Most Useful Shopping Words and Phrases - Learn English Vocabulary 🔴

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you've hit the button its back alright it's gonna take a couple seconds so nobody's gonna see me as I say these words but hi welcome back to our live stream after a one-week break we are back on the Internet welcome Internet as we get loaded up alright YouTube's coming Facebook is coming it is the end of November at last we are here at the end of November and today we are going to talk about shopping so while we wait for everybody to join us make sure to hit the like button and share of course as you as you join in our livestream and we're going to get started in just a couple minutes if you're not watching live welcome to you as well of course after the live broadcast has finished you're more than welcome and encouraged to share the video to Facebook is coming YouTube I see you hi YouTube good morning good afternoon good evening good night I see you hello Columbia I see you and from Dominican Republic and you're it's hi from Guatemala hello great okay YouTube is up good evening I think for most of you there hi guys Facebook is on the way so we'll wait just a little bit more for Facebook and then we'll get started so as always today I want to do a short review if you joined us last time maybe you remember our last topic was food we talked about some food related vocabulary words you can use to talk about the kinds of foods you like so I want to review a little bit that today and then we're going to get started with today's topic which is shopping so Facebook is Facebook coming Facebook is coming still YouTube I see you all in the comments great welcome welcome lots of people are coming in just a little bit longer I think Facebook is up maybe yeah it looks like Facebook is up to you fantastic hi Facebook hello Andre and luan and Andre again hi it's going well it's going well okay now that both of our feeds are up I think I want to get into our review from our last broadcast which was two weeks ago so as I said our last broadcast was about food we talked about food words so I of course I like to try to share some example from my life so I as always have a treat or something from my social media but oh I think there's a different one that's loaded up there right now maybe um is it ready by chance I'm checking in with our career there's a different one if not no worries that's a different one that's the one from my last broadcast I think so okay well anyway we're getting set up so let's check in Thailand hi Thailand on YouTube great and from Ukraine I don't see many I don't see many people from Europe but this time of day it's quite late I think so welcome alright but while we get started um I think we're loading up a couple of other things still so I want to mention somebody had a question from last broadcast from our last broadcast it was about an adjective I've lost my mouse just a second I've lost my mouse okay so somebody had a question about an adjectives alright there's the mouse again someone said someone named inlay maybe you're watching again today ask is really good similar to delicious and yeah the answer is yes and if anything most native speakers are at least I don't actually say this is delicious I in most casual situations I just say this is good or this is really good something like that is a little bit more natural in my mind so yeah you can say really good in the same way that you would use delicious alright okay my graphic is ready too so my example from my life I I talked about the word decadent in our last broadcast and so this is my example I said this flourless chocolate cake is the most decadent thing I know how to make so I used the word decadent so remember decadent means like indulgent super like like almost kind of selfish like it's just too much too much good stuff is something that's decadent so this is a decadent flourless chocolate cake I made so this was one of the things I posted on like Twitter and Instagram I was so happy about it but I used the word decadent in this tweet to describe the food and that's a word we talked about in our last broadcast so if you missed it you can check the broadcast on our YouTube page or our Facebook page so take a look okay it looks like there are a lot of people here now hello Brazil lots of people from Brazil as always welcome back on YouTube tarik hi welcome new to the class fantastic and Jay from West Virginia hi Koz from Japan welcome okay great so let's get started with today's topic today's topic is shopping if you've just joined us please make sure to hit the like button on youtube or on Facebook it's very helpful other people can find the video even if you're not watching live please hit like as well so again other people can find the video but today we're going to talk about shopping so there are three main topics I want to talk about today so first is how to explain what you want how when you're shopping how do you explain something you want to buy or something you're looking for that's one number two we're going to talk about how to return something if there's a product you want to take back to the store how do you do that and third is how do you say that you want to try something on or ask for a different size for example so those are the three things I want to talk about today and maybe if there's time at the end of today's livestream I want to mention a few questions that you might hear staff ask when you're shopping and then practice a response to that so let us begin okay all right yes I'm going to scroll down i've lost my mouse again I am champion of losing my mouse today we're to go okay thank you okay all right so let's go to the first thing that I have pre-prepared because I'm a very prepare II prepare a human let's look at our first set of statements here so how to explain what you want let's go through these one by one when you're shopping and you want to ask a staff person in a shop somewhere for an item how do you do that how do you explain what you're looking for so if I can hold on to the board the first phrase I want to talk about is this expression I'm looking for X where X is the item you would like to buy I'm looking for X so use this pattern I'm looking for blah blah blah when you want oh sorry when you know the name of the item you want so if you know the thing you're looking for like a brand or a specifically what product like a model number or the name of a product if you know that use this pattern I'm looking for the iPhone X or I'm looking for Adidas shoes so use this pattern to explain something you know the name of or you know the model number so that's the first