheap costume I wore a Princess Leia costume so last week I talked about three words for things that are scary I talked about creepy I talked about eerie and I talked about gory and so we talked about some costumes that could be creepy or eerie or gory we talked about monsters and movies but these costumes really aren't necessarily creepier eerie or glory I went with a fun costume so I want to use this while we wait for everybody to join today I want to use this as sort of our warm-up question for this week last week I said I was going to use this costume question as our as kind of a lead-in as a warm-up to the grammar for this week so last week I asked you I add if you were here last week maybe you remember this question I said if you were going to Apothic aa stoom party what costume would you wear and why so that was a future potential sentence this week however as a warm-up I want to ask a follow-up question about this so different question while we wait for everybody to join is if you went to a costume party please share what you wore if you went to a costume party please share what you wore so in my case I can say I wore past tense I wore a Princess Leia costume because it was fun and easy so again past tense I wore a Princess Leia costume because it was fun and easy so if you went to a costume party here's our first if conditional for today if you went to a costume party please share what you wore so for those of you who went to a costume party last week or for Halloween for example did anyone go I'm I'm seeing a few people so hello a lot of people are coming in still did anybody to go to a costume party some people of course yeah man sir on YouTube we don't celebrate it right that's true that's true so depending on the country maybe you celebrate or you don't celebrate um wow did nobody go to a costume party there are like lots of people watching and nobody went hmm just me okay well anyway past tense our producers are saying I did I produced she went to a costume party she had an amazing costume so our producer she wore an Addams Family costume past tense she wore an Addams Family costumes it was awesome ah Freddie on YouTube says I wore a skeleton face painting Oh interesting so I wore a skeleton costume for example Carl on YouTube says I wore a scooby-doo costume cool YouTube says I wore make sure to use past tense past tense where becomes war I wore a Jedi mantle maybe the Jedi costume okay great so this is our first if conditional simple if conditional for today to begin today's lesson Natalia says I wore Alice's fantasy from Alice in Wonderland what is Alice's fantasy I don't know Anderson says I wore a Yoda costume great great okay mag no I'm great how are you I wore a Rick's costume Reuben what is Rick I don't know um on Facebook great some replies on Facebook I wore a spider-man costume very nice dilip okay great I think a lot of people are here now so I want to move on to sort of the next the main points for two days lesson so as I said this kind of introduces today's topic if you went to a costume party is our if point here and I've given sort of a command or a request a little bit right here okay so let's continue on so today I want to practice three more patterns we can use three more kind of grammar points we can use with if conditional sentences so let's continue first the first thing I want to do is introduce sort of the the basic form of if conditional so again whiteboard today we make if conditionals with two points I guess two if you're if you're just joining you just saw the little like share buttons up here make sure to do that if you're just joining it's super helpful for us if people watch and people like the video then we can continue making them so please like and share do don't forget if you're just joining anyway our basic form for today we saw in the warm-up question actually to when we make if conditional sentences will use an if clause so if Clause it begins with the word if like in my warm-up question for you I said if you went to a costume party what what did you or please share what you wore so it begins with if that's our if Clause so that's the the part of the sentence with if in the sentence it begins with an if-then we have a main clause so the main clause oops the main clause can change a lot we can make a question we can talk about future probability we can talk about hot things of that have a high chance of happening so today we're going to practice three more patterns we can use with this by the way you can do the reverse so if conditionals are not always the if Clause followed by the main Clause we can do main clause and if clause and the reverse order that is also okay so with this let's keep in mind with an if Clause we must have we must have a main clause we can't just use an if clause on its own so please be careful okay so let's go on to the first or the and I suppose the second one I want to talk about today so keeping in mind we can use if conditionals to make plans to ask about past activities to talk about future possible situations and we can use it to give advice and recommendations and ask for advice and recommendations as well so let's move on to the first or the next sentence I want to practice with you today let's use this grammar to talk about your weekend your weekend so in past livestreams we've talked about using going to not going to will and won't to talk about your plans for the weekend but let's sort of level that up let's use an if clause to talk about your weekend if clause talk about your weekend so let's use a sentence if you have time this weekend what will you do so here you'll see I've I've contracted what will - what'll well this is a great pronunciation point if you have time this weekend what'll you do what will becomes what'll little and then your response should be if I have time this weekend I'll blah blah blah so please share an activity if I have time this weekend I'll cook something if I have time this weekend I'll go see the new Blade Runner oh if I have time this weekend I'll clean my house I guess if I have time this weekend I'll watch TV for example if you have time this weekend what will you do what will you do so this is a future a future possibility construction with the if conditional so let's take a look what are you going to do this weekend if you have time our producer says I'll finish stranger things to you our producers watching a stranger things I'm not watching that all right yes the lesson is going on the lesson is live right now great Jordi you're the first one on