How to Talk About Your Plans in English? - Learn English Grammar

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I mean good button has been pressed hi Internet hello everybody welcome back to our live stream this week we are going to talk about making breaking and changing plans I have three sort of segments three groups of discussion topics planned for today so we have a lot to do actually maybe I prepared too much but today in this livestream lesson we're going to focus a lot on using patterns so instead of focusing on like a grammar point we're going to focus on a few actually quite a few patterns you can use to make and break break means cancel and change your plans so that's going to be our topic for today everything's getting loaded I see the YouTube chat is it live are you live YouTube chat I think Facebook chat is also coming and we have twitter as well now you can find this live stream on the Twitter that the English class 101 Twitter account as well Facebook I see you first YouTube I think oh good YouTube is up hi hello um brenno and Rodrigo and Christian and Lewisohn Chang Hana and Oliver and Ellison and Amina and beador and Mohammed hi and on Facebook tarik and Anthony and Ali and Singh hello everybody good I don't see Twitter yet oh yes I do hello Twitter I will retweet you good okay so everyone's joining while we wait for a couple of other people well a few more people to join as they get the notification I have a couple exciting announcements that I want to share last week if you joined us we you know we talked about we talked about work kind of idioms like workplace idioms and last week actually maybe some of you already saw this photo but last week we had a really cool work collaboration so this is something I posted this on Instagram actually but this maybe some of you know who she is the woman next to me this is Trang from the very popular YouTube channel and English resource II like and so last week we shot a few videos together it was a really fun collaboration opportunity and a really interesting chance to get to meet and work with to work with her so we talked last week about an expression we talked about the expression win-win so a win-win situation is like an agreement where both parties or both groups benefit they get something good in return so this was a great example of a win-win so there is going to be some videos I think one video on our channel that you guys will be able to watch and some videos on her channel on elight Shanna as well so this was really really cool and I hope you guys check that out I think it will be available maybe in April the beginning of April or so so a few more weeks but anyway that was really exciting and a great example I think of a win-win situation okay so that's the review as you join of course as always please be sure to hit the like button the heart button if you like and share the video of course - all right now I want to review a couple things there were a couple of viewer questions from last week thank you for sending your questions actually someone asked Samia said our game changer and spontaneous the same thing our game changer in spontaneous the same thing so game changer is new information that you get that changes your approach to a project or to a plan spontaneous however just means sort of random behavior so they are quite different so spontaneous is is an adjective actually it's like it's a word that we use to describe the behavior of something else game changer is a noun which refers to something that changes our behavior so a little bit different but I wanted to mention that oh that's a different thing that we're going to talk about in a different show isn't it okay right that's a anyway um this week as I said this week we're going to talk about making and breaking and changing your plan so I have prepared a couple of different topics is it okay if I use the mouse for a second Kyle sorry okay I just need to see my notes okay it's all yours thank you all right so I want to begin with some expressions for making plans some actually quite a few patterns you can use to make your plans so we've talked about some of these before actually so this might be review for many of you but that's okay so let's take a look at the first four patterns I want to talk about today for making your plans yes that's the one let's take a look at these four patterns first this one so these are all sort of introductory phrases like you can use to begin making your plans with these expressions so are you doing anything and then give some timeframe like a day or a time of day here same thing for this second one what are you up to at a certain time I'll think so that's nice what are you up to at a certain time so for example are you doing anything tomorrow or what are you up to on Saturday for example so these expressions these top two patterns are used to check the schedule of another person are you doing anything on Saturday are you doing anything Sunday um you don't need to use a preposition here you can say are you doing anything tonight are you doing anything Friday both are fine in this pattern what are you up to what are you up to actually somebody asked a question in ask Alicia about this phrase up to up to this what are you up to I answered it in the ask Alicia video but this part what are you up to means what are you doing what are you doing so what you up to on Sunday here we could use on Sunday what are you up to tonight what are you up to for lunch just to ask about someone's schedule this one however if you want to suggest