one I want to talk about second this expression I'm looking for something that thought that I'm looking for something that that thought you can use this expression when you want to describe the features or the capabilities of an item so something that a product can do or some feature that the product has when you want to explain the features of a product use a sentence like this so for example I'm looking for something that I can wear when jogging or I'm looking for something that has a long battery life for example so with this sentence you can explain maybe some of the details of the product or the item you would like to buy so I'm looking for something extra information some feature this sentence is similar I want something that has that has so here you can see I want is used here and I'm looking for is used here so slightly different sentences but essentially they're both explaining the same thing so again here I want something that has is describing like the capabilities of an item something that the item can do so for example if your computer shopping like I want something that has a fast processor for example or I want something that has a lot of memory for example so these are kind of introductory statements you can make too like a person who works in a retail store to to ask for something then finally there's this question do you have la blah blah so when you're at a store you can ask a staff person maybe it's a good idea to find someone in that department you can ask someone do you have followed by the product do you have the iPhone X again or do you have a I don't know a new something that you're looking for do so we've used do you have it doesn't mean specifically that that individual that person but this you refers to the the store the shop in general so do you meaning you as a store do you have this product available do you have this product available so do you have for example any knit hats or do you have any I don't know iPhone 6s for example maybe you're looking for an older product so you can use this questions so with this with these a few example patterns I've just talked about I want to try to apply these phrases them so let's try our first question I'm in the way let's try our first question for today so please think of something that you want to buy something you would like to buy by the end of the year so like the holidays are coming for many of you I know so what do you want to buy before the end of the year and what are its features so we've talked about here so I'm looking for is the product name I'm looking for something and I want something that has blah blah blah so for example I could say like I'm looking for a new cutting board I want a maple one or I want sport headphones that have so remember this has will change to have I want sport headphones if I'm using the plural that have that have good bass range okay or I'm looking for a new apartment I want something that has a lot of like for example okay so your answers are coming in you guys are quick um on YouTube Oh YouTube said Ronaldo says I'm looking for jogging shoes good um Lucas says I'm looking for a beard cream okay there you go and then think about what are some features of that so how do you explain in more detail the thing you're looking for the thing you're looking for gear me on youtube I'm looking for a new car good um see I see Acula I'm very sorry I'm looking for jeans good on YouTube um again Ronaldo I'm looking for jogging shoes good um garrison hey garrison on Facebook welcome back I'm looking for a new keyboard good I'm looking for a new keyboard um yeah lots of people say I'm looking for new shoes we've had a few people say I'm looking for new shoes actually I should buy new shoes too so what are you looking for I'm looking for what what product and what are its features I'm looking for something that has or I want something that has blah blah blah alright I'm looking for what Elizabeth oh oh I missed your comment what did you say I'm looking for a comfortable sleeper is nice okay um masa oh gosh that went fast must say yeah I'm looking for a board game for up board game or some board games if you use some please use that plural form or the uncountable form I'm looking for a whole cake okay you can use that good I'm looking for lotion which has good SPF nice okay I'm looking for a new friend to practice my English nice one Lucy on YouTube I'm looking for an English chat on Facebook good Kim I'm looking for dresses for a 10 year old girl nice one rindra I'm looking for a new camera bags as Alex good I'm looking for a few purses and sandals so if you want to use the plural form make sure that both of your noun phrases are plural don't use the singular for both of them nice one okay nice nice nice so please keep this in mind so we're going to use this product at the end of today's livestream alright but I have to move on to an announcement today so if you're watching live if you're not watching live that's okay maybe you have seen this on the YouTube channel or on Twitter or on my Instagram or whatever but there's a new series that we're doing where you guys submit questions to me on our website and then I make a video every week and I answer them so if you have not seen it yet we're gonna show it to you right now I think yes maybe yeah okay so the new series is called ask Alicia if you haven't seen it yet please go check it out so a lot of you thank you very much have already submitted questions your English questions your culture questions the like very very small questions all of these sorts of things you can submit them on our website on this page you can find the link below the video on YouTube or above the video on Facebook so here every week I collect the questions and I choose a few that I want to answer and I make a video from that so that means I'm like I'm shooting the video and I edit the video and then I send it to the video team and we put it up on the YouTube channel so this is sort of a way that we can answer some of those little questions that you guys have had over the years a lot of you ask really good questions and I want to be able to talk about those but it's sort of difficult to make one new video about it or it's difficult to make like a whole livestream about the questions sometimes so ask Alicia is sort of a way to answer those little those little questions that come up from you guys because sometimes you guys think of things that I don't think about and so hearing your feedback in getting to answer your questions that way is really really good for I think us and for you I hope so if you haven't seen that yet please go to the website you have to just login with