Best Rated Apocalypse Weapons On Amazon

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today we bought some of the best rated weapons online we've looking through a bunch of tests alternately decide which one I'll be adding to my collection which weapon do you guys think will win let's find out time for the boomerang I need to make these walls metal is why I make another steel because again my wall is fully destroyed boomerang I guess that was fine and technically it only comes back to you if you miss and I don't miss next weapon yeah next up we got our club mace I don't really know what this is called and especially the fact that it has a big spike in it I really don't know what it's called now let's see how it holds up against balloons oh my god chalk dust it's just chapters hit it don't panic we also got a samurai sword what yep yeah I kind of swung the samurai sword like a baseball bat but that's kind of how you do it right no none of you out there a samurai experts don't don't critique me grab their time the table I mean at this point the tables not really gonna turn you're right the wall no it's not oh this whole place is gonna be full of chalk Dustin I'm also tangled in grappler I guess it's double doing its duties how about this thing this is like Wolverine except if Wolverine was like a skull Knight Dombey sort of guy which he might become one day I'm not sure let's test it up oh oh my god that was the best one this might be the best period I don't even know but I'm already excited about this let's get the next one this one looks similar that's because it's from the same sort of theme collection idea sort of thing I'm so descriptive looks like we got ourselves a balloon hiding here oh yeah you guys thought I was gonna do that right nope all it takes is this it works don't we have an announcement to make yeah we do yeah we do now I picked these weapons because I wanted to use the ones that mimic the ones in raid Shadow legends you guys know sponsorships like rage Shadow legends helped make videos like this happen and with you guys being a part of this channel if it helps me it should help you too right that makes sense right that's why anyone who uses the link of my description down below to download raid Shadow Legends is automatically gonna get entered to win each and every one of these prizes I'm entering are you gonna download it yeah yeah that's a name Jeremy can't win what yeah I want to make the odds better for them I'm kicking Jeremy out of the competition to give you guys better odds but I'm gonna do one thing better ray told me if we can get 5,000 downloads we're gonna double everything so to piss boards Xbox Nintendo switch to iPhones and well if doubling everything isn't enough incentive for you let me tell you about the game first off is free to play and second it's got amazing graphics check it out the gameplay is nice and simple but super fun at the same time it's easily got to be one of the top three RPG games on mobile right now with over 15 million downloads there's 400 champions to collect and customize so I doubt you guys will be getting bored anytime soon and every month they add 14 new champions you can build a team in both PvP and campaign and reap the rewards of the progression reward system let's get these 5,000 downloads and let's give away even more prizes I believe in you guys you know what comment your username down below I'll drop your heart and I may even add you as a friend let's keep testing these raid weapons yeah but the boomerangs next right back to the boomerang this time we got some styrofoam you think it's gonna slice right through or stab right through let's try it what everything clean slice finish it off yep oh I notice how I didn't break it but the boomerang did good up next I wish you guys could like feel this this is like solid like rock-hard and this is super sharp and it's made of steel like if this wasn't enough this is just overkill it's overkill yeah it is let's try it out you know I don't think it's ever been in four pieces no I might be speaking too early but this might be one of the best weapons of our body I know yeah one time this time we're going to slice it this way I think it will do that okay oh I bent it a little that's no bueno judging how you will I'm not sure this one's gonna win but this is only one test I'm not gonna judge it too early you guys actually appreciate this one enough see this it's like full out industrial like sharp tips rock-hard I'm gonna go ahead and call that that was just an obliteration is what it was and then look now you hit the styrofoam and you got a run attached to your ankle well they get Intel stuck yeah that's fine what do we call this again undead Wolverine claws sort of bone hand yeah yeah well missing a bone what oh yo love to one of the souls run away yeah it's just in case it like cuts you guys you understand yo how did it break that easily oh oh oh holy [ __ ] pulley snapped because it's only literally attached by this little tiny point seems an absolute you're saying okay that's wrapped up okay one weapon is almost down but not quite eliminated yet but it's definitely