a specific plan you can use one of these two patterns these are both quite casual expressions you can use so this first one are you free for and here you need to explain your purpose the activity you would like to do are you free for lunch on Sunday for example or are you free for dinner on Saturday so here you can suggest a specific activity and a time for that so here actually here I've used on meaning the best choice in this pattern is to use a day a day of the week but you could say are you free for dinner tomorrow or are you free for lunch today are you free for a movie this weekend so you can change on in this sentence in this pattern I'm introducing I'm using on here but you can change this that's fine okay the second one do you want to is slightly different from are you free for so are you free just means do you have time do you have time for something but do you want to is a little maybe a little bit more direct like do you want to go to a movie or do you want to get a coffee do you want to get a drink on Friday so perhaps a little bit more direct but in general these two can be used to ask the same thing it's like making an invitation for a plan so these two are about schedule you're asking about the other person's schedule so a couple of nice and nice patterns to introduce your plan however let's go to a couple that are more for formal situations so if you need to ask about someone's plans at work or in a business setting for example I want to share a couple patterns for that and then you and then it'll be up to you to make it invitation as well so here are a couple of more formal patterns that you can use actually so here first one are you available and here I have on or at so if you watch the preposition videos we've done you know on is used for a day at is for a time so are you available on Sunday for a meeting for example here the word available I've used the word available are you available on a day for a thing for an activity remember in the casual expression I talked about the word or the pattern are you free are you free think of are you available as the formal version of are you free are you free so are you available on Monday for lunch or are you available at 3 o'clock for a meeting are you available on Tuesday for a really great movie experience I don't know so whatever formal thing you want to suggest you can use that also here's another one so do you have time do you have time you could use this like especially if you're speaking with a busy person I suppose do you have time on so same thing here day 4 on or at 4:00 time do you have time on Monday for a meeting do you have time at 4 o'clock for a meet and greet I don't know what you do so this is maybe nice for like a busy person but these expressions are a little more formal than the the first group of expressions we talked about if you missed the first group of expressions don't worry you can watch this live stream back later okay so with this information a formal invitation or a casual invitation let's do our first chat question then simple a simple one please make an invitation please make an invitation so I gave you a lot of examples already so we talked about are you doing anything Sunday as a quick introduction or what are you up to this weekend or are you free for coffee later today or do you want to get a drink on Saturday for example so make an invitation please send an invitation into the chat and we will review we'll review so please send an invitation make an invitation for a plan something um you would like to do or maybe a plan you need to make in the future so please send one in Oh free ala on YouTube you are there first one from home do you have something on Friday for dinner uh do you for that instead of do you have something I would say do you have plans do you have plans on Friday for dinner is perfect that one's nice are you available on Sunday night for a vigil okay good Wally says do you want to hang out on Sunday perfect perfect and Wally by the way is using do you wanna if you check the YouTube chat do you want to hang out on Sunday nice casual uh Messiah hi are you available on tomorrow for a meeting great thank you for that when you want to use a day of the week are you available on Sunday good use on if you want to say tomorrow or yesterday no preposition there so do you have time tomorrow for a meeting is good Wow nice ones guys are you available for a movie tonight nice Hannah John do you want to go to dinner this week do you want to plus verb you need a verb do you want to go to dinner this week nice would you like to go out with me this weekend perfect great one okay come with me to the cinema tonight please nice one Nelson thanks okay uh nyan hi do you want to drink coffee with me on this Friday ah another great point when you want to use this as in this Friday in your example or this Saturday no preposition is needed do you want to drink coffee with me this Friday or do you want to drink coffee with me on Friday both are correct but not on and this okay whoa nice ones do you have time to lunch tomorrow Nicole good point in very formal situations lunch can be used as a verb but in general we don't use lunch as a verb do you have time to get lunch tomorrow might be more natural there all right whew good ones okay you guys have awesome invitations very nice very nice so I want to take a quick break our first break for today because we have a lot of things to talk about and today we also have I know we always talk about these PDF cheat sheets but this week we have seven new ones that