Review English Grammar in 30 Minutes 🔴

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live stream we're getting everything set up so as we wait for people to join please send your comments in and we'll we'll get going soon good morning good afternoon good evening good night depending on where you are in the world all right so we're gonna start in just a couple minutes once we get YouTube going and Facebook going I see a few people in the YouTube chat already Rosario hi celeb today we're gonna do like a grammar review kind of thing if you've been watching our live streams over the last few weeks the last couple of months actually you might recognize some of the things we're going to talk about today yeah mash hello from the Philippines scandal ah konbanwa ah maybe it's evening where you are it's morning here Daniel hello Marilia hello new in from Vietnam hi Mohammed hello great as we wait for everybody to join a couple points one I want to mention I made a mistake in last week's live stream a small mistake but I want to correct it last week we talked about half two and have got two and must do for example and last week I talked about this word mustn't but I put the apostrophe in the wrong place so if you watched last week's live stream this is the correct spelling of the the contracted form I watched the live stream again later and I saw that mistake so sorry about that okay but we're gonna wait Oh Facebook is up our producers say the Facebook is up hello Facebook welcome yes I see a few people a deal Johnson on Facebook hi thanks for joining and cheong hi thanks for joining so Kuhn from Cambodia cool great awesome it looks like Facebook and YouTube are up now so I want to as always introduce how I used last week's grammar point in my life so I as a usual I have just a quick picture that I used I tried to make a tweet with whatever our grammar point was from the previous week so this week I shared this this tweet actually this is about a new video up on the YouTube channel so you can check it out but I said ah let's see the last line here now I have to get back to work I have to get back to work this was my responsibility statement so last week we talked about using have to and must and so on to talk about responsibilities this is how I did it in my life do all right great lots more people are joining will wait a little bit longer for people to come Anderson hello welcome back veronica from malaysia hi amira hello Jonathan hello ah jr. hello from Chile great and on Facebook fed goodnight good evening maybe someone else on Facebook sorry I can't read your name but good afternoon hi and Ross from Thailand great all right to move on a couple questions I want to talk about that we had last week one I got a question from Dave Moby who said is it I have to call my friend or I must call my friend the answer here is I have to call my friend because we as we talked about last week we use must for formal rules for advice so have to sound much better for your everyday responsibilities so please say I have to call my friend much better let's see in my notes okay I think that's the main question I want to talk about and we're about four minutes in so oh yes also if you're just joining us too please do make sure to hit the like button I think that the team is sharing a couple links here please like this video on Facebook or on YouTube so other people can find it it's really really helpful and if people like the video a lot then we can continue to make these live streaming videos so please please please hit the like button and share too if you can it's very very helpful for us okay but we have a lot to cover today so as I said before our topic for today is going to be talking about your schedule but we're going to kind of review some of the grammar points we've learned in past live streams so the team has actually prepared in the description for this video I think it's below the video on YouTube there's a link there should be a link to all of our past lives there so I'll mention which number livestream to check if you need to review any points so if you have any questions or you want to review anything we talked about today please check the link in the description on YouTube and you can find the correct livestream to get the information you need ok so I think today we'll talk about things from five live streams I'm gonna talk specifically about things in number 4 5 7 8 and 10 alright but I want to focus on ways to talk about your schedule for today last week I said we would do that so we're gonna use we're gonna make actually four patterns use four patterns really to talk about your schedule past tense present tense and future tense and some responsibilities so to begin with a warm-up question if you've watched this live stream before you probably know how to answer this question but let's begin with a past tense question so let's begin yeah let's use a past tense a past tense pattern a simple question what sorry different one we're loading up the right the right sentence pattern here a past tense question should be um what did you do last weekend should be what did you do last weekend that's the question I want to begin with today so what did you do last weekend we talked about how to make the past tense with regular verbs right with regular verbs we add edy to the ending of verbs like I walked I talked I spoke and so on but some verbs are irregular so this will be our first question for today a past tense question to talk about your past schedule so a nice easy warmup I think what did you do last weekend so in my case last weekend I watched a football game