down at some points it done one point yeah you know what we haven't thrown anything yet okay let's yeah you did throw something in the grappler what'd you say yeah you threw the grappler already Oh too late I just started that yeah you you blitter ated that one yeah why don't we move on to some harder tests let's do it let's do it oh dude you're gonna regret that ice why are we doing this fun yeah I'm not gonna answer that let's just do it I'm an apple girl it's really hard which means I might miss and there may be a huge hole in my wall that's a risk you're gonna have to take hi I literally have no other option other than hitting it it's a boomerang that makes sense yeah yeah bro stop missing literally there Oh without you here I'm gonna have to I literally don't understand what I'm gonna do like I need everything look at this this is look at that look at this you know what I think you're just scared yeah you don't want it to slice on you on bro again again come on come on it's all fun and games until you put nine holes in your wall we're done okay all right let's go home yeah yeah yeah keep it up keep it up put it out ah really yeah it's doing okay yo its I'm so I'm literally this is gonna be so sticky bro you know what I actually got the diet coke oh you guys know know what to comment upon - no more coke bottles let's go reluctantly I'm gonna keep going we got some cream soda we got a samurai sword you like cream soda I really do yeah actually we're longing I don't live here my goal is to slice it and drink some before it all falls yo yo see my samurais heart I see it what is going on kind of crooked the kind of crooked look at this is ours now I could just smoke it but I still want to drink it shake it shake it shake it yo whose idea was this you're like I'm not gonna swing it I'm a polka what is happening right now happens when you poke it I am literally soaked right now completely the cream soda look at that wall please smash like what I beg of you and download red no back to the boomerang I think we know what's gonna go through that cuz I went through my actually yeah yeah but this one I'm gonna enjoy it slapped it alright quick reload oh yeah yeah okay that's a good broken wall let's break some more walls but not not these not these - Jeremy wanted me to try out the backside but I'm funny feeling the front sides gonna be real satisfied alright ready here we go [Music] this is the best 100% look at it see oh my got a little drywall on it okay can you see genuine happiness in me yeah that's real you know the next is a samurai sword but well this is just gonna just gonna sit this one out while the grappler takes over here we go ready yep one two oh my dude yeah thank you for watching these videos cuz I get to do this and makes me happy these things oh my goodness it didn't break oh I spoke too soon every time you use them usually you lose a finger but it's not really a finger it's you lose one of the sharp things oh my god yeah he's like cream soda oh nice I like that that was really easy wanna how about three pieces of drywall oh yeah here we go three two one yo it's a greatest acts I've ever owned you thick cream soda I'm going to assume so not gonna taste it off-camera now you guys know about the legendary to bounce back of the duct-tape wall okay well this is a boomerang and it also has legendary bounce back so bounce back Plus bounce back is why Jeremy's so I definitely know about the bounce back alright let's see if it's true Oh whoa did you see that yeah he went here through the wall and straight into this wall at this point do I just build a whole new warehouse I'm saying like crazy like what's going on all right okay but the tape is not that thick but that was so really impressive let's see how this does Oh my thumb it's not that strong of a duct-tape wall okay I mean if it's not that strong there's no real point but you're in top of okay okay okay standing on one foot comes for free on entry yo that's why I didn't stand in front I'm proud of you too here comes the mess still undo it yep why do I even ask [Music] here comes a mess yo everyone I asked you if you wanted a mask and show some love by smashing that like button and maybe consider downloading great shadow legends because what do we like I mean my sound panel I'm in a minute well you know what they say when you make a mess you may as well make a big mess who says that I feel like I need to make that saying to justify my entire life okay yeah it's the same one that wasn't too bad you know you just yeah it's better cold oh yeah we'll see if this samurai sword makes it through this one but I couldn't retire it without giving it a little bit of fruit ninja you ready for this yep yeah here we go three two one bro yo yeah this is oh I mean this is Oh at this point like what are we what are we doing here I'm not sure is this how it's supposed to look not supposed to look like I don't think spot that's supposed to look like that yeah exactly that's a nicely slight cantaloupe that's from our last video a while ago this is oh this oh that's not good I you know just get backs just get the app yeah yeah I'm just