the team put together so you're gonna see them in just a second just a second yeah okay so here there these are the ones we've seen before like school and business and travel but definitely if you have not downloaded these yet they are free check them out but from this week we have these seven new ones so there's an emergency words cheat sheet that could be really important to check perhaps the around town so that means things in your city or things in your town cooking a cooking one so vocabulary for your kitchen clothing we've talked a lot about shopping and clothes in this livestream so that could be useful pets pets is another one music I am very excited about that one the music one and finally the hotel one so if you downloaded the all of the other cheat sheets all of the other PDF so sorry we have new ones on the site like from I think it went up yesterday yesterday so to make sure you get these they're all free so go to the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook on Twitter I think it's above the video as well and you can download all of these for free so if you have an account you can sign in and download right away if you don't have an account you can make everyone right so please check that out I know the team worked really hard to prepare a lot of new stuff for you guys so please check that out they're really nice ways to kind of boost your vocabulary or help you study like a certain point yeah so please check that out please go download those today all right but let's move on and remember if you are just joining today's topic is making breaking cancelling and changing your plans so where we've just talked about expressions for making plans now we're going to go to breaking plans a little bit and if you have not please make sure to hit the like button it will help other people to find the video so please hit that like button helpful for us alright let's go to breaking your plan so I keep using the expression to break plans so to break plans means like to cancel or to stop something like maybe you know the expression to break up to break up with someone like means to end a relationship so we can use the same verb to break plans as well alright so I'm going to introduce one expression I don't really like actually but I'll explain why so this is one that is a very common expression but I I really dislike this expression however you might hear it sometimes it is I'm so sorry but something came up and now I can't whatever the activity is so for example I'm so sorry but something came up and now I can't get coffee with you something came up and now I can't go to a movie something came up and now I can't go out tonight so the reason I don't like this is because this part something came up it's just like a vague vague means unclear it's this vague explanation it's a non explanation like there's no specific reason that you're cancelling on the other person yeah we say to cancel on someone but you're just saying something came up so came up means something happened so something in my schedule came up I have to like take a look at or I have to deal with so but I don't like this because it's not very specific I think it's better to give a specific reason why you can't or why you have to cancel plans because personally I think it's pretty rude to cancel plans like unless there's a good reason I don't know I don't make a plan unless I want to do that thing so I think I not to cancel plans so instead here are a few patterns you can use to cancel plans and give a specific reason for your cancellation so let's take a look let's take a look I'm so sorry again I'm so sorry but my boss asked me to work and now I can't go to the movie with you for example so my boss asked me to work so of course work is a very common reason to cancel plans to have to have to cancel plans here is one way you can explain that so my boss asked me to work or my boss asked me to do overtime today now I can't get a drink sorry there's one if you are not feeling well I'm sick and I can't make it so this make it here I've used I can't make it make it means I can't come I can't come to I can't make it it's it's kind of a more casual expression we use here I'm sick and I can't make it to your event I'm so sorry or I'm sick and I can't make it to your party I'm so sorry so I can't make it to the plan the thing you had planned here I'm so sorry a more general explanation is I'm not really I'm sorry I'm really not feeling well today I'm really so you can drop this if you want I'm not feeling well today really is just an emphasis here I'm really not feeling well today mmm so you're not there's your bit sick so these are some more specific reasons to cancel on someone personally I don't like the first one I introduced alright but let's go to an couple other cancellation expressions for maybe some more serious situations or I don't I I included another one here that I've heard a couple times before but let's look first one maybe there's a family emergency you can use this there's been a family emergency I'm so sorry I have to cancel so if there's some like serious situation like a health problem or an accident maybe you can use there's bin so here not like there was well I suppose you could say there was but more naturally we use there's bin so this is the contracted form of there has there has been a family emergency that's the present perfect tense there there's been a family emergency I can't come another one that I've heard especially for outdoor events is this expression the weather is terrible today so I