your account and then you can submit any question I think you can submit as many questions as you want I don't think there's any limit so please go to the website and send me lots of questions it's like it's really really funny some of the questions you guys send me so I'll try to answer some funny ones but I want to answer some serious questions too so if you have not seen that please check it on the YouTube channel you can see it there okay so let's move on to the second portion of two days livestream today's second topic I guess today's second topic is going to be how to make returns how to return an item that you do not want anymore that there's some problem with so let's look at that so I'm gonna erase this if you missed this you can check back on the livestream on YouTube or Facebook also if you're just joining us please hit the like button please hit the thumbs up button so other people can find this video it's very helpful we really appreciate it anyway let's move on to our second topic for today making return so when I say to make a return I mean you you you purchased a product and then you don't want the product or there's some problem with the product and you would like to get your money back that's called making a return to make a return is to bring an item back to the store to get your money returned to you so we say to make a return to make a return so let's look at a few points about this situation so when you go to the store how do you begin talking to oh I already have here how do you begin talking to these staff at the store you use this expression up here I'd like to return this so if you want to get your money back for a product say I'd like to return this so this is your product so if I want to return this whiteboard I would say I'd like to return this this item or I'd like to return something if you don't have the item ready I'd like to return this I'd like to return this so give the staff person the thing you want to return we use the verb return usually staff will respond with do you have your receipt do you have your receipt and in most cases you have to you must have a receipt in order to make a return but when you make the return you will likely you will probably we have to give a reason why are you making the return so some reasons you can try to return an item are for example it broke it broke so maybe like you bought new headphones but they stopped working after one week and you want to return them maybe so some some problem that is not your fault you did not cause it it broke for example or for clothes maybe you bought clothes for someone else or a product that you needed a special size for it didn't fit it didn't fit so it being the product it didn't fit you can use that or if there was some other problem you have to be specific you can explain it but I found a problem I found a problem like a part was missing or this was the wrong piece or there was a rip in this fabric I noticed so but please be specific when you're trying to return something but this is the phrase you use if you want to get your money back for a product so please keep that in mind ok so that's the second point I want to talk about today time's going quick so I want to go to the third topic for today which I said would be trying things on how to try things on so this we can use these expressions for shoes for accessories for clothing whatever generically if you find an item in a store and you would like to try it if you want to put it on your body and try it use the expression can I try this on can I try this on yeah it's gonna come up here so can I try this on I have it twice and good so can I try this on this is generally the the most straightforward expression we use this can I try this on for a singular a singular noun so can I try this shirt on can I try this dress on can I try this hat on if you want to talk about for example shoes can I try these on can I try these sunglasses on please be careful singular or plural form depending on what use you will need to change this to these or if it's across the shop those or that for example but this is the general phrase to try something on oh there's new text coming up can I try these on yes thank you Kyle alright so if you're using a plural noun can I try these on like these pants these shoes whatever okay so that's one then when you need to ask for a different size of something so I want to mention there's a very kind of weird thing we do I suppose it's kind of weird if you try something on and you realize oh this is the wrong size there is an expression you can use to ask the staff for help which is this one which I am writing right now okay so the question is do you have this in uh plus the size you need so do you have this in a small do you have this in a medium do you have this in a large use this up you can drop this I think native speakers will drop this do you have this in small do you have this in medium do you have this enlarged that's fine or you can use the article because this means in a small size in a medium size is really what this means so do you have this in a size you can also use this to ask for a different color so you could say do you have this in blue do you have this in green do you have this in red you can use color or size in this pattern do you have this in a small or do you have this blue in a small size you could combine the two there okay and maybe finally um if you want to find like a that specific product again if you need to find like a different size or there's something else that you that that you're looking for like where can I find like a small size in this or like this is if for example they are out of stock of the product you're looking for I've had this happen like I want I want something but they don't have it at that store I can say where can I find the sweater or where can I find a different size of this product you can ask you can use a sentence like this to ask for that but in general when you're trying something on can I try this on and do you have this in up-up habla size or color okay so that's the second and third things I wanted to talk about yeah you guys have some nice ones nice sentences on Facebook movement do you have this in a small blue size oh this is a great chance to practice our adjective order remember some of you joined the adjective order livestream that we did a few weeks ago remember the order of adjectives so there's a specific order we talked about we'll use like small X size adjectives will come before color do you have this in a small blue size for example do you have this in a large red do you have this in black so think about that think about your adjective order okay