YouTube if I have time don't forget this part if I have time this weekend I'll go to the cinema very nice good if I have time this weekend I'll go to the cinema my see on YouTube I'll sleep all night if you have time okay uh xaviar on you our Facebook sorry if I have time this weekend I'll make something haha Stepan what's that is that a is that that's a dish I don't know that dish I'll google it later mark Michele says if I have time this weekend I'll ride my motorcycle good Sofia if I have time this weekend I'll go to the gym nice Dileep if I have time this weekend I'll meet my friends perfect on YouTube Nelson if I have time this weekend I'll play soccer Alvaro says if you send me greetings I'll love you forever that's funny that's funny rindra if I have time this weekend they'll go to the swimming pool if I have time this weekend they'll practice drawing from gear may Pamela says I'll go to Machu Picchu if I have time nice so Pamela used the opposite version she had the main clause first an if clause second perfect Levi if I have time this weekend I'll watch more videos on this channel on this channel nice Yesenia five time this weekend I'll buy new shoes good so here if I have time I'll visit the zoo good nice ones Kevin on Facebook if I have time this weekend I'll play soccer with my friends very nice wow there's a lot Scarlett I missed it oh my gosh um Eduardo I'm if I have time this weekend I'll ride my horse no going to here is our future tense I'll going to is not correct we have future tents I will we use will because we're making the decision now in this conversation so if I have time I'll do something no going to there okay uh host send on Facebook if I have time this weekend I'll talk to my family very nice what else melih if I have time this weekend I'll visit my friend good Wow there are a lot if I have time this weekend I'm gonna go to or iíll go to rather a place a few of you are doing that Samuel says if I have time this weekend I'll watch more of your videos thank you thank you thank you much appreciated um what else Masaya on Facebook if I have time after work I'll hang out with my colleagues very nice Marianne if I time this week I'll file finish my homework I all finished my homework mm-hmm okay lots of them I'll go to the beach if I have time this weekend great great so again some people put the main clause first and if clause second perfect no problem sounds good alright so that's the first one I want to practice don't forget that this little aisle is your future tense statement your future tense decision so no going to here also be careful sometimes people put will in the if clause don't do that don't do that your future tense grammar your future tense choice should be here not here your main class and not your if clause okay nice job you guys fantastic alright then we're about fourteen minutes in so I want to take a quick break just to introduce we have a new thing to share with you this month or this week rather so as always our fantastic crew has prepared some good stuff for you guys so from October from last month they've put together a free gift package a free gift set that you can find on the website so please visit the link in the description below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook and you can download this free gift package from the website so please just sign in with your account if you have an account you can just sign in and download it right away if you don't have an account you can make an account it's a free account you can make it and pick up the free things for this month so these are our free things from last month that the crew put together for you so please check that out definitely check that out of course we had some Halloween themed things monster themed things but also some regular things you can use at other times of the year as well so definitely take a look check out the link in the description for the video and go download the free gifts of the month should be good I think okay yes oh I see there's a big deal at the bottom there I didn't see that before fantastic okay so please check that out again link below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook alright so with that let's get back to our topic if you are just joining us today's topic is if conditionals we're talking about a few different patterns with if conditionals we're talking about a few different expressions we can use if you have just joined please make sure to hit the like button it's very helpful because other people can find the video and if we get good feedback we can continue to make the live stream so please hit the like button of course share as well and yeah I think people are still coming in thanks very much for coming Donnelly on Facebook hi and I don't know there are so many so many names ollie on Facebook as well hi and Jack on YouTube I think is new too alright so let's continue to the next example I would like to talk about so the next grammar pattern is for a is something we use for situations situations which are not real so a situation that is not real but we want to talk about a possible outcome we want to talk about a possible result of that situation so when we make this kind of grammar when we make this kind of sentence we need to think about the grammar that we use in the if clause so for this pattern to make this one in our if Clause we're going to use simple past tense in the if clause for this one and then in our main Clause we can use at least for this one in the main clause we're going to use a modal verb so I think many of you have studied modal verb so that's like our would could should and so on may might so for this one for this pattern we're going to use simple past tense in the if clause and a modal verb in the main clause so we're going to talk about a situation that is not real or maybe maybe this situation is real for some of you and talk about a future possible outcome so let's look at our second or third at this point sentence our practice sentence for today which is if you had a lot of money what would you buy if you had a lot of money what would you buy so here hat is in our past tense if you had a lot of money what would our modal verb what would you buy your response should be if I had a lot of money past tense again if I had a lot of money I would buy bla bla bla so if I had a lot of money I would buy a boat for my parents or if I had a lot of money I would buy a nice cookware yeah absolutely pots pans things like that if I had a lot of money I would buy a nice camera mmm for sure