think I'm gonna cancel and here I've just contracted in my speech I think I'm gonna cancel gonna so going to becomes gonna yeah so the weather's terrible today I think I'm gonna cancel so these are a couple of other expressions that but there may be a little bit more specific alright last thing I want to talk about in this section is an interesting word which is when you well okay listen let's talk about the word first the word or the expression is to stand someone up to stand someone up so this does not mean literally like you find a person laying down and you like stand them up that's not what this means this expression means to have plans with someone but you don't come and you don't contact them to cancel on them Thanks okay sorry so this is generally a bad thing no problem go thank you this is generally a bad thing so this is a very common expression well I shouldn't say very common but this is a phrase we use on dates so for example if I have a date planned and I go there like to a restaurant or a coffee shop or something but my date never comes and my date never contacts me that means my date stood me up so past tense of stand is stood my date stood me up so this is the expression we use when someone does not come to a planned meeting to stand someone up so I've been stood up a couple like maybe one time before I'm so mad I've had this happen to me maybe you've had this happen to you so it's not a good feeling for sure it's totally not a good feeling but this is the expression we use to explain that so now you know all right we'll finish with that so I want to then we practiced making an invitation at the beginning of this lesson today so now I want to ask you to please try to make a cancellation statement so please now you made your you made your invitation now cancel it please cancel your invitation the one you sent before and explain why you're cancelling explain the reason for your cancellation yeah o'keefe Ali said I've been in front of Hachiko and Sharia for hours but she stood me up then I realized she found someone else to go out with ouch that sucks that sucks that sucks is a slang expression which means that's too bad that's too bad that sucks um pater says Alicia what does it mean check that out check that out means please look please look but check it out check that out so look at that look at this check that out means please look please look but it's a casual expression ah Hana town says I'm so sorry my flight has been canceled I can't make it to the party perfect very nice very nice Justin says I'm sorry but I have this thing for school that came up today I can't go to the movies with you so make sure that cancellation I can't go to the movies with you is in there I'm going to school tomorrow but I can't because my father doesn't allow so are you canceling school so make sure the activity you're cancelling is clear so something happened a happened so I can't plan I can't do this thing Junior hey Junior I would love to but I already have plans can we put it off to another day I'll close to put something off it sounds like I don't want to do this I am avoiding this task so like if there's I don't know like we use it for like cleaning the house like I'm going to put off cleaning the house I don't want to do it instead can we um maybe can we change to another day actually I'll introduce some expressions in just a moment um Ali on Facebook I don't have time to explain again right now but if you have a question you can watch this live stream back when we finish so please take a look at the archived video after this finishes thank you for asking um sure AB says I am NOT able to come to the dinner party because of family problems okay good good make sure family problems you might be a little more specific with that family problem sounds like maybe there was an argument or something like that if you want to explain like an illness or sickness you can be a little more specific all right garrison hey garrison I'm sorry but I've more I have more important plans for tomorrow be careful the up if you use that expression the other person will probably feel very sad and very offended because you said I have more important plans than you so it's like that's kind of crushing so instead you can use a specific thing I'm sorry but I have to work tomorrow I can't come so I think a person understands how work is important this person needs to do his or her so I would not recommend more important plans but thanks for sending that that's a really good point all righty but let's oh gosh I'm I've talked too much again today so I guess we'll take a quick break and then I'll introduce the last points quickly at the end so if you missed it earlier we have brand new seven brand new PDF cheat sheets for you if you have not downloaded these you can do so from the link below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook so these uh we've talked a lot about the original PDFs many times on the live stream but this week the team put together seven totally new ones so there's like hobbies with cooking in music and maybe shopping and there's some everyday life ones like around your city or maybe traveling like at the hotel also emergency words too so for example today we talked about like a family emergency if a family emergency happens how do you explain that so maybe check the PDF cheat sheet for some more vocabulary words to explain emergency situations yeah alrighty we have to continue to the next thing but anyway we only have a couple minutes left so I'm going to go a little bit quickly so