that's true I cooked brunch for my friend also true last weekend I I don't know you can make anything I walked my dog I slept in late I watched a movie for example so what did you do last weekend this will be our first question our warm-up question for today what did you do last weekend great first person is on YouTube Nelson I went to the zoo went yes great past tense went to the zoo very nice chewing on Facebook I worked last weekend great very nice Jacobs last weekend I grew a beard okay that seems like something it just happens naturally I guess Mohamed says I watched your video video be careful of the spelling VI de oh good I slept longer last weekend I stayed in my apartment because of Hurricane Nate too please be careful I ate pizza good I ran with my friends nice I studied a lot of English last weekend good I went out of town on Facebook I watched a movie lo am i watch oh sorry I went out with my friends good last weekend I went to the mall I slept all day last weekend great nice ones okay last weekend I went with my friends to the cinema nice Jacob I see you were kidding but it was funny anyway Ruben says I cut my hair I watched an English session last weekend I went to a u2 concert ooh nice last weekend I washed the dishes great great so nice work with past tense sentences there so these are ways these are simple past tense sentences so just keep in mind we need to conjugate the verbs we use to past tense so far everybody has made a pretty nice sentences last weekend I met my friends or I saw my friends choose one of those verbs I met or I saw my friends I worked hard great nice ones everybody's got really nice really like correct perfect sentences great work okay so that's kind of a nice warm-up question I wanted to start with today but I want to move on to some things that are maybe a little bit different um so the second question I want to talk about is how to talk about a regular action something that you do every week or every month or every every day for example so please keep in mind that when you talk about regular actions we use the present tense we use the present tense to talk about something that is a fact some kind of regular thing we do it's part of your everyday schedule for example you can use every year for every season anything that you do regularly you can use the present tense to talk about that so please keep in mind that when the subject of the sentence is he she or it will conjugate the verb in the sentence by adding s to the end of the verb but for for this case the subject of the sentence will be I so maybe you don't have to worry about that today but this will be our second our second practice sentence for today for talking about your schedule so question number two what is something you do every week something you do every week every week I do a live stream on this channel or every week I study something or every week I cook something every week I go jogging for example so what is something that you do every week so this will be a present tense sentence for talking about your schedule Foofa says every week I do homework great okay every week I drink beer good every wrink I watch English videos good on Facebook every week I take time to study I take time to study good I always I clean my house every week good um I go to college every day good so instead of every day or week someone said every day nice every week I go swimming at the pool I go swimming at the pool every morning I wake up late good every week I teach French nice every week I watch one direction really that's kind of funny every week I ride my bike good okay every week I go to the gym every week I take my son to his something therapy okay good every week I go to school good every week I do yoga every week I visit my mother nice every week I read my favorite English novel excellent fantastic every week I wake up early to go to work nice every week I take a bath only once a week and maybe every day I wonder good I play tennis every Friday good so that person made a sentence with a day of the week every Friday every Saturday every weekend we can use this grammar in the same way for a day of the week the key point here is the repetition using present present tense for a repeated action we do now in our lives every week every day and so on great nice ones so far so good no problems here okay uh what else every week I take my grandchildren out fantastic okay sounds good to me all right let me take a look at our time all right we have a little bit more time so maybe we can go to should I introduce our free stuff for the week what do you think to you or shall I talk a little bit more okay so as always the team has prepared some free stuff for you this week so this week is PDFs so I think we've talked a little bit about some PDFs in past live streams but I think there may be there are new ones from this month I'm not sure but we have PDFs that are free to download on the website so definitely check it out oh okay great so team says there are new ones all the time they're making new ones all the time so if you've checked before check again because there might be some new ones you have not seen yet so for this week I think I don't know are there gonna see the the PDFs on screen ah maybe okay so if you like definitely check the description below this video on YouTube or above this video on Facebook because this week the special thing that the team has put together are these free PDFs for you to download I think you'll see them at the bottom of the page here actually these are the things that can help you if you have any gaps in your vocabulary so they're kind of made