time's going quick so I will take the mouse if it's oh okay again I'm sorry okay we're sharing the mouse here all right thank you so I guess I will go on to our last topic for today then which is common questions that staff staff in shops will ask you so some of my students have said recently like how do you respond quickly to the small questions people ask you like in everyday life this is one example of a situation where it might be difficult to know how to respond quickly so let me introduce oh yes this is already this is already prepared I think so one of the most common questions you'll hear from staff in shops is can I help you find anything can I help you find anything this one can I help you find anything they'll just they'll just walk up to you in a shop and say can I help you find anything and so this is a yes-or-no question can I help you find anything like means do you need anything or what are you looking for in other words can I help you find anything so think back to the beginning of today's lesson where you explain something you wanted to buy you can say can I when someone says can I help you find anything you can respond with yes I'm looking for bla bla bla which we practiced at the beginning of this livestream or no I'm fine I'm not looking for anything so this is a yes-or-no question yes or no question so we're running out of time so let's look at an example so please think back to the first question that we talked about at the beginning of the livestream today what do you want to buy and think about how would you respond to this question if retail staff asked you can I help you find anything how would you describe the object you want how would you describe the object you want so you can say yes do you have sport headphones or yes I'm looking for kitchen supplies for example so staff says can I help you find anything how would you respond to that how would you respond to that egor on youtube yes it means it's like what are you looking for but it's a yes-or-no question so can I help you is a yes-or-no question can I help you so you can respond yes or no it's the saying what are you looking for is a little bit too direct from the staff side what are you looking for this is much more soft can I help you find anything it sounds a little bit better all right on YouTube nice yes I'm looking for something new but what but what something is a very vague answer yes I'm looking for blah blah blah what are you looking for mm-hmm so what else what else what am I looking oh can I try yeah can I try this on that's fine can I try this on or can I try this one that's fine but remember if staff says can I help you find anything yeah you can say yes or no so yes Roberto nice one on YouTube says yes I'm looking for a black jacket good good good good so be specific what are you looking for what are you looking for on Facebook yeah yes Andre is good yes do you have black shoes perfect very nice very nice Thiago on YouTube says yes please I'm looking for moto G five s+ is that phone I don't know okay nice um what else what else I'm Nelson on YouTube says yes I'm looking for these pants in black yes I'm looking for these pants in black so yes I'm looking for can I help you find anything we can follow up with yes I'm looking for bla bla bla yes I'm looking for Christian on Facebook yes I'm looking for the best computer you have very nice very nice Vinicius says I'm looking for a new job yeah I'm looking for a new job that sentence is correct but you don't go shopping at a store for a new job so please be careful lo ah me on YouTube yes I'm looking for a new iPhone good nice one okay um Jose yes do you have burritos do you have burritos I'm so hungry you can use that if you are at a restaurant if you're at a restaurant but at a restaurant people won't say can I help you find anything the question at a restaurant will be can I get you anything can I get you anything okay Elizabeth Escobar on Facebook yes I'm looking for sweaters that are on offer this week on offer good very nice okay time is running out so let's wrap up there very nice job everybody thank you for your question time goes so quickly so we have to end for today all right but um I know we talked about quite a lot of different phrases so if you missed anything you can watch the live stream again later on our YouTube channel or on our Facebook page so please check that out so please check us out there also as I mentioned you can find the link to the new series ask Alicia in the description below the video on youtube or above the video on facebook so please send me your questions there and I'll make a video every week and answer those but next week we are going to come back with a different topic next week's topic is going to be verbs for cooking so two weeks ago our topic was food and eating and adjectives for that and you guys seem to really like that so I want to talk more and happy to talk more about cooking and eating so next week's topic is going to be cooking herbs cooking verbs so please join us next week it will be Wednesday December 6th at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time so that's nine o'clock New York City time Wednesday night nine o'clock New York City time Wednesday December 6th there so please join us we'll talk about cooking verbs and yeah as I mentioned you can find the link to the new series below the video on YouTube above the video on Facebook if you just joined us sorry but you can watch the live again you can watch the live back on either YouTube or Facebook and please make sure to LIKE the video if you haven't liked it yet please please please hit the like button it's super helpful for us um so yes please check iron yeah please check the new series you'll see the page where you can submit your questions when I finish talking so please go there so when the live finishes please go and send me your questions there and I will make a new video yeah I'll be making a new video again soon so please send me all your questions on that page much appreciated okay so I think I have to go now I'm out of time but thank you very much for joining me again this week and I will see you next week for cooking verbs I'm looking forward to it so have a good evening have a good day have a good afternoon and I will see you again soon bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 150,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, shopping phrases, english vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, usesful english phrases, english words and phrases, english phrases
Id: eJce2YmyP3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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