This YouTuber didn’t know I was a pro gamer…

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boys today it is the return of the show that i'm the most consistent with bro versus bro the game show where i take down one other streamer or youtuber and try to find out who's the better gamer although outside of sapnap getting absolutely thrashed i just keep getting rolled like what is even the point of this this is literally the ludwig embarrass himself hour but i'm here to turn the tides because i'm gonna take down charlie i believe that he's a god gamer true but that's why i basically rigged the game selection to make sure i win well look charlie today i told you a little bit about the game it's provers bro we're going to find out who the better gamer is no i don't play for money what do you play for something much greater than money shoes if i win i get your shoes you want my sketchers slip-ons yeah yeah i do you are truly a minute i see why you keep getting banned oh this is just a bad attitude right here you're a bad egg all right well you know how the format works you know basically first to five wins it wins the entire thing and usually we start with our neutral games and most often our first neutral openers battleship i'm gonna go with a real risky strategy here i don't know if it's gonna pay off but i'm not a [ __ ] all right you start us off then all right i'm just gonna go ahead and slap you around a little bit i bet you went smack dab in the middle thinking i wouldn't try this no i respect your thought process but i have a theory charlie people do exactly what they fear you clicked e4 because you use d4 is that what you think not anymore now i just look dumb yeah now you look silly you know i have no fear are your corner carry perhaps yeah you are oh you're not my little boy i learned from a wise warrior that stupid is as stupid does you chose a3 because you have something here nope [Laughter] i'm in your head man maybe you were sweating a little bit on that second mind maybe you got some over here what did i find what did i find is this is this a fat boy do you put a big boy here i you know i i might have gone uh uh left [Applause] oh my god he's a genius i fooled you the problem is i can't use my normal technique against you that i used to be at other people uh because you're not just live oh i'm cheating i see yeah i've touched four ships and i believe i've scanned the fifth i'm gonna throw you i'm not gonna say anything never mind i will say this this mind strategy looking kinda good this is huge let's go yes [Music] oh no oh no i think i actually think i can put this away oh no there's one ship i haven't found yet but i'm gonna really just [ __ ] go for it what the [ __ ] where is here oh i see what you did i see oh my god okay no no and then it all comes down to this one i have a chance all right i just have to guess is it right is it up or is it left what do you think it is where do you want me to go where do you want me to shoot 100 go up you're not going to lie to me right it's going to be up because i remember last time you told me where to shoot it wasn't there and i looked silly you fooled me but i feel like this time you told me where it is just for the meme yes yes almost assuredly this is down and right it's the left [Music] empowering us there were so many people on that ship [Music] okay all right then it all comes down to a simple coin flip with this three and charlie you're a smart man you did the same thing in the bottom left as you did in the bottom right you were concerned i would go for the corners so you hug the corners narrowly [Applause] [Music] that was tough that you you really [ __ ] put on the sharing gun at the end there that was the greatest game of battleship i've ever played you play dk you menace wait dk's good dk pub stomps man miz actually beat me with dk and i was still embarrassed dude i hate losing a miz oh no i try to shield drop doesn't work oh boy high recovery no let's go what living come on baby there we go got you at the back there okay yeah that's fine that's fine that's how we do it oh you read me i had a big read on you oh off the top jesus man more specials but we are probably like the worst players are you talking to us you mean the president of moist esports one of the most successful esports teams and then ludwig the smash guy i mean we're killing it yeah you know i think if you're watching at home you should not for a second think you could beat us i'm about to hit you with the nuttiest falcon you've ever seen you've got some nerve are you gonna try and cheese me by sucking me in what no i'm gonna successfully use combinations and attacks to get you to a high percent and knock you out the stage okay you you make me sick i don't think i win that if i don't get the kirby stall and i don't think i got the kirby stall again i'll hit him with something that he knows very well what do i know oh you wouldn't i'm light baby oh my god wait you you go you're nuts you're the best fox player i've ever seen no i faced the wrong way what the hell are you just styling on me now getting a little fancy get the [ __ ] out how are you still alive oh i ran away from the screen i didn't see it okay all right fine all right let's go i needed that i needed that that's the president of moist esports i can't expect anything else you know what let's go to a familiar battleground for both of us let's take this to the realm of chess i haven't played chess in over a year now i think i think there is no chance i win this i almost lost a small and i don't think he's ever played before i've like made moves and i don't even know what moves i've made i'm taking a long time i'm just going to go off pure primal instincts here to be honest with you oh preventing my castling dirty dog i'm going to do something [ __ ] crazy that's too crazy [Laughter] you're too wild for me lord let me get an analysis of that game that's probably a 98 accuracy from me oh this is bad news for me then charlie i've lost chest again jesus i got lucky it was that one wacky move you made with the queen i thought it was cute i thought it was a cute move and you know what it