around a specific theme like travel or business or eating that sort of thing but some of you have said that you like to study English when you don't have an internet connection so these can be useful for you if you'd like to study away from home for example so check these out yeah I think towards the bottom of the screen here and maybe it's I think it's at the very bottom actually you'll see a couple a couple of examples of the kinds of things you can find but please check it out you can download this from the link in English class it's in the description below the video on YouTube and above this video on Facebook so definitely check that out good stuff there okay so just a quick reminder of this week's goodies for you alright with that let's get back to today's topic if you are just joining us whether you are live or not welcome yes today we're doing a livestream that's focusing on kind of reviewing our past grammar some grammar points from reviewing in review of our past live streams so if you're just joining or if you're watching later uh please make sure to hit the like button it's super helpful for us to help other people find the video and we can keep making more if we get lots of good feedback here okay so let's continue to our next topic the next way to talk about your schedule then I want to talk about how to share upcoming plans something you're going to do in the future so this was a grammar point we talked about Han this was a grammar point we talked about in live stream number five in live stream number five we talked about how to make the future tense so I want to focus today on plans you decided before the conversation remember when you want to explain a plan you decided before the conversation you should use going to I'm going to he's going to she's going to of course we can use the negative not going to as well but today I want to review this grammar point and I want to review it together with a grammar point we talked about in live stream number eight so in live stream eight we talked about prepositions of location of place we talked about for example at and in and by so I want to make an example sentence with you guys today that uses future tense and that uses a preposition of location in the same way so our next sentence pattern I want to try is this one that's coming up now what are you going to do this week and where what are you going to do this week and where so I'm going to do something at a place or you can use in a place so for example I'm going to eat lunch at a restaurant or I'm going to watch a movie at home or I'm going to do some work in the office for example so let's use future tense here and a preposition of location so this is from livestream number five and livestream number eight if you want to review so what are you going to do this week and where what are you going to do this week and we're okay so I'm going to travel to London good ok I'm going to travel to London is good let's try to use a preposition to try to use a preposition there's a nice feature tense sentence I'm going to sleep now because it's five o'clock in Denmark good ok other ones nice one okay Facebook great one lomé says I'm going to take an exam at the University this week nice one I'm going to take an example I'm going to hang on we have a different example sentence here now we're gonna fix it I think but the question is what are you going to do this week and where what are you going to do this week and where so okay good I'm going to a bar in my city nice I'm going to go to a meeting at my office good yeah here we go I'm going to well that went fast I'm going to swim in the swimming pool good I'm going to go shopping at an outlet in DC nice on Facebook I'm going to play football at AA instead of playground playground has the nuance of like a children's like plays structure in the park so for for football use field I'm going to play football at the football field or I'm going to play soccer at the soccer field sounds good I'm going to go shopping at the market good I'm going to watch some Vivica movie at the theater good I'm going to telephone a client in my office perfect great I'm going to watch a movie at the theater good I'm going to go to the gym at Fitness First jiminee I'm going to study at the library nice great great okay so we have a future tense point here going to plus our preposition of location nice work nice work very nice I'm to study English in my house good I'm going to meet my sister at her house good I'm going to a cafe with my friend fantastic good good good so in one sentence we can actually share a lot of information so we're sharing in one sentence your future plan and we're sharing where the plan is going to happen so try to do try to think about this so it's gonna sound a lot more natural than saying I'm going to the park and or sorry I'm going swimming I'm going swimming at the pool like try to put all of that information into one sentence so I think part of sounding more natural is is combining your ideas fluently into single single sentences that's going to sound much better in speaking and in writing if you can make one sentence from your ideas so very nice job you guys are doing great today great sentences okay um Wow lots of are still coming in I'm gonna eat sushi at the mall good I'm going to study English at the Institute in my country good I'm going to meet a girl at the Museum very nice singers and I'm going to a party at my friend's home I would say at my friend's home I'm going to pray at a mosque maybe great I'm going to skate at the playground okay I'm going to go to school in a new country on Facebook