to take nice pictures of alright so the question now is if you had a lot of money don't forget this past tense if I had had a lot of money I would buy what our VIN on Facebook first one if I had a lot of money I would buy a car perfect okay I tell love if I had had had had don't forget had not have had had a lot of money I would buy a new phone good good good good uh Rahab if I had a lot of money I would buy a new flat nice nice flat by the way it's like British English for apartment I would buy a new flat very nice Guerra yes it is live right now it is live Facebook whoa you're fast if I had a lot of money I would travel around the world Alex very nice a little change here I would travel so Alex changed the verb from buy to travel nice Xavier if I had a lot of money I would invite you to a special dinner oh my okay Ivo on Facebook if I had a lot of money I would buy many looks good Vladimir Putin your back this week what an interesting person to join our chat if I had a lot of money I would buy a new dog good Nelson if I had a lot of money I would buy a telescope mount sir if I had a lot of money I would buy English books gear man if I had a lot of money I would buy the Batmobile I would buy a plane I would buy it's going very fast I would buy a new notebook says Scarlett um Pierre if I had a lot of money I would buy an Xbox one and Xbox one and Xbox one be careful of bowel sounds before your noun phrase yeah Raj area on Facebook if I had a lot of money I would buy a house good Edoardo if I had a lot of money I would travel to the USA good YouTube is coming too fast for me to read if I had a lot of money I would buy many things okay if I had a lot of money I would get a Ferrari great if I had a lot of money I would buy the Real Madrid team Real Madrid right yeah I think okay if I had a lot of money I would buy a big house as Farish cool if I had a lot of money I would buy a little monkey okay what do you do as a monkey uh Gil on Facebook says if I had a lot of money I would buy the new iPhone 8 nice okay lots of people saying new houses new technologies new cars and so on great great okay ah nice sentences lots of things coming in here all right sounds good then time is going quickly as always so this is this is one way we can talk about an unreal situation I don't know maybe some of you have lots of money I don't have lots of money but if you had so don't forget this past tense here we use this to express an unreal situation something that is not true now okay let's go though to our third point for today so this last one and actually no it's not the last one this one uses some kind of challenging grammar so let's think carefully about this one so we use this next grammar oh my producer says my text is too long okay well let's cut the last sentence is that okay alright thank you so the next grammar is rather challenging but we use this for an unreal situation so in the last one we talked about the if clause with an unreal situation so this is an unreal situation and this time the main Clause is going to express an unreal past outcome so we use this to talk about situations in the past which might have been different or could have been different or should have been different this for past outcomes so the nuance of this grammar is it's the opposite of what actually happened so let's take a look at a couple examples first I want to introduce a couple examples sorry my examples were very very long so our producer it's fixing them for us right now so let's take a look at the first one if it's okay is it okay alright great so for example we have here if I had studied I would have passed the test is one example or if you had left the house earlier you would have been on time for the movie okay so here our if clause changes we're not using the simple past tense in the if clause here here we're using the past perfect tense in the if clause the past perfect tense so please be careful here past perfect tense and our main clause here is using a perfect conditional a perfect conditional so this is a challenging grammar point but we can use it to talk about a kind of complex idea past potential or past situations that are unreal okay so I want to mention though there's there are there's a huge pronunciation point in this grammar here I want to talk quickly about that so first let's look at the if clause this if I had studied limit if I had studied here to make your pronunciation more natural don't use if I had studied native speakers contract this part so native speakers will make for example in the case of sentences that begin with I or if I had done something we contract this to Ida if I have studied if I have studied sounds much more natural than if I had so please use if Ida if Ida sounds much better for American English if I just if Ida studied hmm or if I'm sorry if I'd studied if I'd studied no other if I'd studied sorry so safe if I'd studied I would have passed the test so you can hear the same thing here with the main clause would've would've so we use the contracted form just sound more natural if I had studied I would have passed the test if I'd studied I would have passed the test so we do the same thing here with different with this different pattern so if you had left the house earlier you would have been on time for the movie so again contracted form if you'd left the house so again you'd gets contracted if you'd left the house earlier if you had becomes you'd pronunciation wise if you'd left the house earlier you would've again would have been on time for the movie so please be careful of this pronunciation point and try to practice this this is a really really good one also native speakers will use this the contracted form we won't really pronounce the would have very clearly so let's try to use this to make a sentence about your life so last week we talked about Halloween and maybe some of you did Halloween things some of you most of you did not I think but let's look at a past situation a past unreal situation and an unreal outcome so this will be our last thing to practice for today let's look at our last question our last question for today uses this grammar point uses this grammar here and this pronunciation the question is if you had had this is correct if you had had more time last weekend what might you have done if you had had more time last weekend what might you have done so more time last weekend more time than you actually had if you had had in the past this shows us in the past potentially if you had had more time last weekend what might you have