the last topic for today is changing plans if you're just joining the live stream is almost done but you can always watch this back you can watch the archived video later but if you're also just joining please please please hit the like button yeah this one please hit the like button and share it if you like to so other people can find the video but alright today's last topic is changing plans let's change your plans um changing your plan so let's look at a couple of patterns I might have to decrease the number of example sentences we'll see okay but let's look at the first two patterns one junior men and a similar one Junior mentioned this in the YouTube chat a little bit earlier but let's look at these two first my work schedule changed my work schedule changed and now I can't make it on Sunday or now I can't make it on Saturday for example then so okay so here's your cancel expression my work schedule changed and now I can't make it I can't come as we talked about I can't come on Saturday I can't come on Sunday so here's our cancelation expression then here's the change expression can we do Sunday instead can we do Monday instead so here I've used the verb do so we use do to mean can we do our plan can we do our activity on a different day but you don't need to use a preposition here so my work schedule changed and now I can't make it on Saturday can we do Sunday instead or my work schedule changed and now I can't make it on Tuesday night can we do Wednesday night instead so here do means our plan whatever your agreement was we can make it short and use the verb do can we do something else so suggest a different day or a different time instead hello there first time watching live on YouTube I can't read your name but welcome and then this one this is similar to what Junior mentioned earlier hey are you free next week instead of this week I had something come up so again here I've used this I've used this just for an example I don't like this expression really I think it's better to use a specific point something specific that happened for a reason you can't come so but this part is most important I think in this case because you are beginning the interaction you're beginning the discussion by saying like I want to change our plans so here this is the cancellation phrase really but this is the change phrase hey are you free next week instead of this week so you can chain this to add a hey are you free Saturday instead of Sunday or hey are you free tomorrow night instead of Wednesday night so instead of means like in place of in place of something alright so those are a couple um then I suppose I'm out of time aren't I Kyle I should probably wrap it up yes I won't ask the last question yeah okay all right no problem um let's see I don't want to talk about that phrase so I think we'll probably we'll just end it here I suppose for today and maybe I'll try to post like on Twitter I suppose a couple of the other expressions I wanted to talk about today just to introduce the pattern so I'll post that maybe this afternoon after the live stream hope that's okay so if you're not following on Twitter you can check there or find me there that's fine I'll do that nice compromise okay so let's finish there for today because I'm already late gosh I'm just a chronic / explainer it's terrible anyway so those are a few ways to make and break and change your plans if you missed today's live stream why don't worry you can check the video on Facebook on YouTube or on Twitter so please take a look at the archived videos there it should be up very shortly very quickly after we finish so we'll finish up today's lesson there I hope that it was helpful for you thank you so much for sending your example question are your example sentences and your questions it's really really nice um next week we will be back we will be back with a new live stream topic next week next week we're kind of we're going back a little bit we did like job interview discussions job interview questions a few weeks ago so next week we're going to talk about improving your English resume improving your English resume yeah so this is our topic for next week improving your English so your resume be careful not resume actually sorry my fault I should have put an axe / this word but resume not resume but resume resume so your resume is your work history paperwork so your education all that stuff so improving your English resume is our topic for next week okay so the time will be Wednesday March 7th at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that's New York City time New York City time so that's Wednesday night next week 9 p.m. New York City time you can check your time accordingly so thank you very much for joining us again this week thank you so much for liking and sharing the video and please make sure to check out the brand-new the 7 brand-new PDF cheat sheets so I'm going to finish now so please check the link below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook and Twitter to download all of those for free so please join us next week next week Wednesday March 7th I will see you again then so enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest of your night the rest of your week I'll see you again next time you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 103,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, how to, how to talk about your plans, make plans, plans, plans in english
Id: J-FBtBp1J4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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