Paul I think nice I'm going to a job interview at the airport in Bogota Wow good luck ends oh good luck ends on Facebook great all right we have lots of really good sentences you guys fantastic fantastic so please remember the difference between at and in we talked about this a few weeks ago but remember we use at for a specific location like at the office at the supermarket for example and we use in for a space we are enclosed by we're surrounded by something future tense going to is used for something we've decided before the conversation too fantastic you guys that sounds great okay let's move on then to the next point so again in the next question I've prepared for you today we're going to review two points to grammar points from past live streams we've talked about prepositions of time before so that was in live stream number seven we talked about prepositions of time like at and in and on and by a little bit that was in live stream number seven so we talked about how we use at for the exact time something happens like this live stream starts at 10:00 p.m. est while I wake up at 8:00 o'clock for example remember we use in for periods of time like seasons or times of day in the morning in winter in the afternoon for example and we use on four days of the week and weekends finally we use by to talk about deadlines so if you need to review these points please check out a live stream number seven you can find the link in the description for this video but I want to use a preposition of time one and I want to combine this with last week's grammar points so last week in live stream number 10 we talked about have to so I began this lesson with an example of half - yeah we use half - to talk about responsibilities remember have to is used for something we're responsible for so if we don't complete this task something negative might happen like I have to prepare for next week's live stream or like the crew has to prepare too so we use have to to explain our responsibilities and we use a preposition of time to talk about when something might happen or a specific time or time frame when it will happen so like we did in our last example sentence I want to put these two points together to make another sentence that will help you explain your schedule so our next example sentence will be what do you have to do this week and when what do you have to do this week so here's have to have to do your responsibility and when are you responsible for that so this week I have to do a live stream at a time so 10 p.m. est on Wednesday night for example so we have a lot of information here two prepositions of time yeah a specific time and a day so what do you have to do this week and when this week I have to clean my house at two o'clock on Sunday for example it's a very specific sentence yes but I think it's a good idea to practice the correct way to use these prepositions in particular so let's try to make a sentence what do you have to do this week and when so this week I have to work at 3 p.m. on Friday or this week I have to write an article by oh by in my case by 8 p.m. on Thursday that's true ok so what do you have to do this week and when okay I have to meet my girlfriend at lunch tomorrow good ok nice one I have to get through my homework on Saturday morning pretty nice good I have to practice my English at 8 p.m. on Wednesday fantastic I have to teach English in the at the Univ at the University at 8 o'clock good ok I have to work at 8 a.m. every day nice one Stan Lee on Facebook Georgina this week I have to go to the doctor on Friday great also this week I have to go to the city on Friday great I have to clean my room on Sunday great nice one this week I have to prepare dinner at 6:00 on Saturday fantastic everybody's using both of these prepositions perfectly this week I have to go to church at 7 a.m. on Sunday great very early nice I have to go to the cinema at 9 p.m. on Friday fantastic this week I have to celebrate my husband's birthday at 6 p.m. be careful have to is used usually for some kind of responsibility like we might not do that thing so if it's a happy thing it might sound a little strange to use have to for that ok what else I have to babysit my niece at 5 p.m. on Friday nice one Taylor this week I have to do the laundry at 7 a.m. on Sunday fantastic on Facebook this week I have to go to I have to go to remember don't forget your verb I have to verb should go here I have to go to a job interview at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow yeah good luck at the airport um I have to go to a restaurant for a date oh good luck okay I have to take my son to the hospital on Saturday fantastic okay uh I have to get be careful I have to someone wrote on Facebook I have to marriage marriage is a noun marriage is a noun we need to use the verb form here I have to get married but I remember half - sounds like a responsibility maybe something you otherwise would not do so I have to get married sounds kind of a little serious I mean I don't know your situation but still be careful I have to pay my bills by Friday but I won't have the money oh no good luck good luck Kahn says this week I have to take a TOEIC test take a TOEIC test at 9 a.m. on Saturday very good luck very good luck best of luck to you I have to work on Monday good uh what else I have to do my homework at night on Monday good lots of people are studying fantastic fantastic on Facebook this week I have to go to the mosque at 11 a.m. on Friday great great this week I have to wake up at 5 a.m. the cruise oh that's early I have to study hard every day good good yeah someone just mentioned