done so past potential sentence some examples if I'd see the contract good form here yeah if I'd had more time last weekend I might've I've used contracted form here too I might've blah blah blah so in my case if I'd had more time last weekend I might've gone shopping if I'd had more time last weekend I might have watched a movie if I'd had more time last weekend I might have had dinner with my friends so if you had had more time last weekend what might you have done this is a tough one that's a tough one so do your best okay causing a very very close on YouTube first one if I had studied if I'd studied programming I would have created a robot for example don't forget your have in the main clause I might have or I would have with your modal verb there okay any ideas oh okay Roman on Facebook so if I don't forget this one so our past perfect tense I know it's a challenge in grammar past perfect here in your if clause if I had prepared for the exam better I would have had great I would have had a higher score higher score so we can change this in my example I've used the I've used might of course you can change this to would or could or whatever is best for you but don't forget your hat if I had had if I'd had okay great the answers are coming in now on YouTube if I'd had more time last weekend I might have done the laundry I what I might have washed my blankets nice rindra if I had had more time last weekend I might have visited my parents good scarless if I'd had more time last weekend I might have played online games with my friends nice Levi if I'd had more time last weekend I might have studied more English good Samuel if I had if I had learned music I would be playing guitar after watching your class okay so slightly different grammar from this one but correct sentence sherry if I had had more time last weekend I might have worked overtime to earn more money nice HJ Kim if I'd had more time last weekend I might have taken a walk with my family good gear mate if I'd had more time last weekend I might trained my English more I might have studied more English nice Juan Francisco if I had chosen what I'd like to do in uni I wouldn't have wasted a lot of time okay so those slight changes I wouldn't have wasted so much time on Facebook if I had had be careful too if I'd had if I had had more time last weekend maybe so I would have studied more so instead of using maybe here let's use might've because might expresses that maybe that uncertainty much more naturally than maybe does in the main clause there so I recommend maybe other things mark Michele if I had had more time last weekend I might have had more time for homework I might have had more time for homework good back on YouTube if I'd had more time last weekend I might have called my boyfriend I might have called my boyfriend other things Allah if I had had more time last weekend I might have prepared my presentation fantastic on Facebook ISM Russin if I'd had more time last weekend I might have cleaned my house perfect Sakai if I had more time last weekend I might have watched watched a basketball game watched a basketball game good morning on Facebook you're just joining at the end at the end so this is a rather complex grammar point and it expresses a past unreal situation and a past unreal outcome so we talked about we often use this to express regret yeah so like if I had studied more for the test I might have passed it for example we can use it to express regret a lot so this is challenging yes for sure but it we can we use it quite often as well and of course as some of you have done changing the modal verb here can can make some interesting and complex sentences as well but it is 1131 here now so I have to wrap up I have to wrap up today's lesson so thank you very much for the excellent sentences we talked about a lot of things of course grammar yes but also remember these pronunciation points these contracted forms of pronunciation points alright but I have to go in his time from to go because I have run out of time again so I'm going to wrap up the lesson next week our lesson will be our live stream lesson will be on Wednesday November 8th but I think due to daylight savings time I think daylight savings time is starting next week in the US I think it'll be at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that's New York City time by the way many of you have asked about that so I think it's gonna be 9 usually it's 10 but I think daylight savings time is starting next week so it'll be 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday November 8th so that's Wednesday evening for most of you Wednesday evening for most of you so next week I'm going to talk about how to express your wants needs desires some natural ways to do that like for example when you're shopping or when you need help from a co-worker those sorts of things also may be perfect timing for asking about Christmas presents I hope that that's a useful lesson for everybody so please join in next time but I have to run for today I have to go for today so thank you again so so so much for joining me this week thank you for your questions and of course please send your questions on the video even after the broadcast because I can check them and answer them next week so thank you so much for the fantastic example sentences and for all the for all the awesome ideas as always I will see you next week please if you haven't already please please make sure to LIKE the video and share it if you if you enjoyed it as well subscribe to us on youtube on our youtube channel or follow us on facebook as well you can check us out at English class also the link for the free gifts which you're going to see in just a moment if you're watching the video on YouTube it's the link is below the video and the link is above the video on Facebook so I think that the the free gift package is only available for a limited time they take they change it as I don't know every month or so so if you really want to make sure you get it go grab that now so thanks again for watching I will see you next week thank you so much enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest of your evening have a good week have a good weekend and I will see you again soon bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 80,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, conditional, if, english grammar, using conditional, conditional if, english verbs
Id: 0rvriyAeF9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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