was but it was it was it was cute though uh all right well you know it's time for me to take you to uh a a journey you've never been on before have you downloaded super auto pets this is an auto battler where your entire objective is basically to form the best team possible um and and you have different units you can use and you have 15 total hearts and when you run out of hearts you you lose okay holy [ __ ] i'm gonna get slapped i actually don't win this okay this is awkward damn you got [ __ ] up i no it's fine i wanted to lose chat i think i think i'm set to be honest you know i'm looking at your squad and the word that comes to mind is definitely not set per se what would you what word would you use like stacked holy [ __ ] that pig is fat yeah i got a pretty fat pig here so you know it's hey i think you got this though oh you went hedgehog i respect that oh and dodo on the hedge that's gonna trigger yeah big dodo part of my plan wait you you that was a good squad dodo for the aux i kind of like this i do lose by one oh let's go okay all right all right all right all right this is huge i'm kind of i'm kind of feeling it lud this might be my my new game really happy for you really happy for you man dolphin parrots still good oh no holy [ __ ] that was really bad i think i still win yeah okay that would have been devastating oh my god that rat i am going to [ __ ] you up okay a little order change oh wait wailing the scorpion is interesting it does spawn a scorpion just a little later if i actually if i had my rat one position in front i would have lost yeah damn all right ah godspeed baby let's see if i can pull it off okay oh the mushroom okay this is something i i appreciate the idea of oh you sick [ __ ] mushroom doesn't actually work like that because it replaces the killer thing not bad for never playing the game i think you did well i think you know i needed that one though i needed to get back on the board and it's now your turn it's 2-2 uh let's go to the human benchmarks whoa is that a best two out of three yeah oh my god i did it again oh god what is happening [Music] glad this is the worst i've ever done [Applause] [Music] i you know what oh my god i believe it what is happening what a disaster what a disaster i'm not gonna tell people about the 46. i'll tell them about race one race two didn't didn't happen we'll just do everyone gets both of us get two runs okay and the fastest in two runs will uh will be your time or your score all right let's ride what okay we woke out that one we walked out that one middle up middle right down up right wow yeah we're cruising yeah baby you sweating actually i'm getting kind of nervous you broke my you broke my concentration dude this is easy i feel like this is easy he goes pink bank [ __ ] bank bing [ __ ] [ __ ] bank it's like all next to each other i mean now it's getting a bit harder but they're all next to each other maybe that makes it harder dude he's killing it i don't think i get this high he's also doing it fast oh [Music] okay okay this is getting close god damn oh jesus okay no you forgot the middle okay all right round two round two round two last one [Music] was a lot more difficult mine had like a whole like pattern to it yours was just all over the place have you done pokemon showdown before no okay okay i'm coming in hot oh why do you have that my exeggutor has perfect ivs i've got just the answer do you nope i don't know i've got a plan i've got a plan lud you might have that you son of a [ __ ] uh gentlemen let him ride see what happens may the best man win [ __ ] touche you son of a [ __ ] my articuno is basically built like a support i could just [ __ ] yolo i could waste my dynamics oh my god oh my god that crit was brutal that does literally zero i did [ __ ] nothing [Music] let's go my articuno only has one move that attacks that's all he needs he's specialized in ass beating my secret weapon [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] oh you're [ __ ] kidding me oh this is [ __ ] curtains oh that was a lot of damage oh yucky really [ __ ] him in the mouth toxopex kind of nuts yeah yeah he's pretty good yeah he's pretty good i was thinking he's pretty good it's you know he's only as good as his trainer though i would agree with that sermonization all right charlie you have successfully battered me in pokemon showdown random gen eights which means you are at four and i am at three i'm tired of these shenanigans these rng [ __ ] games i'm sending you a link to play some connect four devious charlie quite devious oh [ __ ] oh i thought i could get you with the back door reach around [Music] you son of a [ __ ] [Music] best of three best of three best of three [Music] that was that was big that was big congrats yeah bit of a devious play yeah that was a devious play i set that one up i saw it the second i dropped it game three baby okay what is this dastard i'm turning my brain off for this one okay i'll stop it i suppose this is just gonna be the same thing no all right side's looking pretty good all right which means it is four four now there are two ways you can end this charlie there's two games left yeah rock paper scissors i think that's the now you are the worst shooter player of all time we'll do rock paper scissor what do you mean you perhaps one of the worst like gamers ever no all right i'm coming in hot baby charlie do you watch anime yeah you want [Music] uh scissors was watching demon slayer you went rock charlie i'm going scissors lucy i had you with a big reed the big read now it's my turn do you watch redtube there's a video i watched where two i watched it when i was a kid we both thought the same thing there yeah i already know what you picked i already i already feel you i already feel you gg you went you went rock [ __ ] let's go come on baby there's one thing that's never let me down and it's this yes let's go let's [ __ ] go all right charlie pair my shoes coming hot on your doorstep i can't wait for those crocs [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,619,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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