on YouTube what's the difference between must and have to if you have a question about the difference between must and have to we talked about this in last week's live stream live stream number 10 there's a link in the description or you can check the YouTube channel or the Facebook page for that essentially though must is more formal we use must for formal rules official rules like the police airport situations we use have to to talk about our personal responsibilities so to give a short example that's it but for a longer explanation please check last week's live stream that should help you out ok I have to visit my family back home next year great fantastic you guys have done a fantastic job with the example sentences today I think and I think some of you have been watching all of the live streams I recognize your names it's really cool but again if you have questions all of the stuff everything we're talking about today actually except the present tense we have discussed this in live streams before so if you'd like to check some more example sentences or if you want to get some more details please check those past live streams and some of this information is on the YouTube channel in the whiteboard lessons we've been doing recently like the difference between by and until for example ah and this week I shared it in my in my tweet at the beginning of today's live stream but this week there's also a simple past tense video now we don't have to see it again I don't think but I mentioned it here this week there's a simple past tense video up on the YouTube channel so you can check that I linked it on my Twitter but you can just check the YouTube page too if you have questions about simple past tense you can check out that video as well great okay so you guys have done a fantastic job with this grammar review this is awesome awesome and thank you for your great questions as well you are still making fantastic example sentences - uh Wow still a lot of them going up up someone says I have to go to sleep right now good night good night alright but we only have exactly two minutes left so I'm going to I'm going to start wrapping up by the way some of you asked that question to wrap up to wrap up is like a casual way to say finish something so the image is like you know wrapping a present like when we finish wrapping putting paper on a present it's finished yeah so we say like I'm going to wrap up this lesson I'm going to wrap up this live stream so today I have to wrap up the live stream a bit thank you so much for all your comments but I have a couple of announcements the first one the crew is gonna test I think today a 24-hour live stream on the on the You Tube channel I think that's gonna be today yeah they say yes yes so if you want to just check it out give it a try it won't be it won't be me live it won't be a person life but if you just want to check out this idea they're gonna try they're gonna just broadcast some videos just for a 24-hour period so if you want to just you know join in and listen for a little bit or review some grammar you can check the YouTube channel and take a look at the live thing that they're gonna do today so that's one second thing is next week's topic so next week's topic I'm going to talk about adjective order so maybe some of you know about this adjective order in English can be kind of crazy like how to know the correct order to list multiple adjectives we're going to talk a little bit about this and I want to make some kind of fun example sentences so I hope you join in there that should be fun so next week's live stream will be October 18th Wednesday October 18th at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time 10 p.m. October 18th Wednesday night Eastern Standard Time so please join us again on youtube or on Facebook and we're going to talk about adjective order next week that should be a lot of fun other things yeah if you're just joining sorry the live is about to be finished but you can watch this video back and another good tip a couple of people have recommended this if you want to watch it back in it's a little fast for you you can use YouTube's speed function and slow down the video a little bit so that can be a really good way to help you study as well a couple what was it and if there's something else I wanted to mention is free PDFs you're going to see our free PDFs when I walk away from the screen but thank you so much as always for joining today thank you for your comments thank you for your awesome example sentences please make sure to LIKE this video if you haven't already it's so helpful for us we really appreciate it and of course subscribe to us on YouTube and check out our Facebook page as well and yeah all of the PDFs you're going to see in just a moment you can download for free at English class you'll find the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook okay so I think we're going to wrap up now thanks very much for joining us this week everybody and I will see you again soon bye I you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 400,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, englishclass101, past tense, what did you do, english conversation, teacher, school, how to learn english, english for beginners, learning english, english language, american english, how to speak, read, write, english, america, us, england, english topics, alisha, english grammar, english lesson, english phrases, english vocabulary, english tense, grammar review
Id: BhKJ8K51Gjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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