get the Ox I mean at this point I'm not sure my warehouse can get any stickier so we may as well keep going ready oh my god yeah three two one oh yes see this yes fatality look at that I think that was from the last video to you know do you gonna say maybe we're going about this whole boomerang thing wrong okay maybe you don't always have to throw the boomerang you know what this looks like what does it look like the machete when it's like curved like a dual sided machete it's exactly what I was thinking no it wasn't no oh by the way this is a dog bone rock hard ready bro I know it's like a little funny that I keep hitting my walls like I actually keep hitting my walls and I'm actually not intending to and I actually have to fix that and it's actually gonna cost me a lot of money and the dog bones fine this is like I I was like oh give me some real ponies like this is all I could find and I honestly think this is harder so we're gonna bring out something bigger yeah I'm a little bit more protective right now that's because I'm a little afraid of this like like a lot of I usually don't wear protection three two one oh it's a person coming back like it's gonna hit me right here but I see you dint how I hit that like this yeah I guess go ahead - I think it's time we retire at the samurai sword from this competition because well it hasn't exactly held up the best degree yeah samurai sword not 5 stars there's only one blade left here we go ready I guess yeah this could be a good thing look this is like its own metal sort of let's just try punching it the claws are just getting really bent oh yeah they're uh they're fallin off okay not not the greatest weapon and certainly not five stars but it looks really cool and my hand well it really hurts and the bone it's got a couple marks but it's not broken but we're gonna do something about that I'm good I figured with the back but that was a little scary I'm not gonna lie ah yeah my tables messed up has the bone no it's fine looks fine it's not gonna be after this if this doesn't break the bone this is the bone is gonna be a new weapon right it's right my god alright here we go hundred there's unbreakable bones full oh it's that though I just figured out maybe this doesn't shatter that well it just kind of fins wait okay it's not break how did that not apply you're gonna tell me something to do maybe no the bone one let's get the axe back time yo okay oh my god virtually unbreakable and to be honest we bought two of these because I thought I was easily gonna break ones so I'm just gonna you can just yeah now in the world's strongest umbrella video we broke the TV we happen to find another one of those TVs lying around it was so satisfying that well we just have to break another and since we only have one we have to pick one weapon oh yeah I think you guys know what weapon we're gonna choose I have earplugs in kind of cool it's actually just a styrofoam not styrofoam it's just it's just paper towel I got beef oh yeah you do I can my yelling yeah yeah three two one okay some dust floating around that I probably I'm just gonna walk away from that not go yeah that's not good though oh good and this war-club sort of spiky thing prevails once again but I think the axe could do the same so we're gonna have to test these two along with the other weapons in the final test for the final test we got here like a half-inch thick piece of wood solid timber any of these weapons can break through this they definitely deserve to be added to my collection well let's seal the deal and break through some wood here's what better looks like now my aim actually comes through look at this straight through you see that yeah you guys see me can they see me not really not bad for a boomerang this will be added to my collection but let's see how it compares against the axe you guys know what chops trees right yeah what axes not just any axe I didn't have a really great I figure out the name of this axe it's a battle to go with axes chop wood yeah yeah yeah I felt that in my chest oh I put a big slice in it though yo the back is cracked - but boomer ain't got to hit I will be adding this to the collection but I don't know if I'd call it the winner we're Club war club time for the war club time for the war club guys remember Travel legends we only need 5,000 downloads and I'm gonna double if not millions of views on this video you guys know we can do it let's make it happen ready let's go here we go yo that's a hole straight through it looks like I'm gonna be out in this one of my collection as well if you guys want to see us build DIY apocalypse survival weapons boom that videos right here you and if you want to see us make a 1200 pound unbreakable ice ball boom that's right there and you guys know I always like to leave on a high note [Applause] [Music]
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 3,776,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon, wish,, review, justdustin, amazon vs wish, best amazon products, amazon products
Id: kxeHh6gkCWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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